THE KEE: OMAHA. Kill DAY. JULY 'JO. 1!)17. FOR RENT HOUSES Miscellaneous. I ROOMS. ALL MODERN EXCEPT HEAT Two" block! and half from car; nice yard with ihadu; rear yard ta fixed for chicken and garden; Bouth front, with porch. House is In good condition; only been built six years. Price $15.00 per month. Call Traver Brothers, $19 Ftrat National Bank Building. Douglas 681. Jlli Nr 33D. 6 mi.... $30.00 $210 Burt 8t, 7 rma 10.00 117 S. th. T rma i. 15.00 1504 Dodo 8t. I rma.. with elaep tng porch 65.00 ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., 131 Securities Bldg. f Tyler 1536. 206 8. 26th Ave., 8-r new, modern flat. $45. 1133 N. 13tK. S-r. hot water heat. $25. 2120 N. Stst Bt.,-S-r., "mod. ex. heat, 316. 1114 N. 22d St., 4-r.'. mod. ex. heat, $15. RASP BROS.. 210 Keelln Bldg. Tyler 121. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. . ST. CLAIR. 34tH and Harney. J -room av.. Call Ha r. 947. APARTMENTS, all sizes and prices, (plan did location, 24t.i and Fa ream. D. 1472. t-RQpMS. garage, sleeping poroh. Hot water, heat, janitor service. 2408 Davenport. . North. ROOM apt., heated, corner, second floor, screened porch summer, $33.50. 4-t.: art, heated, i firat floor, $31. 181$ Map)e St.- Red. last. STEAM heated. $1$ and up, summer ratea, near P. O G. P. Btebblnt. 1610 Chlcao. $30-19-124.'BrjRT,. 4-room. new modern apt. RING-WALT BROS. Brandcl The." Bldg-. South. FIVE-ROOM stead heated apartment, The Chula Vkjta. 30tr. and Popplaton, $45. Con rad Youag. 323 Brandtll Theater. Doug las 1571, Miscellaneous. FOR RENT, FLATS. Colored tenants wanted for 6 and -room flats; $12.50 and $15; South Side. Somberg. Tyler 78 5. ' RENTAL HEADQUAR2BRB-Z0LMAHA. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. FOR RENT Building, suitable for whole sale or storage purposes, 1 floors and ce ment basement, floors 25x120 ft. Good elevator and convenient arrangement lor loading; might consider ranting one or more floors separate; building well lo cated and available August 1. Nebraska A Iowa Mercantile Co.. 1315 Howard St. Tel. .D. 1066 NEW. modern stores on Leavenworth, be tween 24th and 25th Sis. Low rent. Garage building, 123 N. 40th St. BlnfU. IK AO. rimihle. til) CO. ' JOHN W. ROBBINS, Hot FARNAM ST. DESIRABLE store room, modern front, metal celling,, steam heat, 63-$26 So. 16th St.; size 32x60; can be subdivided; low rent. Conrad . Toang. 321 Brandels Theater Bldg. Douglas 1571. LOW-PRICED, modern' ofiicet, Farnam Bldg., 13th and Farnam, (014 lat Nat Bank Bldg.) .. . FIRST TRUST CO., Tyler 800. STORE for rent. WORLD REALTY CO., Sun Theater Building. SMALL modern store room, ateam heat. IMS Capitol Ave.. Conrad Young, 123 Brandeia Theater, uougiaa mi, MODERN store, 16th Bt, near postofflce, $75 Ut. tr. ptepoins, .Aoiv uncus' RESTAURANT, with fixtures, gas etoVes, stools, at 107 South Fifteenth street. it-, office, and Desk Room, CHOICE office space. Baird Bldg., 17th and Douglas, aicuagut. inv. u. Garages and Barns. SMALL garage .centrally located, $25. LARGE GARAGE For rent; will hold five ear. 8210 Farnam. ' : . WANTED TO RENT tfnfurnishcd Apartments and Flats. "SCu niT TOIt TOR RENT la the way of four, five or six-room mod ern, up-to-date apartments? Preference will be given to those In better districts of the city. Want to deal direct with, own ere, no agents. ... . TELEPHONE DWUM8 i. , . Furnished Houser and Flats. WANTED-r-Sulte ot housekeeping rms., must be modern, reasonable, close In and well furnished, one with piano preferred. Box 3459,' Bee ' " ' Miscellaneous. LIST your homes with us for rent The demand, is good and we have a waiting list J. H- DTJMONT A Co. (Realtors), 418 Keellne Bldg. Phone D. 600. WANTED TO RENT Warehouse on track large-enough to etor 800 automobllea Write or telephone at one The Industrial Department, Omaha Commercial C'UD; MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIRF?ROOF- WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage and moving. Jit N. 11th St Phone Dous la 824. FIDELITY FKEB Phone Douglas 288 tor complete list of vacant houses' and apart ' ments. Also for storage, moving. 16th and Jackaon Sts. METROPOLITAN VAN AND -'- , STORAGE CO., Export service; prompt attention. Tour moving, your packing, your storage. :aln Office, Central Furniture Store. lTth and Howard. Tel., D. 7785. RDI'DDMIf WiBKHOITSE. Separate locked- rooms or household goods and pianos: moving, packing and snipping. ' OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 803 8. 16th St. Douglas 4168. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving, packing and storing, call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338. lrMwAM4 Van and two men, Maggard $i.SS per hour. Van and Storage Co., Moving, Packing. Storage and Shipping. Phone Doug. 1496. Y f XWT Express po.. Moving aj. j.JCiLllJ Packing and Storage. 1207 Farnam St Web. 2748. Doug. 6146. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Iowa Lands. THE HEIRS HAVE DECIDED TO SELL For cash or good Becurlty one of the finest Improved 481-acre stock farms in Lewis Township, Pottawattamlo county, Iowa. 8 miles southeast of Council Bluff s. New 11 room house, modern; barn for 20 head of horses and 60 tons of hay; electrlo lighted; granary, hayshed. garage, hog houses, good chicken house, feed lot and self feeder. Plenty of good water and running water In pastures. Alio 209 acres flri't class high bottom land located near Island Park, la., six miles eouth of Council Bluffs', good five room house and other good improvements. All under cultivation. Will divide this If desired. . One 1-story ' brick building 160 West Broadway. One 2-story brick building 6l ft Main. One 2-story brick building til 8. Main. Nine-room house, $30 4th Ave; alt mod ern; large corner lot; Dice 4-rooru house, tot South 6th St. Address Lock Box 2. Council Bluffs. ta. Nebraska Lands. FOR SALE. 'A 320-acrs farm In Pierce county, Neb., at a bargain; -140 acres In cultivation; fair buildings. For partlculara write to Box 215. Holsteln. la 80 ACRES Irrigated, fine, level, black laud, near Bridgeport, Neb., very cheap, terms; crop goea with land. ' 8. 8. A R. E. MONTGOMERY. $27 City National Bank Bldg. SMALL Nebraska farma on easy payments acrea up We farm the farm we sell you. The Hungerford Potato Growera' association, 15th and Howard Sts., Omaha. Douglas (271. ' FOR SALE One quarter section land, well Improved, 74 miles south of Lodgepole, Neb. Write or call the owner, C. J. Schad, Lodgepole. Neb. Oregon Lands. ALFALFA $ to 8 tons per acre yearly. , JORDAN VALLEY PROJECT HARLEY J. HOOKER ' 940 First Nat. Bank Bldg. Omaha, Nebraska. '. Texas Lands. GOOD oorn land, eaat Texas, $25 an acre. Get my free book. , W. B. FRANK. 201 Neville Block. Omaha. FARM AND RANCH LANDS North Dakota Lands. ALFALFA LANDS BARGAINS. $20 acrea nice level alfalfa land In Sar gent county, 2v". D. Price $26.00 per acre. 160 acres splendid grating land ( miles from DeLaraere, N. D. Frlce $15.00 per acre. 160 acres nice level land alx miles from Steele, N. D. Price $18.75 per acre. Several finely improved quarter and halt section farms; heavy soil, with clay sub soil; good buildings; artesian wells and good fences; at around $55.00 per acre. Write at once for maps and full par ticulars. H. J, JOHNSON LAND CATTLB CO., Oakes. N. D. FINANCIAL Real Estate. Loans and Mortgages. FARM . and city loans, running from five to twenty years. Interest $ per cent 6H per cent and 6 per cent PETERS TRUST CO., 1628 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. CITY and farm loans pormptly made. Rates 6. 64 and I per cent Reasonable com mission. UNITED STATES TRUST CO, 213 South 17th. Omaha, Neb. MONEY to loan on improved farma and ranches. We. also buy good firm mort gages. Kloke Inv Co., Omaha. I W III VTMt'D Money on hand for mortgage loan. City National Bank Bldg. SIX per cent first mortgagee secured by Omaha real estate. E. H. Lougee. Inc., 688 Keellne Bldg. shopen co., private money. ll.Jud MT'GE, bearlg 6 pet. semi-annually, secured by property valued at $3,700. Tal- mago-Loomn inv. yo., w. v. w. mag. FARM and city loans. 5, 6H and ( per cent W, H. Thomas, Keellne Bldg. Doug. 1448. LOW RATES C. G. CARLBERG. 312 Bran del Theater Bldg. D. 4(16. OMAHA HOMES. EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE R. E. CO.. 1016 Omaha Nat. $100 TO $10,000 MADE promptly. F. D. Weed. Weed Bldg.. 18th and Farnam Sts. NO DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS. W. T. GRAHAM. 604 Bee Bldg. 5 Of MONEY HARRISON A MORTON, lO l Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. eel CITY O 10 LOANft GARVIN BROS. Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Stocks and Bonds. LISTED and unllttod stocks. Investment securities,, industrial stocks. ROBERT C. DRUESEDOW & CO., (60 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Abstracts of Title. Title, Guarantee and Abstract Co., XYCll . 306 fj. 17th St.. ground floor. Bonded by Mast. Bonding and Ins. Co. ' Miscellaneous. GALLAGHER & NELSON, represent prompt pay Insurance companies. 810 Brandels Bldg;. Omaha. Neb. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED 4 and 6-room cottage to sell on mall payment down, balance monthly, ALLEN A BARRETT, 613 Bee Bldg. Doug. 7748. . LISTING houaet to rent or sell on email cash payments; have parties waiting. Western Real Estste, 41$ Karbach Blk. P. 8607. LIST you 5 and (-room bouses with Ed ward, F. Williams Co., 801-803 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. u. 4-;u, LIST your t aril 6-room houses with us. WE BELL THEM. OSBORNE REALTY Co., Tyler 46$. WANT to Buy 40 acrea of farm and pasture land. Box 168, Independence, Kan. ARNDT A TAYLOR can assist you. 1825 Laird St. Webste' 2039. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. The Last Five-Room Bungalow on an Acre to Be Purchased for $250 Down and $26.50 Per, Month ' - In Benson Gardens All in Crop This 1 attractive, brand new, on a fine corner, and only one block from Free Jitney and Macadam road. House Is ex tra well lighted and ventilated. ' Cement basement; electric lights; good well; 1.68 acrea can be had adjoining; crops con sist of beans, peas, beets, tomatoes, corn, etc Call Tyler 50 and ask for Mr. Man ville. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, (Realtors) 1614 Harney St. : . " : BUNGALOW FIELD CLUB DISTRICT We have an 8-room brick bungalow H block from" Field club; large living room with fireplace, sun room, dining room, kitchen on 1st floor; 8 sleeping rooms, enameled bath room and large sleeping porch 2d floor. Oak and mahogany finish throughout. Price $6,750. Shown by ap pointment only, HIATT COMPANY, n 24B-7-8 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 40. BEST BARGAIN IN BEMIS PARK Nine rooms, striotly modern; built for a home, with quarter-sawed oak finish; hot water heat finished attic, complete basement, plastered; full lot, on Lafay ette Ave- Blvd., - near 38th; garage. Non-resident owner hat cut the prloe to $6,000 for quick sale. The house alone cost bttr( than' $6,000 and the lot It worth $2,000. Investigate at once. GLOVER & SPAIN REALTORS. Douglas 3982. 010-20 City Nat. BUNGALOW BARGAIN. Just listed, a 6-room, strictly modern bungalow, In northwest part of tho city. Partly oak floors and oak finish. Large lot. Priced at $2,650, less than the house can be built tor.. See this at once at It won't last. ' - . PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. . 537 Omaha Nat'l Banit Bldg. D. 1781. NEAR FONTENELLE PARK Six-room, up-to-the-minute bungalow; well built and splendidly located; eaat front; $300 down and $33.60 per month. Price $3,660, for quirk sale. PHONE DOUGLAS 2926. 113 SO. 35TH ST. 6-r. and alecping porch, fine condition, great bargain it sold quick ly. Owner leavo city. Reas. terms. H, 8266, North. BEAUTIFUL HOME FORCED SALE SEVEN-ROOM STUCCO Located on a choice corner, south and east front. Hat long living room with French doors, leading Into sun room, book cases and colonnade. Large dining room, with buffet butler's pantry to kitchen Three extra large bedrooms, exceptionally complete bath room. Full basement, with plenty of windows, laun dry tubs. etc. The woodwork Is all the finest selected Oak, waxed finish. The house was built by day labor throughout. Juat one year old. . The owner It asking $6,000, which Is at leaat $1,000 less than It could be duplicated. For appointment call OSBORNE REALTY CO., ' 701-2 Om. Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Tyler 46. NORTH SIDE Seven-room bouse, all modern, full sited lot on corner, streets paved. This prop erty It on Burdette. easy walk to 20th or 2th car. Will give aom one a bar gain. Owner left olty. ALFRED THOMAS $0$ Farnam Bldg. NORTHWEST. ' Five rooms, oak finish, modern home, ready for occupany Immediately; east front; fine lot; full cement basement; good heating plant; let ut tbow you. 4720 N. 40th Ave. At any time. PRICE, $2,700. $250 down and $25 per month. Phone Douglat 2826. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. FRl3,500 YOU CAN BUY A $4,500 HOUSE Six-room teml-bungalow, nearly new, all beautiful oak finish. French doors to sunroom, bookcases,' all the built-in fea tures In kitchen, white enamel finish in bedrooms. Full cemented basement Lot 60x130. This Is a dandy. When can you tee ItT OSBORNE REALTY CO.. Tl Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 4 HERE IS YOUR CHANCE FOR ONLY $3,650 To buy a. full two-ttory, six-room, hot water heated home, atrlctly modern, 60x 130-foot lot beautiful maple shade, west of Kountae park, about two blocks to the 24th street car ttrvlct. Immediate pot tesslon. Call OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 -1 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg, Tyler 406. NEW BUNGALOW. WAVERLY PARK ADD. $ rooms, all on one floor; stairway to floored attie; $ bedroomt; oak finish in living rooms; nicely decorated; full ce ment basement; east front lot 40x125; Jut one block wait of Fontenellt Blvd., eouth of Bedford Ave. Price $3,600, $300 down, balance terma. C G. CARLBERG. 810-313 Brandels Theater Bldg. South. A REAL HOME BARGAIN Six-room house, modern, In aplendld rendition: garage and paved itreets. Price $3,600; $600 down takea It BIG 4 REALTY. CO., Doug. 2486. 1O1B-10 W. O. W. Bldg. AT PUBLIC AUCTION. Two 8-room flutt In four apartmenti, all permanently rented, on paved street in good repair. - At 6425 and J$42t B. 31st St.. South Side, Will be told to the highest bidder on the premises, Wednesday, July 36, at 11 a. m. If you want to buy good Income prop, erty at your own price oome to thlt tale. For further Information call, JAMES L. DOWD, Auctioneer. Rod $286 or Harney 4673. W. It. GRIFFITH, Owner. ONE 6-room and one 4-room, cottage, both on one lot; fine condition; live In one and rent the other, Priee for both. $3,760, Very easy terms. No. 2433 Boutb 30th Bt NORRIS A NORRIS, 400 Bee Building. Phone Douglat 4370. MONTCLAIR BUNGALOW, Stucco construction, t large light roomt. Oak floors, oak and enamel finish. Prlct $3,800. Easy termt. Another new build ing for $9,650. Call Douglat 1723 daya. Walnut 1580 evenings. WE HAVE an attractive 7-room home with garage, close to Hanscom park, for $3,000. F. D. WEAD, 310 8. 18th St, Miscellaneous. W. FARNAM SMITH A CO., Real Estate and Insurance, 1320 Farnam Bt. D. 1064. A TRACT cf ground laying Ideal for poultry raising; 250-ft frontage; price $810; $60 oath. $12.50 monthly- Call D- 1594. J. B. ROBINSON, Real Estate and Inauf ance, 442 Bee Bldg., Douglat 6097. R. S. TRUMBULL, 1305 ltt Nat. Bk. Bldg. P. 1734. Templeton-Olson Co., Bee Bldg. Tyler 2020. General real estate, insurance. Rentals. REAL ESTATE Investment ATTENTION INVESTORS No. 1 An apartment house built In 1917 that it paying 10ft per cent net on $46,000. . No. 2 40-foot frontage on Douglat St. at $600 per foot Place your money where valuet are increasing. Complete information at office. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1330 Farnam Bt. D. 1064. Even. H. 416$. SEE US FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. , , . A. P. TUKEY A SON,, j . REALTORS, : $20 First National. Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE To Exchange QUARTER section Minnesota land, 4 miles northwest ot Wlndom; 120 acrea In crops, fenced and oross-f enoed ; good, - blaok sandy loam, - about 20 miles from Iowa line. Farm ti rented, 2-6 delivered. Price $126 per acre. Wanta Improved 80 acree. Mutt be within. 19 t4tet of Omaha, or good Income Omaha property. , ' LTJND. 420 ROSE BLDG. TYLER 765. A 7-ROOM modern home, large Corner lot. garage, new modem porch, new paint and In fine condition: exchange for western raw land. INTERSTATE REALTY CO., $28-30 City National. Douglat 8863. 7-ROOM house and cash for (arm. $ alx-room houses for farm or ranch. . $40 Cherry county improved for house or . merchandise. ' GATE CITY LAND CO.. D. $350. 832 Paxton Blk. WILL exchange equity of $16,000 In quarter lection near Fullerton, Neb., and equity ot $12,000 on quarter tectlon near Blue Springs, Neb., for clear city property or mortgages. Address Box 6707, Bee. WILL sacrifice 4 lots cities of Calgary and Medicine Hat, Alberta. Canada; total as tettment $1,000.00) for lote Omaha or eq uity In bungalow Omaha. Phone Mrt, Mllns, Douglas 1284, DRUG STORES Minnesota, Iowa and South Dakota, for cash or clear land, S. J. Olmem, Minneapolis, Minn. SEVEN-ROOM residence on N. 27th St for one In Council Bluffs.- Mrs. B., 71$ Mill St., Council Bluffs, la. 160 ACRES, well Improved, every acre good land. N. E. Neb., will take tome trade. O. A. Kull, Oakland. Neb. $50 AN acre buye 180-acre farm 15 miles from Omaha. Inquire 433 Ramge Blk. Tel. Doug. 4212. Residence phone Doug. 6775. REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. AFTER looking at MINNK LI'S A. 300 dif ferent buyers decided that it was the best proposition on ths market and they backed their Judgment by buying lota. IF YOU will come out today you will understand why the others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., 742 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 187. CUMING Near 29th St., 22 or 44 feet; must be sold to close estate. Grlmtnel, 849 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg BEAUTIFUL 60-foot lote. Price $220. only $3 cash and 50 cents per week. Doug. 3393. South VACANT LOTS SOUTH Fine building lots In walking distance ot Union depot; will make a special price on the few remaining lots, and give good terms. Salesman at 8lh and Dorcas Sts. Saturday and Sunday from 2 to 5 p. m, or call Douglas 6013 during day or Colfax 2450 after $ p. m. tnd make appointment to suit your convenience. Ask for Mr. Morrow. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. DUNDEE BARGAIN 51ST AND WEBSTER 'STREETS 6 rooms snd sleeping porch, all mod ern, dandy home, cheap. Owner leaving City, all special payments paid, full lot alley paved. . BIRKETT & COMPANY, 260 Bee Bldg. Douglas 633. DUNDEE PROPERTIES. Well located lota on eaty termt. Mod. ern, attractive hornet. Before buying be urt and tee GEORGE & CO., HOMES and home altet In Dundee. SHULER A CARY. 204 Keellne. D. $074. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. FOR SALE 6-room modern housa and 8 lots in Benson; will sacrifice for quick sale. Write F. A. Robinson, 616H North lth street. Fort Dodge, la., for terms. South Side. A FINE 15-ACRE TRACT 3H miles ot Bouth Omaha Block Yards. A bargain tor quick tale. COMPTON & CRANEY, JZlS?':-'', til Paxton Block. REAL ESTATE B'ne Pr'pty II. A. WOLF. Realtor. Ware Blk. Specialist In dcwjtwnatrijiis) fra-rtyv REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Lillian C. Richards and husband to Edward H. Bartett. Thlrty-seventh street, 139 feet south of Farnam street, east tide, 40x166 (1S.350 Benjamin Lltman and wife to Louis Schrelbman, Twentieth street, 264 feet eouth of Clark street east ride, 37x140 : 1 Emily J. Grove to Catherine Reed. ' southwest corner Seward street awl ' Military avenue. 33x60 1 Willis Realty company to Peder.-A, Skrlver, aouthweat corner Sixteenth ' street and Victor avenue, $6.7x10$., .1 Albert W. Phillips et al to Perler A-. Skrlver, northeast Corner Fortieth and Hamilton streets, $0x86; Ham ilton street $0 feet east of For- tleth ttreet, north tide, 60x110... 1 Dorothea Skrlver to Peder Bkrlver, southeast corner Thirty-sixth and Miami streets, 60x126 1 Theresa Wardlan to Emmet S. Brum baugh, Twenty-seventh ttreet, 90 feet, south Of 0 street, west side, 60x150 1 Jennie M. Shaffer to Armstrong- , Walsh eompany, southeast corner Fourteenth and Paclflo ttreett, 61x 166 1 Jennie M. Shaffer to Armstrong Walsh company. Eighteenth ttreet, 121 feet eouth of Clark ttrett, eaat side, 30x140 1 Jennie M. Shaffer to Armstrong Walsh company. Fortieth ttreet, 112'i feet south ot Nicholas llrett, west side, 37Hxl00 1 Jennie M. Shaffer to Armstrong Walsh company, northeast comer Fifteenth avenue and Corby street 28x78V 1 H. W. Harvey to Armatrong-Walth company. Thirty-third ttreet, 328, feet south 'of Davenport street, east side, 45x136 '. 1 Jennie M. Shaffer to Armstrong Walsh company, Seward street, 168 feet west of Thirty-second ttreet, south side, 32x127.5 1 Jennie M. Bheffer to Armstrong Walsh company, Twenty-sixth ave nue, 60 feet south of Sprague street, east title, $6x100 1 Winter Bylet' to Michael McGulre. Emmet street, T feet weat of Twentieth ttreet, north tide, $0x 124 $.$00 John E. Reagan and wife to Don C, Wilson, "southeast corner Morton and Reed streets, Benson, 374x96.. t,$00 Charles W. Martin and wire to Oue tave B. Bondesson, Redlck avenue, 136 feet weet of Minna Lusa ave nue, north tide, 44x190 1 I am bringing messag from SHULER &CARY Realtors. 204 Keeline Bldg. D. 5074. Read SATURDAY'S BEE. Om and Wheat Region Bulletin. Lincoln, July 19. The weather wae too dry the last week for the best growth of vegetation, but wae favorable for the progress of farm work. It was mostly clear with moderate temperature and only light showers. The temperature averaged 3 de grees below normal, but some high maxi mum temperatures, 100 or slightly above, occurred In the southwestern counties. Showers were quite general on Wednesday and Saturday but the weekly rainfall was light In all regions. It exceeded half an inch in parta of Custer, Howard, Hall, Adams, Nemaha and Burt counties, but at most placet It was less than one-quarter Inch. Rye and oats are ripening and wheat la growing nicely In the northern counties. Rye Is being out nearly to the northern border of the slate. The oats harvest hat begun In tht countlet Just north of the Platte river. The dry weather hat reduced the yield of oats In many counties. Winter wheat Is being cut. Tho second crop of al falfa Is bring secured In good condition. The crop Is light except In eastern and northern counties whero It Is good. Timo thy Is being cut, a rsther light crop In some places. The harvest of prairie hay hat begun and tho crop la good. Corn haa stood the dry weather well and has made a rapid growth generally, but In tome southern and southwestern counties the growth has been checked by lack of mois ture. Cultivation has progressed rapidly and much la now luld by, unusually clear of weeds. The yield of potatoet has been reduced by dry weather, G. A. LOVELAND, Meteorologist filour City Live Mock Market. Sltux City, la., July 19. Cattle Receipts, 700 hesd; market '10ft' higher; beef steers, $8.6013.76; tat rows and heifers, $7.35 11.60; canners, $.50(&7.2D; etorkera and feeders, $7.00jJ8.25; calves, !8.O0if13.60; bulls, stags, etc., 90009.60; feeding cows and heifers, $6.6008,26.. Hogs Receipts. 7,600 head; market 6 10c higher: lights, $14.n 15.00; heavy, $1425(5 1525: pigs, $12.60018.00; bulk of sales. $14.50914.86. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 300 head; market steady. St. Joseph Live Ntock Market. St. Joeeph, July 19. Cattle Receipt. $00 head; market steady; steers, $8. 603 13,26: cows and heifers, $5.76 12.25; calves, $7.60 912.50. Hogs Receipts, 8.000 head: market steady; top, $16.60; bulk of sales, $14.60 15 45. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,800 hesd; market higher; lambs, $11.2516.65; ewes, $5.009.00. MlnneapoUs Grain Market Minneapolis, July 19. Flour Unchanged. Barley $1.1691.66. Rye $2.063.07. V Bran $31.00922.00. Wheat July, $2.68; September, $3.11. Carh: No. 1 hard, $2.80; No. 1 northern, $2.702.89; No, 2 northern, $2.6092.70. Corn No. 3 yellow, $2.009 2.03. Oats No. 3 white, 76977c. Flaxseed $3.039208. '' St. Louis firaln Market. St.- Loulu, July 19. Wheat No. 1 red, $2.32; No. 2 hard, $2.66; July, $2.30; Sep tember, $2.06. Corn No. 2. $2.05; No. 3 white, $3.06 3.10; September, $1.66; December, $1.14. Oats No. 2, 77 078c; No. i white, nominal. LIVE STOCK MARKET! Cattle Stock Selling a Quarter Higher Than Last Week; Hoga Show a Much Higher Tendency. Omaha. July 1$, 1917. Cattle, Hogs, these, .... 4,075 1.979 3,4(9 .... 4,949 16.446 T.945 Receipts weres Official Monday Official Tuesday.... Official Wednesday. Estimate Thursday. 1.490 14.019 9,691 1,100 10.000 $.000 Four devt thlt week.. 13.114 47.694 i'5. 39$ 194 80S Same dtyt laat week. 13,791 46.876 $0, Same daya 1 w'kt ago. 11,161 11.660 13. Same daya I w'kt ago. II, Its 47,991 14 747 978 Same dayt 4 w'kt ago. 33,183 89.444 1$, Same dayt list year,. 16.839 19,144 89, Receipt and disposition ot live stock tht I'nlon ttock yards, Omaha, Neb., twsnty-four houn ending at 1 o'clock 497 at tor P. in., yetterday: RECEIPTS CARLOADS. Cattle, Hogs. Sheep. H' r a. C. M. A St. F. .... T 11 Missouri Paclflo ... 15 Union Paclflo ..... 6 17 36 1 C. N. W., eaat .. T $ C. N. W., weat ,. 8 43 C. St. P. M. AO... 8 14 C. B. A Q., east ... T 1 ... ... C. . A Q., west .. T 11 C. R. I. A P. i eaat $ 11 C. R. I. A P., west., 1 1 ... ... Illinois Central ...... .1 ChU Gt Weet T ... Total receipts .. 90 148 36 1 DISPOSITION HE D. Cattle, Hogs. Sheep, Morrll A Co. ...319 1,634 801 Swift A Co 169 2.449 1,631 Cudahy Pack. Co. .. 344 3,49 964 Armour A Co 969 1,111 1,493 Bchwartt A Co. .......... 386 J. W. Murphy 94$ Lincoln Pack, Co. .. 18 ' ..... s. O. Pack. Co. ...... T Wilson .... 11 Morrlt, K. C. 115 ..... Armour, K. C, ...... 164 ..... ..... Swift, Fort Worth.... 814 Hill A Bon .. 4 ..... F. B. Lewie 44 ..... Huston A Co. 14 F. G. Kellogg 14 ..... Ellis Sullivan Brot 4 Hlgglns 4 Huffman ....... ... 3 ..... ..... Roth 3 Banner Broa, 11 John Harvey .19 ..... Jensen A Lung ren .. 10 ..... O'Day 4 Other buyers 123 4,377 Totala .... 1,221 $,$$3 $,147 Cattle Receipts of cattle were very light for a Thursday and Included comparatively very few dselrable cornfod ttters. So far this week supplies have been a little smaller than a week ago or a year ago, and, while trade today was dull and Uteleaa, the bulk of the decent offerings were quolably any where from 10 to 26c higher than a week ago. A fow grass steers from the western part of the state wore offered, but they were largely on the feeder order and did not appeal to the dressed beet men, Cows and helfera wert In very rr.eagaf supply and active demand at steady to possibly a little stronger prlcet. Bulk of the the stock Is selling about i$o higher than last week and demand It fairly broad. Quotation! on Cattle: Good to choice beeves. $13.75913.86; fair to good beevee, $13.00913.76; common to fair beeves, $10.00 911.60: good to choice yearlings,. $11,869 13.36; fair to good yearlings, $12.00912.60; common to fair yearlings, $9.76911. 60t good to choice grass beeves, 910.76tyil.7S; fair to good gran beevee. $9.60910.60; common to fair gratt beevet, $8.1699.26; good to choice helfera. $9.50910.60; good to choice rows, $8.6099.76; fair to good cows, $7.6096.60; common to fair oowt, $1.0097.60. good to choice feeders, $8,7699.60; fair to good feed ers, $7,7698.60; common to fair feeders. $6.7597.60; good to choice stockert, $8,009 9.00; stork heifers, $7.0098.00; stock cows, $8.60 07.60; stock calves, $6.6099.00: veal calves, $9.0013.50; bulla, ttags, etc., $5,609 $.60. ... Representative tales! BEEF STEERS. Na. Av. Pr. No, Av. Pr. t 771 $7 00 1 440 $9 00 18 1118 11 00 $2 143$ 11 30 1 1020 13 60 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 1 875 9 60 17........ 141 10 00 1014 11 00 Hogs This morning's run of hoge was the lightest that haa been here tlnoe Mon day, but at that waa ot pretty good volume, arrivals amounting to 163 cara, or In the neighborhood ot 10,000 head. The four daya' tuppllet total 47,694 head, being nearly 1,000 heavier than a week ago, more than twice at large at two weekt ago and about 18,000 heavier than for tht corret ponding daya last year. Prices .today were . even more Irregular than they have been and that It laying a good deal, at uneven markets have been the rule all thlt week. On shipping grades values ware Just about the tame at on early round! yesterday, good shipping hogt tell ing up at high at $16.30. Early roundt of tht paoktr trade were t) little quiet, but on tha strength of a better feeling elsewhere buyer made their first purohatet at prlct that were fully tteady to. In plenty of case, at muoh at so higher, and buy tht mtddla of tht morning tha big tnd of tht offerlngi had been cleaned up thlt way, the better kind naturally being given the preference. The close waa dreggy and weak, the market getting worse the further It went. On the laat fifty loads to sell prices were anywhere from weak to lOo lower, the latest aaleat bowing the full decline. Bulk of the packing hogt moved at $14.30914.66, with good kinds up to $16.$0, Representative tales: No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. 8h. Pr 11. .123 40 14 00 44, .136 180 14 25 70. .146 140 14 85 48. .8(5 110 14 40 71. .363 40 14 46 10. .364 ... 14 60 86. .101 70 14 65 61. .124 60 14 60 93. .336 140 14 66 77. .316 160 14 70 33. .244 ... 14 75 86. .265 ... 14 80 74. .214 80 14 86 43. .264 ... 14 90 61. .280 ... 15 10 19. .194 ... 16 20 68. .241 ... 16 80 , PIGS. I.. 9$ ... 11 00 31. .118 ... 12 78 Sheep Offerings of thetp and Iambi wert tht largeet of the week to date, and among the largest of tht season so far, tht run being estimated at thtry-slx cart or 9.000 head. Arrivals for tht wsek so far foot up 26,835 head, ta compared with 30,198 a week ago, 13,306 two weeks ago, and 39,(97 a year ago. Everything that was here wat on tale, but killer offerlngt were not tuch a great deal larger than yesterday, and nearly be tween a third and a half the total offer ings wero ot feeders. Packing demand proved broad enough to take care of the run In good shape, the undertone continu ing atrong, and the bulk of the tupply found a ready outlet at prlcet that wtrt easily steady with yesterday. Most of the killer offerings had changed hands by shortly after the middle ot the morning. As was the case yesterday natives were very scarce, rangers making up al most the entire reoelpts. nest or tho na tive told up to $15.40, while good rtnge lambs wert oanhed mainly around $16,409 16.60. Offerings of aged mutton were again very srsnt, and nominally steady prices were quotable. A few good ewes told tt high as $9.00. Chicago Lite Stock Market. Chicago, III., July 19, Cattle Reoelpts, 4,100 hd: market firm; native beef cattle, $8.49914.05; " western eteera, $6.66911.60; stockert and fsedert, $4.3599,40; cowt and heifers. $6.60911.00; calves, $10.00914. 78. Hogs Receipts, 15,000 head; market weak, 5e to 10c below yesterday's average: bulk of sales, 914 aoflR.26; light, in,u,i! 15.10: mixed, $14.10914.40: heavy, $14,009 16.40; rough,-$14.009136; plge. $11,269 14.25. SheeD and Lambs Receipts. 8.000 head: market atrong; wethers. $7.76911.00; ewet, $7.0091.26; Iambi, $9.75914 76. Omaha Hay Market. hay and alfalfa and tha demand verqulat r,k.u. ....i. n-.i.i. v., tie Anaif no. V.IIU1W .fl.llu , nil , -. ,- T'"'-" - No. 1, $14.0016.00; No. 1, $7.0099.00; No. a. j a n.n a a - l .a l M r A. A A A . x - t a 6Al nii 9 IaI A t ft rifiiA 9.00; No. 2, $5,00900; No. 1, $4.0096.00. New Alfalfa Choice, $19.00920.00; No. 1, 17.00919.00; standard, $14.00916.00; No. 2, $12.00914.00; No. 3, $9.00910.00. Straw Oat, $8.0096.60; wheat, $7,009 7.60. Turpentine and Rosin. tales, 321 barrels; receipts, 471; shipments, me; biock, SD.ait. 1.072 barrels: ihtnments none; stock. 77.798. Quote: A, B, C, D, K, $6.1096.16; F, $6.1214 96.16; G, 9.16ltfn.IO; H, 9616; I, 6.2&ip s an- v it mat as- M IK ft. N l?Hih) 6.4214; WO,' $6.76; WW, $6.86, Evaporated Applet and Dried Fruits, New York. July 19. Evaporated Applea Dull; fancy. 111 01214c; choice, ll1114c; prime, 10Hfl10c. Dried Fruits Prunes, easy; California, 1091314c. Oregnnt, 1014912c Aprlrots, quiet; fancy, 22926c. Peaches, quiet; standard, 1014c; choice, 1014c;. fancy, 12c. Retains, steady; loose, muscatels, 74c; choice to fancy seeded, 714c; teedlcts, $49 10 Vie; London layers, $1.80, GRAIN AND PRODUCE Cash Oorn Continues in Active Demand, With Result that Prices Hold Firm With Heavy Arrivals. Omaha, July 11, 1117. The cash corn situation continued Very autlve with fairly heavy arrival! whllt tht wheat market waa very dull with light arrival! and the trade in oata wat active but the arrivals of this cereal were very light tnd only a comparatively small num ber of salea were reported. There wee very little Improvement In the cash wheat situation as far as the demand wae concerned and the only evidence of any Inquiry waa from a few ot the local milling flrma. The market was, however, firm and prices ruled nominally, teveral oentt above tht quotation! of the previous day. with tome of the No, t hard selling at $1.60, while the No. 4 hard told at $3.46. The demand tor corn waa excellent and tht white variety, which hat been Hated for several daya ae a premium article, told at new high levels, the better gride celling tt $1.06, while the No. 4 grade brought $8.05. Tellow eorn told a trifle elower than the other grtdet but tht demand for thlt otrtal waa atrong enough to take care of the ar rivals at sharply higher prices, the better grades bringing from $1.99 to $8.00, while the bulk ot the mixed brought $1.99, The oata market waa strong at an advance ot 1 to to and all gradra of thlt cereal aold very readily on (he advance, the No. 3 white celling at 16c, while the etandard brought 75U 076140, and No. 4 white told at 74K97644C. Rye and barley were quiet with no tr rivals and rye wat quoted nominally un changed while barley ruled nominally from etrady to 1 cento lower. Clearance! were: Wheat and flour equal to 93,000 bu.) eats, 463,000 bu. Primary wheat receipt! were $77,000 bu.. and shipment!, 181,000 bu. against receipts of 1.349,000 bu., and shipments of 701,000 bu. laat year. Primary corn receipt were 830,000 bu., and shipments, 434,000 bu. against reoelpts ot $51,000 bu,, and ohtpmenta of 111,000 bu. last year. Primary oatt receipt! were 416,000 bu., tnd shipments, 617,000 bu. against receipts of 694.000 bu., and shipments ot 787,000 bu. last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS1. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago I 7$ 124 Minneapolis ..... $$ Duluth 1 Omaha I $7 16 Kansas City .. . ... St. Loult , $0 $3 37 Wlnnlpog ...... .... $61 ... ... These talet were reported today: Wheat No. 1 hard winter: 1-1 car, (smutty). $3.60. No. 4 hard winter: 1-3 car, $3.45. Wheat and rye: 1 ear, $2.40. No. $ durum: 3-3 car, $1.00. Rye Sample: 1-1 car. $1.00. Corn No. I whlttl $ ears, $3.08. No. 3 white: 1 cart, $1.08. No. 4 white: 1 car. 13.05. Sample white: 1 car, $1.96. No. 1 yellow: IMj cart, $2.00; $-3 car (shipper's weights), $1,99. No. t yellow: 9 cart, Il.tlH. No. 4 ytllow: 1 car, $t.$9H; $ cart, $1.19. No. I mixed: 16 can. $1.19. No. $ mixed: 1 cara. $1.99. No. 4 mlxid: 1 car. $1.99. No. 1 mlxsd: 1 car, H HV No. $ mlxsd: 1 car, $1.99. Sample mlxedi 1-$ ctr (shipper! weights), $1,914. Oats Standard; 1 car, 76ttei 1 ear, T6o; t ear, 76,io. No. 1 white: I cara, 16c. No. 4 white: 1 car, fSHet 1 oar. 14He. Sample white: 8 care, 76Uot 1 ear, 15 1401 1 car (shtpper'l weights), 76n. Omaha Cash Prlcet Wheat: No. 1 hard $1.6691.60t No. 1 hard. $3.4901.56. Corn: No. 1 white, $3.05Vi91.06; No. 1 white, $1.05 9 $.06; No. 4 white. $3.04 HO $05; No. 6 white, $1.04OI.04H: No. 1 white, $3,039 3.04; No. $ yellow, $l.$9O$.00; No. 1 yel low, $1.9991.9911; No. 4 yellow, 31.9810 1.99H; No. 6 yellow, $1,98191.99; No. yellow, 81.9891.981; No. 2 mixed, $1.9814 9199; No. 8 mixed, $1,98191 99; No. 4 mixed, $1.9891,99; No. 6 mixed, $1,980 1.984t No. I mixed, $1.979 1 99. Oats: No. 1 white, 7649 7610: standard, 15H07$He; No. 1 white, 7614 076c; No. 4 while, 744 764,0. Barley: Malting, $1.3091.40; No. 1 feed, $1.8091.25. Ryt: No. I, $1.1691.11; No. $, $3.3898.26. Local range of optlona: Art. Open. I High. Low.l Close. Tee. Wht. TT T July 1 15 2 15 226 I IS 233 Sop. 1 09 2 09 209 2 09 200 Corn. Sep. 161 1 $3 161 1 68 1631 Dec. .113. 1131111 1181114 Oatt. Sep. 6614 6714 851 87 li 6614 Dec, 64 67 644. 67 $64 Chicago clotting prices, furnished The Bee by Logan A Bryan, atoek and grain broken. 816 Bouth Sixteenth street Omaha! Art, Open. High. Low. Close, Tea, WhtT"" 1 K " July 2 16 2 41 328 t 40 33$ Sep. 1 041 1 13 3061 3 10 30$ Corn. . . i Sep. 1 611 1 $141 161 1 $1 140 Dec, 1144 1 13H113H 1144 1144 May 11314 1134 11114 11314 11144 Oatt. July ' " TO 494 70t( 4914 Sep, 654 614 664 6414 664 Deo. $714 674 $$ 571 164 Pork. July 41) 4$ 40 40 40 80 40 40 40 40 Bep. $$ $0 $ 1$ St 11 11 1$ 31 16 Lard. July $0 20 IS 10 20 20 10 SO 20 $7 Sep. 10 $5 10 16 20 10 20 45 20 11 Ribs. , July! Jl Ut 11 1214 21 12 21 3214 21 83 Sep. II 10 81 10 91 10 91 60 21 61 CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. Anxiety Over Approach of Last July De livery Day Brings Upturn. Chicago, July 19. Anxiety over the near approach ot the last delivery day on July contracts and In regsrd to scarcity of tup pllet with which obligations of tellert eould bt fulfilled, brought about notable upturnt todiy In prices for whttt, corn and oata. Wheat closed firm tt a net advanoe of 40 to 14o, corn finished unchanged to lHo higher and oats gained 4o to l4c. In pro visions tht outcome varied from unchanged flguret to 17o decline. Assertion! that owing to excessively dry weather In North Dskota wheat would not yield mors than halt a crop this season did a good deal to worry shorta In the wheat market. Attempts to buy showed that virtually no wheat wat for tale except at quotatloni about equal to what carload lots on the tnekt would command. July optlona wert accordingly bid up at a rapid rate and there wat no stop until they had toared 36c above Tueaday'a close and 1(0 up since yeatsrday. Beara ware handlrapped mean while by the fact that primary recelpti wtrt only about one-quarter as large aa a year ago and that millers wert reporting an In creased demand for flour and greatly re duced ttockt. Corn prlcet ran up to new high records both for Immediate and futurt deliveries, The September option reached to wl.hln 1 14c of the limit allowed under the Board of Trade war emergency rules. Scantiness of arrivals and of rural offerlnga were the dominating factort and wert more than suf ficient to offset the bearish Influence of soaking ralni that fell In parta of Kansas and Oklahoma. Offers by neutral govern ment! to resell corn at the seaboard made no Impression here, hut late In the session renewed peace talk caused a moderate re action, Unfavorable orop reports from Canada and North Dakota did not hoist the value of oats.' Fears were expressed, too, that car shortage would Interfere with (he move ment of the new crop. Liquidating sales by holders of lard weak ened provisions. On the break, however, packers came to the support of tha market Wheat: 2 red, 3 red, 2 and 8 hard, nomi nal. Corn: No. I yellow, $3.0592.06: No. I yellow, $3.0692.064; No. 4 yellow, $2,044. Oats: No. $ white, 7897914c: standsrd, 714 979lc. Rye, nomlnsl. Barley, $1.2691.60. Seed: Timothy, $4.0097.60: clover. $12.A0(3 17.00. Provisions: Pork. $40.40. Lard, $10.16 920.23. Ribs, $21.00921.60. Butter Unchanged: receipts. 14.810 tubt. Potatoet Lower; recelpte, 60 cars: Vlr. glnla, barrels, $4.6094.76; Kansas, Illinois and Ohio, sacks, $1.4091.50; Tennessee, strks, $1.6091.60. Poultry Alive, unchanged. St, Louie Live Stock Market. St. Louis, July It. Cattle Recelpti. 4, $00; market steady; natlvt beef steers, $7.60 f 18.73; yearlings steers and heifers, $8,609 18.60; cows, $6.00910.60: stocken and feed ers, $(.O09$.6O; prime southern beef iteers, 89.00912.26; beef cows and helfors, $4,269 9.00; prime yearling steers snd heifers, $7.60 910.00; native calves, $6.00914.00, Hogt Recelpti, 7,800; market steady; lights, $14.76915 25: Plff". $10.00914.75; mixed and butchers, $14.90916 66; good heavy. $16.40915 65; bulk, $16.00915.45. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,700; market steady; lambs, 26c higher, $10,600 16.60; ewes. $8.0098.60: cannert, $4,000 4.60; choppers, $6.0096.60. Kansas City Live Stock Market. Kansas City, July 19. Cattle Receipts. 11,000; market tteady; prime fed steers, $12.75913.60; dressed beet steers, $10,000 12.50: western steers, $9.00912.60; cows, $6.0099.60; heifers. $7.60913.00: stockert and feeders, $6.60912.60; bulls, $6.6098,50; calves, $7.00912.60. Hogs Receipts, 5,000; market higher) bulk, $14.66916.60; heavy, $16.30916.65; packers and butchers. $15.00916,90; light, $14.56915 20; ptga. $12.60914.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 2,000; market higher; lambs, $16.00916 76; yearlings, $10.00911.60; wethers, $8.60910.00; ewet, $8,2599.26. NEW YOjK. STOCKS Depreciation of Prices Causes Wall Street Business to Dwindle to Minor Proportions. New York, July II. Builnest on the stock exchange today dwindled to minor proportions, tha stagnation being attended by further substantial depreciation of prlcea. Foreign eventt ttsumed greater spec ulative Importance, lateat dltturbancea In Russia and tht changes in the British cabi net furnishing the bean with new ma terial. The trend of the money market was not calculated to Inspire confidence In' local monetary conditions. Call loam wert agtln renewed at t per cent bat long-time accom modations, though quotably easier,' were less readily negotiated because ot the In creasing scarcity of available funds. Industrial shares owsd much of their fur ther depression to the deadlock concerning the long deferred queatlon ot war prices and taxes, shippings were at leaat moder ately affected for related reasons and con flicting dividend rumors helped to restrain any bullish activity in rails, St Paul, how ever, making up part of yesterday tevere loss. United Stitet Sttt! fell to 111, at which quotation mtny itop lot orden wtrt dis lodged, but closed at 1194, a net lost of 1 point, klndrtd stocks yielding t,o tht tame or greater extent. Motort tnd their sub sidiaries wtrt heaviest ot any Issues at a group. Btudebaktr losing 4 polntt t 124, Its minimum for over a year, and General Moton, 14 points, with 14 polntt for United State! Rubber and 1 polntt for Ktl-ley-Sprlngfleld Tire. Coppert retcted 1 to $ polntt, Inspira tion being extensively offered it the great- eat concession, and high grade tqulpmentt like General Iltctrit tnd New York Air Brake, lost 3 to $ polntt. Tobaccos. Oils. Sugar, and TTtllltlet, In cluding local tractions and Peoples' Cat, were the object! ot occasional bear attack at 1 to t polti decline. Final quotations were variably abort lowest Itvelt except for Coalers, Reading displaying marked heavi ness. Total sales amounted to 145,000 sharer Rubles and Russian government bonds, despite adverse Petrograd advlcea, rallied from yesterday' minimum price. Conti nental exchanges were unaltered. Bondt were Irregular, tome of the minor railways Including Denver A Rio Grande re funding tt hardening. Liberty $4t tgtin ranged from $9.40 to 99.46. Total talet, par value, wer $$.660,000, United State bonds wtrt unchanged on call. Number ef tale and rang ot prices ot leading ttock: Bale. High. Low. Close. Am. Beet Sugar... 1.604 40 19 8Mt Am. Can 8 100 474 44 47 Am. Car A Fdry.,, 1.000 78 744 74 H, Am, Locomotive .. 1,800 70 184 CI Am. Smelt A Rfg. $.400 101 1004 101 '1 Am. Sugar Rfg,,,. 8,400 1334 181 12$ Am. Tel. A Tel.... 600 130 1104 120 Am. Z. L. A Steel . 200 344 14 lis Anaconda Copper.. 11,100 774 " 4 764 Atohiton 100 lot 1004 1004 At G. A W. X. 8. S. 100 1074 10$ 106 Baltimore A Ohio,, 1,700 7$ 724 724 Butte A Sup. Cop.. $00 174 $74 38 Cel. Petroleum , 16 Canadian Paclflo.. $00 181 1614 16114 Central Leather... 8,100 144 It 4 $41 C. M. A Bt P 1,600 114 $7 44 1, Chicago A N. W... ,,,,, 104S C, R. J. A P. etfa, 100 11 $04 I0 Chlno Copper...,, 1,100 II 4 II II Colo. Fuel A Iron, 600 4714 4744 47V Corn Prod. Rfg.., (.800 174 , 114 14V, Crucible Steel,...,. 21,000 7114 774 I Cuba Can Sugar., 1,100 41 401 404 Pis. Beourltlet..... 1,100 1414 4Vi II Erl 1 601 1614 1$ If Otn. Electrlo .... 1,100 1614 1411 1104 Oeneral Motor..,, 11,400 11614 111V4 11414 Gr, North, pfd.... 1,100 1064 104 1I4$4 Gt North. Ore, etfa 4,900 114 1$ 334 Illlnol Central.... ., ..... Jos Intplr. Copper.,,,, 11,700 $1 114 $1 Int. M. M. pfd.,.. 1,700 1614 114 $414 Inter. Nickel.,,.,. 1,100 $1 U u inter. Paper 0 $34 1344 $ K. O. Southern,.., , , - 11 Kennecott Copper... 1,800 4214 41 41 Loult. A Nash 1,000 1274 134 1264 Maxwell Motor... 1,300 864 414 $4 Mexican Petroleum $.700 9V4 $84 ISS Miami Copper...., 1,900 48 114 194 Missouri Paclflo... 1,300 Jl- It 81 V, Montana Power., ,1 ,...'11 Ntvada Copper,,.. 800 11 114 II N. Y. Central...... 1.200 II . 884 19 ' N. Y., N, H, A U... - 600 V344 $94 '$414 Norfolk A Wett... . lv Northern Paolflo.,' 1 800 10144 lil 1OOT4 Paclflo Mall , 300 364 164 364 Pao. Tel. A Tel. S3 Pennsylvania ..... 700 .6314 634 6314 Pittsburgh Coal... 1 800 64 634 63S Ray Con. Cop , 1,300 87 364 Ufa Reading 19,000 , 15 4 93 V 441, Rep. Iron A Steel,, 1,000 174 68 1 87 Shattuck Arl. Cop 600 2414 134 134, Southern Pacific, 1,400 $14 II 43', Southern Railway, 1,000 174 174 27'. Btudebaktr Corp. 11,400 6( 634 544 Ttxat Co, 1,100 111 185 1864 Union Paclflo 1,600 1864 135 . 1164 ' U. B. Ind. Aloohol 4,800 1674 16$ 16714 U. S. Steel ..151,800 1104 1H 1114 U. B. Steel, pfd.... 100 1114 1114 111 Utah Copper 1,400 101 101 S 10144 Wabaih pfd. "B" 164; Wett Electrlo 1,000 484 48 4114 Total taltt for tht, day 141,000 ahare. New York Monty Market. New Tork, July 1$. Mercantlit paper, $4,76. . ... Sterling Exchange Sixty day bills, $4.73; commercial sixty day bills on banks, $4.714; commercial sixty day bill, $4.71 Hi demand,' $4,754! cable, $4,75 7-16. Sliver Bar, 7940. Mexican dollars, 4314c Bondt Government, Heady; railroad. Ir regular.' ' 'rime Loans Easier; tlxty day and ninety days, 44944 per eent; alx months, 44 6 per cent. Call Money Firm 1 high, $ per eent; low, 44 per cent; ruling, 1 per cent; laat loan, i per cent: clotlng bid, 44 per eent; offered at 6 per cent, UTs. la, reg.... $64"I. C. f. 4.... I4T4 do coupon... I641nt, M. M. Is.,.. 14 U.S. Is, reg.,.. 91 K. C. B. r. 6s,.. 1,1 . do coupon.... II L. A N. un. 4s.. 104 U. M.4s, rsg....,104 4M. K. A T. lat 4 694 do coupon. ...1044M. P, gen. 4s. .1. 697i Panama 9s coup. 80 Mont, Power 6s..' 96 Am. For. Sec. 5s 944N. Y. (J. d. 6s.. 104', A. T. A T. a $1 99 NY P. 4t....i.,. 87, Anglo-French 61 98T4N. P. 8s.,.,.... 63 Armour Co. 44 9940. B. L. r. 4s.. 18 Atchison gen. 4 81 14 Penh. e. 44.. 102 ' B. A O. 4s...... l44"Penn. con. 44t 46 Cent, Leather 5a 91 Reading gen. 4i 10V Central Pac. lat 84 St.L. A, I6T4 C. A O. ov. tt 67 4H. P. ov. 61..,. 1914 C. B. A Q. . 41 II14S. P. r. 4 4'4 CM. A St. P. g.ttaS. R. 61 97V CM. A 8t.P.g.44 98 T, A P. lit.... i C.B.I. A P. r. 4t 71 U. P. 4 1114, C. A 8. r. 44i 71 4 V, P. ev. 4t.... It .. D. A . G. r. It 67 U. 8. Rubber 6t 8614 D. ot C. 61 1131 17 U. B. Steel 6s. .104 . Erie gen. 4s.... tl4Wabish 1st.... 100 'i Gen. Kloc. 6s.. 108 West. Union 44s It's G. N. 1st 44s,, 154 Bid. "Offered. New York Oeneral Market. . New York, July 11. Flour Market firm er; spring patent!, $11.66911.10; winter ments, 913.00912.36; winter gtralgbta, 11.40911.16; Kamai straight,- $12.40t 13.65. Wheat Spot ttrong: No, 1 bard. $2.70 f, o. b. Gulf. CornSpot strong; No. 1 yellow. 11.14 t. I. f. New York. . Oats Spot ttrong; ttandard, $60. Feed Unsettled; weitern bran, 100 sound tacks, $16.76; standard middlings, 45.60; city bran, 100 pound tackt, $38.00. Lard Easy; middle wett $19.60011.6. Butter Market firm; recelpti, 10,861 tubs; creamery higher than extras,- 1114 9 40o; creamery txtral, $3 icore, 19c; firsts, , $749184o; leoonds, 15017c. Eggs Market weak; reoelpts, 11,100 Calea; fresh gathered extrai, 33939c; extra first, 3637o; firsts, 34935'4c; seconds, 81033c. Cheese Market unsettled; receipt 1,829; ttate fresh speclalt, 83 i 022c; do. average run, 22 4 9224e. Poultry Dressed: Market firm: chickens, 26927c; fowls, 22o; turkeys, 16c, Kansai City General Market, Kansas City, M04 July II. Wheat No. I, hard, ll.669t.66; No. I red, $2.1693.40; July, $2.45; September, $3.13. Corn No. 2 mixed, I2.O092.OI; No. I white, $3.10; No. 1 yellow, $2.0192.02; July, $2.00; September, $1.62. Oats No. 2 white. 194980c: No. t mixed. 7375c. London Stock and Bond. London, July 19. American aeeurittea wer Irregular on the stock exchange today. Silver Bar, 404d per ounce. Money $404 per oent Discount Rates Short bills, 44 per eent three month bills, 4 13-14 per eent Oil Expected at 1052 Feet Well No. 3 Down - - f t Monday It Goes On the Curb You Can Buy Now PAWHUSKA OIL at 25c With erafuelne well and aitre trltllns I sr. diet thlt atecK iheuie nil tt $1. Win year rdn. Ltt ramlttssst fellow. HARRY LEFKOVITS 74 Broadway New York City