Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 20, 1917, Image 1

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    ima Daily
0 Tralat. it Hotli.
Mm Studi. ttc. tt
Public is Invited to Attend Open
Hearing and File Any Com
plaints it May Wish
to Make.
City commissioners will begin the
general investigation of the police
department this morning. Former
Captain Stephen Maloney, will be the
first witness summoned, meetings will
be held in the open and the public
has been requested to consider this
as an opportunity to criticize or offer
"We extend through the press an in
vitation to citizens to regard this as
their investigation, held and super
vised by the city council, said the
mayor. "11 any citizen has any charge
to. make against any member of the
police department, or has any sug
gestion for the betterment or the de
partment, this will be the time and
place to be heard. If any citizen has
tnything to say against, any police
man or officer of the department, tne
latter will be brought in forthwith
ind asked to explain in the presence
of his complainant. We will begin the
Investigation Friday morning at 9
('clock atrd will keep at it until every
thing before us has been cleared up."
To Summon Maloney.
"I think we should issue a summons
for Stephen Maloney. He has made
certain charges against members of
the department and I believe it is
only due those members that Maloney
be brought in here and the matter
thoroughly investigated," said Com
missioner Butler, whose motion was
seconded by Cornmissioner Hummel
and adopted unanimously. The city
clerk issued the summons which has
been served on the former police cap
tain. "
Last week Maloney uttered for
-rewspaper purposes" certain; charges
against Superintendent Kugel; Chief
Dunn , and, Captain Heitfeld. The
charges were of a serious nature. The
captain has announced he may bring
suit against Maloney.
"I don't think we should heed
anonymous letters or telephone calls,
but should require that complainants
present themselves ' before the city
council. Last night I received a tele
Dhone call from a citizen who com
plained against one of the police ser
geants being in a certain line of busi
ness. I told my informant to appeal
before the council during theMnvesti
gation," said Commissioner Butler.
No Anonymous Complaints.
"If you stop to consider these
anonymous complaints you will be
here six months," replied Commis
sioner Kugel. "Not a day passes that
I don't receive several anonymous
complaints. If a man won't front with
his -complaint, he is not worth con
sidering." .
"I believe the proper way to begin
this investigation," suggested Chief
Dunn, "would be to obtain all of the
outside information possible and then
let the members of the department
answer or explain criticisms or sug
gestions from citizens."
"Let it be generally understood
through the press that an opportunity
is extended to the public to appear
during this hearing. We have heard
a lot of noise; now let us get at the
facts," was a comment by Commis
sioner Jardinc . .
"We will welcome suggestions for
the betterment of the police service,
added Commissioner Butler. There
have been complaints rgarding lack of
protection in the residence districts. I
agree with the chief, that we should
first take up complaints and sugges
tions from citizens who are the em
ployers of the police department and
the city commissioners." "
The sessions will be held in the city
council chamber. '
The Weather
For Nebraska Fair.
Temperature at Omaha, Yetroy.
tmfwyp ahrdlu . Hour. Dee.
9 a. m v"
( a. m 68 11
8 a. m 72
( a. m. 76
10 a. m 80
11 a. m 82
12 m M
1 p. m. 86
2 p. in 87
3 p. m 89
4 p. m SO
6 p. m..... 811
6 p. m 88
7 p. m 87
8 p. m. ........... 8i
Compara tlTe local Record.
117. 1916. 1915. 1914.
Highest yesterday.... 90 84 73 87
Lowest yesterday.... 68 71 62 63
Mean temperature 79 78 68 75
Precipitation 00 .IS .00 .00
Temperature and precipitation departures
from normal at Omaha yesterday:
Normal temperature , 77
Excejss for the day 5
Total deficiency alnce March 1 238
Normal precipitation .IS Inch
Deficiency for the day IS Inch
Total rainfall since March 1. .. .15.70 inches
Deficiency since March 1 98 Inch
Deficiency for cor. period. 1916. 7.01 Inches
Excess for cor. period, 1915 07 inch
: Reports From Stations at 7 P. M. '
Station and State Temp. High- Rain
of Weather. 7 p. m. est. ' fall."
Cheyenne, cloudy 78 84 T
Davenport, clear......... 84 s .00
Denver, cloudy., 76 86 .00
Lander, cloudy.. 74 88 . T
North Platte, clear.... 90 92 .00
Pueblo, cloudy 80 k .00
Rapid City, part cloudy 90 o :on
Halt Lake City, clear., 86 8 .Oft
Santa Fe, rain 70 84 T
Sheridan part cloudy,. 82 .02
alenline, clear.. 93 94 .00
"T" Indicates trace of precipitation.
U A. WELSH. Meteorologist.
Committee of Majority Fac
tions Unanimously Decides
to Introduce Resolution;
Radical Step Suggested.
London, July 19. The Reuter
Amsterdam correspondent sends the
"According to information availa
ble here, which must, however, be
treated with necessary reserve, two
Americans were shot recently on
the charge of having attempted to
take the German emperor's life."
Talk Peace Program. N
Amsterdam, July 19. The Berlin
Tageblatt says the committee of the
majority parties in the German
Reichstag has unanimously decided to
move the peace resolution.
Previously the committee was di
vided, two members of the center and
one liberal disagreeing with the ma
jority. The Tageblatt says that in
the Reichstag 221 deputies will vote
for the peace resolution.
May Propose Disarmament.
Paris, July 19. A dispatch to the
Temps from Geneva says the German
government, according to reliable in
formation, meditates the dramatic
proposal to its enemies and to the
world of a complete disarmament, ex
cept for sufficient forces to maintain
compulsory peace by compulsory ar
bitration. "The German government," says
the Temps, "while allowing the solu
tion of the internal crisis to appear
as a success for the pan-Germanists,
has in view a maneuver of quite dif
ferent aspect. The bellicose declara
tions which resound, and will perhaps
continue in Berlin, will be nothing
but the prologue designed to repre
sent Germany as invincible. After
wards, perhaps sooner - than is ex
epcted, will come the theatrical initia
tive; in which Germany will show a
disposition to disarm.", ,
Alternative Resolution.
Copenhagen, July 19. The German
conservatives have decided to submit
in the Reichstag an alternative resolu
tion on the aims of the war from the
annexationist standpoint. A test vote
between this and the bloc resolution
will come up Friday. A majority of
the Reichstag, though perhaps a small
one, is claimed for the latter.
Admiral von Tirpitz has telegraphed
an appeal to Ernest Bassermann, the
national liberal leader, who is now an
invalid, to leave the sanitorium where
ne is under treatment and assist in
the fight against the bloc resolution
in the Reichstag. The Von Tirpitz
message says:
"No passing food difficulties or war
weariness must be allowed to soften
the German people's determination
and render possible a peace which
would threaten the future of Ger
many and its working classes. The
bulk of the national liberals will prob
ably vote against the non-annexation-ist
resolution." '
Forty-One Barrels of
Beer Poured Into Creek
Sioux Falls, S. TJ., July 19. (Spe
cial.) The Black Hills Brewing com
pany, of Central City, was caught by
the state-wide prohibition law with
forty-one barrels of beer on hand, and
for a time did not know what to do
with it. The company finally decided
to dump the forty-one barrels of beer
into a nearby creek, and this was
A revenue officer was present to see
that the liquor was destroyed in ac
cordance with the plan proposed by
the brewing company.
Rather than dismantle its plant and
cease business entirely the brewing
company, which was the largest of
the kind in western South Dakota,
now has begun the manufacture of
a son drink.
No Chance, Girls!
Handsomest Soldier, but Married
Here he is, girls; the most hand
some and dashing officer of the Ne
braska guard. -He is Clifford E.
Gardner, captain of the machine gun
company of the Fifth regiment.
Captain Gardner enlisted as ' a
private in the old Thurston Rifles in
1904. In 1909 he as regimental com
missary sergeant, and in August, 1915,
tfas appointed second lieutenant and
battalion quartermaster of the Fifth
He was made first lieutenant of the
machine gun company at Llano
Grande, Tex., December, 1916, and
just before the regiment was ordered
home was promoted to a captain.
The machine gun company of the
Fifth regiment has proved one of the
most popular organizations of the Ne
braska guard. The organization now
has more than twenty men over its
allowed number of members. They
will have to be distributed among- the
infantry companies of the regiment.
Captain Gardner is married and
l lives at 615 North Forty-first street.
lie is M years old. Jn civilian life
Captain Gardner is connected with the
postoffice. . .
KAISER AND HIS SON s German war lord and hi sons photographed at a military
review. At the end" -'vy Prince Joachim, the youngest son. A "close-up" of Prince
Joachim is shown " s " aert. , He is 26 years old.
$ r ; " vC; - -aS ; " - yt rJ vi
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hf'V 'vl ,t Lil " t , '5S1 4 "i
County Assessor Takes His
? Figures ta LincolnWhcre
v Tney Are Filed With p
. State Board. : i
Personal property and real estate
valuations in Douglas county were in
creased $10,723,085 by County Asses
sor Fitzgerald and the board of equal
ization this year, according to official
figures filed with the 'state board of
equalization at Lincoln.
County Assessor Fitzgerald, who
went to Lincoln . yesterday, left in
structions with his office force not to
give the figures. to The Bee. His office
force did its best to carry out his in
structions. ...
The increase is $7,477,210 on per
sonal property and $3,245,875 on real
estate, actual valuation.
Total taxable valuation of personal
property, one-fifth of the real val
uation, is $16,050,688. That of real
estate is $37,609,159.
The 1916 totals were $14,555,226
personal and $36,959,984 real es"tate.
Horses Here Yet.
Other items in the county assessor's
official report to the state board of
equalization as to 1917 tax returns
in Douglas county are as follows:
Horses 9,328
Mules 1,232
Cattle 10,129
Hogs 14.9SC
Bee hives 222
Poultry (dozen) .J. 7,313
Pianos 9.467
Firearms 461
Boats 42
Movinfr picture machines. .. 73
Typewriters and adding
machines 2,714
Automobiles 9,122
. 637,670
Cornelius Vanderbilt, Jr.,
Joins Ammunition Train
New York, July 19. Cornelius
Vanderbilt, jr., 19-year-old son of
Colonel Cornelius Vanderbilt, com
manding officer of the Twenty-second
Engineers, has enlisted as a private in
the field artillery section of the am
munition train, New York division.
Here He Is; the
. g"""' ' T" S
Omahans Asked to Take
Soldier Home on Sunday
Take a soldier home to dinner
Sunday is the request made by
President Wilson and Secretary of
War Baker. Persons in and near
Omaha are urged to comply with
this request by Chaplain Cobbey
of the Fifth Nebraska regiment.
"Who knows but what this Sun
day may be the last whLh the sol
dier boys will see o! America." the
chaplain said. "Invite at least one
to your home 'and treat him as a
member of your family." Call Doug
lat 3260 to invite a soldier. .
Report That Grocers Refuse to
Buy Produce From Boys and
Girls, Will Be thor
oughly Investigated.
Investigating . committee of the
Woman Voters' Conservation league
will meet this morning at 9 o'clock
in the council chamber of the city hall
to make further, plans to investigate
grocery firms and produce house re
ported to have refused to buy truck
irom hoys ajid girls gardens.
Chief Deputy County Attorney Ab
bott is investigating the complaint that
Omaha commission men are prevent
ing grocers from buying garden pro
duce raised by boysand girls.
"Three grocers who refused to buy
garden truck from boys and girls
have since changed their minds and
have called me to say that they would
patronize the children, said Mrs. A
C. Anderson. 1730 South Thirtv-
eighth street, one of the leaders of
the organization.
"There is a screw loose some Dlace
When I called the wholesale houses
and asked them to buy a bushel of
peas and beans they refused, saying
tney. wanted to protect the retailers.
When I called three of our largest
grocery stores to buy a large quantity
they said they could not sell it to me
for they must protect the wholesalers.
Who, then, is going to protect the
boys and girls but our organization?"
Hold Miners for Driving
Foreigners From Flat River
Flat River, Mo., July 18. The jail
at Farmington is crowded to capacity
with prisoners held on charges of
being members of the mob which
drove hundreds of foreign-born resi
dents out of the district last week.
More than seventy-five men have been
arrested by National Guardsmen and
county officers.
Looting of the abandoned homes
of the fleeing aliens virtually has
ceased. ?
Americans May Novy
Send Leather to England
London, July 19. Robert P. Skin
ner, the American consul general here,
today completed an arrangement
whereby American manufactured
leather exporters may send to the
United Kingdom 25 per cent of the
quantity sent in the year 1916. The
importation of manufactured leather
had for some time been prohibited. V
Sinn Fein Organ at
Limerick Is Suppressed
Limerick, Ireland, July 19. The
Sinn Fein organ.Factionist, which has
been appearing for some months, was
suppressed today. ihe police seized
the plant
Ojo De Aguas Scene of Battle
Between-Regulars '-and .
- - 'Soldiers of South
ern Republic.
(By AimM-lnted Frew.) .
Mission, Tex., July 19. American
and Mexican soldiers are fighting
across the Rio Grande at Ojo De
Aguas, an outpost on the border
eight miles west of Mission, accord
ing to telephonic advices here. Every
available outomobile in Mission has
been pressed into service to trans
port soldiers to the scene. Troops at
McAllen and other nearby towns also
are reported being hurried to Ojo De
The advices gave no details and the
military authorities were reticent.
Ojo De Aguas is the place where a
small detachment of Amerjcan sol
diers were ambushed by Mexican ban
dits during border raids about two
years ago. when several Americans
were killed.
The scene is in a remote section.
Fifty Alleged Rioters
Are Arraigned at Globe
Globe, Ariz., July 15. Approxi
mately fifty men charged with ri 'ing
here July 4 were placed on prelimi
nary hearing here today before a jus
tice of the peace. The men were pick
ets at the Old Dominion mine at the
time of the alleged riot.
The court denied separate trials to
the defendants. The only witness this
morning was Deputy Sheriff Gilmer,
who established the location of the
alleged riots, which he said had taken
place July 2, 5 and 6 as well as July 4.
Gilmer spent more than an hour
identifying men who were in the
crowd of pickets.
Tomkins Confesses
To Triple Murder
Johnstown, Pa., July 19. George
C. Tompkins of Philadelphia, held in
connection with the shooting to death
of Edmund I. Humphries, prominent
coal operator; his wife, Mrs. Carrie
Humphries, and their 15-year-old son,
Edmund I. Humphries, jr., on a coun
try road near Carrolltown, this
county, last Sunday, confessed to the
three murders today, according to an
nouncement by the police. The con
fession was made in the presence of
Jailer Edward Knee of the county jail
and Tompkins' attorneys.
First Anti-Draft Cases
Go to Supreme Court
Washington, July 19. Associate
Justice Brandeis today granted Emma
Goldman and Alexander Berkman,
now serving sentences in federal peni
tentiaries for conspiracy to impede
the work of the army draft law, per
mission to appeal their cases to the
supreme court from the district court
in New York.
He also granted such permission to
Morris Becker and Louis Kramer.
convicted on similar charges.
Xhese are the first cases involving
the draft law to reach the supreme
court. .
Russian Destroyer
Sinks German Subsea
Petrograd, July 19. The North and
South Agency reports that a Russian
destroyer has sunk a German sub
marine in tne Baltic by dropping
bombs on it and that the crew of the
submarine was drowned.
Errors in Procedure of Local Boards Causes Abandonment
of Entire Elaborate Drawing Plan Prepared by
Provost Marshal; Ten Hours Will be
Required to Complete Task.
Washington, July 19. Nine thirty o'clock tomorrow morn
ing in & committee room of the senate office building hits been
fixed as the time and place for the war army drawing. This is
8:30 Omaha time. 1
(ly A twisted Trttt.)
Washington, July 19. -Because of errors in procedure o
locals boards, particularly in New Jersey, discovered late to
day, Provost Marshal General Crowder abandoned the entire
elaborate plan for the war army drawing tomorrow, as previ
ously announced. A full drawing of numbers from one to
between 10,000 and 11,000 will be made tomorrow instead.
More than ten hours will be required to complete the task.
Conflict Between Forces cf Or
der and Disorder Approach
ing; Capital May Be
MoveitQ Mpscow.
V-. ' ' " ' '-ff---:
v Petrograd, July 19 Another
member of the Russian provisional
government resigned today. The
minister who tendered his resigna-.
tion was M. Pereveizeff, who held
the portfolio of justice.
Petrograd, July 18. The govern
ment controls the city today , as
completely as the Bolsheviki ap
peared to control it yesterday.
Petrograd, July 19. An extraordi
nary cabinet council is discussing the
proposal to transfer the seat of the
provisional government to Moscow.
M. Tseretelli, minister of posts and
telegraphs, and members of the Coun
cil of Workmen's and Soldiers' dele
gates, said yesterday the general as
sembly of workmen and soldiers and
peasants would be held at Moscow to
prevent the interference from 'an ir
responsible section of the Petrograd
Decisive Stage Near.
The general stall buildings and
Winter palace square are headquar
ters for the government forces which
are bivouacking there and have posted
cannon. The general feeling is that
the decisive stage between the forces
of order and disorder is rapidl ap
proaching. At' a joint meeting of the workmen
and soldiers and peasant councils a
resolution was adopted in reference
to the ministerial crisis to the effect
that the departure of the cabinet min
isters .not be made the pretext for
(Continued on rf Two, Column One.)
Board of Trade Gives
War Power to Committee
Chicago, July 19. Members of the
board of trade, recognizing a national
emergency, today voted to delegate
full powers to the board of directors
to take action, at any time during the
war, which it may deem to the best
interests of the board and of the coun
try. President Griffin, in explaining
the proposition, insisted that the di
rectors must have power to take in
slant action and to make unusual reg
ulations, or else face the possibility
ot having the board closed.
who supaTTuion the draft for
man , for the American National
army will take place today.
J1 I
f X
! g x
The error discovered wab the failure
of the local boards involved to shuffle
the registration cards from various
registration precincts before they be
gan placing on them the serial num
bers required by the regulations. The
result in these sections might have
been, under the original plan, to take
the entire quota of one of these dis
tricts from a bingle registration pre
cinct. The drawing, according to the pres
ent plans, will be held at the capitol
with members of the senate and house
military committees as witnesses. The
identity of the person who is to draw
the numbers hat, out prevalent reports credit,
the duty to Secretary Baker; J -i..
Mhal General Crowder
issued this statement:
'Advices received by long distance
telephone this afternoon indicate that
n certain areas the boards, in number
ing registration cards, have kept the
SMtgrea,ted bl election distrJct.
and that serial numbers have been as
signed to the whole group for i board
while the cards were thus segregated.
. if the drawing is conducted as
originally planned, in groups of 1,000,
the result wil be that considerable
proportions . of certain election dis-
ficts will be brought up for examina
tion together. '
frZhiS 'iU rc,-ult !H draft'"8 Persons
ocalty ithin the jurisdic
tion of a board before any person is
- . " "VVI HI"
U..WI. irom anotner locality within
the same jurisdiction.
'For this reason it has been de
cided to abandon the drawing bv
thousands and to draw 10,500 num
bers, which is in excess of the high
est number of cards under the juris
diction of any board.
uSJul .t"Iy chygLe in the P'a" wi
be that there will be one drawing in
stead of two.
"The advantage will be greater sinY
phcity. The disadvantage will be that
the drawing will require .ten hours to
complete. '
Nine Kansas Counties
Are Exempt From Draft
Topeka, Kan., July 19. Nine Kan
sas counties and the city of Topeka
will not have to furnish a single man
for the first contingent of the new
national army to be drafted tomorrow
morning, according, to the county
draft quotas which were announced
this afternoon by Governor Capper.
The counties which will not be re
quired to lurnish , men for the first
draft are:
Wyandotta, Ottawa, Montgomery,
Kearney, Douglas, Allen, Ford, Chase
and Woodson.
Deeds Must Carry the
. Consideration of Transfers
AJrKr Wy 24 deeds t( real estate
in Nebraska must name the full con
sideration involved in the transfer,
fhis is in accordance with a new state
law, and Register of Deeds Harry
Pearce'says it will be enforced. In
the past deeds have commonly been
11 wlrthc mminl consideration
of SI. 1 he new law imposes a penalty
of from $10 to $500 for violation of
its provisions.
Senate Will Take Up'
Aviation Bill Monday
Washington, July 19. Senator
Chamberlain, chairman of the senate
military affairs committee, said today
that the $640,000,000 aviation increase
bill would be placed before the senate
again Monday and probably passed
before adjournment.
Faces You Know
Can You Recognize Em?
You scarcely realize what a
difference a few years make in
the personal appearance of your
closest friends. That's what
makes old photos so interesting,
especially when compared with
present-day pictures.
Another Bunch Tomorrow
And the group will appear
again Sunday with the names, - :
Exclusive in The Bed