Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 19, 1917, Page 9, Image 9

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Will There Be Debutantes? -;
Will there be debutantes this fall?
Even this early mothers of prospec
tive debutantes are beginning to have
decided opinions on the subject and
the consensus seems to be that we
will have none. More girls than
usual of ihe coming-out age expect
to be at home from school this year,
but -war times put a damper on any
thing elaborate in the -way of enter
taining. Miss Florence Neville would have
had her debut party this winter if
world affairs were normal. As it is,
she expects to be at home quietly
with her family' without making her
formal bow to society. Just now she
is visiting school friends in Pitts
burgh and will go on to Canada for
a house party before coming home.
She will be gone at least three weeks.
It's really a shame that anything,
deeply serious or otherwise, should
interfere with the debuts of such
pretty girls as are to be home this
year. Miss Virginia Offutt and Miss
Esther Wilhelni were expected to be
two of this year's debutantes and
either might be eligible for the posi
tion of Ak-Sar-Beri queen. Miss
Naomi Towle and Miss Grace Alli
son are two of last year's special
maids of Ak-Sar-Ben who were count
ed among this year's probable debu
tantes. Miss Clara Hart is expected
to be home .this year and her debut
party would have been a notable event
in social-circles. Miss Hazel Up
dike is another of the pretty scnooi
girls who has entered into the realm
of prospective buds by announcing
her intention to remain .at home..
Perhaps world affairs will have
quieted down by the opening of the
winter season so that peaceful oc
cupations and social functions may be
resumed. - It would be a party sadly
lacking in young menthat could be
given now and even if the youthful
officers from Fort Omaha were sub
stituted they would not fill the places
o boys who have grown tip with
the debutantes. If war should bate
before , .. inter we would find among
us one of the largest group of debu
tantes in recent years.
Dinner for Wedding Guests.
.Rev; and Mrs. George L. Peters
will entertain at dinner at their home
tonight for the out-pf:town guests
who attended the marriage of their
daughter, Miss Ruth Peters, to Mr.
John B. Williams Tuesday night. Mr.
and Mrs.'C. E. Launsberry and Mr
Andrew Williams of Chicago left last
night and Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Van
Deren left this morning for their
home in Springfield, Mo. ,
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Williams, Mr.
and Mrs. J. B. Williams, Mr. Aubrey
Whitehead, Miss Elizabeth Bryan of
Chicago, Miss Lucile Peters and
Messrs. Harold and Dana Peters will
comprise the dinner party.
Weddings of the Week. .
'Miss Hazel Mooers and Mr. Fred
. Hatton of Council Bluffs were united
in carriage by Rev. C. N. Dawson
at tne, juieiz iucui.. r -
Monday. Miss Bertha R. Lyman and
Mr.'M.'L. layman of the same city
ttjt. attendants. T . t
ilMiss Ruth Peters and Mr. John B.
Williams, son bf'Mr. and Mrs. John b.
Williams of Chicago, were united in
marriage by the bride's father, Rev
George T L. Peters, who .gave his
daughter away, Tuesday night at 8
o'clock at the North Side Christian
MiM Lucile. Peters was maid of
honor to her, sister. Mr. Andrew
Williams of Chicago was his brother s
bestman and Messrs T.uory White
head W. A. Foye and Earl Haney
were'tHe ushers. Little Misses Janice
Palm and Nancy Wiles were ring
bearer and flower girl. ,
The bride wore a gown of white tat
feta and Georgette crepe with trim
mings of pearls and heavy lace, The
' bodice was made with square neck and
long sfeeves and a tram fe 1 train the
waist line over the short full skirt. The
, Tulle veil was caught at each side wi h
tiny white satin rosebuds and held in
place by a band of silver lace and
pearls. She carried a shower of bride s
roses and sweet peas.
The maid of honor wore a turquoise
blue Georgette crepe gown made over
Pink flowered net. Sfiort sleeves and
skirt were draped and caught with
. pink roseb'uds. She carried .an arm
bouquet of pink roses. , .
The little ring bearer wore a dainty
frock of net with trimmings of nar
row satin ribbon, Rosettes of ribbon
were used on the sleeves and th back
of the dress was caught at the shoul
der rosettes. White, organdie
finely tucked made the flower girl s
dress and she carried a basket of pink
Killarney roses. . , . '
" Mrs. George L. Peters, the bride s
mother, wore embroidered white mar
quisette with trimmings of lace and a
corsage of pink and white sweet peas.
Mrs. Williams, mother of the bride
groom, wore a gown of black trimmed
' with embroidered banda. v '
Palms banked the pulpit and large
. Lk. L.1.... r,t ninlr and whit dafl-
wnuc udan-cia v ....... b
FNB for picnics, hmcha and gommef menus. Tasttte
light pioyortko of fat and ban, evenly chopped,,
selected from the choicest roaata which Armour's
Imtnartse production aftords; dalidootly tpicad, and aaasoned
In hickory smoke, S5X3T Frankfam r a delight for any
summer meal. An economical food no wast.
Yoa can get nearly 900 tasty, pure, wholesome food products
under the Armour Oval Label the mark reserved for top
most quality, whatever the product. Ask for them by name,
Oaes. tOU. W.
iolas were used on both sides of the
altar. Showers of pink Killarney
rnws marked the seats OCCUoied bv
the relatives of the young people.
tsetore the ceremony Aime. .aons
kie played, an organ recital of old
ntrh air Mr, Tosenh Berarer ffave
a violin solo and Mr. John Higgins
ir T T T
sang "Because ana jviy t-ove is lim
a RedfRed Rose." A reception for the
familv and out-of-town STUeStS fol
lowed at the bride's home.
"Mr. and Mrs. Williams lett at w:w
for ChicagOi where they will remain
wo days before going for a trip on the
i,l-c The hride wore a simole
suit of turquoise blue silk jersey cloth
and a white Milan nat. 1 ney win oe
at home after August 1 in Chicago.
St Mary's Girls Gather.
The tea given by Mrs. George F.
Hughes and her daughter. Miss
Rodna Hughes of Council Bluffs, in
honor of their house guests Tuesday
was the occasion for a gathering of
St Marv's collesre eirls. Miss
Hughes, Miss Katherine Boesch of
Lake Linden, Mich.; Miss urace
Lynch of Monmouth, 111.; Miss Leeta
Simms of HoMresre. Neb., and Miss
Helen Quinn of Aurora, Neb., are all
St Marys girls, ihe Misses wen,
Rtith and Enid Beattv. Miss Carita
O'Brien and Miss Rutlr Kinsler, the
St. Mary's girls in Omaha, attended
the party and a number of girls from
points in Iowa nearby also came for
the affair.
On the Calendar.
The Custer Trio club will give its
regular card party at Crounse hall
Thursday at 2.
Rfv. C. ' Franklin Koch and his
bride of June 27, who was Miss Mil
dred Kuhns of Dayton, O., returns
to Omaha Thursday morning to make
his home here. Kev. Mr. Kocti is as
sociate pastor of Kountze Memorial
church. In their honor a reception
will be given Thursday night at 8
o'clock at the church. Both are grad
uates of Wittenberg university,
Springfield, O.
Events of the Day.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Burton have as
their guest Mrs. William Burton of
Oberlin, O., who will be here a week
or ten days. In her honor they will
give a party at the ambulance film at
the Brandeis theater tonight The
party will incjude Mr. and Mrs.
George Howard Rushton and their
guests, Mrs. W. C. Taylor, and Miss
Helen Taylor of Logan, O. Later
Mr. and Mrs. Burton witl give a din
ner party at Happy Hollow club for
their guest.
Mrs. Truman Buck will entertain
six guests in the Oriental room at the
Blackstone tonight.
Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Stroud will en
tertain the residents of the House of
Hope at a picnic supper on the lawn
of their home on Florence boulevard
tonight. During the afternoon the
old people will be guests of the di
rectors at an automobile ride through
the' parks and bouleyards of the city.
Notes of Interest. ,.
Registering at the Hotel McAlpin
from Omaha during the last week
have been Mr. J. R. Shipner and Mr.
Lester H. DrrehauS.
Mrs. Samuel Foote leaves a week
from Saturday for New York Atlan
tic City and other eastern points,
where she will spend the summer.
Birth Announcement.
A son, who has been named John
Moore, was born to Kev. and Mrs,
Oliver Keve Monday. Mrs. Keve
was formerly Miss Vera Moore.
Pleasures Past.
Mrs. Ji. C Sindan entertaised for
Mrs. I. S. Coffeen of Toledo, O., at a
bridge luncheon Tuesday afternoon
Ten guests were present. Decora
tions were in garden flowers.
Advice to Lovelorn
Bjj Beatrice Fairfax
He Wm Comet.
Dear Mies Fairfax: A gentleman invited
two ladle and gentlemen to dine; during
the dinner, the former recognized a busl
nesi friend, left the table, holding a con
versation about five minutes. I contend
that he should have bowed to hie friend in
stead of leaving the table for ao long a
while, the person waa only a business asso
elate and not a personal friend. I main'
tain that ha has an office where he trans
acts business; furthermree, that business
should be eliminated when out for pleas
ure. Did he show courtesy in leaving his
guesti or did he not? F. P.
Why will people make so much fuss about
nothing? What the man did waa entirely
proper. To bring a business friend to the
table and introduce him into a group of
social acquaintances might not have been in
good taste. But to ignore a business ac
quaintance when meeting him outside of
the office would be tactless and foolish.
Tour ideas run contrary to all modern busi
ness methods. No one was in any way
harmed or belittled by what the man did.
No one was left alone or lonely while he
was away. So there la positively nothing
over which to have an argument.
Mar.. !3tK est Jesn Sts.. Omaha. NO..
t. WILKINSON. 2Mh end Q Sts. Se. 1740. MR
Our Need of
Each Other
Here is a little story which was re
cently told me by an officer in our
army, which well illustrates how we
need each other in daily life.
When first some of the men on
the other side faced the enemy they
were a pathetic failure on the fight
ing line. As individuals they were
brave, splendid boys. When they
went forward to attack they had no
solidarity. Their advance fell to
nieces' Their lines did not hold.
Were they sneered at as poor sol
diers? Not at all. Good generals
understand the psychology of human
They were withdrawn to the rear
and ordered into close formation.
Then, elbow to elbow, they were
marched and drilled and counter
marched and marched again. There
were several weeks of that of drill
ing in close formation, elbow to el
bow. Then thev were sent back to the
front rani: trenches. And when they
were thrown forward in attack their
lines held. There was almost half a
mile between man and man in some
of those charges, but the lines held.
Far flung in battle line, with great
erav cans of emptiness between man
and man, they fought as If they had
stood shoulder to shoulder buoyed
up by warm human presence
"Why?" you ask.
Because of the elbow to elbow con
sciousness each man had gained of
, his mates during weeks of drilling
in close formation. Now out in the
murk of No Man s Land they could
not see each other, but they felt
each other. Each man knew that
when he came upon the enemy his
comrades would be there distant.
perhaps, but held close in a common
In the strangeness and horror of
battle the men had felt overwhelm
inelv alone when first thev charged
across the barren wastes toward the
enemy trenches. But standing elbow
to elbow in drill had given each a
deep certainty he could depend on
his comrades. Close human contact
jiad brought them the wonderful as
surance that although straining eyes
could see no comrade, comrades were
there; each man knew he did not ad
vance alone to attack.
And there lies human nature in its
stark simplicity. Loneliness we can
endure, but of "aloneness" we have
an unendurable fear. Fighting alone
against a' hostile world which may
cut us off from everything we hold
dear is too much for nine out of ten
of us.
Individualism is a wonderful thing;
we vaunt it highly today. But indi
vidualism is unendurable, unless it is
conscious of all the other individual
ism which stands with it against the
For a real fight we all need elbow
room and the confidence it gives us.
But there is wonderful reasoning in
the knowledge that somewhere in
the offing there is another man who
will stand by another man who
values the big, fine, clean,, fearless
things which make life.
There is never a situation too harsh
to face bravely if we are sure that love
and understanding will help us when
our powers of endurance fail. .
"Yes,' you say to yourself; "that's
how I feel about it I couldn't go
through things alone. I couldn't
fight them out if I had no one to
turn to, no one on whom I could
rely, no one 'to stand by and help
And having acknowledged that,
shall you dare to fail them who need
The proposition is not a selfish one.
It cannot be reduced to cold-blooded
terms of demanding everything and
giving nothing. No one in all the
world is completely independent of
other people. A Cecil Rhodes, a Lord
Kitchener may be able to work out
his own destiny without leaning on
other men or asking favors of them;
but even such a man can achieve little
without using other men or working
out his problems through them. t ;
Life is a lonely, fearsome, serious
thing for most of us. But it is never
unendurable while we have the warm
human consciousness that somewhere
out in the No Man's Land through
which we are fighting for honesty,
decency and all those principles which
give humanity progress there are
Delicious fa
Sandwiches fa
Omaha Campf
Women s Work Similar to That of Boy Scouts
4X3Lr v J Jl r v t if
f " x "' ? i J . X !- V v v V.J'H a X .xs
The picture shows the official reg
istrars of the Camp Fire Girls. Fif
teen high school girls enrolled this
morning the first hour the office was
From left to right: Lillian Head,
Anne Axtell. Virginia White, secre
tary of the committee, and Ruth
other men who will die for a cause
even as we will die if there be need
of supreme sacrifice.
We need each other. We need to
know that we may count on each
other. We need to be sure that when
we face the enemy our fellow soldiers
will be there too, bravely doing their
Mrs. A. M. RlngUnff Married.
Chicago, July 18. Mrs. Anna M. Rlnev
11ns, widow of August Rlnglinr, one ef five
brother showmen, waa married yesterday to
Howard V. Maile. member of the local
board of trade. Both cava, their ages as
"over 60."
ire Girls Enroll
Hatteroth, treasurer. The first work
done will be to canvass all the homes
in the city next week in the interest
of Herbert Hoover's food conserva
tion pledges.
The girls in the picture all have
the title of fire maker with exception
of Miss Hatteroth, who has the dis-
Women's Activities
France has two women locomotive
More than 12,000 women sre en
gaged in the millinery business in New
York City. ' . M
The largest safety razor company
in America has a woman as advertis
ing manager.
Negro women at Section hands hive
made their appearance in the Balti
more & Ohio railroad yards at St.
Mid-Summer Economy Days
In these stirring times this Great Ready-to-Wear Store stands as a verit
able power of strength and helpfulness to its thousands of customers. Now,
if ever, Economy is necessary. Real Economy, however, is n6t to abstain from
spending moneybut spending it well and wisely. This store with its enormous
buying power is able during these Mid-Summer Days to offer, better values
than ever before or anywhere and enabling the people of Omaha and sur
roundings to dress well m spite of advancing prices. Every day during July
and August will demonstrate the advantage of dealing here. Every purchase
will save you money. Keep your eyes on our advertisements better still, come
in often during these Mid-Summer Days. '
Mid-Summer "Economy Days" Bring July
Clearance Prices on Thousands of Fashionable
Dresses, Waists, Skirts, Etc.
425 to $35 Silk
Dresses, $15
Navy Silk Dresses were naver so fash
ionable at they are now and math at
tention has been given to variety and
beauty in their dttift-nina. At this won
derful price reduction we offer you all
the new styles, charmingly designed in
Crepe de Chine, Taffeta and
Georgette Combination
with beaded and embroidered girdles,
new collars, etc., in army blue or navy,
French gray, white and black, in all sites
It to 44.
$3 to $4.50 Waists, $1.95!
Women's Dainty Mid-Summer Blouses
made in all the newest fashions, of
pussy willow and Jap silk, sheer
voiles, batistes, etc., in flesh, white,
maite, rose, coral etc.
$1 95
Great Sale of Women's Tub Skirts
Women's Basket
Weaves, Gabardine
and Pique Skirts t
43 values, now at
$ 25
Recruits for
tinction of being a torch bearer.
The dog shown is their mascot and
is called "Dutch," in honor of.MisS
Nell Ryan, who is at the head of the
Camp Fire movement in the city.
Infant! sa. Invalid!
Rich milk, tnsHed frsin, in powder form
For infants, invalids atdgrowin children.
Invigorates nursing mothers tss the aged.
Mora nutritious than tea, coffee, te
Instantly prepared. Requires nocookirg.
Sabititate! Coat TOU Saaa Prica
and 1521 Douglas
$8 to $12 Summer
Dresses. $3.95
Dosens of pretty new styles in Mid-Summer
Wash Dresses, tastefully made both
as til style and workmanship. The hind
ovary woman needs at least two or
three of. The materials are
Cinghamt and Voile t, in
Checks, Stripet, White, etc.
Come in all sires for women and misses
juvenile and matronly styles for gr-.
den, porch and out-ln-theountry wear.
$12.50 Sweaters, $6.75
The newest styles In Wool Sweaters,
in the latest high colors and combina
tions s plain and fancy weaves, with
belts, large pockets, etc.; all sixes.
Satin-stripe Poplin,
Fine Linen, Needle
Cera, Gabardine,
etc. i $740 values,
1000 Rooms
700 with Bailt:
A cuisine which
has made the Astor
New YorVa leading
mnqueung puce. ,
$2.50 and $3.00
Double $30 ol HOd
Sinai Rooms, with fcstlv
$3.50 to $6.00
Double ' $4.50 to $T.0O
Parlor, Bedroom snd bath."
$10.00 to $14.00
Times Square
At Broadway, 44th to 45th Streets
the center of New York's social
and business activities. In close
proximity to all railway termiasls.
w coutae
i a
mt m
in Yale,
i&ys vsrd, rnneeton,
f'vy' Wett Point sad
twsttf .sevea
other college!.
Phyrical training for
every boy
Four ceachei, gymn(ium,'iwimminj -pool,
outdoor and iftdoor trsck; wide
reputation for clean sports.' .
On Sf tss
Oldest Mimtabt Schools
in the United States
Rated by the Wsr Department for -many
yean at an Hoitoa School
A Shattuck training will fit yoiif bey
to be sn Orncs a when hit time for
service cornea. .
CIfcolr fipUlo. Addrati
C.W. Newhali, Headmcuttr
. Box 451. '
Saurrcox Sctoob fanfraatt, Jffo.
Persistent Advertising is the Road
to Success.
, .
5 a it i w a
"I the
Fine eiualitv fancy
Cords, Gabardine,
Galatea and Pique
Skirts $S values
Linen, Gabardine,
Fancy Stripe and
Trlcotine Sklrta
$4 .SO valuea, now,