Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 19, 1917, Page 3, Image 3

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)fficers Say Allen V. Grammer
Admits He Hired Alson B.
Cole to Kill Aged St.
Paul Woman.
Lincoln, July 18. Confessions have
been obtained from Alson B. Cole and
Allen V. Grammer, both of near Pal
mer, Neb., showing that Grammer
hired Cole to kill his mother-in-law,
Mrs. Lulu Voght, an aged resident of
:'t. Paul, Neb., whose body was found
near St. Paul on the morning of July
5, according to Sheriff W. H. Atwood
and Prosecuting Attorney Charles
Dobry, both of Howard county, who
arrived here late tonight with Cole
from Janesville, Wis., where he was
arrested. Grammar, who was arrested
several days ago, was also brought
here and both are being held in prison
here. '
According to the authorities the
statements of the accused slayers
show that Grammer hired Cole to slay
Ii is relative on July 2, the night of the
. Fourth being selected as the time for
the murder. Cole, it is said, went to
the home of Mrs. Voght about 10
o'clock in the evening, and finding
- she had company, left, returning
about midnight. He is alleged to have
told , her her daughter, the wife of
Grammer, was i" and started with her
- for Palmer. The authorities say he in
tended to murder her and throw her
body in a river, but instead, choked
her to unconsciousness and then shot
her, throwing the body along side of a
road, where it was found by searchers
the following day, when it became
known Mrs. Voght had disappeared.
The Howard county officials assert
Cole, in his confession, said he was
to obtain $500 for the murder, and
that Grammer wanted her slain be
cause "she had attempted to poison
him." - - ;
Jewelry Store at Laurel Robbed.
Laurel, Neb., July 18. (Special.)
R. L. Lathrop's jewelry store was
robbed last night, five gold watches
being taken from the show window.
A corner of the window was broken
out so the thief could reach in and
help himself. The bloodhounds from
Homer have been sent for. Mr. La-
throp says the value of the "haul" was
about $150.
Gage County Will Give
Picnic to Soldier Boys
Beatrice, Neb., July 18. (Special.)
Plans were made yesterday to give
the boys of Company C now en
camped at Chautauqua park a chicken
dinner Sunday. Mothers of the sol
diers will be guests.
The Commercial club and citizens
have arranged to give a picnic for
Company C of this city and Company
F of Wymore at Camp Chautauqua
next Tuesday. An effort will be made
to have the stores close during part
of the day and make the affair a
county-wide event.
Equipment of various kinds will be
provided for the boys before they
leave, and the money left over after
the citizens purchase these supplies
will be divided among members of
the company.
-Vermillion, S. D.,' July 18. (Spe
cial.) Prof. A. M. Peisch of the de
partment of commerce and finance of
the University of South Dakota and
Miss Josephine Lyons, a 1913 grad
uate of the university, were married
here this week. Prof. Peisch has been
a member of the faculty of the Uni
versity of South Dakota for three
years and served with the National
Guard on the Mexican border last
summer. He is, a graduate of the
University of Wisconsin.
Laurel, Neb., July 18. (Special.)
Miss Alice. Sabin, eldest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Willard C. Sabin
of Laurel, was married at noon to
day to Irvin Koehler, second son
of Mr. and Mrs. 0. Koehler of
Pilger. The bride is a graduate of
the Laurel High school and the
Wayne Normal school, and for the
last two years has taught at Pilger.
The bridegroom is a graduate of the
Pilger High school and the state un
iversity. They will live at Sidney,
near which place he owns a large
wheat farm.
Make Red Cross Supplies.
Stella. Neb., July 18.-(Special Tel
egram.) The Missionary society of
Prospect, a country church southwest
of Stella, has raised $500 with which
to buy material to be worked up by
the women of the community for
Red Cross supplies. Mrs. A. B. Cor
nelius, who as Miss Ida Brockman
secured passage of the law making
the goldenrod Nebraska's state
flower, is president.
Richardson Orchardists
Prepare to Ship Crop
Stella, Neb., July 18. (Special.)
Twelve thousand apple barrels are
being manufactured in Richardson
county at Falls City for shipment of
this years apple crop. Allen Irank
lin of Barada, with ninety acres
of commercial orchard, will use
8,000 barrels, and his apple packing
house will store 5,000 barrels. J. G.
Heim of Dawson has contracted vfor
500 barrels and J. C. Wileman of Ba
rada for 1,500. All the summer va
rieties of apple trees are dead in
this locality and in consequence no
apples are being shipped from here
in July and August, as was the cus
tom a few years ago.
Ong Raises Eighteen
Hundred for Red Cross
Ong, Neb., July 18. (Special Tele
gram.) The Red Cross drive for Ong,
and vicinity closed last night, with
amounts totaling approximately $1,-
e. 1 he greatest good came in the
harmony manifest among .farmers,
business and professional men, each
striving to outdo the others in gifts
for this worthy humanitarian cause.
Everybody solicited gave with the ex
ception of a few slackers. The Luth
erans here proved thejr loyalty by
their gifts to the Red Cross war fund
without an exception.
Wymore Lid Lifter is
Fined $100 and Costs
Beatrice, Neb., July 18. (Special.)
Fletcher Horn of Wymore pleaded
guilty yesterday in county court to
the charge of giving away liquor and
was fined $100 and costs by Judge
O'Kcefe, which he paid.
The case against John Hurst,
charged with bringing liquor into a
dry territory, was set for hearing
next Fridaj He was unable to give
bond and was lodged in the county
Veteran Grain Buyer
Of Ravenna is Dead
Ravenna, Neb.,' July 18. (Special.)
John H. Hughes, veteran grain
buyer of Ravenna, died of enlarge
ment of the heart at the family home
July 13. Mr. Hughes had been en
gaged in the grain and coal business
in Ravenna for thirty-one years. He
was 63 years old.
Nebraskans in Idaho
Will Have Reunion
The Idaho-Nebraska club will give an
Governor of Arizona Resents
Notice that Men at Globe
Will Take Law Into
Own Hands.
Globe, Ari? July 18. Warning thai (
the Industrial Workers of the World
would take the law into its own hand
if any attempt is made to deport In
dustrial Workers of World from the
Globe-Miami district was contained
in a telegram from F. M. Little, or
ganizer of the Industrial Workers of
World, received ify Governor Thomas
K. Campbell last night and made pub
lic here today. The telegram from
Little, who recently left Globe, was
dated at Salt Lake City and follows:
Understand that the mine owners
will take some action at Globe and
Miami as was taken at Bisbee. The
membership of the Industrial Work
ers of World is getting tired of the
lawlessness of the capitalist class and
will no longer stand for such action.
If you as governor cannot uphold the
law we will take same into our own
hands. Will you act or must we?"
-In reply, Governor Campbell said
he felt sure no deportations could
occur with federal troops stationed
in the district and that he was using
his best efforts to protect rights of
all citizens. '
Concluding he said: .
"I resent your disloyal and untime
ly threats in view of my earnest
efforts to bring law and prder and
such forces as will maintain same,
and further like behaviour on your
part will be punished to the full ex
tent of my authority."
President Charles Moyer, of the
International Union of Mine, Mill and
Smelter union, wired Governor Camp
bell saying he understood an effort
would be made to bring strike break
ers into Arizona district from Mis
souri. He asked that this be prevented.
Governor Campbell said he knew
nothing of any such movement..
all-day reunion and picnic here next
Sunday. There will be a base ball
game, speeches by a number of for
mer residents of the Antelope state
and plenty of good music. Several
hundred former Nebraskans from
southern Idaho are expected to attend.
Bee Wants-Ads Produce Results.
Pic-Nic B a t
kU, all tixat
and kind, at
35c to $1.75.
biandeis Stores
1 pt., $1.50 up
1 qt., $2.75 up
Main Floor.
i J J -III ll'.iA
nun l ui
New Silk Jersey Sport Coats
And Beautiful Silk or Satin Skirts
For all outdoor and semi-dress wear we know of nothing more
fascinating and practical than these Jersey Sports Coats.
We are showing a variety of new Silk Jersey "Sports Coats, in
varied colors, both plain and marabou trimmed models; fetching pock
ets, deep collars, attractive belta and sashes. ,
Colors arc Conenhacen. Rose. Emerald, finld. Tfino- THiip anrl TllnrV
ft nn.l Wliifo Snopiollv nrinrl of t19Kn CICftA tlonfl u MEAA
NEW SILK SKIRTS of Taffeta, Satin and Faille Lovely pleated
models with ornamental pockets, embroidered designs and braidings,
at $11.50, $15.00 to $19.00.
Second Floor.
Upholstery and Drapery Remnants
In a Main Floor Clearance Sale
WE HAVE GROUPED together ell of those short lengths and odd lots of Velours,
Velvets, Tapestries, Damasks, Madras, etc., and put lowest prices on them for quick dis
persal on a Main Floor Bargain Square for Thursday.
Curtains of Voile, Marquisette, Scotch and Filet Nets, in half, one and
one and one-half and two-pair lots -V
To Close Out at HALF PRICE
Cretonnes Large assortment of patterns and colorings, suitable for hang
ings, upholstery and fancy work ' v
free Hammocks Large assortment of the very bept woven Hammocks mad
Curtaim, Cretonne and Hammockt on Third Floor. '
A (
: .' ..:........... ... . . . - ' " -
s .-fjMjiA fjjji s
t'.U... i"t H.I ill .1 i rt! ii t i ii mil ! tin n nfr iHabwy : fllf
The high salaried secretary of the biff
business man knows how important it I
to keep her high-strung employer well
supplied with Adams Pepsin, the Orig
inal Chicle Gum. So she keeps it where
he can get it at once without having
to ask. It soothes his mind, and helps
him to clear away mountains of work.
Cooling Pepper mint Flavor
"The FREE" The Sewing Machine
That Always Runs True
rM Mil
n rrt- n i wx.
r " i i i u ii i in I iu i
M mm
a And that's some statement to makeyou
don t have to fuss and coddle with it before
you go right to vvork and it does more work
h with less effort in a shorter space of time
and better work, too.
, . !
You will aot experience "aewinjf
machine sickness" with the "FREE."
You will not become fatigued after
operating it. .
You will accomplish the best work in -the
shortest space of time.
You will have a most beautiful piece ;
' of furniture, in addition to a perfect
Sewing Machine.
You will find that it will more than
pay for itself in a short time.
Yau can bur it for $1.00 down and
payments of $1.00 weekly.
An expert here at all times and at your
service. . . ,
Third Floor.
Wall Papers-Complete Display-Low Prices
A number of patterm, all new stock, in light and
dark colors, With borders to match; excellent for
dining rooms, living rooms, halls, etc ; your choice
Monday, a single roll, at 9c
A Croup of Pretty Gilt Paper, in stripes and all
over effects, suitable for hall, dining room, library,
etc., cut-out borders to match. Monday, a single
roll, at
, 14c
Handsome of fact, in dainty florals and stripes;
' fine for bedrooms, also a number of patterns for
kitchens, pantries, etc.; specially priced for Mon
day, a single roll, at 7c
For the Attic and Spar Room we have a fine' as-'
sortment of papers to select from. Monday, a single
roll, at . .4tfc
30-inch Plain Paper, in the newest shades, with
cut-out borders that are decidedly pleasing. Mon
day, a single roll.,....,...,'; .........11c
Third Floor.
M ideal Scenic and!
horft Vacation fw
of , : , '"" '
Beautiful Estes Park,
Rocky Mountain National Park,
Colorado Springs, Manitou
READ WHAT IT INCLUDES Rail to Denver and return;:
rail and auto between Denver and Estes, one way via
Lyons and auto, the other via Loveland and auto through
the Big Thompson Canyon; free side tour, Denver to Colo
rado Springs and return, the Manitou and Pike's Peak
Lv. Omaha 4:20 P. M. today,
In Estes, lunch tomorrow.
Lv. Omaha 12:20 A. M. today,
(Sleeper ready 10:00 P. M.)
In Estes for supper.
National Parks Lina
Two Weeks of Colorado Ozone Is a "Get -Well-Quick"
Tonic. Plenty of Room In Estes Park at
This Time.
Ask for Colorado publications: "Estes Park," "Colorado Side
Trips," "Colorado Handbook," "Scenic Tours From Denver."
16th and Farnam Sts. Phones: Doug. 3580 and 1238.
Bee Want Ads Are Business Getters