Want Ad Rates (Counting Six Ward to th Una) No ad Ukta for let tha- two lines. CASH WITH ORDER He pr line. 1J" per line..! or mora consecutive insertions CHARGE (e per Una 1 ima He per line, .$ or mora eonsecutivs insertions 7c per line..... ..38 eonsecutiv insertion SITUATIONS WANTED lit per line P week . CARDS OF THANKS AND FUNERAL NOTICES lie per line.. ..esch Iniertion (Minimum charge. 6i cenU.) Foreign Rate Cms With Order. (Couat Six Ward ta Line.) Help Wanted a a 12a per lino 1 time. i, . . ' Vv " 9a per line 8 or more consecutive insertions. I insncial f6 per tin 1 timv ter line 8 or more All Other Classifications consecutive insertions. CM THE TELEPHONE If you cannot con. venlently bring or send In your ads. Ask for a Want Ad Taker and you will re clvs the same good rvtce aa when de livering your ad at this office. PHONE TYLER 1000. - WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSE KVBNINO EDITIONS 12:00 M. MORNING EDITIONS 10:00 P. M. Contract Rates an Application. Movie Program Downtown. I'RLNCESS. 1317 DOUGLAS FINAL CHAPTER OF "THE VOICE ON THE M IRE," SHOWING BEN WILSON and NEVA OERBKR'. " North. ' ALAMO. 24 1 11 AND FORT RUTH STONEHOUSE, in . "THE STOLEN ACTRESS," Br SPECIAL PEL1VERT. -iLHAMBRA. 24TH AND PARKER MOLLY KING, In Fourteenth Chapter of tha "MYSTERY OK THIS DOUBLE CROSS." HEARST-PATH E NBWS. TRIANGLE COMEDY. DIAMOND. 24TH AND LAKE LOUISE LOVELY and ALLAN HOLUBAR. in "THE REED CASE." GRAND. 1TH AND BINNET GOOD PICTURES SHOWN TODAY. ' VALESKA SURATT. Here TOMORROW, In "THB SLAVE LoTtffeop. ' . 24fH And 1.6filAoI MARY PICK FORD, in "CINDERELLA." South. APOLLO. 2TH AND LEAVENWORTH BKSSIB BARRISCALE, In "ROSE O' THE RANCHO,' ALSO BRAY CARTOON. BOULEVARD. 83D AND LEAVENWORTH "DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, in "THE LAMB." KOHLFP, 25TH AND LEAVENWORTH DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, in "IN AGAIN OUT AGAIN," West. DUNDEE, (1ST AND UNDERWOOD NO SHOW TODAY. , WILFRED LUCAS, In "HANDS UP." ' SHOWN ON THURSDAY. South Side. MAOIC. 24TH AND N HARRY MORET. and ALICE JOYCE, In "THE COURAGE OF SILENCE." DEATHS ft FUNERAL NOTICES. LE1GUTY Walter C. He Is survived by bis .wife (formerly Loretta Dalley).' Funeral Thursday morning from rssl denca, Ul( Sherman avenue, t:80 a. m. to Holy Family church t a, m. Interment Holy Repulrher cemetery. 1IERUM Anna, aged (3, July 17. Service at Hoftmanu funeral home, Thursday, 1 p. in.. Rsv Lorlmer officiat ing. Interment Springwell cemetery. She Is survived by one slater, Mrs. Carrie Simp son of Omaha, two brothers and on sister In Norwsy. Auto service. - HA ZEN Allia J., wif of the lata Thoe. W. Hasen, at her home. 162 Fort St, . Monday, July It, 117, aged (t year. Funeral from residence Thursday, July It, 1117, at p. ru. . Interment Forest I.swn cemetery. ANDERSON Andrew J., aged 41 years. July 16ltl7. ' Funeral Thursday afternoon at :tJ o'clock from family residence, 12 . ltn St. Interment Forest Lawn, cemetery. Friends are welcome. ATTENTION ODD FBLLOW8. Members of Was lodge No. lit,' I. O. O. F., are requeated to meet at their hall In the Swedish Auditorium. Thursday. July 1. 1:1 p. nv to attend tha funeral of our lata brother, A. J. Anderson, from resi dence S43 B. 28th St, at 1 p. m. Member of sister lodges ar invited. RICHARD JOHNSON, Se0, FUNERAL DIRECTORS. H. L. DODDER CO., Funeral Director. r. E. Fero, Mgr., 3d and Cumins Sts. Phone Dougiss 77. Auto ambulance. HUL8E RIEPEN, undertaker and em- eelrners. 101 B.lth. Douglas 1263. DUFFY A JOHNSTON, ernbalmers and fu neral director. TIT 8. 16th Bt Tyler 17. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN, undertaker an mbalmer. t2 Leavenworth. Doug. l((t. FLORISTS. BKINQ a member of the National Florist Telegraph Delivery association, we ar In position to deliver flowers on short notice anywhere In tha united state or vansaa. Hesa e Swoboda, Florists. Fontanel! Florists. LEE L LARMON Ill Douglas St. Douglas 124. LARGEST assortment of fresh flowers. L, HENDERSON. 1319 FARNAM. PARKER FLOWER SHOP, 411 S. 1. D. 2102. THE FERNERY, 601 8. 16th St. Doug. 2986, HATH, National Florlet, 10 Farnsm St A. DONAGHlUE. l:t Harney, Doug. 1001. BIRTHS AND DEATHS Birth C. W. and Emily C. Anderson, . lrvinaton. cirl: Ralnh and Julia WaacK, lSlt South Third street, boy; Michael and Anna, Kwlathowskl, 1761 Clarkson avenue, irtri; Walter C. and Alma C. Klsasser, 1311 North -Sixty-first street, boy; Peter andl Barbara Hornlg, 2737 South wintn. atreei, atrl: Samuel and Marie Frencea. izos wh ltara street boy; Charles and Katharine Crlswell, llt Maple street, girl; Clarence and Helen Cbuman, 161T juinney street, e-irl; Clarence O. and Cora Nourles, 4621 South Twentieth atreet girl; Carl A. and Mary Slup, 1630 Washington street girl; C M. and Florence Rice, 124 North Twen tieth atreet. alrl: William and Goldl Down Ing. 1631 Patrick avenue, girl! Joseph and Hannah Connolly, Florence, ooy; Le a. and May L. Kline, tltltt California street atrl: Frank and Phllemlna Paladlno, 1001 South Twenty-second street, boy; William M. and Stella Hetrlok, 4427 3 street, girl; Lon E. and Edna Warnir, 62 South Twen ty-flrst street, girl; Joseph and Lucy Be- v no. 221 1 Plerc atreet gin: wmiam and Nellie F. Malone, 191 Webster arreet. girl; Emll and Maria Polak, 141S William street hoy; George and Sofia Verietas, 461 South Twenty-first atreet boy; Michael and Helen Oarvey. 101 North Twenty-eeventh street, boy; Paul and Stella Ersklne, 1120 North Forty-eighth street, girl: Louis and Rose Cantonl. 102 South Twenty-first street girl; Frank and Casimo Nlgro, 401 Woalirnrlh avenue, girl. Deaths Samuel Raker, (0. House ' of Hope; Kathertn E. Froeltch, 6. 2712 North vtrtv-elahth avenue: Jennie Early, 11, 2411 Patrick avenue: Matthew Buford, 4S, 110 North Thirty-sixth street; August Ziebell, , 71, hospital: Josepn Megata, S4. umana. MARRIAGE LICENSES The following permits to wed have been Usued; ; Oeorg A. Swan, Council Bluffs, la...... 24 Glendore Hincbey, Omaha..... 20 - r-rmm t Walla Vnnl Cora; Cumlng'a, Hamburg. la...... It ary E. Bell, Omaha 10 Izara M. Bell. Carroll. la It r-harles B. Mutton, Omaha 17 Vera. ;vf OmJL. ............ ....I .... It R.nauui Anderson. Bennington. Neb.. 2 Anna Chritenen. Omaha. . 2 . . , : ....ever it dKS Jiuii.n, . . . . .......... - Ioretl E. Emblen, Omaha ....over II l.oai J. Tomsn. Omaha.......!.. H Margaret Cioldapp, Benson, Neb 26 Tbnt W. Torpy. Omaha 24 K-a M. Flvnn. Omaha , 21 v&wtti MeoariL Omaha. ........ a. ..... . MxtUt Buiiock. Omehs......A.A.t.... 1J , . BUILDING PERMITS. Building permit bav been issued to the following: ' Olobe Van and Storage company, 2707 1701 Ixard street, alterations and repair to warehouse, 13,000; Dr. A. P. Condon, 1620 Pacific street, brick dwelling. $:0,000. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS "OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persona having loat some article would do well to call up tbe office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway compsny to ascertain whether they left It la the street ear. Many articles each day are turned In and tha company la anxioua to restore them to the rightful owner, LOST : Strayed, Saturday Eve., brown and white Scotch collie; full grown: answer to name of "Sandy.'' Call Douglas (142 between I end 11, mornings. IF YOU lose anything and will advertise It here you will surely recover It If found by an honest person. If you find anything of value tha honest why I to advertise for the owner. LOST Small lady'e pocket book on Far nam car between 25th St. and W. O. W. Bldg.. contained -HO, receipt and email change. Reward. Dougle 290. LOST Breast pin. Pearls and small dia mond center. Lost Sunday. Probably at llth or lsth and Harney. Reward. Call Colfax 16S1. LOST On South Omaha car. umbrella, horn handle. Initialed "L. Pagen." Reward. Phone Savings Dept., U. 8. Nat. Bank. LOST Checkbook; also blankbook with cash; plr-ase return to Helael Hansen, (00 Center St. Walnut 116. Reward. LOST Ladles' gold watch, closed case, chain attached. Finder call Walnut 24 and receive reward. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. ATTENTION, FURNITURE BUYERS. Do not buy any furniture, rugs or stove until you have seen us first. We offer you a t26.00O STOCK OF HIGH-GRADE FUR. MTCRE, RUGS. STOVES and COM PLETE HOME OUTFITS for praoUo.lly your own price. W ar forced to vacate our four-itory warehouse, and Ha entire content must be sold at once. Sal take place at -our ale room at tha eorner of 14th and Dodge streets. Do not fall to attend. It I aa opportunity of a lifetime. Hundreds have already taken adv ... tage of thl wonderful opportunity. Why don't youT STATE FURNITURE CO., T. 1117. Cor. 14th and Dodge St.. Omaha BARGAINS in furniture, lc boxes, gas stove, rugs, beds, china, and kitohen cent rists, tables, chairs, buffet, dresners, trunks, suitcases. Full Una of poultry net ting, acreen. 1839-47 N. ;4tn. weo. ibut. fem CREAM tables, off. fur., chair, refrlg., Ins coolers, gardan hose, porcn furniture, Victrolan and pianos. Loyal Furn. Co., 223 V. 16th. City Furn, Co.. 107 8. 14th. FOR BALK White enameled baby bed ar sanitary nign cnair. rrao. pew, h. , RUSH right downand get your shara of all kinds furniture at sacrifice, to N. 16th. aV sanitary high chair. Prao. new, m. 2 Boat, Yachts, Etc. FOR SALE Stern-wheel steamboat Wash. burn and barge Blunt, now snrouta to St. Louis. Apply to Benton Packet Co., Bis marck, N. D. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, eell needle and part Of all sewing machines. i . MICKEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 16th and Harney Bt. Doug. 1661. Typewriters and Supplies. SUPREMACY IS A GOAL all manufacturer strlvs for, but I accom plished by only on la each field. Th Remington typewriter la recog nised aa the leading machine by the great majority of business men. Let us put on In your office on trial. A week will convince you of It supe riority. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO., 101 S. ltth St. Douglas 1214. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver typewriter s monins Tor $5. Central Typewriter Exchange. MO Farnam. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE," lt05 Farnam. Douglas 4111. All mates. . Ouaranteed Typewriters, $10 and ur. Writ for list Midland Typ. Co.. 14Q6 uoflga. Miscellaneous. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Fea there ateara renovated and made up tn fresh ticics cost half the price of new pillows. Call us for sample of ticking ana price, nuj cum' Ing. Dougla 1487, nbflltVUmnuaJ In Ini'B 1 1 nn Wl ll 1 1 V . sen ana max oesas, sairs, mowim. sneiving, etc umana r ixiurs m nuvvir 8. W.Cor. llth A Doug. Sts. Phone D. 2724. i.000 FT. EXCELLENT aecond-haml rubber hose. Must be sold immediately, cneap prlca. A. 81NOKK. 07 N. 16th, SALE OR TRADE Woode' Eleutrlo A Rec tifier; good condition. U. 1U0 or D. Mas. DRY KINDLING WOOD. ACME BOX COMPANY. HARNEY 137. SWAPPERS' COLUMN AUTO WANTED For good automobile I will trad an $800 equity In 6-room bungalow, near Hanscom Park, worth 13,000. Will rent for 120 per month. Thon Tyler 2610, Mr. pipkin, TWO lot city of Calgary, Alberta. Canada, assessed 1000.00 for some furniture and piano, rhone Mr. Mllns. Dougla 1214, FILMS developed. 10o a roll; one-dity eerv lot.. Kase Kodak Btuaip, Kevin juik., 16th and Harney. DIAMONDS and jewelry to trad for rlflea, shotguns. Friedman. 1211 Dougiss Bt wantIdto buy WB Witt. PAT CASH FOR A WILLING MACHINE OR SHAPEH. TELL B1NKLEY. 2311 HARNEY ST. DESKS DESKS DESKS :iew desks, used desks, bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1207 Fsrnsm. P. (164. WANTKD to buy or rent, a garage In lively country town, particulate in first letter. Ogdon Bros.. 1331 8. 26th Ave., or phone Tyler 1146-W, OLD CLOTHING weVy. HIGHEST PRICES. POUGLAS 031. CASH paid for diamonds. Estatea sp- pralsed. Reese Jewelry Co., 401 8. 16th. TT?Ml7TMCi w hls-heat prices for ms-ia iw, clothe. shoe, trunks, etc. Red I2T. Res., Poug. S033. DIAMONDS 40 S. l&thSt SOL BKRGM AN CO. WANTED to buy, slightly used 1017 Ford touring car. South 4360. BOOKS Bought. Kleser. lyal Hotel Bldg. BOOKS bought, S. 16th. Tyler 22. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEQN, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covereu ouiione, an eiaee anu styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let cut work, buttonholes, pennant. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO, Opposite Brandels Stor. 100-101 Brown Bldg. Dougla 1tl. VAN ARMAN Dress Pleating and Button Co., 136-7 Paxton Blk. Dougla 1101. Accountants. Dworak-Ure Audit Co., Ill Ramg Bldg. Phone Poug. tilt. Baths. MASSCUSE. baths, manicuring, physical cult. Miss Walker. 224 Neville Blk. D. 4:97. RITTENHOUSE ' Saultartum. all klnda baths. 110-114 Balrd Blk., 17th ft Pouglss. CENTRAL Bath lustitut. . 130 Harney. Pouglss 107. OMAHA BATH INSTITUTE, 22 .Neville niocg mn arm narney bii, mug, mi. Brass and Iron Foundries. Psxton-Mltchell Co., 17th and Martha Bt. Bakeries. ORTMAN'S NEW ENGLAND BAKERY, 111 N. 1TH. BRANCHES PUBLIC MARKET AND HAYDEN BROTHERS. OfR MOTTO "BUTTER BAKED GOODS." Billiards and Pocket Tables. FOR SALE BILLIARD TABLES, brand new carom and pocket with complete outitt, lo0; second-hsnd table at re duced prices: bowling alleys ami supplies; easy payments. Claar store fixtures a , pecially, snd for rstalngue. THE BRUN8W1CK-BALKE-COLLENDER CO., oht toaia th gt. ANNOUNCEMENTS Carpenters and Contractors. LKSSARD SON'. 2021 Cuming. Ty. 122. Chiropodist. Carrie J. Burford, 620 Paxton Blk. R. 457. Detectives. ' OMAHA DETECTIV- ASSOCIATION. 000 1st Nat Bk. Bldg. Phone Tyler 2610. JAMES ALLAN, 212 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all cases. Tyler lit. B. D. JOLLY, 611-Paxton. Red 7401, Dressmaking. TERRY Dressmaking Co.. 20th and Farnam. Fixtures and Wiring. rvTTpj'TKT Electric washing machines, LUiVlVlll electric irons and reading lamps. 3-'.l Coming St. Doug. 2S1. Furs Stored. FURS stored, cleaned and remodeled, 'ri pries. Furs dyed. H. Rotbholx, Furrier. Harney 2762. 211 Leavenworth. Household Specialties. C F. ADAMS, 622 B. 16th. D. 2007. Under new management, Wa want to sea old friends and meet new. Open. Sat. eves. Your credit Is good. Agenta wanted. Insurance. BANKERS' LIFE OF LINCOLN. 1S-14 City Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. lilt. Jewelry, Diamonds and Watches. FOR GRADUATION Watchea and rings -t Friedman's. 1211 Pouglss. Lumber and Building Materials. SAVE HALF on beams, columns, brick. H. Gross Lumber and Wreck Co. Web. 2184. Machinery and Engines. FOR SALE At a bargain, rotary bydraulio well drill, or will trad for small kerosene tractor. Box Y 16, Bee. Masseures. MASSAGE, chropody. Alta Head, 201-14 Balrd Bldg.. 17th and Douglas. D, 1461. Central Bath Inst., 1606 Harney. Doug. 707. Osteopaths. MRS. J. R. Mustek, sulphur, seam and euca lyptus baths, 402-2 Rose Bldg. Ty. 2363. Oxy-Acetylene Welding. Expert Weldinsr on All Metals. H. W. LEVERING. 101 B. 12th St. D. 1671. Patent Attorneys. STURGES BTURGES, U. S. and foreign patent and trademark. HO Bee Bldg. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter national Patent Co.. 681 Brandels. P. 661. Hat Cleaners. ALL kinds hate cleaned and reblocked; la- dles hat epeclalty. 1620 Harney. R. 47l. Pianos for Rent. 13.60 per mo. A Hospe Co.. 1611 Dougla. Printing and Office Supplies. Waters-Barnhart Ptg Co.. 24 6. 13th St. Roofing. Omaha Roofing Co., comp., gravel, asphalt shingls pattern roofing A ahingla coating. All kinds of repairing. 62 Bee Bldg. P. 1041 Safes. SAFES BARGAINS, 1212 Farnam. J. J. Derlght Safe Co. Theatrical Costumes. THEATRICAL gowns, full dress suit for rent 206 N. 17th. John Feldman, P, 1111. Trunks and Traveling Bags. WE make them ourselves; why pay two profit for Inferior good when you can get high grade goods at first cost . ALFRED CORNISH CO., Mfrs. of Harness, Saddle and Traveling Goods, 1210 Farnam St. : Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply, 207 8, llth. P. 2t. Trusses. "CLECO" COMFORT TRUSSES. Perfect Fit Guaranteed. Th W. a Cleveland Co., 1410-11 Harney St Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Dougla 44. Where to Eat EAT HOME-COOKED - MEALS. NEW DELICATESSEN. 180 FARNAM. BUSINESS CHANCES CONFECTIONERY AND v DELICATESSEN. Located on good corner, West Farnam , St.,' doing a good business, will bear olose Inspection. Good reason lor selling, NATHAN SOMBERG. 1105 First National Bank Bldg. Tyler TS GOOb grocery stock, fixtures, store build ing and 6-room cottage, umana. rnc 14 000; mortgage 1.300. Step right In and run. the atora. Owner will sell on asy payment or take om trade. . EDWARD V. WILLIAMS . CO., Raaltnral 108-4 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. P. 420 FOR SALE One of the oldest grocery snd meat market In Omaha", doing strictly cash business. Reason for selling, other . business. Will sell for cash or good se curity. Box 14M, Bee. WILL ell my garage on on of th beat street In th city; doing a good business; wish to retire from business. Would con slder a trade. Tele. Webster'2SlJ. HOTEL business and fixtures tor sal at Elba. NeH. : 1600 will turn tha deal. It Interested aea 8. Kudsk. Elba, Neb. Th only hotel , In town and no restaurant, FOR SALE Ice cream, candy, soft drinks and lunch parlor. Big kltcbsn, good lo cation In town of 1,000. Address 101 W. th St., Grand Island, Neb. ' WELL established millinery, business for sale at once; fin trade, good condition beat location ana a. bargain, box to, Woodbine, la. . WE BUY We- aell motion picture theaters, machines, feature films, co-operativ Film A Supply Co.. 210 Bromley Bldg, MOTION picture . machines (new and re- built); theater supplied, umana mm Exchange, 10 8. ltth St MOVING PICTURE machines, new and re built, all makes; supplies, Western sup. ply Co., 201 Nat. Bldg MONEY-MAKING shoe repair business for sale, Nebraska town. Address v. Knlest, Omaha. CLEAN stock geu. Hide, and grocery. Sell or mtgnt trade, w. uray, r,anyvine, nvu. PHYSICIAN Wanta a location: good email town; nn properly, hot i-iuv. xee. TO GET In or out of buslnesa call on GANOESTAP, 14 Bee Bldg, Doug. 1477. RESTAURANT for sale. Invoices $1,300. Price $660. Iowa Cafe, tot N. 16tn. omsna. YOUR business or real estate handled for aale. F. V. Knlest, Be Bldg.. Omaha. FOR SALE, or partner wanted. Kellogg Brick A Tile Co., Kellogg, Iowa. HOTEL for aala or trade. No opposition. Hotel Spalding, Spalding, Neb. DO WD SALE AND AUCTION CO. 1116 W. O. W. Bldg. Red t:85. AUTOMOBILES MAXWELL BALES AND SERVICE. : New Cars on Hand. W Have Also j , On 11 Maxwell... .......$321 . On 11 Maxwell (360 1911 6-cyl. 8tudebaker......500 A trial will convince you that these car are right OMAHA GARAGE CO.. 1010-1 Harney St. Service Car Always Ready. YOU NEED TIRES AND TUBES REPAIRED, DON'T TOUT ALL RIGHT. WK PO THE BEST WORK IN TOWN. TRY U& THB TIRE SHOP, 361 FARNAM. DOUGLAS 4671. HERE E A GOOD BUY. Brlsvo 4-20 Club Roadster, need but a little shop work, fully equipped, retail eight twenty-fire. Owner will take less. I can't afford to keep two cars. Phon Colfax 166 or caU at 6436 Florence Blvd. F. A. Blxby. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE. 120 Farnam. Dougla 111. Ill Maxwell t!6 111 Chevrolet' 1360 191 Overland roadster 147 Ptudebaker touring $250 CARS FOR HIRE. Will rent you a car, with or without drlvr. Best eervlca. Better ratea. Also best tub repairing In city. , fie Us. 11 8. 1th 8t Tel. P. tl0. TRADE your old battery In on. a guaranteed Ever-ready storage battery. Free Inspec tion of any battery. Ever-ready Storage Battery Co.. 110 Farnam St C Ws FRANCIS AUTO CO. Used Car Dept. 121 1-1 1 Harney St Douglaa (61. Almost any make at reasonable prices. FOR SALE Losier rod.ter. looks and runs Ilk new; will take good Ford In part payment; a snap for some on. Address Bor Y 10. Bee. UNCSUAu Urn a I us In silently used tires; expert tire and tuba repairs. O. A G. Tire A V u lean lain g Co., S421 Leavenworth. Tyler IJ61-W. , THE BEE: OMAHA, ., JULY , 1917., - - - - - , AUTOMOBILES OVERLAND USED CAR DEPARTMENT. ' THE' SAFEST USED CAR MARKET IN THE WORLD. You ar protected In your selection of need car from our large and varied stock for, our allowance price are conservative and our selling price correapondingly low. 6 11 Overland ! touring. 21114 Overland 76-B touring. 211 Overland 76-B roadster. 1115 Overland 10 coupe. 111 Overland 61 panel delivery. 111 Overland 7i-B,express. 1114 Hudson 17 touring. 1 11 Saxon roadster. 11114 Chandler, (-cylinder touring. 1 116 Chandler, -cy Under touring. '211 Maxwell touring. 2 11 Maxwell touring. 1191 Commerce tiac. 1113 Cadlllao touring. X 116 Paige touring. - 11112 A p person touring. 1111 Mots touring. . WILLYS-OVERLAND, INC., 104T Farnam St. " Tel. D. 1312-L. Open Sundays, and Evenings. CROSSTOWN GARAGE, 116 S. 2tth St. Douglas 4443. Careiui repairing, quica .rvlce: carbon burning, 60c per cylinder. Radiator repairing, weioing, etc. WA-tTED FOR SPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS; quick action; no aeiay. auio x,- change Co.. 2IQ7 rarnam m uom. vou. MV 116 Mitchell touring car, electrlo lights and starter: jusi overnauiea; new ma, . ...... , it- , n n i bargain at saie. rnone nanigj ..v., WANT old auto truck or car I can convert Into truck; rauet do cneap or on nam terms. P. Graves, Box 164, Bellevue, Neb. TELL A BINKLEY. WE BOY AND SELL USED FORDS. 111 Harney St. Doug. 1640. ltt7Ford and 1117 Bulck. INDUSTRIAL GARAGE CO., 20th and Harney. . Douglas 6261. BUT Lee Punetureproof Pneumatic Tires and eliminate your lira itoudics. roneu Supply Co., 2051 Farnam Bt. MUST saciflce my 7-passenger, -cyllnder 116 car; muss ds seeu iu vj"v.-. van n. iuFi BERTSCHY "Kan-Flx-It" Southeast cor ner 20th and Harney Bta. Douglaa 2562. WANT modern six auto for clear Brownell Hall district lot. Canan. aicuague mm WB ar th ued Ford men. Auto Salvage A Exchange. 110 H. lnn ' Wanted. AUTO WANTED . . For a good automobile I will trad aa flOt equity In a 6-room bungalow, near Hanscom Park, worth 13,000. Will rent for $30 par month. Phone Tyler 2610, Mr. Pipkin WANTED Ford chassis In good condition. Lenient terms. Box 6668, Mee Electric Starters and Repairs. ALL MAKES REPAIRED. STRAHLE A ANDERSON, INC 11 8. 19th St. i Douglas 641. ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT SERVICE CO. "Omaha'a Reliable Starer Repair Shop." 2230 Farnam St. Douglas 377. Tires and Supplies. TIRE pries wreckers. This is no I In 1 tlr. COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY, . 110H4 Jackson. Agt. wanted. Omaha. Neb. Auto Repairing and Painting. 100 reward for magneto wa can't repair. Coll repaired. Baysdorfar, 210 N. ltth. Motorcycles and Bicycles H A R L E Y - DAVIDSON MOTORCTCLES. Bargains In used macnines. victor a. Roos, "The Motorcycl Man," 27th and Leavenworth. ; WE WANT to show you th only mOtorcyolo with a straight lin worm drive, riou Bros., 126 Farnam FOR SALE A new Indian bicycle, with a new pmnn moior wnwi iiimuiu, v 166. Address Box T 101. Be. Bsssaaaanacaa PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial Home so licita your old clothing, furniture, maga sinee. We collect We distribute. Phon Doug. 4125 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home. 1110-1112-111 Dodge St . PERSONAL Parties knowing whereabout of Mrs. Edith May nyaa win pieass nomy her daughter. Miss Irons' Hyde, 2632 De pew St., Denver. Colo. Was last heard of in 1107 at 420 24th tAv., Omaha, Neb. $10 reward. BATHS and massage. Central Bath Insti tute, 150 Harney flt Doug. 7017, Open evenings. MISS FISHER, aulphur, steam, bath and massage, i Bran, -jnea. oiog. v. LUELLA WEBSTER, massage and mani curing, els-paxton ik. neo ivv. Manicuring and masa. 1623 Farnam. R. It. ALL RIGHT private maternity home. Beat care. 2606 Bristol. Web. 10. PRIVATE licensed maternity horn. 441 N. llth St Phone Colfax 2041. BATHS, massage. 102 Farnam. Room 1 Phone Dougla 6761 Manicuring, massag and scalp treatment. 702 S. 24tn, bet iw ana s ior appt. i-y. SCIENTIFIC massage. 620 Beo Bldg. Phon Douglaa, 3ix. MAE BRUGMAN, scientific masseuse and baths. 201 Karbach Blk. Red 2727. Persistent Advertising is the Road to Success. MEDICAL DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 BEE BLDO ' PILES, FISTULA CURED. rt. V T Tow. tira ntlea. fistula and the rectal diseases without surgical op eration, cure 'guaranteea ana no money paid until cured. Write for book on rec tal disease and .testimonial. WHY SUFFER T Latest and Most Bclentlfle Treatment for all Diseases. Dr. Charles Barnes. 611-624 Rosa Bldg. Examination and Consultation free.' He I curing mou sands. WHY NOT YOUT Delays are dan gerous. If you can't call, writs. Hour, a. m, to 6 p. m.; 7:30 to 1:30 evening, Sunday by appointment. RUPTURE auccessfully treated without a surgical operation. van or wm v., Frank H. Wray. 10 Bee Bldg. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain.' 21 W. O. W. Bldg. Taft's Pent Rme.. 10 Rose Bldg. D. 116 Chiropractors. DR. KNOLLENBERO. SANITARIUM Lady attendant 265 Harney. P. Drs. Johnston, 1326 W. O. W. Bldg. D. 652, Dr. J. C Lawrence. Balrd Bids. P. 4S1, SITUATIONS WANTED Male. A MAN 3a years old. twelve years' a teacher, for Dait flv year a teacher of bookkeep ing, would like position as bookkeeper or assistant; beat of references; eastern Nebraska preferred. Address Box T-110, Bee. TWO experienced house and lawn men want work; tree trimmed. Wall paper cleaned. Dougla 4. t'eianey or gaaer. YOUNG man, aged 13, wanta position en gineer or general repair man; city rat. Web. 6040. . COLORED man, cook, wanta a Job in or out of the city. Address Box Be. Female. LADY with very best ref., 11 or 14 year experience nurse, desires position In doctor ofnc or car oi cnuaren irti ellng." No encumbrance. Harney 241 EXPERIENCED reliable young larty with excellent reference wants position aa cashier In cat or general office work. Coll 8. 7214. PLAIN aewtng. to teach crocheting and tatting, needle work. Yokea and fin laca by yard or piece, web. 6is. RELIABLE colored woman wanta day work. D. 47. KURSK ould Ilk a case. Harney 494. Laundry and Day Work. WASHING and Ironing neatly done; called for and delivered. Phon soutn 4373. EXP. laundress, fine cloths speclslty. 11. 1104, Work by hour, rough dry wash. Web. "IS. Bun. wash., men's cloth, specially. Col 1492, Day work for Wed.. Thurs. Frt Dr 497 Bundle wash, rough or finish, by do. W. 167L EXP. lady -want day work. Web. 6627. DAY .work wasted, Webster 21.7, HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. WANTED An . experienced , Elliott-Fisher operator. M. E. Smith & Co., th and Farnam St. OFFICE MAN. ' Young office man, accurate at figure and ambttloua to connect with a growing institution, and who has- knowledge of ledger work. , This 1 a good opportunity for right man. ' Full detail, age. salary expected, In first letter. Box 4711, Bee. OPPORTUNITY for young man to ntr into wholesale mercantile business. Those having retail experience given preferences. Glv detailed reply: Box 6712, Bee. 1 . , OFFICE MAN. An excellent opportunity for experienced man. - Must be good at figures. . This is a fin position for th right kind of a man. Wholesale mercantile business. Ad dress Box 6706, Bee. " TOCNO MAN TYPI8T. ' Beginner considered. Mast be fairly rapid on machine.' wide awake, full of pep. Advance ment Address Box 6704 Bee. WANTED Voung man capable taking cnarge oi yarn oriice, operated ox coai and building material company. Reply in own hand writing and ,etate references. Address Box 6716, Bee. IF you are qualified for a bookkeeping. stenographic or clerical position, so us at once. We can place you. WATTS REF. CO.. Ill 1st Nat Bank. THIRTY-EIGHT positions to b filled at once. NO FILING FEE. THB MARTI CO., 1117 W. O. W. Bldg. GENERAL office clerk, 175. WESTERN REFERENCE ft BOND ASS'N, 73Flrst National Bk. Bldg. WANTED Hotel clerk, 36 to 46 yeara old. with good referencea and experience. Ad dress Box No. 2469, Bee. CALL on the Co-Operatlve Reference Co., for drug and commercial posltiona, 1015 City Nat'. Bank Bldg. Profession and Trades. WANTED Carpenters Apply J. C. Mardis Co., Hoagland Warehouse at 9th and Douglas Sts., and Park School, 29th and Woolworth Avenue. . ' BRICKLAYERS wanted at the Momingside High school. Apply to Norman Oien, Sioux City, la. WANTED FIRST-CLASS AUTO REPAIR MAN. TELL A BINKLEY, 2311 HAR NEY ST. WANTED Experienced tlr repair man at once; will pay top wage and treat you rights permanent position for th right man. Lark In Tlr and Rubber Company, Cherokee, la. LINEMEN wanted for telegraph gangs on U. P. R. K ', good pay and accommoda tions. P. F. Franxer, 401 U. P. Bldg., Omaha, Neb. WANTED Expert man press machine oper ator. Blurt city Laundry Dry Cleaning Department, Bluff City Laundry, Council Bluffs, la. PRINTERS First-class linotype operator; also job and ad man; steady positions. York Blank Boole Co., York, Neb. WANTED Men to deliver loe, Apply Omaha Io and Cold Storag Co.. Btji and Jones. WANTED A driver tor grocery wagon. Buffet A Bon. LEARN barber trade; low rate now. Call or writ Barber college, 1114 Dougla St. WANTED At once, a first class granite letterer. Writ C. B. Holden, Cherokee, la. WANTED a man to run" J. I. Case Thresh ing Engine. M. O. BHetein, Loretta, Neb. UNION carpenter for Wyoming, -60o pep hr. Emerald Labor Agency, 222 j 8. loth HOLDERS Railroad work, .open shop,, big wages. Berry Foundry, St. Joseph, Mo.- WANTED 10 CIG'ABMAKERS. '. KIPP CIGAR CO.. HASTINGS, NEB. WANTED Barber ' at Her Grand barber shop. lth nd Howard Sts. GOOD all-around carpenter wanted, . John Elnfalt, Gretna,. Neb., , Salesmen and Solicitors. MR. SALESMAN. YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A JOB AND YOU WANT ONE WHERE YOU CANNOT ; ONLY MAKE MONEY RIGHT BUT ONE THAT WILL GIVE YOU A BIGGER CHANCE IN THE FU TURE. WOULD $60 TO $100 A WEEK APPEAL TO YOU, WITH AN OPPOR TUNITY TO EARN MORE WHEN YOU HAVE LEARNED OUR WORKT IF SO. CALL AT 1217 W. O. W. BLDG. AFTER t:30 WEDNESDAY. WANTED-rExperlenced aalesman with Ford carTor saleswork in Omaha and vicinity; good salary. R. & O'Dell, 1317-11 W. O. W. Bldg. Call Doug. $621 for appoint ment ' " ' WANTED Completing the organisation of a atate wide alesforce. I need two stock salesmen. Must be llv wires and bacon getters. Easy selling proposition, per - manency and big earning power assured. Be O. L. Wright, F la tiro n hotel, before 10 a. m. SALESMAN with original Idea Who can sell dlrect-by-matl advertising and cataloguea; sajary proposition. Box 6620, Bee. WANTED A young, aggressive man, who has had some shoe experience, to solicit the shoemakera trade In Omaha and Council Bluffs with a Una of sol leather and abo finding. Address, Bos Y-100, Bee. ' AN excellent opportunity for a live wire aalesman; three to flv thousand a year to a producer. Call on general and cloth Ing store trad In Neb. and South Dakota. Box 411, Waterloo, la. 8ALE8MAN WANTED, Call 31 a lth St Teamsters and Chauffeurs. TEAMSTERS wanted. Winter la coming, steady Job for the right men. Apply at 46th and Dodge Sts. Monday 6:30 a. m. Updike ' Lumber and Coal Co. TEAMSTERS WANTED Steady work and good pay. Apply Sunderland Bros. Co. South Yard: 20th and Hickory 8treeta. West Yard: 4 2d and IzaM Streets. WANTED Experienced Ford driver; bring referencea when - you apply. . Th Pan, torlum. Boys. WE WANT two boys to learn ' the printing trade; one for the linotype room and one for the pressroom. Only boys with am bition and real desire to learn a trade considered. Apply today. G? V. CHANDLER, Mech. Supt., Omaha Bee. WANTED Boys; 60 between 11 and 14 years old. Cora ready to: work at I o'clock Thursday morning. 1611 Capi tol Ave. Trade Schools. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Men. women, learn tha barber trade; few weeks completes: pay while learning. Catalogue tree. Rates now on. Call or wilt, .All Bouttt lltft 6L, VBJ . HELP WANTED MALE Trade Schools. LEARN barber' trade; be Independent; mora than make your expenses while learning. Wages or percentage. W don't over charge you to begin. 1401 Dodge 8t TRI-CITY- BARBER COLLEGE. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE, 407 8.' 10th and 1061 Farnam.. Miscellaneous. WANTED Lalborer; Chicago' and North western -riew Kievator. Avenue j ana ivia Bt, Council Bluffs. Sec per hour. , POSITION open for man able . to Ihyest 110,000 with banking company ; Minnesota or Wisconsin territory; furnish , ref erences, age, experience, etc.,' 'first ' letter. Good salary and future. ' Address Box Y 211, car Omaha -Bee.. r . -.' ; , . WANTED Man to work on., dairy farm, regular hours;' all .machinery up-to-date Including, milking machine ate.; win pay $90. per month to right man; land adjoin ing town so you can be home every night Married man only need apply; give ref erences in first letter.', Ben' Schobert, 8prlngfteld. Neb. WANTED 30 ' laborers, steady work, west ern Nebraska, $1.04 per day in addition to. first-class board and, room. Excellent opportunity for advancement Can use several family men. House rent free. Ap ply 120 World-Herald Bldg., Potash Prod ucts Company. . , - SHOVELER8 wanted to unload eoal by the ton; good pay and steady work. Apply Sunderland Bros. Co. North Yard 24th and Taylor tret. South Yard 20th and Hickory atreets. West Yard 42d and Ixard street. " PERMANENT, profitable occupation for steady worker. Spar or whole time. No. canvassing. Hudson Company, Sts. A., Boston, Mass. LABORERS wanted; work In coal and building material yard. Apply Sunder ' land Brothers Compauy, 24th and Taylor Sts. MEN for quarry and grading, 27 Vic per hour and up. flee work up to 66 per aay. Long Job, steady employment. National Stone Company, Louisville, Neb.. ATTENTION, farmers! If you want help we can supply you. Bluff City Employ ment Bureau. 91 V, W. Broadway. P. 431. LABORERS wanted; steady work; good wages. Apply Sunderland Bros. Co.. west yard, 42d snd Izard Sts.. HELP WANTED Male and Female. LEARN TO FLY Men or women. Govern ment or exhibition. Ideal training camp. New balancing device save time. Writ tor particulars. Moler Training College, 105 8. 6th Ave., Chicago. WANTED Man and wife to work on farm three month at $80 epr month, not In cluding board or household goods. H. Stev- ns. Potter, Neb, THOUSANDS government war position open $100 month. . Examination every where, List free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 817 F, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Names men and women wishing government positions, 676 month. Hun dred war appointment. Box Y 49, Be. HELP WANTEDy-FEMALE Stores and Offices. GIRLS 18 YEARS OF AGE OR OVER. GRAMMAR OR HIGH SCHOOL GRAD UATES PREFERRED, TO LEARN TO OPERATE THE COMPTOMETER AD DING MACHINE; EASIER AND BET TER PAY THAN TYPEWRITING: NO OFFICE EXPERIENCE NECESSARY CLASS STARTING AT ONCE. . CALL MORNINGS AT 602-1-4 M'CAGUB BLDG. FELT-T ARRANT MFG. CO. A YOUNG lady to clerk an,d answer tele phone in first-class grocery store, $10 per week, with advancement as soon a ability I shown. Prefer one who has had tele pone experience. State qualifications . in application. Address Box 6709, Bee. WANTED An . experienced Elliott-Fisher operator. M. E. Smltn & Co., 9th and Farnam" St. -' , . TWELVE stenographers, $30 to 17a. . P. . B. -X.- opr. 'and typist, $43. , Multigraph operator, $60. . MANY MOR -NO FILING FEB. THE MART1 CO.. 1517 W. O. W. Bldg, STENOGRAPHER. and clerk, $66; blller, $60 to $86: etenogripher,. $66; typist, $40 to 150; orriee cierit, $50.. , ., . WATTS R.EF. CO.. 1131 1st Nat Bank WB can uaa stertoa., bookkeepers and office clerks; . . ' , SEE THB .CANO AGENCY, 0t BEE BLPG. STENOGRAPHER and. assistant bkpr., $60. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N, 736 First National Bk. Bldg. WB NEED stenographers, bookkeeper and omc clerk. Co-Opratlv-.Rcf.ernce Co. Professions and Trades. LEARN barber trade.. 1403 Dodge St. Housekeepers and Domestics. WANTED Competent middle-aged woman for general housework, small family; ref. erences required. Mrs. C. W. Morton, 4103 Davenport 8t GOOD white girl for general housework, no laundry, 6 tn family, cool room and good borne, 130 month. 8215 Burt St WANTED At once, s clean experienced col ored woman' cook in' private family $35 per month. Box $161, Bee. WANTED-vGirl for second work, reference required, good wages. Mrs. . Joseph Barker, S607 Jackson 8t Harney 27. WANTED Girl for general housework. ' One preferred who can sleep at home. Throe In family. Web. 6464. WANTED Young girl to help with house work and car ' of baby. Call Dougla 4782. GOOD girl, wanted for Jight housework; good wages;' no washing. , Phon Harney 4288. WANTED Experienced white'' woman to take care of children. ' 426 N. 88th 8t WANTED An experienced white cook: ref ences required Mrs. Harold Glfford, , 420 South 36th St Tel. Harney 844. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE ' ' DAY SCHOOL, NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day Is enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, atenotypy, typewrit' Ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer cial and English branches. Catalogue freu. BOYLE8 COLLEGE. ' ' ' Pouglss 1666. 18th and Harney Sts. VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. DAY AND EVENING SCHOOLS, Second Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg. Entrance 220. Douglas 88 to. MONEY TO LOAN FURNITURE, piano, and notea aa security, $40, i mo., H. goods,, total cost $3.60. $40, t mo. endorsed notes, total cost, $2.60. Smaller, large am'ta proportionate rat. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. 432 Rose Bldg.. llth and Farnam. Ty. 66. LEGAL - RATES , LOANS 124.00 $240.00 - or more Easy payments. Utmost privacy. 140 Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug. 2296. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. Horses Live)' StockVehicles FINE bay driving horse for sale, 146. Good . well matched bay team. $85. These are bargains on account of going out of busi ness. Harney 2501. FOR SALE l'oung Jersey cow, with heifer calf.- Benson 116. FOR RENT ROOMS Hotels. HARLEY HOTEL. 20TH AND FARNAM. Speclal low rates to . permanent . guests. COOL rooms for summer. $2 - wk.: apta. with kitchenette, ooucv ui - -o Bluff. Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTERS! If you fall to find th room you desire among these ads call at The Bee of fine foe a Room List Gives complete" description of vacant rooms In all parts of th city. Nw lists Usued every week, ctb Trpr v .. . I.r.p rw! front room. .nun., u, . . newly furnished, newly papered, hot, also Ice. water; only $8 to respectable gentle man; clean, quiet, homelike place; must ae to appreciate: waising uiuuvc, t.i 14 blocks. 7W jvortn ..a. 2131 DOUGLAS Walking distance: e xcep lllw 11 mrr ,nd Urffl room. BUlt .kl. a. inriMr, An IM Hides. ffOOd ventilation, welt furnished, on bath room flovts.jwi'.- reMoniigio.. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. TWO elegantly furnished rooms with bath. nftabla lor one ur apartment: private- family; gentlemen II" Ml Park Av. . Telephon. Harney 48t4 or Tyler m J. SOUTH room, excellent furnishings, tnoo.- rn conveniences, .',v,"r month; breakfast optional; walking dis tance, narney am- COOL pleasant-east room. Py treet ; b. jt.trtff hlock to car. walking distance; reasonable term. r ney 1461. 625 Lincoln Blvd.. large, cool, n'"1' ' '"Jf! nished;rm, suitable ior i -vv.y ...iti . nrlvate home. Douglas 666.!. NICE coot single and double rooms; boara optional; electric ugnt. boi .Ln m s 25th St.. Dougla 6068. NICE, cool, single Od douDie roorM.J' or without boara: eiect ". i u MAtlnff Dmislss 6068. SJOl! 'DODGE Walking distance, modern, . private family, tonvemenece TlctTQla,.auto, Harney im. LARGE -front room: for.ono' or two. gentle- . . ii... m , lines. men, in pnvaio ,unj,.v . 8 46 D. JJIOOI. 213 PARK' AVE. Nicely' furnished small room in raoaern uuiuu, .,."-- reasonapie. narney. 624 N. 20TH Sleeping rooms; modern; pri vate home; also housekeeping rooms; very reasonable. 1214 SO.' 10'fH Small sleeping rooms, mod ern, near depot . snd " bolesalo: district $7 month.- 211 . 8. 2iTH Very . desirable furnished rooms; modern , conveniences; cooi auu clean; ' - . - .-. - , . MODERN room for - gentleman;- private family; walking' distance-. Douglas udo. 603 8. 22D ST. Nice, cool, clean, furnished room, suitable for two gentlemen. FURNISHED room fronting Hanscom park; moaern. rnone narney w. NICELY furnished room for . rent near Blackstone; $3 a week. Harney 6011. TWO large, cool, front rooms,- or. on room., 313 N. 25th St Dougiss 1965. .2216 DOUGLAS ST. Nice, large, cool front parlor. Phone Douglas 8417. Housekeeping Rooms. 3028 CHICAGO ST. i large, front modern rooms, with kitchenette, completely fur- manei. narney oi in. CASS ST., 3020 2 or' 1 nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, . private family. Har- .ETC . ncy ,iii. SUITE . of clean, .cool,, nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; soutn . ironu v,v Podge. ' 2013 N. 18TH Modern light housekeeping rooms, $1.60 and $2j ,.Trythln fur nished. 1051 PARK AVE. Large, clean, cool, mod. suites of rooms, reason., laundry privi leges. - t ' TWO Urge rooms nd kitchenette; modern home; no children.- 1919 Spencer Bt 613 N. 23D ST. Suit rooms, well fur nished, all modern, laundry privilege. TWO modern housekeeping rooms; right in heart of city; reas. Douglas 8691. ' BEAUTIFUL 3-rm. apt.,- strictly modsrn; . well furnished; reasonable. 2648 Dodge. $14 S. 29TH Large front room; clean and cool. Complete, $10v . TWO and three housekeeping rooms, 410 N. 22d. Apply 2013 Chicago. NICELY furnished housekeeping suite. Har ney 806. . . - . , . 1720 DODGE 2 semi-basement rooms, clean; cool, dry, modern; very desirable. 1921 DOUGLAS Completely furnished, cool rooms; very reasonable; close in. 1611 HOWARD, nice housekpg. mil. Reas. Housekeeping and sleeping rms. Red 8298. Board and Rooms. ATTRACTIVE room with board for 2, in West Farnam district, private home. Ref erences. Call Harney 056. CALL Har. 1796 for beautifully furnished (in blrdseye maple) southeast room. Ex cellent board. - 2037 DODGE Modern room for 2; walking distance reasonable. Tyler-1172.' - FOR RENT HOUSES West WEST - FARNAM DISTRICT 3604 Dodge St,-7 room and sleeping porch; brick and stucco, .nearly' new.- A good opportunity for a desirable and good party to secure a 'select home. - ARMSTRONG-WAL'SHCO., ' $32 Securities Bldg. (Formerly Rose Bldg 1 - 'Tyler-1836. - : (Realtor.) - ROOMING. HOUSE! ,. - , This 22-room house is fin for a room- . Ing and boarding house; close-in" location. Owner , will do reasonable repairing for tenant on a 3-year lease. Address 411 . Capitol Ave. , r , CREIGH,' SONS &' COMPANY. Doug.- 200. . (Realtors.)- . 608 Bee Bldg. V' WEST FARNAM. , Seven room, .fully modern, 8241 Harney St., cheapest in city, considering-location, $35. Call Llnahan, Douglas 2904.- - TWELVE-ROOM house for rent; all modern. 2621 Harney St. Phon Harney .3352 for particulars. FOR RENT Eight-room modern hom in Dundee; sunroom and large garage. On car line. Call Walnut 1023. ' 3167 DAVENPORT ST., 8 rms., $36. E. H. BENNER CO., P. 8401. 1117 BURT ST., ( rms.. all mod., $25.00. : E. H. BENNER, CO., P. - 8408 2533 DAVENPORT ST.. 4 rms,. $15. E. H. Benner Co. Douglas 8406. 2523 DAVENPORT ST.,. 4 rms., $16., ' E. H. BENNER -CO., D.- 8406. 128 8. 86TH ST $50. 130 S. S5th St., $40. Phone Owner, Douglas 2221.- , . North. 3884 BINNEY ST., 6 rms., all mod., $26.00. E. H. . BENNER CO., P. 8406 6-ROOM, ' modern house, -with-garage, $26 a month. 2921 Fowler' Ave. Colfax 1923.. 2405 EMMET Strictly modern -room house, best location. - Webster 1051.' South. ' CLOSE-IN 614 8. 20th: street; nine rooms and barn, $45. J. H. Klnts, 222 8. 6th Street Council .Bluffs. 1729 8., 28th St., 6 rms., mod: ex. ht $20. E. H: BENNER CO., P. 8406. 6-ROOM all modern ' except - heat $14. 3880 South Twenty-third. Tyler 146. MOD. 4-r. Apt;, Har. 4141 or Wal. 3257. Miscellaneous. , . PARTLY MODERN. 4-R., 1616 Carter Lake Blvd......,'. 6-R., 503 Martha 8t MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 4- R 2505 Pierce St 6-R., 4803 N. 29th St...... STRICTLY MODERN. , 6- R., 3018 Dewey Ave..., ., 7- R.,-1033 8. 30th Ave 8- R., 219 Park Ave.... 8-R., 3901 N.17th St. 8-R., 115 8.. 25thAve.., .......... 10-R., 2221 Dodge 8t... .....i FLATS. . ' - STRICTLY MODERN. 5- R., 307 S. 30th St...: :, -, APARTMENTS. ' STOECKER, 828 8. 24TH ST. 4-R.' -Apt, No. ,10...... $18.00 and 1-R." Apt, No. 7. $20.00 and , PORTER & SHOT WELb. 202 S. 17th St. Doug. . Office With HOME BUILDERS. 13.00 12.50 16.00 18.00 17.60 25.00 22.50 30.00 46.00 40.00 25.00 $23.00 $25.00 6013. 1113 N... 21D, 5 rms.... 1226 Burt St., i7 rms.. 117 8. 29th. 7. rms... $20.00 10.00 16.00 354 Dodge St, t rms., with sleep- . Ing porch t$-00 . - ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., , 233 Securities Bldg. Tyler 1536. 206 8. -26th St., 8-r new,-modern flat, $45. 1133 N. 18th. 8-r., hot water heat, $26. 2820 N. -31st St., 6-r., mod. ex. heat $15. 1112 N. 22d St., 4-r.. mod. ex. heat $H RASP BROS., 110 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. $181560 N. 20TH, t rooms, bath. $102220 Clark, 1 rooms. $19-109 a 28th, t rooms. . gl I-1554 N. 20th, 4 rooms. Others. R1NQWALT BROS. Brandels Thea. Bldg. M Houses in all parts of th city. CREIGH. SONS A CO.. 60 Be Bldg. FLAT, 2305 Leavenworth, 6 rooms, $20. JOHN N. . FRENZER. Douglaa 664. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. 5 ROOMS Snd sleeping porch, upper flat, all modern.' 1116 Davenport 6t $33.6tV C G. Carlberg, 111 Brandels Theater. , ST. CLAIR, 24th and harney. 1-room apt Call Har. $47. APARTMENTS, all alaes and prices, aplen- ... . ., .... . vi a . n , . . aia location, ana r imxn, . .-.i.. I-ROOMS, garage, sleeping porch; hot water, heat, janitor service. 2408 Davenport NEW mod. 4-r. apartments. - Weat Farnam district. Phone Walnot 1350. Ncrth. 4-ROOM apt., heated, corner, second .floor, screened porch summer, $23.50. 4-r. apt., heated, first floor, $21. 1812 x Maple St. Red 1881. STEAM heated. $18 snd up, summer ratea, near P. O. G. P. Stehblns. 1610 Chicago. 30 1912t BL'RT. 4-room, sew modern apt' RI.NOWALT tjROS, Brsndds Ttta- Bljfc i--w -fvr iv-srsT-- r.ywrmBj rLi i 'iiiij-vr;.. '- t' -r -.