THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. JULY 18. 1917. 3 Nebraska GENERAL HARRIES REACHES LINCOLN Commander of Nebraska Bri gade at Capital City to Con fer With Other Officers of State Troops. (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, Neb., July 17. (Special Telegram.) General George Harries, commander of the Nebraska brigade, was in Lincoln this afternoon confer ring with Colonels Paul and Hall of the Fifth and Sixth regiments. Lieu tenant Colonel Hollingsworth of the Fiftk.. and- Lieutenant Hunt of the regular army, and Major James V. Heidt, who has been appointed mus tering omcer for Nebraska. Inspection of companies of the "Dandy Sixth" regiment began to day, when Lieutenant Hunt went to Omaha tonight to inspect the Omaha companies. lie will inspect others as fast as he can get to them. This afternoon assignment of lieu tenants appointed this morning, was made: Lieuteant Ted Metcalfe to Company C, Omaha; Cecil C. Cool, first lieutenant, Machine Gun com pany, Lincoln; Fobert Fergeson to Company B, Omaha, and Andrew J. Pethod, second lieutenant to Com pany 11. Another appointment made by the governor is that of Hawy H. Kline of Omaha, as chaplain of the Sixth regi ment. Mr. 4 Kline with' the Salvation army in that cjty. a Inspectors to Come Here The Omaha battalion of the Srxth Nebraska regiment, the machine gun companyvand the band will be in spected and mustered into the fed eral service today, accordingto infor mation received at headquarters from Adjutant General W. E. Steele, x All of the captains of these organi zations have been notified" to have their men in readiness for the inspec tion. Lieutenant C. D. B. Hunt of the regular army, who arrived in Lincoln Monday, will make the inspection. The following order was issued by Lieutenant Aubrey S. Kenworthy, ad jutant general of the Omaha bat talionf "Members of the Omaha battalion, including machine gun men and band men, are hereby ordered to report at the Omaha Auditorium at 9 o'clock Wednesday morning. Members out of the city will take first train in, ac cepting receipts for all moneys ex pended. "These organizations will be in spected by Lieutenant C. D. B. Hunt of the regular army and will be mus tered into the federal service." Captain Phillip Risch of Company D of the "Dandy Sixth" Nebraska has received orders to mobilize his com pany. A federal officer will be here at 7:45 Tuesday evening to inspect the company. The members of the com pany will be allowed twelve days in which to take care, of their business before they leave. They probably will go to Camp Cody at Deming, N. M. -. ' Deshler Sends Sixteen Boys to "Dandy Sixth" Deshler, Neb., July 17. (Special.) Sixteen boys from this town left here today to enlist in the "Dandy Sixth" regiment of the Nebraska National Guard. Deshler is a German Luth eran town and has been attacked by public speakers in the past on the grounds of disloyalty. This is the proof offered by Deshler in , their defense. Theodore Hopman, Herbert Thie man, William Brittain, Harry Fessc, George Ehlcrs, Clyde Edwards, Charles Cholcher, James Powers. Leonard DeBray, Harry Meisner. George Sittlcr, Cort Sprader, Frank Hackborth, Fred Furgeson, -Ralph Cherry, Ernest Nunenkamp, William Koester and Edward Bcckler arc the boys that have volunteered their serv ice to the government. , JIarry Sittlcr is the leader of the ' town band at Deshler and Theodore Hopman is a professor in the. Mis souri Lutheran- Parochial school. Government Takes Over The Tri-State Canal (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, July 17. (Special.) At torney General Willis E; Reed was successful in his trip to Washington to represent the state in the con troversy over the rights of Nebraska settlers to water in the Platte river, which is disputed by the people of Wyoming, the following telegram reaching the legal department of the state today: ; -"Complete successful Secretary j Lane granted rehearing, and today i completely reversed his former dc-; cision. Government now consents to act as trustee and general supervisor j of Farmers' Canal company of Scotts- ; bluff and Merrill counties, making net j savings to farmers of over $700,000. ; Unable to estimate the great value to j state and federal government. Lcav-1 ing for Lincoln Tuesday." - ' j Beach and Hc Named j To Take Soldiers' Votes (From a Siaff Com-Bpondent.) , Lincoln, July 17. (Special.) State Chairman Ed D. Beach of the repub lican state committee who lives in Lincoln and Senator John R. Henry of Howells have been appointed elec tion commissioners under the law passed by the last legislature to re ceive the vote of the soldiers who may be out of the state on military duty at the next election. This, according to an interpretation of the law means they may have to GOVERNOR APPOINTS NEW OFFICERS 'DANDY SIXTH' To Overcome Redness, Tan, Freckles, Wrinkles rrft I.umler Studio MAJOR E. T. HARRIS. Lincoln, July 17. (Special Tele gram.) Governor Neville today ap pointed and commissioned the follow ing as officers of the new Sixth regi ment: Majors J. Raymond Hogate, Blue hill; Otis E. Davis, Auburn; Eugene T. Harris, Omaha. Hogate and Davis come from the Fifth regiment and Harris from the Fourth. First lieutenants Theodore (Ted) Metcalfe, .Omaha; Cecil F. Cool, North Platte; Henry H. Kline, Omaha; William L. Crosson, Has tings; Dwight P. Griswold. Gordon; Robert L. Ferguson, Lincoln. Second Lieutenant Andrew T. Pethoud, Lincoln. go to France, if the 'war is on at the time of the election and obtain the .vote's. Hastings Gives Pavement Ball for Red Cross Fund Hastings, Neb., July 17. (Special Telegram.) A novel entertainment was given here tonight in the form of a public dance on new asphalt pavement in the business district for the benefit of the Red Cross. Corn- meal was spread on the pavement to give a gliding surtace. Music was given by the Ingleside state hospital band. Compahy G led the grand march. Nebraska Mustering- Off icer Arrives for Duty (From Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, July 17. (Special.) Major James B. Height has been ap pointed mustering officer for Nebraska by the president and arrived at guard headquarters yesterday, going imme diately at Work on his assignment Cause of Despondency. Despondency-is often caused by in digestion and constipation and quickly disappears when Chamberlain's Tab lets are taken. These tablets strengthen the digestion and move the" bowels. Advertisement. DRAFT FIGURES TO BE REARRANGED Nebraska Will Benefit Because of Overenlistments in the Hawaiian Islands; Re duce County Quotas. (From Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, July 17. (Special.) The fact that Hawaii has enlisted 1.990 more men for the army than the draft calls for Jias necessitated the recon struction of the figures affecting Ne braska. Lee eKJtcalfe, secretary to the governor, has been busy today in an effort to rearrange the figures for Ne braska, which means that because of the over-enlistment in the islands, each county in this state will be bene fited its proportionate share, not very much, but just enough so that Mr. Metcalfe has had to go over the en tire state apportionment and make an apportionate reduction for each county. . It has also been discovered that one county in the state, .Hamilton, enlisted more men than the quota assigned, S.S4 per cent.' These figures had to be taken into consideration, with the end in view to making an apportionate reduction in all counties. Authorities at Washington have no tified Governor Neville that the quota of men to be raised by Nebraska this time is 1.5,900. Deducting the 5,691 men who have eulisted in this state in the National Guard, federal or some other service, leaves the number to be drawn from the draft 8,209. Deduct from the overenlistment in the islands the "quota for Nebraska of 24, leaves the total to be drawn by the draft as 8,185 in the state. The 5.54 per cent of over-enlistments in Hamilton county will not affect the state total, but will lower each county's quota a very little. House State Departments In Little Chicken Coops (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, July 17. (Special. )Thc State board of Janitors, under direc tion of the State Board of Public Funds, is now" building little "chick en coops" in the senate gallery for the use of (he departments which have not room enough in their present crowded conditions. The first "chicken coop" will be for the chemical department of the pure food commission. Seats in the gallery of the senate chamber are being torn out and lumber is being taken up to build out the floors so there will be room for more of the little "coops." Dr. Webb Made Supervisor Of Health in Lincoln Schools (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, July 17. (Special.) Dr. J. H. Webb of Omaha has been selected by the Lincoln board of education as health supervisor for the Lincoln schools at a salary of $2,000 a year. State Live Stock Sanitary Board Meets Here Today (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, July 17.-(Special.) The state live stock sanitary board will hold a meeting in Omaha tomorrow, according to notice given out by State Veterinarian Dr. Anderson. Grand Island Has Municipal Market Grand Island, Neb., July 17. The people of Grand Island had their first experience of a municipal gar den recently when different members of the Garden club, under the direc tion of Superintendent Catterson, opened market at the postoffice square. Permission to use the ground near the postoffice has been ob tained from the government." All vegetables usually raised in the garden were offered for sale bv the different members. The market is to be open every Saturday morning from 8 until 10 o'clock, and pjans are un der way for holding the market three times a week later in the season.' More benches and sun shades are to he erected to care for the staples as the sales increase. Gothenburg Company Camps in City Park Gothenburg, Neb., July 17. (Spe cial.) Company L Fifth Nebraska regiment went into camp here Mon day for a two weeks' stay. The camp is beautifully located in the city park. Owing to lack of accommodations the home boys are staying at home nights, but report for duty at 7:30 each morning. The women of the dif ferent churches are serving meals to the boys in the basement of the Meth odist church. The members of the Gothenburg fire department bought an army and navy phonograph for the company. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Gfiorgs Mfltchanit court reporter In equity dlvlolon of district court, and wife, and two children have gone to Lake Koronli, Minn., for a two .weeks' fishing trip. Sillman Addresses the , Citizens of Keya Paha Springfield, Neb., July 17. (Special) More than 1,000 citizens of Keya Paha county gathered at a patriotic mass meeting held in the park at Bur ton Sundy. An excellent program had been arranged by the County Council of Defense. O. S. Sillman of Pierce, delivered the address and held the large audience spellbound for al most three hours. x Slacker Never Heard , Of Registration Law Sidney, Neb., July 17. (Special Tejegrani.) Arnold Kiery, aged 26 years, was arrested yesterday by Sheriff Sutton this morning on charge of failing to register. He says he resides at Okato, Minn. He was taken before United States Commis sioner Oberfelder and was bound over to federal court in $500 bonds, which he failed to furnish. His excuse was that he had not heard of the regis tration law. Jail Delivery at Table Rock. Table Rock, Neb., July 17. (Spe cial.) Ora West, alias joe Nichols, who was arrested Saturday on the charge of robbing the home of Peter Miller June 24, escaped from the town jail Sunday. Some one from the out side had pried off the door. His es cape was not discovered until Mon day, when Officer Johnson went to the jail to take him to court. TEETH without pwres DR. McKENNEYSays: "Dirty, decayed and broken-down teeth are a bad recommendation. Peo ple don't Ilk them and they won't like you if you have them." Heavieet Bridi Beet Silver Pill, inia if Work, per tooth, $4.00 Wonder Plates worth S 15 to $25. $5, $8, $10 We pleats you or refund your money. McKENNEY DENTISTS ,14th and Farnam 1324 Fainam St, 50c Best 22-k Gold Crowns $4.00 Mid-Summer Clearance Sale of Hand milM IAC38 NOW IN FULL SWING Once a year we hold this Clearance Sale to xnaHe room for our new Fall stock. It has come to be well known to the people of Omaha and the Middle West as the Great PIANO BARGAIN OPPORTUNITY OP THE YEAR. We offer scores of excellent Pianos at money-saving prices that have been taken in exchange on our regular line of new Steinway, Steger & Sons, Hardman, Weber, Emerson, Schmoller & Mueller and Aeolian Pianolas, also Pianos that have been rented, loaned for concerts, used in demonstrating or otherwise have become in any degree shopworn, so we would not feel right to sell them for new, although many of them look new. All of this large stock must be sold regard less of profit and terms. SOME OF THE EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS OFFERED Handkerchiefs 1 i ghtly mussed and soiled; all linen and batiste, regularly 19c t 8'i ( 5-1 ' I Drape and Auto landeis Stores sss NaTlaraMafJHMaMHaw' Knit Underwear A Clearance Offering That Offers Exceptional Values IN GOING through our stock, prior to inventory, we discovered small lots and broken sizes not many in each lot, but when grouped together, giving a wide range of choice, and a full quota of sizes for women, misses, children and boys. The valuations we have put upon them are the actual prices which they sel for regularly in stock your chance to buy now and save considerable. .' Women' Vests, all sizes, regularly 15c, Ql clearance price OJC Women' Vests, many styles, all sizes, lOl regularly 25c, clearance price 1m2v Women's Vest and Pants, regularly 29c, 1Q splendid values, out sizes, clearance price X C Women' Union Suits, lace trimmed, reg ular sizes, regularly 50c, clearance price OOC Women's Union Suits, fine cotton lisle suits, plain or lace trimmed' open or closed A fin gore, regularly 69c, clearance price..... IOC Women' Fin Venetian Silk Camisoles, QP lace trimmed, also silk top union suits, at JOC Boy' Poros Knit Suits, all sizes, regularly OQr 35c. clearance orice U4C Children' Waist Suits, well taped, regu larly 39c, clearance price Children' M Knit Waist, regularly 35c', clearance price Children' High Neck Long Sleeve Vest, regularly 19c, clearance price Children' Pant, tight or lace trimmed knee, regularly 19c, clearance price Main Floor. 25c 25c 10c 10c The Reign of the "Tam" This Is the Hat of the Hour The dashing Tam O'Shanter is with us again and' this time it has captured all femininity. The velvet or satin Tam is having a tremendous vogue right now and very chic it is too with its saucy tilt to one side, it carries a conviction of youthfulness that possibly no other style does. We are showing these Tarns in a variety of styles, large and small, trimmed with silk tassels, pom-poms, pearl or jet pins, etc. ' Twenty Individual Types . including the "Fabry" Tam, otherwise known as the "Blue Devil of France," which we picture in the illustration. This is adapted from that worn by one of the most daring aviators of France. Reasonably priced at $2.98 to $10.00 Second Floor Closing Out a Stock of Grass Rugs SHghtly .Soiled by Watermarks For summer homes they are used for every room in the house but they are used mainly for porches and are some of the, best Rugs we know of for that pur pose. They come in many different colors. 8x10 feet have sold here right along for $8.50 and $9.50, and if it were not for the water marks, we would get full prices for them now with this light marking, we say, for quick clearance- $5.75 and $6.75 Each . Third Floor trBHJHTS Snick $ 45 CPEIGHTS $450 Chlckwiug $ 82 $8o0 Schnhert $138 $850 Kohler & Chase 8142 $400 Sohmer ... 8145 $400 Steger t Sons 8175 $500 Emerson .......... .$225 $600 Chlckering $150 SPECIAL EASY TERMS $5 TO $10 DOWN, BALANCE $1 TO $2 PER WEEK Call Monday Morning to Get First Choice of the Entire Stock. $275 Kimball ...i...N $ 65 $275 Bauer 75 $300 Chase ... ..$ 85 $350 Vose & Son. . . ... . . ; . .8100 $500 Hardman ..........,..$115 $325 Leland ..$120 Organs, $10 $15-$18 Square rtano, 815 $20-825 - HATER PIAJfOS $350 ColnmoBS $165 $500 Ellington $265 $450 Auto ....... ... ....... $225 GRA5DS $1,000 Chlckerlng $150 $W00 Steinway $675 $700 Emerson '.......$475 Cbrfort SCHMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO CO. 131M3 Farnam SU - ' Omaha, Sen. Established 1850. If you lire out of 'town, mail attached coupon. We ship eTerywhere and guarantee satisfaction. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER, OMAHA, NEB. Please seed me complete Hot of Clearance Sal. Piano Barfalna. ADDRESS. NAME ." Jf your km ia unduly reddened, freckled or tanned, dab a little pure mercoliied wax j on the face and allow it to remain over i nignt. wnen you wasn on xne wax in me morning, fine flaky, almost invisible parti clea of cuticle come with it. Repeating this daily, the entire outer skin ia absorbed, but so gradually, there's not the slightest hurt or inconvenience. Even the stubbomest freckles are affected. The underlying skin which forms the new complexion is so fresh and youthful-looking, you'll marvel at the transformation. It's the only thing known to actually discard an aged, faded, muddy or blotchy complexion. One ounce of mereolited wax, procurable at any drug store, is suf ficient in most cases. If sun and wind make you aquint and frown, you're bound to cultivate wrinkles and crow's feet. To overcome these quickly, bathe the face in a - solution made by dis solving an ounce of powdered saxolite ia kali pint witch baiel Advertisement. WHEN RUSSIA WENT DRY She turned to tea as the most satisfying and refreshinff beverage. The Russians have always preferred the very choicest teas from China, India and Ceylon, as lacked by , RIDGWAYS. This, exquisite tea from China is better known as "Russian Caravan." .Your grocer can now obtain this tea for you. Be sure and ask for RIDGWAYS "RUS SIAN CARAVAN" TEA m Mb.,- '-lb. and '.-lb. tins. (Black Label), at $1 per lb. Awarded Gold Medal, San Francisco, 1915. Awarded Grand Prize, San Diego, 1916. H. J. HUGHES CO., Distributor. Order your Electric Fan now before the hot ' weather rush ) Electrical Appliances Lighten Housework FOR real comfort in your home this summer take advantage of the conveniences afforded by Electrical appliances, Don't follow the old beaten path with its heat, labor, drudgery and general mismanagement of time. Save your energy for things of more importance by using Electricity the cool, quiet, economical force whose service is yours instantly on or off at the press of a button. Electric Flat Irons, Toasters, Percolators, Grills, Egg Cookers, Fans are only a few of the scores of Electrical aids that will make 4your summer more pleasant. The cost for current is very small the saving in time and labor is exceptionally great. We are showing a most attractive display of Electrical things which we will be glad to have you see. Call at our office. Nebraska Power Company "Your Electric Service Company" Successor to Omaha Electric Light and Power Company