THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 18, 1917. RUSS CABINET MINISTERS RETIRE Serious Division Arises Over Ukraine Petition and Tour Members Tender Their Resignations. Tetrograd, July 17. Three mem bers of the cabinet have resigned and a special session of the council of ministers has been convoked in an effort to avert a crisis. Their names ae: . ' , . A. I. Shinaroff, minister of finance; Prof. Manuiloff, minister of education, and Prince Shakoysky, head of the department of public aid. The resignation of these ministers followed a disagreement over ques tions involving the Ukraine, an exten sive region in Russia embracing part of the territories of the old kingdom of Poland. , The split in the ministry occurred last night at a ministerial conference called to consider a report submitted by M. Tereschtenko, minister of for eign affairs, and M. Tseretelli, min ister of posts and telegraphs, as a result of their negotiations concern ing the Ukrainans. Division Over Ukraine. The resigning ministers criticised the text of a declaration made to the Ukranians, first, because it abolishes all power of the temporary govern ment in the Ukraine; second, because it did not specify of what territories the Ukraine consists or make clear how it shall be governed. The opposition members of the cabinet assert that only the legislative body has a right to determine the future form of the government of the Ukraine, whereas, according to the declaration of M. Tereschtenko and Tseretelli, the Ukrainians appear to be proceeding informally to draw up their own government . The ministers insist their resigna tion is not to be taken as an objec tion to the principle of autonomy for the Ukraine. . ... v Fourth Minister Resigns. London, July 17. A Reuter dis patch from Petrogad says M. Steph anoftY, acting minister of commerce, also has resigned. DRAFT DRAWING MAY BE MADE LATE THIS WEEK ' (Continued From !' On.) GERMAN MINISTER 07 THE INTERIOR RESIGNS. t 'A 4 4r m L Amsterdam, July 17. Count von Roedern. German finance minister, reolaces Dr. Karl Hemerich, secre- tary of the interior, according to the Berliner lagebiatt. Majority Bloc to Present Ultimatum To Dr. Michaelis (Continued Prom F One.) To this end attention was directed today to various sections of the regis trations, over -which questions have arisen and it was succeetcd the local boards and the press co-operate during the week or so remaining before lots are drawn to Insure that the regis tered men know just how to perform .i . . ! . it; a ...1. -1 ! ineir pari in ine great ian vi exami nation and exemption. Post Lists Prominently. So that easier access may be had to the lists of registration numbers in the hands of, local boards Provost Marshal General Crowder telegraphed the governors of all the states, asking that instead of posting the lists at the board offices, they be placed "in some ssfe. central office such as po lice headquarters." In the larger cities especially, the provost mar Khal general said much inconvenience has been caused by having the lists available only at out-of-the-way board offices. t . .' -t Reasons For Exemption. ' Officials here are anxious that local boards make it clear everywhere that no question of exemption of any registered man for any other cause than physical disability or dependent relatives can be taken up before the local boards. The whole matter of industrial exemptions is left to the superior boards, one of which has been created in each federal judicial district . No individual case where exemption is desired because (he registrant is en gaged in an industry classified as vital 'to the conduct of the war will be taken up until that individual has been called p for exemption by his local board, found to be without dependents and nhvsieallv fit for military duty and certified to the superior board. After that, application to superior board for exemption on oincr grounQ wm pe admissible. The registrant or his em ployer may file necessary affidavits with the suoerior board seeking ex cmption, and the case will be heard . promptly. Men Away From Home. Another point on which there has been much doubt is the status of registrants absent from their regis tration districts. Scores of requests have come from men in this situation asking if they will have to return to their home towns for examination. Thev have been informed that if thev are selected for examination, each will be notified bv mail by his local board and then can apply to the local board tor permission to undergo examina tion in the town where he is located. Such action cannot be taken, how ever, until the registrant actually has been summoned by his local board. The government has distributed to boards complete sets of blanks to cover appeals, transfers and any other matters in connection with the pro cess. Resistrants may examine these at the quarters of local boards, but every effort has been made to prevent the filing of eSdvi rf other documents list .is-, set apply to case actually under consideration. Otherwise the boards would be swamped with efforts . to get a decision in advance. Industrial Exemption. Probablv the ooint in the whole process which has led to the greatest misunderstanding and confusion is :e & iiein Hy which industrial exemp tion is to be granted. Many persons have regarded It as certain that men in munitions-making or other strictly war industries would be exempted as class. That is not . the fact What is to covern the oro- cess is the importance of the indivi dual in such an industry. If another man could take his place without prejudice to the working of the plant lie win not oe granted military exemp lion. The bulk of exemption will be for physical unfitness and on account of dependents and consideration of these causes will keep the local boards fully occupied, leaving to the more deliber ative superior board the entire hand ling or the much. more vexing ques- of high diplomatic Qualifications, but chiefly on account of his antecedents. Apparently it is felt that a former naval officer, particularly one who played such a prominent . role at Manila in the events of 1898, will offer the necessary guarantee that the German foreign policy in regard to oeaca negotiations will be after wards conducted along desired ener getic lines. The emperor is said to favor Von iitnue. . Bernhard for Bfnstorff, TU a ll..M.Arff iirMrlt cnminar up since the return of the ex-ambassa dor, is endeavoring to organize boom for him. George Bernhard, the political writer, enthusiastically recommends Bernstorff to Chancellor Michaelis n6t only as a capable and experienced dipomat, but as a person of the necessary caliber and qualifica tions whom the chancellor will need as coadjutor and adviser in the com Inur neaee negotiations. The Tageblatt, the Mittags Zeitung and the socialist organ, Vorwaerts, all of Berlin, unite in declaring that the candidacy of Admiral von Hlntte for foreign minister is a move of the super-annexationists. The Tageblatt and Vorwaerts warn Dr. Michaelis that, he cannot, accept Von Hinti without compromising tne aammis tration with a pan-German taint. Bernstorff Goea to Copenhagen. Paris. July 17. A Zurich dispatch to the Petit Parisien savs Count Von Bernstorff has been appointed Ger- ' . . r i. a!.. man minister at opcnnaK" in place of Count Vrockdorlf-Kantzau, Baker Denies Tampering 1 ' With Young Pitcher Ch cisro. Ju y 17. Official denial o alleged tampering charges was made by J. Franklin Baker, third baseman with the New York Americans, in a letter, to President Johnson of the American league today. Baker said that instead of attempt Ing to induce Allen Sothoron of the St.. Lou i- club to jump his contract he had strongly urged the young pitcher to remain with St. Louis. , Dakota City Volunteer Diet. Dakota' City. Neb.; July l7.fSte- elalD Howard J. Rockwell, son of County Assessor J. P. Rockwell and the first one to volunteer tor army service from this city, died suddenly at Fort Mac Arthur, San Pedro, Cal., bunday morning, according to a tele gram received by the family. A brother of the deceased man living at San Diego is bringing the body here lor interment. HARMONY RULES IN MEETING OF LUTHER LEADERS (Continued From Pag Ont.) prayer was led by Rev. C F. Sandahl earnest protest against said charges, and the closing service by Rev. I. "Furthermore, we fear that. such m- I discriminate ana inuitisi iwkukuh Sing "America." on the part of the Nebraska national Gersten. mately 77,000,000 Lutherans. Unbe lievable ignorance prevails aoout tne Lutherans. I have been asked whether the kaiser isn't the head of the Luth-: eran church in America. I see you smile, and well you may. at such a display of misinformation. The kaiser I U . U L.. J t it.. T H(h...n ISll I CVCII UlC ilGttU Ul IMC 4.UU1VI4I1 church in Germany. Lutherans have distinguished themselves in the wars of this country. Rev. and General Peter Muhlenburg was one ot wasii ington's great generals. When the oresent war was declared the heads of the great Lutheran bodies in this country adopted and signed resolu tions of loyalty to this government These officials are elected by the churches. The Lutheran church is as democratic as the government under which we live. Committee Appointed. After reading of the resolutions by Rev. E. G. Chinlund, the following committee was appointed to consider them: Rev. Luther M. Kuhns, editor Luther League Review, chairman; Rev. C F. Sandahl, president Nebras ka conference of the Augustana ivnodt Rev. C. B. Harmon, president Evangelical Luther Synod of Ne braska; Rev. Anton M. Anderson. United Danish synod; Rev. Alfred Sorenseny Danish Lutheran synod; Rev. M. W. Halversen, Norwegian Lutheran Svnod of America; Rev. E. T. Otto, Missouri synod; Rev. H. T. Schmidt, German Nebraska synod; Rev. I. Gersten, vice president United Danish Lutheran Synod of America. The committee soent forty-five min utes m considering tuc icsuiuwuu miu broueht it in with only minor changes. It was adopted unanimously, a copy was ordered hied witn tne morass State Council of Defense. I he reso lution is as follows: Whereat, Th Nebraska Hlata Council of Defense In a statement given in public have assailed tba loyalty ot In Lutheran church, Therefore, a offtclala and representatives of the various branches ot the Lutheran ohurche.) In Nebraska w reply to thea ea peralona by giving tha publio tha following tatementi The doctrinal bssla et tha Lutheran efcnrch aa expressed in Itt great aymbol known aa tha Augsburg Confession, to which tht ministry of tha church la obligated, in ejproas terma command loyalty, to tha government, and Tba email catechism In which tha laity la Instructed In orenaraUon for confirmation or memberahlp In tba church In Ita Table ot Duttea enlotna obedience unto tne inciter powers, aaytngt "Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for tha Lord's lake, whether It bo to the king, at tuprtme, or onto govarnora, at unto them that art tent by him," (t Peter 1:11.) The Lutheran church standi not only In Nebraska, but betoro the world, committed by lit fundamental teaching without equlv. ocatlon or mental reservation to unquea. tloned loyalty to th government and In thla respect require no defense from us. It I lingular that th Nebraska State Council of Defense, because ot raaes ot In. discreet conduct or ipaeoh upon the part of Individuals, hat particularised our church for tha mark or odium wnen unooumeaiy among all eretdt there have been thoae likewise guilty, and yet tneee creed nave been paseed unnoticed. To thla evident In. Justice on the pert of the Nebraska State Council of Defense we take exception asd enter our moat solemn protest, ', Further, that the publio reas sured of th loyalty to the government of the Lutheran churrh in NebraeKa, In har mony with th declaration of alt our gen. oral bodies already mad nubile, w. repre- eentatlvei of the Lutheran bodle In the stat of Nebraska, declare our honor and the loyalty of both our ministry end laity a a whole In unswerving devotion to ouf common country, th protection of whose flag we enjoy and with whoa destiny we have cast our live and our all, and in de tenu of whose welfare and to tecurt whoa triumph our people are responding. The opening service of song and I . .. ...if t:j ...u.. A laree American flag decorated the Vetcn,se. -uncu wi" 3!'?? chairman's table. "My Country 'Tis mrmer tne u i, of Thee" was sung at the close of the fense. meeting. ' , "Furthermore, we protest against A resolution was passed unani- the use of the name of the church, mously making the resolution com- where, at best, only individuals may mittee a permanent committee, suo- be concerned. ject to call by the chairman at any time, "though I do not anticipate any necessity for calling it together in the future," said Chairman Kuhns. This resolution was moved by Rev. E. T. Otto, pastor of St Paul's German Lutheran church, Omaha. Rev. G. H. Mickelman, president of the German Nebraska synod, wrote from Grand Island, that he could not be present "I am completely in sym pathy with the purpose ot tne meet ing, he wrote. . "My motto is the words of Carl Schurtz, 'My country, right or wrong; if right, to be kept right; if wrong, to be set right. . All the Lutheran pastors of Omaha, except two or three who are out of the city, were present. The follow, ing pastors were present from the various synods: . - General Synod Rev. W. T. Kahse, Rev. A. T. Lorimer, Rev. O. D. Baltzly, Rev. George Washington Snyder, Rev. C J. Ringer. Rev. C. B. Harmon, Rev. C. N. Swihart, Rev. Luther M. Kuhns. Rev. S. H. Yerian. General Council Rev. C F. San dahl, Rev. F. A. Linder, Rev. John A. Johns, Rev. P. M. Lindberg, Rev. E. G. Chinlund. Rev. J. T. Olander, Rev, John V, Carlson, Rev. A, T. Lorimer, Rev. C. G. Blpomquist. Missouri Synod Rev. Titus Lang, Rex. E. T. Otto, Rev. H. W. Saeger. German Nebraska Synod Rev. H. F. Schmidt. , United Danish Synod Rev. H. Berthelsen, Rev. I. Gersten, Rev. A. Sorensen, Rev. A. M. Andersen, Prof. P. S. Vig. Norwegian-Danish Synod Rev, M. W. Halversen. Officials Send Protest, Blair. Neb., July J7,(Spc!l.) Member of the executive committee of the Nebraska district of the United Danish Evangelical Lutheran church in America have united in sending a protest against the accusations made by the Nebraska Council of Defense as to the loyalty of the Lutherans of the state. The protest is signed by L. fensen. oresident and nastor of the the church "at Ruskin, Neb.; M. T. Jensen, secretary and pastor at Fre mont, Neb.; L. A. Larsen, president Trinity seminary; C. -X. Harrison, principal, Dana college; N, P. Lang, professor practical theology. The pro test follows; "Whereas, There has appeared in the papers of the state an attack on the Lutheran church b ythe Nebraska National Defense Council. "Whereas, The Lutheran church of Nebraska as a whole has thus been charged with disloyalty, treasonable activity in hindering, defense measure and otherwise showing sympathy with Germany. "Whereas, We , the undersigned representatives of he Nebraska dis trict of the United Danish Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, are con vinced that the above charges are en tirely unwarranted and unjust "Therefore, we hereby enter our Persistent Advertising is th? Road to Success. Britons Capture Six German Steamships London, July 17. The ' admiralty announces the capture of six Ger man steamers by British destroyers in the-North -Sea-. The steamers are .the Pellworm, Brietzeig, Marie Horn and Heinz Blumberg. ' Two other German steamers were with the jour vessels, later captured, when , the group was signaled by the British war craft All six made for the Dutch coast and two of them reached the shore. These two were badly damaged by gunfire. A Reuter dispatch from Ymuiden says four German ships have been sunk by British destroyers in the North Sea, four captured, three stranded and three forced to return to Rotterdam. The captured steamers are all small, the largest being the Breitzeig of 1,495 tons gross, owned in Ham burg. The Pellworm, 1,370 tons gross, also was owned in Hamburg. THOMPSON BELDEN &CO. ViPasiion &nfrrbrJf6mpsi day Savings July Clearance Of Brassieres Many lace and embroidery - brassieres and confines an accumulation frpm. the season's selling will go at . a great saving in price. A number sold as high as $3.50. Wednesday, $1.29 For your choice. Third Flopr. . New Shipment Maderia Embroidered Linen Scarfs They can hardly' be distinguished from the real Maderia hand work.. So skillfully are they ambreidered in beautiful design, on fine linen. Scarfs are in threa popular sizes: 18x30, Belling for $2,80 18x45, selling for $2.79 18x54, selling for $3.00 ' ; Unen Section. Canning and Pre- -serving Recieps Booklet containing full direction and gummed label for marking jars FREE. Call at office of OMAHA GAS COMPANY, . 1609 Howard Street. CLEARANCE SALE WEAR A DIAMOND AND FINE WATCH WHEN YOU CO ON YOU VACATION You'll tse lln vie money eer time yen maWe payment. Oea't welt te argue yourself out of doing wiae thlnr buy NOW, at clearance prices. LOFTIS SEVEN-DIAMOND CLUSTER RINQ Mmito. n,. DI.-.Bi. are mounted MM to look like on largo single atone. Hand meet and moat ahowy ring for. la least money. Marvela of Boonty at 50, 7S. IIOO and SIM. trdit Term, l M, SI 45. aj0 and S3 per week. f( EXTRA VI 11 VALUE JJ FOR THE BOYS SOON TO MARCH WITH THE COLORS A fitting gift from mother, wife, tweet heart, iatar. 102 B m o I m Identification Ring. Solid gold, I fin diamond. Flag enameled in colors. Engraved r REE with nam, number, company apd ret iment, Un- Mr US a Month A groat variety f Identification Signet tinge to esiect from, et rang of price to auit very one. Some handsome Ring aa low u SB terma only II a month. $15 -vasr $1.50 A Month 1041 Conrertib! Bracelet WaUh. finest quality gold filled, plain polished. High grade, Full Jeweled movement,' gilt dial Cm and Bracelet guaranteed 20 rear. SI. SO A Month.- Dally Tin P. M. Saturday Till SiJO. Call or Writ for Illustrated Catalog " aeugia ( ang.aalea wui sail. . THE NATIONAL CREDIT JEWELERS flOFTIS no o ej ii i iiir i HOTEL MICHIGAN BOULEVARD AT Z2ad ST. CHICAGO a I itkel I I' WKUfT at V I i3Ilf 1UL rjREFROOr EUROPEAN PLAN 500 ROOMS v.v.v s V V V V V V mm fSnl flfi H Pill m m si HI V V V V 5 V V V V ' v. m m " Make your summer time visit to Chicago thoroughly enjoyable by taying,at the Lexington ' Allaccommodationstcomfortsand conveniences, pleasant surround ings and excellent service without extravagant expense I Irgeairy welMurnisheii rooms some with bay windows affording views of grand old Lake Michigan two blocks Away, others overlooking one of the most famous boulevards Xn the world, all at prices withm the reach of average prosperity. J Convenient to all transportation. Two surface lines ,pa$s the doors; .elevated one block away. These lines run to the business, shopping and theater district in ten minutes, and to the various parks, golf, tennis and other recreation grounds. and mail, Hotel Lexington, Chicago Pleas mall fret folder with view of Hotel Lexington, tnd Informstion of Accommodations you can offer persons about tne dv t V V V Nan. AddVciiL H ! B m m m Am I C aaa .......... ............. t i iVi i i iVi iy i a a. a a a a u ni a Fortunate AreThoseWomenWho Secure These Summer Dresses At Their Greatly Reduced Prices Our complete displays of white and ecru net, or gandie and. voile dresses, also Gsorgette Crepe ' dresses reduced as follows for Wednesday: These Are Late Summer Styles, Consequently, Very Desirable. $55 to $65 Georgette Dresses - $75 Dresses of Georgette The Blouse Store Offers new m o d e 1 1 of Georgette Crepe Blouses. Most attractive for pres ent wear, $6.50 and $7.50. Second Floor. White Satin Hats BASEMENT MILLINERY r 1 1 That they are cool, dainty and extremely fashionable everybody knows. But these' have special markings that make them especially-desirable, $1.95 to $3.75; - ; -v . . Dresses of Net, Organdie and Voile 23 $25 $35 $45 styles for -- $35 $35, $39.50 styles $25 $25 styles for - $18.50 $19.50 styles for $15 A small charge made for alterations. Particulars of a Splendid Piiiiip Sale ; IhvTomorrow ;': i , . ; ' ..." ; . " ial if u lite Starts Wednesday 0M0RR0W will be shoe day in Omaha. Tlie Prexel annual sale of low cuts starts Wednes day 8 a. m. We are offering the largest line pf footwear ever offered in one of our sales, and the prices will be cut deep. Such famous makes as Hanan & Son, Edwin Clapp, Howard and Foster for men, John Foster, J. & T. Cousins, D. Armstrong & Co., -Weil & Co., Hanan & Son for women. It We include ,, in . this sale ten lines women's white kid and canvas high and low shoes, also a large selection of both high and low sport shoes. BEST BARGAINS OF THE SALE 5 500 pairs women's odds and ends, broken sizes, con sisting of oxfords and pumps, not one pair less thari $4, and a great many as high as $7 and $8 values, your ,choice during this sale at No Charges, Deliveries or Exchanges on These $1.00 Shoes. $11 1419 FARNAM S TREET poa$ ot ; industrial exemptions. nS l St, IMAHA. If V