Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1917, Page 4, Image 4

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Congressman From Eighth Dis
trict Can See No Good in
Training Hawkejes in
Warm Climate.
(From a Staff CorreepondtnO
De Moines, la., July 16. (Special.)
Congressman Horace M. Towner
of the Eighth congressional district,
is raising the question why the "Na
tional Guard should be trained in the
south, rather than in the north. Rep
resentative Towner has announced
tltat he would put up a strong pro
test against this plan with the War
department. "What good reason can
be giren for fending Iowa guardsmen
into camps in ;he aouth?" asks Judge
Toner. "Jt U well understood that
the National Guard is to be sent
aboard as toon as practicable. Then
why send them to a southern climate
instead of training them in the north
and getting them hardened to the
ort oi climate they will have to en
dure in France? I can see no good
veason for sending Iowa men south
and I shall protest as strongly as I
know how."
Rob Perry Store.
Officers are looking for thieves who
robbed the Iftllman general store at
Terry, la., but thus far have been
unable to get any trace of them.
They forced xa entrance through a
haseaient wiudw. gathered up about
worth of silks, shoes and other
goo-fi and made their escape.
Give Up Rate Increases.
lov.-a . railroads have abandoned
their eiforts to secure higher freight
rate? ot intranstate business, now that
the literslate Commerce commission
his turned dowe requests ' for in
creased interstate rates. It is prob
able, however, that a claim will be
mad far increased rates in certain
classification, including coal, lumber
and similar bulky commodities.
Health of Soldiers.
Plans for co-operation with the
health department of the govern
ment in the health work at Camp
Dodge, will be made by the State
Board of Health at its meeting to be
held at the state house July 17 and
18 of next week. Dr. jFra'nk T.
Launder of Garwin, appointed to
membership on the board to suctceed
Dr. H. A. Dittmer of Manchester,
will be sworn into office., The state
board will conduct an examination
for embalroers July 17, 18 and 19
ard for nurses July 24, 25 and 26.
Not to Fix Farm Prices.
Herbert C. Hoover, food commis
sioner, will not fix farm prices or at
tempt :o do so, according to Hon, .
T. Meredith, who returned today
from Washington, D. C, where he
was in conference with the govern
ment's food commissioner, Mr. Mere
dith declares that Mr. Hoover wants
the farmers to be well paid in order
that they may increase their output.
There has been a general improve
ment in the progress of getting ready
for war, Mr. Meredith declared.
. Nurse Seriously Injured. '"
Miss Alvera Walilstrom, a nurse in
Mercy hospital, who was struck by
an automobile driven by Ora Oarlock,
night before last, will probably not
recover. Miss Wahlstrom suffered a
fractured skull and internal injuries.
Garlock is a' demonstrator' for the
Iowa Oldsmobile company. He was
arrested and will have a hearing
July 27.
Building Checks Up. i
Every one of the larger cities of
Iowa show s loss in building activity
during June of this year, according
to the building statistics from the
various cities. Des Moines showed
the smallest - decrease with 21 per
cent and Cedar Rapids the greatest
with 52 per cent. Davenport showed
a decrease of 42 per cent, Sioux City,
49 per cent, and Dubuque, 41 per cent
Clearings Show Gain. .
Bank clearings in Des Moines the
last week show a gain over those of
the corresponding week a year ago of
$1,555,078.53. The total clearings for
the week were $7352,721, as against
$6,297,643, for the corresponding week
a year age-, ;
: War Caused Suicide.
Robert Buchwald, 50 years of age,
a German and member of the fire
department at Marshalltown, com
mitted suicide by slashing his throat.
Buchwald brooded over the war for
months and believed every one was
against him because he was a Ger
man. a- Officials In Conference.
C, S. Allbright, deputy labor com
missioner of Minnesota, will be in
Des Moines Monday to investigate
the shipment here of severat hundred
carpenters and laborers from St. Paul
and Minneauopils by employment bu
reaus there under guarantee of jobs at
the army cantonment. A. L. Urick,
state labor commissioner, received a
telegram to that effect from Labor
Commissioner W. F. Houk today,
baying that a thorough investigation
would be made by the Minnesota
German Newspaper Reports
To U. S. Intelligence Officers
Pans, July 16. The intelligence de
partment of the United States armv
has perfected a method of obtaining
rue quicK delivery ot translations from
German newspapers with the ouroose
of supplementing other channels of
information concerning internal con-
uttions in Germany.
Papers received report a big wheat
cop in Roumania. much of which it
is expected will be transported to Ger
many. The vegetable crop in Ger
many, with the exception of potatoes,
' is reported by the German press to be
good. The German fruit croo is bad
and the potato crop is expected to be
, the smallest since the beginning of
mc war. ,
Reconstruction of Chinese
Republic Moving Rapidly
Washington. July 16. Reconstruc
tion of the republican government of
China, following the futile attempt to
restore me Mancnu dynasty, was re
ported in dispatches to the Chinese
legation here from Peking today as
progressing rapidly.,
Wana Ta Shih. formerly aecretarv
of the legation here and minister to
tjreat Britain and Japan, has assumed
the office of forcien secretary, and
Admiral Liu Kwang Hsung, for three
voars minister of the navy under Yuan
Shi Kai, has accepted a similar post
with the tic vv government. Tuan CIh
jni, the premier, has been given the
aaueu punioiio oi minister ot war.
at the Officers' Training Camp at Fort Snelling. One of the largest in the country. The
SUNDAY BEE told of the- frightful instructions given in bayonet drills.
It v $1
I a? BihfM'lH m ". - "fjh
m iimiigi i ..iit mr-inrrt-i r mr-nrrnn!tr-r'Mrw
(Continued Tnm ff One.)
brigade,, but the regiments from Min
nesota, Iowa, South Dakota and North
His "Largest" Job.
"Mr. Dcnison describes his new task
as "the largest job I've ever tackled."
There will be five "Y" units or camps
at Deming. In each camp there will
be five secretaries. In addition there
will be the head physical director of
all the camps, who will work under
Dr. Denison, and Dr, Cobbey, as head
of religious work, who also will work
under Mr, Dcnison.
Mr. Denison has obtained three
months' leave of absence from the
Omaha "Y," while the First Chris
tion churth has granted its pastor
leave of absence and is sending him
with the boys in khaki. .
Persistent Advertising is the Road
to Success. '
Mine Owner, Wife
And Son Murdered;
Associate is Held
Johnstown, Pa., July 16. Mystery
today shrouded the murder of Ed
ward Humphries, a widely known coal
operator; his wife and 15-year-old son,
who were shot to death on a coun
try road beside their automobile yes
terday, George K. Tompkins, jr., of Phila
delphia, a business associate of Hum
phries and the fourth member of the
auto party, is being held in jail.
According to stories told by Tomp
kins, highwaymen surprised the party
while a tire was being repaired and
that the shots which caused the deaths
of tha Humphries were fired at a dis
tance of seventy feet in front of the
After examining the bodies Coro
ner Fitzgerald announced that all the
bullets were fired at close range,
powder, burns being found on two
of the bodies, and that the shots were
fired from behind. Tompkins said
he escaped by crouching in the ton
neau of the automobible and later
dropping to the ground as if shot.
Later Tompkins was formally
charged with murder before a justice
of the peace. He declared his inno
cence. f A letter in the hands of the detec
tives is said to have a bearing on the
case, but no statement will be made
regarding its contents. The letter is
said to have been written by Tomp
kins' wife.
, -"Aft
'l''lr I ''' ''i4
how good corn l
K, flakes are till
f ) you try
V f L J Toasties"
JAVOXCtO? PRACTlOt; firWrwwfA.
Senator Declares Selection of
National Army So Ordered
That the South Is
(Br Associated Piwm.)
Washington, July 16. A resolution
by Senator Brandegee calling for in
formation regarding the census bu
reau's population estimates for the
army draft was adopted today by the
senate without objection after Sena
tor Lodge had Ueclared the popula
tion figures for the north were "pad
ded" and other senators had com
plained, of alleged injustice of the
Senator Brandegee presented state
ments that estimates had been in
creased for the first figures for north
ern and eastern states and lowered
in those of southern states.
"From the astonishing population
figures," said Senator Lodge, "it is
apparent that northern states and cit
ies census estimates have been pad
ded in order to make their army draft
heavier, while those of the southern
states have been reduced. It seems
when the northern and eastern states
are being most heavily taxed they
must also give more of their men for
soldiers than the southern states." ,
Senator Brandegee and Lodge also
complained against proposed exemp
tion of aliens from the draft. The
latter urged additional legislation by
congress to provide for drafting for
eigners. Butte Metal Trades
Council Votes Strike Off
Butte, Mont., July 16. Metaltrades
unions whose delegates comprise the
Metal Trades council of Butte, voted
yesterday t$ affirm the action of the
council in ordering all men affiliated
with the American Federation of La
bor to return to work in the copper
mines Tuesday morning. , '
The motion carried by a close vote
in the electrical workers local, but in
the-case of the machinists, black
smiths and boilermakers, who struck
in sympathy with the electricians, the
vote was unanimous.
I Ifpllv ';:;:-;vto the I
tkm ii - -BK- v. i m st Aim vlt i m m sr as m a m bh v
t'X . luJ m m W 1 . ST 1 S B StM SB SBBI si ssi
These fares are for round trip
tickets from Omaha, on sale daily Jun 1st to Sept 30th
with return limit of 60 days from date of sale, but not to
exceed Oct 31, 1917 and provide for liberal stopovers en
route. Fares from adjacent points we correspondingly low.
Boiton,MaM. $54.60 to 5910 ; .
Buffalo, N.Y..
Detroit, Mich.. ...............
Montreal, Que.. ...,., 48.20 to 55.51
- . New York, N. Y. 65.80 to 69.10
Niagara Falls, N. Y
Portland, Me. ... , 62.90 to 59.10 ,
Toronto, Ont.... 40.10 to 42.41
Let our experienced representatives arrange all details
of your trip. It will save your time. . It will relieve you of
all the petty things incident to railway travel.
Excellent DoubU Track ,
AU-SUel Equipment "
.4 aromatic Safety Signal
Chicago a UonTHVESTERtiRY.
V Phen DousU. 2740 isrtnlenMtioii.rtwrratieiw.ete.,
wnt us t 1401-1403 St.,OmaH 11 q!)r
. coaveueal will appreciate " a!lS e u at this address. ,
Gtoethals Postpones Comman
deering of Ships When Den
man Asks to Lay Affair
Before Corporation.
(Br Associated Pre.)
Washington, July 16. Major Gen
eral Goethals has postponed his plan
for commandeering today of private
merchant shipping under construction
in , the .United States and for con
tracting immediately for building two
government ship-building plants.1 He
acted at the request of Chairman
Denman of the shipping board, who
wants to lay the matter before the
directors of the emergency fleet cor
poration. The wooden ship controversy is in
volved. The board of directors of
the fleet corporation, it, is understood,
will insist that the general manager,
General Goethals, build more wooden
ships than he has provided for. It is
said, too, that they do not approve
ine pian tor construction pi government-owned,
steel ship yards un
til there has been a full discussion
of the project.
Alkali Makes Soap
Bad For Washing Hair
Most soaps and prepared shampoos
contain too much alkali, which is very
injurious, as it dries the scalp and
makes the hair brittle.
The test thing to use is Just plain
mulsif ied cocoanut oil, for this is
pure and entirely greaseless. It's
very cheap, and beats the most ex
pensive soaps or anything else all
to pieces. You can get this at any
drug? store, and a few ounces will
last the whole family for months.
Simply moisten the hair with wa:
ter and rub it in, about a teaspoon
ful is all that is required. It makes
an abundance of rich, creamy lather,
cleanses thoroughly, and rinses out
easily. The hair dries quickly and
evenly, and is soft, fresh looking,
bright, fluffy, wavy and easy to
handle. Besides, it loosens and takes
out every particle of dust, dirt and
dandruffs Advertisement.
17, 1917.
Of Seventy-Eight Separate
Governments on Globe,
Twenty-Seven Headed
by Presidents.
By A. R. OROH.
Fellow citizens of the land of the
free and the home of the brave, let us
give a glance at the governments of.
the world and see how far democracy
already prevails among humanity.
There are seventy-eight separate
governments upon this old globe.
Twenty-seven oi these governments
are headed by presidents, elected by
tne people.
The other rulers of governments
are as follows: Seventeen kings and
one queen, six grand dukes and five
ordinary, garden-variety dukes; five
sultans, four emperors (including our
dear frierd, Wilhelm), two princes,
two ameers, one czar (since Nicholas
lost his job, one bey, one empress,
one shah, one maharajah, one grand
duchess, one kahti and one soveieign.
Subtracting the twenty-seven pres
idents we have fifty-one not-elected-
by-the-people rulers lef t,in the world.
And of these fifty-one seventeen are
in the' German empire I Wilhelm
counts twice, for he is emperor of
Germany and king of Prussia. There
are three other kings in the German
empire, six grand dukes, five ordi
nary very-day dukes and a prince.
Germany's allies, Austria-Hungary,
Turkey and Bulgaria, supply one em
peror, one sultan and one czar, re
spectively, to the rostjr of autocracy.
America Leads.
Twenty-one of the twenty-seven
presidents are on the American con
tinent. In the Old World they have
a president in France, Switzerland,
China (last week at any rate), Li
beria, Albania and Portugal.
Are there any presidents in the
German empire? Not so you can
notice it. How about Austria-Hungary?
Nary a president Well, then,
Turkey? No, for great is Allah.
Outside of Germany and its allies,
the autocratic rulers are found chiefly
in countries that still grope in heath
en darkness. There is the Empress
Uizero-Zeodita of Abyssinia and the
Ameer Hibulla Khan of Afghanis
tan, and the Ameer Seid Mir Alim of
Bokhara, and the Khan Asfendiar of
Khiva, nd the Sultan Seyyid Taimur
bin Turke of Oman, and the Bey Mo
hamed 1.1 Nasir of Tunis, and the
Sultan Khalifa bin Harub of Zanzi
bar. I'll bet you never even heard of
half ef those countries.
What's that you say? You say
with a bottle or two of ice cold Pablo.
Pablo, the pure non-alcoholic thirst
quencher, is the delightful hot weather bever
age because it cools and satisfies immediately.
Its good old "hoppy" flavor delights and refreshes.
Pablov brings invigorating comfort any time.
The Happ-
is the season's most popular beverage. The
goodness of sparkling Pablo is more important
because Pablo is healthful Drink as much Pablo
as you desire. You can't find a more enjoyable
drink. Pablo chases away hot weather fatigue."
Its snappy hop flavor adds zest and jov to any
occasion. Keep Pablo on ice in the home
for your own use and for unexpected company
Pablo gives delight and joy. By the Case from
your grocer or ice cold at any good drink stand.
THE PABST COMPANY, 1 307 Leaven,
worth Street, Phone Douglas 79
England has a king and the British
empire an emperor. Oh certainly, a
king and emperor in name. But in
name only. George is a nice chap,
really a very nice man to meet, and
they do say his potato patch, is doing
fine. But as far as having any real
power is concerned, why everybody,
including the king himself, knows he
hasn't any. But he's a nice man, a
very nice man. I saw him once, rid
ing to the opening of Parliament,
don't you know, and he smiled quite
democratically in my general direc
tion. Yes, really.
And, oh, yes, we mustn't forget in
our roster of autocrats to mention the
illustrious and never-to-be-remem-bered-or-pronounced
name of the
Maharajah Dhiraja Tribhubana
Shesher Jang, who docs about as he
pleases in Npal. What? ,You don't
know where Nepal is I Why, I'm sur
prised at you. Wait a minute till I
look it up Here it is in the cyclope
dia. It's on the southern slope of
the Himalayas, bordering on north
ern India
You 'see, emperors and kings and
grand dukes and common, ordinary
dukes arc going clean out of style in
the world.
Magney Seeks Injunction
Against Lakeside Resort
County Attorney Magney, on rela
tion to the state of Nebraska, filed a
petition for injunction in district court
against George Schesehey and John
Leonard, John Ford and James Ford,
alleged owner and lessees of Lake
side club, near Carter lake, commonly
known as the "Shay-shay road house."
The county attorney alleges liquor
is being sold there and that the fix
tures, bar, jugs, pumps, etc., are nuis
ances as defined by the statues of the
He asks that ffiey be temporarily
enjoined from leasing or using the
Sheriff Clark's deputies raided the
place some time ago and allege they
found liquor on the premises.
Detectives Capture Two
' Lads Ransacking House
Paul Komino, 10 years old, 2210
North Twenty-sixth street, and Elmer
Hansen, 13, 2211 North Twentieth
street, were arrested by Detectives
Dolan and Lahey after the lads had
ransacked and stripped the vacant
house at 2018 Wirt street of all the
brass and ornamental brassware.
Neighbors heard the lads in the place
and notified police. The lads saw the
officers coming and sprinted up
Twentieth street. They were caught
after a chase of several blocks. To
Probation Officer Gus Miller, in
whose Custody they were remanded,
they said th'ey "were told to enter
the house by a man who promised to
pay for the things they got."
McGuire Gets Peevish at
Loafers at Police Court
"The safest thing a luafer can do is
to hang around police court," said City
Prosecutor McGuire yesterday morn
ing in substantiating a move to clear
the room of disinterested spectators.
"From fifteen to twenty-five of these
vags appear here every morning and
stick around listening to the court
proceedings, and it's the same crowd
every day. I am going to station
two officers just outside the door of
the court and keep them out if no ac
tion is taken in the matter," he said.
wand King, New
and Medical Author
;ry woman
To put strength into her nerves
and color into her cheeks.
There c n
ba no beauti
( u I . healthy,
rosy - cheeked
women with
out Iron. The
trouble In the
past ha been
that when wo
men n e ed ed
Iron they gen
rally took
ordinary me
tallic iron,
which often
corroded the
stomach and
did far mora
harm than rood. Today doctors pre
scribe oreanlc Iron Nuiated - Iron,
This oarticular form of Iron is easily
assimilated, does not blacken nor In-
lura the teeth nor uueet the stomach,
It will Increase the strength and en-
durance of weak, nervous, untame.
careworn, haggard looking women 100
per cent in two weeKs- time in man 7
Instances. I have usea it in my own
ractice with most surprising results.'
Cerdlnand King. M. U
Ferdinand King can
my good druggist
rantee of success or jBy
Is dispensed In this by
11 gooax agists.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25cat all druggists. 1
1 v
"7 A
1 ifi