Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1917, Page 2, Image 2
...... THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JULY 17, 1917. , 2 " " : : : , i i AMERICAN STEAMER SUM BYSDBMARINE , Three Men Killed and Two In jured When Freighter Grace Is Destroyed by Torpedo From U-Boat. (Br Aaaociated Fm.) Washington, July 16. Sinking of the American 6teamer Grace and the killing of three men, one of them an American, and the injury of two mem bers of the naval armed guard was announced today by the State depart ment The steamer was owned by the Standard Commercial Steamship cor poration,' 15 White Hall street, New York. It was sunk by a torpedo from a submarine. Those killed were: K. J. FABBEIX, NEW JERSEY. TWO ALIENS NAMED TAN WYKE AND .ANDERSON. Five men were injured by fire from an explosion of petroleum, cargo. Three were aliens. The two naval sailors hurt were Hugh Donnelly and George Wilson. - All survivors have been landed and the injured taken to a hospital. TEUTON PREMIER WILL ANNOUNCE POLICYTHURSDAY v (Continued tfrom Fas Om.) tary. , Should this report be confirmed it would mean the return of the ar istocratic traditions of the German 'service. Count Brockdorff-Rantzau is '"born," in the German sense of the word, and highly connected at court through his twin brother, who holds a high court position, and through his mother, Countess Brockdorff Kantzau, mistress of the robes to the empress and one of the most master ful and dominant personages in court life.-''.,: - . The new foreign secretary has a superficial reputation for being some thing of a sluggard and a late riser, with small taste for society. But, beneath, he is a man of firm, strong hand,, with considerable energy for execution. He is about the only German diplomat who has won the approval of the amateur diplomatic courtiers of Germany for keeping the diplomatic house in order ana checking infractions of what Ger mans regard as the neutral attitude of the foreign press. He is a cousin of Count von Bcrnstorff and unmar ried. Michaelis Policy in Doubt. Copenhagen, July IS. Germany's first commoner . chancellor, Dr. i George Michaelis, a bureaucrat with out even a noble "von" before his name, has as yet given no indication of his policy regarding reform and peace. 1 ' Neither the conservatives nor the liberals have ventured to call him their 'own. -. -;4vv" ,jit Thi , chancellor's first step, , whicli might be interpreted as an indication of an open, mind, was to receive rep resentatives of the two divergent ' groups in the Reichstag and permit them to explain their respective stand points, the chancellor playing the role of listener to the conversations con ducted by the vice chancellor, Dr. Karl -Helfferich, and the Reichstag representatives. The German paper unite In char acterizations of his energy and fair mindedness, but are most reserved in their predictions of his " probable policy. The papers aligned lor the so-called German peace are perhaps a shade more enthusiastic about the political possibilities under the new regime than the radical and socialist organs. . The Cologne Volks Zcitune. the Catholic organ of pan-German sym pathies, says Ut. Michaelis tmdoubt i-d!y 6tands nearer the right than the left narties. The line of the comment evidently emanating from Wilhelmstrasse is that the new chancellor regards as his mission the restoration of the internal harmony of the ration, whatever policy may be adopted. No matter what else may result, the change whi undoubtedly mean the ilisappearance of the von Betnmann Hollweg peace program. How Hollweg Failed. ADMIRAL VON CAPELLE TO RESIGN Admiral von Cp1U, German Minister of Marine, suc cessor to the infamous von Tirpits, may be forced to resign as a re sult of tne cabinet crisis reported from Berlin. iVf Til f -M l Dr. von Bethmann-Hollweg's policy regarding the ultimate aims of the war had from the beginning been a per sonal one, in "which the chancellor above the parties" had formed a pro trrain above parliamentary parties, the military authorities and the emperor alike, and he endeavored by gentle, steady pressure and suggestion to im pose it upon a changctul sovereign oscillating between vistas of brilliant ayibition and realization of cold facts; upon the puissant military caste repre sented by Field Marshal von Hinden- burg and oenerai juudendorn, and a blundering, unbrilltant parliament The appointment of Dr. Michaelis undoubtedly means a new deal of the cards. Berlin papers which were pub lished before the appointment of Dr, Michaelis was known, throw further light on the circumstances of Dr. von Rehtmann-HollwegV retirement. To show that the emperor was confronted , by the necessity ot dropping the im pcrial chancellor or virtually the en tire Prussian cabinet, the member of which, including the war minister, General von Stein, a soldier, not nolilican. submitted their resignations declaring that they could not remain it von : Bctlimann-Hollweg was' re . tained. ; Senate Expected to Pass Aviation Bill Promptly Washington, July 16. -A speedy passage by the senate of the $640,000, 0U0 aviation bill, passed by the house Saturday, was predicted today by Senator Chamberlain, chairman of the military committee. He had little doubt, he said, that the measure, pro viding for a fleet of 2,000 airplanes would become a law before August 1. Germany Turns From 1 Zeppelins to Airplanes London. Julv 16. It is reported in ; an Exchange telegraph dispatch from Lausanne that no more Zeppelins are : being constructed at Friedrtchshafen. Thousands -of workmen who hith- erto hav been employed in building i airships are now said to he engaged -in the construction of a large num. ber of airplanes. . ' ' A -J . vi r I Kf. f- ill f.fv , i . til i I. 1 wav j ft f, y m mmmmmm ii Entire Eussian Front is Scene Of Great Struggle i (Continued From Fate One.) PIRACY OF NEWS IS NOW ILLEGAL njunction Against Hearst Serv ice Becomes Effective JLfter the Supreme Court Be jects Appeal. New York, July 16. -Although the United States circuit court of appeals some weeks since rendered a.i opin ion granting on every point sub mitted the injunction sought by the Associated Press to restrain the Inter national News Service from pirating news belonging to the forme; 'organ ization, the entering of the order has been postponed by the attempts of the defendant organization through its counsel, bamuel Untermyer, to obtain a stay, first, from the circuit court, of appeals;, second, from the district court, and, third, from a jus tice of the supreme court ot the United States. . Order is Entered. All three requests having been re fused, the order has been entered by direction of Judge Augustus N. Hand, of the United States district court of the southern district of New York restraining the International News Service from three practices: (a) from inducing, or oermittinir any telegraph editors or other employe or agents of the com plainant or any of its members or of anv newspaper or newspapers owned or represented by them or any of them, or any such members, to com municate to defendant or to permit defendant to take or appropriate, for consideration or otherwise, any news received from or gathered for com plainant, and from purchasing, receiv ing, selling, transmitting or using any news so obtained. "(h hrom lndncinor or nrocunntr. directly or indirectly, any of the com. plainant's members or any of the newspapers respresentcd by them, to violate any of the agreements fixed by the charter and by-laws of the complainant Protects Value of News. "(c) From copyin . obtaining, tak ing, selling, transmitting or otherwise gaimuuy using, or irom causing u uc copied, obtained, taken, sold, trans mitted or otherwise gainfully used the complainant s news, either bodily or in substance, from bulletin issued by the complainant or any, of its mem bers, or from editions of newspapers published by any of complainants members, until its commercial value as news to the complainant and all of its members has passed away." Although the court found the Asso ciated Press was' not guilty of an" such forms of piracy, it having vol untarily offered to submit to a like in junction to that contained in para graph (c), it is ordered that such a counter injunction also issue in that particular. V , . I. W. W. Movement in State Is Not Considered Serious Lincoln, Neb., July 16. The Ne braska State Council of Defense will not at this time take steps to sup press demonstrations in Nebraska by alleged members of the Industrial Workers of the World, it became known here today. ' The naval reserve recruiting officer at North Platte, Neb., had appealed to naval recruiting officers .here for relief from an "Industrial Workers of the World ;.enace and the ap peal was placed before the council of defense. It was said the town was being overrun by Industrial Workers of the World. ' LAX-FOfc An lmpnT4 Cancan. A dlRMtlv liquid laxative, cathartic and liver tonic. Combtnt strength with plat able aromatic tattc, Doea not (ripe or dli turb stomach. 80c Advertisement. narrow foothold on the edge of the disputed ground. The French in local operations made some progress south of Ailles on the Aisne front and repulsed sev eral strong attacks near St. Quentin and south of Corbeny. On the British front only raiding operations and artillery andairplane activities are reported. Russians' Take Dolina. London, July 16. The occupation by the Russians of the Galician town of Dolina is reported in a Petrograd dispatch. The army of General Boehm-Ermoli is said to. have been thrown back on the Carpathians. Petrograd, July 16. The Russians yesterday captured sixteen officers and 900 Austro-Germans in the battle in eastern Galicia, War department announced today. The Russians also took a number of machine guns. From July 1 to July 13, the state ment continues, 834 officers and 35,809 men were captured by the Russians. General prusilotf s forces also cap tured ninety-three heavy and light guns, twenty-eight trench mortars, 403 machine guns, forty-three mine throwers, forty-five bomb mortars, three fire throwers, two airplanes and much equipment. French Beat Back Rushes. Paris, July 16. A strong series of German attacks last night between the Somme and the Aisne and in the Champagne were repelled everywhere except near Mont Haute, in the Champagne, where they retained a few trench elements, the wr office announced today. 1 Germans Blow Up French Mine. Canadian Headquartrs in France, July 15. Seven heavy explosions were heard in Lens early yesterday, due to the blowing up ol overhead machin ery of Mine No. 13, hitherto one of the most conspicuous mines of the landscape in the east end of Lens. The report follows: "The enemy has been unable to raise coal from this mine, because of th constant shell fire to which it has been subjected lately. The mine machinery now lies in a tangled ruin, where it was thrown by the ex plosion. , "Our ttack upon Lens has resolved itself into a fierce and long , con tinned artillery duel. The enemy has added greatly to the number of his active batteries. Our gunners have no sinecure in facing this gun con centration and preventing the enemy from shooting up our infantry posi tions, which now are scattered about in various mining villages forming the suburbs of Lens." GUARDS MAY BE SENT TO FRANCE EARLY IN AUGUST ' (Continued From Fate One Cavalry Bugle Which Once Called Custer to Summon Fighting 4th When Company A of the "Fight ing Fourth" reaches the trenches, somewhere in France, they will carry with them a cavalry bugle, scarred by many a battle, and a veteran of the Indian wars. The same bugle that called Custer be fore the massacre in South Da kota's hills will awaken the Omaha boys in the shell torn valleys of Flanders. At the conclusion of the Red Cross parade Monday S. H. Par tons of The Omaha Bee presented to Musician Rogers of Company A the bugle carried by Little Frenchy, a bugler in General Custer's cal vary in the Indian war. Frenchy escaped the fate of his commander, due to the fact that a short time before the massacre he had been put in the guard house for disor derly conduct. He was later fatally stabbed in a street fight and on his death bed presented the bugle to Mr. Pafson s brother, who was an agent for the Wells-Fargo Express company and a personal friend. On a visit to Omaha in 1880 (shortly aiter;, Mr. Parsons brother pre sented him the bugle and it has been in his possession until started on another trip to war. ATTACK ON HOOVER KEEPS SENATE BUSY Entire Debate Taken Up in Wrangle Over Food Admin istrator; Compromises in Sight. ordnance as the regular service can spare. It is regarlled as practically certain, however, that if the guard divisions are sent to France at an early date they will be equipped with French artillery on their arrival there. Presumably their first war work will be with the famous French '7b$: Shipping Is Big Problem. Departure of the guardsmen for France, it was indicated toda?, will be governed by the shipping problem War department officials regard many divisions of the 'state troops as vir tual v readv now for the intensive trainina- behind the fighting I line in France which will prepare them for their olace in the trenches, lhere is no reason why some elements could not go forward at once except lack Ot transportation ana inc suoniannc menace. Asistant Secretary of Interior Sweeney Dies . Seattle, Wash., July 16. A mes sage from W Washington today an nounced the death there of Bo Sweeney of Seattle, assistant secre tary of the interior. He was born in Missouri and some vears ago prac ticed law in Trinidad, Colo. v Bee Want Ads produce results. (Br Associated Press.) Washington, July 16. A wrangle over President Wilson's appointment of Herbert C. Hoover as food ad ministrator occupied virtually all to day's debate in the senate on the food control bill, but meantime con siderable progress on compromise amendments were made by the lead ers in bi-partisan conferences. tor more than two hours Senator Reed criticised Mr. Hoover, declaring his residence abroad had kept him out of touch with American ideals. Senator Phelan reptied, defending the food administrator as a patriotic and efficient official. Republicans asrreed on changes in the bill expected to commana gen era! support, including an amendment creating a board of food administra tion instead of one-man control, pro vided in the house measure. Most of the leaders also agreed upon limiting the control legislation to food, fuels1 and teeds, the tueis to include gaso line and kerosene, but a considerable senate following plans to insist upon retention of government control over steel and iron and their products. Another conference will be held to morrow by leaders with a meeting of the senate democratic steering com mittee planned later for final negotia tion toward a complete compromise. OmahUM Wed In Chicago. Chlcaito. July it. (Special Telegram.) Stephen Pi Sullivan and Mies Papllno. Urod beek, both ot Omaha, were licensed to wed here) today. Vacation Trunks... Well built trunks, covered with blue fibre top, edges rounded, plenty of good hardware, 2 trays, fancy cloth lined. 32-inch..... $12.00 34-inch..... $13.00 36.inch... $14.00 Freiing & Steinle "Omaha's Best Baggage Builders" 1803 Farnam : saw I: Vacation in Canada Toronto, Highlands ol Ontario, Thousand blands, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec Write today for free comprehensive, beautifully illustrated guide-books. 1 Historical; legendary. Tales of adventure, exploration and conquest Citadels, cathedrals, shrines, battle grounds and battlements. Also covers hotels, including the magnificent Chateau Laurier at Ottawa, owned by tHe Grand Trunk. The Grand Trunk is the line owning its own double tracks and the route of The International Limited between Chicago, Toronto and Montreal At little extra cost, an optional route is offered down the St Lawrence River, through the Thousand Islands and Lachine Rapids, ' . 'ihrough Pullman sleeping cars from Chicago to Toronto ard t Montreal and from Montreal to Portland and Boston. Inexpensive tours by ocean to New York and return via Niagara Falls. Through sleeping cars are also run Montreal to St John, N. B, and Halifax,N.S. For the book, address: J. D. McDONALD, Avit. General Passenger Agent, Grank Trunk Railway. 112 W. Adams St. Chicago, 111. DISCOVER BODY OF MURDERED SOLDIER Find Cavalryman With Throat Cut Lying on Track at Globe; Letters Reveal I. W. W. Strike Plot. (Br Associated Press.) Globe, Ariz., July 16. Private Cas sidy of a troop of United States cav alry on strike duty here was found on the railroad track near Old Do minion mine early today with his throat cut and his body lacerated by a freight jain. The coroner imme diately bean an investigation to as certain whether Cassidy was killed by the train or was murdered and his bodj thrown on the track. Letters Reveal Plot. Jerome, Ariz., July 16. Two boxes of caps used to detonate dynamite and correspondence c'leged to reveal details of Industrial Workers of the World plans to tie up the copper min ing Industry in Arizona were found here today m a suitcase said to be long to James (Red) Thompson, known as an Industrial Workers of the World leader. Thompson was de port d with sixty-two other men last Tuesday and now is held at Pres cott. Few Deported Men Return. Bisbee, July 16. Several of the men deported from the Warren district last Thursday 'have returned and been allowed to remain, it became known today, while others have been turned back at the borders of this section by armed guards. . The guards are examining passen gers on all trains entering the district and turning back those nt desired, while parties of guards continue on duty on the principal roads coming into the district. A number of men in Bisbee, whose cases have been looked into by .the guards, have been urged to leave and nearly in every case have taken the first train out. Bisbee continues quiet. The oper ators today report another increase in the number of men at work. Liner Aground Off Cape Race May Be Total Loss St. Johns, N. F., July 16. The Norwegian-American line steamship Kris tianiafjord, which went aground near Cape Race in a fog yesterday, was pounding heavily in the surf today and it was feared that it would be come a total loss. It had swung about so that it was parallel with the shore and all its forward holds are filled with water. The Kristianiafjord, a ship of 10,000 tons, was bound from New York for a Norwegian port with passangers and freight. It had touched at Halifax, where it was ex amined by the British authorities. The passengers, all of whom were landed in safety, arrived here today. Streetcar Strike Ties i Up Traffic in Tacoma Tacoma, Wash., July 16. Not a street car was running for Tacoma city traffic today as the result of the failure of the Tacoma Railway and Power company and its employes to settle their difficulties. DRAFT DRAWING MAY BEGIN SATURDAY Organization in Fifteen States Yet Incomplete and Thou sand Districts Have Not Reported. Washington, July 16. On the basis of advices today from various states where the organization work of the exemption boards has not been com pleted War department officials said the drawing for the army selective conscription hardly could be held be fore Saturday at the earliest. Fifteen states have not reported the completion of their exemption board organization. The process followed by the boards is to file two copies of their completed and numbered lists of registrants as soon as the serial numbers have been arranged. One copy is mailed to the provost marshal general in Washington and the other to the governor of the state. Less than 1,000 of the 4.5S9 districts are still to be heard from in Washing ton and probably only a few hundred have noit reported as yet to the gov ernors. In California, for instance, the gov ernor would receive his copy from any exemption board four or five days before the mail would bring to Wash ington a copy of the provost marshal general. The governor would report tovthe provost marshal general only when every district in his tate had been heard from. N Thrills. "This seems to be a very dangerous precipice," remarked the tourist. "I wonder that they have not put up a warning board." "Yes.' answered the guide, "It is danger ous. Tbey kept a warning board up for two years, but no one tell over, so It was taken down." Harper's Magazine. THOMPSON BELDEN 6. CO VfipVcxiionCpnfprbrWomPn Csfabfishtd 6d6 Tub Skirts For Hot Days Carefully tailored skirts of a quality that appears shapely and retains its well modeled lines after repeated trips to the laun dry. New models now ready, at $5, $7.50, $9.50, $10.50 Georgette Blouses Lovely new models, dainti ly embroidered. Priced at $6.50. Plan to Attend The Alteration Sale of Basement Apparel Commencing Wednesday this sale of seasonable ap parel will present some very low prices. There is a reason. Thursday, A Pump Sale more interesting than any we have ever held. Summer Hats ' for Much Less Cushion Brim White Milans, $2.95. Felt Sport Hats, at $3.75 to $10 A small assortment, in plain and two-toned ef fects; also combina tion of colors to match sweaters all very at tractive. Second Floor. mij 'Chain' i A 0s 'Rcyat Cord lYO I Costs Less to Use 'Royal Cord Tires Because you can get more actual service out of them than any other cord tire made. more miles at lower cost per mile. United States 'Royal Cord1 Tires are known For their supreme elasticity and resiliency which gives tasy riding. United States Royal Cord Tires are known for their marvelous endurance which gives low mile age cost. United States Royal Cord Tires are known to bet as much the master of all cord tires as a general is master of his army. Put 'Royal Cords on your car. They are known tires. aftis-Dn oodTi United States Tabes and Tire Accessories Havt all tit SterSnt Worth and Wtar that Mah United States Tim Supreme. Also Tires for Aeroplanes 'if i r " r'lf " ' .- -i