Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1917, Page 11, Image 11

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    ' THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JULY 17. 1917.
ONE 6-roora and one 4-rooni cottage, both
on on lot; fina condition; live tn ona and
ront the other. Price (or both, 12.750.
Very aur terms. No. 1431 South 20th St
400 Be Building. Phone Dougla 4CT0.
Stucco conttruction, 6 large light rooma
Oak floor, oak and enamel finish. Price
83,800. Eaay term. Another new build
ing (or 13,6(0. Call Douglas 1722 days.
Walnut 1580 evenings
FOR BALE Almost new 4-room house.
Prlca Tight and terms easy, at Gibson;
large lot. or will rent It to small family.
C. B. Schllersher. Tyler 105,
If so. I can sell you a lot tn a grow
ing district where property Is Increasing
In value and all new homes. The sewer,
water, gas and walks ara all In and paid
In full, located near a good car line and
school. Tou can select the lot that suits
you on
Small Cash Payment
and I will build a house to suit you. I
have a lumber yard and mill and let
large plumbing and heating contracts;
thus I can save you money and give
you just what you want.
Ca.ll Doug. 3128.
1301 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1734.
A TRACT vt ground laying ideal (or poultry
raising; 250-ft, frontage; price 1810; 250
cash, 112.60 monthly. Call P. Sit.
J. B. ROBINSON, Real Estate and Insur
ance. 443 Bee Bldg., Douglas 8097.
Templeton-Olson Co.. Bee Bldg. Tyler 2020.
General real estate. Insurance. Rentals.
REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty
H. A. WOLF. Realtor. Ware Blk. Specialist
in downtown business property.
QUARTER section Minnesota land, 4 miles
northwest of Wlndom; 120 acres In crops,
fenced and cross-fenced; good, black
sandy loam, about 20 miles from Iowa
line. Farm is rented, 2-5 delivered. Price
$125 per acre. Wants improved 80 acres.
Must be within 60 miles, of Omaha, or
good income Omaha property.
FOR EXCHANGE 160-acre farm adjoining
eastern Kansas town ot 000 population,
large 8-room house, two large barns,
plenty good water, land lays nice and
lovel and all in cultivation. Price 2129
per acre; 16,000 mortgage at 6 per
cent. Will trade for stock of general
merchandise or clear income property.
Address V 106. Bee.
10R SALE or trade for western land, well
established, fully equipped, small dry
cleaning plant, doing good business in
suburb of Omaha; for particulars address.
Box K&7, Bee.
Iowa and
South Dakota, for cash or clear land. S.
J. Olmem, Minneapolis, Minn.
SEVEN-ROOM residence on N. 27th St. for
one in Council Bluffs. Mrs. B 710 Mill
I St., Council Bluffs. la,
160 ACRES, well improved, every acre good
land. N. E. Neb., will take some trade.
O. A. Kull. Oakland, Neb.
260 AN acre buys 130-acre farm 15 miles
from Omaha. Inquire 432 Ramge Blk. Tel.
Doug. 4212. Residence phone Dong. 775.
REAL ESTATE Unimproved
BEAUTIFUL ,60-foot lots. Price 3220, only
32 cash and 60 cents per week. Doug. 3333.
$10 Down $10 Monthly
We are In, a. position to offer the last
acre - on Macadam road In Benson Gar
dens at 31.000. This ha a small build
ing suitable for garage. Is a corner
facing north on Main street and east on
75th and baa 139-foot frontage on paved
road and 231 feet on 75th St This Is
an investment Call Tyler 60 and go out
at onca and sea this. Ask (or Mr. Man
t14 Harney Street.'
Well located lota on easy terms. Mod.
era, attractive homes. Befora buying ba
aura and see
HOMES and home sites in Dundee,
HHULER & CARY. 204 Keellne. D. 6074.
LI STING houses to rent or aell on small cash
payments; have parties waiting. Western
Real Estate. 413 Karbach Blk. D. 3607.
LIST you 6 and 6-room houses with Ed
- ward F. Williams Co., 301 Omaha Nat.
Bank Bldg. P. 420. '-
LIST your 6 and 6-room houses with us.
Co., Tyler 496. . . .
WANT to Buy 40 acres of farm and pasture
land. Bog 168, Independence. Kan.
ARNDT & TAYLOR can assist you. 1825
Laird St. Webste 2039. . .
20 First National Bank Bid.
Real Estate. Leans and Mortgages.
5, IVt and 6 per cent. Also first mort
' gages on farms and Omaha real estate for
sale. J. H. Dumont & Co., 416-418 Keellne
Bldg., 17th and Harney.
VioT" TO 310.000 MADE promptly. F. D.
Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Sta.
CITY and farm loans porinptly made. Rates
5, hVt and 6 per cent. Reasonable com-
212 South 17th, Omaha, Neb.
Jl.OOtt MTGE., bearing 6 pet, semi-annually;
secured by property valued at 34.000.
Talmarige-Loomia Inv. Co., W. O. W. Bldg.
5 PER CENT to 6 per cent on best class
city residences U amounts 32,000 up; also
farm loans. Reasonable commission.
PETERS TRUST CO., 1822 Farnam St
MONEY to loan on Improved farma and
ranches. We also buy good farm mort
gages. Kloke Inv Co., Omaha.
Money on hand for mortgage loans.
City National Bank Bldg.
SIX per cent first mortgages secured by
Omaha real estate. E. H. Lougee, Inc.,
638 Keellne Bldg. -
FARM and city loans, 5. 6' and 6 per cent
W. H. Thomas. Keellne Bldg. Doug. 1648.
dels Theater Bldg. D. 685. , i
O'KEEFB R. E. CO.. 1018 Omaha Nat.
W. T GRAHAM, 604 Bee Bldg.
IO l Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg.
Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg.
Stocks and Bonds.
LISTED and unlisted stocks. Investment
securities. Industrial stocks.
860 Omaha National Bank Bldg.
Abstracts of Title.
T. Title, Guarantee and Abstract Co.,
XVCll t 80S S. 17th 8t, ground door.
Bonded by Mass. Bonding and Ins. Co.
represent prompt pay Insurance companies.
610 Brandeis Bldg., Omaha. Neb.
Good farm; will pay cash or give good
trade In city Income property; state In
letter full particular If mortgaged how
much and rate of interest. AVill deal with
owner only. Atsnts. wue t'.inijs, no com
mssnniH. llj EC57, 11.
Louisiana Lands.
FOR SALE Land in W. Calcasion Parish,
La. Timber, marsh and high land. Ad
dress M. C Roderick. Hlmount. Lake
Charles, La.
Nebraska Lands.
WE have several very finely Improved
(arms In Buffalo county, Nebraska, that
wa are gaing to sell Immediately. Wa
have purchased what Is known as the
"1733 Ranch" at Kearney, comprising
over 4,000 acres of land; 3.000 acres of
this land lies In a body. This wa ara going
to keep and maka it the finest show
placa in the state of Nebraska. How
ever, there are several farms that He one
to two miles from the main body of land,
complete going farms, with complete sets
of improvements, fenced and In cultiva
tion, that we ara going to sell at a bar
gain. Wa offered these farms last week
to a few people who live adjoining them
and sold over 360,000 worth to the neigh
bors, but the neighbors cannot buy all ef
them. There ara still four or five first
clssa farms ranging (rom 200 to 400
acres, priced at 845 to 360 an acre, that
are wonderful bargains. If you want to
secure a wonderful bargain, get on the
train and go to Kearney at once. Wire V.
E. Stewart. In cars of the Stlckel Lum
ber Co., at Kearney, that you are going;
he will meet you with a machine and
show you the land. The first people who
sea these farma and ara really looking
(or a bargain in an Improved farm in
eastern central Nebraska will buy them.
The crops ara on the ground and will
peak for themselves. Do not stop to
write, but get on the train, go down to
Kearney and look this ground aver.
Lincoln, Neb.
Box 1651.
300,000 ACRES
310 TO 325 PER ACRE.
Highly productive land located In Ne
braska, Rast Texas. Missouri, Arkansas
and Northern Louisiana; can make pay
ment on large part; 32 per acre cash;
balance to suit
454 Omaha Nafl. Bk. Bldg. Tel. D. 40.
A 320-acre farm In Pierce county, Neb.,
at a bargain; 160 acres in cultivation;
fair buildings. For particulars writs to
Box 215. Holsteln, la.
80 ACRES irrigated, fine, level, black land,
near Bridgeport, Neb., very cheap, terms;
crop goes with land.
627 City National Bank Bldg.
SMALL Nebraska farms on easy payments
6 acres up. We farm the farm we sell
,you. The Hungerford Potato Growers'
association, 15th and Howard Sta., Omaha.
Douglas J7t.,
FOR SALE One quarter section land, well
improved. 7' miles south of Lodgepole,
Neb. Wite or call the owner, C. J. Schad,
Lodgepole, Neb.
FOR SALE Bent large body higl. grade,
medium priced land in Nebraska: very
tlj mone. required., C Bradley, Wol
ch. Neb. (
Oregon Lands.
Irrigated Lands.
. Jordan Valley Project.
' Malheur County, Oregon. ,
940 First National Bank Bldg.
Omaha. Nebraska.
6 to 6 tons per acre yearly.
940 First Nat. Bank Bldg.
Omaha, Nebraska.
Texas Lands.
GOOD corn land, east Texas, 326 an acre.
Get my free book
W. S. FRANK. 201 Neville Block, Omaha.
Bee Want Ads produce results.
Tou are protected In your selection of a
used car from our large and varied stock
for, our allowance prices are conservative
and our selling prices correspondingly low.
51916 Overland 83 touring.
3 1816 Overland 76-B touring.
21818 Overland 75-B roadster.
l-r-1815 Overland 80 coupe.
11916 "Overland 83 panel delivers;.
' 11916 Overland 75-B express.
1 1914 Hudson 37 touring.
1 1916 Saxon roadster.
.1 1914 Chandler, 6-cyllnder touring.
1 1915 Chandler, 6-cyllnder touring.
2 1915 Maxwell touring.
2 1916 Maxwell touring.
11915 Commerce truck.
1 1913 Cadillac touring.
11915 Paige- touring.
11913 Apperson touring.
11916 Metz touring.
1047 Farnam St. Tel. D. 8292-L.
Open Sundays and Evenings.
New Cars on Hand. '
We Have Also
Ona 1913 Maxwell i':H
One 1913 Maxwell 3350
1915 6-cyl. Studebaker 3500
A trial will convince you that these
cars are right.
2010-16 Harney. St.
Service Car Always Ready.
2518 FARNAM.
HERE'JS A, GOOD BUY, Briscoe 4-20 Club
Roadster, 'need but a little shop work,
fully equipped, retails eight twenty-five.
Owner will take less. I can't afford to
keep two cars. Phone Colfax 655 or call
at 6435 Florence Blvd. , F. A. Blxby.
2209 Farnam. Douglas 2310.
1316 Chevrolet 3350
1916 Overland Roadster 475
1916 Empire Touring 400
19iS Maxwell Touring 375
Will rent you a car, with or without
driver. Best service. Better rates. Also
beat tube repairing in city.
See Us..
218 S. 19th St Tel. D. 7390.
1916 FORD TOURING, used very little, per
fect condition, speedmeter, surmountable
wheel, shock absorber, etc., 3350. 1916
Ford Roadster, good running condition,
needs paint 3250, Crosstown Garage, 315
8.. 24th St.
TRADE your old battery In on a guaranteed
Ever-ready storage battery. Free inspec
tion of any battery. Ever-ready Storage
Battery Co., 1206 Farnam St.
Used Car Dept.
221 2-16 Harney St. . Douglas 853.
Almost any make at reasonable prices.
FOR SALE Lozler roadster, looks and runs
like new; will take good Ford in part
payment; a snap for some one. Address
Box T 108, Bee.
UNUSUAL bargains In slightly used tires;
expert tire and tuba repairs. G. & G,
Tire & Vulcanizing Co., 2423 Leavenworth.
Tyler I261-W.
CROSSTOWN OARAGE, 315 8. 24th St.
Douglas 4143. Careful repairing, quick
service; carbon burning, 60o per cylinder.
Radiator repairing, welding, etc.
CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Ex
change Co., 2107 Farnam St Doug. 6036.
FOR SALE One 1915 Cadillac, overhauled
and refinished. This car must be sold at
once. Can be seen at 3016 Harney St.
MY 1915 Mitchell touring car, electric lights
and starter; just Overhauled; new tires; a
bargain at 3375. Phone Harney 1901.
2318 Harney St. Doug. 1640.
1917 Ford and 1917 Bulck.
20th and Harney. - Douglas C251.
BUY Lee Punctureproof Pneumatlq Tires
and eliminate your tire troubles, Powell
Supply Co., 2051 Farnam Bt
BERTSCHY "Kan-Flx-It." Southeast cor
ner 20th and Harney Sts. Douglas 2662.
WANT modern six suto for clear Bron-nell
Hall district lofts. Csnan. McCague Bldg
WE are the used Ford men. Auto Salvage
A Exchange. 110 S. 17th.
FOLDING seat Ideal for email auto. Bar
gain. Phone Har. 6983.
WANTED Ford chassis in good condition.
Lenient terms. Box 5688, Hee.
WANTED to buy Ford car. state price and
particulars. 1523 8 27th.
Electric Starters and Repairs.
316 8. 19th Bt. Douglas 648.
"Oinnhn'fi r.'i-'V" '-v-k r-r Repair nop,1
z:ju I 'i !!t. f.Tu'-s Jlli 7.
Tires and Supplies.
UNUSUAL BARGAINS in slightly used
tires; 30x3. 35 and up; 30xJ'. 36.50 and
up; 32x3 H. 87.50 and up. Expert tuba and
tire repairing.
3423 Leavenworth. Tyler 1261-W.
TIRE price wreckers. This is no 2 in 1 tire.
1103 H Jackson. Agta. wanted. Omaha. Neb.
Auto Repairing and Painting.
tlOO reward for magneto we can't repair.
Colls repaired. Baysdorfer. 210 N. 18th.
Motorcycles and Bicycles
Bargains In used machines. Victor H.
Roos. 'The Motorcycle Man," 27th and
THE Cloveland Lightweight Is the f.lmplcst,
best constructed and most economical mo
torcy le; easy terms. Plott Bros.. 3259
FOR SALE A new Indian bicycle, with
a new Smith motor wheel attached; price,
365. Address Uox T 101. Bee.
THE Salvation Army Industrial Home so
licits your old clothing, furniture, maga
sines. We collect we distribute. Phone
Doug. 4125 and our wagon will call. Call
and inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1111
Dodge St. .
PERSONAL Parties knowing whereabouts
of Mrs. Edith May Hyde will please notify
her daughter. Miss Irene Hyde, C532 De
pew St., Denver, Colo. Was last heard of
in 1907 at 420 24tb Ave., Omaha, Neb. 110
BATHS and massage. Central Hath Insti
tute, 1506 Harney St Doug. 7097. Open
MISS FISHER, sulphur, steam baths and
massage. 379 Ttrai. Thea. Bldg. D. 1559.
LUELLA WEBSTER, massage and mani
curing. 518 Paxton Blk. Red 2400,
Manicuring and mass. 1623 Farnam. R. 19.
ALL RIGHT private maternity home. Best
care. 2605 Bristol. Web. 2908.
PRIVATE licensed maternity home. 4416 N.
38th St. Phone Colfax 2043.
BATHS, massage. 1S03 Farnam. Room I
Phone Douglas 8761.
Manicuring, massage and scalp treatment
703 S. 24th, bet. 10 and 6 for appt. Ty. 1033.
SCIENTIFIC massage. 620 Bea Bldg. Phone
Douglas 6872. '
MAE BRUGMAN, tclentlflo masseuse and
baths. 203 Karbach Blk. Red 2727.
?JBQTTjl as..21 20 jHa rney. Dg62.
Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and
othe rectal diseases without surgical op
erations. Cure guaranteed and no money
paid until oured. Write for book on rec
tal disease and testimonials.
WnT SUFFER? Latest and Moat Sclentlflo
Treatment for all Diseases. Dr. Charles
Barnes, 613-524 Rose Bldg. Examination
and Consultation free. He Is curing thou
sands. WHY NOT YOU? Delays are dan
gerous. If you can't call, write. Hours,
9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; 7:30 to 9:30 evenings.
Sunday by appointment.
RUPTURE successfully treated without a
surgical operation. Call or write Dr.
Frank H. Wray. 306 Bee Bldg.
DR. EADEB. 201 Paxton Blk. Doug. 6728.
Dr, Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg.
Taft'e Dent Rms.. 308 Rose Bldg. D. 2186.
Lady attendant. 2656 Harney, D, 7296.
Dr. Johnston, 1325 W. O. V, Bldg. P. 6529.
Dr. J. C. Lawrence, Baird Bldg. D. 8461.
BELGIAN Carneau pigeons, red and red
, splashed, the kind that raise big squabs;
32.23 rir mated pairs, the breeders bred
I for the purpose. Write to Redwing Pigeon'
Loft, atwood, Kan.
FOR SALE Five Boston bull pups 35 each,
2302 S. Thirty-third street
BABY ducks. Mrs. Baker. Benson 747-W.
FURNITURE, planoa and notes as security,
340, 6 mo., H. goods, total cost, 33.60.
340, 6 mo. endorsed notes, total cost, 32.60.
Smaller, large am'ta proportionate rate.
132 Rose Bldg., 16th and Farnam, Ty. 666.
324.00 5240.00 or more
Easy payments. Utmost privacy.
340 Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug. 2295.
Flora L. Lamb and husband to
Thomas Jewell, Twenty-eighth ave
nue, 108 feet south of Sahler street,
west side. 27x12614 3 1
Murray F. Klrkwood and wife to Anna
Lennahan, southeast corner Twenty-seventh
street atd Meredith ave
nue. 44x108 I
Martin Hogan and wife to J. H. Wise,
southeast corner Twenty-second and
Spring streets, 48x114 3,000
George H. Wullcy et al to. Henry
Cakemeler, Thirty-third street, 899
foot south of Martha street, west
side, 38x140 4,100
John i. McBride and wife to Charles
Nelson, Forty-first street, 100 feet
south of Emlle street, east side,
50x128 100
Jessie F. Shepard to Guarantee Fnmd t .
Life association, southwest corner
Twenty-sixth and Farnam streets,
60x130 40,000
Louie E. Elwood and wife to Charles
B. Huestls, Fifty-third street, 81
feet north of Dodge street east '
'side, irregular piece 1
Notice la hereby given that Hon. Bryce
Crawford, county Judge in and for Doug
las county, Omaha, Nebraska, will receive
sealed bids up to 12 o'clock (noon) on Sat
urday, July 21at 1917, for both the repavlng
and repairing of Dodge Street Macadam,
beginning at City Limits and running west
five miles, more or less.
Bidding blanks, plans and specifications
are on file In the County Englnoer's office,
Court House, Omaha, Nebraska,
Each bd must be accompanied by a certi
fied check or cash in the sum of Twenty
five Hundred (32,500.00) Dollars, as a guar
antee of the faithful performance of the con
tract, if awarded.
Bidders will also be required to file good
and sufficient surety bond for the mainten
ance of their workiover a specified period.
Bids to be opentd by the County Board
ot Commissioners at 12 o'clock (noon) on
Saturday, July 21, 1917, In accordance with
the provisions ot the law In that behalf.
The Board of County Commissioners re
serve to themselves the fight to reject any
or all bids.
Dated Omaha, Nebraska, July 7, 1917.
County Clerk,
C4 J1y9dllt Douglas pounty. Neb.
St. Louts Live Stork Market.
St.Louis, July 16. Cattle Receipts, 9,700
head; market, lower; native beef steers,
37.60(5)13.75; yearling steers and heifers,
18.6013.60; cows, 3. 0010. 60; Blockers
and feeders, 36.006 9.60; prime southern beet
steers, 38.00 si 1 2.26 ; beef cows and heifers,
84.26W9.00; prime yearling steers and heif
ers. $7.50210.00: native calves, 36.0014.60.
Hogs Receipts, 8.400 head; market
steady; light, 316.10915.60; pigs, $10.25
15.00; mixed and butchers, $16.1016.80;
good heavy, $15.75015.65; bulk ot sales,
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 4,700 head;
market steady; lambs 25c lower; lambs,
314.0015.O0; ewes, $8,0019.00; canners,
$4.005.00; choppers, $4,0006.50.
Kansas City Live Stock Market.
Kansas City, July 18. Cattle Receipts.
32,000 head; market lower; prim fed steers,
312.6013 55; dressed beef steers, $9.60
12.25; western steers, 38.0011.85; cows,
$6.0009.75; heifers, $7.60 18. 00; stockers
and feeders.. $6.26910.00; bulla, 86.608.60;
calves, $7.0013.50.
Hogs Receipts, 10,009 head; market
steady; bulk ef sales, $16.00 18.66; heavy,
$15.6015.80; packers and butchers, $15.25
16.70; light, $14.40916.30; pigs, $12.60
Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 3,(00 head;
market steady: lambs, $16.O0$15.50: year
lings, $10.0011.50; wethers, $8.60010.00;
ewes, $8.25 8.25.
Dry Goods Market.
New York. Julv 1 !; Cnttnn -nnAm
i yarns were ouit to.lny.l llrena fsbrtr were
: mure urUrf fir n irlnv. Raw xlllt wes 1,1 ; Ii-r :
.i"Vrt .ivi, r?uil.iu uuiio.oiw in
.b. If K ..
Demand for Cows and Heifers
Fairly Good1 on Opening
Day of Week; Run of
Hogs is Fair.
Omaha, July 16, 1917.
Receipts were: Cattle, linn, sheen
Estimate Monday 3,200 7,800 2,300
Same day last week... 3.826 8,403 9,177
Same day 2 wka. ago.. 5.478 6.103 2.160
Same day 3 wks. ago.. 6,649 7,396 3.247
Same day 4 wks. ago.. 6.049 6,772 3,846
Same day last year.... 7,672 6.803 14,730
Receipts and disposition of live stock at
the Union stock yards, Omaha, Neb., for
twenty-four hours ending at 3 o'clock p.
m., yesterday.
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's.
C. M. St. P 1 6
Missouri Pacific ..13 l
Union Pacific 21 14 9 4
C. ft N. W east ..4 9 ... 1
C. & N. W.. west .. 23 45
C. St. P. M. Hi O... 18 7 ... 1
C. B. ft Q., east .,3
C. B. ft Q , west .. 18 17 ... 2
C R. I. ft P., east. 11 8
C. R. I. ft P., west. 8
Illinois Central ... 12 2 ... I
C. Gt. West 7 3
Total receipt ..139
Caltlo. Hoes. Sheep.
Morris ft Co 401 1.055 549
Swift ft Co. 40S 1,528 677
Cudlahy Pack. Co... 680 1.S6.1 1J4
Armour ft Co 682 1.763
Schwarts Co .".52
J. W. Murphy 641
Morrell 17
a O. Pack. Co 4
Kohr 136
Wilson 117
Bent, Van'nt ft Lush 79
Hill ft Son 113
F. B. Lewis 6S
J. B. Root & Co...... ti)
F. O. Kellogg 2.1
Wert, ft Degen 41 '
H. F. Hamilton .... 69
Sullivan Bros 2
M. & K. Calf. Co. .. R
Hlgglns ,m
Huffman ... 24 . ....
Roth 6
Banner Bros ,. 7 .....
John Harvey 203
Dennis ft Francis .... 3 .....
Pat O'Day 4
Jensen ft Lungren .. 35 t
Cudahy. K. C 347
Swift, Fort Worth.... 164
Cudahy, Fort Worth.
Other buyers
Totals ..4,023 7,328 2,736
Cattle A very moderate run of cattle
showed up today, about 3.200 head, and the
general quality of the offerings was hardly
as good as it was last week. Demand from
all sources was fairly active, however,
and the market ruled steady to strong for
desirable beeves and particularly for the
better class of yearlings. Best heavy cattle
brought $13.85, while right good yearlings
found a ready sale at $13.26.
The market for cows and helfera w If
anything, a little better than it was toward
the close of last week. Some choice heavy
California cowe brought $9.60, generally con
sidered a strong figure. The inbetween
grades sold unevenly as usual.
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice
beeves, $12.66013.65; fair to good beeves,
$11.751912.50; good to fair beeves, $10,004?
11.60; good to choice yearlings, l$.60ty
13.30; fair to good yearlings, $11.76011.60:
common to fair yearlings, $9.7611.60; good
to choice crass beeves, $9.5010.50; common
to fair grass beeves, $8.8609.15; good to
choice heifers, 39.50610.60l good to choice
cows, 38.609.76; fair to good cows, $7,600
8.50; common to fair cows. $5.00i$7.50; good
to choice feederaj $$.7509.(0; fair to good
feeders, $7.6003.50; common to fair feeders T
$6.757.60; good to choice stockers, $8,000
9.00; stock heifers, $7.00(f8.00; stock cows,
$6.7607.60; good to choice stockers, $8.00 O
9.00; stock heifers, $7.0003.00; stock cows,
$6.607.6O; stock calves, $$.(0(99.00: veal
calves, $9.00014.00; bulls, stags, etc, $560
950. ' . '
Representative sales;
No. Av. Pr. No. . Av. Fr.
6....... 876 $10 25 1 1170 $12 60
21 1268 12 75 1S.......1226 13 (
10 648 9 00 . 6 1066 11 76
28 757 13 55 35 644 13 10
1 Hi t 25
971 7 30 2 1145 7 6
1 1100 7 75 4 942 8 65
1 860 10 00
1 970 7 00 1 1700 10 00
4 14S 9 75 ,
Hogs The supply of hogs, while slightly
smaller than a week ago, was rather larger
than usual for the opening day ot the week.
Arrivals were estimated at 117 cars, or
7,800 head. This Is a few hundred smaller
than last Monday, but Is 2,700 larger than
two weeks ago and a gain of 2,000, over
the corresponding day last year,
The market was another dreggy, uneven
deal, with the general tendency lower.
Shipping orders were filled early at prices
that ranged from fully steady right at the
outset to a little easier later on, while
packers also made some purchases Ml the
earlier rounds at pretty close to steady fig
ures. For the moat part the hogs that Bold
In last week's notches were the good kinds,
though early sales Included scattering
bunches of plain sows that were very little
If any lower.
Movement 'was sluggish all morning and
towards the close became extremely draggy,
there being the usual i quota of common
packing hogs left for the finish. At a
late hour there were around , fifteen cars
still in sellers' hands. Most of these were
never bid on until the close, when the best
offers packers would make on them were
at a reduction ot as Ipiurh as 15c and oven
20c from last Saturday's figures.
Outside the early steady sales the mar
ket waa mostly 6O10o lower, closing as
noted In the preceding paragraph. A nar
row spread of $14. 70Jf 14.90 caught most of
the packer purchases, with the better kinds
to both packers and shippers on np, top
reaching $15.40. On the close buyers were
offering as low as $14.50014.60 tor quite a
tew bunches.
Representative sales:
No. Av. Bh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
63. .276 210 $14 45 74. .205 40 $14 (0
69. .235 ... 14 66 61. .300 70 14 75
63. .271 140- 14 80 69. .266 140 14 82H
71. .237 40 14 85 64. .264 210 14 10
79. .226 $0 14 93 (4. .114 ... 1(00
63. .213 ... 16 06 65. .316 200 16 10
61. .309 ... 16 25 100. .201 70 13 30
62. .269 ... 16 85 66. .261 ... 15 40
Sheep There were hardly enough lambs
hero this morning to make a market. Chi
cago had a run of 22,000 and reported a
shacply lower trade, and with normal re
ceipts the market here would havo shown a
lower tendency. Dut as It was there were
not nearly enough lambs to go round, and
sellers were able to get Just about steady
prices for the few that were here.
Natives were entirely lacking, the five
cars of fat lambs that were here being all
from range territory. They moved at about
the same prices ss were paid last week, one
string landing at $15.35 and another at
$15.40, which was Friday's top on .rangers.
Famine supplies were all that knpt packers
from enforcing concessions, for as noted
above, values would undoubtedly have
slumped In sympathy with Chicago bad the
offerings been of normal proportions.
Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs,
good to choice, $15.515.40; iambs, fair
to good, $14.76015.25; lambs, rullx, $13,000
14.75; lambs, feeders, $14.25015.25; year
lings, fed westerns, $10.76f()11.60; yearlings,
range, $10.00016.76; wethers, fair to choice,
$9.00010.25; ewes, fair tn rlioite, $8,000
8.76;. ewes, rufls and feeders, $6.0006.60.
Representative sales:
No, A v. Pr.
28 Idaho feeder Iambi 61 $15 00
28 Oregon ewes 410 9 00
340 Oregon feeder lambs 56 15 25
232 Idaho lambs 70 It 40
8I001 City Live Mtork Market.
Sioux City, la., July 18. Cattle-i-Recolpts,
2,000 head; market steady; beef steers, $6.00
013.50; fat cows and heifers, $7,00fU.0u;
canners, $5.(007.00; mockers and feeders,
$7.0069.00; calves, $8.00013.(0; bulls, stags,
etc., $6.00 010.00; feedings cows and heifers
Hogs Receipts, 1,000 head; market
steady to lc lower; lights, $14.10015.10;
mixed. $14.75016.00: heavy, 114.4015.40;
pigs, $12.50013.25; bulks. of sales, $14.(00
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 600 head;
market 16c lower.
St. Joseph Lire Stock Market.
St. Joseph, July 16. Cattle Receipts, $,
100 head; market steady to 10c lower;
steers, $8,60013.26; cows and heifers, $6.75
012.75; calves, $7.60013 00.
Hogs Receipts, 7,200 hesd; market
steady; top, $16.70; bulk .of sales, $14.(00
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, (0 head;
market steady; Iambi, $11.6001( 60; ewes,
' Londoa Stocks and Bonds.
London, July 16. Americans were higher
In sympathy with New Tork, but business
was meager on the stock exchange today.
Sliver Bar, 41 14 d per ounce.
bonds Government steady; railroad Ir
regular. I) :eout n.-t s - sin. it i,n;. 4j per cent: I
'i -j ii.w'li bilw 1 1J 16 pel vent.
General Tone of Cash Wheat
Market Firm Monday; Trade
in Cash Corn is De
cidedly Active.
Omaha. July 16, 1917.
The general tone of the cash wheat mar
ket was firm today, with prices quoted
from steady to to higher and while there
waa practically no shipping demand for
this cereal, there was a limited Inquiry tor
the better grades on the part ot the local
milling Interests.
Noft 2 hard wheat sold at $1.45. No. t
hard sold around $2.38, one car of No. 3
mixed durum brought 11.80 and sample
hard winter sold around 81.77H-
The trade tn corn wa very active and
there was a keen Inquiry for all varieties
of this cereal, although prices were rather
irregular, the white selling off about c.
while the yellow and mixed grades sold
all the way from unchanged to He above
the quotations of the previous market day.
The No. 3 and No. $ grades ot white corn
were quoted at 31.82ftl.93, the better sam
ples or yellow sold from $1.83 to $1.88,
while the bulk of the better samples of
mixed corn brought $1.8801.86H.
The demand tor oats was moderately ac
tive, and, as arrivals were limited, the
sellers were able to dispose ot their sam
ples at a comparatively early hour at prices
ruling from steady to Ho higher.
The better grades ot oals sold at T3 to
73 He but the bulk of the offerings sold
at 73e and the poorer stuff ranged from
71 H to 7Jo.
The rya and barley markets were steady.
but on account of light arrivals the trade
In these cereals was limited.
Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal
to 297,000 bu.; corn, (4,000 bu.; oats 1,117,-
000 bu.
Primary wheat receipts were 441,000 bu..
and shipments. 281,000 bu. against receipts
ot 1,6(0,000 bu., and shipments ot (35,000
bu. last year.
Primary corn receipts ware 813,000 bu..
and shipments, (66,000 bu. against receipts
ot I 062,000 bu., and shipments of 726,000
cu. last year.
Primary oats receipts were 811,000 bu..
and shipments, (69,(00 bu. against receipts
of 866.000 bu., and shipments of (77,000
bu. last year. '
Wheat Corn.
20 101
,. ,..147 ...
Chicago ....
Duluth ....
..!!!!"!!! t
Omaha ....
Kansas City
St. Louis . . ,
Winnipeg .....2(3
These sales were reported today:
Wheat No. 1 hard winter: 1 car, $3.47.
No. 3 hard winter: 1 car, (2.45. No. t hard
winter: 1 car, $3.33. Sample hard winter:
1 car, $1.77. No. t mixed durumi 1 car,
$1.80. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, $3.13.
Corn No. i white: t car, $1.13: t 1-6
cars, 11.92; 1 car. tt.91. No. 3 white: 1
cars. $193. No. white: 1 car, $1.93. No,
1 yellow: 1 car, $1.88. No. 1 yellow: 9
cars, $1.88. No. t yellow: 1 cars, $1.8$;
2-5 car, 11.88. No. x mixed: 1 car (near
white), $1.90; t cars, $1.88; 11 cars,
$1.88. No. t mixed: 16 3-5 cars, No.
4 mixed: 1 car,' $1.67. Ne. & mixed: 3-6
car, 31.87; 1 car, 81. 87. No. I mixed: 8-8
car, $1.(7; 1 car, $1.17. Sample mixed; 1
car, $1,87; I car, $1.86.
Oats No. t white: S ears, 73 c Stand
ard: 1 car, 73c No, 1 white: 1 cars, 78c;
10 3-5 cars, 730; t cars, 73C No. 4
white: 1 car, 78c; 6 cars, 7!c; 3-5 cars,
72 o; 1 car, 72c Sample whltei I car,
73o; 1 car, 71c; 1 car, 71o; a -( cars,
71 c.
Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. I hard.
$2.4202.46; No. I hard. 83.18C1.38, Corni
No. 1 white, $1.9301.93: No. I white, $1.93
01931 No 4 whit. $1(201.92: No. I white.
31.9101.91; Ne. white, 11.910191; No.
2 yellow, tttt'i 01.18; No. I yellow, 11,11
01.88; No 4 yellow, $187OL13i No. 5
yellow, $1.8701.17: No. I yellow, $l.t(
1 17; No. t mixed, 11.88 1.88; No. I
mixed, 11.87 0118; No. 4 mixed, $l.t70
1.87; -No. i mixed. $1.87 01.87; No. (
mixed, l.8601.67. Oats; No. t white,
?3078(; standard, 7l071; No. t white,
r8j72tfc; No. 4 white. 71071.' Barley;
Malting, (1,30 01.45; No. 1 feed, (1.360US.
Rye: No. i, $2.1701-29: No, I, $3.3603.38.
Local range of optional
Art j 6pen High. Low. Clos. j Sat.
Wht. " i
July 2 03 3 03 208 1 03 308
Sep. 1 96 111 111 I tt 196U
Corn.' ' '
Sep. 1 60 1 60 159H 1 lt 1(9
Dec. 1 10 1 10 107ii 1 7!4 1U14
Sep. 06 66 I4H 64 H (i
Dec. 66 66 068, (64, 67H
Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bae
by Logan ft Bryan, stock and grain brokers,
316 South Sixteenth street Omaha:
Art. I Open, High. Low. close. Yes.
Wht I
July I OS 3 0(H205 I 0(H 104
Sep. 1 tS 1 t(H JIM I "tt 19(H
Corn. (
Sep. 1(0 1 01i 168H 189 1(9(
Dec 113 1 13 101 1 09 112H
May 1 18 1 13 107 1 08 111
Oats. j
July (8 61 (t (I (8
Sep. (( 65 (4 (4 (6
Dec. 67 67 (5 66 (7
July 40 50 40 (0 40 10 40 CO 40 70
Sep. 89 90 3( 96 139 82 89 90 40 00
Lard, I
July 20 77 20 (0 20 72 30 80 20 92
Sep. 21 07 21 07 120 971 21 07 21 17
Ribs. ; I
July 51 60 21 60 21 601 21 (0 21 62
Sep. 21 67 21 67 21 62 21 65 21 7
Butter packing stock, 31c
Eggs No, 1 fresh, $8.85 east; Nj. ,
$7.30 case; cracked, $(.70 case.
Cheese Fancy domestic, 46c; No. 1 do
mestic, 40c; block, 82c; twins, Mo; daisies,
25c; triplets, 15ct Toung At. erica, 28c;
Blue Label brick, 25c; Umburger, 80c; New
Tork white, 28c; French Roquefort, 65c.
Beef Cuts Ribs: No. 1, tic; No. t, 20e;
No. 1. 13c Loins: No. 1, 27c; Ne. 1, 35c,
No. t, 15o. Chucks: No. 1, 19c; No. 2,
16c; No. I, 13c. Rounds: No. 1, 10c; No.
3, llc; No. I, lfc. Plates: No. 1, 14c;
No. 1, 14c; No. 1, 12c
Live Poultry Broilers. 1 to 1 lbs., 25c;
broilers, 1 to 1 !., too; broilers, 3 to 2
lbs., 25c; hens, 17c; old roosters and stag.
13c; poor chickens, to; geese, 6c; ducks, 10c;
turkeys, 12c; capons, over ( lbs., 14o;
guineas, 25a; squabs, tl.50O4.00 per dot.;
pigeons, 11.20 per dox. )'
Fish Fresh halibut, 13c; fresh catfish.
20621c; black cod-sable fish, 11 r; fresj,
salmon, (red-pink), 15016c; fresh bull
heads, 17c; fresh trout, No. 1, 18c; fresh
whteflsb, (Selkirk), 16c; fresh black baas,
22S25c; fresh croppies, 12018c; fresh yel
low pike, No. 1, 16c; fresh pickerel, 10011c:
fresh herring. 9c: fresh carp, 10c; fresh
buffalo, 12. Fancy frozen stock Smelts,
11c: Uaracuda headless, 12c; catfish, me
dium, small, 16c fresh while perrh, 10c;
fresh ling cod 10c; fresh Spanish markerel
large, 16c; fresh eel, 17c; kippered salmon
10 lb. baskets, (2.20 ; western red snapper,
headless, lie; whlteflsh, blue fins, 12c;
flounders, 11c; blueflsh, 12c; fresh burbot,
lie: fresh red snapper, 14c; frogs, Jumbo,
..0 large, per dos., $2.60; kippered cod
or grayflsh 10 lb. bakls,, $1.80.
Fruits Orange,, J88s, 124s, box, $3.76; 100,
216, 2i0s. $4.00; 120, 160, 170, 200, $4.25.
Lemons, fancy 300, 3 Co, $7.00; choice 300,
160, $6.60, Orspefrult, 36s, $4.76; 46s, 15.00;
(4s, $5.60; 64s, 80s, 16s, $6.00. Apricots,
crate, $2.36. Peaches, box, $1.65. Plums,
crate, $2.2602.40. Prune, crati, $2.65.
Cantaloupes, stsndards, crate, $4.00,
ponies, crate, $3.00 flats, crate, 11.(0.
Watermelons, lb,, 3s.
Vegetables New potatoes, lb., 6c; cab
bage, lb., 4c; asparagus, dox., (0c; lettuce,
head, crato, $3.30; dozen, 10c; cucumber,
basket, $1.75; tomatoes, crate, $1.76; onions,
Texas, crate. $1.76; wax, $2.26, red, lb 3c
Bananas, lb.. (Ho. ,
Kansas City (ienerel Market
Kansas Clly. July 16. Wheat No. 2
hard, $2.4002.46: No. 2 red, $2.2702.30;
July, $2.05; September, no trading.
Corn No. 2 mixed, $1.881.90; No. t
white, $19401 95; No. t yellow, $1. 9101.92;
July, $1.85; September, $1.67.
Oats No. 2. white, 75c076c; No. t
mixed, 78074c.
Butter Creamery, 86c; firsts, 14c; sec
onds, 33c; packing, 32c.
Eggs Firsts, 31c: seconds, 35c.
Poultry Hens, 16c; roosters, ltc;
broilers, 26c.
Minneapolis (iraln Market.
Minneapolis, July 16. Wheat July,
12.46; September, 11.91. Cash: No. 1
hard, $2.75; No. 1 northern, $2.6002.70;
No. 1 northern. $2.60.
Corn No. 3 yellow,. $1.880 1.89.
Oats No. t white, 72071C
Flaxseed $3.0303.08,
Flour Unchanged.
Harley 31.121.66.
Rye $2,2842.80.
Bran $31.00032.00.
St. Loul Oraln Market
St. Loul, July 16. Wheat No. t red,
$2.2502.27; No. I hard nominal; July, $2.00;
September, $1.90.
Crn No. t. $1.92: No. whit, $1.96;
Rftilrmbor. ?l 03: Dec-mber. $1.09.
OiUa No, 2, 76c; No. white nominal.
Rails Continue Gains While
Industrials Are Heavy to
Weak During: Day on
Wall Street.
New Tork, July 16. The cleavage be
tween rail and industrials assumed wldet'
proportions In the stock market today, the
former evincing a disposition to supplement
last week's gains, while the numerous equip
ments and specialties almost without excep
tlon were heavy when not actually weak.
War prices and taxes again entered large
ty Into speculative calculations, the profes
slonal element making the most of this
vexatious situation. Reasons for the break
in metals were more clearly defined In tree
offering of high grade copper at quotation
considerably under those of the past few
Money conditions distinctly favored the
short account, call loans rising to 10 per
cent the high rate of the year, presumably
In consequence of last Saturday's adverse
bank statement Peace rumors again circu
lated actively and were not without effect
upon the more distinctive war shares.
United States Steel was the pivot around
which the market revolved In Its more ac
tive momenta Steel made an extreme break
of 1 points to 119, Its loweet price In
two months. Bethlehem Steel lost 4 and
recessions In others ot that group ranged
from 3 to 4 points.
Utah Copper wa weakest of the metals.
breaking ( points, with almost as much for
American Zinc and 3 for American Smelt
ing. Baldwin Locomotive and Railway Steel
Spring yielded more easily than other
equipment; motor lost 3 to 4 and oils,
shippings, sugar and many war contract
Issues forfeited 1 to 1 point.
Trans-Continentals were the auataintng
features of the railway .division, Canadian
Pacific gaining 3 points at Its best and
Union Pacific 1 . Reading and other coal
er, together with low grade or reorganised
rail, also were firm and fairly active. Final
prices were from fraction to 2 point above
the minimum quotation. Total . sale
amounted to 174,(00 shares.
Bonds were lrregulsr throughout, minor
rails Inclining to heaviness. Full lot of the
Liberty luu sold at 99 48-50 to 99 40-50,
odd lot varying from par to 99. Total
ales (par value) aggregated 12.860,400.
United States bond ot old issues were
unchanged on call, the coupon Saadvanc-
inr 1 ner cent on a single sale.
Number of sales and rang or prices or
leading stocks:
Bale. High. Low. Close.
Am. Beet Sugar .. (00 90 89 90
Am. Can t.000 43 47 48
Am. Car ft Fdry... 1,900 76H 74 .4
Am. Locomotive .. 1.400 71 (9 70
Am. Smelt, ft Rtg.. 1.900 104 'i 101H 103
Am. Sugar Rfg 4,300 122V4 130 119
Am. Tel. ft Tel..., 700
Am. J!. Lead & 8... , 3,400 28 33 21
Anaoonda Copper.. 13,900 78; 76 77
Atchison 1 .000 101 109 100
A. O. ft W. I. S.' S.' 3.500 108 106 107
Baltimore A Ohio.. 1.700 73H 73 7.1
Butte ft Sup. Cop , 86
Cat. Petroleum 1
Canadian Pacific. 6,700 164 1(4 163
Central Leather.... 6.J0O 87 84 34
Che, ft Ohio...... 3104 49 60 00
C, M. A St P JiJOO 73 72 72
C. ft N. W 400 101 109 109
C, R. I. ft P. ctfs. 600 68 67 67
Chtno Copper .... 1.(00 64 ' 61 13
Colo. Furl A Iron.. 1.704 4H 47 48
Corn Prod. Rfg.... 13.600 36 83 33
Crucible Steel 46.900 83 77 79
Cuba Can Sugar.. 4.209 42 40 40
Distiller's Securltle 4,904 24 32 13
Erie 2,704 25 26i 25 1
fteneral Electric 167
General Motor.... 9,700 118 116 114
Ot Northern, pfd.. 1,100 106 10 106
Ot North, Orectl. 7,300 13 13 83
Illinois Central.... .......103
Inaplr. Copper (.904 (7 li 65
Int. M, M. pfd.... 16.100 81' 84'. ,
Inter. Nickel 4 840 39 88
Inter. Paper '244 34 iii 14
K. C. Southern 11
Knuecott Copper.. t,M4 41 4214 42
Louis, ft Nashville 127
Maxwell Motor... 4,(04 44', 40', 41
Meg. Petroleum.... 1,640 18 94 (5
M1am4 Copper 4,008 40 44 19
Mtsaonrl Pacific... 4,000 13 12 13
Nevada Copper ... 1,(04 23 11 S8
N.,Y. Central 4,800 41 90 lOVi
N. T.. N. H. K.. . 764 11 11 81
Norfolk ft We tern 644 134 124 133
Northern Pacific... 1,104 102 101 101
Pacific Mull 400 IT 27 ST
Pennsylvania 1,004.(4 (3 63
Pittsburgh Caal... MOD (4 (3 64
Ray Can, Copper.. (.104 27 21 z
Reading 25.400 (8 94H 46
Ren Iron, ft Steel 18.(00 16 16 .81
Shattuck Art. Cop. 1,(44 31 14 24
Southern Pacific .. 1,000 94 9396 93
Southern Railway.. (804 28 18 17
Studebaker Corp... 1,(00 69 t( 47
Texas Co. ......... (44 1(1 1(1 191
Union Pacific .... 0,300 137 114 14
V. 8. Ind. Alcohol 14,104 161 151 1(6
U. 8. 8tel , 365,700 138 111 120
(J. 8. Steel, pfd ... 304 US 117 117
Diah Copper, 11,100 106 101 102
Wabash rfd. 700 37 27 17
Western Union .... 404 93 48 13
Westtnghous Else. 1.300 49 49 44
Total sale -for the day 174.000 share.
New Tork Money Market.
New Tork, July It. Mercantile Papar
0?4 per cent.
Sterling Exchange (0-day bills. $4.72;
commercial 10-day bills on banks, $4.71;
commercial (0-day bills, $4.71; demand,
$4.76 7-16; rabies, $4.76.
811ver Bar, $le; Mexican dollar,
Time Loans Firmer; 60 days and tt
days, 404 per cent; six months, 4( par
Call money, strong; high 10 per cent:
low, 4 per cent; ruling rale, 4 per cent; last
loan. 4 per cent; closing bid, 3 per cent,
'U.S. 2s, reg..,. ((Hint, M, M. 6s.... 43
do coupon..., 4K. C. S. r. 6.. 81
U. S. t. reg..., 99 L. ft N. un. 4.. 91
do coupon.... 99 M.K, ft T. lit 4 68
'U.S. 4s, reg 104HM. P. gen. 4s... 40
do coupon... .104'Mont. Power (s 18
Panama 3 0.... 10 N. T. C. d, 6.. 104
Am. For. See. 6s.. I6N. P. 4s 17
A. T. A T. C. 6s. . It N. P. 3s 2
Anglo-French 5 93?,0. S. L. r. 4s.. 18
Armour Co. 4s 91 Pac, T. A T. 6a 18
Atchison gen. 4s tiH'Penn. con. 4i..103
B. ft O. 4s...... tlPenn. gen. 4s t(
Cent. Leather 6i 99 Heading gen. 4s 90
C. P. 1st........ 14 St L, ft F. a. I 86
C. ft O. cv. (a.. 87 J. P. ev. (s 98
C. B. ft Q., 1. 4 46 9. P. r. 4s 14
CM. ft S.P.g.4 94 1 Ry. (a 97
C.R.I, ft P.r.4.. 71 Tex. ft Pac. 1st 93
C. ft S. r. 4s.. 71 IT. P. 4s 41
D. ft R. a. r. 6s.. (0 V. P. cv. 4s..., 11
D. ot C. (s 1131 9a. S. Rubber Is.. 86
Erie gen. 4.... 1lT. 8. Steel 6s. .104
Oen. Klec. 1 108 'Wabash 1st ...100
O. N. Irt 4e.. 96(Vest Union 4Jii 93
I. C. ref. 4s. ... 84
Eld. Offered.
Coffee Market.
New Tork, July 16. Th market for cof
fee future opene 107 points lower, owing
to liquidation and aome selling for trade
account. Bearish sentiment found later ex
pression In renewed selling pressure, which
csrried September down lo 7.97c and De
cember to 8.10c, or about 17 points net
lower. Covering developed here and the aft
ernoon market was considerably steadier on
reports of freight scarcity In Braall and a
firmer coit and freight market, th close
being only 4fi l0 points net lower. Sales for
the day, 29,000 bag. Closing bids: July,
7.89c; August, 7.98c; September, 8.06; .Oc
tober, l.lflc; November, 8.16c: December,
3.20c; January, 8.25n; February. 8.30c;
March, 8.39c; April, 9.40c: May, 8.46c; Jun.
8.51c. Spot stoady; Rio No. 7, 9c. Santo
No. 4s. 19'jc. No public cablt-a were received
from Brsxll, owing to a holiday Saturday.
Cost and freight offers were Irregular. San
to 3 and 4 were quoted at 1.86c and 4
from 9. 85c to 10c, London cable. Sales,
t,000 bags of Rln 7s at 8.60c, London credits.
Metal Market.
New Tork. July 18. Metal: Lead, dull:
pot, 11 asked; spelter, weak; spot Kant
St. Louis delivery, 8c asked: copper, dull;
electrolytic, spot and nearby, nominal;
August and later 126.00029.00; Iron, firm;
No. 1 northern, $51.00064.00; No. 2. $62,600
63.50; No. 1 southern, $60.00061.00; No. 1,
$49.60060.60; tin, dull; spot, $61.60 bid.
At London Spot, copper, 1110; futures,
fl29 10s; electrolytic .143; spot tin, 237
10s; futures, (234 16s;'lead, spot, 130 10s; fu
tures, 29 10s; spelter, spot, 54; futures,
Cotton Market
New Tork, July 16. Cotton Futures
opened steady; July, 27.10c; October, 26.60c;
December, 26.41c; January, 28.17c; March,
Cotton futures closed Irregular; July,
27.05c; October, 25.20c; December, 25.12c;
January, 26.18c; March, 26.33c; spot, quiet:
middling, 27.40c.
Liverpool, July 14. Cotton Spot quiet;
prices 36 points higher; American middling
fair, lt.98d: good middling, 19.65d; mid.
dllng, 19.25d: low middling. l.80d; good
ordinary, 17.85d; ordinary, 17.3(d; sale,
2,000 bale.
Kraporated Apple end Dried Fruit.
New York, July 16. Evaporated Apples--Quiet;
fancy. ll012c; choice, 11011c;
prime, 10O10c.
Dried Fruits Prunes, doll ; California,
IlHOlSHc; Oregon. 11 trllc. Apricots,
quiet fancy, ZZtszza. reaches ateady; stand
ard, 10o; choice, lie; fancy, 14 c. Rais
ins quirt; loose muscatels, 709c; choice
to fancy (ceded. 8 HP 9 "4c; seedless, 10O
lie; Loudun lajuis, $1.80.
Territory Around Carter Lake
to Be Converted Into Some
thing of Residence
One of the largest real es
tate developments undertaken in
Omaha recently, is that of Wave
Crest and Neptune Place addition! la
the Carter lake region, two additions
now being: promoted by O. C Redick
and the Hiatt company.
A tract of 400 acres is involved.
Carter lake describes a huge horse
shoe. The tract these people are in
terested in, lies in the open part of
the shoe, and comprises most of the
ground therein, or at least all north
of Locust street, and all east of Car
ter Lake boulevard, with the excep
tion of a small tract which is occu
pied by the new Lake View park
Most of the ground is platted and
5,000 Carolina poplar frees have been
set out. These are two and three
inches in diameter and give the place
a homelike appearance already.
The development contemplated
takes in a highly expensive bit of
work on and cross the lake, where
development and lot platting is to
continue to the Municipal boulevard.
Lake Being Dredged. ,
At this very time Carter lake is be
ing dredged by great sand and mud
stickers along a. front of some 300
feet. The mud is being drawn from
center and farther reaches of the lake
and being used to fill up low land
for a distance of from ISO to 200 feet
out froni the west shore of the east
wing of the lake. When this is com
pleted the dirt brought out will be
used to level off and raise the old lake
bed for a little park for the new addi
tion. Lots will not be platted for
sale on the part thus raised from the
lake bed.
To Be Summer Resort.'
The idea is that when the whole ad
dition is complete with its private
park, its private bathing beacn, ana
its bath houses, it will be an addition
that will take the place of the sum
mer resorts to which Omaha people
now travel many miles. It will give
them a summer resort at home.
.Some $300,000 will be expended in
the' development of the tract, the
dredging ot the lake, the building of
the park, and the completion of the
bathing beach. A total of nearly
$100,000 wilt be spent on bathing
beaches. A 15-mile boulevard system
is planned. A lagoon 300 feet fn cir
cumference is proposed as a harbor
for pleasure yachts, and launches.
Part of the boulevard system is now
being built out in the lake.
Sales of lots began Saturday with
representatives of the company on ,
the grounds. Fourteen hundred lots
arc included in the, first offering.
Bank Clearings
Bank clearings In th fnltad States far
h week ending July 11, as reported t
Bradatreef Journal. Nw Torlt aggregate
16,019,851. 000. (gainst ' tS,949.li9.00 Ust
week and 14,901. U7.000 In this week lat
year. Canadian clearings aggregate 1:38,(4:1,
000, a against 8119. 86S. 000 last week
1107,141 000 In this week last year. Follow
ing are the returns for this week,
with percentage ot change shown this week
as compared with this week last year:
Nw Tork I'''
Chicago ...i. j.. 501.4H0.000 1 30.4
Philadelphia 110,899.000 1 1!!.4
Boston ..... 178.408,000 I !.l
St. Louis 184,818,000 1 14.0
Kansas City 141.447,000 1 70.1
Ban Francisco 98.210.000 J 39.6
Pittsburgh .... 77 1J8.000 1 7.9
Cleveland 94,119000 1 74.8
Detroit ..... 11,989,000 1 11.6
Baltimore 47,181.000, I) .4
Cincinnati , 41,901,000 I .
Omaha Sl.SSf.OM 147.
Lincoln ..... 4,080,000 1 18.0
Fremont 700,000 D27. 9.
Lat week's. '
Bninors That Reichstag Defies Hmneror aad
Cabinet, Bring Sharp Drop In Corn. ..
Chicago, July 16. Sharp break la the
value of corn resulted today from Inferences
that ou the subject ot peace th German
Ilelchatat wag defying Emperor William and
hi general. Th market closed nervous,
94 8 He net lower With September at 11.68 V
11. tt and December, tl.t9fc91.0ttt. Wheat
finished steady at unchanged figure to
ltte. higher, tl.flm July and 11. tit Sep
tember. OeU lot lo and provision 100
He. ,
Notwithstanding that sentiment bd om
th peace outlook wa conceded to have on
ly an uncertain bads, heavy aelltnf of cork
prang up a soon as reports were published
that KetchsUaT leaders had decided to per
sist In their peace increment and that av
conference with Marshal Von Hlndanbur
and Qensral Von Ludendorff had failed to
bring- about a contrary intention,' Houaeaj
with eastern connection were prominent la
th selling which was generally regarded aa
for the most part Wtiutdatlon by long.
Shower In the southwest tended somewhat
to weaken the confidence of holders, but un
til word came aa to th apparently fruitless
meeting ot Hlndenburg and Ludendorff wttlt
Reichstag notable, th market much of the
time had an upward slant ascribed to feare
that unfavorable wetthtr condition over thej
greater part of th belt were Increasing the
chance of damage from early autumn
frosts. Corn available for immediate use touched
new high price record today despite the)
weakness which developed In future de
liveries. Th fresh top value was on No. S
white IS a bushel, an advance ot So since)
Saturday. m -
Wheat hardened a little In price owing;
perhaps to a dortued falling oft In thai
United State visible supply total. Assump
tion that the market would soon be brought
under government control kept trade at A
Knlarged rural offering pulled, dowu
oat. The break in the corn market was
also a bearish influence.
Provisions were under pressure from com
mission houses with whom the weakness ot
corn seemed to be more than an offset fo
any llkllhood that peace chance would In
crease the Kuropean demand for lard.
Chicago Cah Prices Wheat: Nos. 3 red,
3 red, 3 herd, alt nominal; No. 8 hard, $S.3u.
Corn: No. 2 yellow, tU4tytj 1.9S; So. 3 yel.
low, 11.94 $1.96; No. 4 yellow, nominal.
Oats: No. 3 white, 74Hfi")c; standard,
nominal. Rye, nominal Ilarlcy: 11.2601.60.
Seeds: Timothy, 14.007.60; clover. 112.00
IUI7.00 Provisions: Pork, 840.60; lard, 130.75
20.81,; ribs, 121.25 21.76.
Putter Steady; creamery, 1438e.
Eggs Steady receipts, 17,181 cases:
firsts, lltt?Uc; ordinary firsts, 29jrilu;
at mark cases Included, 27?33c.
Potatoes Weak: recelptr, 100 cars; 'ir
glnla, barrels, 18.78lgi(.2S: Kansas and It
llnnla, sacks, H.85&1.90; Kentuck and Ten.
nessee, 1.6 1.90. a
Poultry Alive; steady; fowls, Hfccl
iprings, :!24c. ,
Oil and Rosin.
Savannah, July 18. Turpentine Firm;
17c; sale, 269 bbls.; recetptx, 28S bbls.;
hipments, 167 bbls.; stock. 28,134 bbls.
Rosin firm: sales,. 1.181 bbls.; receipts,
73( bbls.; shipment. 238 bbls.; stock. 74,727
bbls. Quote: A, B. 15,00 5.08; C, D. 15.03
05.05) P, 85.05ffi5.07H; O. 15.10; H. 15.121,
5.13; I, 85.16: K, J5.20ffS.86; M. 85.60H0
8.80; N. I4.25&8.50; WO. .5&C.7; WW,
tt.60t.t0. .
. Get In On Thia
Rleht imenf the kl rdacrt I ,
OMahsaa gnu (ilss.
Well No, 1 Pumping OIL
Well No. 1 About Finished.
Well Ne. 3 Now Being Drilled.
Quirk action necenary before trading gtatt ea
the New York Curb next Monday.
Wlr your order. Writ for detail.
74 Brtaiwiy, New Yert Cttf.