Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1917, Image 1
Omaha Daily Bee E VOL. XLVII NO. 23. OMAHA, TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 17, 1917 TWELVE PAGES. O Trtlna. it Hotttt, Nfwi standi, tie., ( SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. A TEA TTL THE WEATHER Fair 4 POLICE PROBEMLL BEGIN i r . J . ? THURSO A Y STAR CHAMBER SESSIONS FOR DEPARTMENT INQUIRY; I1UGEL CHANGES HIS VOTE Dahlman Declares Police De partment Needs Reorganiza tion and Asks Co-Operation of Public in the Probe. A general investigation of the po lice department will be started Thurs day morning at 10 o'clock. It is prob able that t lie proceedings will be held behind closed doors, but in the pres ence of newspaper . representatives. Commissioners believe that witnesses frequently are embarrassed when tes tifying before a - crowd, as was evidenced in several instances during the recent hearings. No definite line of procedure has been adopted, but the mayor and associates favor a lib eral policy in bringing out anything which will tend to help them in plac ing the police department upon a sub stantial basis. Mayor Dahlman has committed himself in a meeting of the city coun cil that the police department needs reorganization. Superintendent Kugel maintains that hisdepartment is in betteir con dition than it was when he took charge four vears ago. See'k Public's Aid. In connection with the forthcom ing gencial investigation, the mayor said: "We wish to ask citizens generally to submit to us any knowledge they may have in connection with this in vestigation of the police department. We want facts, not fairy tales. Now is the time to speak up. If anybody lias a suggestion along any particular line. which we may investigate we will be pleased to give that suggestion consideration on its merits. We ask the co-operation of' the public in this matter. We also ask members of the police department to advise us." U. S. Will Build Big Nitrate Production Plant Washington, July 16. Secretary Baker announced today that plans for the production of nitrate from atmo spheric nitrogen would be constructed immediately at a cost of about $4,000, 000 and that -water power would not be used. Sites have not been se lected. " . '- Further discuss!on4y localities de siring to be considered as possible sites is closed temporarily, the an nouncement says, while the site com mittee of cabinet officers is making further engineering studies. It has been assumed since the ni trate plant was proposed that a vast supply of water power would be needed. Consequently sites with wa - ter power have been supposed to be the onlv ones likely to get considera tion., Mjuscle shoals of the Tennes see' mer was one of the places most strongly urged during the debates in congress. , Congress appropriated $20,000,000 for the project. Apparently the en tire expenditure contemplated by the War department is one-fifth of that sum. King George Wants to Drop German Name of Royal House London, July 16. King George has called a special meeting of the privy council to be held tomorrow for the purpose of proclaiming a change in the title of the royal house. King George is of the house of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, whose Ger man name suggests the reason for the pending change in title. Changes have been made recently in thetitles of a number of peers who bore names wholly or in part of German origin. ' The Weather Ff Nebraska Fair, warmer. Temperature at Omalis, Yesterday. Hour. Deg. 6 a. m. 60 6 a. m ; 60 7 a. m 63 8 a. m....... 61 a. ni 67 10 a. m 68 U a. m 71 1! w ..-7 ,1 p. m 75 2 p. m..... 76 3 p. m..... 76 4 p. m, 77 6 p. m 78 6 p. m 77 '7 p.. m 74 8 p. rn. , 69 Comparative Jx-al Retard. ' 1917. 1916. 1916: 1914. Highest yesterday... 78 M 84 8 Lowest Yesterday.,,, 60 78 68 71 Mean temperature.... 6 88 76 80 Freciplatton 00 .00 .00 T Temperature and precipitation departures from the normal at Omaha yesterday: Normal temperature.!, . 7 Deficiency for the day , 6 Total deficiency since ilareh 1... 2iT3 Normal precipitation.. .13 inch Deficiency for the day U inch Total rainfall since March 1... .15.70 Inches Deftlceacy since March 1 .D5!nch Deficiency for cor. period, 1916. (.73 inches Deflcleneey for cor, period, 1915. .36 Inch Beport From Stations at 7 P. M. tatlon and State Temp. High- Rain of Weather. 7 p. m. est. fair. Cheyenne, clear. 74 76 .AO Davenport, part cloudy .68 24 .08 Denver, cloudy 80 , 83 .00 Dee Moines, oeoudy 70 78 .24 Dodge City, part cloudy 84 88 .00 T.ander, part cloudy.... 86 0 .00 North Platte, clear 80 82 .00 Jiualia, cloudy 74 78 .00 I'ueMo, cloudy. ........ 78 84 T KupM City, cloudy 78 80 .00 K!t r..iko City, clear.., 3 , 82 - .00 Str.t Fee, cloudy 80 8J .00 S.ou- Ctt),' pnrt cloudy. 74 8i .06 a ;?iri'i. cir 5 so .ro t 4. .emfv.- e:-f finf cmfu i-mf-?y T7 "1 ' Uitiltat'.? trr" of i.rf-.-i t. ilt t i.n. L. A, VELSil, XvltoruIoLji. Police Commissioner Votes to . Dismiss Detective Chief as Council Ratifies Satur day's Informal Action. Superintendent Kugel of the police department joined the, other six mem bers of the city council in voting to dismiss Captain T Stephen Maloney from the department. At an informal niectmgSattirday afternoon Commis sioner Kugel declined to vote. The council, in regular session, Iegalley ratified its action in remov ing Maloney and Detective Paul Sut ton. The vote against Sutton-was the same as on Saturday. Kugel and, But ler being alone in favor of the de posed officer. Commissioner Butler offered a sub stitute resolution in which the charges against Sutton were dismissed and he was exonerated and a declaration made that Sutton's investigation at Chadron was in his line of duty, sanc tioned by the superintendent of police ana lor the gooot tlie police service. Mr. Kugel was alone in supporting Butler on that resolution. In connection with his vote to re move Sutton the mayor said: "If I were Sutton, or was a friend of his, I would feel thankful to the city coun cil for not having found Sutton guilty on some of the specific charges jrhich the council did mot sustain. It -was shown that that woman had beenwith Sutton for at least six months before the Chadron affair and had been work ing with him on city affairs. I did not know of that until the hearing. I am satisfied that Sutton sent that woman to the detective association's office at the time she obtained employment to go to Chadron." ,' . Council Inconsistent. In support of his substitute motion, against the motion to tire Sutton, Commissioner Butler said: "I think the council has been very inconsistent in hndmg button guilty on the only charge they could trump up. that of bringing false charges against Ma lone y." , Superintendent Kugel announced he would not make an appointment to succeed Maloney until after the gen eral police investigation has been com pleted. It is rumored that charges will be filed against several other members of the police department on evidence brought out during the Maloney-Sut-ton hearings. Mr. Maloney stated he did not know when he would bring his charges against Superintendent Kugel and Chief Dunn. Last week he announced he would file those charges shbrtly after the Sutton hea.ring had been dis posed of. Spanish Reformers - Expect Aid of Army Madrid, July 16. Barcelona news papers publish a note saying that the assembly of members of Parliament from Catalonia will be held on Thurs day, notwithstanding all denials, and that the organizers of the movement count on the support of a large part of the army. . . Various defense committees on the other hand, have . held, meetings to protest against , any such manifesta tions. It is asserted the army will re main aloof from politics and obey the government. Sixty Cataloiiian senators and depu ties asked the Spanish government re cently for administrative autonomy for all provinces and decided to call a meeting of members of Parliament in Barcelona unless the government summoned Parliament. The govern ment declined to convene Parliament. Joohn T. Welby Dropped From Mooney Case San Francisco, July. 16. JohnT. Welby, a juror in the murder trial of Mrs. Rena Mooney was dismissed from the panel today by Superior Judge Emmet Seawell. His place was automatically filled by the thirteenth juror, William S. Dean. Welby be came separated from the jury on Sat urday while inspecting buildings near the scene of a bomb explosion last July when ten persons werckilled. Czech Deputy Causes Uproar by Saying All World Hates Germany (By Associated Press.) , Zurich, July 1 IS. The Austrian Reichstrat was thrown in. an uproar on Saturday when the former Czech minister, Herr Praschek, declared the hate of the entire world was not di rected against Austria, but against Germany, and that Austria should de tach itself from its ally, says a Vienna dispatch. "How are we to obtain peace," de manded Herr Praschek, "if we cling to the German side? Mifst we con tinue to sacrifice our interests to the expansion of Germany? Must we con tinue to submit to the German mili tarism that has drawn us into this war?" The speaker declared that Czech deputies had been imprisoiicd''for at tempting to bring about an ?lltauce ; of 'Austria ' with ttH.'St.V r.tul Frar. iuud aducu tlisl if they were to Ic stig NEBRASKA Ur5 SHOW INCREASE IN F00DS0PPLY Reports Gathered Throughout the State Indicate Added Millions of Bushels Over Last Year's Harvest. The winter wheat harvest is' un der way. The quality is good and where the plant wa's not winter killed the yield is heavy. It is es timated that the total yield will be 12,000,0001 bushels, which is but about 20 per cent of the normal. Winter wheat yield is es timated at 6,250,000 bushels, an in crease of about 50 per cent over last year. The oat crop ft estimated at 93.- 000,000 bushels, or an increase of 25,000,000 bushels. There is a substantial increase in barley and rye. Potatoes promise an enormous crop ana although it is a little. learjy to forecast what may be ex- peered, it is estimated mat n mere Is normal precipitation from now on the Nebraska crop will be 13,- 250,000 bushels, or about 50 per cent more than last year. The second cutting ot altalta has been put into the stack and the cutting of the wild hay crop, which is heavy, is well along. Crops Not Suffering. The Burlington, Northwestern and Rock Island railroads are out with their respective crop" reports for the week ending last Saturday and cov ering the agricultural districts of Ne braska. Three roads agree -that while Ne braska crops are not suffering on ac count of a lack of moisture, the dan ger stage is not far away. All over the state corn is making a good growth and has just about reached tht normal condition for. this season of the yeart -. i . Generally, afmost free from weeds, the fields have been laid by and every- .a 1 . .l.:. wucie idrjiieiB arc turning incir at tention to the harvesting; of small grain and putting up hay. - ' The Burlington report goes into de tail, giving the condition of corn in every county in Nebraskaand also in the vicinity of most of the stations. These reports are summarized and considered by divisions, the Omaha division including the eastern portion of the state, the Lincoln the south ern and central portions, the Wymore the north central and the McCook the western. Corn Figures High. Estimating corn at 100 per cent un der normal conditions at this season, the estimate in the summary is: Omaha division. '..100 per cent Lincoln division....... 100 per cent Wymore dlvlion.............,;i06 percent McCook division..... 88 per cent Getting in line with the other rail roads, President Bush of the Missouri Pacific has issued instructions' to com pany employes urging a conservation of alt materials and supplies that en ter into railroad operation. He lays particular stress on the matter of con serving the coal supply. Red Cross is Building Big "Laughing Gas,r Plant Paris, July 16. Official announce ment is made that all private organi zations which desire to give medical aid to American troops must be un der.. Red Cross military control and supervision. The Red Cross is now constructing the largest nitrous oxide plant in the world. The product, - commonly known as laughing gas, will be used as an anaesthetic in all American dressing stationsand hospitals. May Compromise Demands Of Finland Malcontents Petrograd, July IS. The semi-official News Agency today received and made public the following tele gram from Helsingfors, Finland; "Confidence was expressed here to day that a compromise would be reached on Monday, which will sat isfy Finnish demands- without revo lutionary acts or a declaration of Fin nish independence." matized as traitors, then all Czech who believed similarly should be so stigmatized. Amsterdam, July 16. It is reported from Vienna that the German and Bohemian members of the upper and lower houses of the Austrian parlia ment have adopted jointly a resolu tion setting forth 'their desire for peace within the country and the pos sibility of Germans and Czechs liv ing side by side without abridgement of the "national self-determination" of both elements. The resolution says, however, that a separate Bo hemian constitution would not be recognized. f The adoption of this resolution evi dently was prompted by the increas ing unrest among the Czechs, an im- i portant element of Austria's popula. 110:1. iiiey are rioried to he out of c;y ::'V- villi l'if nflit -uuc pojiv;' ' o ilit ; CvHiiaiu in Atistiia. , .'. Up to OMAHA MEN WILL CONDUCT MM E. F. Denison to Be General Secretary and Rev. C. E. Cobbey Will Lead Re ligious Workers. E. F.,Denison, general secretary of the Omaha Young Men's Christian association, and Rev. Charley E. Cob bey, pastor, of the First Christian church, will so to; Dcming, N. M., v ith the Nebraska National Guard. Mr. Denison goes to New Mexico as general secretary of the Young E. F.,DEXISOX. Men's. Christian association camp, while Dr.- Cobbey will be in charge of the religious work. The Omaha men will he in control of all the Young Men's Christian as sociation work tor all of the national guardsmen who go into camp at Dem- ing. I heir jurisdiction thus will ex tend over the "Y" work among not only the soldiers of the Nebraska (Continued en race lour. Column Two Ban Upon Mobilization News is Partly Lifted Washington, July 16. Volunteer censorship regulations under which the newspapers have refrained front reporting troop movements were par tially suspended today by the War department and the public informa tion committee so as to permit the papers to print almost unrestricted news about the mobilization of the National Guard for war service. This statement was issued;- "The onlv restriction that the War department places upon the news of the mobilization of the National Guard is that of secrcy concerning train routes and t Publication of t rain schedules." the exact route and I'll';, rn clcrwnt:rc. li 15 pointed our. !sr:t ! im 'ic ,ttcai;)u to interfere with he iraihs. I ' Congress GUARDS MAY BE SENT TO FRANCE EARLY IN AUGUST it indications that Some Divisions Will - Be Ready to Board, Transports Soon After General Mobilization. Washington, July 16. Mobilization of the National Guard began today. While no' orders for embarkation of state troops' for, France will be given until after August S, when the entire force will he formally drafted into the United States army, there are indica tions that some divisions will be re garded as ready to board transports soon after that date. The first clause of President Wil son's proclamation providing for the federalization of the National Guard for the war became effectiv yester day. Under it all guard units from New York, Fennslyvania, Obi , West Virginia. Michigan,' Wisconsin, Min nesota, Iowa, North and South Da kota and Nebraska went on the fed eral pay roll from that date. Concentration Begins. Actual concentration of troops in their home forces or state camps be gan today. Approximately one-half of the t-tal. strength of the National Guard or mere than . 123,000 men is included in the force assembling. Rapid progress is being mad in re lieving guard regiments which have been in the federal service since the declaration of war guarding property. This work will be taken over largely by civilian watchmen. It will be necessary to retain guardsmen for the protection of cer tain big munitions works and other property vital to the' conduct of the war. The department, commanders will hold such troops as they deem advisable for this purpdse. Movements to General Camps. The jicxt step in the general mo bilization will be the ordering of divi sions to 'the camp sites already se lected for them, A full supply of tentage is' available, department re ports show, and the divisions will entrain as rapidly as the command ers of the departments from which they come and of those in which j their camps are located agree a s to dates. The most serinui shortage of, war equipment for the guard is in the artillery. For training purposes the big gun regiments undoubtedly will continue to use the equipment they have, supplemented by such additional (Continue! oJ Paire Two, Column Three.) Lutheran Officials Refute Council The official' heads of the various Lutheran church bodies in Nebraska will meet this morning in Immanuel Lutheran church to take official action toward refuting the aspersion which has been cast upon the church by the statement of the Nebraska State Council of Defense that "conspicuous leaders" of the church have been dis loyally active or passive" in regard to the war. Rev. Luther M. Kuhns will preside. The general council and the genrral , synod, i't riwo larsest bodies, will he 1 represented by their presidents, who RUSSIAN FRONT FROM RIGA TO ROUMANIASCENEOF STRUGGLE; AUSTHIANS IN FULL FLIGHT Germans Are Rushing Troops From France and Italy and Are Rearranging Their Positions Cossacks In Galicia Gain Thirty Miles In Week and Capture Town of Dolina - Washington, July 16. -The whole Russian front, from the Gulf of Riga to Roumanta, is reported in official dispatches to day from Petrograd to the Russian embassy here to be alive with battle. ' The Germans are said to be rushing up troops from the Italian and French fronts and to be entirely rearranging their positions. itUlUN nftMlLK WILL ANNOUNCE POLICYMSDAY New Chancellor Will Make His Maiden Speech in Reichstag; Kaiser Consulting Gener-. .als and Party Leaders. Amsterdam, July 16 A Berlin telegram to an Amsterdam news agency quotes the Tageblatt of Berlin to the effect that the Catho lic Center party in the Reichstag has decided with two dissenting votes to make S declaration in favor of peace efforts without regard to the attitude of the national liberals. Copenhagen, July lopr. Georgt Micnacli?, lher new chancelIor.'will (feltver his maiden speech in the Reichstag Thursday. The address is expected to contain an announcement of his forthcoming program. : ! Field Marshal von Hmdenburg and General Ludendorf, who were sum moned to Berlin by Emperor William, are continuing the conferences with party leaders. Dr. Michaelis is partici pating in them. v ' The Part-German Independent league met and adopted a resolution of protest against the proposed peace action of the Reichstag, declaring the adoption of the majority would result in the indefinite continuance of the war and the political and economical ruin of the Germans. Dr. Michaelis is the father of a family of a size encouraged by Em peror William. He has six children, hut one has been killed in the war. Two daughters are engaged in public welfare work and the third daughter is in charge of a soldiers' convalescent home. Aristocrat for Foreign Minister. Copenhagen, July 16. The Berlin correspondents report that Count Brockdorff-Rantzau, the German min ister at Copenhagen, has been se lected to succeed Dr. Alfred Zim mermann as imperial foreign (Cuntlnmd on Tt Two, Column One.) I.W.W. Not Financed By Germans, Says ' Secret Service Washington, July 16. Reports that the activities of the Industrial Work ers of the World in the west recently had been financed by German gold have failed of substantiation after an exhaustive investigation by agents of the Department of Justice. Officials said today they believed that nearly all the German money in this country has been located and that virtually none of it has been used in that way. A number of arrests were reported today from various sections of the west of members of the Industrial Workers of the World under tht president's alien enemy proclamation. It was said, however, that the per centage of German sympathizers found in the organization was be lieved to be no higher than that in many other organizations. The Council of Defense took, the 1 position that' North Platte and other Nebraska towns could handle tne '"I. W. W. menace" without state aid, and that there would be no interfer ence by the council unless direct ap peal was made by municipal authori ties. Meet Today to of Defense Charges, were summoned by telegraph follow ing a meeting lant Friday. There wil! also be present the president. of the Missouri Lutheran body and of the German Lutheran synod ot Nebraska l.tli fit 1 line iiciiur 1 hi r.prma 11 Ian- i guage in their churches. : Thus, h? helping the helpless babies Pastors of German Lutheran small children of the deserving churches in Omaha have been invited I poor you will forget your own suffer to be present and have premised to ,nH m the heat. - r come. . ; Previously acknowledged...... $90. 73 'It will be such a gathering of I.u-'No thcran offiriils as has never ' before j he; n seen in Nebraska," said Rev. Mr. Ivtihni. I On the northern front, neav Riga, German reinforcements are rushing up by sea transport. On the Lem berg front the troops are being shifted back and forth by means of heavy automobiles in an attempt to prevent further advances by Gen eral Korniloff. On the southern front in the Car- Eathian the Austrians are said to in full flight. GAIN THIRTY MILES IN WEEK (Asoorlated Pre War Summary.) Although the movement of the Rus sian infantry engaged in General Korniloff's big offensive in eastern Galicia is being hampered by bad weather, the Cossacks apparently have been able to keep up their dash ing tactics. This is indicated by a report from Petrograd through Rome today that the town of Dolina has been occupied by Russian forces. vlf this announcement proves ac curate it means an advance of more than, thirty miles for the Russians since the opening of the drive south of the Dniester, a week ago. The of ficial reports have placed them nearly two-thirds of this distance from their starting point, as Kalusz, taken by Korniloff s troops last-week, is some twenty miles from Stanislau, which virtually was their place of de parture. At Katusi! the Russians were estab lished on the westerly bank of the Lomnica, whence the Austrians had hot been ab!e to drive them, although heavy attacks had been launched in the attempt. The route thence to Dolina lies along the Stanislau-Stryj railway line. An advance here means considerable progress ' in the move ment now under way, intended to throw General von Boehm-Ermolli's army back gainst the Carpathians. The Rome reports, indeed, declare that this already has been accomp lished. - . y Hard Fighting In FranceT The hard fighting that has marked the last few days along the French front in northern France still contin-. ues. Last night the Germans made a desperate attempt to regain the im- portant observation posts they, lost when the French on Saturday night took a strongly fortified position in the vicinity of Mont Haut and the Te ton in the Champagne. The attack ing forces were able to make no im pression on the Teton positions and at Mont Haut they recovered only a (Centum! on Pa Two, Colnmn Three.) King of Grece Ignores 1 Demands of the Premier Paris, July IS. A dispatch to the Temps from Athens says: "Serious difficulties appear to have arisen between the new king of. Greece and Premier Venizelos. One indication of this is the postponement by the king of th signing of a de cree to resummon the 1915 Chamber of Deputies, which was illegally dis solved by the then premier, bteplw anos Skouloudis. i M. Venizelos demands that the king openly cease carrying out his father's internal and external policies, but the king is postponing action or has refused to give his approval to such categorical repudiations." German Hotels Without i Napkins and Table Cloths Copenhagen, July 16. The textile shortage now deprives Germany of napkins and table cloths, the use of which in hotels and restaurants in that country has . been forbidden. Hotels arc prohibited changing bed linens more often than once a week for guests. Bar Silver Rises to Another New Record New York. July 16. Another rec ord point was reached here today in bar silver, when 8H4C an ounce was quoted in the market. The Bee's Free Milk end Ice Fund j RECIPE FOR HAPPINESS. ! Take any sum from 10 cents to ! $5.00, enclose it with your nanje in an envelope and address MUk and Ice Fund, The Bee, Omaha." Or bring it to The Bee ornce. Name.. .50 2.00 G. W...... Total . .'. .?93.25