THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JULY 15. 1917. 5 C LODGE ROOM HEWS OF GREATER OMAHA fondness for automobiles, he is in no sense a 'joyrider.' He is merely put ting his automobile to the use com mon to 90 per cent of the machines sold and using it in a practical, sen sible way. "Every day of the year the farmer finds good use for his car in his farm work. Should a trip to town be neces sary during the day, his automobile will not only transport him to the city and allow him to return to his work in but little time, but he does so without interfering with work on which horses are used. And every FAMOUS HAIRPIN TURN OUT OF DENVER Provides one of the thrills motorists experience in touring the Rockies. The photo Was taken by Grant McFayden of the Ford Motor Co. of Omaha. one knows that no farmer keeps a surplus of horses these days.. "Were I to enumerate the many uses a farmer finds for an automo bile, it might surprise the city man. In marketing his produce, placing him in a better position to assist his neigh bors with their work, affording his family increased social advantages, permitting the family to come to the city to shop more frequently, ana in many other ways the farmer finds an automobile indispensable. "And the benefits a farmer derives from an automobile directly reach his city neighbors in many ways. ayoodmeii of the World Prepare "do Say Farewell to the Boys (T Who Are Called to the Y .Front. rv , c-vC; ft. Sv rar- .4 1 -Tuesday evening Seymour camp No. 16, Woodmen of the World, will give a stag entertainment for mem bers of the uniform rank. This is a farewell to members of this organiza- J tion, as most of the boys have en i listed They have been in a cham l pionship company , for many years, taking first prizes at district and na tional encampments." Druid camp No. 24 held an open meeting Monday night when some lively athletic contests were staged. South Side Camp No. 211 meets each second and fourth Wednesday in the Odd Fellow hati; At the next meeting new members will be initiated. Benson Camp No. 288 will meet Tuesday evening, when several candi ates will take The perfected degree. Lithuanian Camp No. 444 reports that Hugo Newidomsky has enlisted in the United States cavalry and Peter Wisdavinicz in the navy. Clerk J. P. Uvick is planning to give an entertain l ment in honor of all the Lithuanian V ; boys who have enlisted, the proceeds to be spent for safety razors, "house cas wives" and other things that Uncle dei Sam allows the boys to take. tod$ Thomas Camp No. 523 at the meet l:0"ing Thursday night perfected plans jnj for the completion of the hall, which , is under course of construction. The t city manager was present and made the camp a present of a piano for the hall. Woodmen Circle. W, A. Fraser Grove No. 1 held its regular business meeting Friday evening. On account of so much in terest in the work, the grove is hold ing meetings regularly during the Bummer months. Wednesday night the official an nual joint memorial service of all Omaha groves of the Woodmen Circle will be held in Odd Fellows' hall, Twenty-forth and- M streets, South Side. Sovereign Lentz of South Omaha Grove will preside and Sover eign Waidelich of Manchester Grove No. 156, will be in command of a drill team, composed of representa tives of the various Omaha groves. The memorial address will be by D. H, Mercer. A large delegation from the state is expected. Maccabees. M tire .last review of Omaha Tent. Kb. 75 the following officers were installed by Past Commander Coe, Past Commander George W. Jewell; commander, L. C. Rigby; lieutenant commander, J. C Pageler; chaplain, L L. Mitchell; sergeant, C. C Ellington: master at arms. J. W. Finney; first guard, George A. Lee; second guard, J. i. Corev: sentinel. B. M. Homan picket, J. Lynstad.' Fraternal Aid Union. After a short business session next Tuesday evening, Mondamm Lodge No. 1?1 will entertain at a "stunt party," to which members and friends are invited. Patterson Believes Money , In Buying Old Houses D. C Patterson is one of those who b'elieve that there is a movement toward the old houses as investments and for homes, as they can be sold so much cheaper than the newer built houses, and as a rule are better built and more comfortable. - Realtor Reorganized in Directory. Hugh E. Wallace is pleased with having the first classfied building di rectory recognizing the term "realtor" in the country. This he has just in augurated in the new First National bank building. A committee, headed by H. A. Tukey, is making arrange ments for a similar classified list in the telephone and city directories. Persistent Advertising is the Road to Success. MODERN MOTOR CAR KEEPS BOYS ON FARM Mitchell Sales Manager Tells Experience of Tillers of Soil v and Their Experiences Since Autos Came. Tainsh, general sales manager of the Mitchell Motors company of Racine, Wis., "that you no longer hear very much about the boys leaving the farm?" "A few years ago every farmer with a son grown to manhood was at his wits end to keep the boy on the farm. Young men could not be induced to remain in the country and farm papers were constantly deploring the 'lure of the city.' "That the automobile has been re sponsible for the change there is not the slightest doubt. Many farmers in all sections of the country who own Mitchells have admitted so to me. "But while the country boy has a 1 No Better VALUE AT ANY PRICE $1225 HERE .With its remarkable flexibility, power, riding quality and economy, the Velie "Biltwel" Six is a source of constant satisfaction to every one of its owners. In order to properly judge the Velie you must ride in it and compare it with other automobiles. Then you will know why it takes the honors away from all other cars in its class in hill, climbing in' smooth, confident get there' performance on every kind of road in longest service at lowest upkeep cost. On these values Velie has never been beaten even in years of competition with the highest - priced cars for in the Velie at $1225 you get the "Best Value" at Any Price." Immediate Deliveries Now VELIE MOTORS CORPORATION - Moline, III. L. E. DOTY, Inc. ' OMAHA, NEB. Douglas 8554. 2027-29 Farnara St. Immediate Deliveries. ) Do You Motor As Well As You Know? TF you are one who has losFfcatience - with inferiority one who is entitled to the very best on wheels, decide now to own a National. There are leaders and there are trailers and there are many cars in between. Everybody knows it, you know it, but do you motor as well as you know.? When you own a National you will stop wishing for better service and comforti, because, you will lap them. If you knew the value of better service and greater comforti, Whv not kavt them ? If you know them, you are tntitltd to them. - The time to avoid ear-rejreta is when you buy. Buy a National and the future it Insured. The T. G. Northwall Co., OMAHA, NEB. LUTE MORSE, DEAN BROS., Lincoln, Neb. York, Neb. National Motor Car ft Vehicle Corp. Indianapolis Smutmtk Scctufl Ymt Highway SI $1850 Highway TmhtVm 1 SK22 ttm. m mm 89 2W. msgm mm & '1 m m 'mi 535 1M "Amtrkct$ First Car --13.6 tniles per gallon of gasoline -143 miles to a quart of oil -7,600 miles per tire remarkable record for a high-powered car. These figures represent the averages of 1 200 Haynes owners, selected at random from every state in the country. WW And they were not all new cars -nor were they all old ones. They ranged from a few months, to three yeanv-two-thirds had been driven for more than a year. They had traveled all kinds of roads-through sand, mud, and snow. " Yet with all this the Haynes cars maintained the remarkable averages recorded above. Your Haynes will be of the same i stock. Let us demonstrate. NEBRASKA-HAYNES AUTO SALES CO., OMAHA, NEBRASKA. 2032 F.rn.m Str..t. Phon Douglas 5383. THE HAYNES AUTOMOBILE CO Kokomo, Ind. "America '$ Greatest Light Six" '"Amerka'i Greatest Light Ttotloa" $1595$1725 $2093-$2225 Clean and Polish Your Car The Wonder-Mist Way" Spray On-Wipe Off-That's All Removes 'mud, dust, dirt, grease and road oil without the use of water and atless cost. Leaves no wax deposit to collect dust. Ap ply with a spray which distributes a fine mist evenly over the entire surface, iWipe dry with cheese cloth. looking like new. keeps your ear always A quart will clean your car about fifteen times. . Quart can, complete with sprayer, $1.25. On sale at your dealers or call t-3 POWE LL Autornobe SUPPLY COMPANY SUPPeS OMAHAT 2051 Farnam St. Phoa Dooflu 921 The Law Says: All automobiles must be equipped with an approved non-gearing device or Lens be fore July 24, 1917. To Be Safe Equip Your Car With Prismolite THE PERFECT LENS ' , You have noticed the scarcity of lenses. ' The closing down of nearly all glass factories is responsible. The Prismolite factory is working day and night in supply the enormous de mand for their product. We will have a big stock of Prismolites Wednesday, July 18, 1917. ' - - Book Your Orders With Us NOW! The List Prices are Low and we have an Exceptional Proposition for the dealer. Lininger Implement Co. Omaha, Neb. Douglas 109. All broken Prismolites replaced free of charge The Bee is Omaha's Great' Family News paper. Advertisers always get good results. . ... " I