Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 15, 1917, AUTOMOBILE, Image 30

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Speed, Efficiency and Saving
- of Expense Results from
New Method of Hand
ling Fuel.
"The problem of profitable coal de
livery by motor truck to residences
and other places where the coal must
be carried from the motor truck to a
basement has been solved by a bpdy
especially designed for the gasoline
motor trucks operated by the Schwalb
Coal company of Rochester, Jf. Y.,'
says C. W. Francis, of the C. XV.
Francis- Truck company. This body
has four spouts in the tail gate, which
can T)e opened and closed to allow
coal to flow. There is a tabic attached
to the rear of the machine on which
four large baskets, each holding 198
pounds of coal can be placed. When
the table is in a lowered positionwith j
the. baskets upon it, the spouts are
opened and the baskets filled. They
are' closed and the table is elevated
by a hydraulic hoist to the height
of a njan's shoulder.
"The coal is carried to the base
ment, the baskets replaced and the
operation repealed. - The baskets are
filled and elevated to the height re
quired in six to seven seconds. The
bottom of the body it) pitched at the
rearito an angle of seventy-five de
grees so that the coal will run out
freely. ; ,
' Speed In Unloading.
'This enables the increase of
speed of unloading and to reduce the
time the machine is standing still
In regular service the company man
ages to dispose of a five-ton load
over a sixty-foot carfy in less than
twenty minutes.
"This body makes possible such ex
ceptional service to customers that
the Schwalb Coal company has found
it worth while to prepare an advertis
ing circular describing it and its oper
ation which has been sent to its trade.
Jhis is a type of body which brings
the motor truck directly in competi
tion with the horse in its last strong
hold in the coal trade. The result for
the Schwalb company is that thirty
jive head of horses arc to be disposed
of immediately and replaced by motor
trucks. Cost figures kept by th com
pany show that by, the old horse
methods it costs 52 cents to deliver an
average ton of coal, and with the
motor truck, 32 cents.
"Two machines were put in service
by the company about a year ago, and
have not lost a minute's time since.
The average mileage per day is thiry
five. The two two-ton motor trucks
are not loaded above their capacity
and they yield nine and a half miles
per gallon of gasoline. The engines
run almost constantly from 6:30 in
the morning all through the day with
the exception of the driver's lunch
hour." .
The Young Man and the
Motor Truck Two Live Issue?
"The motor truck industry wants
young men," says V. M. Locke of the
Haarmann-Locke Motors company,
2429 Farnam street, Omaha, "and I
believe this industry can offer more
to them than any other avocation; like
other lines of business which are
firrowinz bv leans and bounds, the
Truck industry is handicaooed bv a
scarcity of trained men. I his oners
a brilliant opportunity for the man
who is just starting his business life
to get in on the ground floor of an
industry that is still in its infancy,
but which is rapidly becoming one of
the industrial giant of the country,
Thomas Edison prophesys that in ten
years a horse and wagon will be a
curio on the streets of our cities. This
means that hundreds of thousands of
motor trucks will be bought to replace
them and will furnish employment to
millions of men. To a young man the
wonderful, part of it is that no matter
what his bent is, he can find adequate
expressions for it in this new activity.
Fathers who want to start their eons
in business can find numberless open
ings for motor truck agencies; men
who are mechanically inclined are
badly needed in motor truck plants to
train for future foremen and superin
tendents and the demand for motor
truck chauffeurs will exceed the sup
ply for many years to come."
Lawson Purcy of New York
To Talk on Zoning System
The rapid growth of cities, with the
natural change from residential sec
tions to business, apartment and in
dustrial developments, has had a very
serious effect on real estate values.
Within the last five years conditions
have become critical in places, and
many earnest men have devoted much
time to a careful study, in an endeavor
to find some wav to stabilize real
estate values. This has resulted in the
so-called zoning system: and Its adop
tion in New York has been the most
important legislative action of recent
years, in the opinion of many promi
nent men in the metropolis.
To meet this condition the program
of the national convention of real
estate boards announces that Lawson
Purcy. president of the Board of
Taxes and Assessments of New York
City, tinder whose department the ef
fect of the New York coning bill has
been very noticeable, will speak.
King George Would Save f
Grain Through Motor Use
Some time ago, asserts L. E. Doty,
King George Issued a proclamation
regarding food economy, in which ;
horse owners were charged not to i
feed their horses grain. Inasmuch as
a horse cannot be successfully fed on
hay, it simply means the discontinu
ance of horse use in Britain.
It is entirely possible such a procla
mation will be issued in this country
within a short time, as America will
be required to feed the world and con
servation of all forms of food is vi
tally necessary.
The universal use of the tractor and
the trucks is doing much to bring
about a great saving in grain and hesi
tant buyers of automobiles will do
W .... .-. . : ,s
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LET Tests on Roughest Roads
Decide Which Car Excels
Will you accept this proposal to make a prac
tical comparison of the Marmon 34 and any
other comparable car? Yoir to name the car,
and the roads on which we will demonstrate
the Marmon in competition with it. ,
Pick out the roughest ground you
know, and hara the demonstrator
for tha second car drive you over it .
at any touring speed. Try k at
MTcral speeds, up to that car' limit.
Then let a take you In a Mar
mon 34, across: the tune tough
stretches at identical speed. Or if
rl prefer, do the driring yourself
both derocaitratSoot.
In addition to that, hare the
gasoline measured at the start and
.finish. f -"
The performance of the Marmon
In tettt like this hat eurprited ex
perienced motorists. It will bring
home to yon the lewon in advanced '
engineering thb car hat taught.
Ofesem the w la starting and
(topping, the amJck acceleration
and how this tight-weight car ad- '
here to the road at apeeda opto $5
mile an hour without the least
Observe the luxurious riding com
fort due to the low-hung body, low
center of gravity, perfect balance
front and rear, extra long wheel
base and Marmon special spring
This light-weight car omfa a
half-ton extra load that yon do not
hare to pull When you start and yon
do not have to carry on your tires
while you're going.
..Marmon not only reduce per
ami exertion, but saves from 40 to.
59 per cent In tire expense, and from
50 to 75 per cent In gasoline.
' AH we ask k a chance to prove
these fact In comparison wkh any
other car of thia size and power..
their part if they do not delay longer
in ordering the car of their choice.
All this is distinctly apart from the
fact that the increased cost of ma
terials will cause an advance in motor
cars later in fact, even to date sixty
two manufacturers have increased
prices, including the cheapest as well
as the highes-priced cars on the mar
ket. The Velie Motors corporation is
doing a large part in he work of con
servation and loyal support Outside
of substantial aid in Red Cross and
military endeavor it is working
incessantly in the building of Velie
motor cars, motor trucks and trac
tors at lowest possible prices. There
will be no advance in Velie prices
until the present stock of material is
Phone -'Douglas
Y Three-Passenger Roadsterj
Ml More snap, more room, more comfort, SgSljr j
than you would ever expect to find in a
car of moderate price.
V tlOk Mare rJOWM tnnm en, than vnn wntl mvnr rwnttttL ai
lnA The Dort Fleur-de-Lys a three-seated cloverleaf type roadster II
tt .
For the Fleur-de-Lye
Roadster and
the Touring Car.
For the Sedanet.
For the Sedan.
All price F. O. B,
Flint, Mich.
More snarx more room, more comfort
than you would ever expect to find in a
car of moderate price.
More power, more speed than you will ever require.
The Dort Peur-de-Lys a three-seated cloverleaf type roadster
is mechanically identical with the famous Dort touring car.
It is typical of the honesty and quality that have made the Dort
the leader among moderate priced cars. Itisremariiably economical
See the Fleur-de-Lys.
"The Quality Goes Gear Through"
2211-13 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
Flint, Midi.
Persistent Advertising' is the Road
to Success.
Evidence of Economy.
Proven Beyond All
Doubt By Owners
During the past week Maxwell owners throughout this territory
have acted as a unit in proving the claims of the Maxwell manufac
turers for their cars. . , .. ' .
In competing for Liberty Bond prizes hundreds of Maxwell own
ers have averaged from 26.2 miles to 88.9 miles to a gallon of gasoline.
No record has been reported by the contestants which was below 26.2
miles per gallon. These reports are all authentic, as every car entered
in the contest was required to carry three witnesses besides the driver,
who have made sworn statements regarding the mileage made.
Considering in connection with these records the light weight of
the Maxwell, which insures maximum tire mileage, can you afford to
overlook this car?
If you are not acquainted with the new Maxwell distributors why,
not call on us today. You will find us courteous and willing to show
you every detail of the Maxwell. Our force of salesmen is entirely com
petent and will welcome an opportunity to take you for a ride.
Service will be a main issue with us. Prompt, efficient service such
as you are rightfully entitled to.
A phone call will bring a salesman to your door.' Try it,-
Touring Car . ..................$ 665.00
Roadster 650.00
Touring Car with Winter Top 775.00
Roadster with Winter Top 750.00
Town Car ........ w 1085.00 .
fc Sedan 1085.00
Chassis with Cowl ................;.. 575.00
Chassis with Commercial Delivery Body... ' 650.00 '
Maxwell Motor Sales Corporation
Detroit. Mich. .
'- ' i
If it lightens tire expense, it's a
iacror m wise economy
How long will a tire last?
That depends upon what car it
is driven on.
The weight of the car is only
one of the factors that determine
the length of its service.
The experience of thousands of
owners proves that the smooth
flowing power of the Twin-six
motor nas given materially longer
life to Pacfird-driven tires.
And the quick responsiveness
of its control has been a decided
preventive .of tire abuse.
Then mark this:
The Packard is as light a motor
carriage as safety and unqualified
comfort allow.
Reasons why Twin-six owners
are getting many thousand miles
over guaranteed tire mileage and
lightening tire expense. !
As k t h e man w h o owns one
Sec the Orr Motor Sales Company
40th and Faraam Sts Omsha. Also Lincoln and Sioux City
a a 11 1 1 1 ii 1 1 w
2216-18 Farnam St.
Factory Distributors-Omaha, Neb. !