Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 15, 1917, AUTOMOBILE, Image 29

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Depends Upon Cars Taken in
Washing and Cleaning Auto,
, Says Haynes Motor
Archbishop Harty Makes Visit to
Churches at Calhoun and Blair
"Care in washing the motor car
cannot be emphasized too much, (or
a presentable appearance after a
year of service rests wholly with the
attention that is given the body fin
ish," says C L. Hedges, manager of
technical service for the Haynes Au
tomobile company, Kofcomo, Ind., in
a recent bulletin.
Mr. Hedges' advice is applicable
to any car, and for that reason worthy
of the attention of every automobile
owner. He writes in part as follows:
"The high gloss on a new car, in
many instances, is lost in a short time
because it is irreparably marred in
the first washings.
"The varnish on a new car requires
a month as a minimum time in which
to properly set. In warm weather it
is often advisable, with a newly pur
chased automobile, to shower the
body, hood and fenders with clear
cool water. This will aid in harden
ing the varnish coating and so re
duce the danger from scratching and
Should Not Be Rubbed.
"The life of the finish on any car
does not depend on the polishing
action that is given in washing, but
on quite the opposite. The body
should not be rubbed any more than
is absolutely necessary. In case the
car is muddy, it is always well to
remove the foreign substance as soon
as. possible to avoid spotting. This
should be done with clear running
water, first thoroughly soaking the
mud, and then washing it off. On ac
count of its scouring effect, tfater un
der pressure should never be used for
this purpose.
"Perhaps the greatest enemy a
high body finish has is a sponge in
which sand or grit has collected.
"Even in the case of dust, it is bet
ter to remove this with slow running
water. Dusters, which are employed
by many owners, seriously affect the
Caint by turning the dust into an
"When the body surfaces have
been wejl cleaned off by running
wa.ter, they- should be gone over with
a new sponge, care being taken that
the sponge is always moved in a
straight line. Following this treat
ment, the finish is to be thoroughly
rinsed and then dried with a chamois
skin, wh,ich should be thoroughly
washed and wrung out during the
drying process.
Photo shows two little
girls presenting Arch
bishop with flowers
at Calhoun, Neb.
2- v
' Ml ' '
.s x , t A
Best T.'iing Orr's Mule
Did Was to Kick Bucket
'It the geese of Rome hadn't made
it a custom in those perilous days of
sleeping with one eye open, asserts
H. F. Orr of the Orr Motor Sales
company, "they probably never would
have cackled in time to. save the
Eternal City and the civilization it
represents from the barbarians. And
if justice ever is done Mrs. O'Leary's
cow, the people of Chicago will cast
into everlasting bronze a life-size re
plica of that well-known animal. For
had it not kicked over the lantern
the greatness that now is Chicago's
pride would have been long delayed.
"Thus have animals changed the
course of history, yet there is none
to sing the death of O. II. Nicholas
mule in 1910 except 'Ore himself, as
he is known to everyone in Butler,
Pa. In that year one of his mules
was killed by a fall. Nicholas val
ued the animal at 5-lXJ and its loss
seemed a pretty stiff rate of depre
ciation. After thinking this over he
decided to forswear mules and haul
with Packard trucks exclusively.
As events have proved, from a
financial standpoint, the best thing
that Ore's mule ever did for Ore was
to die. The first Packard truck was
bought for $3,750 and sold five years
later for $1,600.' A used Packard
bought in 1913 for $2,000 was sold
two years later for $1,500. Both were
of the chain drive type and Mr. Nich
olas disposed of them to standardize
on Packard worm driven trucks, of
which he now profitably operates
"This incident." said G.R. Bury,
assistant general sales manager of the
Packard Motor Car company, "brings
home to prospective truck buyers the
advantage of buying a truck that at
any time in its life has a ready mar
ket. There is always a demand for
used Packard trucks. Nearly every
dealer has a waiting list of buyers.
It's the cheap truck that's hard to
sell at almost any price."
Overture Caokonay Kelcr Bela
Valta Amoureuao Brger
"Hermoslllo," a Spanish lnrmeso. .Scbuh
Fantasia The Old Kentucky Home
(variations for different Instru
ments) Palbey
Oriental lance The Star Dreamer.. Bendlx
Grand Selection La Trarlata Verdi
Finale Hall Columbia Chambers
March Glory ef th Yankee Navy . . . . Soua
3 C ;
Overture Euraynthe Ven Webef
Value Immortclluii Gungl
Selection Comla opera i.Mr.jcot)... Audrlan
Scenes from "Lohmnrtn" Waner
Medley 8eletlon Popular Mlodles..Retnlok
Grand Selection Opera Martha Flotow
Baritone Solo (with variation.') Rocked
In the Cradla of the Deep. . . . Rolllnsoa
Joe Placentl.
Patrol on operatic melodies Co
Finale Star-Spangled- Banner ...Key
Disorder Reduced to a
Minimum at Lake Manawa!
Prohibition is said by Manager
Cart I. Palm of Manawa park to have
reduced disorder at the summer re
sort to a mininium. Where in years
past an occasional fight was a regular
thing, Manawa park has seen only
one small fistic encounter this year
two boys who "scrapped" over a girl.
Neither had been dnnkinc.
"On the Fourth of July, when we
entertained the biggest crowd that
was ever at Manawa park, there was i H
not the slightest evidence of disor
der." said Mr. Palm. "We have! -.officers'
in the crowds at all times, of
course, to stop any such thing, but
they tell me it Iras been a peaceful
season for them."
Manawa park also has been free
from pickpockets and other kinds of
thieves. Two pockctbooks, both con
taining but a small amount of money,
have been lost, but none stolen, all
Green's band will give two concerts
at Manawa park. The program:
March The Man Behind the Gun....Souy
Selection Comic opera (The Sho Gun)..
M ..F TO .
" H
Exceptionally Good Condition,
Remarkably Fine Car
for $1200.
Blair, Neb., July 14. (Special.)
Archbishop Harty's first visit to the
parishes of Blair and Calhoun was
made last Sunday and will be long
remembered by the Catholic folks of
this community as-well as the new
He was welcomed at Calhoun at
8 o'clock Sunday morning, on his way
to hold confirmation services at Blair,
bv a rpcpntimi nartv lipartoit Kv
prominent members of both churches,
and r other friends. Mayor Cham
bers' of Blair was at Calhoun to wel
come him to this city.
Attorney- Clark O'Hanlon made
the address of welcome at the recep
tion in the public square at Calhoun.
A beautiful pillow was placed on the
ground, upon which two little girls
knelt and presented Artfhbishop
Hartv with a hpanrifnl flnrat trihnto
The little girls were Miss Charlotte
Maher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
James . Maher and Miss Rosalie
Foley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Jerry Foley of Blair.
The Blair band accompanied the
delegation from this city and fur
nished the music for the reception.
Following the reception at Calhoun,
a class of eighty-five was confirmed
Spencer of Chandler Co.
Spends Several Das Here
K. R. Spencer, special representa
tive of the Chandler Motor Car com
pany, spent several days last week
with the Omaha Chandler company.
The Omaha Chandler company have
recently established a direct factory
connection and is no longer connect
ed with the Card-Adams Motor com'
pany of Lincoln.
Motor Trucks
Which Is the Best of
. the Big Ten ?
Answer This By Comparison
You get out of any motor truck just what is built into it by th
maker. 'To get strength power speed durability economy,
you must buy a truck in which these features are actually built
into every specification. Get them in the specifications and you
get them in actual service.
Careful buyers of big concerns have narrowed their choice down to the
product of ten big truck factories. These ten factories adhere closely to
established practice. Their combined capital is over $250,000,000-their
guarantees are big and broad. Yet among these dominant ten, SERVICE
stands out with definite features of extra value strengtheconomy. .
20 Super-Strength
Close comparison of SERVICE specifica
tions with the other nine of the dominant
ten show a 20 super-strength in frame,
drive system, motor and all parts doing
heavy work. This 20 super-strength is
the result of highly specialized construc
tionthe adapting of every SERVICE
feature to the work that must be done.
SERVICE motor trucks are built and
designed by truck specialists every fea
ture must receive the O. K. of the big
gest engineer we know of before we will
allow it to go into SERVICE construction.
Wonderful Endorsement
Never, we believe, has the SERVICE
sales record been duplicated. 60 of
li .5 sales were reorders. 67 fo of 1916
production were re-sales. This tremen
dous volume of reorder business is the
most convincing testimonial that has
ever been paid any motor truck. It is
evidence of that kind of owner satisfac
tion which means: Once a SERVICE'
owner, always a SERVICE owner.
Exceptionally Low Price
Yet duplicating the accepted features of
construction found in the most expensive
trucks adding extra features, which
combined are not obtained elsewhere
SERVICE motor trucks sell for less than
any of the remaining nine. Surely you will
not pay more forless thanSERVICEoffers.
11. a.- a I- Jt Xh
2-ton truck . J?..
3Vrton track . . . , .
3-ton truck (Special Contractors)
5-ton truck . . . . .
13 Point Booklet
Write today for our big illustrated 13
Point Booklet and a special folder show
ing records of SERVICE motor trucks
in your line of business.
G. W. Francis Truck Co.,
2212-14 Harney St.
Omaha, Neb.
jS I Telephone I
B Harney -m
m 414 w
40th mni Fernam Street .
A postcard
will brinf any
car to your
A Car at $1150 or So
Or Saxon "Six" at $935
What Does the Extra $200 or $300 Buy?
If you are thinking of buying a
car costing $200 to $300 more
than Saxon "Six," ask yourself
"what will I get for this $200 or
$300 over the Saxon "Six"
When you dig into the matter
this way you uncover some inter
esting facts.
In point of performance you
can't buy a better car than Sax
on "Six" for $200 or $300 more.
That has been pretty clearly
proved. As a matter of simple
truth Saxon "Six" has in pub
licdemonstrated its ability to
out-perform other sixes, eights,
and twelves of far higher price?
It is doing so daily in private use
in the hands of thousands of
. And not in one phase alone, but
in many in acceleration, in flex
ibility, in speed, and in high
gear work.
Certainly .for $200 or . $300 more
you can't buy a better looking
, car-
The design of Saxon "Six" is un-
usually smart and graceful.
The finish is of top-quality and
has a deep lustrous richness that
is remarkably impervious to
wind and weather and mar.
The windshield is slanted to
blend with the sweep of the body
The seats are slightly tilted, to
insure you greater riding -comfort.
Now take the features of Saxon
"Six." They are of the finest
We doubt if you can find a car
'selling at $200 or $300 more than
Saxon "Six" that will match
Saxon "Six" in point of fine-car
For instance. One of Saxon
"Six's" important features
Fedders radiator is also found
on 8 cars selling for more than
$3,000. Saxon "Six" costs $935v
Again, another of the important
features of Saxon "Six" Tim
ken axles-Ms also found on seven
' cars selling for more than $1,700.
One more. Still another import
ant feature of Saxon "Six"
Spiral bevel gear is also found
on 12 cars selling for more than
And there are 7 other of the big
features of Saxon "Six" such as,
Timken bearings, Timken axles,
Continental motor, Stromberg
carburetor, Remy ignition, Fed
ders radiator, Spiral bevel gear,
found on 30 cars selling for more
than $1,150.
Now consider the matter of up
keep cost. -
Here you will find all the evi
dence favors Saxon "Six" as
against a car costing $200 cr
$300 more.
You will find the cost of running
Saxon "Six" quite visibly less
than the cost of running a car
priced several hundred dollars
Saxon "Six" is constructed light
ly and balanced so accurately
that it rides the tires easily and
so a set of tires has much longer
Its motor, has been so refined
and developed, and vibration
and friction have been so large
ly eliminated that you get full
mileage from each atom of gas
and oil.
And yet despite its light con
struction Saxon "Six" has great
strength and endurance.
This is proved by the record of
cost for replacements. The most
accurate check has been kept
upon purchases of all parts for
Saxon "Sixes" during the past
two years.
It reveals the individual average
cost per Saxon "Six" for this
two-year period to be but $8.50.
Only $4;25 per year.
So you see considering every
angle Saxon "Six" not only will
give better service and longer
service than a car costing $200
or $300 more, but it will cfist you
less in upkeep.
And the price is $935 f. o. b.
Noyes-Killy Motor Co.
Factory Distributors
2086-6 Farnam Street.
Omaha, NeK.
Phone Douglas 853.