Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 15, 1917, Want-Ad Section, Image 19
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BfeE: JULY 15, 1917. D FOR RENT HOUSES Miscellaneous. SAVE ON YOUR KENT BILL. $10 Per Month Each. I-r. apartment at !J02 N. 31st St. -r. apartment at !206 X. Slat StS.-t-r. apartment at S21S N. 21st St. We will decorate the rooms an J fix them p for you. H. A. WOLF. REALTOR. fit Ware Blk. Tyler S3. HOUSES AND FLATS FOR RENT $33.50 5-R.. the Davidson block, 18th and Farnam Sts., modern. I37.R0 7-R., the Malvern, 709 S. 16th t., modern. $46.00 7-R., the Powell building, 619 S. 18th St., modern. $41.00 -R., 4519 Farnam St., new Dundee house, modern. GEORGE & COMPANY (REALTORS) Phone r. 766. 903 City Nat. Rnnk Bldg. DETACHED. 603 South 41st St., 8 rms.. West Leaven worth, $25. 416 North 40th St., 9 rms., and s. p., West Farnam, garage, $70.00. . ' 123 South 40th St., 9 rms.,' mod., West Farnam, $40.00. 1122 Chicago St., 15 ims., mod., garage, $100. ATTACHED. 11 North 24th St., 7 rms., mod. ex. ht., $16 S714 South 16th St., rms., mod . $18. A. P. TUKEY & -SON, REALTORS. 620 First Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone D. 502. FOR RENT. I rooms, 21T South 28th Ave, for colored, $7.50 . 1 rooms, 3015 Clark street, $10.00... 5 rooms, 1110 Farnam street, flat, $16.00. S rooms, 1821 No. 17th street, bath and sleeping porch, $13.69. t rooms, 1306 South 28th St., modern, $25. 7 rooms, 1318 North 40th St., modern. $30. 10 rooms, 3413 Cass street, modern, $40. BENSON & MYERS CO., Realtors. 424 Omaha Nat. Bank Bid. Doug. 746. 207 & 24TH St.. 12 rms., all modern. .$50.00 315 N. 17th St., 13 rms., all modern. 45.00 1318 8. 29th Ave., 10 rms., all mod ern 35.00 546 S. 24th Ave., 8 rms., all modern. 30.00 2623 Seward, 8 rms., mod. ex. heat.. 18.00 2901 Farnam. 8 rms., mod. ex. heat. 27.50 2713 Caldwell, 7 rms., mod. ex. heat. 22.00 2630 Parker, 6 rms., mod. ex. heat.. 16.50 116 N. 24th St., ( rms., all modern.. 30.00 543 8. 24th Ave., 5 rms., mod. ex. heat 18.00 The above with heat 25.00 3621 Cuming, 8 rms., city water.... 10.50 F. D. WEAD, 310 S. 18th St. Doug. 171. 1213 8. 25TH AVE., 6-room bungalow, new, vacant Aug. 1, with garage $30. 1541 8. 25th St., 6-room and den, al most new house and garage $30. 129 N. 37th St., 6-room house, modern but heat, $18.60; vacant In a few days. 2708 Seward St., 5-r. house, mod., $14. 1821 Maple, t-j, steam heated, summer, $14.00. Tel. Red 1881. FOR RENT. 8109 Pacific St., 8-r. mod. house. . ..$42.(0 2621 Capitol Ave., 8-r. mod. house. 25.00 2013 Grace, 8-r., modern house 20.00 706 No. 18th St., 8-r., modern ex cept heat 27.00 2419 Seward St., 7-r., mod. ex. heat.. 22.60 708 N. 18th St., 5-r., upstairs, part modern 13.00 ALFRED C. KENNEDY CO., REALTORS, 205 South 18th St. Douglas 722. FOR RENT. i ROOMS, ALL MODERN EXCEPT HEAT Two blocks and half from car; nice yard with shade; rear yard is fixed for chickens and garden; south front with porch. House Is In good condition; only been built six years. Price $15.00 per month. Call Traver Brothers, 819 First Nallonal Bank Building. Douglas 6880. $25.00 5-r., attractive, all modern St. Louis flat, 2817 Jackson St. " .. $25.00 5-r., all modern briok flat 2819 Jackson St. . $27.50 9-r all modern, corner house, 2639 Davenport St H. A. WOLF, REALTOR, 614 Ware Blk. Tyler 85. FOR RENT. 2611 Capitol Ave., 8 r., mod, ax. beat, $ blks. from high school, 1 blk. from ear line, $15.00. 29$9 Pacific St., mod. In every1 respect, 9 large rooms, on car line, $33.50. W. O. SHRIVER, 1049 O. N, B. Bldg. 1113 N. 23D St., i rooms $20.00 1526 Georgia Ave., 7 rooms 30.00 3228 Burt St.. 7 rooms , 80.00 117 8. 29th, 7 rooms 35.00 3504 Dodge St., 9 rooms 65.00 ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO.. Tyler 1636. 833 Rose Bldg. Svtl want mora bouses and apartments to rent The fact that we have practically cleaned out our big list Is conclusive proof of the efficiency of our rental service, it you want to keep your places rented see Payne & Slater Co., "Omaha's Rental Men," 61 Om. Nat. Bk. Bid. Doug. 1016. 16-RM. APT., Sterling, 19th and St. Mary's Ave $38.60 1306 N. 25th St., 6-rni., mod 15.00 2420 Caldwell St., 7-rm 22.50 641 5 Leavenworth St., 6-rm 16.00 FIRST TRUST COMPANY, REALTORS, 400 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. T. 600. $18113 'N. 26th St., 4 rms., all mod. $25.002573 Poppleton Ave., 8 rms., mod. 827.602723 Spauldlng, 6-r., strictly mod. $35.001122 8. 28th 8t., 8 rms., all mod. $45.003621 Lafayette Ave., 8 r garage. GLOVER & SPAIN, Realtors. Douglas 8963. 919-20 City National. 207 8. 24th St., 12 rms., all modern. .$50.00 315 N. 17th St., 13 rms., all modern. 45.00 645 8. 24th Ave., ( rms., all mod., 30.00 lit N. 54th St., rms., all mod... 30.00 F. D. WEAD, 310 S. 18th St. D. 171. 309 S. 13th St., 10 rms., mod. ex. ht., $30. 1012 N. 45th St., 8 rms.. all mad., $24. 2813 Charles St., 6 rms., part mod., $14. BIRKETT & COMPANY. 250 Bee Bldg. , Douglas 638. Houses In all parts of tba city. CREIGH. SONS & CO. 608 Bee Bldg. (.ROOM Two baths. West Farnam dis trict $45. Phone Douglas 2947. FLAT, 3305 Leavenworth, 6 rooms, $20. JOHN N. FRENZER. Douglas 654. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. 4hE UINTAH Park Ave. and Leavenworth St, Apt 12, 6-R. and tile bath. These apartments are particularly noted for their large airy rooms cool, cosy, com fortable. You'll like it $45 flat. Payne & Slater Co., Realtors. OH Omaha Nat. Bldg. Phone Doug. 1016. ST. CLAIK, T 24th and hartley. 3-room apt Call. Har. 647. APARTMENTS, all sisea and prices, splen dld location. 24t.i and Farnam. D. 1472. lo-ROOM modern house, 26th and Dodge. Walklifg distance; $30. Douglas 2161. (-ROOMS, garage, sleeping porch, hot water, heat Janitor service. 2408 Davenport. North. APARTMENTS. The Harlan, 2301-3 Sherman Ave.; high elass t-room apartments, book cases, fire place, janitor, $37.60, with garage. A. P. TUKEY & SON, REALTORS. t 1st Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone T. 602. STEAM heated. $18 and up, summer rates, near P. O. O. P. Stehblna. 161t; Chicago. TWO and three room apartments, 410 N. 33d. Apply 2013 Chicagd. South. FIREPROOF APARTMENTS. TRAVERTON. ' I4TH AND LANDOX COURT. Close In, every convenience, best service completely furnished. Catering only to people of refined taste. W. T. GRAHAM, DOUGLAS 1533. ' 4 BSS BLDB. FOR RENT APARTMENTS South. FIVE-ROOM steam heated apartment. The Chula Viata, SOth nnd Poppleton, $41. Con. rad Youag, 322 Brandeis Theater. Doug- bis 1571. CLEAN, comfortable flats, 13th SL Blvd.; moderate rent; water paid. Douglas J6is. MOD. 4-r. Apt.. Ha". 4141 or Wal. 225i. Miscellaneous. APARTMENTS. 5-room in the Hudson, 207 South !6th Ave. Heat and janitor service, $45.00. 5 rooms. 420 South 25th Ave., with heat and janitor service and private basement, $40.00. BENSON & MYERS CO., Realtors. 4?4 Omaha Nafl. Bank Bldg. Doug. 74S. FOR RENT. FLATS. Colored tenants wanted for I and 8 room flats; $12.50 and $15; South Fide. Somberjr. Ti,erJs5; 2 oFSbtfH"? 6 T HA V E.8-r.7 nc w7 a 11" mod -em flat, $45. 909 No. 17th St., 6-r. all mod. apt., $27.50. RASP BROS.. 210 Keellne Hldg. Tyler 721. 6-ROO.M modern apartment, just decorated, garage, on car line, good location; would furnish. Red. 4194, week Any. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, RENTAL HEADQUARTERS FOR OMAHA. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty 2109-ia CUMIMJ ST. Modern liress brick Ktore buildings, plat glass fronts; good location. 1411 Harney St., store. 22xinn feet. I CITY TRL'ST COM PANT. lfiti and Harney Sts. Phono Untie. 7R9. Stores. STORE FOR RENT. VERY DESIRABLE FOR RETAIL BUSINESS. $ 25.00 2719 Leavenworth St. $185.00518 S. Kith St.. sicam heat. $ 70.00 620 8. 16th St.. steam heat. 1 GEORGE & COMPANY (REALTORS! Phono D. 756. 902 City Nat. Bank Bldg. 2559 FARNAM. A new building, 30x140 feet. Fine loca tion for garage or tlve house. Rullding will be remodeled to suit tenant. Only $175.00 per month. A. P. TUKEY & SON, REALTORS, 6!0 1st Nat. Bnnk Bldtr. Phone D. 502. FOR RENT Building, suitable for whole sale or storage purposes. 3 floors and ce ment basement, floors 25x120 ft. Good elevator and convenient arrangement for loading; might consider renting one or more floors separate; building wall lo cated and available August 1. Nebraska & Iowa Mercantile Co., 1315 Howard St. Tel. D. 1728 St. Mary's Ave., 2 fonts. 21x60.. . $7(1.00 1728 St. Mary's Ave., 2 fronts 75x80. . $70.00 1219 Farnam St., 1 Rx47 75.00 Sll S. 13th St., 2d fl. 2,)300 sq. ft.. K6."0 415 S. 11th St 65.00 FIRST TRUST COMPANY, REALTORS, 400 First Nat'l Bank Bhlir. T. 500. STORE and 6 living rooms, 3492 Ames Ave., $30.00. '2-rm. Apartment, 2130 N. 23th St., $5.00. O. C. OLSEN, 103 MeCaKue Bldg. NHW. modern stores on Leavenworth, be tween 24th and 25th Sts. Low rent. .Garage building, 123 N. 40th St. Single, $5.00; double, $10.00. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. DESIRABLE store room, modern front, metal ceiling. . steam heat, 624-626 So. 16th St.: stse 32x60; can be subdivided; low rent. Conrad Young, 322 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Douglas 1671. LOW-PRICED modern offices, Farnam Bldg., 13th and Farnam, (Old 1st Nat. Bank Bldg.) FIRST TRUST CO.. Tyler 600. DODGE St., near 25lh. 30,000 ft $400 110 S. 14th St., 3,200 ft 40 4718 S. 24th St., 1.S10 ft 85 E. H. BENNER CO., D. 8406. STORE for rent. WORLD REALTY CO., Sun Theater Building. SMALL modern store room, steam heat. 1613 Capitol Ave Conrad Young, S23 Brandeis Tl, eater. Douglas 1571. 4718 S. 24TH ST., near P. O., $86. E. H. Benner Co. Douglas 8406. MODERN store, 16th St.. near postofflce, $75. O. P. rUbhins, 1610 Chicago. Office and Desk Room. CHOICE office apace, Haird Bldg.. '17th and Douglas. McCagtu. Inv, Co. Garages and Barns. SMALL garage centrally located, $25. E. H. BENNER CO.. D. 8406. Miscellaneous. SMALL garage, centrally located, $26. E. rt. Benner Lu. jougias . WANTED TO RENT Miscellaneous. LIST your homes with ua fur rent. The demand Is good and we bava a waiting list. J. H. DUMONT & Co. (Realtors). 418 Keellne Bldg. Phone D. 690. MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage and moving. 219 N. 11th St. Phona Doug las 394. T?TTM?T ITV RENTAL tPti?l7 X' lULJUX XX SERVICE Phone Douglas 288 for complete list of vacant houses and apart ments. Alio for storage, moving. 16th and 'Jackrfon Sts. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO., Expert service; prompt attention. Your moving, your packing, your storage. Main Office, Central Furniture Store. 17th and Howard. Tel. D. 7785. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos: moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. $02 8. 16th St. Douglas 4168. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service in moving, packing and storing, call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338. Maggard ,v;VpneVh7urmen Van and Storage Co.. Moving, Packing. Storage and Shipping. Phone Doug. 1496. T T?T7T?'r Express Co., Moving (J. J. XbUUiy Packing and Storage. 1207 Farnam St. Web. 274S. Doug. 61 40. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. HERE IS A BARGAIN Takes very little cash to buy a beau tiful south front stucco house, one block from .Hanscom Park, and West Side car line, tn Field Club Diat., No. 3306 Walnut St. This Is a large house with Immense big living room, beam ceilings, fireplace and book cases; whopper of a dining room with built-in buffet, butler's pantry as big as the kitchen, fine large kitchen and refrigerator room on first floor; oak floors throughout. Upstairs has four fine bed rooms, one of them with windows on three sides; can be used for Bleeping porch; tile bath with shower: clothes chute. Large attic; full basement, with big vegetable room, coal bin, partitioned off, extra toilet, stationary tubs and floor drain. Full south front lot; house in ex cellent condition, fine fixtures and one of the beit vapor heating plants you ever saw. This place can be bought right. Sec ua at once. D. V. SHOLES CO., (Realtors) 915 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 40. A REAL BARGAIN. i Bungalow Just completed, living room, dining room and den finished in oak with oak floors throughout house, number of special features, bookcases, etc., high grade plumbing and lighting fixtures, two large rooms unfinished on 2d floor, full basement, furnace heat, laundry con nection, floor drain, water meter, screens and window shades, In fact ready to move In, lot 46x135 ft., sodded, paved street, fronting on beautiful Clalrmont Addition. The architecture la classy, not the com mon every day bungalow, built by day labor and material bought almost a year ago, before the tremendous Increase In price. That la the reason wa can sell this home much below what It could be duplicated today, a good buy at $4,250. Our price $3,650; cash or terms. Located at 2911 No. 46th St. House will be open for Inspection from 2 to 6 p. m. It will pay you to see this bargain. RASP BROS , REALTORS, UUU;14 Keellne Bide. Xrler 721. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED I West. BEST BARGAIN IN WEST FARNAM DUNDEE DISTRICT Eight fine rooms, two fireplaces; large living room, dining room, sunparlor and kitchen on first floor. Oak floors and oak finish. Sunroom finished in enamel. Four large light bedroom and bath on second floor finished In enamel. Beautifully deco rated. Fine lighting fixture. Fine loca tion on carllne and paved street. Brick garag". A real bargain at $5,900. Terms. BENSON & CARMICHAEL REALTORS 1 642 Paxton Block. Today Walnut 15S0. Douglas 1722. SMALL HOME 5-room cottage, modern except heat, on Paved street, corner lot 40x94. 1 block from car line, 2 blocks to public school. A place that Is aways cool Iti summer. Will sell on terms. 3024 Corby St. Trice $1,S00. ALFRED C. KENNEDY CO. 205 So. Hth St. Douglas REALTORS. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT 9 rooms, strictly modern, practically new brick and stucco house, Including aunroom and sleeping porch, hot water heat, beautifully finished and decorated, oak throughout, garage for 3 cars, lot 55x122. located near 3Mh and Cass, com manding a fine view of the city. Price $15,500. Very liberal terms. HIATT COMPANY, 245-7-9 Omaha Nat. Bank. Tyler 60. BESTMRGNlNWMIS PARK Nine rooms, strictly modern, built for a home, with quarter-sawed ouk finish; hot water heat: finished uttic; completa base ment, plastered; full lot on Lafayette ave nue Blvd., near 38th St.; garage. Non-resident owner has cut the price to $6,000 for quick sale; the house alone cost better than $6,000 and the lot Is worth $2,000. Investigate at once. GLOVER & SPAIN, REALTORS. Douglas 3962. 919-20 City National. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. WAVERLY TARK ADDITION. Brand new, ready for occupancy, ele gantly decorated, oak finish in living rooms: full cement basement; stairway to floored attic, exterior frame and stucco; east f ont lot, Just one block west of Fon tenelle boulevard, located high and sight ly on 47th Ave. near Bedford. Price $3,400. $200 down, balance, terms. Be come a home owner and stop paying rent. C. G. CARLBERG, Realtor. 310-312 Brandeis Thca'ter Bldg. $10 Cash 30 lots to select from, located between 43d and 47th streets, Hamilton to Cum ing St. BALANCE $10 PER MONTH. PRICED $250 TO $550. Close to school and church. None over 3 blocks from carllno. All splendid building sites. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1320 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 1054; evenings, Harney 4168 NEW, MODERN" BUNGALOW Price Only $4,000 In the new Leavenworth district, five exceptionally fine rooms and buth, all the built-in features; oak finish and oak floors throughout; fully floored attlo and splen did basement; built entirely by day labor; finest of fixtures, shades and hardware; must bo seen to be appreciated. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Om.Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 96. WEST FARNAM, $5,250 Never been occupied. Seven rooms with fireplace and built-in l-"okeases; oak fin ish on'tho frst floor; oak floors throughout; white enamel and birch mahogany on the second floor. This is bargain and can make easy terms. Want an offer. GLOVER & SPAIN, REALTORS. Douglas 3962. 919-20 City National. $3,250 6-room, strictly modern, corner house. West Harney St.; fronts south and east. A splendid small home with shade trees and some fruit; large lot; good lo cation. Easy terms. Shuler & Cary, Realtors. Phons Doug. 5074. 204 Keellne Bldg. MOD. BUNGALOW-$50.00 CASH. New, modern, oak finished, decorated, 6 rooms and bath. Price $2,700. Three blocks from AmeS Ave; ear. Biggest snap In town and will sell this week. JEFF W. BEDFORD & SON, Realtors. 223 Keeline Bldg. Douglas 8G92. HOME BARGAINS In Test Farnam district, 6 rooms, strictly modern; hot water heat; lot 48x 111; fruit trees and shrubbcrj?. Owner leaving city and offers this for quick sale at $4,200. Terms. I'hone "Owner, Harney 6734. 113 SO. 35TH ST. 8 -room and sleeping porch, fine condition. Oreat bargain if sold quickly, owner leaving city. Reason able terms. Call Harney 3265. 7-ROOM BUNGALOW. Willis Ave., near 16th St., all modern, nearly new, oak finish; $3,200; terms. E. H. Benner Co. Douglas 8406. BY OWNER 6-room Dundee, all-modern house. Near Farnam cars. Wal. 2658. North. . FINE HOME AND GARAGE 3901 FLORENCE BLVD. This bungalow 1? nearly new and In good order; frame tind stucco construction; on corner lot; paved streets. Has five good sized rooms on one floor; more rooms can be finished In attic at nominal ex pense. Living room and dining room fin ished tn oak; ceilings beamed; fireplace; window seat; rear bed room, white enam eled, and makes a fine sun room. All rooms newly decorated; fine lighting fix tures; large basement; furnace heat. Oarage large enough for two cars: cement drive. Price $1,500. Terms, $1,000 cash, balance monthly. Key at our office, 202 S. 17th St. Phone Douglas 6013. PORTER & SHOTWELL, Realtors. NEW BUNGALOW BARGAIN Located high anl sightly, 82d, near De catur street. Wo sold seven in this loca tion last season. Has five rooms, closets and bath, full basement, large, roomy porch. All decorated with high grade paper, tile In kitchen and bath. Shades and electric fixtures. Oak finish tn liv ing and dining room, pedestal opening with bookcasr.s. Price $2,925. Substantial first payment, balance monthly like ront. Call for appointment. TRAVER BROS., Phons D. (888. $1 First Nat. Bank. MUST BE SOLD. Double house, 8 rooms each, modern ex cept heat, three blocks from high school, 2609-11 Capitol Ave. 1824 N. 25th St., five large rooms, mod ern except heat, furnace room, corner, one block from car line, good neighborhood Submit offers. " W. O. SHRIVER. 1011 0aalu national Bk, Bldg, REAL ESTATE IMPROVED; North. $10,000 Home For $6,500 4-yoar-old cement home. S-room, al! modem, all finished In oak. large screened porch, sleeping porch, and large corner lot tn boulevard and Lothrop ft. Double garage. It Is a snap, owner must have money and Is sacrificing home. HARRY A. WOLF, REALTOR. ! 514 Ware Blk. Tyler 85. OWNER'S HOME AT BARGAIN We need a larger house and are com pelled 16 sell our 5-room, all modern home, located 1 block from car line; corner lot; both streets paved. Has built-in book cases and buffet; garage: garden; furnace; cement cellar; large floored attic; screened In porch, and lias an east front. Will sett on easy terms, or consider vacant lot tn part pavment. or will make a very closs price for cash. il32 N. 18th St. Col fax 1455. BEOTTIFUL HOME FORCED SALE SEVEN-ROOM STUCCO Located on a choice corner, south and east front. Has long living room with French doors, leading Into sun room, book casea and colonnade. Large dining room, with buffet, buttons pantry to kitchen. Three extra large bedrooms, exceptionally complete bath room. Full basement, wtlh plenty of windows, laun dry tubs, etc. The wookwork Is all the finest selected oak, waxed finish. The house was built by day labor throughout Just one year old. The owner Is asking $6,000, which Is at least $1,000 less than It could be duplicated. For appointment call I OSBORNE RKALTT CO..' 701-3 Om. Nafl Bank Bldg. Tyler 498. SPLENDID HOME BARGAIN Right on the crest of the hill In Clalr mont Addition, facing east on the beau, tlful wide Fontenelle boulevard. House Is one of the most attractive values tn a six-room modern house that we have been able able to offer for a longvtlme. Only three years old. Finished through out in hardwood, with every modern con venience. Rooms, are large and the ar rangement Is fine. This Is a high-grade property at a low price $4,500. Don't fall to learn more from us about this bargain. Armstrong-Walsh Company (REALTORS) 833 Securities Bldg. (Formerly Rose Bldg) Tyler 1536. ATTRACTIVE HOME 2829 North S3d St.. 8-room Cottage, strictly modern, very well built and cared for: has full cement basement, brand new furnace, fruit cellar, built-in cupboards and screened porches. Located on a beautiful corner lot 80x 110, with fine shade and fruit trees, grape arbors, cement walks and drive, and two good garages. If you are looking for a comfortable home Investigate this offer. Owner Is forced to sell and will sacrifice It. Will consider trads In farm land. GILBERT C LQOMIS, 105 McCague Bltlg. D. $7. CRACKING GOOD BUY Six Rooms Bungalow Style Located N. W.. In a first-class residence district where many new homes are be ing built; close to car line; three rooms downstairs; two bedrooms, enclosed Bleep ing porch snd bath upstairs. All floors are osk and the finish Is oak; good east front lot. Price is only $3.600 : $000 cash will handle. Ask ' us about this. Armstrong-Walsh Company (REALTORS) 833 Securities Bldg. (Formerly Rose Bldg) Tyler 1536. Owner Must Sacrifice BIO BARGAIN FOR SOMEONE. Having enlisted In the Sixth regiment. Nebraska Volunteer Infantry, and being subject to call any day, I am compelled to ell my beautiful five-room bungalow, lo cated on the northeast corner of 18th and Evans, 1 block from car line and Kountze park. Large rooms, oak finish, beam cell. Ings, snd large fireplace; garage in rear. This house Is worth $4,600. MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED. MAKE ME AN OFFER. Frank Whlpperman. Call Colfax 401 during the day. Brand New 2-Room Cottage $1,650 $165 CASH BALANCE MONTHLY Located near 37th and Wirt Sts.; has a new up-to-date chicken house, a fine well and H acre of ground. Is In a location that Is building up fast and Is sure to In crease In value soon. Call Tyler 50 and ask for Mr. Clark. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, (Realtors) 1614 Harney St. Phone Tyler 60. FINE LOCATION 6 ROOMS Three rooms down and three nloe bed rooms upstairs; oak finish downtalrs and oak floors throughout; nicely decorated; full basement. Located In Kountze Place at 2121 Pratt St. Price $4,000. Terms. NORRIS & NORRIS 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4270. Little Farm in City $8,000, Or Make Offer 166 feet front on Florence Boulevard; 840 feet deep; bouse, basement, barn and garage; modern chicken house and brood ers; spring for fish pond. Pasture for cow. Large black walnut trees around barn and pasture. Shade everywhere. This Is a really wonderful place and right in city. Call today before 2 p. m. Walnut 1029. Will show you. ONLY $2,350 FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE Modern except heat and la tn good con dition ; fine, large lot, with shade trees. Owner has left town and has Instructed us to sell. Terms to suit purchaser. Lo cated 4107 N. 29th St. NORRIS & NORRIS 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4270. NORTH SIDE Seven-room house, all modern, full sized lot on corner, streets paved. This prop erty Is on Burdette, easy walk to 26th or 24th car. Will give some one a bar gain. Owner left city. ALFRED THOMAS $0$ Farnam Bldg. NEW BUNGALOW t rooms, strictly modern, full basement, oak floors and finish, with the best plumbing and lighting fixtures and built In features; large lot. This bungalow Is In our Parkwood addition, where all the homes are new and on the prettiest drive In the city,. Price $3,250. Terms. NORRIS & NORRIS 400 Boa Sldg. ?hono Douglas 4270. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. MIGHTY NIFTY BUNG A-j LOW, $3,300 ! NEAR MILLER PARK ; Five rooms and bath; beautifully deco- j rated; oak finish: fireplace, bookcases, i china cabinets; cupboards In kitchen; double closets with windows off each bedroom; full cement basement. This home la new, near school, parks and two blocks to car. OSBORNE REALTT CO, 701-1 Om. Nat Bank' Bldg. Tyler X96 HOME ON CALIFORNIA STREET Near St. John's church we have a dandy bargain In a 7 -room house. Lot 56x150. Paving all raid. Price cut to $3,400. EDWARD F. WILLIAMS CO., REALTORS. 80J-4 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. P. 420. f-ROOM house, cistern, cement walk, fruit and shade trees, lot 60x140. $3,500 price. $500 and $26 per month. 8816 N. 18th St. Phone Webster 7958. South. Two Houses Close-in $1,850 2350-53 Pierce St. Lot running through from Pierce St, to Pacific St. Small house rented for $lt per month, large double house now vacant, needs soma repairs, owner will tako above price for quick sale. HARRY A WOLF, REALTOR. tli Ware Blk. Tyler 15. 517 SOUTH 41ST ST. FIVE ROOMS $1,650 Dandy little home In a splendid loca tion: street paved and paid for: surround ed by nice homes. Don't disturb ten ant, but call on us for particulars. Can make terms. Armstrong-Walsh Company (REALTORS) $33 Securities Bldg. ' (Formerly Rose Bldg) Tyler 1538. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT t-room, strictly modern home, oak fin ish, hot water heat, large 66-ft. lot, 3 blocks to car line. Trice reduced from $6,600 to $5,600 for quick sate. Call u at once, as this property la going to bo sold within the next few days. HIATT COMPANY, Tyler 60. 2 46 Om a h a tA V LJRan k Jlldg DANDY BUNGALOW FIELD CLUB DISTRICT. Five rooms with stairway to floored at tic, beamed ceilings, plenty of closet room, all modern, oak finish in living rooms, full cement basement, exterior Colorado red sandstone: paved street, close to school and car; price $3,800. Hern Is a dandy home, Located near 38th and Marcy St. C. G. CARLBERG, Realtor. 810-311 Brandeis Theater Bldg. AT PUBLIC AUCTION. Two 8-roOni flats In four apartments, all permanently rented, on paved street, In good repair, - At 6425 and (427 S. 21st St,, South Bide. Will be sold to the highest bidder on the premises, Wednesday, July 35, at 11 a. m. If you want to buy good Income prop erty at your own price come to this sale. For further Information call, JAMES L. DO WD, Auctioneer. Bed 3286 or Harney 4673. W. H. GRIFFITH, Owner. $2,90(hrONLY $500 DOWN. Will buy this entirely modern 6-room bungalow, beautifully finished, full con crete basement, fine neighborhood, on paved street, nearly new, lot $0x183. Must be seen to be appreciated. . BIG 4 REALTY CO., 1016-16 W. O. W. Bldg. Doug. 8486. ONE 6-room and one 4-room cottage, both on ene lot; fine condition; live In one and ront the other. Price for both, $3,760. Very easy terms. No. 2483 South 20th St. NORRI8 A NORRIS, 400 Bee Building. 'Phone Douglas 4370. MONTCLAlR BUNGALOW, Stucco construction, 6 large light rooms. Oak floors, oak snd enamel finish. Price $3,800. Easy terms. Another new build ing for $3,650, Call Douglas 1733 days. Walnut 1680 evenings. ' STRlCTLt modern bungalow, i rooms. 32nd and Ames Ave. Webster 4228. Miscellaneous. NEW BUNGALOW Ws have three splendidly constructed S-roomed bungalows that were built ahead of the advance on building material. These homes ars fully modern, decorated throughout and finished In oak. Prices ranging from $3,4(0 to $3,600, reasonable cash payment, balance like rent, LOCATED IN BEAUTIFUL ARCADIA COURT, one-half block south of MILLER PARK on west side of Thirtieth street. All houses front on street developed with double parkways planted with clump shrubbery and shade trees, also ornamental lighting system. Paving now being in stalled. All other street Improvements In. Take Florence car, get off Arcadia avenue, W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1320 Farnam' Street. Tel. Doug. 1064; eve nings, Harney 4168. $2,450 $50 Cash 5 Rooms and Bath (New) In good neighborhood where new homes are constantly being built and property Increasing In value. Strictly Modem This house has full cemented base ment, with furnace, floor drain and fau cets for hot and cold water, making an Ideal laundry room. The plumbing and all fixtures are very choice and the fin ish Is very pleasing. This house Is well constructed of the best material of every kind and Its symmetrical proportions are such as to give it a splendid outside ap pearance. Call Douglas 3628 or Walnut 677. SOME BARGAINS $2,000 Five-room cottage, nice home, near 84th and Franklin Bts. $2,700 Seven-room modern house, about six years old; lot 60x126 frontage, two streets, on 43d Ave., near Dodge St. Bargain fur someone. $3,900 Six-room modfcrn house In DUN DEE. Oak finish and In good order; on Capitol Ave., between 49th and 60th. Now vacant. Can make easy terms. $4,600 That fine home of nine rooms bslng modern, with hot water heat, large basement, with cistern water, large grounds, 84x134 on corner, with garage, with lots of shrubbery, pav ing all paid for; block to car line. W. H. GATES, 647 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. v D. 1294. REALTORS. W. 368$. BARGAIN We have two cottages, one 8-room and one 4-room, both In good condition and a bargain at the price $2,750, Tou can live In one of these cottages and make tbs property pay for Itself. NORRIS & NORRIS 400 Me Bldg. Phono Douglas 4270. K S TIU'MBUtC 1305 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. IHi. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Miscellaneous, TRADE YOUR VACANT LOT WHT PAT RENT and hold that vaoant lot which you now own, If you cannot af ford to build, when you have an opportun ity to exchange your lot as a dowa pay ment on a good two-story, nes, seven room modern house In Dundee ready for Immediate possession, offered at a price much less than It could be duplicated for today. Price $1,500; balance monthly like rent. This Is sn excellent opportunity to get a bargsln. Let us know what you have to offer. We will gladly show the prop erty by appointment. GEORGE & COMPANY, $03 City National Bank Building. Thone Douglas 758. REALTORS. BUY FROM OWNER (3 rooms, modern, three-story, pressed brick hotel, one block from passenger depots. Hot and cold water In transient rooms. Newly decorated and remodeled throughout Furniture and lease for sale for $1,(00 cash It taken by July 15. Hero la your chance if you want the best located hotel adjoining depots. The place Is worth the money snd I do not Want to be bothered unless you mean business. Reason for selling, other business. C. B. STUHT, (Realtor) 131 City National Bldg. Phone D. $37. BUNGALOW BARGAIN $2,700 EASY TERMS We have listed a bargain In a dandy I room, all modern bungalow, nearly new, new decorations, screened porch, attlo and bssement; good furnace and plumbing; paved street. Sundays Call V. O. Headier, Colfax $462, or F. L. Gallup, Colfax 130. CHAS. W. MARTIN & CO., (Realtors) 743 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Tyler 1$T. New 3-Room Bungalow Built-in Bed Something Different $100 Down and $17 Monthly House Is situated on a sightly location near car; has good cement basement, flower boxes, large porch, living room, with Murphy bed; bedroom kitchen and pantry. Price only $t,700. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, (Realtors) 1614 Harney St. Phone Tyler 10. BARGAINS IN HOMES. 7 rooms near high school, $$,(09, ( rooms nesr Hanscom Park, $1,800. O. P. BTEBBIN8. 1810 Chicago. A TRACT of ground laying Ideal far poultry raising; 350-ft. frontage; pries (810t $50 cash, $13.50 monthly. Call D. $596. JTB. ROBINSON, Real Estate and Insur. anoe, 442 Bee Bldg., Douglas 1097. Templuton-Olson Co., Bee Bldg, Tyler 8030. general real estate, Insurance. Rentals. REAL ESTATE B'nett Pr'pty GOING TO SELL Reasonable Offer . Considered BUSINESSPROPERTY 1313 DOUGLAS ST. 22x132 ft with $-story brick store building, Will sell right. 719-721-72TnTi6TH ST. 66x66 Corner 16th and Burt Bts. Old Improvements, Will sell cheap for cash. LOT 44x120 Davenport St., Near ISth St. Oood location for wholesale light man ufacturlng, garage etc. Worth $300 front foot Wilt sell for less. GARVIN BROS., Loans and Real Estate, . 841 Omaha National Bank Bldg. II. A. WOLF, Realtor, Ware Blk, iipeolaliat In downtown business property. REAL ESTATE Investment DOUGLAS STREET NEAR 21ST STREET $25.00 A FRONT FOOT BELOW ANY OTHER PRICE ON THIS STREET 66x1(7 feet, all special taxes paid. In view of the low price this property of fers the best possibilities from an In. vestment standpoint of view of anything on Douglas Bt. Remember this Is only about ons block on the same street from property now held at over $1,600 per front foot. , HIATT COMPANY, 245-7- Omaha Nat. Bank. Tyler 0. A SAFE INVESTMENT. For large or small sums. PREFERRED SHARES Secured by Down-town Property In Omaha. 7 GUARANTEED PORTER & SHOTWELL, Bales Agents, 207 8. 17th St. Omaha, Neb, DOUGLAS ST., $30,000 Sixty-foot frontage, east of 34th St.j with Improvements, paying $1,800 a year. Best value on the street, considering Im provements. DOWNTOWN, $30,000 Brick Improvements with full lot, two blocks off 16th and Howard. Rental $2,658; In line for a substantial In crease on account of Immediate Improve ments on Howard St. and St. Mary's t Ave,; $8,000 cash will handle. An excel client Investment with speculative ad vantages. GLOVER & SPAIN, (REALTORS) Douglas 3963. 119-30 City National. CLOSE IN INVESTMENT $10,000 Practically new brick flat and cottage, near 36th and Davenport Flat has five rooms and bath on first floor, ( rooms and bath above; finished In finest of quar ter-sawed oak; separata hot water beat' Ing plants. Cottage has I rooms and bath and hot water heat Total rentals, $1,080 per year: $4,000 cash will handle. Armstrong-Walsh Company (ilUJALTUKS) 833 Securities Bldg. (Formerly Rose Bldg) Tyler 1(30. 27TH AND FARNAM $90 FOOT, 80x115 feet nesr 37th and Farnam. a fine aarage site; adjoining property re cently sold for $560 per foot: might take $3,000 worth of clear property as part payment. . , JEFF W. BEDFORD & SON. Realtors. Hi Keellne Bldg. Douglas $8$3. REAL ESTATE Investment WHOLESALE LOTS 06 H 133, on northwest corner of 11th and Mason 8te., 1 block from Burlington station; adjoins B. A M. main line tracks. Pries reduced to $8,000. 66x81, on southwest corner 9th and Pa cific Sts. Close to Burlington station. Mors ground adjoining can be obtained. Pries $7,000. ALFRED C. KENNEDY CO. $05 So. 18th St. Douglas 732. REALTORS. 16TH ST. CORNER Rent, $1,500 Price, $9,000 urouna xs. Located south of Cum ing St. Frame Improvements; three store rooms above. Ground alons is worth th monay. See us at once. It MVST BE SOLD this week. Armstrong-Walsh Company (H&ALiTUnS) 333 Securities Bldg. (Formerly Ross Bldg) . Tyler 1686. THE BEST APARTMENT SITE. Located In the choicest West Frnani district, one short block to Farnam car, where you get 35 per cent more rent from high class tenants. Has 205 feet east frontage With 165 feet depth. Price $26,000. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors. t roug.371. 1018 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. 29TH AND FARNAM, ?J, 150.00. 40x11$ feet, with two small eoltag':. near $9th and Farnam. This propen will probably double In value In the near future, a snap. JEFF W. BEDFORD & SON, Realtors. $3$ Keellne Bldg. Douglas 3391. REAL ESTATE To Exchange WANT A HOME or Income property In """ acres stock and farm land In south part of Cherry county, Nebraska, In mlddls part of state, see map; twelve miles from Sense, on main lias of B. ft M. Ry same distance from Thedford, county seat of Thomas ctwnty, which ad joins Cherry county on the south. Close to dally auto mall route: has a aed house, lx$; has several hundred trees; farmed up to lilt. Some seventy acres roady for the plow. Principal crops, corn, potatoes and rye, avsrags yield. This Is a com bination placs that will make yon money and clots to the markets of the world for anything raised on a farm. Will stand Investigation and speak for Itself. Price $4,400. 1 Will assume, but not thin equities, ""ab, aictague Bldg., Omaha. CLEAR, fully equipped drug store, on North 16th St, brick building, cheap rent, old established location, closs to Ford's plsnt. All clear. New late date fine artistic fountain, showcases, counters, shelving, cash register, scales, wire tee eream ta bles and chairs, all stock. Will eonalder lata date six adto or personal property not requiring attention. Taken In on a mortgage. Can bs sees at any time by appointment A snap. u. j. cahsn, sio MQCagns Bldg. QUARTER section Minnesota land, 4 miles northwest of Wlndom: 130 acres In erana. fenced and cross-fenced: good, black sandy loam, about 30 miles from Iowa line. Farm la tented. 1-1 delivered. Price $135 per acre.' Wants Improved (0 acres. Must bs within to miles of Omaha, or good Inooms Omaha property. tiUND. 430 KOBB BLDO. TYLER 71$. rOR EXCHANGE 160-acre farm adjoining astern Kansas town or 100 population, large room house, two large barns, plenty good water, land lays nice and level and all In cultivation. Price $11S per acre i $4,000 mortgage at IM per cent Will trad for stock of general merchandise or clear inooms property. soar.ii i joe, Bee. $2,504 CLEAR modern six-room house, en Charles Et, between 36th and S7th. south front paved street trees, full lot close to school, churches, cars and business of all lines, walking distance; $600 cash; will consider an auto up to $500 with the payment; balanes agreeable. CANAN, McCague Bldg. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 4,480 acres land In Cheyenne county, Colorado, for lands tn northwest or Inooms property. Minneapolis Rental Co., lot Palacs Bldg., Am.i.jpiip, fumw. FIFTEEN acres on Lake Vermillion, Minhe- sota. an slegant summer home site; log cabin; boat landing on boat routs from Tower; will consider Omaha vacant acreage, close In. Call Davis. Tyler 133. FOR SALE! or trads for western land, well estaDiisnea, fully equipped, small dry cleaning plant doing good business tn suburb of Omaha; for particulars address. fiox sost, see. DRUGSTORES Minnesota, Iowa and South Dakota, for easb or clear land. S. J. Olmem. Minneapolis, Minn. FOR sals or sxchangs, drag store, small central Neb. town; splendid business. Writs the owner. Want clear Neb. land. box t 105, care Bee. BALE or trade, Racket store, new and sec- ona hand, leo-acre farm, some city property. All clear. Want grating land. Owner Wm. Austin, Hastings, Neb. 160 ACRES, well Improved, every acre good land. N. E. Neb., Will take soma trade. o. A. kuh. Oakland, Nob. $60 AN acre buys 110-aore farm 15 mllea from Omaha. Inqulrs 483 Rarage Blk. Tel. Doug. 4313. Residence phons Doug. 4776. $0-A. IMPROVED level land, central Neb. Will take cottage or bungalow; easy terms balance. Box (665 Bee. REAL ESTATE Unimproved West. MUST sell, good east front lot. block from car line, Clalrmont addition; will sac rifice. Call Benson 874-W, . North. $2,000 SALE OR RENT Desirable aix room modern home with hot water heat, full lot paved, south front shads trees, walking distance, close to cars, school and, all lines of business: $(00 cash, balance -agreeable, all clear, on Charles St between 36th and 28tbt choice neighborhood. C. J. CANAN. 310 McCague Bldg. BEAUTIFUL (0-foot lots. Price $330, only $3 cash and (0 cents per week. Doug. $893. Persistent Advertising is the Road to Success. South, $760 WILL BUt this $1,000 lot In Hanscom park district If postsd on location and values, you know It Is cheap. East front, ready to build on, without extra expense, paved, water, gas, sewer, close to Wind sor school, Hanscom park. Field club and cars. Between two large homes. Liberal terms If yon will build. C. J. CANAN, $1 McCagns JSIflg. REAL ESTATE Suburban Benson. ACREAGE WEST. : 40 ACRES IMPROVED. Close to Dodge St; paved road. Fine springs and running watsr. Four milee west of Elrawood park. On West Pacific, a well traveled thor oughfare. Land lies high and. sightly, sloping gently to west Smalt orchard and planty grapes. Improvements: Oae-story square house, barn, chicken house, corncrlbs. Pries and terms reasonable. Sea us. , (0 ACRES i mils to Dodge St paved road. ' 3 miles west of Elrawood park. Right tn ltns of movement where values are steadily Increasing. If you ars Interested In suburban land which has avery promising future. Vet us show yon this eighty acres. It lies high, rolling, with a sightly building site among an abundaaos of fruit and orna mental trees. Pries and terms attractive and will be given on application. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., Realtors. 1 Doug. 3715. 1010 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg Dundee. , BENSON BARGAINS - $1,000.00 $25.00 Cash $12.50 Per Month . Buys a 4-room, partly modern house with lot 40x186, six blocks from ear. line. I can put in ons or two additional lata at $300.00 each. A splendid Place for garden, fruit and chickens. " flnll Walrmr 790 ' HUMES and home sites in Dundee, ailULER & CAR!, 304 Keellne. t, is.