Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 15, 1917, SOCIETY, Image 10
2 B THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE:. JULY 15, 1917. What Is Going On in Society Circles Famous Virginia Beauty Who Visits Her Husband's Childhood Home (CotHh 4 From PC Ow. cil Bluffs, have returned from Christ mas Lake, to spend the summer at their home here. Mrs. Hart went east to attend the commencement ex ercises at Dana Hall, and then, ac companied by Miss Clara, spent four weeks at Lhnstmas Laice, near Mr. Henry Hart, who is in the officers' training camp at Fort Snelling. He has ben assigned to the field artillery and will remain at the camp for the present Gossip of Visitors. Miss Macmillan of Onawa is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. F. N. Con ner. ... . Miss Mary Murphy of Kansas City is the guest of her cousin, Miss Helen Murphy. Miss Isabel Harrity, the guest of Miss Beatrice Coad, returned to Phil adelphia, last week. Miss Martha Dolman, the guest of Mrs. Ben B. Wood, return! today to St. Joseph. ",. . . Mrs. S. V. Chase arrived Thursday from New York to visit her daughter, Mrs. R. Beecher Howell. ' Miss Virginia Charlton of Falls City, Mass., the guest of Miss Eliza, beth Reed, left Friday for Denver Miss Pauline Westfall of Ellsworth, "sn., arrived Saturday and is the guest of Miss Florence Rahm for two or three weeks. - Miss Lydia JCook of Portland, Me., who returned with Miss Alice Carter to attend the latter's wedding, will be here about two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Smith who came for the wedding of her sister, Miss Martha Dale, and Alexander Loomis, returned to Hartford, Conn., Thursday. Mr. and Mrs Robert Forgan sr rived last Saturday from Chicago and are with Mrs. Forgan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Congdon, who are en joying a reunion of their daughters, Mrs. Herbert French from Baton Rouge, having come north few weeks ago. Miss Josephine Congdon returned Tuesday from Christmas Lake, where she was at the Glen Mor ris Inn with Mrs. I. Sibbernsen for a few days. Mrs. Forgan will be here month and Mrs. Forgan about two weeks. Mr. and Mri. Stanley B. Self and family left for their nome in De Moines Thursday, after spending the last four weeks with Mrs. Sleg par ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Twiss. j Miss Gertrude Robinson of Los An grles, Cal., arrived thii week to spend the summer with her aunt, Mrs, L. E. , King and Mr. King. On the Calender. - , I Vester chapter No. 5, Order of the Easter Star, will entertain at an out ing and dinner-dance at Carter Lake club Wednesday. , Mrs. W. G. Nicholson will give a Imcheon at the Blackitone Monday for Mrs. E. G. Preston of New York, who is visiting her sister, Mrs. L. J. Healey. Mrs. F. J. Despecher will be hostess at an in formal Affair for this visitor Thursday. ' ... , , Happy Hollow elub will have Us bridge-luncheon Thursday. , Mrs. George F. Hughe of 'Coun cil Bluffs and daughter, Miss Hflghes, have issued, invitations for ft tea on Tuesday front 4 to 6 in honor of their house guests, Miss Grace Lynch ot Monmouth, III.; '.Miss Rather. Boesch of, Lake Linden, Mich., and Miss Helen Quinn and Miss Leta Simes of Aurora. Neb. The girls are all schoolmates at St. Mary i school, Notre Dame. Where Society is at Home. . ' Mrs. George C Smith and family are at their cottage at Ogunquit, Me. Mrs. Warren Blackwell is at the Edgewater, Beach hotel in Chicago for month. , ' . Lieutenant Colonel and Mrs. E. A. Grant, who, with their three daugh ters, have been at the Blackstone, have taken the house of Mrs. Charles H. Brown on Thirty-third street, v Dean and Mrs. J. A. Tancock moved this week from the cathedral deanery to 3217 Dodge street, where their telephone number is Harney 2482. The dean has his office in the old deanery, with hours from 9 until 12 every morning. t Mrs. John Singleton Switater and daughters, formerly of Fort Crook, are now at Villa Marghenta, Charleston, S. C Captain Switief is on duty in the , Southeastern de partment Mrs. E. V. Lewis is at present at Gloucester, Mass., having gone there from Springfield, III., after the death of her mother. A letter from her Arthur, recently told of his be ing "somewhere in France" and well. This was the first news Mrs. Lewis had received from him in over two months. . Announce Wedding Plans. The marriage of Miss Elizabeth Finley to Mr. Chandler Trimble will be solemnized Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents. Little Miss Esther Stillson of Boone, la., a cousin of the bride, and Miss Marcella Foster, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. John J. Foster of this city, will be the ribbon stretchers Mr. Trimble will be attended by his brother, Mr. Chester Trimble. After the ceremony the young people will leave for a month at MJnnetonka and the Minnesota lakes, unless Mr. Trim ble receives his appointment to the officers' reserve training camp and has to return for duty. . Matthiesen-Higgins Wedding. Mrs. Anna O. Higgins announces the marriage of her daughter, Anne No More Corns 'Simply aiamloas no pain no cmV ting- no the corns vanish. Yoa never saw anything like it in your whole life. Why suffer another minute why limp around and set Ulw an old cripple? Gsmert Gent tUtttri will make yott romp around lifca a 2-year-old. The old, bard, stubborn core goeswithout pain it simply vanishes over night Just ask for Comfort Gem fer. Remember Comfort Com Hmitert are gutranittd to pn absolute satis faction or money back. Only 25c th package. . . " -' fr." V (MA t " y r , '3 1 . f -J ))) E; - 4, t . J (' ' '"''.ft viw'fTj dfes. Ofoger Jfomrd Williams Duncan Higgins,' to Mr. Henry Mat thiesen of New York City. The cere mony was performed Saturday morn- Ling at 11 at bt. Pauls Episcopal churcn in uien cove, Long isiana, by Rev. John W. Gammack, rector of the church, who is a personal friend of the bride and her family. Mrs. Gammack, with the bride's two sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Higgins Sul livan , and Miss Mary Higgins, and Mr. and Mrs. John Deale Richard son, the latter a lifelong friend of the bride, who before her marriage last January was Miss Louise Mctarland of. this city, were the witnesses ot the marriage. A wedding breakfast at the.rectory followed. Mr. and Mrs. Matthiesen will make their home in New York. They will come wast later to visit in Omaha, By Motor to the Lakes. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Burns and daughters left in their car Wednesday lor trior Lake. Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Morton and Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Straight left Thurs day to motor to 'st. Paul for two weeks. ' Mr. and Mrs, Sam Caldwell mo tored Wednesday to Prior Lake, their children following by train Thursday night with their nurse. Dr. and Mrs. I. t. bmith and fam ily have gone to Lake McDonald in Glacjer park for the remainder of the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Peters and baby went to Prior .Lake Thursday, as did also Mr. ana Mrs. S. S. Carlisle and children. . ? - Mrs, Rose Towle and,. Miss Anne Gifford went Friday to Okoboji to spend a week with Mrs. Miriam Pat terson, Boye and MUs Eugenie Patterson. Mrs. Charles Offutt, Miss Virginia Offutt and Mr. Casper Offutt, with Mrs. Victor B. Caldwell, left Wednes day by motor for Christmas Lake, where they will be at the Glen Mor ris Inn. Mrs. D. M. Vinsonhaler went to Christmas Lake Friday to spend the week-end with her daughter, Mrs. John Caldwell, and will return Tues day to leave Friday tor Bennington, Vt, for the rest ot the summer. - Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Peters and baby daughter left Saturday night for Prior Lake.' Mr. feters goes "with his right arm in a sling, having had the misfortune to break .his wrist last Tuesday while cranking a Ford car. He is regretting it more partic ularly as it will end his golf game for the season. Misses Catherine and Charlotte Denny left Friday night for Miss Win ifred Sherman's camp for girls oil Cass Lake, Minn, , One of the large auto parties which leave Monday for Mankato, Minne apolis and Fort Snelling and the Min nesota lakes consists of: Mls U !((! Franwn Dention, Vlo Btrton. Motirft MMri. Qeoru R. Ciftvalartd, Vcrn Rf n, . Mr, Tom Dnlnn. , ' Mr. ind Mrs. Kaon. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Fradenburg and Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Wilson left Friday by motoror Okoboji, where they will spend a week or ten days. Social Gossip. '-y , A picnic planned by Mrs. John Mc Shane and given at "Rosemere Lodge," the home of Dr. and Mrs. Allison, at Calhoun, Tuesday night was one of the informal affairs of the week. About thirty sat down at the tables spread under the trees and after supper there was dancing in the log cabin. Mrs. George Voss, Mrs. Dorothy Ringwalt and Miss Leeta Holdrege went to Hastings Tuesday to give a course in Red Cross surgical dress ings to a class of Hastings women and will be there ten days. Mrs. Voss will be at the home of Bishop and Mrs. Beecher while there, and Miss Ringwalt and Miss Holdrege are guests of ex-Senator and Mrs. Dietrich. ' ' Dr. William L. Ross, jr., who has been at home from the general, hos pital in Cincinnati for a short time, received his commission as lieutenant in the medical corps and was obliged to report' for duty in Cincinnati Fri day night. Mr. G. W. Clabatigh is spending a month at Tawney Town. Md. Mrs. R. E. McKelvey left Wednes day for Missouri to visit her sister, Mrs. D. B. Morrison, in' the Ozark mountains. She will then go to Pitts burgh, Baltimore, Atlantic City, New Ork and Boston before returning. Omaha, proud as it is of its beau tiful girls, seldom boasts the pres- Don't Wait Until The Price Is Advanced GET YOURS NOW! ' s .. . . ' ' ... '. "-I1. Any Terms Within Rea son 'Will Be Accepted. f "'-"""lu j i 'If 1 1 !: ., 1 V 'II if f ' This may be your last opportunity to obtain a Victrola at pres ent prices. We are making especially easy terms, so there is no excuse for your delaying The Burgess-Nash Store has an ex tremely large assortment of Victrolas and Records and we cordially invite you to hear them. So that you may have the ad vantage of the present low price we are offering the most liberal inducements of special terms. t Don't Wait Get Your, Now Fourth Floor , t BURGESS-tJASH COMPANY. everybody STORE- URGES OMAHA TO SPONSOR HOSPITAL IN FRANCE T ymm-.. n-yi,..' rm. CT? 3F& I War relief work in Omaha received an impetus this week by the presence of Mrs. E. G. Preston of New York City, formerly of London, England, where she was president of the Amer ican circle of the Lvceum club, and supervisor of a convalescent hospital. Ihis organization, which is interna tional and is composed of 3,000 women who must have distinguished them selves along literary or artistic lines to belong, maintains a large club house in London. "All its actvities have been devoted to war relief work for the past three years," said Mrs. Preston. While here visiting her sister, Mrs. L. T. Healey, Mrs. Preston has talked daily at some war relief or Red Cross auxiliary telling the women of the hospital work in England and urging them to sponsor a canvalescent hos pital. ' - lhere are no convalescent hospi tals in France where the American boys are, and every state in the union should provide one or more, lhere are hundreds of them in England. rrom now on I shall devote every ef fort to the establishment of them in France, since it is first of all our duty to care for our own American boys. "By all means send cigarets to the soldiers. Nurses carry cigarets and matches in their apron pockets and these are the first thing that the wounded men want," said Mrs. Pres ton. . She expects to be in Paris at work in the convalescent hospitals by Oc tober 1. and will remain until the end of the war, devoting' her time and money to the comforts of our Amer ican Sammies. ence of so perfect a beauty as Mrs. Roger Howard Williams, wife of Ma jor Roger Howard Williams, of this city. This charming woman has come to spend some time in Omaha this summer as the guest of" Major Williams mother, Mrs. E." Williams. With her is Master Roger Howard Williams, jr., 5 months old. , fr. William, vuhn before her mar riage was Miss Kathleen Lipsconibe, is f r r T . a cousin oi me nve jamous ing- ttnrn rnmini wtin ivurf rrtphrated by Charles Dana Gibson in his "Gib son Girls." August Franzen.. the Swedish artist, who recently painted a ?, n Tf. a portrait oi cs-r icsmcin xau iui presentation to Yale college, has done a wall-siie of Mrs. Williams, which is said to be his masterpiece and is to be exhibited in the fall opening of the academy. Betrothal Announcements. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Steinberg an nounce the engagement of their F?i THE BEST 1 Ja mr Mm tnry mmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmXim IBM Doufltt St. Ujj Care, Skill and Accommodation For Every Customer Hera J W Dvalfa and Mk Thln Ik UNLIKE or LIKE oUi.r, ? X L. COMBS f y &CO. Special forOneVeek Pepper and Salt Holders c 97 Beautiful hand-painted China with attractive "22 carat gold finish. All in itialed, with every letter to select from. , DflODEGAAnD BROS. CO. 16th and Douglas Sts. daughter, Cart, to Mr. Herman Her zoff, formerly of Sioux City. Mr. and Mrs. bam A. Adler an nounce the engagement of their daughter, Dorette, to Mr. Sam Faltz man of Council Bluffs. No date has been set for the wedding. Mrs. M. Gross announces the be trothal of her eldest-daughter, Ella, to Mr. George Gasper. y ' At Seymour Lake Country Club. Mr. and Mrs. L. ti. Marlins: enter tained at a dancing party Fridav nieht complimentary to a number of visit ors. Their guests included: Miu ' . ' Ulues Ruth Welti of Helen Byrne of Battle Creek, Mich. ; ' Battle Creek. Mich. ; Mabel Uelcher. . Meun. Bert Tanner, Paul Orchard, William Melcher. P. Marline of Mlnno- Laura Peterton, Elsa Smith, Meisra. Earl Page of St Louie, Mo.; P. Mullaly, Mr. and Mr. Another dancing party was com posed of: ' ' . ' ' Mliaea- Mine Katheryn Roberta of Jennie Connor. Lincoln, Neb.; .. . : . . Menre. Menrs. George Clark, Lieutenant Davldaon Ray Ollllaple, of Fort Omaha. C. Connor, ' - , . . Mr. Ennla of Marshalltown, la. Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Roberta. Twenty-two young people enjoyed a-dancing party Friday night honor- ma: the Misses Catherine and May Devitt of Des Moines, la. Dining with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Tagg were Messrs. G. T. Ingwerson and E. A. Rose. Mr. n. O. Wind heim had six guests; Mr. Carl Swan son, three; Mr. Guy Beckett, four; Mr. C I. Vollmer, six; Mr. J. B. Wat kins, six, and Mr. J. F. Anil, .three. Pleasures Past . . A sumrise miscellaneous shower was given fn honor of Miss Elsie Neef at her home Thursday night MlMee MlMe Martha Frankfurt, Lena Hate. Jennie Haneon, Guaalo Backlund, Clara Church, . ' Anna Swanson, Ttllie Laraon, v Either ouatafeon, Etta Lehmann, Srene Van Noy, Oenevleve Rhine, Bertha Neef, i , Bertha Peteraen, . Ruth Neef, 1 Meidames Meedamea H. H. Miller, P. A. Rhine, 3, R. Wllllami, J. Neef. Mrs. Georee Morris entertained the Comus club Thursday afternoon. Mrs. O. H. Meyers, Mrs. Dan Tillottson and Mrs. M. F. Dischoff were guests of the club and the prize winners were Mesdames Charles tverson, William Carrabine, Myers and Dischoff. Mrs. Charles Lanstrom will entertain the club in two weeks. Birth Announcement A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Edholm at the Lord Lister hos pital. Mrs. Edholm was formerly Miss Alice Twiss. Heads Naturlisation Committee. Dr. Olsa Stastny has just received her appointment as chairman of th committee on naturalization of for eign women- in the women s depart ment of the Nebraska Council of De fense. "We shall divide the state into dis tricts and nlace capable women in charge of subcommittees, whose work will DC to reacn every organization of foreign-born women m the state, We shall work through the chuches, life insurance orders and clubs and teach them that naturalization means loyalty to Uncle Sam. By working indirectly through the women we shall hope to create a greater en thusiasm and "patriotism among the men, so that Nebraska will respond in the autumn as faithfully as every other state," she said., Dr. Stastny is spending the week end in Lincoln conferring with Miss Sarah Hrbkova, chairman of the women's department of the State Council of Defense.' Ealst'on Social Notes Mrs. George Meadows returned Wednesday after spending a week at Wisner with her daughter. Mrs. Detterbeck of Kansas City is visiting at the home ot her sister, Mrs. Denny. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Dodds and Tames Carr and family, autoed to Valley Sunday, where they spent the Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Castor moved to Omaha, where they purchased a home in the Hanscom park district , Mr. and Mrs, Martin Jensen spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Jensen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tex. are visiting Mrs.' Rosewater's mother in Lansing, Mich. Mrs. E. O. Hamilton and children, Allison and Eleanor, have gone to join Mr. Hamilton and son, Warren, at Maimi, Fla. Ruth Hamilton will visit relatives in Columbus,. Neb., dur ing the absence of the others. , Mrs. Harold Richardson and son. Reed, of Freeport, III., are guests of Miss Adah Klopp. . ' Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Rhoades have returned from their eastern trip, in cluding Dartmouth college, where their son, Mbrtqn, graduated Jeannie and Margaret Dow are vis iting friends in York, Neb. The Ladies' Aid society of the Dun dee Presbyterian church met Friday afternoon with Mrs. G. G. Guinter. Hair on limbs and Under Arms Dundee Society Notes Mr. .Cleoge Hoagland is on a fish ing trip at Plum Lake, Wash.' Mr. and Mrs. W. B., T. Belt and their daughter, Dorothy, are spending part of the summer at Prior Lake. Miss Helen Godfrey . of Galena, 111., is visiting Mr. and Mr.s. Charles Leslie. Mr. W. T. Johnson is on a fishing trip in Minnesota. Mrs. . Stanley Rosewater and son More Deadly than the War The dleae-ipreadlng house fly eauici more death every year than war. In aelf-defenie, therefore, ' you muit make war on him. We are prepared to furnUh you the Ammunition in the shape of all kind of fly papers and powdere, f v i, HARVEY GREEN, Prop. ONE GOOD DRUG STORE tetb and Howard. Douglas This method for removing superfluous hair la toUlly different from pastes and rub-on preparations, which merely remove, hair from the surface of the skin. To rob hair of its vitality you must use Pa Miracle, the original liquid depilatory. It attacks hair under the skin, as well as fen tha skin. Imitations of De Miracle ara as worthless as pastes and rub-on preparations n e -cause they lack cer t a 1 n ingredient that De Miracle alone contains which give it the power to devltallzo hair. Well groomed women always use De Miracle for removing- hair from limbs and under arms as well as from face, neck and arms. Insist on tho genuine De Miracle and you will get the best hair re mover ever offered the public- Be sure in hnv.n Mlrnnls by name and you will avoid disappoint ment Furthermore, you will get the only depilatory that contains a binding guarantee which entitles you to your money if It fall In 60c. U.00 and 12.00 bottles, at your dealer's, or di rect, postpaid, in plain wrapper. De Miracle Chemical Co.. Dept. A-7, Park Ave. and 129th St., New York. , , ELITE STYLES . says . "It ta worthy of the highest praise. Genalne mna-ailne of the hlgheat character endorse only De Miracle. Beware of so-ealle en dorsements o t boa-s magazines which ore need to exololt the sale of questionable depilatories. 7 fr Sanatorium Ttiis institution is the only one in the central west with separate buildings situated in their own ample grounds, yet entirely dis tinct,' and rendering it possible to classify cases. The one building being fitted for and devoted to the Veatment of non-contagious and non-mental diseases, no others be ing admitted: the other Rest Cot tage being designed for and de voted to the exclusive treatment of Belect mental cases . requiring for a time watchful care and spe cial nursing. 64S H BJ BEST DIAMOND, WATCH AND JEWELRY VALUES IN OMAHA. If you want to look prorporous, woar m tin Mnmna uumonn. oeuaei. is. u iai udi i iqtokiuvui iwh in vain for many years, and will continue to do so for years to come. They are of the samo value everywhere. ('( EXTRA 11 VALUE JJ Loft is Seven Diamond , ms. c.!U8ler?ings -rf3c,?V& nmntl .n tn look fefj like one lares single stone. Handsomest and most showy ring for the Least Money. Marvels of Beauty at $50, $76, f 100 and 1125. 1 Credit Terms. S1.2B. $1.85, $2.50 and $3 oer week. Tha secret of the rare beauty of this ring lies in the perfectly matched stones, all of the Diamonds being uniform in size and brilliancy, thus producing the appearance ot a large, handsome Solitaire. Ring is 14 Karat Solid Gold; Diamonds mounted in platinum. - . Men's Favorite 1ST Men's Diamond Ring, S prong Tooth mount ing, 14k solid ....575 $1.88 a Week. MILITARY WRIST WATCH $10 $15 " 'Sv $25 The most useful gift for the soldier and nurse answer ing the call to service 860 Military ' Wrist Watch,' leather trap, unbreakable glass: high-grade Full Jewel movement.' Specially priced in Solid Nickel Case, $10; terms, $1 a Month. In- 8olid Sterling' BUyer Casei SIS; terms, $1.60 a Month. In 14 Karat Solid Cold Case. $25; terras, $2.60 a Month. . ' ' ' 659 Loftls Perfec tion Diamond Ring. 14k solid gold. veV....,...$50 llJtra Week 1150 Ear Screws, 14k aolid gold, 2 fine Diamonds, COft at $9 a Month i 1175 La Valliere, fine solid gold, one brilliant Diamond, one real Pearl, fifteen-Inch solid gold neck chain. ' $16.75 $1.65 a Month I10FTIS LzBBROs&carc The Old Reliable, Original Diamond and Watch Credit House Main Floor City National Bank Block. . " ' 400 South Sixteenth St, Corner Sixteenth and Harney Sts., Omaha Opposite Burgcas-Nash Co. Department Store. . Phone Douglaa 1444 and Our Salesman Will Call. Call or Write for Catalog 903. Open Daily Until 9 P. M. Saturdays Until 9:30 ' liililililililliiliilllllilliilllliitfiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiillllllillllllllliillllillilim lodak Am Orders Left Up to 12 O'clock Ready for Delivery at 12 O'clock the Following Day. Orders Left After 12 O'clock Ready for Delivery at 4 P. M. the Following Day We are pioneers in the amateur finishing business in Omaha. We have followed the development of the business from the time when we employed one man in the department and our orders amounted to but a few rolls of film in a day, up to the present,- when we employ ten people exclusively in the finishing department and our orders run up into the hundreds of rolls of film every day. Therefore, we are familiar with the peculiar requirements of the finishing business and know the game from A to Z. We use Velox, the best amateur paper made, and with our modern equipment we are able to of fer our customers a quick delivery service as indicated above, AND STILL' MAINTAIN THE HIGH QUALITY OF OUR WORK. V We Rejpectfully Solicit your .Finishing Business. The Robert Dempster Company 1813 Farnam St Eastman Kodak Co., TWO STORES 303 South 15th St V-'ilHIiiVlil'lli:' Ui..liilil.iii;II.Hi:!li:;il""'