Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1917, Page 16, Image 16

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Cattle Prices Nominally Steady,
With Light Receipts, While
Hogs Rule a Little
Omaba, July 15, 1117.
Keelpt r!
Cattl. Hog-a. Sheep.
Official Monday
Official Tueadav .
Official 'Wednf&dajf
Official Thursday .
Estimate Friday ...
.... !,2 i.tvlm
4.334 16,740 ,1
1,644 lD.tHi T,37
:,D68 lO.SSfl t.lfiS
46 1.4U0 MOO
Fiv day this wark. . .14,741 5,7 3MM
Same day laat wafk..l2,St Sl.tMIO 14,693
same days 2 wk. agu.JJ.: 47, SM 14,747
Same daya 1 whs. aio.:4,(iit 4S.3; 1S,7
Same daya 4 wks. a(a.:,:'l 37, 16,113
Sam daya last year... 18, IH 44,i:( SO. Hi
Tiecelpta and disposition of live etoclc al
the Union stock yard. Omaha. TJib., for
twenty-four hours ending at i o'clock p. m.,
Cattle. Hcigs. Sheep, li r a.
r. l. St. I". .......
Missouri Pacific
I'nlon Pacific .... I
t:. A N. V.( eaHt .. 1
C. It N. W. weal . . S
r. st. p. m. o. ,. s
C. B. & Q., -ast .. 4
C. B. & Q., weal ,. 1
C. K. I. 4c P., east ....
C. R 1. P.. et ....
Illlnola Central .... t
Chicago. Ut. Wtt.;...'
: 'is
II 1
14 21
Total reeelnts .
Cattle. lloa
Morrla Co. ........ IS
Ktrlft Co. ....j.... J7
Cudahy Pack. Co, .. 113
Armour A Co IS
8charta 4V Co.
J. W. Murphy , . .
Lincoln Pack. Co..... 1
H. O. Pack. Co 4
Swift, Ft. Worth..., 145
Hwift, Denver
Armour '
1'. B. Iwla ..' 10
J. B. Boot & Co 1
M. ft K. Calf Co 4
lllgaina 1
Huffman ...... T
John Harvey ........ 1
TVnnln Franrla .... 1
Tnen Lungren . . 4
Other buyers SO
Totals t4 t, 1,111
Cattle Recelpti were aa usual on Friday
limited aa to quantity and Indifferent as to
quality. The supply conalated of about 450
bead, making a little over 13.000 head of
cattl to far thin week, about 2,000 head
mora than laat, hut fully that much Icaa
than (or the corresponding' week year
Prlcea were nominally steady today all
Around and the good heavy cattle are selling
tn pretty muoh the same notches aa they
were laat week. On yearlings, however, the
demand has Improved considerably and clos
ing quotations arc all of 2S60c higher than
Quotations en rattles Good to choice
beeves, lJ2.40tjll.&&; fair to good beeves,
tll.ii0ttl2.2i; common to (air beeves, 11.76
11.S0; good to choice yearlings, It2.004p
1100; fair to good yearlings, 1 1.00 1,1. 7,;
common to fair yearlings, 49.60410.75; good
xn -'choice grass beeves, 110.71011.76; fair
to good grass beeves, 19.6010.60; common
to fair grass beeves, 11.2601.11; good to
chotc hftfera, tl.60Q10.60: good to choice
mwi. H,le.tO; fair to good cows. $7.60
4H.60; common to fair cows. tt.00O7.60;
good to choice feeders, 11.7691.60; fair to
good feeders, t7.769t.60; common to fair
feeders, 19.7697,60; good to choice stock
en, 11.0001.00; stock belters, 17.004J1.0O;
stock- cows. td. 6007.60; stock calves, M.80
41.00; veal calves, tl0.00Olt.60; bulls,
stags, etc, tS.6O9t.6O.
Representative esles:
A v. Pr. No. Av. Tr.
. 670 IS 00 6....,.,. 771 $7 60
. 16 13 15
,. 131 I 60
7 16 I t2
I 00
run h.
... lit
... too
;.. 310
... 274
I 76
( 40
I.,; 1140
I 26
f 46
T 0
t 10
I to
t o
t 25
T it
t (
t 16
7 It
f 60
1 070
I 25 1.
230 10 00
6. ....... 143 11 00 11
1 177 12 26
Hogs There was another tolerably lib
ral hoc supply hers, offerings amountln
to 141 cars, or something llks 1.400 head
The five days' total Is ths largest In a long
time. Arrivals for ths week so far amount
to fi,27t head, which Is twice as large as
sweck ago. 11,000 heavier than two wseks
ago and an Increase of 21,000 over the CON
reeponUttiff period of fast year,
The general trad showed soma advanos
again this morning after a draggy ana, si
trrmcly Irregular sesslpn. On ths strength
of encouraging advices from other point
shippers filled their orders at prices tha
were generally 610o higher, and In sov
eral Individual cases showed oven mors up
turn than that.
Ths close wst ths closest tints of ths
dny. As usual, soms of tha plain packers
Which tailed to sell early were still In first
hsnds on tha finish and a few loads re
mahied In the pens until after midday. On
closing rounds values wers no mors than
steady with yesterdsy.
Ths general market was not over a nicks!
hltfher, If It was that that. Bulk of ths
offerings sold from 614.76 upwards, quits a
sprinkling of ths better kinds selling up
around sio.ia, ana extreme tops reaching
114 50. For the strictly packing kind It
was largely a fi4.ni4.tO trads.
Representative sales;
No. Av. 8h. Pr. No. At. Sh. Pr
12..40S ... It , t..2U ...14 70
lt..2it ,,,14 76 to. .tat 60 14 10
71. .231 ...14 16 tl..356 10 14 10
16. .311 t9 14 16 17,.tt2 40 16 00
it. .321 ...15 06 M..261 ... 15 It
74,.23t ...16 10 13. .201 200 1116
77. .221 49 16 20 47. .217 ...16 21
M..3U 200 II 19 ft. .271 40 It St
..1I6 60 16 40 44, .221 ... 16 49
.. 351 10 It 60 ,
Rang lambs mads up almost ths entire
run this morning, natives and old sheep he
ms iw acarcs 10 ds or any consequence.
The market was another draggy. Ions drawn
out affair. Packers tried hard all morning
to get lambs a qusrter lower, while sell
ers worked equally bard to obtain yester-
uitys prices, ana u was not until nearly
noon that offerings finally atarted to move
at figures that wers. for ths most psrt,
10015c lower than yesterday. As was ths
csss yesterday, everything changed hands
within a few minutes after a trading basis
yuotsllons on sheen and lambs' T .mh.
good to choice, 116.26916.40; lambs, fair to
000, i.7h.js; lambs, culls, 112.00
14.76; lambs, feeders, 114. 26f 15.25; ysar-
mma, weaterns, 110.74 11.60; yearlings.
...-,; wemera, fair to choice.
19.000 10.00; ewes, fair .to choice, t.0&
1.60; awes, culls and feeders, 16.00 (f t 60.
nepressniaiivs sales
22 Wash, wethers snd yearlings 92 f!9 60
11 Washington lambs s j 4s
j waemngton reeding lambs,. 61 It 20
10 nsamngton leading lambs., 62
69 cull feeder lambs
27 native lambs....,..,,.. i7:
22 native ewes 1... 16
(36 Idaho lambs.. j
It 00
14 00
It 60
t 00
16 40
Kansas Clly Lit Mack Market.
Kansas City. July I1-i'.iii, u..inl.
1,700 head; market ateady to strong; prims'
fed stern. tl3.6011.60; dressed beef steers,
' "; western steers, II 00 11 00;
eows. t.9010M; 'heifers, t7.62M3.76'
atockers and feeders, 14.6ntjt.60; bulla. 17.0s
r .60; calves, 17.00 14.00. .
Hogs Receipts. 2.600 head; market
steady to strong; bulk of sales, 114 76 f
16.76; hesvy, tl6.66flrl6.60; packers snd
butchers. tl6.t0lt.?0; light. tl4.1601i.4O;
pigs. tl3.0014.26. .
Sheep and, Lambs Receipts, 1,009 head;
market steady; lambs. 114.66016.19: year
lings, HO. 11.60; wethers, tt.60ftlt.00i
awes, fl.fS!.2t. . - ; -
Bleu City IJvo Stork Market.
Sioux City, la.. July 13. CatUs Receipts,
(09 head; market steady; beet steers, 16.00
4913.60; fat rows sad heifers, t7.54 11.60;
tanners, ti.60 6 7.25; atockers and (seders,
I7.00B1.09; calves, tt.0lJ.60; bulls, stsgs.
etc., if.90Vi0.00; feeding cows and heifers,
Hogs Receipts, t.99 hesd; market
steady to strong; lights, tit; mixed
1I4.15J16.20; heavy. tl4.t0lt.40; pigs,
111.90913.69: bulk of sales, !14.76 16.20.
No sheep on .sale.
Metal Markot. '
New Tork. July 11. Metal: Lead, dull;
(Pot. 11 o asked; spelter, easy, spot Esst
6U Louis delivery, te aeksd. Copper, dull;
lectrolytlc, spot and nearby, nominal; Aug
ust and later, 1:1. OOP 31.06. Iron, firm and
unchanged. Tin, weak; spot, 6M.&0 ti:.6.
At London feAot connrr. 4129: futnrea.
1121 10s: electrolytic 1142; spot tin, 6217;
fuures, (334 16s; lead, spot (39 10s: futures,
Hi 10s; spelter. 656: futures, (59. .
Many Elements Cause of De
pressed Tone to Wall Street
Session; Little Public
New Tork. July 13. Extension of the
short Intereal, a rise In fall loans to 6',
per cent and the unfavorable sentiment
created by further steady declines In I Lib
erty bonds accounted In varying degree for
the depressed tone of today s market in
Wall street.
Professional selling met with little re.
sletanc.e on the continued abstention of pub
lie, interest. Peace reports and Intimations
that the arrangement between the govern
ment and the steel manufacturers was fsr
from satisfactory, accelerated the decline.
which was at its height tn the laat hour.
The bears concentrated their attacks upon
United States Steel and the numerous allied
Industrials, Including equipments, Hire! reg
istered an extreme Ions of 3 points at
12IS. Ks lowest quotation In many weeks.
and gross declines of 2 to almost 7 points
were made by Bethlehem, Crucible and
Lackawanna Steels, Republic Iron and
Steel Foundries.
Other elements of weakness were rep
resented by Baldwin and American Loco
motives, coppers, oils. Central Leather,
American Woolen, Corn rPoducts snd ths
slotoxs. In which recessions rrn from 3 to
4 points.
Kails were steady most of the session,
with comparative strength In Reading, St,
Psul and Canadian Pacific, but dealings In
transportations were overshadowed by the
greater activity In speculative Issues. Ship
pings also held firm, notwithstanding Indi
cations of realizing at ths higher levels.
Industrisl Alcohol surrendered Its 3-polnt
rise, but American Sugar and United States
Rubber were firm. Final prices were mostly
at the day's minimum quotations. Total
sales, ttO.009 shares.
Time money retained its recent ease.
Rates on 7ondon and Paris relaxed. Of
ferings of Liberty bonds at the wide rsnge
of par to tt 20-60, a new minimum, fea
tured the irregular bond market, Marine (s
snd internationals were strong. Total sales.
par value, t3.4HO.000. On call United States
coupon and registered 2s declined 1 per
cent and the Panama 2s t per cent.
Number of sales and range of prices of
ths leading stocks:
Ssles. High. Low. Close.
Amer. Beet Sugar 1,000 1 U t0 90 '4
American Can .... 3,300 to 49 V, 4H
Amer. a A E. . t.000 7'i 76 76
Arner. Locomotive. 2,100 7314 70 71
Amer. S. A R.... 6,400 122 119 120H
Amer. T. A T.... 400 121 120V 133'4
Amer. Z., L. A S, 1,200 30 29 14 !9'4
Anaconda Copper., 11,300 0 71
Atchison 1,000 100V4 100! 100H
A., O. A W. I. S. 1,900 109 '4 1QU 10714
Bal. A Ohio 700 724 71 714
Butts A Sup. Cop. ...... 1744
Cal. Petroleum
Canadian Pacific.
Central Leather .,
Ches. A Ohio ...
C M. A St. P....
Chi. A N. W
C. R. I. A P. ctfs.
2,300 11V H9H 1H0
1,200 10 SO 4 g4t
j, suo sin 11 V,
MOO 74 '4 71
300 109 101
00 (74 67
Chlno Copper .... i,00 14
Colo. F. A I (00 60
Corn Products Ref. 20,200 36
Cruclblo Steel .... 411,300 t
Cuba Can 8ugar., 6,900 43
Distillers' Secur... 6,700 23
Erie 2,400 26
Ueneral Electric.
40Q 169
General Motors ... 22.400 119 111
Ot. No. pfd 400 104 104 164
Ot. No. Ore ctfs... 1,400 (2 13 32
Illinois Central ,. 200 104 104 102
Inspiration Copper. 7,900 69 67 67
mi, m. M. ptd 49,900 19 17 18
tnter. Nickel It
Inter. Paper , .... tt
C. Southern ... 100.22 23 21
Konnscott Copper. 2,100 44 43 43
Louis. A Nash
Maxwsll Motors ...
Mexican Petroleum
Miami Copper
Missouri Paclflo ,.
Montana Power ,,
Nevada Copper ..
New York central.
N. T. N. H A H.
Norfolk A West..
100 122 123
too 101 101
Northern Paclflo..
Paclflo Mail ....
Paclflo T. A T....
Pennsylvania . ....
Pittsburgh Coal..,
Ray Cons. Copper,
Reading ..........
Rnpubllo I. A S
Shsttuck Art. Cop.
Southern Psclfla,,. 2,309 13 J
Hotthorn Railway. 1,609 27 27
Ntudebaker Corp.,, 14,609 67 66
Texas Co. , 1,490 114 111 111
union PaclTIO .... 1,100 136 134 134
U. 8. Jnd. Alcohol. 16,200 165 100 10
u, B. eieei 155,100 136 122 122
U. S. Steel pfd..., 709 111 117 117
Utah Copper ...... ,000 107 106 106
Wabash nld "B",, (100 28 26 21
nseirrn union SI
Wtstlnghous Eleo. t400 50 41 49
Kmr York Mnnev Markat.
New Tork, July 11. Mercairtll Paper
per cent.
Sterling- Exchange Slity-dsy bills, 14.73;
commercial sixty. day bills on banks, 14.71;
pnmmerclat sixty-day bills, 14.71 ; demand,
Sf.Tsti-is; cables, 14.76,
Silver Bar. I0c: Mexican dollar. 43Ho. I
Tim Loans Firm; sixty days, 1I4 perl
cent; ninety daya, 404 par cent; six I
momns, 4 01 per cent.
Call Money Strong; high, t par cent;
low, I per "cent: ruling rat, f per cent:
Isat loan, 1 per csnt; closing bid, I per!
rem; orrerea at 1 per cent.
U. S. 2 reg... I6lnt, M. M. s., 13
no coupon .. !. c. 8. ref. Is si
U. 8. Is rsg.,.. 11 L. A N. un, 4s.. 11
-ao coupon ,, s 'U ft T lit II II
IT. a 4a reg... 104 Mo. Paclflo g. 4s tOtf
do coupon ,.104Mont. Power ts. 06
ran is coupon 11 n. t. c. a. a....i05
Am. F. S. is... 961 No. Paclflo 4s.. 17
A. T. A T c 6s 11 , do Is 60 V
Anglo-French 6s 14 Or. S. L. r. 4s.. 17
arm, os wo. ii sr. T. at T. oi.. S7U
Atchison gen. 4s ltPenn. e. 4s....l01
tt. u. 4s.... 15 do gsn. 4s.. 9f.
t en. Lamer a Ksaain gen. 4a 95
Cen. Pan, 1st... 11S L A S K a 6s 63
v. n u. c. ss. . sso, rae. 0. 5s.. 99
C. B, A Q. J. 4s It do ref. 4s .. 66 I
!.sormn sho. y. os ...... It
C R I A P r 4s 71Tex. A Pae. 1st 91
u s r, iiti 71 union racirte 4s tl
P. A R. O. r. ts 62 do cv. 4 .... 68
Dom. of sn 6s !tU. 8. Rubber 6 6664
" s". iiu, o. eieei si,, 104
Oen. Elec. 61. 03 Wabash let 100U
eta. twi. 1)1 -weni. un. V, ti
till. C. ref. 4s.. 66 Bld. tOffered.
Possible Peace Mot Forces Corn Down After
rrtce Kcach ew High Record.
Chicago. July 13. Attention to posslbl
peace moves turned tn corn market down,
ward today after prices had touched new
high records, Tn close wss nervous, l'icl
to 4c net lower, with September at 11.614s
to 11.61 and December at 11.11 to 11.13.
Wheat finished unsettled, lo off to 3o ud.
at :.ui for July and l.l for September.
unta lost o to e and provisions 12c
to arc.
1 nn 1 pence gossip began to cominats a
majority of traders corn wss tn actlv d
mand. The fact that rural offerings were
scare and that receipts her were meager I
seemed for an hour or mors to stimulate
eager buying, both of new crop months and
of deliveries near at hand. On ths upturn
September touched 11.61, ths highest quo
tation yet for that option, and tn ths ssmpl
market No. I white commanded 11.16, an
other new top record. At thla stags rumora
were circulated which led to discussion or
the chances of an early peace. Oeneral
liquidation then set In and waa aeoom-
panlsd by short selling that carried the
market downward during the greater part
of tha rest of ths day
Abaenc of trsdtng In wheat at ths out
set waa so complete that no quotations
whatever wers pouted for at least an hour,
a circumstance said to fet remarkable. Un
certainty over the outcom of food control
legislation at Washington appeared to. be
chiefly responsible for tha atoppags ot
business. Later a few transactions were I
witnessed and the market showed some
firmness that wss associated with need ot
rain In ths spring crop territory.
Oats paralleled the action of corn, but
kept within narrower limits. Provisions
lacked any aggressive support. Pescs talk
seemed to ttsvs considerable bearish effect.
Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: Not. 2 and J I
red and 2 and I hard, nominal. Com: No. I
yellow. 11.131 t3: No. I ysllow, 11.130
1.93; Jo. 4 yellow, nominal. Oats: No. II
white. 7i)7lc; standard. 75(?7tc Ry;
Nominal. Barley; tl.204Jl.60. Seeds: Timo
thy. 14.904V7.50: clover. 112.60017.00. Pro
visions: Pork. 140.70: lard. t29.ti20.7t;
ribs, 121.22 pll. 73 .
Evaporated Apple and Dried Fruits.
New Tork. July 13. Evaporated Apples!
Quiet; fancy, llM3c; choice, 319
11 e: prim. iosioe.
Dried Fruits Prune. asy; California,!
ll01Je; Oregon. 111o. Apri
cots, steady; fancy. 238230. Peaches, I
steady; standard, 10e; cholca, lie; fancy,!
Raisins, aulat: loos muscatels.
4e; choles to fancy saeded, t01c;
seedless, I901lc; London layers,
1 Braach Bossrs Bank far Ogden.
Washington. July 11 Th federal re-
aerv board today --f '- """ Utah.
"a a rsserv city.
Prices on Corn Soar to New
Levels, With Advance of
from Two and Half to
Eight Cents.
Omaha, July 13, 1917.
Ths Iocs! trsde in caxli grains centered
In the corn market and prices on this cereal
soared to new high levels, the market scor
ing an advance ot 2e to tc over the quo
tations of the previous day. Arrivals ot
corn continued very heavy, todsy's total re
ceipts of corn being 146 carloadt?, which
wss thirty-seven carloads mora than was
received by Chlcsgo, the nearest competi
tor. In spite of the hesvy receipts, how
ever, the sellers had very little difficulty
In disposing of their offerings, as th local
cash demand wss excellent for all grades
snd psrticularly for the better grades of
white, which sold at a wide premium over
both the yellow and mixed grades. The
wheat market was dull and featureleaa, and
whllo receipts were extremely light, the
demand was very Indifferent and only a few
sales were reported.
Tb better grades of white corn ran red
In prlre from 11.90 to 11.15, the commer
cial grades of yellow sold at 11.86 and
tl.61. and the bulk of the mixed sold at
11.11 and 11.66.
The oats market was quite active snd
there was a moderate Inquiry for this cereal
at prlcea ruling from q to le higher.
Rye was a trifle weak at a 2c decline,
but barley waa strong, and this cereal was
quoted 6a higher.
Clearances were: wheat and flour equal to
619,000 bu.; corn, 299,000 bu.; oats, 209,000
Primary wheat receipts were 202,000. bu..
and shipments, 265,000 bu. against receipts
Men's Palm Beach Suits
That sold regularly at $10 and $12; all sizes up
to 48 chest, in this Saturday Sale, g
I 1 .i i1
Ttmk s- '
Several Hundred Pairs Men's and Young Men's Trousers, Including an Extensive Assortment
Excello Trousers A New Pair for Any Pair Not Satisfactory.
Trousers that sell regularly at $3.50, in
July Clearing Sale, at.
Saturday Three Rousing Specials in Men's Summer Furnishings Saturday
Men's Union Suits
65c quality in fine nainsooks,
with elastic web at back. All sizes
to 50, A matchless value AQn
at our Cash Price. .......
" : " "
- Knit Union Suiti
85c quality, in white or ' ecru,
quarter sleeve, ankle length.
Sizes to 46. Great val-v EjQ
ues at Cash Price. ...... VC
A Big Cash
About 30 dozen manufacturers'
samples of stiff and soft straw
hats,,in styles that will please.
Some slightly soiled. Cash Price,
( i.isi.vw bu.. and shipments ot 661,000 bu.
laat year.
Primary corn receipts were 645,000 bu..
and shipments, 659.000 bu. s gainst receipts
or 147,000 bu., and shipments of 677,000 bu.
last year.
Primary oats receipts were 463,000 bu.. and
shipments, 595,009 bu.. against receipts of
SOM'OO bu., and shipments of 795,000 bu.
last year.
I Wheat. Corn. Oats.
j Chicago 24 "111 111
j Minneapolis ....... 42 ... ...
i I'ulutli ,
Omsha 4 148 42
Kanxas City 66 26 20
St. Louis 21 61 22
Winnipeg 30S
Thess sales were reported todsy:
.Wheat No. 3 hard winter: 1 car, 62.31
Sample hard winter: 1 csr, J 2. JO. No. 4
durum: 3-5 car, 11.76.
Rye Sample: 100 bushels, sacked, 2.1S.
Barley No. 4: 1 csr, 11.35.
Corn No. 2 white: 1 car, 11.90; 1 cars,
11.95; 1 car, 11.93; 3-6 car. ILK; 1 car,
11.99. No. 3 white: 2-5 car, 11.93. No. 2
yellow: 2 cars (shippers' weights), 11.66;
' cars, 11.86. No. 3 yellow: Z cars,
11.88. No. 4 yellow; ) car, 11.86. No.
yellow: 2-5 car. 11.88. 'No2 mixed: 1 car
(near while), 11.92: 1 cars, 11.68; 12-6
ears, 11.66. No. 1 mixed: t cars, 11.81. No.
4 mixed: 1 car, 11.98. No. 5 mixed: '1
car, 11.87. No. 6 mixed: 1 car, 11.68; 2
cars, 11.67; 1 car, 11.87. j
Oats Standard: 2 cars, 7Z14C. No. X
white; 23 cars, 72c. No. 4 white: 4 cars,
71 c. Sample white: 1 cars, 70c; 12-6
cars, 70c.
Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 hard,
12.3002.32: No. 3 hard, I2.282.31. Corn:
No. 2 white. 11.1001.15: No. 3 white,
ll.90ei.93: No. 4 white, ll.S0igl.92; No. 6
white, 11.90-91.91; No. ( white, 1 1.90 &
t.90: No. 2 yellow, 11.18 & 1.18 ; No.
3 yellow, 11. 8801.88; No. 4 yellow. 11.87
1.88: No. & yellow, 11.87!. 88; No. 6"
yellow, 11.1791.88; No. 2 mixed, 11.88
1.63; No. S mixed. 11.17 1.88; No. 4
Have Found Cash Buying
LA 11161?
.Remarkable Cash
- ' ' ' ,
awvuMi ui
in fine quality worsteds, cassimeres and
Scotches, in a wide range of the most up-to-date
patterns and desirable colors all
sizes, 32s to 48s, in regulars, stouts, long and
stubs, in big assortment of the season's best
styles, including soft roll, 2 and 3-button and v
pinch backs.
r --
" ' '
All Suits
It Pays
mixed. 11.S7HS186: No. G mixed. 6t.S;&; No C mixed, 11.66 U 1.88. Oats: No.
2 white, 72472r; standard, 72SI2c;
No. 1 white, 7172c; No. 4 white. 71'4
971c. Bsrley: malting. 21.251.49 No.
1 feed, 11.2061.28. Rye: No. 2, J2.2SS2.28;
No. 3. 12.26&2.27.
Local lang of prices:
Art. I Open. 1 High jLow.j Close, j Yes.
Wht I I
July 1 03 2 93 203 3 93 203
Sept. 1 93 1 t3193i 1'93'ltO
Corn. i
Sept. 1 60 1 0 159 1 61 159
Dec. 1 16 1 16 111 1 11U 114
Sept. 66 66 65 ' 56 &$
Dec. 67 67l 67 57 67
Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bee
by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain brokers.
315 South Sixteenth street, Omaha:
Art, j Open. High. Lnw. Close. Yfe4.
wht. ; i 1
July S 04 2 04 1303 2 93 204
Sep. 1 95 1 95 Il92 j 1 14 112
Corn, I ' I I
Sep. 1 61 1 61 158 1 68 169
Dec. 1 16 1 17jlll 1 13 116
May 1 15 1 14 110 1 11 115
Oats. I
July 61 61 67 6! 68
Sep. 56 66 66 55 55
Dec. 68 68 66 67
July 41 00 41 00 40 70) 40 70 41 00
Sep. 40 19 49 19 39 80 SI 90 40 25
Lard. - - I
July 20 96 20 96 20 65 29 65 21 00
Sep. 21 20 21 29 20 85 20 85 21 29
Ribs. I I
July 21 66 21 66 21 401 21 45 21 57
Sep, 21 70 21 73 21 65 21 60 21 73
Bar Silver Again Advances.
New York, July 13. Bar silver was quoted
here today at 80o an ounce, an advance of
o over yesterday's price, which was the
maximum for twenty-five years.
Profitable So Will You; Profit By These Specials.
. 6 TS.T
aiffl loiig ivi
not so much on account
me .cAtciJwuxiauy nigu quality ui uie uiieinigs aiuu& iuw pxitc.
Surplus Stocks From
Regular $18.00
$20.00 Suits
Saturday's Cash Price
Guaranteed Alterations
Trousers that
July Clearing
Men's and Youths'
Bathing Suits
One-piece, fancy trimmed, in navy
blue, grays and other colors, all
sizes to 46 chest Regular price
$1.25. You can't afford to rent a
suit when you can buy them here
Saturday, at
Men's Mercerized Hose
35c quality, in white, black an
colors; slightly imperfect, 1 J
to close, Cash Price C
of Men's Straw
in Three Big
A fine line of the season's new
est styles of stiff straw sailors,
in sennit and milan braids.
Every one a $2 or $2.50 seller
St. Louis Live block Market.
St. Louis. July 13. Cattle Receipts, 1.S90
head: market steady; native beef steers.
i7.5O13.50; yearlings, !l.6013.60; cows,
66.00&10.50; stockers and feeders. 14.00$
10.50; prime southern beef steers, IS.OO'o
12.25; bef cows and heifers, 14.256 9.60;
prima yearlings, 17. log 10.00; native calves,
Hogs Receipts. 4.100 hesd: market high
er: lights, 115.1016.65; pigs, 110.00914.75:
mixed aud butchers, 115.10$ 15.65; good
heavy, 215.8016.00; bulk of sales, 115.100
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,500 head;
market steady: spring lambs, 114.5015.25;
ewes, 18.u0if9.00; dinners, 14.004J5.00; chop
pers, iti.006.50. . ,
Chicago Live Stork Market.
Chicago, July 13. Cattle Receipts, 1,100
head: market steady; native beef ycattle,
18.30&14.00; etockers snd feeders, 16.25151
9.25; cows and heifers, 15.4011.90; Calves.
950 14-60.
Hogs Receipts, 15.000 head; market weak
at 6c above yesterday; bulk of sales. 114.50
ft' 15.90; rough, 114.2i 14.50; pigs, Jll.OOgi
Sbeep snd Lambs Receipts, 15.000 head;
market strong; wethers, I7.60S 10.85: ewes.
17.00Qt.25; lambs, 110.003 15.75.
Omaha Hay Market.
Receipts today were larger, demand light;
market lower on prairie hay. Alfalfa steady.
Choice urlnd prairie bay, 116.0017.00;
No. 1, llO015.00:. No. 2. 17.009.00; No.
3, 14.00fr6.00: No. 1 midland. 113.0014.OO:
No. 2, 15.00 8. 00; No. 1 lowland, 68.00
9.00; No. 2, 15.0036.00: No. 3. 14.0006.00.
New alfalfa, choice, 118.0019.00; No. 1,
Jl.00frl7.00; standard, 11 3.00 16.00; No. 2,
ll.00igil3.00; No. 3, 17.00&9.00. Straw, oat.
IS.OOS'S. 60; wheat, 17.00 7.50.
Liberty' Bonds Slightly Lower.
New York, July 13. The lowest price yet
recorded for Liberty bonds was reached to
day on the stock exchange when a lot ot
14,000 sold at 99 S8-50ths.
Men's Kool Cloth Suits
The justly popular two-piece summer suits
choice patterns; sell regularly at QC
$10 and $12, Saturday PU.70
Purchase of
of the quantity (about
Two Prominent Makers
- - .
sell regularly at $5.00, in ' rf o g
Sale, at. ................... . . PpDO
and Panama Hats
Special Lots
A special purchase of Panama , -
and Leghorn Hats in up-to-date
shapes; regular $4.00 values.
Cash Price
New York General Market.
New York, July 13. Flour Firmer;
spring- patents. lll.90O12.16; .winter pat
ents, 2U.5511.10; winter straights, 211.15
11.40; Kansas straights, tll.1012.1i.
Wheat Spot, steady; No. 2 hard, 12.11:
f. O. b., New York.
Corn Spot, firm; No. I yellow, 12.02;
f. o. b.. New York.
Oats Spot, easy: standard, 81981.-
Rye Easy; No. 2 western, 183 c. L'f.
New Yor to arrive.
Feed Firm ; western bran, 190-pound
sacks, 235.50; standard " middlings, 100
pound escks, 141.50; city bran, 100-pound
sacks. 136.00.
Hops Quiet; state, medium to choice,
1916, 30&25c; 1915. tSc; Pacific coast,
1916, 9llc; 1915, 78c.
Hides Quiet; Bogota, 43e; Central
America, 42c.
Leather, firm; hemlock firsts, 67e; sec
onds, 65c.
Provisions Pork, unsettled; mess, 142.60
43.00: family, 143.0O44.00; short clear.
14O.Q0&42.69. Lard, weak; middle west,
S19.fi0&il9.90. nominal.
Tallow Easy; city special loose, 17c
Wool Firm; domestic fleee XX OWo.
69 9 60c.
Rice Steady; fancy head, 18C; blus
rose, 78c.
Butter Unsettled; receipts, 17,640 tubs;
creamery, higher than extras, 8940c;
creamery extras (93 score), 39c; firsts, 38
38c; seconds, 3537c.
Eggs Irregular; receipts, 101,929 cases;
fresh gathered extras, 37 38c; fresh gath
ered extras firsts, 36 36c; firsts, 230
34 c; seconds, 3133c.
American Telephone 4 Telegraph Co.
' A dividend of Two Dollars per share will
be paid on Monday, July 16, 1917, to stock
holders of record at the elos of business
oh Saturday, June 80, 1917.
G. D. MILNE, Treasurer.
1,000 Suits) but on
of the Celebrated
Men Summer Shirts
A big assortment of good pat
terns in neckband, collar at
tached or sport.styles, in plain
colors or fancies; fast colors;
all sizes to 17 neckband. Re-
markable July Sale val-
HOC of ntll- OooVi M aa
Price...... DOC
Men's 40c Waih Ties, in
white and fancy colors, full
size, wide ends; oil sale Sat
urday. Cash nr