j. V6MtK -5?ytf JhSf-'A -t'.-. V mtrn ttt. MlgATTA TTTT.V ' 1Q17 1 S t i Want Ad Rates (Counting Six Word to tho Lint) No ad taken for lets than two lines. CASH WITH ORDER le per Hat " . 7a per lint. .3 or mora eonseeuuvt insertions CHARGE a ptr Hut I tat Cc ptr lint. . J or mora eonsscutlvt inttrtiont ft ptr lint SO conseeutivt inttrtiont j SITUATIONS WANTED 25t ptr lint Ptr week CARDS OF THANKS AND FUNERAL NOTICES 10a d lint taeh insertion (Minimum charge,- 69 ctntt.) Fortitn Rates Cash With Order. (Count Six Word to Lint.) Htlp Wanted (iU ptr lint 1 time. Financial utv Wstruona. ln(1)W per line 1 time. ri.Jif7t!.n. Per lint t or mort Classifications eoV.tentlt inttrtiont. U fJ, THE TELEPHONE if you eannot eon veklently bring or tend In your ads. Ask for a Want Ad Taker and you will re- ceivt tht same good service at wnen at llverlng your d at this office, PHONE TYLER 1000. WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSE - EVENING EDITIONS lt:00 M. MORNING EDITIONS 19:00 P. M. liyiJatetejA.ppllcatlon. Movie Program Downtown. PRINCESS ; 1317 DOUGLAS FRANKLYN FARNUM in "THE CAR OF CHANCE." North. ; ALAMO J4TH AND FORT HARRY CAREY In "A ,44-CALIBF.R MV8TF.RT. SCREEN MAGAZINE. "THE BOSS F THE FAMILY." ALHAMKRA 24TH AND PARKER MAURICE COSTELbO and ETHEL GRANDIN In "THE CRIMSON STAIN MYSTERY," DIAMOND 84TH AND LAKE BENEFIT FOR TUB RWI CROSS -THE EAGLE'S WINGS" AND COMEDY. GRAND 18TH AND BINNEY MIRIAM COOPER in "THE SILENT LIE." I.DIHBOP 24TH AND LOTHROP FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN and JAMES J. JEFFRIES In "PENNINGTON'S CHOICE." " South. APOLLO "jTH LEAVENWORTH HOUSE PETERS and MYRTLE STEDMAN In "AS MEN LOVE." BOULEVARD S3D LEAVENWORTH DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in "IN AGAIN OUT. AGAIN." 3.0HLFF 26T,H & LEAVENWORTH VIRGINIA PEARSON in "THE. BITTER TRUTH." West. Dundee BIST & UNDERWOOD I BESSIB LOVE and TRIANGLE KIDDIES In "CHEERFUL GIVERS." . South Side. MAGIC : 24TH AND N BEN WILSON and -Neva gerbkr m no, i ' , "THE VOICE ON THE WIRE." ' DEATHS ft FUNERAL NOTICES ANDERSON Mra. Johanna; July V'lilT. Aged II veers. 11 months and I daya. Funeral Friday aftMioon at 2 o'clock from rtttdenc, 4237 Burdettt St., to For est Lawn cemetery. Frlendt art welcome. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. E. L. DODDER CO.. Funeral Directors, V. B. Ftro, Mgr., 23d tnd Cuming Bta. Phont Douglaa 477, Auto ambulance. fcULBB A RIEPEN, undertakers and em- bstmers. 701 .1th. DomkIss 1262. rJUFFt A JOHNSTON, embaiiners and fu- nsral directors, 717 S. llh Bt. Tyler 1476. JOHN A. CENTLKMAN. underlaksr and I " - ----- mb1mfr, Levn worth. Tnuir. 1868. FLORISTS. BEING a member of tbt National Florlata' Telegraph Ptllvtry association, wt art In potitlon to deliver flowers on short notlct anywbtra In tltt united Males or cansua. onttnellt T iTl? T. t AtiMfixt Flortsta UlUU JU. JtillJi'i Host Pwotxidt. Florlnte. 1614 Douglss Bt. Douglas 1344. LARGEST asaortmeut of lioeh flowers. L, HENDERSON. 1519 FARNAM. PARKER Flower shop, 411 H. 16th. D. 1103. THE FERNERY, tOI 8. 16th St. Doug. I8. BATH, NatlonsI Florlet, 1604 Farnam St. A. DONAGHUE. 1623 Harney. Doug. 1001. BIRTHS AND DEATHS - Blrtfas Frtd and Graca Whltmort, 1411 North Fourteenth, girl; Daniel and Fran cat Tanaato, 1303 South Fourth, boy; Nlch alas and Annlt Camero, 614 North Four teenth, girl; Joseph and Agnes Wilesesky, 4316 Soutb Thirty-eighth, boy; Vtrons D, and Ruth Richards, Forty-fourth and L, boy; Samuel and Sadie Alias, )'JC7t Pierce, erlrl: Antonio and Mitria Orlando. 1203 Pa cific girl; Lemuel and Gladys Blair, 01ALSK levin, i per aei up. aisii to u Pouth Forty-second, girl: O. L, and Anna Worthlngton, SS61 Reward, girl; Ralph E. and Martha L. Dalitian. 3104 Clark, girl; Angelo and Concetta Mara, 403 William, girl; Giovanni and Alfia Land I. 1101 South Thirteenth, girl; Harry and Emma Knapp, 1331 Florence boulevard, girl; Morris and I Jennie Bchltngsr, 3617 pecatur, girl; John and Frances Svoboda, 1310 south Seven teenth, boy; Edward H. and Elisabeth Mahr. 6634 South Twenty-second, girl; Glenn M. and Maris Wiggins, 3104 South Elghttenth. boy and girl, Deaths Mtda Gettys. 61, hospital; Ruth A. Harral. 36. hospital; James Mack, !7, hospital; Tlllle Rahmtr, 41, 3733 Franklin; Rota Terry. I days, 3Ss gewara; Mrs. Ottt Boock, II, 1437 North Seventeenth, MARRIAGE LICENSES. Tht following couples were Ineued licenses to wtd: - Name. Rtttdtnet. V ' Agt. William FUher. Bloomfleld, Neb 23 Ella Hansen, Bloomfleld, Neb 33 Oecar F. Johnson. Omaha .......... ovsr 31 Barbara Bushut, Omaha ..ovr II Clarence V. Askew. Omaha.... II Mlnnlt Agntw, Omaha 31 Harry M. Johnson, Omaha 36 Tlllls K. Harms, Omaha 20 LOST-FOUND-REWARDS 7 . . . . . . . a flrtLMfll til Ilf fU C T D L IT T railway company . Persons having lost soma articlt would do wall to call up tht offlct or tbt omana A Council Bluffs Street Railway oontpany to ascertain whether they left It la tht street car. Many article each day art turned In and tbt company It anxious to restore there to tht rightful owner. IF YOU lost anything and will advertise it htrt yotf will surely recover It it round by an honest person. If you find anything of value tht boneat -way la to aavtrtise for tht owner. LOST Pocketbook containing annual rail road pasaet and other papers, 110 reward. Omaha Detective aesociatlon. 900 First Nstlonal Bank Building. LOST Checkbook; blank book with hTVr. JlaWeen lOOS cash; pl-ase return to HeUM Jiansen, tvus Center St. Walnut 1166. Reward. 4 hi nAl ring; atont welgh-i about 1 karat. bert Edhnlm, jeweler, Douglas 1963. Al- FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. ATTENTION. FURNITURE BUYERS, Do not buy any furnlturt, rugs or stoves until yog have seen us first. Wt offer you 136,000 BTOCK OF HIGH-GRADE FUR N ITU RE, RUG8. STOVES and COM PLETE HOME OUTFITS for practlc Uy your own price. Wt art forced to vacate our foor-story wrthoust. and It tntlrt contentsxmuat bt gold at ones. Salt takes Plact at our sales room at tht corner of 14th -and Dodgt s reets. Do not fail to aiund. It is an opportunity of a lifetime, Hundreds havt already taken adv -tagt of thta wonderful opportunity. Why don't roat ' STATE. FURNITURE CO.. . 1317. Cof.' 4.4th and Dodge 8ts.. Omaha tiR;AINS in furniture. Ice boxes aas stoves, rugs, berf.il china and kitchen cabi nets, tables, chairs, buffets, dressers, trunks, suitcases. VuiJ line of poultry net- ting, screeu. 1831-47 N. 24th. Web. 1607. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. AUCTION SALE Furnlturt and Household Goods, Omaha Van A Storaga Company. 17th and Leavenworth Streets. Saturday, July 14th, 10 A. M. Sharp. Furnlturt consists of bed, dressers, rugs. both Ursa and small; library tables, par lor and dining room furnlturt, sat atovet, Irs haien. kitchen tablet, tte. Thta la an opportunity for everyone to buy furnlturt at your own prict. Don't fall to attend this bis aalt. Omaha Van Btorags Co., 17th and Leavenworth fit.. Saturday tht 14th, 10 A. M. Sharp, and will continue all day. ICE CREAM tablet, off. lur.. chairs, refrlg., let coolers, garden Hose, porcn rurouure. Vlctrolan and pianos. Loyal Furn. Co.. in Ni 16th. City Furn. CO., iqt b. nm, RUSH right down and get your share of all klndt furnlturt at aacrlflce. 609 N. 16th. FUMED oak dining room set, brass bed. Wilton rug. rocker. M. tin. Jewelry, Diamonds and Watches. FOR GRADUATION Watches and rlnga at Friedman'!, 1211 Douglas. , Cameras and Kodaks. PPYri CAMERAS, every click a plc XXVJJWJ ture. Green's Pharmacy, 16th and Howard. Billiards and Pocket Tables. FOR BALE BILLIARD TABLES, brand new carom and pocket, with Complete outfit, IU0; second-hand tablet at re duced prices; bowling alleys anil supplies; easy payments. Cigar atore fixtures a specialty. Send for catalogue, THE BRUN8WICK-BALKE-COLLENDER CO., 407- South 10th Bt. Lumber and Building Materials. SAVE HALF on beam, columns, brick. II, Gross Lumber and Wreck Co. Web. 24. Printing land Office Supplies. Wtr-Hnrnhart Ptg Co., 624 b. Uth St. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES Wt rent, repair, tell ntedlet and parts of all sswlng machines. MICKEL'H NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 11th and Harney Sts. Doug. 1661. Typewriters and Supplies. TOUR s'enographer can work no fatter than her machine. Incrtatt her spttd by In stalling tht best and fastsat typewriter mad Tht Self-Starting Remington. Takt ont on trial until you art con vinced. THE REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO., 101 8. 19th. Dnuglat 1164. TYPEWRITERS told, rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver typewriter I months tor IS. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1905 Farnam. Guaranteed Typewriters, 610 and up. Writs for lint. Midland Typ. Co., 1404 Podge, Trunks and Traveling Bags. WE maka theirt ourselves; why pay two profits for inferior goods when you can get high grado goods at first cost ALFRED CORN1HH CO., Mfrs. of Harness, Saddles and Traveling Goods, 1310 Farnam Bt, Miscellaneous. FOH BALE Blacksmith business In good Nob. town: equipment conalsti of T-horss-powtr engine, perfect trip hammer, disc roller, emery and polluting wheels, power drill, royal blower and all neceseary hand tools; no competition. Address lock liox No. 6 J. Archer, Neb. OMAHA PILLOW CO.--Featheri tteam renovated and niada up In fresh ticks coat half tht prlrt of new pillows. Csll us for samples of ticking and prlcts. HOT Cum ing. Uouglas 24HT. ' WE HAVE moved to new location. Wt buy, tell aild make desks, safes, showcises, helving, etc. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co., fl. W.l'of. Ilth Doug. 8ls.- Phone D. 2724. DltY KINDLING WOOD. ACME BOX COMPANY. HARNEY 1637. SWAPPERS' COLUMN tIttTia l.valnnaH 1 fin sa S-s11 1 nriA.liiU StufW. r i uiliu unrviu isvi.it svw tw ivxt mmw-m.w mvt w Ice. Kant Kodak Studio, Ncvlllt Blk. 16th nnd Harney, I DIAMONDS and Jewelry to tradt for rifles, shotguns. Friedman. 1511 Douglas bu WANTED TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS Ntw dMki mti dellkij bought, sold and traded. J. U Reed, 1307 Farnam. D. 6164 WANTED TO BUY Complete maohlnery equipment for laundry. Must bt In good repair and modern In tvery respect Ad- dresa, Box Y-9, Bet. WANTED to buy or rent, a garage In lively country town, particular! in first letter. Ogden Bros, 1331 S. 2ith Ave., or phont Tyler 2146-W. rt r ni rvinm and shoes. JXJU JUJ X jr we p ay th e HIGHEST PRICES. DOUGLAS 6031. JENKINS eto. Red 331 Pays highest prices for clothes. - shoes, trunks. Red 3397. Ken., Doug. 1033. imioNDs 406 8. 16th 8L SOT, BERGMAN A CO. CASH paid for dlamomla. Eatates ap pralaed. neeet Jewelry Co., 40 H, ltn Van"ll, :60H Decatur. Omaha. Neb. WANTED to buy, slightly used 1317 Ford touring cur. Pouth 48BO. I"0".' """jyil t. Ktencr, Irfjyal Hotel Bldg HIGH prlcee paid for old clothes. D. 4714, BOOKS bought, l,tl & 16th. Tyler 3836. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON, tide, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, .all sites and styles; hemstitching, picot edging, eye let cut work, buttonholes pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO.. Oppoaltt Branded Start. 100-301 Brown Bldg. Dotmlst 1986. ?ANARMAN Dress Pleating and Button Co., IS6-7 Paxton Blk. Douglas 310. Accountants. Dworak-Ure Audit Co., 631 Ramge Bldg. Fhont Doug. 5161. Baths. MASSEUSE, baths, manicuring, physical cult. Miaa Walker. 331 Neville Blk. D. 4257, RITTENHOU8B Sanitarium, all kinds baths, 110-314 Ralrd Blk.. 17th A Douglaa. CENTRAL Bath Inatitutt, 1606 Harney. Douglas 7097. OMAHA BATH INSTITUTE, :23 Neville Block. 16th and Harney Sts Doug. 7381 I Brass and Iron Foundries. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. I7th and Martha Stt, OL8EN A. 8CLIGER, 1407 Jackson. D. 7491, Bakeries ORTMAN'S NEW ENGLAND BAKERY, 313 N. 1ITH, BRANCHES PUBLIC MARKET AND HAYDEN BROTHERS, I OUR MOTTO "BETTER BAKED GOODS Carpenters and Contractors. LEP8ARD A SON. 1031 Cuming. Ty. 1631, Chiropodist. Carrie 3. Burford, 630 Paxton Blk. R. 4667, Detectives. OMAHA DETECTIVE ASSOCIATION, 100 let Nat. bk. Biag. rnont Tyler ztao. JAMES ALLAN. Ill Nevlllt Blk. Evldenct i - - . iri.. im secured In all casea. Tyler 1131. S. D. JOLLY, 613 Paxton. Red 7401. Dressmaking. DRESSMAKING, all work guarantttd. TtL Harney 4703 DRESSMAKING; work guaranteed. Phont Douslat 4160. TERRY Dressmaking Co., 30th and Farnam Fixtures and Wiring. rTTDLrTT Electric washing machines. kJ U 1VJ.V1H .Uctric Irons and reeding lamps. 3333 Cuming St. Doug. 1619, Furs Stored. FURS stored, clesntd and ' remodeled, price. Furs dyed. H. Kothnols, Furrier, Harney 3763. IS1I Leavenworth. Hnuavhftlri Snerialtiea. a r ADAMS, til & 14th. D. 3007. Under I n,w management. Wt want to ttt old frltnds and meet new. Open Sat tves. Your credit Is good. Agents wanted . Hat Cleaners. ALL kinds hats cleaned and rtblocked: la diet hats apeclalty. 1630 Harney. R. 4671, Masseures. MASSAGE, chropody. Alta Head. 301-1 Balrd Bldg., 17th and Pouglae. P. 4s Central Bath lnt., 1606 Harney. Doug. 7097. MISS WEST, manicure, massage. 310 N. It. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 insurance. BANKERS' LIFE OF LINCOLN. tll-14 City Nat. Bk. Bidg. Dong. 3619. Osteopaths. MRS. J. R. Mualck, sulphur, team and suet- lyptut bathe, 403-3 Rote Bids. Ty. :3t3. Oxy-Acetylene Welding. Expert Welding on All Metals. W. LEVERING. 309 8. 13th 8t. D. 8671. Ractime. Ltarn to play popular music in 24 lessons. 291 N. 34th. Fh. we. srter p. m. Pianos for Rent M St per mo. A Hospt Co.. 1511 Douslat. Patent Attorneys. STURGES A BTURGES.U. S. and foreign . . . . i . a n ni, patenia ana irs.uernarne. i.tf ow PATENTS procured, bought and told. Inter. national Patent Co., 583 Brandels. P. tl. Theatrical Costumes. THEATRICAL gowns, full dreat tults for rent. 206 N. 17th. John Feldman. p. Iizs. Tailors. CRONSTROM'S PANTALORIUM. , Room I, Patterson Blk., 17th and Far nam. Douglas 6407. J. cronatrom. Mer chant T-vllor, Cleaning, pressing and re pairing. Roofing:. Omaha Roofing Co.. comp., gravel, asphalt ahlnglt pattern roofing A shingle coating. All klndt of repairing. 629 Bet Bldg. P. 8043 Safes. BAROAINS, 1213 Farnam. J. J. Deright Safe Co. SAFES Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcemtntt and printing. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply, 207 S. 11 Hi. D. 621. Trusses. "CLECO" COMFORT TRUSSES. Perfect Fit Guaranteed. Tht W. Q. Cleveland Co., 1410-13 Harney St. Where to Eat. EAT HOME-COOKED MEALS. NEW DELICATESSEN, ISM FARNAM. BUSINESS CHANCES SNAP MUST SELL AT ONCE. Only reataurant and confectionary In buay town ten miles from Lincoln, doing 1900 monthly bualneas. Will sacrifice if taken st ones, as I must change climate on account of wires health. Box 182, Raymond, Neb. 1100.000 CORPORATION, manufacturing talking macntnet, wants territorial man agera with 1300 to f 600 capital to flnanct contract; plays and equals any 160 Instru nient Price $10. Big money-maker. Will pay txpentet to Chicago If you art men wt want. Addrett Sales Manager, 1(24 Republic Bldg., Chicago. MAN with about 1600 caah, to takt ont-btlf tnttrest in well established business In Omaha; txptrltnct not necessary. Call on or write. GANGESTAD. Suite 4I Bet Bldg. Omaha, Neb. MOVING plctur. theatir for tale, in good live town or 1,300. No competition. Have other business and mutt tell at onct. Cash or terms. Address, Bog Y-ll, omana pally Bee. FOR SALE First claas restaurant: six fur- nisnta rooms a Dove; in good llvt town of 4,000. Will sell cheap; reason for telling. other business It Interested, writs Box 326, Missouri Valley, la. FOR SALE Ont of tht oldest grocery and meat markets In Omaha, doing strictly cash business. Reason for selling, other business. Will soil for cash or good to curlty. Box 8451, Bee. FOR SALE. Soft drink tnd lunch ptrlor, first clsss location; finest plsca in the city. Doing a good business. Must seTT on account of sickness. Box 3.190, Bee, OR SALE A modern hotel with saloon and store. Good location. Owners retiring rrom Business, write F, Beauregard, 602 604 Balllngyr St., Ksn Claire. Wis. CONFECTIONERY, cigar and loo cream ttort; pays well; a anap) 1500.' GANGESTAD, Suit 848 Bea WW.. TV 3477. WELL establlHhed millinery business for salt at once; tint trade, good condition, beat location and a bargain. Box 401, vv 00a nine, la. MOTION picture machines (riw and rt- built); theaters supplied... - Omaha Film Kxchange, 108 B. 14th St. MOVING PICTURE machines, new and rt Bum. an makea; supplies. Western Sup ply Co., SOt Nat. Bldg. WE BUY Wt tell motion ploturt theaters, macninea, teaturt films. Co-Operatlvs r um a wtippiy Co., 310 Bromley Bldg. FOR BALE Dandy grocery and meat mar, Kei, with living rooms. 4001 Ames Avt., umana. MONEY-MAKING shot repair business for saie. iseoraska town. Addrtss F, V. itniesi, umaha. CLEAN slock gen. mdst, and grocery. Sell or mignt trade. W. Gray, Eddyville. Neb. TO GET In or out of bushiest call on UAWM8TAP, 848 Bet Bldg. Doug. 8477, YOUR business or rtal estate handled tor salt. y..y. Knlest, Bee Bldg., Omaha. FOR BALE, or partner" wanted. Kellogg uricn -rue vo Kellogg, Iowa. HOTEL for salt or trade. No opposition. notai Bpsimng. Spalding, Neb. DOWD SALE AND AUCTION CO., 1124 v. v.jM. mag. Red 8386. FOR SALE Well established caft with 11 v ing roams. 4104 N 34th . MEDICAL WHT SUFFER T Latest and Most Selentlflo Treatment tor all Diseases. Dr. Charles Barnes, 613-624 Rosa Bldg. Examination ana consultation free. Ht is curing thou sands. WHY NOT YOUT Delays are dan Serous. If you can t call, write. Hours, w a. ni. xo s p. m. 7:30 to 9:30 tvenlngs, eunuay oy appotnttnent. DR. E. R. TARRY, 340 BEE BLDG ,( PILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry curet piles, fistula tnd otht rectal dlsesses without surgical op erations. Curt guaranteed and no money pam uniu cureg. write ror book on rec ii aisra.se ana testimonials. RUPTURE successfully treated without a surgical operation. call or write Dr. r ranit M. wray. 306 Bee Bldg. DR. EADE8, 801 Paxton Blk. Doug. 6528, Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 931 W. O. W. Bldg, Taffa Dent, Rms.. 308 Rose Bldg. D. 2186, Chiropractors. DR. KNOLLENBERG. SANITARIUM. Lady attendant 1666 Harney. D. 7296. Pre. Johnston, 1335 W. O. W Bldg. D. 6629 Dr. J, C. Lawrence, Balrd Bldg. D. 8461, PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial Homt so liens your old clothing, furnlturt, maga slnea. Wt collect. Wt dlstributt. Phoni Doug. 4126 and our wagon wlltcall. Call and Inspect our ntw home, lllp-1113-lll uoage st. PERSONAL Parties knowing whereabouts or Mrs. Edith May Hydt will please notify har daughttr, Mist lrtnt Hydt, 2633 De pew St.. Denver, Colo, Waa last heard of In 1907 at 420 24th Avt., Omaha,, Neb, $10 rewara. WANTED Small tducated congenial fam Uy of grown peraons to live In furnlshsd house with owner. Address Box 588, Bee. BATHS and massage. Central Bath Instl tute, 1606 Harney St Doug, 7097. Open tventnts. - MIS3--F1S19R. sulphur, steam baths and massase. 379 Bran. Thea. Bldg. D. 1659. LUELLA WEBSTER, maasagt and manl curing. 618 Paxton Blk. Red 3400. ALL RIGHT private maternity home. Beit cart. 8606 Bristol. Web. 3903. PRIVATE licensed maternity homt. 4411 N 38th St Phont Colfax 1043. BATHS, massage. 1802 Farnam. Phont Douglat 1761. Room SCI ENTIFIC massage. 1620 Bat Bldg. Phont Douglaa 6373. MAE BRUGMAN, selentlflo masstust and baths. 303 Karbach Blk. Red 3717. Manicuring and mass. 1623 Farnam. R. 1 E. BROTT, Mass., 2120 Harney. Dg. 1536, SITUATIONS WANTED Clerical and Stenographers. , IF you havt an opanlng In your business tor a married man. 13 years of age, stvtn yean' offlct work, three years on road and who can furnish tht best of Omaha refer ences at to ability, Industry and Integrity, telephone Walnut 3403 for interview. Male. EXPERIENCED colored chauffeur want steady position; does own repairing; can furnish good references. Phont Har, 1083. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. SHOW CARD writer and designer desires position: high-grade work; tampiet on request. Phont Doug. 7907. TWO experienced house and lawn men want work; treet trimmed, wan paper cleaned. Douglas 1694. Delaney or Baker. Female. MOTION PICTURE playing, tvenlnge, four years experience. Write bos 1433, omana Bee. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wanta sewing. Neat and reasonable. Walnut 3380. Exp. dresmaker. Sewing by day. Wal. 3838. Laundry and Day Work. WASHING and Ironing neatly done, called for and delivered Phone South 4373. WANTED Work by hour or rough dry washing. Webster 3389. Work by hour, rough dry wash. Web. 3389. Day work for Wed.. Thura. A Frl. D. 4997. EXP. laundress, fini cloths apeclalty. H. 1904. WORK, day or week. Mra, Cramer. Dg. 6214. Bundle wash, rough or finish, by dos. W. 3671. BUNDLE washing. Colfax 3492. HELP r WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. WE havt aome very good poaitlona open. Salaries 840, 150, 660, 166, 170, 76 and 178. Sea THE CANO AGENCY. 600 BEE Bldg. YOUNG man. typist ......140 to 160 Exp. draftsman 1110 WATTS REF. CO.. 1138 First National. GEN. offlct elk., exprees ex p., $60-876. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N 736 First National Bank Building. CALL on the Co-Operattve Reference Co., for drug and commercial positions 1016 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. BOOKKEEPER, well known firm, 186-390. NO FILINO FEE. THE MARTI CO., 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. Profession and Trades. WANTED CIVIL ENGINEERS. WltUerstone-Englcr Co., Chicago, and Northwestern New Elevator, Avenue J and 10th 8t, Council Bluffs. BAND MEN WANTED Cornet, clarinet trap drum, tuba and trombone players wanted to locate at Holdrege for Municipal band work. Advise occupation and salary desired and wa will plact you. Clttut Nelson, Holdrege, Neb. PRINTER-OPERATOR Ont who can care for machine and it willing to work on floor part tlma. No. 1 machine and pay every Saturday. No booxa or clgarets go. r res Lance, Jefferson, la. WANTED Preaser and busbelman; alao to finish ladles garments; steady position, good wages. Writs or wlrt at onct. Chero kee D'V Cleaning Workt, Cherokee, la. LINEMEN wanted for telegraph gangt on U. P. R. R. ; good pay and accommoda tlona. P. F. Fstnzer, 409 U. P. Bldg., umana, Neb. WANTED Six first-claaa machinists; steady work for good mechanics Bertachy Mfg. and Eng. Co., 20th and Harney Sts., Omaha. WANTED Drivers; elevator conductors and men for general work. Apply to Superin tendent Hayden Brothers. . DREDGE runner, familiar with Bay City or wickes lias driven macninea John Morrison, Charles City, la, WANTED Men to deliver lea. Apply omana 10 ana cold tuoragt Co., 6th and Jones. v LEARN barber trade; low ratea now. Call or wrltt Barber College. 1134 Douglss 8t WANTED Groundmen. Apply Iowa Tele- pho 1 Co., Council Bluffs. UNION carpenters for Wyoming, 6O0 per hr. r. me ram Labor Agency. 3.3ft 8. 10th. WANTED A men,t cutter, Washington Mar net, 140T Douglas Bt. WANTED 20 carpenter! for interior finish. 18th and Dodge. Salesmen and Solicitors. WE WANT A REAL SALESMAN MUST POSSESS A PLEASING PER SONALITY; GOOD APPROACH. ABIL ITY TO GRASP THIS PROPOSITION QUICKLY AND THOROUGHLY; DE TERMINATION TO WIN IN A BIO WAY; TO SUCH A MAN WE CAN OF FER A POSITION IN WHICH HE CAN EARN 15.000 OR MORE PER YEAR AND A PERMANENT CONNECTION WITH ONE OF AMERICA S MOST PROGRES SIVE BUSINESS HOUSES. CALL 1317 W. O. W. BLDG., AFTER 1:30 WED NESDAY. WANTED Completing tht organization of a state wins salesforct. I need two stock salesmen. Must bt llvt wires and bacon gotten. Easy selling proposition, per manency and big earning power assured. Set O. L. Wright Flatlron hotel, before a. m. AT LAST! HOT WATER GRATES to fit any gat or oil stove. This hot water system utilises tbt wasta heat from cooking. Every home needs ont or mora. Doet away with tht 01a style water heater. Bet demonstra tlon. ground floor. Bun Theater Bldg. ELECTRIC FARM LIGHTING PLANTS. Salesmen afid sgents wanted for Ne braska and western Iowa; want men who can cloaa a complete deal; havt a very good proposition for right parties; will lurmsn Demonstrator 10 competent tntn. Aaaress aax 6t6, Bee. WANTED A young, aggressive man, who hat had tomt shot experience, to solicit tht thoemtkert tradt In Omaha a-nd Council Blufft with a lint of sole leather and, shoe finding. Address, Bos Y-100, ee. FOUR men willing to meet tht public gooa cnanct tor advancement Call be fore 8 a. m. or after 1 p. m. til Balrd Biag. call for Mr. Rohrbough. . SALESMAN with Ideas who can aell printing and advertising for an estab lished Omaha concern; aalary proposition. mox si, net. WANTED Ftvt clean, high class stock talesmen; splendid opportunity. Henry R. Gtrlng Co.. T01 8. 13th St. SALESMAN WANTED. , Call 2I B. 16th 8t. Hotels and Restaurants. CAMP cooks, man and wife, railroad boarding outfit service, $70 and up: also flunkeys. $30. Call or write T K. Patterson, U. P. Commissary mag., iitn ana Leavenworth bts.. Omaha. Teamster and Chauffeurs. ' TEAMSTERS WANTED Steady work and good pay. Apply Sunderland Broa Co. South Yard: 30th and Hickory Streets west Yard: 43d, and Ixarl Street!. Trade Schjols. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Mtn, women, learn tht barber tradt ftw wtekt completes: pay whllt learn Ins. Catalogue fret. Ratea now on. Call or write. 110 South 1 h St., Omaha. LEARN barber trade;bt Independent; mort man mans your txptnstt whllt learning. wagea or percentage, wt don t over obargt yon to begin. 1402 Dodge St TRI-CITT BARBER COLLEGE. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE. 407 S. 10th and 3061 Farnam. Miscellaneous. WANTED Laborers: Chicago and North' western New Elevator. Avenue J and 10th bl. council Bluffs. loo per hour. SHOVELERS wanted to onload coal by ths ton; good pay and tttady. work. Apply eunoenana ores. co. North Yard 14th and Taylor streets South Yard iOtb and Hickory streets. West Yard 43d and I sard streets. J4A BORERS WANTED Concrete Engineer ing co, nth ana Aicnoias. MEN for Quarry and grading. 26o per hour ana up. Fleet work up to 16.00 ptr day, Long Job. Sttady employment Natloaal Stont Company, Louisville, Neb. Omaha Office, 913 Omaha National Bank Bid ATTENTION, farmers! If you want help wt ctn tupply you. Bluff City Employ ment Bureau, 91 6 H W. Broadway, p. 431 LABORERS wanted tteady work; good wagea Apply Sunderland Bros. Co, west ard. 2d and Isard Sta. HELP WANTED MALE Miscellaneous. WANTED Men to bandit lumber. Omaha Box Co., East Omaha. HELP WANTED Male and Female. WANTED Teachers. German, English, lit erature, 175: eighth grade and domestic science, 170. For Montana, Latin and lit erature, 95; primary, J85; high school principal, science, 875. Stewart School Service, 138 No. 13th, Lincoln, Neb. WANTED Man and wife for work on farm. also man vinellgible for draft to help with house work. Pay good wages. Long job. Address John Hoyt, Nsper, Neb. COOK and waitress for high claaa cafe; state wages and give references. Address A. K. Woolsey, Deadwood. S. D. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. WANTED Girl for clerical work. Quick at figures, willingness to work mora essen tial than experience. Stranger In Omaha preferred. Salary 156. Answer own band writing. 713 First Nat. Bank Bldg. FILE clerk, 155; mailing clerk, I5; cigar girl, 135; stenos., 40 to 176; of flee, clerk, railroad experience, $45. BUSINESS MEN'S REF. ASSN., 1202 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHER, automobtlt firm, $65-)75. Ass t bookkeeper, 145-350. Eight stenographers wanted NOW, 66-176, NO FILING FEE. THE MARTI CO., 131T W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED Young lady stenographer by wholesale concern, position lucrative and permanent Applicants will please glvt txperienct and city references. Address box 5553. Bee. WANTED Experienced stenographer tor permanent position. Must bt neat, rapid and accurate. Appry West Electrlo Co., 803 Farnam St. Ask for Mr. Burroughs. GENERAL office assistant, 360. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N 736 First National Bank Building. WE NEED stenographers, bookkeepers .and offlct clerks. Co-Operatlvt Reference Co. STENOS., $50, $60, 365. 375. WATTS REF. CO., 1138 First National. Professions and Trades. WANTED Demonstrator for drug depart ment None but experienced need apply. Apply to Superintendent Hayden Bros. WANTED A LADY spotter and fancy pres sor; 820 per week; steady position. Ad' dress C. C. Bmlth, Rockford, III. LEARN barber trade. 1402 Dodge St Household and Domestic. COMPETENT girl for general housework; must bt a good cook; no laundry work small family; best of wages; references required. Good place for right girl. Box 6118, Bea. WANTED Good nurst girl who lives In West Farnam Diet Hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Go homt night Good wages. Box 6114, Bee. WANTED Competent middle-aged woman for general housework, amali family; ref erences required. Mrs. v. W, Morton, 4103 Davenport St GOOD girl wanted for light housework: good wages; no washing. Fhont Harney 4385. WNTED A white nurse maid and to as slst with light housework. Walnut 868. WANTED A good girl to do general house work. 1301 Hamilton St. WANTED A while girl for general house' work. Call Harney 3130. COMPETENT girl for general housework, no washing. 3315 Burt St. HOME for girl to help with housework and baby. Webster 4362. WANTED A competent cook. Mrs. N. B. Updike, 8614 Jackson St. Tel. Har. 2934. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Waitress. Apply at Athens Res taurant. SIS B. 13th St. EDUCATIONAL V BOYLES COLLEGB DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day Is enrollment day. Book keeping, thorthand, atenotypy. typewrit' ing, telegraphy, civil aervlct all commer clal and English branches. vCatalogua free, BOYLES COLLEGE. Douglss 1666. 18th and Harney Bts. Van sant- school of business, day and evening schools. Second Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg, entrance zzo. ' Douglas,. 6890. - " 1 ' -T i FOR RENT ROOMS Hotels. HARLEY 20TH AND FARNAM. Special low rates to HOTEL permanent guests. COOL rooms for summer, 13 wk. ; apta. with kitchenette, ogden HOTEL, Co. Blurts. Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTERS1 If you fall to find the room you desirt among thest adt call at Tht Bet offlct for a Room List Gives complete description of vacant rooms In all parts of tbt city. Ntw lists issued every week. COOL, pleasant east room, pretty street nanscom park district; block to car, warning distance; reasonable terms. Har ney I4bi. CALL Harney 1786 for mahogany furnished rooms, binglt or connecting. Excellent board. ONE large furnished room for 1 or 1 gen uemen: breakfast if desired. Har. 1618 NICE aleep. rms.. mod., priv. home. Garage. Breakfast optional, On car line. H.' 1044. COOL, clean comfortable room, suitable for young lady or couple. Harney 1913. 603 6. 22D ST. Nice, cool, clean, furnished room, suitable for two gentlemen. SUITABLE for couple' or ladj. Clean cool room. Har. 1913. MODERN room tor gentleman; private finv uy; warning distance. Douglas 6335. THE SCRANTON. furnished rooms. Dg. 7468 ) Housekeeping Rooms. NICE cool single and double rooms, with or without board: electro llaht hot water. homt cooking. 131 8. 25th St Douglaa sues. 1 ROOMS, tnsuite, furn. or unfurn. : private strictly mod. house; cool in summer; no cniiaren. Reasonable. Webster 2475. OR light housekeeping rooms, with bath. In private family; north part of city. Telt- pnone evenings, web. 2284. 1009 PARK AVE. Large, clean, cool, mod. eunea ui rooms, reason., laundry prlvl' legea. 3712 JACKSON Mod., southwest exposure, wnYenitm, cooi. references, ri. 3523. TWO and three-room furnished housekeep uig, ruunis. on r. 3181 Bt. 1611 HOWARD, nice housekpg. rms. Reas Housekeeping and keeping rms Red 8298. Board and Rooms. MODERN room for 2. Walking distance. neasonaoie. Tyler J 873. Unfurnished Rooms. FURNISHED or unfurnished. 1 large room wun aicovt ana kltchennette; private en trance on porch; all modern. Harney 6468, FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. THREE-ROOM furnished apartment with private oath, suitable (or light housekeep, Ing or 1 young men. Well located. H, 1399. FOR RENT HOUSES' West. ROOMING HOUSE! , This tl-room house Is tint for a room Ing and boarding house: close-In location. Owner will do reasonable repairing for tenant on a I-year least. Address 2411 Capitol Ave. CREIGH, SONS & COMPANY, Doug. 300. (Realtors) 608 Bee Bldg. 2633 HARNEY St, 8-r., all rood, house; hot water heat; newly repaired. 187.50, RASP BROS., 210 Ketllne Bldg. Tyler T21 128 SO. 36TH St 855. 130 So. 15th St, 345. Phone Owner, Douglat 2221. 3523 DAVENPORT ST., 4 rmt., 816. E. H. BENNER CO.. D. 8106. 3167 DAVENPORT ST., 8 rms. ... 615. E. H. BENNER CO., D. 840 3117 BURT ST., 6 rms., all mod., 125.00, E. H. BENNER CO.. D. 8406 6-RM. strictly modern bouse. 2416 Jones 1 30 per month. Douglas 5313. North. FOR RENT 7-room. strictly modern house. T cherry treat and garden patch Call Colfax 330. l-ROOM modern house; large shady lawn gara ge. 3337 N. 19th St. Webster 3678 2384 BINNEY ST.. 5 rms.. all mod., 25.00. JS. H. BENNER CO., D. 1406 FOR RENT HOUSES South. ROOM and den, strictly modern house. with garage, 130. 1541 8. 25th BU vacant July 15. Tel Red. lf. 1729 S 28TH ST.. C rms.. mod. ax. ht, 120. E. H. BENNERv CO.. D. 8406 T Miscellaneous. HOCSEJ AND COTTAGES. PARTLY MODERN. 8-r. 601 Martha 6 ..110.00 MODERN E3t )EPT HEAT. 4-r. 2505 Pierce St tlS.00 STRICTLY MODERN. 7- r. 1943 g. joth Ave 128.00 8- r. 219 Park Avt 122.50 8-r. 3901 N. mi St 130.00 8-r. 115 & 25th Avt 345.00 8-r. 3815 Farnam St 860.00 10-r. 2221 Dodge St 140.09 ' FLATS. -STRICTLY MODERN. l-r. 207 S. 80th St (26.00 t-r. 3016 Dewey Avenue 837.50 - APARTMENTS. STOECKER. 821 8. 24TH ST. Apt No. 3 (4 rooms) 820 and 126 PORTER ar-SHOTWELL. 203 6. 17th St i Doug. 1011. Offices with Homt Builders. 1113 N. 23D St, rooms 120.00 1526 Georgia Ave., 7 rooms xo.ou 3323 Burt St, T rooms 10.00 117 S. 29th. 7 rooms 35.00 3504 Dodge St. 9 rooms 65.00 ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO. Tyler 1636! 333 Rose Bldg. 20? 6. 24th St., 12 rms.. all modern. .150.00 215 N. 17th St, 13 rms, all modern. 45.00 645 S. 24th Ave., I rms., all mod.. 30.00 116 N. 24th St. 8 rms.. all mod... 30.00 F. D. WEAD. 810 8. J8th St. D. 171. 2755 S. 9TH, COTTAGE. 110.50. , 2207 S. 16th, 7-room bouse, lis. Other houses and flats close In. TEMPLETON-OLSON CO.. Tyler 2020. Real Estate, Rentals, Exchanges. EIGHT rooms and sleeping porch, a high class homt on 38th-ve. 360. tight rooms and garage, W. Farnam. 140. ALLEN It BARRETT. 513 Bee. Douglas T768. 116, 4-ROOM Apartment Heated. Tenant looks after furnace heating, two above apartments, ' 125. Seven-room modern. All Bemis Park. Douglas 2343. Houses In all parts of tht city. CREIGH. SONS & CO.. 608 Bet Bldg. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West SUB-LEASE 3-r. apt. In Dewey with 2 built In beds; NEW, good location. Sea Janitor, or call Tyler 60. 2-R. APT., Royal, with built-in btd, 116 8, 27th St., clote, In, NEW, Hastlngt Heyden, 1614 Har. Ty. 60. ONE 4-room apartment, 2422 Leavenworth, 115 per month. Splendid condition. Doug, las 5313. ST. CLAIR. 24th and Harney, l-room apt Call Ear. (47, APARTMENTS, all alxes and prlcts, splen- did location, ,24t.i and Farnam. D. 1472. t-ROOMS, garage, sleeping porch, hot water, neat, janitor service. 240S Davenport. North. ROOMS and Bleeping porch, first-class condition; furnace. 8115 Davenport. 833.60 a month. C. G. Carlberg,, 112 Brandeia Tneater Bldg. THE Angelua Apt, House, 25th and Doug. las; 3-room apt, 2 Murphy beds; auto matic elevator; cool roof garden, etc. riarney zu?4. STEAM heated. 318 and up, summer rates, near y. o. o. p. Btebbfns, 1610 Chicago, South. 6-R. APT., 32d and Pacific; oak finish, large rooms, fireplace, bookcases; everything up-to-date; all on ont floor; private tntrance ana porch; individual laundry, HASTINGS & HEYDEN (Realtort), 1614 Harney. - Tyler 60. 6-R. APT. 82d and Pacific; oak finish, large rooms, fireplace, bookcases; everything up- to date; all on one floor: prlvata en trance and porch; Individual laundry. ' 1614 Harney. f Tyler 60. 206 8. 26TH Ave., 7-r. new prest brick flat, trlctly modern, f 45. t09 N. 17th. 6-r. all mod. ant . 327.60. RASP BROS., 810 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. FIVE-ROOM steam heated apartment, Tht Chula vista, 20tb end Foppinton, 145. Con rad Young, 323 Brandels Theater. Doug las 1571. 2-R. APT., Royal, with built-in bed. 316 S. 27th St; close in, NEW. Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Har. St. Ty. 50. CLEAN, comfortable flats, 13th St Blvd.; moderate rent; water paid. Douglas 5666. MOD. 4-r. Apt., Har. 4141 or Wal. 3367. Miscellaneous. FOR REjNT. AN ATTRACTIVE APARTMENT of three rooms;; has flower boxes, awn ings, etc., making a very desirable sum mer location. Pries 133. Phone D. 1473-. FOR RENT. FLATS. Colored tenants wanted for I and t room flats; 112.60 and 115; South Side. Bombers. Tyler 786. SUB-LEASE 3-r. apt In Dewey with 2 built- in peas; inuw, gooa location. Bee janitor, or call Tyler 60. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. RENTAL HEADQUARTERS FOR OMAHA FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. DESIRABLE atore room, modern front, metal celling, steam heat, 624-626 Bo. 16th St.; size 33x60; can bt tubdivlded; low rent. Conrad Young, 323 Brandels Theater Bldg. Douglas 1571. LOW-PRICED modern offices, Farnam Bldg., 13th and Farnam, (Old 1st Nat. Bank Bldg.) V FIRST TRUST CO., Tyler 600. STORE for rent WORLD REALTY CO., Sun Theater Building. SMALL modern store room, steam heat. 1513 Capitol Ave. Conrad Young, 323 nranaeis lr.eaier. uouglas mil. RtE STAURANT, with fixtures. gas stoves, stools, at 107 S. 15th 8t. i Office and Desk Room. CHOICE office space, Balrd Bldg., l?th and Douglas. McCsguc Inv. Co. ? Garage? and Barns. SMALL garage centrally located, 325. B. H. BENNER CO., D. 8406. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Apartments and Houses. WHAT HAVE 'YOU FOR RENT In the way of four, five or six-room mod ern, up-to-date apartments? Preference will be given to those in better districts of tht city. Want to deal direct with own trs, no agents. ' TELEPHONE DOUGLAS 1016. Furnished Houser and Flats. FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED. Furnished house wanted in good loca tion, six to eight rooms, for several months by family with three children; best of references. Address Hiram Vrooman. Mai vern, la. WANTED Ont or two-room apartment, strlctlv modern, furnished for light house keeping, in refined location, by man and wife. Edgar Mlchener, fyime Hotel. Miscellaneous. LIST your homes with us for rent The demand is good and ws havt a waiting Uat J. H. DUMONT Co. (Realtors), 418 Keellne Bldg. Phont D. 690. Persistent Advertising is the Road to Success. MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO, FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage and moving. 219 N. 11th St Phont Doug lat 394. FIDELITY RENTAL SERVICE FREE Phont Douglas 288 for complete list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also tor storage, moving. 16th and Jackson Sts. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO.. Expert service; prompt attention. Your moving, your packing, your storage. Main Offlct, Central Furniture Store. 17th and Howard. Tel. D. 7785. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing, and ahlpptng. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 802 8. 16th St - Douglas 4168. Globe Van and Storage Co. .i For real service In moving, packing and storing, csll Tyler 230 or Douglss 4338. Haggard USS&'EJT- Van and Storage Co., Moving, Packing. Storage and Shipping. Phont Doug. 1496. Jn Pl?l7f Expreaa Co.f Moving . J. IXEjLiLI poking and Storage. 1207 Farnam St Web. 2718. Doug. 6146. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. AN ATTRACTIVE HOME BUILT TO LIVE IN. NOT TO RENT. BEAUTIFULLY FINISHED AND DECORATED IN THE VERY BEST RESI- 1 DENCE DISTRICT. This Is ont of tht best built hornet In Omaha Stont foundation and batamtnt. solid brick above; tlatt root. Tho coat bin and fruit cellar of tils Practically no coat for painting or repairing', v Library with built-in bookcase, solid cherry; halls and staircase of oak; dining room la paneled In Venetian oak. - All floors ars hardwood. Largt doublt storm wlndowtd and screened sun porch, cos necttd with both tht library and dining room by French doors. Tht walla of tht first floor and upper baU ara covered with hand-decorattd bXirlan, tzcept tho muaio room; three bsth rooms. Largt closets with rutitdt windows, wardrobes and chett of drawers Thtrt Is a laundry fruit cellar, furnatt room and tpacavwblch can bt finished tor a billiard room In tht basement which Is cemented throughout Largt soft water cittern, gas. not wattr heatar for summer use. So well built that IS tont of ooal win heat it throughout and with solid brick walls, it It wonderfully cool In summer. At tho very crest of tht hill, thtrt is always a bretst there if anywhere. It is convenient to tht car lint and In tht cholera t residence section of Omaha. Tht print is very reasonable and terms will bt made to suit tht buyer'e convsnitata. Ownsr leaving tht city. Address Bog 2687. Bet, FIELD CLUB DISTRICT 8-roora strictly modern homt, oak fin ish, hot water heat, largt 66 ft lot, 1 blkt. to car line. Price reduced from 16,500 to 85,500 for quick salt. Call us at once; this property Is going to be sold within tht next few days. HIATT COMPANY, 245-7-t Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler . North. NEW BUNGALOW BARGAIN : ' Located high and slghtly12&, near Da catur atreet Wt told ttvtn In thit loca. tlon last season. Has flvt rooms, elotets and bath, full basement large, roomy porch. All decorated with high grade paper, tilt in kttchtn and bath. Shades and electric fixtures. Oak finish to liv ing and dining room, pedestal opsntng with bookcases. Price 12,926. Substantisl first payment, balance roonthlyjlkt rent. Call for appointment. . . TR AVER BROS., Phont D. 6886. til First Nat. BanSc PRETTIEST;' MILE. OWNER LEAVING CITY. ' S-room, ttrlctly modern, " full 2-story-house, located on a corner lot, facing the boulevard on tht Prettiest Mile; oak fin ish and oak floors throughout; but It-In bookcases and fireplace; extra large lot 60x165; owner has reduced price 1600 in the last week. Don't hesitate, ss this will not last long at this pries. .PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, a . 637 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. D. 1711,'" THIS REAL ATTRACTIVE 3-ROOM BUNGALOW $100 Down $17 Monthly Bungalow brand new. Lot lays well. Liv- ' Ing room with bullt-ln Murphy bed. Bed room, kitchen and pantry. Fine porch. Flower boxes. Electric lights, large base ment. Good well. Located near 40th and Binney at. Call Tyler 00 and ask for Mr. Manvllle. HASTINGS & HEYDEN (Realtors) mi narney. NORTH SIDE ' f f Seven-room house, all modern, full sized lot on corner, streets paved. This prop erty Is on Burdette, easy walk to 50th or 24 th car. Will give some on g bar gain. Owner left city. ALFRED THOMAS " , -108 Farnam Bldg. S-ROOM BUNGALOW. WAVERLY PARK ADDITION V Brand ntw, elegantly decorated: stair way to floored attic, plenty of clottts, full cement basement; east front lot, nicely sodded: lovated high tnd sightly, just ont block west of Fontenelle Blvd. on 47th Ave. Prict 13,400. 3200 down. , balanct terms. , C. G. CARLBERG (Realtor), 810-313 Brandels Theater Bldg. i ATTRACTIVE new bungalow of S-r. and bath on first floor; 2 rooms unfinished on 2d floor; oak finish, full baaemtnt, fur nace heat: lot 46x128 ft; paved St; cloas to car and school; located in Clalrmont dist. Prict 13,650. Easy terme. RASP BROS., 210 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721.' South. ONE 6-room and one 4-room cottage, both on ont lot; tint condition; llvt In ont and ront tht other. Prict for both 32.750. Very tasy terms. No. 2433 South 20tb St ' NORRIS tc NORRI8, 400 Bet Building. Phont Douglas 4270. MONTCLAIR BUNGALOW. Stucco construction, 6 largt light rooms. Oak floors, otk and enamel finish. Prict 33.800. Easy, terms. Another new build ing for 83.650. Call Douglas 1722 days. Walnut 1580 evenings. STRICTLY modern bungalow, 6 rooms, 22nd and Ames Ave. Webster 4228. Miscellaneous. A SPLENDID BARGAIN A nice all modern home, except heat, 6-rooms and bath in good neighborhood.. with atwer, water, walks, gas and paving all In and paid for. $2,300. $100 CASH. $22 PER MONTH. Tht lot is full slst with shadt and fruit trees. House beautifully decorated and has growing garden which goes with property. This is a bargain. Call Douglaa 3638. A TRACT of ground laying ideal for poultry raising; 260-ft frontage: price $810; 850 caaav 312.50 monthly. Call D. 2596. J. B. ROBINSON, Real Estate and Insur ance, 442 Bee Bldg., Douglas S097. R. S. TRUMBULL. 1301 1st Nat Bk. Bldg.1 D. 1734.. REAL ESTATE Investment A SAFE INVESTMENT For Large or Small Sums. PREFERRED SHARES Secured by Down town Property in Omaha. 7 GUARANTEED PORTER & SHOT WELL, . Sole Agents. 202. So. 17th St. , Omaha, Nel REAL ESTATE Unimproved - North. AFTER looking at MINNE LUSA 100 dif ferent buyers decided that it was tht beat propottlon on tht market and they backed their Judgment by buying lota IF YOU will coma out today you will understand why tht others art buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., 741 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Tyler 187. -BEAUTIFUL 60-foot lots. Prict 1220. only It cash and 60 ctntt per week, Doug. 1391. V "1