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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1917)
PffW cJJ&vl IUi he Omaha Sunday Bee vol, XLVII NO. 4. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 8, 1917. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. Patriotic Touch to City Tennis and Women's Golf Tourneys; All of Proceeds Will Be Given to Omaha Chapter of Red Cross 30 : rf -Mf A 1 WOMAN'S STATE GOLF TOURNEY TO STARJJONDAY Miss Louise Pound of Lincoln Will Not Defend Title at Annual Event at Happy Hollow Club. 1916 WINNERS. CHAMPIONSHIP FLIGHT. Miss Louise Pound of Lincoln. Mrs. J. T. Stewart, 2d, runner-up. SECOND FLIGHT. Mn. Ernest Sweet. Mrs. Frank Russell, runner-op. THIRD FLIGHT. Mrs. W. E. Phllby. Miss Alice MacKenzle, runner-up. CONSOLATIONS. CHAMPIONSHIP FLIGHT. Mrt. Leila Wehrner. Mrt. K. A. Llninger. SECOND FLIGHT. Mn. Ray Balnbolt. Mn. C. J. Merriam. THIRD FLIGHT. Mn. XV. B. Overmir. Mn. C. i. Zlebarth. LOW QUALIFYING SCORE. Hiss Louise Pound. DRIVING CONTEST. Mn. Walter G. Silver. APPROACHING AND PUTTING. Mn. E. H. Sprague. Miss Louise Pound of Lincoln, win ner of the 1916 Women's State Golf tournament, will not defend her title this year in the annual tournament which is to be held at Happy Hollow on July y. 1U, ll, ll and Id. Kibbon will be awarded and the net proceeds and the entry fees will go to the Red Lsoss fund. At 9 o'clock Monday morning the qualifying round will take place. Eighteen holes will be played and those making the sixteen lowest scores will qualify for the champion ship flight. Ties in this round will be played off at 8 o clock luesday morn' ing. The first round championship flight will be played on Tuesday at 9 and the first round of the second flight will start at 10. The first round of the third flight will begin at 11 o clock. The eight losers of the three flights play consolation matches on Wednes day at 3 p. m. The second rounds of the three flights will come off on Wed nesday morning, following the same time schedule, and the semi-finals on Jhursday morning. Special Contests. The special contests will be a driv' ing contest and an approaching and putting contest, both of which will be open to all entrants. These will be played on Ihursday also. On Friday "at 9 o clock those who failed to aualifv will meet in a nine hole contest. The finals will be' played oft m the afternoon. At 1 o'clock Wednesday luncheon will be served to all entrants, the 1918 officers will be selected and the plans for the year will be outlines. Melady Comes Back With Retort to Stecher Gene Melady, manager of Earl Caddock, has come back with a warm retort to Joe Hetmanek, Stecher s manager, who says Caddock has re fused to wrestle Stecher. Melady's come-back is as follows: "Mr. Hetmanek'i reply to my letter of a few days ago with regard to a return match between Stecher and Caddock 1 aa brilliant aa the rest of his managerial efforts In be half of Joe Stecher. ."Mr. Hetmanek does not aeein to realize that he la no longer In position to tell peo. pie what 'they should do.' He states I am making excuses in behalf of Caddock. This la all bunk. I told Mr. Hetmanek that we would give Joe Stecher a return match, but Hetmanek la not going to dictate the time, place or terma, aa he Is no longer handling the champion of the world, when he had the trump card, he usually told peo. pie where to get off at. He made his own dates, and quoted his own terms, and any one who did not approve of same did not get a change to do any business with him. "Mr. Hetmanek statea there la a pub Ho demand for an Immediate return match between these two boya, but Mr. HetmaneK la very much mistaken. The public wants Joe Stecher to go out and clean up a few of thoae fellows that he failed to defeat. If Mr. Hetmanek la wise to his position, he will get busy and' take on Strangler Lewis and clean up the unsatisfactory affair of a year ago. "You cannot fool the people on thla wrestling atuff. Now It looks to ma aa though thore ia going to be another at tempt In order to pull down a little dough, and stage a Stecher-PIestlna match here In the near future. Why pick Plestlna? They have wrestled him before and Stecher won, Peters defeated Plestlna. and then cornea Stecher who defeat Peters. AH thia atuff is too fresh In the minda of the public, and the quicker these fellows who are Inter ested In the game make up their mind that they cannot get by with the old faahloned bunk, the better it will be for the aport. "I note Joe Hetmanek atatea that Joe Stecher must keep himself In condition for duba as well as for good men, and would infer that Mr. Hetmanek picked Caddock for a dub when he made the match. I think In the future the best thing tor Het manek to do is to be able to diatingulah good men from duba when he Is making his matches, and then It will be a little easier tailing for Joe. "Any time Caddock la defeated by a dub, we will not use the sick stuff aa an allot." Tenth-Inning Victory For Lincoln Ducklings Lincoln, July 7. After the score tied in the eighth inning, Lincoln won inthe tenth with an error, hit and sac rifice fly. Blodgett, who pitched for Lincoln, left tonight to join the New York American league team. Score: SIOUX CITY. LINCOLN AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. Gilmre.lf 4 5 0 0 0 OCarllsIe.If 4 12 0 1 Smith, ss 3 Wataon.rf 4 0 4 0 1 "onoly,3b 4 "1 0B 1 4 4 211 0 1 Lober.rf 5 4 0 3 0 0Schmt.2b 2 Hungo,2b 4 1 4 3 3 0 10 Cmsby.c 4 16 0 0Lamb,3b 4 0 2 Hose.p 3 1 0 3 0 Rohrer.o 0 ( 1 0 Blodget.p 0 Totals 35 7-: 11 t Totals 35 6 30 13 1 Two out when winning run scored. Sioux City. 00010 0 010 02 Lincoln ..399909909 13 Two-base hits:' Connolly, Lober. Double play: Connolly to Hungo to Crosby. Stloen bases: "Watson. Schmandt, Griffin. Sacri fice hits: Rose, 8m!tb, Schmandt, Grif fin. Struck out: By Rose, 4; by Blodgett, 4. Bases on balls: Oft Rose, 4; off Blod gett, 1. Earned Runs: Lincoln, 3; Sioux City, 2. Left on bases: Lincoln, 10; Sioux City. . Pitching record; Off Blodgett, 7 hits In ten Innings; off Roae, 9 hlta In nine and two-third Innings. Time; 101. Umpire : Millar. CITY NET PLAY STARTS JULY 14 AT FIELD CLUB Ralph Powell, 1916 Cham pion, to Delend Title, but Doubles Champs Will Not Appear. Omaha's annual city tennis tourna ment will be held at the Field dub starting July 14, according to Ralph R. Rainey, chairman of the tennis committee of the rield club. The winner of the finals will re ceive the title, but will not have his name placed on the cup, as has been the custom. Ralph Powell, last year's champ, will probably be on hand for the tourney, but Joe and Will Adams, doubles champions, may not appear, as Joe is enlisted in the Quartermas ter's corps of the regular army and expects to be called to Des Moines. Entries may be made at the Field club by telephone and must be in by 6 o'clock Friday evening. Playing will commence at Z:30 Saturday aft ernoon and . will be continued at o'clock Monday evening. The tournament will be a patriotic one, the proceeds and entry fees be ing turned over to the Omaha chap ter of the American Red Cross. Weather permitting, the tourna ment will be over in ample time for the commencement of the Nebraska state tennis tournament, which takes place at superior July 23. Only Five Teams in Olympic Golf Cup Contest Chicago. July 7. With the with drawal of the Nebraska golfers from the competition, only five teams started today in the Olympic cup con test at Midlothian Country club. The event is preliminary to the western amateur golf championship, which will get under way Monday. Chances of victory seem to be divided between teams representing the southern and western golf asso ciations. The mainstays of the south ern team, Bobby Jones and Perrv Adair, started late. The Transmississippi, Michigan and Iowa golf associations were the only other teams entered in the competi tion. Western League Clubs to Get Three-I Players Kansas City, July 7. President Dickerson of the Western league will leave tonight for Rock Island, 111., where he expects to obtain about eighteen players of the Three-I league, which disbands tomorrow' The new players will be used in strengthening the weaker Western league clubs. That the St Joseph club of the Western league probably will be transferred to Hutchinson, Kan., was announced today by President Dick erson. It is expected a decision will be reached early next week. Call of Dixie Proves Too Strong for Currie Murphy Currie, Pa's demon slab artist, found the call of Dixie too strong for him and Murphy has beat it hence. It rather left Pa and his champs in a hole, but July 7 promised to make this climate a bit too frigid for Murphy's feet, so he very graciously informed Pa of the sickness of his mother back in Fayetteville, N. C. All invitations to stick around Omaha till "we could get someone to tide us over" were flatly declined Currie was freed from further services here by a suspension, farm life is rather healthful for a pitcher these davs. compared to the life of a city fel- ; low ot draft age. Indoor Sports : Gets to Tvte ewfW ..- -UJ AVI I " (rt& f-T'- ' , imi:u . Sot ,Me i-irt. 'w ' ' ' UiTeMw to THir ' , - "A f I I I SI OF TH THltULtVfr 1 JL 4lL-!L jf A J fcTMT OF fltfAvJGW 7HrVT SS DON BAKER ENLISTS Another athlete has joined the color and will "do hit bit" in immediate active service. He is Donald M. Baker, the N. Y. A. C. speed skater, who has enlisted with the United States marine corps in Brooklyn. ...... Standing o) Teams WEST. LEAGUE. W. L. Pet. NATL LEAGUE. W. L. Pet New York... 44 23 .657 Phtla 38 30 .669 St. Louis.... 40 34 .641 Des Moines. 46 SO .605 Lincoln ....44 92.579 Oman ....40 86.526 Denver . ...89 87 .513 Sioux City.. 88 37 .507 Chicago ....40 38 .613 Cincinnati ..41 31 .613 Brooklyn ...31 36 .463 Joplln 37 37.500 St. Joseph. .80 -43 4 11 Boston .....28 88 .434 Wichita ...27 49 .865 Pittsburgh ..23 47 .329 AMUR. ASS'N. W. L. Pet. Indianapolis 47 31 .603 AMER. LEAGUE. W. L. Pet. Boston ....46 26 .639 Chicago ....47 27.636 St. Paul 42 81 .675 New York.. .36 33 .522 Kansas City. 41 31 .669 Cleveland ..40 37.519 Columbus ...40 37 .619 Detroit 36 35 .607 Louisville ..43 46 .483 Washington 29 40 .420 Milwaukee ..29 43 .403 St. Louis.. .29 46 .387 Toledo 31 45 .408 Phi la 25 44 .362 Minneapolis 28 47.373 Yesterday's Results. WESTERN LEAGUE. Des Moines, 4; Omaha, 3. Denver, 8; Joplln, 0. Wichita, 1; St. Joseph, 0. Eleven Innings. Sioux City, 2; Lincoln, 8. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Cincinnati, 2-0; Borton, 1-3. Chicago, 4; Brooklyn, 6. St. Louis, 3-1; New York, 4-4. Pittsburgh, 4; Philadelphia, 1. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Philadelphia. 4; Chicago. I. New York, 0; St. Louis, 1. Washington-Detroit, wet grounds. Boston, 1; Cleveland, 3. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Toledo-Columbus, postponed. Indianapolis, 8; Louisville, 3. Kansas City, 2-2; Minneapolis, 1-1. Milwaukee, 1-0; St. Paul, 7-2. Games Today. Western League Des Moines at Omaha, Sioux City at Lincoln, Wichita at Joplln (2), Denver at St. Joseph (2). National League Open date. American League Philadelphia at Chi cago, New York at St. Louis, Washington at Detroit, Boston at Cleveland. Hatred of Publicity. Some people hate publicity like ths young Detroit man. He was dressed In, a tight fitting suit of the latest cut, and sis whole costume was a drean of sartorial refinement. And he was plainly embarrassed when be en tered the editor's office. "I was Intensely (hocked to read a notlcs in your paper of my engagement," he be gan, l cannot ten you how shocked I was. was postlvely chagrined: we were all chagrined. How much for fifty copies of the paperr' Detroit News. Mflff cisty ess r ' ?) MMA ms WWj ''Wm . WW- PENNANT WILL BE HOISTED JULY 18 President Dickerson and Gov ernor Neville to Be Honor Guests at' Flag Rais ing Ceremonies. Pennant-raising day, Wednesday, July 18, will be a gala day at Rourke park. President Dickerson of the Western league and Governor Neville will be on hand to witness the event and Mayor Dahlman will present the flag to Pa Rourke and Manager Marty Krug. The Ak-Sar-Ben governors will oc cupy a box and the Elks, Rotary and Commercial clubs will turn out with all their forces. Denver is carded for defeat on that day and both the Rourklets and the Bears will march to the flagpole in center field pre. ceded by a band. The raising of the pennant will take place immediately before the game. The Commercial club is extending every effort to make the affair a big success and it is ex. pected that many business houses will allow their employes off to see the game. Hold Funeral Services For C. B. Whitney Monday Funeral services for C. B. Whitney will be held from the chapel of the Cole-McKay undertaking parlors Monday at 4:30. The body then will be taken to Spirit Lake, la., for bur ial. Mrs. Whitney and her baby son, John, will accompany the body and will spend a week with her parents there. : Copyright, ltl(. International News Service GIANTS TAKE TWO REAL BALL GAMES FROM CARDINALS New York Makes Substantia Advance in National Pennant Race When St. Louis Is Twice Humbled. New York. July 7. New Yor made another substantial Rain in th National league pennant race here to day, defeating St. Louis twice. 4 to 3 and 4 to 1. Home runs by Robert son and Burns were responsible for three of the four Giant runs in the second game. Score, first game: Bcori., nrst game: ST. LOUIS. NEW YORK. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. 0 Wurna.lf I 1 t 0 0 0Hersog,2b I I 1 I 0 4 12 0 0 Ogl'man.Sb H t I 1 lrTtrh' 6 1 I 0 ARob'son.rr. 113 0 1 ,4 1 la 3 ORarlden.e 4 119 OAnd'son.p 3 9 9 1 I OTtenton.p 0 9 9 1 9 OTesreau.p I I 0 1 9 9 . 9 9 Totals.. 42 13 3 II 9 9 t 9 Paul' Balrd.Sb Long.rf H' Cruise, cf Ml'r,lb-2b Snyder.e 1 11 1 4 1 0 0 0 1 0 9 Mead'we.p 1 Oonxales 0 Watson.p 9 Packard 1 Horst'an.p 9 Doak.p 1 Totals.. 41 735 19 I Battod for Meadows In eighth. Batted for Watson In ninth. Two out when winning run scored. St. Louis 9 9999901299 9 3 New Tork S 1999099999 1 Two-bsse hit: Robertson. Stolen base Burns. Double plays: Hornsby to Batsel to Winer, Mornsby to Miller, Fletcher to Her zog to hoiks. Bases on balls: Off Andre son, 2; off Benton, 1; off Tesreau, Is off waiaon, i; orr Horstman, I. Hits: Off An derson, z In seven Innings (none out eighth); off Benton, 1 In one and one-third innings; off Meadows. 1 in seven lnnlnas off Horstman, 1 In two-thirds Inning; off uoan, i in mree innings, struck out: By Anaerson, j; Dy Tesreau, 4; by Meadows, by Doak, 1. Umpires: Klem and Brans field. Score, second game: ST. LOUIS. NEW TORK. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.B, Smlth.lf 0 0 0 OQurns.lf Betxel.Sb 3 9 9 0 0F!ersog,2b 9 4 9 SOI OM'man.Sb 14 9 OPTtch'r.ea 111 2'tob'son.rf 1 5 1 19 OUlbson.a 9 9 9 0Schupp,p .ong.rf t H' 4 Cruise, rf 4 Mlller,2b 4 Qonzales,o 3 Paul' 3 Doak.p 1 Horst'an.p 1 9 13 1 9 ooau 1 9 9 9 Totals.. 3D I IT 11 9 9 9 9 nnyaer 1 May.p 9 Totals.. 30 7 24 I Batted tor Horstman In eighth. St. Louis 0 0 9 9 9 9 0 1 91 New Tork 9 10 0 19 10 4 iwui. iwirni wuu, tfUIUli plays: Sohupp to Fletcher to Holke, Zlm- ii.oixuau iu noixui 10 xioine. nases on balls: orr Bchunn. ntr Niuiinm i no. Off Doak, 4 In two Innings. Struck out By Schupp, 12; by Horstman, 3. Umpires mem ana Hranarieia. Ninth-Inning Rally Gives Game to Brooklyn Brooklyn, N- Y., July 7. Through a ninth inning rally Brooklyn defeated Chicago today, S to 4. Three sineles and apassed ball with Aldridge pitch ing gave the local team the tying and winning runs: bcore: CHICAGO. BROOKLTN, AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.B, flack, rf 6 110 4 0 14 1 1 14 OH' 4 9 1 ONtengel.rf 4 11 OWheat.lf 4 11 0 9 9 (Volter.rf Doyle, 2b IV'lm'scf Deal, 3b IV'tm' Wilson, o D'mree.p D'lhTr.o aldrlge.p Drlscoll 9 9 Cutshw,2b 4 111 Mowr'y,8b 3 1 9 S lMtller.o 19 4 1 Hmlth,p 3 111 Totals.. 31 J2I14 1 Totals.. 36 7 2511 1 Ran for Wilson In ninth. One out when winning run scored. Chicago 0 9 2 0 0 9 0 0 2 Brooklyn 00092910 2' Two-base hits: Doyle. Cutshaw. Three base hits: Dllhoefer, Wheat, Smith. Bases on balls: Off Demaree, 1; off Smith, 1. lilts: oil Demaree, In eight innings. Struck out: By Demaree, 8; by Smith, a. Umpires: O'Day and Harrison. Kansaa City General Market. Kansas City, July 7. Wheat No. 2 hard $2.3093.37; No. 2 red, $2.16; July, $3.09; aeptemDer, By Tad RED SOX TRIMMED BY CLEVELAND IN PITCHING DUEL Timely Hitting by Indians Gives Them Victory Over Boston in Coveleskie's Contest. Cleveland, O, July 7. Cleveland defeated Boston, 3 to 1, by timely hit ting. The contest was a pitchers' battle between Ruth and Coveleskie, with the latter carrying off the hon ors. He held Boston to three hits and would have registered a shutout but for an error of judgment. Score: BOSTON. CLEVELAND. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. Hocper.rt 3 110 (Wb'g'a.tb 3 0 110 Barry, 3 b 1 9 9 1 OU' 1114 9 19 9tp'ker,t 4 9 S 0 9 9 1 IRotm.rf 4 119 9 19 0Harrts,lb 1 1 19 1 119 OUraney.lf 4 119 9 11 lEvans.Sb 19 9 1 9 T 1 OO'N.111,0 114 1 19 1 OCvlsk'e.p 19 11 H'b't' 2 O'dner.Sb 1 t.ewls,lt 1 W'lker.of 1 Scott. s 1 rhomas.o 1 I Ruth.p 1 Shorten 1 9 9 9 0 - Totals.. 31 $1711 9 Totals.. 37 1 24 19 1 Batted for Barry In ninth. Boston 9 9 9 1 9 9 9 9 01 Cleveland 91 901 90 1 1 Two-base hits: Harris, Roth, Orsney. Double play; Wambaganss to Chapman to Harris. Bases on balls: Off Ruth. (; off Uovaleskle, l. struck out: By Ruth, 6; by Coveleskie, 4. Umpires: McCormlck and Dlnneen. Scott Loses Pitching " Contest to Chief Myers Chicago,. III.. July 7. Philadelphia bunched hits and defeated Chicago, 4 to 2, in the first game of the series. The game was a pitching duer"1)e tween Scott and Myers, with the lat ter pitching the better ball in the pinches. Score: PHILADELPHIA. thlCAUU. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. Wttts.i till OL'bold.rf 11199 Itrunk.ef 4 11 Bodls,lf 4 19 0 OWeav'r.Sb 4 114 9 OE.Cl' 1111 4 OJ' 19 19 0 1119 1 OOandlMb 4 9 19 1 9 ORIsb' 19 11 1 0Schalk,o 19 4 4 9 OSrott.p till -D'forth.p 9 9 9 9 Bates, Sb lit Mcln' t lit Schang.o 1 9 t m a n,rf 4 9 9 rover, 3 b 4 9 1 Myers.p 19 0 Totals.. 19 7 27 17 0Murphy 0 9 9 9 J.Col'ns 9 0 9 9 Totals.. 30 7 17 1$ 1 Batted for Danforth In ninth. Batted for Schalk In ninth. Philadelphia 1000091) 94 Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 01 Two-base h!ts Btrunk, Bodle. Stolen base: Felsch. Double playi Schalk to Wea ver to E. Collins. Bates on balls: Off Myers, I; oft ficott. 4. . Hits: Off Scott, 7 in seven and one-third inning. Struck out: By Myers, s; by Danforth, 1. Umpires; Evans and Owens. Braves, and Cincies Split Double-Header Boston. Mass.. Tulv 7. Boston and Cincinnati divided today's double- header. Cincinnati took the firs-. 2 to 1. Rudolph . held Cincinnati to six hits in the second game, gave no base on balls and was the big factor in the to 0 Boston win. Groh s fielding was remarkable in both games. Score, first gamtL CINCINNATI. BOSTON. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. 3roh,lb 10 11 1 1 1 9 9 4 117 0Rawl's,2b I 9 1 4 119 OWUholtrf till I 111 0 OMagee.lf 1119 Jrlfflth.rf 4 3 10 OK' 4 0 14 0 Neale.lf 1 0 0 0 OSmlth.tb 19 11 Shean,2b 4 9 11 OTrag'ser.e 4 119 Wlngo.o 2 9 7 1 OM' 19 11 Sch'der.p 4 111 OBarnes.p 3 10 1 Totals.. 33 $2714 1 Totals.. St 9 27 It 1 Cincinnati 1 9 0 0 0 0 9 0 12 Boston ...1 9 9 9 9 0 0 0 01 Two-base hit: Roush. Chaas. Griffith. Stolen bases: Neale, Magee. Double plays: Or oh to Wlngo to Chase, Kopf to Bhean to Chase. Baaes on balls: Off Schneider, 6; off Barnes, 4. Struck out: By Schnsider, by Barnes, 1. Umpires: Killer and Emslte, Score, second game: CINCINNATI, BOSTON. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. Oroh.tb 4 3 1 t OFIts' 4 1 9 9 I 1 2 1 9 1 It 9 1 1 1 1 1 9 9 4 9 0 1 0Rawl's,2b I 4 14 9 OWllholt.rf 3 4 011 9 OMagee.lf 4 Orlffith.rt 4 19 9 OK' 4 Neale.lf S 9 1 9 OSmlth.Sb 2 Shean.tb 19 11 OTrag'ser.e 1 Wlngo.e 1 9 4 t OM' t Mltch'll.p 110 1 ORudolph.P 2 uiarke.o loeoo Rlng.p 9 0 0 1 0 Totals.. 21 7 27 12 1 Totals.. 32 $2412 0 Cincinnati ,.,.0 9 0 0 0 0 9 9 9 0 Boston 9 9 0 1 9 9 2 0 I Two-base hit: Maranvllle. Stolen base: Konetchy. Double play: Oroh to Wlngo to Chase, Smith to Konetchy. Bases on balls: Off Mitchell, 2. Struck out: By Mitchell, by Rudolph, 2. Umpires: Rlgler and Emslle. i irates Trim Phillies By Score Four to One PhiladelDhia. Julv " 7. Pittsbureh defeated Philadelphia, 4 to 1 today. The home team's errors were costly, while Miller and Jacobs were effec tive. Score: PITTSBURGH. PHILADELPHIA. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. 6 2 2 0 2 12 0 0 S 1 0 0 OR' 4 12 4 1 Ing.rf S 2 2 0 0Stock,3b 4 0 0 2 1 W' 4 2 11 0 OC'vath.rf 4 0 10 0 Flscher.o 4 ,2 S 0 lWhltted.lf 4 12 0 0 1 9 0 4 OL'' 4 9 13 1 0 Pltler,2b 4 1 4 4 0Nlehoff,2b 4 1 I S 1 M'Cthy,3b 4 12 1 OKIIIifr.e 3 14 4 1 Miller, p 4 0 0 2 OAdame.o 0 0 0 9 9 Jacobs, p 9 9 9 0 OAI'xd'r.p 2 0 0 2 0 L'vnd'r.o 0 0 0 0 0 Totals.. 34 12 27 11 lOeschg r.p 0 9 0 1 0 Schulte 110 0 0 Batted for Lavender In eighth. Pittsburgh 10001020 04 Philadelphia 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 4 Two-base hits: Carey, Nlehoff, Schulte. Stolen bases: King (2). Double play: Ward o Pitler to Wagner (2). Baaes on balls: Off Miller. 1; off Alexander, 2. Hits: Off Miller. In seven Innings (none out In eighth); off Alexander, 10 In seven Innings; off Laven der, 1 In one Inning. Struck out: By Miller, by Jacobs, 1; by Alexander. 4. Umpires: Qulgley and Byron. rowns Biank Yanks; Lavan Hits in the Ninth! St. Louis, July 7, Lavan's hit in the ninth scored the only run made in the game with New York today. St. Louis winning, 1 to 0. It was a pitch ers' battle between Sothoron and Shawkey, the former having the edge. New Tork 9 9 9 0 9 9 9 9 90 t. Louit .....o 9 9 9 9 9 0 9 ti ROURKES LOSE TO DES MOINES IN TENTH FRAME Arnold Leuschen. Amateur Re cruit, Hurls Good Ball, but a Hit Batsman Proves His Undoing. Omaha lost to Des Moines, 4 to S, in ten innings yesterday. Arnold Leuschen, recruit from tht sanlots of Omaha, hurled a good game, but a hit batsman in the tenth forced the winning tally over the plate for the Cooncreekers. First Inning. Des Moines Cass flew out to Schick., Ewoldt flew out to Smith. Moeller flew out to Brokaw. No run. No hit. No erroK Omaha Thompson doubled to right. Cooney grounded out, Coffey to Sweeney, Thompson going to third. Smith doubled to right, scor ing Thompson. Krug flew out to Cof fey. Brottem skied to Hunter. One run. Two hits. ' No error. Second Inning. Des Moines Hunter doubled to left. Coffey popped out to Krug. Hart ford walked. Sweeney struck out Hunter advanced to third and took home and Hartford third on Brokaw'a error. Breene struck out. One run, one, hit, one error. Omaha Bradley safe on infield hit. Schick sacrificed, Musser to Sweeney, Bradley going to second. Brokaw out, a- c ... r . j t . , -ocy io owecney, oraaicy laKing third. Leuschen flew out to Hunter. No runs, one hit, one errof. Third Inning. Des Moines Musser out to Brad ley, unassisted. Cass out, Krug to Bradley. Ewoldt opped out to Brot- ' tern. No run, no hit, no error. . Omaha Thompson singled to right Cooney beat out a bunt, Thompson goiiiflrto second. Smith popped out to Ewoldt. Krug struck out. Thomp son going to third and Cooney to sec ond when Breene dropped the third strike. Brottem out, Sweeney to Musser who covered third. No run, two hits, no error. Fourth Inning. Des Moines Moeller out. Leuschen to Bradley. Hunter out, Knig to Brad ley. Coffey safe at first on Krugs chen to Bradley to Krug. No runs. no hits, one error. Omaha Bradley walked. Schick safe at first on fielders' choice, Brad ley going to second on Hartford's error. Brokaw sacrificed, Ewoldt to Sweenev. Bradlcv troinz to third and Schick advancing to second. Lueschen popped out to Hartford. Thompson safe at first on Moeller's error, Brad ley and Schick scoring. Thomoson stole second. Cooney popped out to Coffey. Two runs, no hits, two error. Fifth Inning. . Des Moines Hartford safe at first on Krug's error. Sweeney out, Brd kaw to Bradley. Musser out, Krug to uraaiey. imo runs, no nits, one error. Omaha Smith out Sweeney to Musser. who covered first. Krug and Brottem struck out. No runs, no hits, i.o errors. , Sixth Inning. Des Moines Cass beat out an in field hit, but was caught at second, Bfottem to Krug. Ewoldt struck out Moeller walked and stole second. He took third on Cooney's error. Hun ter flew out to Thompson. No runs, one hit, one error. Omaha Bradley out, Hartford to Sweeney. Schick out, Hartford to Sweeney. Brokaw out to Moeller, No runs, no hits, no errors. Seventh Inning. Des Moines Coffey out, Krug to Bradley. Hartford singled to left Sweeney hit over right field fence, scoring Hartford before him. Breen struck out. Musser struck out Leuschen strained his side, but con tinued in the game. Two runs, two hits, no errors. Omaha Leuschen lined out to Hartford. Thompson lined out to Hartford. Cosney singled to right. Smith forced Cooney at second, Cof-" fey to Hartford. No runs, one hit, no errors. Eighth Inning. Des Moines Cass flew out to Krug. Ewoldt flied out to Smith. Moeller walked. Hunter beat out an infield hit, Moeller going to third. Coffey flied out to Thompson, who made a great running catch. No runs, one hit, no errors' Omaha Krug out, Coffey to Brad ley. Brottem flew out to Moeller. Bradley doubled to left. Schick out, Coffey to Sweeney. No run, one hit, no error. Ninth Inning. Des Moines Hartford singled to center. Sweeney fouled out to Brot tem. Breen singled to left, Hart ford taking second. Musser forced Breen at second, Leuschen to Cooney, Cass fouled outto Brokaw. No run, , ... n u:,u A w , v miu, tin Omaha Brokaw singled to center. Leuchen hit into ? double-play, Mus ser to Hartford tj Sweeney.JThomp son out to Sweeney, unassisted. No ' run, one hit. no error. Tenth Inning. Des Moines Ewoldt fouled out to Bradley. Moeller out, Leuschen to Bradley. Hunter doubled along the first base line. Coffey walked. Hart ford safe on first on Brokaw's error. ,. Sweeney hit by pitched ball, forcing Hunter to score. Breene out, Krug ' to oraaicy. uiie run, one nit. one er ror. , . Omaha Cooney out. Coffey to Sweeney, smitn out, Sweeney unas- I : . J t.- a '. i . . H.....J sisted. Krug flied out to Hartford, No runs, no hits, no trrors.