Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 08, 1917, Want Ad Section, Image 18
2 C BUSINESS CHANCES ANT niaa entering the certain eatermtnet tng business has Hur-c?edd wonderfully In Bneuruil to All business placea and tarUnrtlens ere vowr eflsremera I have ! For nh- sueb ft business for Nebruka. 1 ! Chemicals used end sanctioned by u. o. ,..( .ml iMdinz concerns of toe country for over $6 year. Writ Box 6141. Omaha, Be. KVESORSI STOP. LOOK. LISTEN! Know wbii yow i num. suggestions "oa safeguarding your money ! than you have ever received. A FREE 1 trial subscription no obligation on . your part. Address. THE PROFIT BUILDER. 181 it. Medten- Bt, Chicago. III. iot.e MANUFACTURING corporation wants capabl man to manses office and salesmen. Possibilities unlimited. From . tit to $700 capital necessary. Ton han , die own money. Will pay expenses to Chicago If yosi are man want. Secre tary, 1424 Repablto Bide.. Chtcego. SUBSTANTIAL Manufacturing company wants party establish branch office, manag u lee men. Possibilities unlimited. $300.04 to 4500.00 capital necessary. Ton handle own money. Will pay expenses to Chicago ss explained. . Secretary. 411 Mouth Dearborn. Chicago. "SNAP MUST SELL AT ONCE. Only reetsurant sod confectionary In huv town ten miles from Mncoln, doing (lot monthly business. . Will sacrifice If taken at once, ss I must chance climate ea account of wife's health. Box 112. Raymond. Keb. PARTNER of coed business aWHty with j $1,000, to go Into a bualnees. I have something that will make us" $500 a month. . I. will put In same amount. PHONE GRKI8EN, WEBSTER 1U. FOR BALE Pool, fountain and clear store. As much stock as wonted. ' Fixtures about 11. 009. - Receipts last year Terms. Located N. Main St., Pueblo, Address 1104 tth. Pueblo. Colo. PARTNER wsnted In s. well established toed paying business; handle- on $600. Call oa or write t OANOEBTAD, Suite 24t Bee Bide, Omaha, FOR SALE On of the oldest grocery and meat markets In Omaha, doing strictly cash business. Reason for ning. othsr business. Will sell for cash or food so cnrtty. Box 1461. Bee. FOR SALE. " Soft drink and lunch parlor, first elsss location: finest- Place In ths city. Doing rood bus mess. Must sell on account of sickness. Box 1100. Bee. BURNISHED hotel for rent, linen and bed dlng for sals; population $.t0; closb to depot; toed location: coed business: must sell on account of sickness. Address Box T It. Bee, i . 7?IR BALE One of the best going gen. mdss. propositions In ths stats, couth central Neb. Bargain for quietr sals sect sickness. Box T 0. Bee. SlCELY equipped confectionery and Ice cream Store, excellent location, par wsll, 1 $tot. OANGESTAD, Unite 148 Bee Bldg. Doug. 347T. Sf AN with about 31.000 to take active Inter, est In established business In Omsha; unable to attend to all myselfl. Box 1472, Bee. ' . " MINING. Party with capital to leas and pur ehass Manganese deposits. Now ship' ping steel companies. Box H4t, Bee. IfESTACRANT end hotel for ssls; pop. . 4.000: big business; 10 steady boarders and lots of trsnslents; modern building; rent cheap. Ethel Duffy, Bmmeteberg, la. ! 10.000 ACRE. OF OIL LEASES. .If you want an'lntereet In tho above leases snd a drilling wtll writ to C. T. Cook, Lamar, Colo. ' SfOTloW picture machines (new and re. Bullt)i theaters supplied. Omaha Film Exchange, too B. lttn m. MOVING PlCTURB machines, new and re built, all makest suppllsa. Western Sup. ply Co., 801 Nat. Bldg. GROCERY and meat market, gool class of trsds, good buslnoss. Must sell at one. I Box tt0. Bet. MONEY making shoe repair business for sal. Nebraska town. Address 7, V. Knlest, Omsha. ' GROCERY stors for ssls at a bargain; muat sell at nce. arc, of slcknsM, loug. tsi. CLEAN stock gas, mdse. and grocery. Sell ' r might trade. W. Gray. Eddyvlll. Neb, i'O GET In or out of business call on (1A NO EST AD. 422 Be Bldg. Doug. $477. lovn business or real eatst'"handled for sale, r, V. Kniest. Bee Bldg,, Omaha, FOR SALE, or partner wanted. Ktliogg i Brick A Tile Co, Kellogg, Iowa. IIOTKL for sale or trail. No opposition. ' Motel Snslrtlnc. Bralillnx. Neb. ' CWD BALE AND AUCTKjS CO- US$ W. f. W, Bldg Red 88t. ;r FOR BALE Well eslabltahed" cat With llv Ing roenia.. 4104 N. 84th. FOR HALE OR RENT Snowllake- laundry, at Blair, Neb. Phone or write. Rooming Houtet. 22-ROOM hotel, furnished, for rent or sal. nox 801, Tekamah. Neb, SITUATIONS WANTED Clerical and Stenographers. IF you have an opening In your business tor a married matt, $2 years of age, seven years' office work, three years on road and who ran furnish the best of Omaha refer encea a to ability, Industry and Integrity, telephone Walnut 8401 for Interview. Male. CREDIT MANAGER: Young man desires position- aa credit manager. At prsssnt bookkeeper and cashier for wholesale grocer. Tw years' , experience along CT-Ut extension Bex T tt, Bee. kxPERIENCEO colored chauffeur wanla ' steady position) does own repairing; can furnish good references. Phons Hsr. totl. flANIST Colored, would like position In plctur (heater.- Address Minor Fleming, 138 Monroe Bank Bldg, Joplln, Mo. BHOW CARD writer and deelgnef desire position; high grade work; samples oh re- quest. Phone Doug. TQ07. TWO experienced house and lawn men want work: tree trimmed. . Wall paper cleaned Pouglse 8S4. Delaney or Baker, WANTED Work as bousomsn; can , reference. Web. )M4. give Female. BUYER. v Woman with several years' successful s selling experience of coats, suits and gowns with leading Chicago houses, de sire position a buyer or will assist with buyer's position in visw. Kxcenent juago of styles and fabrics. Beat qualifications and references. K. B. Ellison, 620 Diver eey Pkwy, Chlcsgo. Laundry and Day Work. iwO reliable colored ladles want day work. wsehlng, ironing or cleaning. Tyler 2867. Day work for Ved Thurs. A M. D, 4I. EPl'laundreee. fine cloths specialty. H. 1804. WORK, day or week. Mrs, Crsmer. Dg. $87t.' DAY work snd wsehlng, Mrs, J, p., Col. Bundle wssh. rough or finish, by da. W.8671 BUNDLE v. ashing" or day worU Dou 701. HELP WANTEDMALE Stores and Officeit bTENOGRAPHERP, why PAY to get a pool- tlont Come in and register with as and we will place you FREE OF- CHARGE. Remington Typewriter Company,; 20t South ltth St., city. MEN for iwuarry and grading, 2to per hour and up. Piece worn up to ss.ov per osy. Long Job. Steady employment. National Klone Company, Louisville, Neb. Omaha Otttra. tit Omaha National Bank Bldg. CALL on the Ce-Operatlve Reference Co.. for drug and commercial position. 101$ City Nat'l Bank Bldg. OFFICE man. capable of taking full charge of offlc; will pa 210.004 a year; $3,004 - capital required. Address Box OltO, Bee. WANTED First-class drug clerk, Sherman McCoiuioll Drug Co, ltth and Dodge. Profession and Trades. " Carpenters Wanted On interior finish, lt per hour, and Dodg Bts., Omaha. ltth . . WANTED CIYIL ENGINEERS. Wltherstone-Enxler C.. Chicago, and Northwestern New Elevator, Avenue i and ltth St. Council Bluff. WANTED Good steady man for creamery help, good wagea. Alamlto Dairy Co.. ttth aad Leavenworth. WAN TED 20 carpenters (or Interior tlnish. Jltb and Dodfe. HELP WANTED"-MALE Profession and Tradei. CAR tracer; correepondent for t work In this vicinity: must thoroughly understand the work and be well acquainted In your district: stats full qualifications In first letter. P. O. Box U, Pittsburgh. Pa. WANTED A man for pressing psnU on is American machine. , Apply to Mrs. Doebeck, M. E. Smith Co., tth and Pouxtss. WANTED A good all-around mechanic. Apply before noon Sunday. JONE8-OPPER CO., t42 Farnsm St. T. 2477. WANTED Experienced sticker men and cutter-Out-men foi woodworking mill In the west ' Reply, stating experience, to Box T 04, Omaha Bee. COMMON LABORERS, white or colored, good wages; stesdy work. Union Pacific Store Dept. Apply Csss SU gate. Ask for storekeeper. BE an automobile expert In six weeks; our big book tells you now. Kane s Auiomo blls School. 101 11th St.. Kansas City. Mo , 70 MEN TEACHERS NEEDED. " Principals, commercial, manual training, science, mathematics. Flek Teachers' Agency. Msaonlc Temple. Denver. ; WANTED, at once, experienced repair man. ' Write or phono stating wages and eips rlence. Rnaeell A Law, Greenfield. la. WANTED An alODathtc doctor at Bal- lantlne, Mont Address BsllantUi Drug Co.. Bsllsntlns, Mont WANTED Meat culler at onea. Must be first class man. Whitehous Market, Counetl Bluffs. WaKTED Men to deliver lei Apply Omaha lee and Cold Storage Co- U and Jones. , LEARN barber trade; low rates now. Call or writ Barber College. 11H4 Douglas 8t UNION carpenters for Wyoming. 0e per hr. Emerald Lsbor Agency, IH B. 10th. WANTED A dredge blacksmith, out of town. Phone Webster is. Salesmen and Solicitors. MANAGER'S ASSISTANT. t wr.nt two men to work with- me In Omaha. Absolut Integrity first requisite: selling experience desirabls. Must bsvs oTyTVirpay anTpUld "wtn for quick promotion to highly paid tierson al fores, common sens ana sin managerial positions. . Don't hesitate to i answsr If you ars now smployed. It will pay you to make a change. Call at 1217 W. O. W. Bldg, after t:tt Friday. A GOOD OPENING FOR SALESMEN. If you axe a worker hav about hun dred dollars capital and possess sales ability, you can earn from $1.00 to $5,000 ner vear with us. organising local agenotes In an exclusive territory. Tour srnlngs start ths first day you start to work you get a profit on all sales ' mads by all agents you appoint Tou will In addition to earning an ImmedlKte : ond slxsd Income, bs building a busi ness that will yield bigger profits each yesr. WRITE FOR THIS PROSPECTUS NOT AN EXPERIMENT, An honest, ' asrlnus. denendable. dignified, profitable business. REX TYPEWRITER COM PANY, 1 N. Wabash Ava Chicago, $100,000.00 COMPANY ready to place two mors live wires capable of selling a big ' profltunaklng machine to classy stores and motion plctur theaters. Bell $420.00. Installment plan. Commission $t4.00 to $100.00 each sale. No loobers. urgam eatlnn of ' fortv men earning a high as ISOO.OO weekly, Rapid promotion to dis trict manager with Increased remunera tion. You'll hav to tneasuro big. Out business trebled Isst year. Free school ing. Glvs full particulars first letter. Confidential. LIVE WIRE, 1014 Mer chants Bsnk Bldg., Indianapolis. Ind. POhTtIONS OPEN FOR HIGH-TYPE MEN wiT-if (iKt.t.TNd ability. MEN WHO I ARE NOT AFRAID OF WORK ANO ' " ' . i WHO WILL FOLLOW APPROVED 8YB TEM: IN ONE OF THE LIVELIEST BALES ORGANIZATIONS IN THE COUNTRY- $100 TO $600 WEEKLT. CALL HIT W. O. W. BLDG. AFT EH $120 MONDAY. JOB SEEKERS DON'T WASTE THEIR TIME. WANTED A salesman for well known, thnrnuahlr eatabllshsd specialty company. Business largsly with banks. Successful check writer or. check' protector expert- . ante ereferred. Good references required. Ample territory given. Commission bssls only, A real salssman . (not an order taker), who I willing t work for his money,, can do wlU Addres Box X Bee. . ' , ' WANTED Two advertising solicitors. Good pay. ' Wsstsrn Medical Review, 701 t. 13th, Omaha. v.-' BRIGHT aggressive salesman, thoroughly experienced In high class sales wora, to represent responsible manufacturer. Our proposition will appeal t salesman aeous tomtd to sarnlng big money.' Btata age, experience and past average Income, to Insure Interview with sales manager. Iroquois Mfg. Co.. Cleveland, 0. WANTED Salesmen over 80 for specialty work with retail merchants In all Unas in town and smaller cities: big psrmansnt money nwK.r inr iim ... . our salesmen earned ever $700 each last I month, All.year-round work, highly rated I firm, eatabllshsd 1812. Addrsss Dept H. J 1607-10 W, Jackson Blvai,- Chicago. SALESMEN To Sell high grade line of showesses, display fixtures and general stor equipment; either side lin or ex clusively; straight commission onlyt aver aging 20 per cent; give references, ter ritory covered and experience. All replies strictly confidential. Amsrlcan Fixture Hhowcss Mfg Co, V. B. A. WANTED A delivery salesman, married man preferred; .must com well recom mended. Good salary guaranteed, Alsmllo Dairy Co., 28th and Leavenworth. WANTED Five clean, high class stork salesmen; splendid opportunity. Henry R. tiering Co., 701 8. ltth Bt. SALESMAN for general trade In Nebraska. New. atrong nronosltlon. staols Una. mod erate priced gooda Splendid commission contract; $15 weekly for expenses. Con tinental Jewelry Co., lt27 continental Bldg, Cleveland. O. SALESMAN WANTED High-grade travel- Ing talesman , capable ol earning $3,000 and expenses annually. Staple line to general merchandise trade. Attractive proposition to dealers, Address Bale Manager, Sl$ Hearst Bldg, Chlcsgo. SALESMEN Excellent permanent position open July IS: capable salesmsn in Ne braska. Staple line for general - retail ' trade. Liberal commission, $85 weekly ad vance. Ralph 11. Ide, 4S-I7 Williams Bldg., Detroit. SALESMAN Fof general mercantile trade In Nebraska, te sell a NEW proposition of MERIT. Vacancy now. Attractive commission contract $31.00 weekly for I expensee. Miles F. Blxler Co., Wholesala I ''Jewelers, 23 1 IT Carlln Bldg, Cleveland, O. I We WANT live salesmen now calling on furniture, music. Jewelry and department stores, te sell eur wonderful talking ma chines as a aid line. Liberal commissions. Plate exact territory you cover. Address Salos Manager, tit 8, Laflln Bt, Chicago. SALESMEN Fastest selling auto tire ac cessory made; sells to wld rang of dealer: big repeater: pocket sample; Ideal side line; very liberal terms. Th Upectalty Sales Co, Little Rock. Ark.' WANTED Salesmen to tak a complete line of ribbons as a aid lln on com mission. Stats references, experience and aleo territory. Addrees Opportunity, $14 World Building. N. T. BALESM EN Write for list of openlnge and how to obtain them. City or traveling. Addreea nearest offlos. Nat'l Salesmen' Tr. Ass's., Dept 431, Chicago. New York, Pan Francisco. WANTED Shoe salesmen for eastern Ne braska, south ef th Piatt river. Nen but an experienced, successful man con sidered. Well established business. Noyes Norinsn Bho Co., Bt Jossph, Mo. A MILLION-DOLLAR INVENTION! W want men with money to. make money. Be demonstration. Bun Thsater Bldg. - WANTED Two nun to act ae aalesmen. salary guaranteed. Apply Monarch Tire Co. After t a. m, lilt Bt Mary's Ave. PROFITABLE," eeay selling sideline; aprons and bloomers; exclusive territory. N. Simon A Co., Chicago. EXCLUSIVE county rights, sell Tankll, modern auto fuel, profitable. Tankll. Cleveland. O. SALESMAN WANTED. Call ttl 8. ltth Bt Persistent Advertisin is the Road t Success. HELP WANTEDMALE Agent and Canvassers. AGENTS, aalennen. managers; brand new Invent loo, just oat; Eleen attacnmeni; tilts Ford steering wheels snd also locks car; greatest selling Ford artacle oa mar ket; needed oa every machine; folly guar, anteed; low In price; sells liks lightning; ltste Birlsy. Ill- msd t34 la t weeket Allen, Md.. cleared tl. lrst day. Not . sold In stores; no experience neceassry; ws show you how; sales guaranteed. Ton eann"t lose. Writ quick for special offer. Address Eisea Instrument Co., 1204 Valen tine Bldg.. Toledo, O. AGENTS Big summer seller. Something new: Coneentrsted Soft Drinks. Just add water; delicious drinks in a Jiffy any time, anywhere. Big sellers for home, Dlcnlcs. psrtlps, socials, etc. Guaranteed under pure food laws. Carry In pocket A aunts coining money I to 111 a day. Write for free outfit offer today. E. M. Keltman. ill 3fl Bt . Cincinnati, O. AGENTS WAKE UP: Handle the World's greateet sutomoblla accessory of PROVEN MERIT. Thousands in service. Guarantees greater gaaollne snd tire mileage added afetv arid nleasura. Selling Ilk wild fire. Hustlers making 129 to 1300 weekly. An opportunity for a few good county agent. Homestead Engineering Labora- torles Co.. Homestesd, Pa. SEIX direct to homes Croffs A Reed estab- ' llBhed. well advertised line food products. . flavorlne- extracts, soft drinks, totiei nr. tides, soans. perfumes and household nec essities. Quick repesters. Extraordinary opportunity. Make big money. Outfit to workers. Address Croft s aV Reed, Agency Dept., Chicago, 111. WANTED In every town and city, men I anxious to organise paying automobile accessory business. Protected territory close co-oae ration: aew plans; great de mand; quick Mies; large profits; small caoltal. Writ now for territory. Orolo Manufacturing Co., Louisville, Ky. LARGE manufacturer wants representatives to sell shirts, underwear, hosiery, drsewes, waists, skirts, direct to homes. Write for free sample. Madison Mills, tOI Broadway, Now Tork city. anEVTS "America We Love fou." the pa- trlotle picture with th punch. Bella Ilk hot cakes. Agents sell 360 day. Sample 10c, color plate tree. Peoples Portrait . Co., Station D. Chicago. tilt WEEKLY Something nsw saves ft per cent of gaaollne for automobiles. Nearly every call a sals. Money-back guarantee. Stranaky Mfg. Co., Fukwana, 8. D. FLOWER Bead Necklace. Ilk. hot cakea. Ag.nU coin Ing money. Ablt7 new. Sena lor catalog ana uropo,iiim. Rosebesd Co., 2I1I .W. Pico, Los Angsles, Csl. AGENTS Free catalog and samples; new goods; oulck salsa; big profits; make $i ta 13 i dally, no experience; world' great est specialties, cruvsr wo., j season ana Campbell. Chicago, 111. AGENTS WANTED. To ell Electric Fana at $$. Bella at sight Good Commission. WESTERN SUPPLY CO., 12th and Harney. trd Floor. AGENTS 130 to tlOO a week. Fre aamples. Gold Sign Letters for stores and office windows. Liberal orrer to general agents. Metallic Letter Co., 415 N. Clark. Chicago. AGENTS Maks a dollar an hour; sell Mendeta. a patent patch: Instantly mends leaks In all utensils; sample free. Mendet Co, Box A, Amsterdam, N, Y. AGENTS Make 140 per cent profit selling Demaeo Gasoline Savers to automobile owners; saves 20 to 40 per cent; results guarantsed; writ today. Decatur Mfg. COi, 430 Short Bt, Decatur, III. AGENTS wanted to sell necessity that la In great demand. Large profits. Easy seller. Holy Oak Mall Order Co., to Cabot St., Holyoke. Mass, WE will pay you a salary of 440 weekly to , ta(te orders and appoint agents. For full particulars aaaress r. u. m. v.o uspi. SI 7, 631 West 140tlt St., New York. PORTRAIT men; 24-hour service on both prints and finished work: crews financed. ' Write for catalogue. Roberts Wholesale Portarlls, Kansas City. Mo. 7 -2 Or.. ... saver Fast AUTO specialties. Great gas saver, f ast seller. Agents get your territory quick. Valhalla Products Co., 1321 Carmen, CM- csgo. OUR "Wonder'1 Machine makea butter at 4o lb. Costa 45o, eells for 82. Agents clearing 4200 monthly. Sample fre. K, C. Dls't. Co, Ksnsss City. Mo. I MAKlTiji per weeli atTiome as manager ol a circular and sample aistrtDuting ouresu; -no capital required. National Publicity Bureau, lt-A, Kalamasoo, Mich. 1 AGENTS To advertise our goods by dis tributing free sample to consumer; 0 cents an hour. Writ for full particular. Favnrl Co., 1410 Rex St., Dayton, O. AGENTS Sell automobile specialty, every car owner will buy on. W. 1. Benedict Chicago, III. - ' Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED 25 cooks for th Sixth NsbrasVa Infantry. Apply 1411 Farnam. Tcamitert and Chauffeurs. TEAMSTERS WANTED Steady work and good pay. Apply Sunderland Bros. Co. South Tardi 20th and Hickory Streets. West Yardt 43d and IxaM Strsets. TEAMSTERS wsnted that know the city. Plainer Lumber and Coal Co, 4th and Farnam.' Boys. BOY WANTED Oood sUong boy to learn a good trade, $10 to start with; must have good reference ana not c laiy. Aonly - OMAHA PLATING) COMPANY. 70$ 8. ltth St. 1 1 1 i 'j l 1 1 .. ' WANTED A bright boy to learn feeding L on uoraon press. Appiy to r. uoeoeca, ' M. B. Smith A Co, tth and Douglas. WANTED High school boys tor flat Iron- era. Chicago Laundry, 160t Capitol Ave. Trade Schoolt. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Men, women, learn th barber trad; few weeks completes; pay whtla Isamlng. Catalogue fre. Rates now oa. Call or wsite. lit South 1 '.h St, Omaha. LEARN barber trada; be Independent; mere than nak your expense while learning. Wagea or percentage. We don't over charge yon to begin. 1402 Dodge St, TRI-CITT BARBER COLLEGE. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE. 40T 8. 20th and 206$ garnam. Miscellaneous. WANTED Laborer: Chicago and North western New Elevator. Avenue J and 10th St., Council Bluff, tte per hour. WANTED A young man with some knowl edge of freight tarlffa, who has had two or more years experience in general jobbing house offlc work. Fine opportunity tor advancement await the right party. An swer In own handwriting, giving past record of offlc employment ana salary expected. Bex 8481. Bee. LABORERS WANTED Concrete Englnssr- Ing Co., Uth and Nicholas. NOTICE 300 LABORERS WANTED. Year ateady employment, 31 cent per hour. Concrete work, day and night shut. R. H. Folwsll, Contractor. Independent F.levstor, 28th and Vinton Sts, 8HOVELERS wsnted to unload coal by th ton: good pay and steady work. Apply Sunderland Bros. Co. North Yard 24th and Taylor atresia. South Yard 50th and Hickory streets. Weet Yard 4Id and Issrd street. ANTBODY can maks $3 a day at home, spare time, growing mushrooms in cel. tare, sheds, barns, boxes. Success gusr- antedv Free Illustrated booklet. Hiram Barton", 314 W. 48th Bt, New York. HALF-DOZEN men to work at Nellgh Brick Works i no strike, good pay. steady work till snow flies; also two teamsUr. Com at once. Nellgh. Neb.. WANTED Laborers. 10 hfe, a day, 10 an hour. Phoenix Construction Co., tth and Ieavenworlh. ATTENTION, tarmeral If you want halp we can supply you. Bluff City Employ ment Buresu, tltH W. Broadway. P. 411. TWENTY-FIVE men wantedTsteady work; will allow transportation. HORD ALKALI PRODUCTS CO, LAKESlPhi. NEB. LABORERS wanted; stsady work; good wages. Apply Sunderland Bros. Co.. west yard, 4!d and Isard Sts. WANTED A eompetent houseman, Clark - u.i,.i tine u.i a, son Hospital. 2100 Howard St WANTED Men to handle lumber. Omaha BoxCo.Ksst OrnahA. MMI1 HELP WANTED Male and Female. THOUSANDS government war positions Open tlOt month. Examination every where. List tree. Franklin Institute, Dept. 137 F. Rochestsr. N T. WANTED Names men and women wishing government positions. $76 month. Hon' dred war appointments. Box T 4, Bee. WANTED Salesmen, both man aad women. fair education, and good aalary. . Apply TWO and three-room fumlehed housekeep t: First Nat Bank Bldg. Ing rooma. Ill N 21st Bt THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JULY 8, l6l7'. ' ' ;' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' (HELP WANTED FEMALE Store, and Offices, STENOGRAPHERS, why PAY to get a posl 1 tJon? Com In and register with s and wa will plaes you FRl "r i-nanu. Remington Typewriter Company, 20 South ltth ft. City. stenos. I stones, and boohaeepor .....e.- KAnkkMtner ' SEE THE CANO AOBVCY. "0 BEE BI.DO. COMPETENT experienced etenographeri permanent position and gooa salary. In person. Too Robert Dempster Co H1J Fa mam street. STENOGRAPHERS call at our offlos for a good position, no rii.iw ,. THE MARTI CO.. lf-i "" GENERAL bookkeeper, to-$75. WESTERN KEf KKH.NCJ!, at tu.u so.. Tl First National nana aaiiains. WE NEED stenographers, bookxeepera and office clerks. Co-Opersnvs nnereuc. v,. Professions and Trades S4 TEACHERS NEEDED. Primary, intermediate, departmental. high school, special. Flsa ieacner Agncy. Masonic Temple. Denver. LEARN barber trade. 140 Dodge Bt. Saleswomen and Solicitors. FIVE bright, capable lames to wavei, demonstrate ana sen aeaiers. per week. Railroad Tare pain, uroarrca Dnig Co.. Pept 4. Omaha. Neb. WANT to meet business woman, capaow oi calling on milliner and aresamaxors, aa talker and personality " can ir neeesearv: good pay. Box t44. Bee. Household and Domestic. COMPETENT general girl, must be good cook, two In family, hlgn wages, reiereutee required. Call Harney tit. m , x- n,hu white women. n Ail iAV . w . . V . I on for plain cooking ana on w neip wim nousewora mi wmbiui, i farm; good wages and cool place. Phone Harney 441 Saturday morning or wnw u ) Bummer Hill Farm, Bennington, nea. COMPETENT girl for general housework; must be a goon eooa; bo isunary won; small family; best of wages: reference J squired. Good place for rtgnt giru ji 113, Bee. ' WANTED Good nurse girl who Uvea In Wut Farnam Diet. Hours s a. m. 10 I p. m. Go horn night Good wage. Box 6114. Bee. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework In amsll family; gooa wagee; washing don. t314 Cass. Wslnut $40. YOUNG woman to do homework by th day; city reference required. n -owara. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. Telephone P. ' GIRL for general housework; small family. Phono Walnut im. . ' WANTED A competent cook. Mrs. N. B. Updike, 2614 Jackson Bt Tt ar. tsae. GIRL tor general housework: references re quired. 4004 Bewara Bt. wainm , Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Waitress. Apply at Athsna Res taurant, 414 S. lth Bt. Trade Schools. WANTED Ladles to learn barber trade. Special ratea and inducement. , TKl-CJTY BAHsish jjuuutat, ' 1402 Dodge Bt Miscellaneous. 1,000 GIRLS AND WOMEN WANTED AT ONCE. Marlnello shops are clamoring for girls and women trained in modern beauty cul ture methods. We could place 1,000 oper ator In permanent position today. Sala ries ar high from $16 to $36 a week. Any Intelligent 1rl or woman can do tho work with proper training. We train you thoroughly. Teach yoa the latest, most sclentiflo beauty culture methods so that you can master tham and apply them efficiently. Wa guaran tee you a position the moment you qualify. Tho Msrlnello school the largest and moat favorably known beauty culture school In existence la the .only one that I aoea guarantee iuiwuii, m,u , the guarantee. Investigate at once. Don't be aatlstled to drift along for a mere pittance. Get Into pleasant profitable em ployment where there ar more positions than there are persona to mi mem. write today for full particulars free and rec ords of wonderful successes being made bv women of all ages Id every section of the country. Marlnello Company, Department A. Mailers Bldg.. Chicago, 111. RESPONSIBLE corporation wants reliable woman in every town to act as represen tative. Good pay. spare time. Capital and experience unnecessary. Duchess Co., Pept. 41, Minneapolis, Minn. SOLDIERS, sailors, need socks. Good money made at home knitting hosiery. Machines furnished on time. We pay fixed prices tor making the goods. Wheeler, inc., 137 Madison, Chlcsgo. 1 $30 WEEKLY made writing names for mall order bouses. No canvassing, particulars for (tamp. Th Guide Co., Memphis, iT""' hi ii minimi aims in nasi m urn EDUCATIONAL VAN 8 ANT SCHOOL OF BUBINESS.' Business Administration. Advertising. Finance and Investments. Banking. A ten weeks' course In above subjects, by professors from the UnL' of Nebraska, begins June 18th. Day sessions for women. Evening sessions for men and women. Two forty-five minute lecture each week In each ubiect Tak any one or all. Tuition $11.60 per course, each, subject. in ousiness worm neeas women, junior shy Monday for Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping and other course of train ing for business. - Day classes meet between t and 1. Evening classes between 8:30 and 8. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. , ' BOTLE8 COLLEGE . DAY SCHOOL. v NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day I enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, (ttnotypy, typewrit-1 ing, telegrsphy, civil service all commer cial and English branches. Catalogue tree. BOYLES COLLEGE. Douglas 1645. ltth and Harney St. PRIVATE tutoring by a college graduate. Will give reference. Call Hsr. 4727. FOR RENT ROOMS Hotels. HMCET 20TH AND FARNAM. Speoial low ratea to permanent guests. HOTEL COOL rooms for summer, $2 wk.; apt. with kitchenette. OGDEN HOTEL. CO. V Bluffs. ' Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION. ROOM HUNTERSI It you tall to find the room you desire among these ada call at The Bee office for a Room List Gives complete description ot vacant room In all paru el the olty. New lists Issued every week. 1 . COOL, pleasant east room, pretty street; Hsnscom nark district: biock to car. walking distance; ressonabls terms. Har- ney 1481. VERY desirable cool rm., large porchea, lawn I and shads; board optional; walking dis tancs; suitable for $ or 4. Harney 8478.1 BEAUTIFULLY turn, room In private home. suitable for 1 or I gentlemen with or without breakfast; walking dls. P. 4743. 1601 FARNAM -r Modern housekeeping rooms, ground floor, private entrance, ga rage. Douglas 8844. 2601 FARNAM Strictly modern cool room. newly decorated and furnished, garsgs. Douglas 6644. ONE large furnlshsd room for 1 or 2 gen- tlemen; breakfast If desired. Har. 1616. LARGE, modern, pleasant rooms, walking dls, private tamny, ss per mo. . iueu. 606 ti. 22D ST. Mod. rooms, walking diat private family: meals options!. Tyler 457. NICE sleep, rms., mod., prlv. home. Garage. Breakfast optional. On car line. H. 1044. Reasonable 1 con. front either turn, or un- furn, Hsnscom Pk. district, Har. 4064. 131 N. 20TH Large, clean, cool, well fur nished rooms; reasonable; close In. SUITABLE for couple o: lady. Clean cool room. Har. 11 6. Fl'&NISHED rooms, modern, private fam ily! reasonable. Webeter 8664. 1001 Wirt I HAN 3COM park district, two modern leep- I In- rn nma- nrlvata home. Harnev 4086. THE BCRANTON, furnished rooms. D. 7466. Housekeepintj Rooms. $1211, CALIFORNIA 2 and t furnlshsd rooms, modern, nice yarn, first xioor. Harney 4001. Z ROOMS and bath, fumlehed complete for housekeeping. Webster 4516. $601 Bher- man Aye. ' 1060 PARK AVE. Large, clean, cool, mod. auttea ot rooms, ; rsason., laundry prtvl- leges. ' LIGHT "houeekeeplng rooms, 31.50 and $3. Web. 781. 1013 N. 18th St. FOR RENTROOMS Housekeeping Rooms. 217 DODGE 1-room for light housekeep- Inr. Walking distance. f. uquk. too 8. . 1TH ST. Furnished rooms for light housekeeping. isii HOWARD, nice hoseekpg. ran. Beaa Board and Rooms. MODERN room for S. Walking distancs. Reasonable. Tyler H7i. BOARD and room; private home; reason able. 604 a 25th St. Haraer FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. thbke-ROOM furnished apartment with private bath, soluble for light housekeep ing or young men. wen . 1S. TWO-ROOM and kitchenette, east porch. ZlOt Webster. Harney 406. Morn. & Sv. APARTMENTS, all sixes and prices, splen did location. I4th and Farnam. Doug. 1472. Completely furnished l-room apt., bath and screen porcn. wco. us or . Houses. 1420 CALDWELL St. cottage, aeven rooms. nArn: la now DSing wire a xor ewv trlcity; every thing will be fixed up nicely for desirable tenant; nous Is within walking distance and only halt block from J4th St ear line. His fin shads tr. m front of boos. Will make a ,rrt.hie home for medium elxed fa i- ilv. Rent 122.60. Call First Trust Co. Ty ler f.00. ' lilt GEORGIA AVE Strictly mod. houa frtr hnjirn ana room; owner, n. m. FOR RENT HOUSES West lit SO. 35TH Bt 55. ISO Bo. 5th St, t4f. Phone owner, trougias jj- ji,7 DAVENPORT ST. rms- 43. JS. t Banner Co, Doug. 84 2523 DAVENPORT ST., 4 rms., 415. B. H. BENNER CO.. P- 00- 2141 DAVENPORT 8T., rms., $35. E. H. BENNER CO, D. 40t. 111J BURT ST.. 5 rms.. all mod, $35.00. E. H. BENNER CO, P. 40 North. 4235 BURDETTE ST. t-room. strictly modern house, H Mock to car line, $30 per month. ' HIATT COMPANY, j4t-T-t Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Tyler 40. FOR SALE. 4 Five-room house with two lota; fruit trees, olectrlo light and Insld newly fur--.t,.,4 xrira One lot and garden goea with It If old before Sept 1. Also .,.. int. Price $650. Close to .hvi and car. Phon Benson 430-J. John Holmes. FOR RENT l-room, strictly moaero house, T cnerry trees ana s ivi. Call Colfag 320. - , ism N. ISth STREET s-rooms, ;., modern: hardwooa Iinisn bub tiuvia. Telephone Webster 4470. I-ROOM and bath, newly decorated and painted, $15. 2702 Seward St. Tel. Red L SIX-ROOM house, 2510 Charles St, modern except heat inquire o . 2884 BINNEY ST,- 6 rms, all mod., $25.00. tim RPAULDTNO 8 -room house, strictly modern, with sleeping porch and garage. South. BIX rooms, modern except heat, $20; wa ter paid, close to depots, walking dis- ' tanct, newly papered. c T STtJHT. REALTOR, "Pouglas't 37. 021 City Nat Bank Bldg. 1720 8 28TH BT., t rms., mod. ox. ht, $30. E. H. tsaiNNn w, - S-ROOM Two baths, West Farnam dis trict 4. mono iwui'm . f.RooM cottage, modern except heat 2671 ptrce. Tyler sale. Miscellaneous. PAYNE & SLATER CO., 'OMAHA'S RENTAL MEN' PARTLY MODERN 1-B.-28U Dougla. . t. jewly "rt xnrougnout wi, gain, $16.60. ,. ,miMriiw ir.vr.RPT HEAT. 7-R. 625 Bouth 20th St, good plac to rent out rooms, no car far. $26. -R. 428 South lth Av., dandy 6-room cottage, in aplendld condition, no car fare, $32.50. l-R. 3112 California, easy walking dl- tanca, $20. ALL MODERN, a-tt 6011 Canltol Ave. (Dundee), aentl- bungalow, large living room across front nice yard, $42.60. I-B. 2662 Douglas Bt, 4 bedroom, easy walking dlstsnce, . FLATS. , t i is r..vnworth St, second floor, easy walking distance, bargain at $12.50. ' 10-R. 312 North S2d St, very desirable to rent out rooms, ready August i, mj. t.R 218 Seward St. good condition, only half block to car, $20. niwe m. slater CO.. Realtora. t Omaha Nat'l. Bldg. Phone Doug. 1014. HOUSES ALL MODERN illi N. 23d Bt. S rms. each $ !0.00 1520 Georgia Ave, I rms 2220 Burt St., 7 rms J17 8. 28th St, 7 rms 3414 Sherman Ave, t rms 170$ Willis Ave., rms $604 Dodg Bt, ImB- i ii b h at The Shrlner. 32 30.00 20.00 85.00 15.00 25.00 16.00 v-" HOUSES-PARTLY MODERN 1822-24 N. 20th Bt, t rrai $". 4140 N. 48th Bt, 6-rm. Bung 11.00 JKl U.mUInn Rf . 7 rHII., 20.00 1468 S. 16th Bt, $ rms 1817 Davenport St, 8 rms tOO MODERN APARTMENTS Bosworth, 2317-19 Howard Bt. 2 1 rms. and bath. Both furnished and unfurnished, walking distance, $27 60 to '37.50. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., REALTORS ' Tvler 1631. $$$ Rose Bldg. 8217 BURT St, 7 rms, mod. ex 1430 N. 36tn Ol., a rmm in. h.., 1114 Sprue St, 6 rms, mod. ex. 2020 Burt ' St,' V Vm's," modern .. . $6.00 2015 Leavenworth, rms., modern, to.oo 1815 N. 87th Bt. 4 rm.. mod. 0 Park AvsVV rms., mod. JO-OO tss n. nth St. I rms, mod 23.00 2210 Leavenworth, $ rms., mod. x. 20.00 heat S614 Harney Bt, 10 rm, all mod. po.oo 62t 8. 24th Ave, 7 rms, mod 10t 8. 25th St. 7 rms., mod. 40.00 634 Park Ave., 7 rms., mod........ 25.00 844 Park Ave, t rms., psrt mod.-.. 20.00 M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 1506 Dodge St. Douglas 41t. DETACHED i. ' 402 8. 4lst St, t rms., mo Wsst -v ........,,h iQK 41$ N. 40th St., rms. ana s. p., West Farnam, $70. 1301 8. 3 3d St, f rms mod., Hsnscom park. $40. 133 S. 40th St., $ rms., mod., West Farnam, 440. $122 Chicago St, 15 rms., mod., $100. ATTACHED 158 8. ttth St, 7 rms, English tyle duolex reeldenc: West Farnam district. fireplace, bookcassa, kitchen cabinets, . 2714 8.M6th Bt, t rms., mod, $1$. A. P. TUXEY & SON REALTORS , 850 First Nt. Bank Bldg. Ph. Poug. 602, FOR RENT HOUSES. -tji e tth AvttL f colored) . ,t 7.(0 4 rooms. 8016 Clark street a rmm mo fuiim street, flat.... 17.60 2 rooms, 1821 N. 17th St., bath and Bleeping porch t rooms, 2817 Pacific Bt teas m ssth fit. modern . 12.60 13.00 26.00 T rooms. Illi N. 40th St.. modern.. 30.00 10 rooms, 2411 Case St, modern.... 40.00 I pv-ON & MYERS CO.. Realtors, Otiliiv" ..w , 434 Omsha Nat. Bank Bldg. Poug. 744. 2844 Brown, t-r., modern....... . 263$ Spencer, t-r, mod. ex. heat.... 18.00 20t 8. 37th St. 4-r- part modern.... 15.00 n,i n.-mti. I.e.. cltv water........ 13.00 14310 N. 38th Ave., t-r- city water,.... 1100 ltot Caatelar, -r., city water I 2013 S. 16th St. 4-r., city water i-60 I xsai Miondo. 6-r, city water 4.00 ' CREIGH, SONS & CUMrAril Y, Doug. 100. REALTORS. 808 Bee Bldg. 2633 HARNEY, t-r., hot water ht, 337.60. 1131 N. ltth, 8-r, hot water ht. 2s:o N. tlst Bt, t-r, mod. ex. ht, $16A lilt N. 32d, 4-r. flat, mod, $15. w -una tie Keellne Bldg. Ty. 721. FOR RENT HOUSES Miscellaneous. ; . . . 1 WE want moro houses ana sparirasnis i Th. that wa have eraeUoall? I clsared up our big list ta conclusive proof of th efficiency of our rental servicce. It yea want to keep your placa raated see Payn A Slater Co, Omaha's Rental Men. 414 Org. Nat. Bfc. Bldg. Pottg. W. ONE (-room apartment 158 60 It7t Cuming, t-room flat 2d floor, o.oo :ut'N. itth St., t-room., modern.. 15.0-1 241 Caldwell St.. T-room 22.50 itll Leavenworth St., i-room 15.00 FIRST TRUST CO., REALTORS. 404 First Nat. Bank Bldg. Ty'.er 500. LET OMAHA LARGEST RENTAL AGCT. send you their weekly printed rental list; it will help you and save time ana worry, HASTINGS As HETDEN, Realtors. 1414 Harney, Tyler 60. Houses In all parts of tho city. - CRETOH. SONS ea CO, 80S Be Blag. FLAT. 2305 Leavenworth, t rma., t20.00. JOHN N. FRENZER, Poucla FOR RENT APARTMENTS West HAVE YOU NOTICED THE BEAUTIFUL LAWN. FLOWERS. SHRUBS AND TRSES at the New Hamilton, corner of 24th and Fsrnam? Did tt aver occur to you that this is th only close-in apartment house in Omaha having ench features free to tenants? It will Interest you to learn that prlcea her are ao higher than at many other locations. Tho building I fireproof. Very best of , eervlce; apart. ments ranging from en to six rooms; some are furnished. Why not move to this building Think it over and phon P. 1472. DO YOU KNOW THAT IT 18 POSSIBLB right now to obtain a coxy two-room and bath apartment with balcony and French door, airing open sleeping porch aceommodatlona, la flrst-elaas location at 25th and Harney t Soma of these apart ments are famished. Prlcea only $28.60 to $35. ' Why not move Immediately bo- fore hot weather cornea on 7 Phon V. j 1472. PLYMOUTH APARTMENTS. SPECIAL BUMMER RATE. Two rooms and bath, with thro rooms accommodations. 121.00. Three rooms and bath with i-roora accommodations. 4J0.00. Thes apartments are positively a bar gain at these prices, good location, too. 2167 v, Farnam atreet PAYNE A 8LATER CO.. REALTORS. tit Omaha Nat Bldg. Phono Pong. 1014. THE UINTAH Park Ave. and Leavenworth St. Ant 12. t-r. and til bath, thes apartmenta ar particularly noted for their large airy rooms, cool, coxy, com fortable. You'll like It 145 flat rat. PAYNE SLATER CO, REALTORS. 418 Omaha Nat Bldg. Phono Pong. 101. t ROOMS and sleeping porch; upper flat; furnace heat Silt Davenport St $22.50 a month. C G. Carlberg. DANDY 2-room and bath, south front apartment In th New Hamilton, Only $40. P. 1172. ST. CLAIR. 24th and Harney, 8-r6ora apt Call HaT. ,4T. EST A BROOK Apt. $22. Near postofflca. G. P. Stebblns. 1610 Chicago. APARTMENTS, all aiaea and prices, aplen- dld location. 84th and Farnam. u. l7i. 2-ROOMS, garage, sleeping porch, hot water. heat, janitor service, 84Q Davenport North. THE Angelus Apt House, 26th and Doug- I la: t-room apt, I Murphy beds; auto matic elevator; cool root garden, etc. Harney 2074. North. APARTMENTS Th Harlan. 1101-3 Sherman Ave, high- class l-room apartments; bookcases, firs- place, janitor, $27.60. Garage. A. P. TUKEY & SON REALTORS 820 First Nat Bank Bldg. Ph. Poug. $02. PRACTICALLY new 2-r. apt, Victoria, 27th and Harney; built-in bed, email dressing room, lit. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENCY. HASTINGS A HEYDEN, Realtors, 1414 Harney. Tyler 60. 20t & 24TH Ave.. 8-r all mod. flat $46. o n. 17th. t-r., an mod. apt. 817.60. RASP BROS. 810 Keelln Bldg. Ty. 711. I ROOMS, partly mod, good neighborhood, low rent $16. Itlt Charles. Web. 1182. 8TEAM heated, fit and tip, aummer rate. near P. O. O. P. Stebblns. 1410 Chicago. ! South. ROOMS, Th Hudson, 207 South 16th Ave. Heat and Janitor Service. $46.0$. 5 rooms, 420 South 36th Avs with heat and Janitor service and private basement, $40. BENSON & MYERS CO., Realtors. 424 Omaha Nat Bank Bid. Poug. 74$. THE PEORIA. HOt South 10th St. Apt 1, 6 rooms and bath. In aplendld condition. close to depot and downtown center, $30 aummer: $35 winter. PAYNE A SLATER CO.. REALTORS. Clt Omaha Nat. Bldg. Phone Poug. 101. NEARLY new 2-r. apt. Royal, tit 8. 27th, close-in, built-in bed, walking distance. - 127.50. OMAHA'8 LARGEST RENTAL AGENCY. HASTINGS lc HEYDEN, Realtora, 1414 Harney. Tyler 60. FIVE-ROOM steam heated apartment. The Chula Vista, toth and Poppleton, $15. Con rad Young, $22 Brandeie Theater. Doug las! 671. CLEAN, comfortable fiats, ltth St Blvd.; moderate rent; water paid. Dougla 6866. MOD. 4-r. Apt, Har. 4141 or Wal. 2257. Miscellaneous. $7,000 WILL buy a two-family up-to-date, - modern new brick flat and 7-room frame I house. Rents for over $1,000 a year. Terms I $2,000 cash, balance 6 pet 3525 Chicago Bt $11,600 for three modern, up-to-date new brick flata, t room each, across th atreet from High school (21st and Davenport Sts.). Bent for $1,600 a year. Owner re fused 2 ' years ago $15,000 cash. Term $3,600 each, balance 4 per ceat. J. B. ROBINSON, Realtor, 442 Bee Bldg. D. 8087. THE LAFAYETTE, 17th Ave. and Jackson, Apt 1, 4-rooma and tile bath, splendid condition, $81.60 and $40. Apt 26, 3-roora and til bath, aplendld condition, second floor, east exposure, very desirable in Summer, $10 and $36. Nice yard,-with . lawn benches provided for tenants. PAYNE A SLATER CO, REALTORS. 614 Omaha Nat. Bldg. Phons Doug. 1014. 214 N. 26th St, 7-r, modern $40.00 417 N. 18th St, 8-r, modern 30.-00 2622 Patrick Ave, 4-r, modern.... 27.10 1 221$ Military Ave, t-r, olty water.. 16.00 622 S. 2tth St, 4-r., city water 12.00 ltl2 Lake Bt. t-r, city water...... 12.60 1214 8. 17th St., t-r., city water.... 11.001 GARVIN BROS., 84$ Omtha Nat Bank Bldg. FOR RENT, AN ATTRACTIVE APARTMENT of three rooms; ha flower box, awn ings, etc, making a very desirabls sum mer location. Price $88. Phone D. 1473. FOR RENT FLATS. Colored tenanta wanted for I and 6- rooro flats: $11.60 and $16; South Side. Somberg, Tyler 785. 4-ROOM modern apt, tint floor, steam heat, tit. 1812 Mania St Z rooma and alcove, modern, ateam heat, second floor. $14, 1121 Maple. Red 1881. MOST MODERN NEW BRICK FLAT IN CITY. Ideal location; walking distance: large lawn. Douglas 4601 or Harnsy 1803. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. RENTAL HEADQUARTERS FOR OMAHA. 4-ROOM apartments, $11 ud. Close-in. P. Stebblns, 1410 Chicago t Ml , FOR RENT Business Prop'ty ' Stores. WILL BUILD AUTQ SALESROOM OR . GARAGE DOWN-TOWN LOCATION 66X 132-TWO FLOORS. GEORGE & COMPANY, , REALTORS. Phone P. 75$. $01 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. 1724 8t Mary's Ave., 2 fronts. 21x60. .$70 171 Ht Marv'a Ave.. 18x40............ 40 1211 Farnam St, 14x47.... ............ 71 til Bouth ltth. Id floor. $.104) so. ft.. t$ 2575 Cuming, 22x4t 14 11.77 Cumin 82x40 15 lit South 11th Bt 65 I FIRST TRUST COMPANY, REALTORS. 40 First Nstlonal Bank Bldg. Tyler 500. 1iw.PBifF.n modern oftlcee, Farnam Bldg- 11th and Farnam, (Old let Nat Bank Bldg.)- , ... . FIRST TRUST CO.. Tyler $09. FOR WENT Buinet Prop'ty Stores, t. t.,,.in. fixtures all w. cor. vTTnV aood for irui ators, Jth and Dupont, fooa wr HASTlUB as a"""" - 1414 H.i-st. Trlsr ti " $103-2102 CUMING St, modern ;Pa brick stor Milldlnft; Pon- good location. .. . CITY TRUST COjJFAKT. ltth and xr ata Ph. Dour. Ttt DESIRABLE ator -.V0 metal celling, - "USiu ltth Bt: ais lWi H BrandeiB tow rant Conrad Young. $$$ Brandei Theater Bldr. Douglas isii. DODGE ST., near 16th, $0,000 ft. $400. 110 8. ltth Bt, a,x 471$ 8. 8tth Bt, .";.. 16. H. BENNER CO, P- $ 1420 CUMINO Bt. ator roort; Plata (la( front, two -story, press "'r RASP BROS. 210 Keelln Bldg. Ty. T81, STORE for rent . WORLD KHALI x Sua Theater Bulldlnt. . . NtW modern etores on Leavenworth, be tween 24ta ana join ois. V'V JOHN W. ROBBIN8. 1802 FARNAM BT. SMALL modem tor room, ateam heat. 1612 Capitol AVO. vonraa x wuw - Brandei Theater. Douglas 71. " Ofnca and Desk Room.- Coolest Offices ; ar In th . BEE BUILDING ' , We Can Show You CHOICE LOCATIONS wit CONVENIENCES TO SUIT YOUR WANTS Keystone Investment Co., Room $23. I Tyler .131. THE BEE BUILDING. CHOICE offlc space. Baird Bldg, XJth and Pooglaa. McCague inv. vo. Garage, and Earns. SMALL garage centrally located, $26. Miscellaneous. 4 STORY and basement all modern brick building, 44X132. . is. corner iia am. Howard: tarckag. eleotrlo lvator, steam heat; sultabl tor offlc and warehous or FIRS?'TRUST COMPANY, REALTORS. 400 First National Bana aiag. iymr NTW-. COR. ltth and Wirt, NBW onca bldg, wonderful location xor arvu" business. Be ns aooui inis propoainvu. HASTINGS ft HEYDEN, neaiwrs. 1814 Harney. Tyler $0. WANTED TO RENT Miscellaneous. OMAHA LARGEST RENTAL AGCT. celt rent your vacant property ana ooiaia in best results possible. - Call them.. -HASTINGS' A HEYDEN, Realtor. 1614 Harney. Tyler 0. tfOR RENT or for sale, w have eustomsra for good house. . Joseph O'Doherty Bon.,' Til Keelln Bldg. Phon Dougla 1012.- - -. MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, atorage and moving, lit N. 11th fit Phon Doug is $11. FIDELITY- KAc , FREE Phon Douglas 288 for complete -Hst ot vacant houaea and apart . menta. Also tor atorag, moving. 14th and Jackson SU. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO., Export service; prompt attention. Tout moving, your packing, your storage. Main Office, Central rarniture Store. 17th and Howard. TeU P. 7786. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE, Separate locked room tor houaebold gooda and pianos; moving, packing and ahlpplng. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., $02 S. ltth St Ponglae 4148. Globe Van and Storage Co. For reM ssrvlcs In moving, packing and atorlng, call Tyler 830 or Dougla 4338. Maggard jaar Van ana storage to, moving, x-Buun. Storage and Shipping. Phone Doug. 148. J- TV7l7Ti Express Co., Moving . V. SXEjEjU Packing and atorage. 1207 Farnam Bt Web. 2748. Dong. 4140. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED . West. NEW HOUSE FIELD CLUB DISTRICT ' Located on south front lot' n paved atreet, surrounded by new houses; only two blocks from car Una between 26th and 23th Street Has rsceptlon hall, large living room with pressed brick fireplace, attractive dining room with built-in china cabinet, convenient kitchen, pantry and Ice box room on first floor. Three good sized bed room and up-to-date bath room with pedestal lavatory on aecond floor. Clear oak floors throughout Mahogany finished woodwork, hand-rubbed In living and dining 'room with white enamel kitchen having a large one-piece' sink. Second floor has white enamel finish wltr birch mahogany door and glass knobi ' All rooms beautifully decorated. Bea grads lighting fixtures. Full cemente4 ' basement. This house Is strictly modem full two story and must be seen to b appreciated. Price, $5,600. A few hundred dollar cash and balanc monthly Jtke rent Phone us for appointment GEORGE & COMPANY, tot City Nat Bank. Bldg. Phone Doug. 768. Realtor. NEW 8-R00M HOUSE WEST FARNAM Beautiful home In sightly location; has large living room, sun room, dining room and kitchen on first floor; 4 bed room and bath room on second floor. : Attie large enough to make another room. Full basement excellent furnace, laun dry room, fruit cellar and coal bin. Oak finish In main rooma downstair; kitchen and all bedroom ttniahed In white en ameL The floors throughout the house are of No. 1 oak. Complete, with every room decorated, fixtures, screens, etc. ' Bouth front lot; paved Street Price, $5,760. Terms, $1,000 caah; remainder t ault purchaser. THE BYRON REED CO., Poug. ItT. REALTORS. 1 8. ltth Bt. Two West Farnam District Homes For Rent Large, atrtctly modern, tip-to-dat horn with 4 bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch on second floor; bedrooms finished la white anamel on third floor; $70 with garage, or $6$ without Large and commodious modem home ' with large living room, dining room, kitch en, pantries, lavatory, etc, on the first . floor; $ bsdrooms and bath on th aee- end floor; S bedrooms and bath en the third floor. $60 per month. J. H. DUMONT & CO., 414 Keellne Bldg. D. 640. BY OWNER, "ssBsassssn CITY LOTS. ALSO INCOME PROP ERTY. Titles perfect Rate easy. Wal- nnt 2668. - - i - . . DANDY bungalow, strictly modern, hoi water heat, nice lot, close to-Columbian school, $3,600. F. D. Wead, 31$ 8. litu. J V