Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 07, 1917, Page 15, Image 15
THK-UEK: OMAHA. SATUKUAY, JULY 7. 1917. 15 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. MILLER PARK BUNGALOW PRICE ONLY $3,300 Nice five-room bungalow on two floors), fireplace, bookcases, china cup board, built-in cabinets in kitchen, oak finish, beautifully decorated; two dandy bedrooms, with extra large closets; full cement basement; nice lot; only two blocks to park, car and school. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. T01-3 Omaha Nafl. Bk. Bid. Tyler 496. , NORTH SIDE Seven-room house, all modern, full sized lot on corner, streets paved. This prop arty is on Burdette , easy walk to 20th or 24th car. Will give soma ona a bar Cain. Owner left city ALFRED THOMAS, 30g Fat nam Bide NIFTY BUNGALOW. B-room all modern. Just being com pleted, oak finish in living rooms, full cement basement with hot and cold water, coal bins, house nicely decorated, exterior stucco and frame, east front lot nicely sodded, trees planted, located high and sightly on 47th Ave. near Bedford; price 13.400. 1300 down, balance monthly. C. G. CARLBERG (Realtor), 310-313 Brandeis Theater Hldg. South. Beautiful Leavenworth Bungalow BRAND NEW Built By Day Labor Five nlca rooms and bath; bookcases, buffet, sun room, wth French doors; oak finish and oak floors throughout; mighty complete kitchen; finest of fixtures; shades and hardware; full floored attic: full cement basement; nice terrace and lawn. If you want a real home built on honor, don't fall to see this. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 701-2 Omaha Nafl. Bk. BIdg. Tyler 498. INVESTMENT and HOME. Double press brick, 2-apartment house. 7 rooms each, east side Hanscom Park district. Widow mu?t sell at once. Price reduced to $6,250. This is at least $2,000 less than it is worth. Income $800 per annum. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 1606 Dodge St. Douglas 415. SOUTH SIDE 6-R.. mod. full 2-story house, oak finish, located at 1519 S. 25th St.; 1 block to Crosstown car line. Trice reduced to $3,600 for quick sale. Terms. HIATT COMPANY, Tyler 60 243 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. ONE 6-room and oua 4-room cottage, both on ona lot; fina condition; live In one and rent the othnr. Price for both, $2,760, Very easy terms. No. 243$ South 20tb St NORRI8 ft NORRIS. 400 Bee Building. Phone Douglas 4270. MONTCLAIR BUNOALOW. Stucco construction, t large light rooms. Oak floors, oak and enamel finish. Price f 3,100. Easy terms. Another new build ing for $$.650. Call Douglas 171$ days. Walnut 1680 evenings. 5-R. MOD. home. Birch and maple finish, with steam heat, terms $300 cash, balance $22 per mo. F. D. Wead, 310 So. ISth St., Wead Bldg. STRICTLY modern bungalow, 5 rooms. 22nd and Ames Ave Webster 412$. Miscellaneous. $250 CASH t $2,950- $30 Per Month Buys an Ideal up-to-date strictly mod ern 5 rooms and bath. 2 blocks from car line. Nicely located, corner lot, with beau tiful hedge, shade and fruit trees, well kept lawn, fine garage. This Is a home pleasing to the most critical observer and lover of the essential things that make a home Inviting. Call Douglas 3628 or Col fax 2492. A CLOSE-IN, small home, S rooms, toilet, sewer connection, water, gas, corner, both streets caved, rents for $12; within walk In distance: near three car lines, for $1,000. Must be sold. Make an offer. GEORGE G. WALLACE, REALTOR, 614 Keeline Bldg. A TRACT of ground laying ideal for poultry ralstng; 250 ft. frontage; price $810; $50 cash, $12.60 monthly. Call D. 2696. Templeton-Olson Co., Bee Bldg. Tyler 2020, General real estate, insurance. Rentals J B. ROBINSON. Real snne 442 Bee Bldg. Estate and inaur Douglas 4097 R. 3. TRUMBULL. 1306 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1734 REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. AFTER looking at MINNE LUSX 300 dif ferent buyers decided that It was the best proposition on the market and they backed their Judgment by buying lots. IF YOU will come out today you will understand why the others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO. 742 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 187. DANDY LOT. 66x11$, two street terms. Call Douglas Harney 4168 frontages: easy 1064 or evenings. BEAUTIFUL 60-rooi jots. Price $-20. only $2 cash and 10 rents per week. Doug. $391. HAVE a bargain price on lot In Mlnne Lusa. C. A. Grlmmei. Douglas 1616. REAL ESTATE: Investment FOR SALE , $5,000 MORTGAGE On one of the best apartment houses In Omaha, due April 1st, 1919, Interest 6 per cent payable semi-annually. We will guar antee Interest and principal on this loan. HASTINGS & HEYDEN (Realtors), 1114 Harney St, Phone Tyler 6". SEE US FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A. P. TUKEY ft SON, REALTORS. 620 First National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE To Exchange WILL exchange a number of residence in come properties, some new and others nearly new: also some vacant. Some are clear of Incumbrance and some Incumbered about 40 per cent Want clear land. TRAVERS BROTHERS. $11 First National Bank Bldg. Phone DoukIss 6886. MODERN 8-room house, on 29th St. Trade eaulty for well located 6 or 6 room bun galow. INTER-STATE REALTY CO., 929-10 City Nat. Douglaw 8862. A GOOD hotel with three lots; only hotel in town; has 18 rooms, steam heat and in rood shaDe. Price $6,000.00: will went a little cash and western land. G. A. Kull Oakland. Neb. (60 AN acre buys 130-acre farm, 16 miles from Omaha. Inquire 432 Ramge Blk. Tel, , Doug 4212. Residence phone. Doug 7fk REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE TRACKAGE; fine site on B. M. R. R. ; slue $6x166, can be bought cheap. C. A. Grlm meL Phone Douglas 1616. REAL ESTATE WANTED LISTING bouses to rent or sell on small cash payme'its: have parties waiting. Western Real Estate. 413 Karbach Blk. D. 1607. LIST your $ and (-room houses with Ed ward F Williams Co.. $01 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 420. LIST your 6 and 6-room houses with us, WB SELL THEM. OSBORNE REALTY Co.. Tyler 466. ARNDT ft TAYLOR can assist you. Laird St. Webster 2036. 1826 POULTRY AND PET STOCK BUFF ORPINGTON eggs. 60 cents dosen thoroughbred stock: winter layers. Red 6300. SMALL white, ehaafry puppy dogs; reason able. Hsseton. 1002 8. 65th. JrOR SALE Thoroughbred Fox Terrier, tttontha old, good breeder, $7.60. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. iy ACRES 4-ROOM COTTAGE All In Growing Garden You can move In at once, and garden Is nearly ready for you to use. The house Is only one year old. all newly decorated. Has electric lights, cement basement, con siderable young fruit, potatoes, peas, string beans, navy beans, tomatoes, beets, fet. erlta for poultry, sweet corn, popcorn, beets, etc. You will like this place. It Is In Benson Gardens, easy walking dis tance to car line. Price $3,850. Easy terms HASTINGS & HEYDEN (Realtors), 1614 Harney St. Phone Tyler 60. Dundee. DUNDEE BARGAIN Owner Has Left the City and Has Instructed Us to Sell Se we offer his beautiful stucco home In DUNDEE, having reception hall with coat closet, immense llvlm; room across the front with open fireplace and bookcases, nice sised oinlng room with French win dows, good kltchin with special built-in features, pantry, Ice box and vestibule. Upstairs there are three good sized bed rooms, bath and delightful sun parlor, all finished in white enamel. Also large floored attic and full cement basement with laundry conveniences. Stability and charm are expressed In this modern type of HOME, situated on a high and sightly lot 60x135 feet, com manding a magnificent view of the aris tocratlc Happy Hollow club circle, golf links and the hills of Falracres. The owner is anxious to do business. We are anxious to do business. Let us show you this delightful home and you will be anxious to do business. PAYNE & SLATER CO., Realtors. 61$ Omaha Nat. Bldg. Phone Doug. 1016. DUNDEE PROPERTIES. Well located lota oa easy terms. Mod ern, attractive homes. Before buying be sura and see GEORGE & CO. HOMES and home eltes In Dundee. SHULER ft CARY. 204 Keeline. D. $074. REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty U A. WOLF. Realtor. Ware Blk. Specialist In downtown business property. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages. CITY AND FARM LOANS 6, 614 and per cent. Also first mort gages on farms and Omaha real estate for sale. ,T. H. Dumont & Co., 416-413 Keeline Bide, 17th and Harney. THE best security for your money Is a good 6 or 6 per cent farm mortgage; fourteen years' experience making real estate loans; no losses. White & Hoover, Omaha Nat'l Bldg. . 6 PER CENT to 6 per cent on best class city residences in amounts $2,000 up; also farm loans. Reasonable commission. PETERS TRUST CO., 1822 Farnam St. V FOR SALE. Ten shares of Ralston Realty Co. at one-half par value. Address M. S. Dean, 1S25 Peoples Gas Bldg., Chicago, 111. MONEY to loan on improved farms and ranches. We also buy good farm mort gages. Kloke Inv. Co., Omaha. $3,500 MTGE., bearing 6 pet. semi-annually; secured by property valued at $11,800. Talmage-Loonils Inv. Co., W. O. W. Bldg H. W. BINDER. Money on band for mortgage City National Bank Bldg. loans, SIX per cent first mortgages secured by Omaha real estate. B. H. Lougee, Inc., 6S8 Keeline Bldg. SHOPEN CO.. PRIVATE MONEY. FARM And city loans. 6, 6 and per cent. W. H. Thomas. Keeline Bldg. Doug. 1648. OMAHA HOMES. EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE R. E. CO., 1016 Omaha Nat'l. NO DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS. W. T. GRAHAM. 604 Bee Bldg. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam 8ts. 5 MONEY HARRISON A MORTON, $16 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. CITY LOANS GARVIN BROS., Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg, LOW RATES C. O. CARLBERG. $11 Bran, deis Theater Bldg. D. 685. Stocks and Bonds. LISTED and unlisted stocks. Investment securities. Industrial stocks. ROBERT C DRUESEDOW & CO., 860 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Miscellaneous. GALLAGHER & NELSON -present prompt pay insurance com panies, 610 Brandeis Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. Abstracts of Title. Ken- Title, Guarantee and Abstract Co., 105' 8; 17th St., ground floor, Bonded by Mass. Bonding and Ins. Co, REED ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract of flee In Nebraska. 206 Brandeis Theater, FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Lands. 480 ACRES eastern Colorado farm, 120 acres broken, only $3 an acre. Terms. S. S. & R. E. MONTGOMERY. 627 City National Bank Bldg. Nebraska Lands. "RANCH FOR SALE 4,000 acrea In northwestern Nebraska; smooth land with hard soil; well, wind mill and tank; partly fenced. Price $11 per acre. FARMS NEAR OMAHA 150 acres good land with cheap improve ments, 6 miles N. W. of Florence. Price, 11 1 6 tcr acre. 228 acres, extra fine land, adjoining town and connected with Omaha by paved road. Railroad depot and switch within 30 rods of buildings. Price, $200 per acre. Ask for full description and terms on all of the above. J. H. DUMONT & CO., REALTORS. 416-18 Keeline Bldg. Phone Doug. 660, 1121 ACRE ranch, located nine miles south west of Chadron In the beautiful Bordeaux Creek Valley. 200 acres tillable, 12S acres In cultivation, all of which would make the very best of alfalfa land. The place la well Improved to the amount of not less than $4,000.00, consisting of a new six room modern house, good barn, sheds snd out-buildlngs, and 400 seres fenced hog tight. Creek runs through the place for a mile, wheih, together with several serine's, furnishes an abundance of stock wter. Plenty of timber. This Is a stock ranch that cannot be beaten, a. J the price Is absolutely right. Price $20.00 per acre. r.LOKE INVESTMENT CO. I4S Omaha National Bank Building. Omaha, Nebraska. lbii ACRES, Improved, only i miles from Emerson, Neb.; every acre good rarm land; there is about 11 acrea pasture that will feed two bead per acre; about acres alfalfa and 20 acrea clover, and dandy orchard and grove, at f ly $146 per acre, on easy terms. G. A. Kull, Oakland. Neb. FOR SALE. A 320-acre farm In Pierce county. Neb. at a bargain; 161 acres In cultivation; fair buildings. For particulars write to Box ih, Holsteln, la. 80 ACRES Irrigated, fine, level, black land. near Bridgeport, Neb., very cheap, terms; crop goes with land. S. 8. A R. E. MONTGOMERY, 627 City National Bank Bldg. TEN sections of lend In Keith county for sale at $20 to $30 per acre; some extra choice farm land. Good location for col ony. The Welpton Investment Co., Ogal- l,i 1. Neb. MALL Nebresaa farms on easy payments I acrea up We farm the farm we sell you. The Hnngerford Potato Growers' Association, 1Kb and Howard Bta.. Oma ha Douglas 9171 120-ACRE Unproved farm 114 miles from Benson. Well aituated and with good roada. F D WEAD. 110 8. 18th Bt. Wead Bldf MY 960 a es range, water, hay, plow land. Box 1391, Alliance, Neb. South Dakota Lands. 320 ACRES of good black loam soil and clay subsoil: good buildings; near town of 10.- 000, South Dakota. Write us for price and futher particulars. Mid-West Land Co., 1057 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 1166. Texas Lands. GOOD corn land. F.aat Texas, lit an acre. Get my fre book. W. S, FRANK. 201 Neville Block. Oman. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Michigan Lands. LAND FOR EVERYBODY In the Swigart tract, Michigan, you can get good land for general farming, stock, dairying, poultry, fruit, vegetables, at $16 to $36 per acre. Terms $6 to $100 down and $4 to $16 monthly on 10. 20, 40 and 10 acre tracts, Good towns, schools, mar kets, roads, excellent transportation. Write today for big free booklet. Swl gart Land Co.. J-1262 First National Bank Bldg . Chlraa-o. III. Oregon Lands. Irrigated Lands. Jordan Valley Project Malheur County. Oregon, HARLEY J. HOOKER. $40 First National Bank Bldg. Omaha, Nebraska. Wyoming Lands. 160 ACRES of first-class land, well Im proved, 60 acres In alfalfa, 10 acres under plow. Sure crops, $75 per acre, excep tionally easy terms: 1 years without In terest on deferred payments; discount for cash. BIG FOUR REALTY CD.. 1015-16 W. O. W. Bldg. Doug. 3486. Horses Live Stock Vehicles For Sale. IN ORDER to Increase the milk supply of Omaha, the Milk Improvement Dept., the Alamlto Dairy Co. will offer 40 head of Holsteln and Qernsey cows, all tubercu losis tested at public auction at Papllllon, Saturday, July 7, at 1 p. m. Anyone hav lng feed for few more cows should buy them here. REAL bargain, handsome, well matched milk wagon team, mare and horse, 2.200 lbs., 7 and 8 years old, $160 buys them. 210 8. 28th St. Motorcycles and Bicycles H A R L E T DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargains In used machines. Victor II. Rooa. "The Motorcycle Man." lUh and Leavenworth. MUST SELL AT ONCE Harley-Davldeon bicycle, almost new. 111 sell reasonable. F. E. Cossatrt, room 15, the Crelghton Block. MONEY TO LOAN FURNITURE, pianos and notes as security. $40, 6 mo.. H. goods, total cost, $40, 6 mo., endorsed notes, total cost, $2.60. Smaller, large am'ts proportionate rate. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETT, 131 Rose Bldg.. 16th snd Farnam. Ty. 166. LEGAL RATE 1AJANH $24.00 1240.00 or more Easy payments. Utmost privacy. 140 Paxton Blk. ' Tel. Doug. 1295. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Mary Balkoveo to Frank W. HeJI et al. Twenty-second street, iuu reel north of 8 street, west side, 5 Ox HO .U.'OO Carroll S. Montgomery and wife et al to Harris Goldsten, nortneast corner Thirty-first avenue and Leavenworth street, 130x220 1 Catherine A. Collins and husband to Frank Pugllsl and wife, Thirty-second street, 105 feet south of Q street, west side, 26x90 1,000 Wladyslaw M. Kalamaja and wife to Oeorea E. Faux et al. Twenty-sev enth avenue, 18.6 feet east of Twen ty-ftfth street, eouth side, 60x110. 2,500 Emma Jane Olover and husband to John W. Glover, Grand avenue, za feet' west of Thirty-third street, south side, 48x128 Garvin Bros, to Andrew N. Anderson. Decatur street, 60 feet east or Thirty-fifth atreet, north side, 60x 117.5 450 Minnie Wlesman and husband to Ben Novak, Burdette street, 136 reet west of Twenty-second street, south aide, 44iiaa 1.700 Allna Eltner and husband to Rudolph MelchLor, northwest corner roruein and Boyd streets, 80x280 . 1 Leander L. French et al to Spencer I, Kronebereer. Chicago street, tu feet east of Fiftieth street, south side. 50x135 6.000 Grace L.' Mellek Miller and husband to Petere Trust company, northwest corner Thirty-third and Burt streets, 129x193 8-9 John F. Engel and wife to James B. Bone, Ersklne street, 141 leet easi of Twenty-seventh street, north side, 60x127.8 Thomas R. Peter and wife to Anton Pastory, Sewam atreet. 120 rest west of Twenty-ninth street, north elde. 30x131 Columbian Investment company to Edward M. Schlnker, Wooiwortn av enue, 150 feet east of Fifty-fourth street, south aide, 10x133 BRADSTRKET'S REPORT. Readjusting Leaves Some Lines Unsettled; Huslnem in main uoon. Mew Tork, July 6. Bradstreet'a tomorrow will say: I A shlftlnsr or readlustmg process, oorn of wr cond tlons. tends to repress opera finns In some channels, while at tne same time stimulating a wide range of war lines to greater animation. Yet wnat migni oe l.rm.d rerular business is large ana muugu It Is conceded that there Is not the snap to buying that was so remaraaoie six months airo. fa th in the ruture or traae atiIv temnered bv concern over govern mental regulation or. prices or oy present uncertainty as to the full effects of readj- readiustments will go ana wnat lines win be most repressed while expansion grows in the Industries that are essential to war fare is the leading question. However, the . in rf.v.nnm(,nti or Tne wee are in vorable notwithstanding larger lines evince seasonal aulet. Warm weather ana juiy .i..,.. irs have stimulated retail trade. which In turn naa maae lor some rB-uic.. and industry is active as ever being held back only by shortage of labor or raw m terlals. . ... ... Week bank clearings, $5,950,383,000. Metal Market. v. TnrV. .Tulv 6. Metal: Lead, quiet; spot. 1114lle; spelter, quint; spot East Bt. Louis delivery, 914asked; copper, stcauy; electrolytic, spot and nearoy, wi.nwji,, mini- Aurust and later. 129.0032.00; Iron, firm and unchanged; tin, firm; epot, $62.00 bid. At Lnnrinn Soot, coooer. 130; futures. 129 10s; electrolytic, 142; spot tin, 245 10s: futures. 240 5s; lead, spot, 30 10s futures, 29 10; spelter, spot, 54; futures, 50. Omaha Hay Marked Ttrlnls heavv: market lower on both prairie hay and alfalfa; demand continues light. Choice upland prairie hay, $18,600 19.60; No. 1, $15. soon?. bu; rso. 2, iu.uun 12.00: No. 3, $5.00(9'. 00; No. 1 midland, JI6.O0iailS.00: No. 2. $8,009)12.00: No. 1 low inrt. I9.00010.00: No. 2. $7.0008; No. 1 is nuis r. oo. New alfalfa, choice. 118. 00 19.00: No. $16.00!H7.00: standard, $13.00 inO! No. 2. $11.00013.0(1: No. 3. $7.00 9.00. Oat Straw. $8.008.60; wheat, $7.00 7.60. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits. New York, July 6. Evaporated Apples Dull; fancy, 1213c; choice, lljill'Ac Drlme. 10 10. c. Dried Fruits Prunes, unsettled; Califor nla. 11 'KSilS'Ac; Oregon, 11(6120. Aprl cota. aulet: fancy. 22ffi23c. Peaches, quiet standard, 10ic; choice, 11c; fancy, 14tte, Raisins, steady; loose muscatels. 7?49c choice to fancy, 8Hc; seedless, lOUSllc London layers, $1.80. ' Sugar Market. Now York, July 6. Sugar Raw, steady centrifugal. 6.33c; mnlassos, 6.45c: refined steady: fine granulated. 7.60s.00c. Sugar futures after showing slight losses under scattered selling firmed upon covering and buying by commission houses. At noon Drlcea were four to five points higher. Closed steady ana irg points nigner sales, 8000 tons. September, 6.3c; Decern ber, 5.25c; January, 4.93c; March, 4.82c Cotton Market. New York. July 6. Cotton Futures opened steady; July, 24.90c; October, 24.46c December, 24.61c; January, 24.73c; "March 24.83c. Liverpool, July 6. Cotton Spot In limited demand, prices nominally : points lower Amerlcsn middling fair, 19.53d; good mid tiling, 19.15d: middling. 18.85d; low mid dlliiK. 18.40d; good ordinary, 17.45d; or dlnary, 16.95d: sales, 3.000 bales. St. Louis drain Market. St. Louis, July 6. Wheat No. 2 red, nom inal; No. 1 hard, $2.40; July, $2.09; Septem ber, $1.92. Corn No. 2, $1.83; No. 2 white. $1.83; September, $1.6614; December, $1.14H. Oats No. 2, 7173c; No. 2 white, nom inal. New York Dry Uoode Market. New York, July 6. Wool markets were unsettled today by reports of 46,000 bales coming from Australia for government par poses. Cotton goods, and yarns were quiet, Burlspa were firm and quiet. The cotton market closed Irregular at a aet advance of 126 M Me LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts Light and of Unattractive Quality; Hog . Prices Start High, bat Slip. Omaha, July 6, 1917. Receipts were: Official Monday .... Official Tuesday Holiday Wednesday, Official Thursday .. Estimate Friday . , . Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. (,478 6,103 2,160 1,671 11.696 1.171 'V.iiii 1.000 1,102 760 4,151 1.600 Five days this week. 12, Out 51. 460 16.305 Same days last week., 23,339 61,044 19.292 Same days 2 wks. ago. 24. 061 48.326 18,697 Same days $ wks. ago.26,291 37.966 16.113 Same days 4 wks. ago.27.361 61,201 18.650 Same days last year. ..10,352 42.071 14,611 RECEIPTS CARLOADS. Cattle Hogs. Sheep. H'r's C. M. ft St. P 16.,,, Mlsiurl Pacific .... I Vulon Pacific 23 21 11 C. & N. W east C. & N. W., west... t 44 .. .. C, St. P., M. ft O.. 1 15 C. H. A Q., east.... 1 2 O, H, A I., west ..2 21 .. .. O , H. 1. A P., east 1 13 C. R. I. A P., west 11.... Illinois Central S .. .. Chicago Gt. West.. 1 4 Tolal receipts..., 44 137 13 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris Co 152 1.002 2.061 1.K5 2.197 $70 1,005 Swift and company.... 61 966 1.39 727 Cudahy Packing Co... 434 Armour A Co lb 3 Schwarts A Co W. Murphy ... Lincoln Pac. Co 27 Cudahy, K, C 163 8. O. Pac. Co 1 F. B. Lewis 6 Werthelmer A Pegen.. 28 Mo. Kas. Calf Co.. 4 Hlnglns 3 Roth 4 Meyers 14 John Harvey 6 Jensen A Lungren .... 1 Pat O'Day 6 Other Buyers 131 9T6 Total 1,221 $.870 4,058 Cattle Receipts of cattle today were of the usual Friday character, limited in mini bers and not particularly attractive In point of quality. Very little cornfed stock was on salo, the principal offering being a string of very good California grassers that sold from $9.25 to $11.75. or at quotably steady fig ures, although anywnera from toe to 76c lower than ten days ago. Compared with the close of last week, the bulk of the corn fed cattle are selling In about the same notches and the general undertone to the market Is rather better now than it waa then. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beeves, J12.40fiil3.40; fair to good beeves. $11.60$ 12.25; common to fair beeves, $9,760 11.60; good to choice yearlings, $12,000 13.00; fair to good yearlings. $11.00011.76; common to fair yearlings, $9.50010.7$; good to choice grass beeves, $10.75011.76; fair to good grass steers, $9.50010.60; common to fair grass steers, $8.2509.25; good to choice heifers, $9.60 10.60 ; good to choice cows, $ fair to good cows, $7.6006.60: common to fair cows, $6.007.60; good to choice feeders, $8.7509.60; fair to good feeders, $7.7508.60; common to lair feed ers, $6.7607.60; good to choice stockera, $8.0009.00; stock heifers, 17.0008.00; stock cows. $6.50fl)7.60: stock calves, $6,6001.00 veal calves, $10.00 13.50; bulls, stags, etc., $6.60010.00. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. A v. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 4.- 880 $8 15 1 810 9 36 2 956 10 25 ( 660 13 40 4 137 $8 71 20... (1 10 00 7 727 11 26 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 676 6 60 $ 683 1 00 310 1 60 26 765 11 00 HEIFERS. 665 47S 7 00 640 7 26 840 7 76 710 9 00 660 7 60 720 1 60 140 10 00 1 730 10 60 COWS 5 772 6 60 i 185 C 10 5 894 6 35 12 818 6 65 4 907 6 75 2 1030 7 00 6........ 863 7 25 16... 963 7 40 1 940 7 60 11 898 7 90 1 940 1 00 1 1146 1 10 16 1003 $ 25 6 ,.1143 X 35 1 970 1 60 1 1110 1 00 BULLS. 1 770 I 00 1 1360 7 00 6 1380 7 60 1... 1100 7 60 CALVES. 1 220 60 1 150 1 00 1 310 $ 60 1 260 1 50 1 200 10 00 1 190 11 00 1 170 11 60 2 160 11 60 2 180 12 75 1 110 It 00 Hogs For a Friday the supply of hogs was of pretty fair proportions, something Ike 141 cars or 8.800 head being reportea In. The total for the week so far amounts to 31.460 head as compared with 61,044 head last week. 48.329 head two weeks ago, and 42,073 head a year ago, two unusually light davs and the fact that there waa no mar ket Wednesday having comoinea 10 maae this week's offerings the smallest In a good while. The trade was a very uneven affair, open, lng strong to a little higher, particularly on the better hogs, but closing draggy at Drlces that were lower than these paid yes terday. Shippers and most of the packers were out early looking tor good hogs, and on the strength of reports of slight up. turns elsewhere, good hogs, especially those of light and butcher weights, shipping kinds In other words, commanded figures that were strong to a nickel, and In extreme cases. 10c higher than yesterday. One of the packers failed to make any bids esrlv. and as a result other killer buy, ers quit as they had filled their urgent or ders, and the most desirable hogs begsn to get scarce. From this time on the market was a drag trade coming to an absolute standstill for a while. In the middle of the morning sales were, made now and then weak to a little lower, and still later move ment livened UP a lltttle again, the big end of the hogs that were left selling a nickel lower than yesterday. Prices were so uneven that it was next to Imuosslble to quote a general market, though most traders did not expect the average to show much chsnge from yester day. A good share of the sales was made at $15.00016.85, and a few of the best sold on up to $15.55 the top. Representative sales: No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 160 $16 05 60. .278 80 $16 00 - 73. .227 56. .235 40 120 15 10 15 25 16 35 66. .296 80. .135 22. .263 73. .237 16 15 76. .214 67. .249 60. .238 160 40 120 15 $0 15 40 It 60 15 45 64. .226 15 65 PIGS. 44. .134 ... 15 00 SHEEP, Packers were slow about taking hold this morning, their orders calling for further declines, and it was noon before the run wss finally cleaned up. A couple or loans sold about mldforenoon at steady prices. hut when the balance of tho offerings changed hands the prices psld showed a big quarter decline from yesterday s figures, Native offerings were negngioie, every. thing being from the range except a few head that came In a single of mixed stock Two loads of Idahos sold as high as iis.-d enuallng the too made yesterday on ther mates, but several loads of I".ahos slmllsr to those that brought $16.00 yesterday naa fn eo at $15.75. show ng a flat quarter oa rllne. wtlhout considering the fact that snrtlnff was more severe. Not enough old sheep were here to show even the trend of the market, mature offer, inira consisting solely of one little package of ewes that brought $8.50. Another cut of the Idaho yearlings sold steady at $10.75 What few feeders were here had not been rush d uo to midday, owing to the late ness of killer stock In selling, but traders freely predicted that the market would be at least cteady. Oiintations on sheet) and lambs: Lambs, good to choice, $16.75016.25; lambs, fair to good, $16.00B16.7E; lambs, culls, $13,000 15.00: lambs, feeders, $14.00016.25; year, lings, fed westerns, $11.60012.26; yearlings, tin nnfitll 00: wethers, fair to choice $9.00010.00; ewes, fair to choice. $8,000 9.00; ewes, culls and feeders, $6.0009.50. Representative sales: No. Ave. . 69 , 86 , 66 . 87 . 49 ..64 . 60 . 49 , . 61 . 44 Pr. 10 Native 67 Native 17 Native 10 Native 96 Native lambs ewes lambs feeder ewes., lambs 16 00 8 60 16 00 6 76 16 75 30 Idaho feeder lambs . 48 Idaho feeder lambs 98 Idaho feeder lambs 1402 Idaho feeder lambs 175' cull feeder lambs .. 15 25 15 26 16 25 16 14 St. Louis live Stock Market. St. Louis. July 6. Cattle Receipts, 1,300 head; market higher; native beef steers, 17. 50O18.60; yearlings, $8.60013.26; cows, IH 00 10 60: stockers and feeders, $8.00 8.50; southern beef steers, $8.00Ol$.$6; beef cows and heifers. $4.2509.00: prime year lings $7.60010.00; native calves, $6,000 16 00. Hogs Receipts, 4,700 head; market higher; light, $U.2O15.70; pigs, $10,000 14.50; mixed and butchers, $15.2601595 good heavy, $15.25016.00; bulk of sales, 115.40015.90. Sheep and Lambs Receipt, 1,000 head; market steady; sprin; lambs, $14.60016.75; ewes, $3.6009.00; canners, $5.0005.60. RAIN AND PRODUCE Trade in Cash Grain is Quiet, With Light Receipts of Corn Oats. and Omaha, July I, HIT. The local trade In cash grains was very quiet today with light receipts of corn and oats and no arrivals of wheat reported. The cash demand for corn was excellent nd while the market was strong at a $ to 4o advance the traders dtd not get to gether very readily and only a email part the offerings were disposed of before noon. White corn held Its lead as a premium ar ticle and In most Instances sold from 1 to 4c above the yellow and mixed varieties. o. I and No. i white corn sola around iws, he better grades of yellow ranged from 1.76 14 to $1.77 and the bulk of mixed brought $1.7614. one car of high colored mixed corn selling aa high as $1.77. The oats market was quoted steady and hlle the demand for this cereal was not overactive It was easily strong enough to ake cars of the light offerings. The bulk the oats samples graded No. 1 white and sold around 71Hc, while one car of No. white which was aold on shippers weights. brought 71 So and one care of sample grade brought 71c. There were no samples of rye and barley placed on eale and quotations of theae cereals remained nominally unchanged. Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal to 340.000 bu. : oats, 707,000 bu. Primary wheat receipts were 135.00 bu., nd shipments 439,000 bu., against receipts of 708,000 bu., and shipments et 711,000 bu. sst year. rrtmary corn receipts wsre 614, 000 nu.. nd shipments, 720.000 bu., against receipts f 797,000 bu., and shipments of 619,000 bu. last year. Primary oats receipts were du nd shipments 807,000 bu., against receipts of 797.000 bu., and shipments of ii,oo du. last year. CARLO T HEvKIrTB. Wheat Corn Osts. 30$ Chicago 104 362 Minneapolis , 131 Duluth $t Omaha Kansas City 65 St. Louis 14 Winnipeg 43$ 45 80 49 These sales were reported today: Wheat No. 1 hard winter: 1 car, $3.52. Sample hard winter: 1 car, $3.16. No. 3 mixed durum: 1 car, Sample mixed; car. $1.60. Corn No. S white: 3 ears, 11.71. No. 1 htte: 1 csr, 11.7$. Sample white: 1 car, 1.60. No. 2 yellow: 2 cars, $1.77; 1 cars, 1.764. No. 4 yellow: 1 car, 11.76. Ne. mixed: 1 car (near ytllow), $1.77; 1 car near white), $1.77; 1 car (snippers' weights), 11.76U. No. I mixed: 1 car (ship pen' weights), $1.76 H. Oats standard: 1 car. ue, no. , white; 6 cars. 71 He. No. 4 while: 1 car (shippers' weights), 7144c Sample white car (shippers' weights), 710. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. hard 12.2802.16: No. 1 hard. $2.1102.25. Corn: No. 1 white. 11.77 tiO 1.78; No. 1 white. $1.77 01.78: No. 4 white. 11.7701.774; No. white. $1.7114 01.77: No. 1 white, $1,760 1.76: No. 1 yellow. tl.76H01.77: No. 1 yellow. 11.7501.76W: No. 4 yellow. 11.74H .76: No. 5 yellow. $1.7414 01.7a: rio. yei- ow, $1.7401 76; No. 1 mixed, $1.7601.77; No. 1 mixed, $1.7601.761 No. 4 mixed, $1.76H0176; No. 6 mixed, $1.7641.76H I No. mixed. $1.7401.75. Oats; rso. 1 wniie 7171o: etandard, 7114 Oil He; No. I white. 71071HC: No. 4 white. 70O714o. Barley: Malting, $1.1001. 25; No. 1 feed, $1.6301.13. Rye: No. a,; r-o. , $2.3102.3$ Local range or options: Art. Open. High Low.f Close. Tes'y Wht. July 10 90 62 65H It 10 11 IS 87 16 210 190 162 165H lit 6i 6414 66H 10 13 63 66 14 203 184 161 Sep. Corn. July Sep. 16$H 113 66 i, Dec. Oats. July 65 66 66H 65 6644 66H 66 $414 56 Sep. Deo. 17 Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bea by Logan Bryan, stock and grain brokers, 815 South Sixteenth street, omana: Art. Open. High. Low, Close. Tes. Wht. I 1 I " July 1 10 1 20 211 i 12 201 Sep. 1 11 1 16 1,11 1 92 l$9tt Corn. Sep. 1 67 1 67 164 1 14 114H Deo. 116 119 11414 1 14 116 May 1 16 1 1$ H$ 1 14 lit Oats. July 68 6$ 65 66 (7 Sep. 56 56 1414 64 66 Dec. 68 68 6614 6414 6814 Pork. July 40 $7 40 $7 40 10 40 10 40 15 Sep. 40 00 40 16 39 10 11 15 40 00 Lard. July 21 20 21 20 21 07 11 07 H 21 16 Sep. $1 45 21 56 21 13 21 16 21 46 Ribs. July 21 10 21 10 21 62 21 66 21 71 Sep. 11 8714 11 921421 7 0 21 70 21 10 CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. Withdrawal Of Cash Buyers Forces Drop In Corn After New High Record. Chicago, July 6. Withdrawal of European and domestic, cash buyers forced a setback in the corn market today, after new high price records had been touched despite ac tion of the board of trade dlreotors stopping all new business In the July delivery. The market closed weak at the same as yester day's finish to lc lower, with September $1.541401. 64 ana ueoemuer ii.nna 1.14. Wheat finished unsettled witn gains of 214 3c at $2.12 for July and $1.92 for September. Oata lost l02c net and provisions 6015c. Inference of an extreme shortage or corn drove traders at first Into a buying stam pede for nearly an hour and sent values climbing rapidly. The prohibition of July dealings had been Intended as a measure to avert any further continuance of the high price record smashing that began last Saturday, Instead of curbing bullish excite ment, howev 7. the exact contrary result was brought about. It waa not until word waa passed that exporters In general and the chief American Industrial consumer aa well, had quit buying that the flurry could be overcome. Aggressive bear pressure then set In and all the big galna which had been made earlier, were lost with considerable more besides. Wheat not only responded to the stimulus of the corn, but developed Independent strength owing to less favorable crop re ports from the northwest. Damage waa said to have been done by recent frosts In Canada and there were also advices that rain wss greatly needed In some aectlons of the Dakotus and Minnesota. Heavy selling of oats by leading com mission houses weakened that cereal almost from the outset. Favorable crop conditions gave much Impetus to bearish sentiment. Provls ons swayed witn ine varying ac Hon of corn. Demand for meats was said to have Improved somewhs,t, but to be yet less than normal for this time of the year. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No, red. $2.16: No. 1 red. $3.1002.16; Nos. and 3 hard, nominal. Corn: No. 2 yellow, $1.83 a 1.83 : No. 1 yellow, $1.8801.83 No. 4 yellow, nominal. Oats: No. I white 71i4r7!tr: standard. 72 672 He. Rye: noni Inal. Barley, $1.1601.40. Timothy, $4.00 l.oo: clover. $12.00017.00. Provisions: pork $40.10; lard, $21.00021-13; ribs, $:i.J!W Butter Higher: creamery, I23fc. F.ggs Unchanged: receipts, 21,176 cases, ... . Potatoes Lower: receipts, 20 cars; Arkan ass and Oklahoma, $2.1002.40; California, 12 Often 2.85: Virgin a. barrels. I. 001ms. bu. Poultry Alive, uncnangea; iowis, ivc springs, 22028c. Kansas Itv General Market. Kansas City, July 6. Wheat No. 2 hard, I2.10W2.3314; No. 2 red, $2.0502 10; July, til?: Hentemher. $1.11. f'nrn-Nri. 2 mixed. $1.7614 01.7714: No, 2 white, $1.7801-7814; No. 2 yellow, $1.7714. 1.78; July, $1.7814; September, si.di. Oats No. 2 white. 7576o; No. 2 mixed, 73 O 73c. Butter Cresmnry. J6c; nrsta, lie, sec onds, 32c; packing, 3014c. Wren TC rata. SZUC. Poultry Roosters, lie; hens, 17c; broil ers, 20c. Sloox City Live Stock Market. Sioux Citv. July 6. Cattle Receipts, 2 000 head: market on killers strong, stock ers dull; beef steers, 19.00013.26; fat cows and helfors. 18.00011. 00; canners, ss.evw run- unclian and feeders, st.ouos.jd calves. 11.60011.60; bulls, stags, etc., $7.60 010.00; feeding cowa ana neirers, j.hw 1 u. Hon Recelnts. 14.000 head; market steady to 6c lower: plain lights, $14,100 16.06: choice lights, $16.36016.60; mixed, lis l0mn.8S: rough heavy. 114.90016.05 good heavy, $16.30016.60; pigs, $12 000 11 (10- hulk nf sales. $11.05016. $0. Sheen and Lambs Receipts, 300 head market ateady. Minneapolis Grain Market. Mlnnnill. Jul . Wheat July. $2.21 fl.ntemhar. 11.10: cash. No. 1 hard. 12.490 2.64: No. 1 northern. $2.2901.41; No. 1 northern, $2.292.19. Corn No. 1 yellow, 11.74 01.76. Oats No. 1 white, 6814 0690. Flaxseed 12.14 O 2.61. Flour Unchanged. , Rye $2.2302.26. -t5C, Barley 11.29 01. 14. - .ViXtj. Bran $21.00030.00. I NEW YORK STOCKS Short Interest Reaching For midable Proportions Gives Bears Sig Inning on Street. New York. July 6. The ehort Interest which seems to have reached formidable proportions indulged In further determined efforts to depress quoted values today. For time heavy offerings of Important stocks forced the list to lowest levels of the pres ent movement, the decline being aided by greater weakness In speculative Issues long under critical observation. rrlces rebounded In the last hslf of the session, many leadera finishing at net gains. In the main, however, the outcome was without significance because of the market's ultra-professional character. Various fac tors, particularly those dealing with the question of excess profits and war taxes, again tended to restrain public Interest. Labor problems and the undefined attitude of the administration towards general In dustries also served to check constructive operations. Automobile stocks furnished more then their usual quota to the day's moderate turnover, the status of that Industry, ac cording to trade authorities, finding reflec tion In the heaviness of the better known Issues, notably General Motors. All the prominent equipments were firm to strong at times, but forfeited tnelr gains when selling became extensive. United States Steel and kindred shares Improved on covering of short contracts and Industrial Alcohol gained over 6 points at Its best for much the same reason. Ralls pursued a narrow but ateady course. responding to such support ss developed at Irregular Intervals. Metals were steady de. spite the expansion of labor troubles, but hlonlngs were backward or heavy on Inti mations of an early regulation of American vessels by the federal authorities, but rallied on the general upward tendency which marked the close. Sales, 190.000 shares. Additional gold Imports of $6,600,000 were again partially neutralised by exports of bout $$.400,000 to Spain and south America. Sterling waa strong and franca rallied from yesterday's heaviness. Trading in bonds was irregular on dimin ished dealings. United States Liberty $Hs ranged trom par to 100 1-60. United Slates bonds were unchanged on call. Total sales, par value, $3,725,000. Number of sales and Quotations on lead lng atocka and bonds: Sales. High, Low. Close Am. Beet Sugar... American Can Am. Car A Found. 91 91 91 1,300 49 48 48 1,400 76 7514 76H 1,200 70V, 70 69 4,600 106 10414 105 1,100 11814 11714 HI 200 131 120 12014 11 Am. Locomotive... Am. Smelt. A Ret. Am. Sugar Ret... Am. Tel. & Tel. . .. Am. Z,, L. AS... .,. Anaconda Copper. 10,200 79 78 7914 100 100 102 103 69 6914 19 29 19 16614 168 9214 93 6Si 68 66 6714 103 107 14 Atchison 1.100 100 Atl. O. & W. I. B.fl. 1.600 166 Baltimore ft Ohio. 1,900 69 Butte ft Sup. Cop. Cat. Petroleum..., 200 40 Canadian Pacific, 800 159 7.600 93 1,800 6V4 Central Leather... Chesapeake A Ohio C, M. A St. P... 11,200 1714 Chicago A N. W... C, R. I. A P.. ctfs. Chlno Copper Colo. Fuel ft Iron. Corn Prod. Ref..., Crucible Steel Cuba Cane Sugar., 100 10$ 64 4.100 1,800 15,600 45,000 600 6614 60 '4 34H 87 42 23 24 64 60 H 8314 86 41 54 60 2414 86 4 42 33 Distiller's Beep.... 1,700 Erie 1.700 20H 24 34 Oetieral Electric... 400 161 1674 167 General Motors... 21.300 111 110 14 111 Ot. Nortnern pfd.. 1.100 102 101 101 at. No. Ore., ctfs. 600 11 11 Sl Inspiration Copper 1,600 Int M. M., pfd.... 11.600 Int. Nickel 1,700 Int, Paper 400 61 14 40 15 10 11 11 14 44 61 14 39 14 14 21 44 Kan. City 6a Kennecott Copper. 2,000 44 Louisville A Nash 125 Maxwell 1 Motors... 1,800 46 99 41 29 11 It 46 II 40 29 9S 11 87 Mex. Petroleum... 16,800 97 40 28 ' 11 Miami Copper 300 Missouri Pacific, 1,100 Montana Power... .... Nevada Copper.... 1,600 New Tork Central 1,800 N. T.. N. H. A H Norfolk A Western 300 132 Northern Pacific. 1,100 19 Paclflo Mall 16 121 130 11 99 $7 Pacltlo Tel. A Tel 26 61 61 17 12 1 26 12 26 17 Pennsylvania 1,600 Pittsburgh Coal... 1,600 62 it '$8 91 26 1 11 62 Ray Con. Copper Reading 1,900 Rep. Iron A Steel. 11,100 13 10 26 11 26 16 Shattuck Aria. Cop 400 Southern Pacific. 1,100 Southern Railway.. 1,000 Studsbaker Cor.... 31.100 18 Texas Co 600 213 211 112 Union Paclflo 1,100 183 18$ 183 V. 8. Ind. Alcohol. 13,000 169 164 167 United States Steel $1,700 127 126 126 U. S. Steel pM.... 1,100 117 117 117 Utah Copper 2,100 109 108 101 Wabash, pfd B Western Union.... , 11 Westlnghouse Elec. I,10t 10 49 49 Total sales for the day, 690, 000 sharea. New York Money Market. New York, Julf Mercantile Taper per cent. 1 Starltna- Exchange Sixty-day bills. $4 72; commercial sixty-day bills on banks, $471; commercial alxty-day bills, $4.71; aemana, $4.76: cables, $4,76 7-16. Silver Bar, 78o; Mexlcanx dollars, 61 l-lc. Bonds Government, steady; rauroaa, ir regular. Time Loans Firm; sixty and ninety days, 4V;4'4 per cent; six months, 4 04 per cent. Call Money Steady; highest, 2 per cent; lowest. 214 per cent: rutins rate. $ per cent; last loan, 1 per cent; closing bid. 1 per cent; offered at I per cent. U. S. 2s, reg.., 97Ksn. C. So. r. Sa 15 do coupon... 9714 Louis ft N. u. 4s 91 U. S. 3s, reg... 98 M., K. ft T. 1 4a 61 do coupon... 99 Mo. Pac. gen. is di 17. S. 4s, reg,..104Mont. power 6s. . 56't do coupon. ..104N. Y, Cen. d. lis. 104 Vi Pan. 8s coupon. 80 'No. Paclflo 4a. . 86 Am, F. Sees. 6s 18 do Is 61 Am. T. ft T. c. 5s 91 O. 8. Line r. 4s.. 87 Anglo-French 6s. 18Pac. T. ft T. 6s. 96 Arm. A Co. 4s. 90Penn. con. 414S.10014 Atchison gen. 4s 88 do gen. 414s.. 96 Bait, ft Ohio 4s. !6Rsadlng gen. 4a. 10 Cen. Leather la. 91 St. L. A B.F.a.6s 65 Cen. Paclflo 1st 11 Bo. Fae. ov. is.. ii C. A O.. cv. (s. 96 do ref. 4s 8514 C. B. ft Q.. J. 4s. 86 So. Railway ts.. 17 CM ft StPg4s 94 'Tex. ft l'SC 1st. S3 t4 C. R. I. ft P. r.4s 71 Union Facifle 4a. 11 Colo, ft So r 4s 17 do cv. 4 89 D. ft R. G. r. 6s 65 V S. Rubber 6s. 85 D. Ot C. 6 1931 96IT. S. Steel 6s.. .104 Erie gen 4 61 Wabash 1st 99 Oen Electric 6s.l0! Went. Union 4 s 91 Ot No. 1st 414s.. 96 "Bid. III. Central r. 4s 83 Offered. Int. M. M. 6s... 91 New York (ienerul Market. New York, July 6. Flour Easy; spring patents, $11. 6611.90; winter patenls, 111.30 W11.65: winter stralxlits, Ktnin stralahts. 111.66011.90. Wheat Spot, firm; No. 1 hard, 11,41, I. o. b., to arrive. . Corn spot, firm; no. 3 yeuow,, c. i. f., New York. Bsrley uuiet: malting, ii.iuoii.yv, x. e, b., New York, Oats spot, steady; standard, V5'4c. Feed Quiet: western bran, $13.10032.60 standard middlings, $89.60: city, bran, $26.00: all in 100-lb. sacks. Hay Firm: No. 1, $1.1001.1$; No. 2, $10 1.06: No. 8. 86iB96c: shipping, 75)80c. Hops Quiet; state, medium to choice 1116, 80S6c; 1916, tQ8c; Paclflo coast, 1116. 1011c: 1919, 7WIC. Hides Quiet; Bogota, 43c; Central America, 41 e. Leather Firm; hemlock firsts, 67c; sec onds. 66c. Provisions Pork, quirt; mess, $42,000 42.60; family, $43.00014.00; short clears, 41.00043.60. Lard, dull; middle went $20.40020.60, nominal. 4 Tallow Dull: city special, loose, 1714c. Wool Firm; domestic fleece, XX Ohio, 51060c. , Butter Firm; receipts. 19,466 tubs creamery higher than extras, 39O40o creamery extras (92 score), 39if394o firsts, 17(j38c; seconds, 35437c. Ex-as Irregular; receipts. 23,433 cases fresh fathered extras, 37038c; frenh gather, ed storage packed firsts, 86$86r; fresh gathered firsts, 84 3614c; seconds, 22 0340. Cheese Firm.; receipts, 8,239 boxes; state fresh specials, 2402414c; do average run 22 e. Poultry Dressed, dull; chickens. 20026c fowls, 16Q2tc; turkeys, 18Q15c. St Joseph Live Stock Market. St Joseph, Mo., July 6. Cattle Re, celpt. 200 head; market steady; steers, $8.60013.26: cows and heifers, $5.75012.00 calves. $8.00013.00. Hogs Recelpte, 6,800 head; market 6 10a higher; top, $16.90; bulk of sales, $16.25016.80. Sheen and Lambs Receipts. 400 head market strong to 10a higher; lambs, $11,500 16.10; awea, $9.0009.75. London Stocks and Bonds. London. July 6 American securities were dull on the stock exchange today.' Silver Bar. $9 l$-16d per ounce; money, 14 per cent; discount rates, short, n.e .! three month.' bills. 4 13.18 cent RED CROSS MISSION DEPARTEDIN HASTE Commissioners Were on Way to Russia Five Days After Members Had Been Designated. Washington, July 6. That the Red Cross mission to Russia was organ ized, equipped with several carloads of serum, hospital supplies and first aid r-iterials and started on its way with in five days after designation of the member! was revealed today by Red Cross officials who had been with holding details until after the mis- Jsion's departure from a Pacific port. J lie mission a dciunipiismiirui. uu short notice was declared by the offi cials as "a stupendous feat. Export Control Program Into Operation at Once Washington, July 6. America's ex port control program, planned with the greatest care to make the block ade of Germany effective and at the same time to do no injustice to neu trals, has been determined upon and will be put into operation within the next few days. Secretary Redfield today warned ex porters that they will save themselves annoyance and possible claims for damages by inserting in bills of sales a clause that the sale is made subject to the sellers' ability to obtain an export license for their cargo. .At the same time shippers were advised that in view of the possibility of the gov ernment's requisitioning ships they should insert also a clause in the bill declaring delivery to be contingent on the shipper's obtaining shipping space. . Soldiers Shake Off the Effect of July Fourth French Seaport, July 6. Civilians as well as soldiers turned out early to day for the task of shaking oft the effects of the Fourth of July celebra tion, which to the townspeople was a novelty. The military camp was alive soon after sunrise and by 7. o'clock every man was hard at inten sive training, which is to be the rule between now and July 14, the date when it is believed all the first Amer ican contingent will be in Paris to participate in the French national holi day program before going to camp near the front. Bless Colors of First Russ Women's Regiment Petroarad. July 6. The colors of the first detachment of the Petrograd women s regiment were blessed tn the square of St. Isaac's catherdral to day. More than 200 women, with their nair cioseiy cropped ana in iuii uni form were present armed with rifles, Don Cossacks and sailors furnished a guard of honor. Later the women paraded through he Nevsky Prospect and other streets. carrying banners with the inscriptions death is better than shame, and "women do not give your hands to traitors." Newspapers of Argentine Predict Break With Germany Buenos Aires. July 6. The newspa pers here declare that if after the demand made by Argentina, Germany continues to attack Argentine mer chant ships wherever they may hap oen to be. the Argentine government probably will decide to break off diplo matic relations with Germany. , Local Stocks and Bonds. Quotations furnished by Burns, Brlnker A Co., 449-62 Omaha National bank bulldrng: STOCKS Bid. Asked. Hurgess-Nash Co., pfd ..100 101 Cudahy Packing Co. com Ill 120 Continental U. ft E. pfd 731a Deere A Co. pfd 19 100 Deere A Co. com 42 60 Oooch M. ft E. Co. pfd B 103 105 Lincoln Traction 6 pet pfd.... 95 1616 O. ft C. B. St. Ry. pfd 70 73 O. ft C. B. Ry. ft B. pfd ... l ... . 60 15 Orchard ft Wllhelm Co. 7 pet pfd 19 100 O. ft C. B. St. Ry. com 49 M. C. Peters Mill 6 pet pfd 99 100 Union Stock Yds. 1 pet .102 103, Stewart Warner com 66 IIUNDS Argentina Govt. 6s, 1920 17' 18 Canadian Govt. 6s, 1937 93 94 Cudahy Packing Co. Is, 1946.. 96 17 Chicago Sanitary Dls. 4s, 1927,. 97 7 Lincoln L 11. ft P. 6s, 1931.... 97 166 . O. ft C. B. St. Ry. ts, 1921..., 93 14 Montreal Tramway 6s, 1111.... 16 17 City of Omaha Pav. 4 4.20 4 ! Omaha Ath. Club Bldg. 6s.... 99 100 Pender, Neb., 6 pet Sewers. .. .101 102 Sioux City Stock Yards 5s, 1930 96 17 Thurston. Neb., Co. Sch. B. Cs 4.60 4.71 U. a Govt !8. 1937 99 100 Wilson ft Co. 6s. 1941 100 101 Russian 6s, 1926, 1,000 roubles.309 112 Federal Land Bank 4 14 s, 1937.. 101 loiifc 4- ( 'of fee Market New York. July 6. Coffe futures were quie t again today with prices again showing a dlsponition to sag orr under small offer ings. The opening waa quiet a ta decline of 1 point, and after selling at 7.910 early. March caned off to 7.87c. other montne closed net unchanged to S points lower. Sales, 10,750 bags. July, 7.43c: August, 7.61c: September, 7.69o; October,768c; No vember, 7.67o; December, 7.71c; January, 7.76c; February, 7.8lc; March, 7.86c; April, 7.81c; May, 7.97c; June, 8.06c. - Uuot. dull: Rio 7s, 9c; Santoa 4s, loo. No fresh offers were reportod here from Santos. Shippers were said to be asking 8.26c for Rio 7a Lodon credit and 8.00o American credits. The official cables re Dorted a decline of 25 reis at Rio with Santos spots unchanged and futures 15 to 50 rets lower. Rio cleared 44,000 bags for New York. Kansas City Live Stork Market. Kansas City, July 6. Cattle Receipts, 1,000 head; market steady; prime fed steers, $13.60013.40; dressed beef steers, $9,500 12.26; western steers, $9.00013.26; southern steers. $0.75012.00: cows, $5.75010.00; heif ers, $7.50&12.75; stackers and feeders. $6.50 10.50; bulls, $6.0l6'8.26; calves, $7,000 13.75. Hogs Receipts, 3,000 head; market higher; bulk of sales, $16.30015.90; heavy, $16.85016.00; packers and butchers, $16.50 16.90; light, $14.90016.60; pigs, $13,000 14.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,000 head; market steady: lambs, $16.00016.00; year lings, $10.0012.00; wethers, $8.(089.60; ewes, $8,00Q9.26. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, July 6. Cattle Receipts, 2.000 head; market steady; native beef cattle, $8.30013.90; stockers and feeders, $6,300 1.50; cows and heifers, $5.40011.75; calves, $10.00014.75. Hogs Receipts, 16,000 head; market weak at yesterday's average; bulk of sales. $14.90 y 15.85; light, $14.60016.70; mixed, $14,659 16.00; heavy, $14.60016.00; rough, $14,600 14.70; pigs. $11.00014.25. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,000 head; market firm; wethers. $7.76011.00; twit, 7.009.25; lambs, $9.75016.50. Turpentine and Roeln. Savannah, July 6. Turpentine Firm; 36c; sales, 858 bbls.; receipta, 67$ bbls.; shipments. 614 bbls.; stock, 21.948 bbls. Rosin Firm; sales. 2,831 bbls.; receipts, 1,906 bbls.; shipments, 1,700 bbls.; gtock, 67.416 bbls. Quote: B, $5.1006.20; D, $1.11 (ft) 5.25; E, $5.2005.25; F, $5.2214 06.35; 6, $5.2606.40; II, I, $5.3006.46; K, $5.$506.$5; M, $5.7005.90: N. $.40.60; WO, $1.60O 6.60; WW, $6.6006.76. American Telephone & Telegiiph Co. A dividend of Two Dollars per share) will be paid on Monday, July II, 191T, to stock holders of record at the close of buslneis 144 Jim 'SO 1917 Bee n Saturday, June SO, 1SIT, G. D. MILNE, Treasurer. X 3