THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, J917. MORE PICTURES ARE ANOTHER BEE MAN WHO IS INCREASED COST IN RUNNING THE TRAINS War Has Added Heavily to the Expense of Operation of the Lines of the Union Pacific. AMBULANCE UNIT COMMENCES DRILL Embryo Hospital Men Are Puf Through Paces for Two Honrs by Sergeant Bnrnside. to donate five thoroughbred airdale militaristic dogs to the company. Byrne & Hammer, M. E. Smith & Co. and the United States National bank will be handicapped by the loss of men when the ambulance company members are ready to leave for the front Seven men will go from Byrne & Hammer, five from M. E. Smith and seven from the United States National bank. In Speaking of the depletion of forces at the bank, President M. T. Barlow said: "We may have to fall back on the women to fill the men's places." Thomas E. Carlson and Elmer W. Bronan have enlisted as cooks. "I expect to tegin drilling the men on the streets in several weeks and may take them out for a long hike some Sunday morning," said Ser geant Burnside. DOING HIS BIT. ADDED TO GALLERY Splendid Exhibit of the Friends of ' Arfl Now Shown at .the Omaha Public Library, PHOTOPLAYS. PHOTOPLAYS. PHOTOPLAYS. 10 A rare and beautiful collection of new paintings valued approximately at $65,500 is now on exhibition at the Omaha public library in connec tion with the Society of Fine Arts and the Friends of Art gallery. ' Five of these pictures, - which are worth $5,500, represent the paintings purchased during the last year by the Friends of Art association, of which Mr. John Lee Webster is president Th? rrst nf th rnllrtinn ha hrm loaned to the Friends of Art asso ciation for the summer by R. C. and N. M. Vose of Boston. "Omaha hac nnw mrheA th noint in its artistic progress when it can have loan exhibitions as the large art centers do," said Mr. Webster Tues day atternoon oetore a joint meeting of the boards of directors of the Friends of Art and the Fine Arts so ciety, succeeding a luncheon at the Fontenelle given by the former in honor of the women on the executive board of the Society of Fine Arts Twelve Are Presented. tures which have been given to the gallery by the Friends of Art in the last two years, as seven were given last year. The new pictures just pur- cnasea oy me association are as ioi-lows:- "Un. regard dans lcpasse," an excellent example-of the celebrated Belgian artist, Herman Richir, which was m the Franco-Belgian art exhi bit at the Auditorium. ' "We paid $1,000 for it, but would not take $3,000 for it now, aid Mr, Webster. "Sunlight and Shadow," by William Chase, one of the best known Amen can artists, was obtained at an auc tin in New York for $1500: "Knit ting," a Holland interior by Evart Pieters, which received almost a unanimous vote at the recent exhl bition. i valued at $900; "The Cres cent Moon, by George H. Bogart, at $0UU, and the "Hilltop," a Nebraska scene by our fellow townsman, Dun bier, at $500. ... ' In Loan Exhibition. In the loan exhibition are the fol lowing: "The Conway River," by Benjamin Leader; "By the Fireside," by Bernard De lloog; "Alert," by F. P. Ter Meulen; "Hauling Timber' by T. K. Leurs; "New Born Lamb," by It. J. Van der Weele;. 'Pussy's Break fast," by B. Pothast; "Sunlight and Shadow," by, Jan Van Essen, and "October Sunshine." . by Blakelock, which is worth $2,500 . . "Juniata River," by George Innes, which is valued alone at $7,500, was loaned by George H. Ainslie of New York City. 4 ne gauery win e open an summer every day excepting Sunday from 9 in the morning until 5 o'clock and Is free to the public. , "We feel that it is a creditable art gallery and worthy of frequent visits by all our people who have a love for the beautiful," said Mr. Webster. The luncheon party included the following Meidanira Wrd Buru, O. T. Kountse, Jehn H. flummaraj. Palmar rindlay, ' Ooorr Print; ' MMfl!. John I Wabatar, Ward BarctBi, C. T. Kauntia, Mnndam Obcht Williams. n. tit. Vlneonhalcr. Charlet O'Neill Rich, . ' W. 3. Hynea, Slir, . Thotnaa Burna. Mlna Llda Wilson. . High Commandant Explains Refusal to Credit Brady Frank H. Culgard, jr., commandant of Central High school cadets, has filed a reply in district court as to why he did not issue a certificate of drill with the rank of second lieu tenant to Richard Brady, son of Thomas E. Brady, upon his gradua tion from Central Hjgh school Gulgard declares , that Richard Brady left the high school regiment upon the written demand of his father. As a result, the petition adds, Brady did not attain proficiency in drill and was not entitled to the com mission he seeks. Thomas E. Brady, attorney, recent ly brought suit against Principal Mas ters and Commandant ' Gulgard to compel them to issue a military di ploma to his son. Dandy Sixth Has Recruited Fourteen Hundred Men The Sixth regiment now has re cruited 1,400 iien, according to infor mation from General Phil Hall. Of this number 400 have been supplied by Omaha and are therefore members of the Omaha battalion. Forty-one recruits were enlisted here Monday. Among these were Tom Norris, as , sistant manager of the Murphy. O'Brien company, Ed Smyth, son of C J.. Smyth; Joe O'Connor of the Standard Manufacturing company and Vinton I. Rhode, former base ball player. The "Dandy Sixth" will be mus tered into service with the Fifth regi ment about July 15. The Fourth, Fifth and Sixth regiments will be mo bilized at Fort Crook and sent south together to a concentration camp. City to Advertise for . The Sale of Muny Bonds The city council directed the city clerk to advertise for the sale of muni cipal bonds as follows: Sewer, $200, 000; park, $50,000; public comfort sta tion, $50,000; city planning, $50,000; police station, $100,000. " This action was- taken notwith standing the recommendation of the superintendent of accounts and fin ance, who explained that the muni cipal bond market is not favorable at this time. The city dadg,' however, will deter mine Just whft the situation is? and if the bids are not attractive they will be rejected. , Joe Uvick Proves He is Over Draft Age; Records Wrong "Joe Uvick was addressing a pa triotic meeting with great fervor a week ago, mgxag young men to flock to the Colors, -when a voice in the audience asked: "Why don't you flock yourself?" ' "I'm over the ag j limit Tor regis tration said "Jo'J But investigation showed that the records were wrong and that accord ing to the assessor's records he was twenty daya tinder 31 years old. This was an error and "Joe" has finally had it adjusted authentically to the full uiisfaction of the federal authorities WILLIAM STIPES. William Stipes, now seaman on the U. S. S. Montana, one of Uncle Sam's most powerful battleships, is another Bee man doing his bit for the nation in the war. C . 4 a otiDes lormenv was emoiovea in the press room of The Bee. When the international crisis became acute Stipes was one of the first to Moin the navy and now he has been as signed tq, the Montana and hopes to see some active service soon. The photograph shows him in his jackie uniform. School Board Selects Janitors for the Year The Board of Education last night elected the following janitors for the ensuing school year: High, Andrew Johnson, Joseph Carnaby, -James Henderson, John Coleman, August Buehler; High School of Commerce, Thomas Hamlin, Danilc Humphrey, Mike Feeney; South High, Oscar ilummcll, A. JL. Barber, William Fir man, Joseph Cink; Bancroft, Otfo Dickmati; Beals, Frank Hammond; Brown Park, James Hazuka; Cass, Henry Oertslauer; tastelar, Hugh McGrath; Central Park. Albert Fal coner; Clifton Hill, Charles Ring; Comenius, William Gieselman; Cor rigan, James Melia: Druid Hill. E. W. Johnson; Dundee, W. M; Burke; Du potit, George W. Stone; Edward Rosewarier, Charles H. Staccy; Far namf Frank McGuckin; Franklin, Louis Sanderson; Garfield, S. S. Kev ins; Hawthorrie, D. D. Sullivan; Highland, George II. Bowley: How ard Kennedy, O. E. Sandberg; Jung mann, Anton Machal; Kellom, Otis Metcalf; Lake, Victor Danielson; Lincoln, J. J. Kalina; Long, C. G. Henderson. Frank Short: Lnthrnn. George Elliott; Madison, John Vavra; Mason, Louis Peterson; Miller Park, Joseph Archibald; Monmouth Park, Carl J. Carlson;, Pacific, William Cathroe; Park, Gas Falk; Saratoga, Robert M. Monroe; Saunders. Louis Burke: Sherman, Charles Claussen. sr.; South Central, Gust Lind; South franklin, Walter i'okorskt; .South Lincoln, Herman Trenkle; Train, George Ruebsamen; Vinton. T. P. Shirley; Walnut Hill, Carl Johnson; Webster, Charles E. Falk; West Side, Charles A. Allen; Windsor, William U Hackett. . Omaha Bar Urges Speedy Confirmation of C. J. Smyth Resolutions urging the speedy con firmation of C. J. Smyth as chief jus tice of the court of appeals of the District of Columbia were adopted at a special meeting of the Douglas Clunty Bar association at the court house Monday night. Mr. Smyth was the guest of honor and was showered with congratulations. The secretary of the association was ordered to send a copy of the resolutions to the judiciary committee of the United States senate. Another resolution adopted called upon members to look after business of brother lawyers called to the col ors. Fees collected in such cases will he turned over to the attorney who first handled the case. It was de cided to flnnoint a comminp tn an. portion such cases among members remaining at home. Mrs. Edith Beecher Given Custody of Her Daughter Mrs. Edith Beecher was grantedv the custody of her daughter by Judge Sears, providing the girl is kept un der tne jurisdiction oi the court. It was also decided that during "vaca tion months" the mother has romnlet charge over the girl, but during the school year. she must attend school ana must live in jjougias county. J. he daughter is free to visit both father and mother. Mrs. Beecher obtained a Aivnrr three years ago from Ray Stevenson, father of the girl. Then she went to ChicaSTO. The ffirl. who wa nlarrri under the care of her grandmother by ner iatner, Decame a bit unmanage able and went to Chicago to s. hr mother. This brought aboiif the suit City Approves New Lights For the Florence Boulevard The city council approved installa tion of an ornamental lighting sys tem on Florence boulevard, from Twentieth street and Ames avenue to entrance of Miller park at Reed street The clan contemrilates ninetv Ma. da lamps of 100 candle power. The Nebraska Ppwer company will install conduits. The additional expense to the city will be $1,100 a year. There are now twenty lights in this district A delegation of members of the rettiest Mile club urned the council to act favorably on the proposition. The new lights will be placed 150 feet apart and will be located alter nately on each side df the boulevard. Officers Go to New York After Raymond B. Morse Detective, T. T. ParannnurstM lff Tuesdav for New Ynrlr. whero Rav. mond B. Morse is being held for him on a cnarge ot embezzlement it is alleged that Morse left Omaha with $1,000 in money belonging to his part ner. He' was traced to New York by means of baggage checks from one city to another, To show that the business of the company has been hard hit by rea son of the war, Union Pacific officials have caused to be compiled figures for the first five months of 1917, show ing the increased expenses as com pared with the corresponding period of 1916. ' i In order to keep locomotives mov ing during the first five months of this year the Union Pacific burned 811,964 tons of coal in the handling of its freight and 308,901 tons in the handling of its passenger trains. This coal cost on an average of $2.09 a ton this year, as against $1.74 during the same months of last year. In the matter of coal alone it is figured that the war has added to the cost of operation $722,799.38 up to June 1 this year. laking the cost of coal, repairs on locomotives, lubricating oil and loco motive supplies and the pay of engine and trainmen, it is figured that the war forced the Union Pacific to a war increase of approximately 9 cents a mile in freight and 1XA cents a mile increase in. the passenger serv ice. During the period referred to the freight locomotives registered 5,833,407 and the passenger, 4,639,- 816 miles. To take care of the expenses out lined the total' cost during the first five months of this year aggregated $4,239,136.86, as against $3,190,378.94 during the corresponding period of last year. ! I 1 MM II . Kansas City Grocers to Stop Here This Month Retail grocers of Kansas City to the number o'f probably 200 or more will be in Omaha July 29 for a day's outing. The event comes in the re turn invitation of the Omaha Retail Grocers' association, since this or ganization was entertained at Kansas City some weeks ago. In Omaha the grocers will te the guests of the Omaha Retail Grocers' associationand the Loose-Wiles Bisr cuit company. They will be met at the train in automobiles and taken up town. The will be driven to some of the interesting points in the city in the morning and then to the Hotel rontenelje tor luncheon. In the aft ernoon tney win De taken to the Country club, where they will enjoy golf and other sports and have dinner in me evening. Two Divorces Granted On Plea of Nonsupport Lena Taylor was granted a divorce from William D. Taylor for nonsup port, and Ruth Greene from Harry Ureene on the same grounds. - ceedings against Walter McDaniel, al leging nonsupport Minnie R. Van dermuelen has sued William O. Van- dermuelen on grounds of nonsupport and extreme cruelty. Leta Alfreds wants freedom from John Alfreds be cause of alleged nonsupport and ex treme cruelty, and Myrtle Wyerman is suing Jraul Wyerman for a divorce on the grounds of nonsupport The Auditorium presented a mili taristic scene Monday when 103 out of the 124 members of the Omaha ambulance company received their first training under Sergeant Frank Burnside. With coats off and a de termined air the embryo company worked for two hours. Twenty-five spectators dropped in during the evening to watch the drill, having heard the commands and the regu lar marching of the men. i The next drill will be held Friday night at 8 o'clock, the regular Wed nesday night meeting being omitted because of the Fourth. Scoutmaster Morley Young offered PHOTOPLAYS. No Change in Police Rules Regarding July 4 Fireworks Police regulations in Omaha with respect to the use of explosives on Wednesday will be 'practically the same as last year. Chief of Police Dunn has instructed his men to re strain those who use cannons, re volvers or dynamite, and thAse who place explosives on street car tracks or otherwise exceed the limits of'rea son in their ideas of being patriotic. Be patriotic and peaceful is the keynote of the proclamation of Mayor JJahlman. "Safety first" is the advice of Chief Dunn. , , i Postoffice to Be Closed All Day Independence Day The postoffice and federal offices will be closed all day for the Fourth of July. No deliveries will be made. Persistent Advertising is the Road to Success. WALTER HAINES wear AIR POCKET GOGGLES On ! at th Speedway and Downtown. AMWEMKNTS. For th Lut Time Today TAYLOR TRIPLETS In the Manly Art of Self-Defense RAY, BRUCE AND FAY The Wop's Busy Day . LEWIS AND LEOPOLD Merry Men From SongUnd COX FAMILY Singing, Dancing, Comedy FEATURE PHOTOPLAY EARLE WILLIAMS t AND v ' DOROTHY KELLY "THE MAELSTROM" A Detective Story in Five Acts. EMPRESS GARDEN OMAHA'S FINEST RESTAURANT AND AMUSEMENT CENTER Dane and be nUHalnvd while you njoy Omaha's Beat Cookinf. TEA DANS ANT, Wadnaaoay and Sat urday, 3:30 to 8i30 p. m. ADAMS' "So JAZZ BAND. BASE BALL OMAHA VS. LINCOLN JULY 2, 3. 4, 4 ROURKE PARK ' Monday, July t, Ladtta Day. Wadnaaday, July 4, Two Mornlnc Cam tailed at 10:13. Afternoon liam Called at S;15. Box toete at Barkalow Brojb. TODAY ' spcial "i"ir t- vwri I traction Contin uous 1 to 11 P. M. " THE BATTLE CRY OF PEACE" An Appeal To Patriotism and a Cell to Arms ANY SEAT lOcANY TIME o tf - y V r f-H m V - 0- -lanai - Xr ' aV or.-.-, -v v. 7 g Las ; jaSJTg E: ii A MUSE, Today Only Antonio Moreno "The Magnificent 'Meddler" ..I. i ,UU..ruq.ul iiniiisiniaE Last Times Today. EMMY'WEHLEN -in- "The Duchess . of Doubt" -Tburs. JUNE CAPRICE merica's Sweetheart MARY PICKF0RD The Little Girlie Who Purchased $100,000.00 Worth of Liberty Bonds to Show Her Patriotism, Now Offers for Your Approval and Entertainment a Thrilling Patriotic Story of Modern Times The Little American AT THE Tuesday 'till Saturday July 3d to 7th . FRANKLYN FARNUM THE CAR OF CHANCE" 3 After you see this picture, if you are a man and don't go out saying: "I'm going to help lick that Kaiser," there' something the matter with your red corpuscles. If you are a girl or woman and don't aayt "I'll do my bit to ensure the survival of democracy, you are not as loyal as you should be. THE GREATEST FOURTH OF JULY PICTURE POSSIBLE TO CONCEIVE ' Just For Fun "ORIENTAL LOVE" -A Keystone. Matinee Prices Same as Night iiiMl.llllilUWilJUuIlillNli ts. T- mwmm in i I i iwii minimi mi ia - i ,. . , i, . The Beverage You Like 'Like a Cool north breeze on a hot day-" Luxus is purely a soft drink a non intoxicating beverage which may be sold without a U. S. government lic ense. You can buy it everywhere that soft drinks are sold. Luxus is good for everyone from the wee kiddies to grandma and grandpa. Order The Beverage Yon Like At the Races or at the Match It will help you to make the day more pleasant and you'll find it fully up to the - ( Standard Sold in brown bottles or on draught at fountains, clubs . and rctamant, FRED KRUG PRODUCTS CO. PHONE TYLER 420 ' - DISTRIBUTORS it- ..... - . ' Mever Mercanfl Phone Tyler 2889 me Have a Case -Sent Home Company 321 South 14th St. afcii 1A I it i ixaii At a iaxj , t f m L . f w , w w . A t , w x t i i , , . , . 1 w . w , . w . n t ...... . ---)" f3 S3 g 1 M SB . "1 s