Tfiiu BEE: OMAHA. TUESUAX, JULY 3, 1917. CAR PLUNGES INTO NIAGARA RIVER Ten Persons Are Dead, Four teen Missing and Twenty Four Hurt; Fifty Pas sengers Aboard. Kiagira Falls, N. Y., July 2.-An investigation was begun to place the blame for the accident in the Niagara river gorge yesterday when a crowded trolley car was thrown from the tracks by a washout and plunged into the head waters of the whirlpool rapids. The death list stood at ten this morning, with four missing and probably dead and twenty-four in jured. A washoul due to recent rains was the cause of the disaster, which happened just below the cantilever bridge and sixty feet below the point where the smooth water of the upper reaches of the Niagara river bank into the turbulent water of the whirlpool. Like Rats in Trap. The car had all but completed the circuit of the gorge, having crossed from the Canadian side of the river on the trolley bridge at Lewiston. Thue were more than fifty passengers on board, according to general estimates. The car was running at a speed of twenty miles an hour. Less than half a minute elaptod from the time the motorman felt the first sway until the car was bottor.side up on the river bed. As the -ar tumbled down the twenty-foot inclin from the tracks to the edge of the river, screaming men and women fought to escape and some of them were able to free themselves, but were unable to obtain a footing on the steep bank. There was a mad scramble in the shallow water between the wrecked car and the river bank. From the river side the bjdin of at least two of the passengers were seen to be caught in t: swiu.r waters and were carried down to the whirlpool. Guards Rush to Rescue. Members of a National Guard regi ment who were on guard at the bridge saw the accident and were the first to the rescue. The soldiers slid down the bank into the river and worked in water up to their waists, getting injured passengers free from the wreckage, and passing them up the bank where an emergency car was placed to carry them to the Niagara Falls hospital. The supports of the roof on the for ward part of the car had been crushed by the impact on the rocks in the river bottom, throwing the seats to gether. . This pinioned many of the passengers below the surface of the water and it was in this section of the car that most of the fatalities oc curred. Believes Bodies Lost. "I believe at least half a dozen bodies were carried down the river to the whirlpool," said one of the sol diers, who was taken to a hospital to recover from exhaustion. "When I was running down the railroad tracks. I saw out in he stream what seemed to me to be two arms raised above the surface. Ten feet away from them I am sure I saw the bright color of a woman's dress! near the turfaee and still farther down a man swimming in an effort to get out of the rapids. He. disappeared. The statement by the guardsman was the most definite obtainable as to the number of persons carried down the river. Nearly a score of persons were reoorted to the police as miss ing, but most of them were located In hospitals and hotels later in tht eve nine. It was certain, however, that in the holiday crowd there were many making the trip unaccompanied. E. B. Nickels, superintendent of the Gor railroad, issued a statment late tonight placing the number of dead ad missing at fourteen. All the other passengers on the car had been accounted for, he said., The Weather For brak Partly cloudy; unsettled ti.t portion. 1mprretar t Omaha TutonUj. f Hour. S a. m, ( t t. m 6( 7 m.. ........ tt I a. m 7t S e. m.......... 74 10 -. m 77 11 s, m 74 1) m.. 77 1 p. m.... 71 I p. m 71 4 p. ro , IS I p. m. ......... 71 5 p. ro. ......... 7T 7 p. m 71 S p. m 71 WILSON ISSUES RULES FOR NEXT STEPJN DRAFT Contlno4 from Pre Owt.) Ht(ht rfdy. y !wft y,wtnlay. Mean temperuture precipitation Comparatlr Loral toM. lm.-im. mi. M4. It S 71 IS 13 74 II II U 14 14 74 ,00 .OS .04 .04 Tomperatnr and prtclplutlon departure! from the normal: . j Normal ternperatur 71 ttotlctenry for Oio day 4 Total deficiency sines March t til Normal precipitation .11 Inch Deficiency for the day... .15 Inch Total rainfall sines March 1. .. .11.15 Inches GxccH alnce March J.. l.litnchea Deficiency for cor. period, 1111.. I.OSInchea Uaflclency fur cor. period. 1111.. 1.11 Inches Reoorts from Maliona al 7 r. n. Station and State Temp. High. Rain- of Weather. 7 p. tn. tut. fall. Cheyenne, partly cloudy 40 7 .00 avenport, c'r 73 71 .00 Denrer cloudy 74 74 T Dea Motnea, clear 74 10 .0 Idre City. pt. cloudy.. II is ." Lander, cloudy ...71 13 .00 North Platte, clear.... 10 14 .00 Omaha, clear 74 10 .00 Pueblo, cloudy 10 S .00 Chicago 73 7 .00 jalt Lake. City, clear.. 14 W .00 Santa Fa, cloudy 71 14 .00 Sheridan, clear 11 , 4 .00 hiouk City, clear ...... 7 S - 74 .00 Valentine, clear ...... 7S 10 .00 the boards to whom its operation is committed, and I admonish every member of every local board and of every district board of review that their duty to their country requires an impartial and fearless performance of the delicate and difficult duties en trusted to them. They should re member as to each, individual case presented to them that they are called upon to adjudicate the most sacred rights of the individual and to preserve untarnished the honor of the nation. "Our armies at the front will be strengthened and sustained if they be composed of men free from any sense of injustice in the mode of se lection and they will be inspired to loftier efforts in behalf of a country in which the citizens called upon to perform high public functions per form them with justice, fearlessness and impartiality." Order of Proceedure. Uoon organizing the local boards will take over from the registration boards all registration cards, which they will number serially and list for posting to public view. Then, after Having been advised of the method bv which the order of liability for service shall be determined and of the quota to be drawr from its territory (minus credUs for enlistments in the National Guard or regular army) each board will prepare a list of persons designated for service in the order of their liability, post the list, give it to the press and within three days send notice to each designated person by mail. As the mi., so notified appear the boards first will make a physicial ex amination in accordance with special regulations to be provided, bearing in mina mat an persons accepteo oy them will be re-examined by army surgeons. If the physicial examina tion is passed successfully then comes the question of exemption. Long List of Exemptions. Persons who must be exempted or discharged by the local board include: Officers of the united states, ot the states, territories and the District of Columbia: ministers of religion, stu dents of divinity, persons in the mil itary or naval service of the United States; subjects of Germany, all other aliens who have not taken out hrst papers, county or municipal officers, custom house clerks, workmen in tea eral armorie.1, arsenals and navy yards, persons in the federal service designated by the president for ex emption, pilots, merchant marine sail ors, those with a status with respect to dependents which renders their exclusion desirable (a married man with dependent wife or child, son of a dependent widow, son ot dependent, dependent orphan child under 16 years of age) those found morally deficient and anv member of any well recog nized religious sect existing May 18, 1917, whose creed forbids participa tion in war and whose religious con victions accord with ttne creed. Filing of Exemption Claims. Claims for exemption because of de pendents may be made, by the man himself, his wife or other dependents or by a third party who has person ally investigated the case. A claim made by the husband must be accom panied by a supporting affidavit signed by his wife and by the head of a family residing in the same ter ritory. A claim by the wife or a third party must be accompanied by two supporting affidavits signed by heads of families. Similar rules govern claims on the grounds of other dependents when the dependents or third, parties being authorized to file claims with supporting affidavits. In each case the board must be satisfied before grants exemption or discharge that the dependent or dependents actually are supported mainly by the truits the man s mental or physical labor. Boards of Appeal Local boards are required, subject to appeal, to pass upon claims tor ex emption or discharge within three days after the tiling of affidavits District boards must, decide appea cases within five days after the clos ing of proofs and their decisions are final. If the ruling of a local board is affirmed the person in Question stands finally accepted for military passing on claims for exemption on the ground of employment in nec essary industrial and agricultural oc cupations the district boards must be convinced that the particular enter prise affording such employment ac tually is necessary to tue maintenance of the military establishment or na tional interest during the emergency. Certificates of exemption will not necessarily be permanent They may be revoked with changing conditions or may be granted only for prescribed periods-. LAX-F05 Aa Improved Caacara A digeatWe Mould laxative, cathartic and liver tonic Combine! atrength with palat able aromatic tests. Doe a not trip or dis turb stomach, 0c Adrtrtissmsnt. Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. Kaiser Stands By Demand for Cash And Territory Amsterdam, July 1. Herr Reb- mann, head of the Baden branch of the national liberal party, who spoke at Karlsruhe on Friday, declared there was not the slightest faltering regarding peace demands to be ob served at the recent meeting of the party leaders in Berlin. These de mands were annexation of territory in the east, making the coasts secure, demand for colonial territory and war indemnity. London, July 2. Commenting on Premier Lloyd George's Glasgow ad dress Friday, in which he said that the end of the war without the al lied aims won and guaranteed would be the greatest disaster, the Rhein ische Westfalische Zeitung says it is another indication that England needs peace. Our U-boats will give Lloya George tht best answer," continues the paper. The Koelnische Volks Zeitung says that the British premier knows Ger many is ready for peace and there fore the responsibility for the con tinuance of the war rests with England. The Koelnische Zeitunsr describes the proposed peace as a revelation of English deceit and says for the first time the English premier admits Eng land is conducting a war of robbery and conquest. lime has made us hard, says the paper, and as our army has accomplished the unbeliev able so will our people endure suffer ing and privation rather than agree to a premature peace for Lloyd George's advantage. of NEW FASHIONS . " for TOWN, COUNTRY, MOUNTAIN and SEASHORE CASH Mid-Summer Clearance at much less than usual prices. F. W. Thome Co. 'PEACE' PARADE ENDS IN GENERAL RIOTING Police, Soldiers, Sailors and Canadian "Kilties" Combine to Break Up Big Demonstration. Wilson Comes to Rescue Of Brewers, Says Hinshaw Washington, July 2. Virgil G. Hin- haw, chairman of the national com mittee of the prohibition party, today issued a statement attacking Presi dent Wilson's action in asking prohi bition leaders not to delay passage of the food control bill by insisting on retention of the provisions affect ing the manufacture of beer and light wines. "We undoubtedly would have na tional prohibition within thirty days," said Mr. Hinshaw, "were it not for the interference of Woodrow Wilson coming to the rescue of the brewers in the final hour. Defense Very Short in The "Highgrader Trial Cheyenne. Wyo.. July 2. It took the defense in the alleged interstate gold conspiracy which went to trial here last week, just 30 minutes to pre sent its ease today. Halt an hour after the government had concluded its case before United States District Judge Riner, the defense rested, Three witnesses were introduced by the defendants. i Bee Wants-Ads Produce Results. FIVE KILLED IN DAY OF RIOTING IN EAST ST. LOUIS (CtoMnamt from Pee One.) ter. Up to that hour the streets were quiet and it seemed the day would pass without a renewal of the noting, Aa the morning wore on crowds be gan to congregate in the streets, and encouraged by the absence of troops from the downtown section, agitators began their work of inflaming the mob. One of the National Guard com panics then was ordered from the ne gro quarter to the bus ness section but the arrival of the troops seemed to arouse the mobs to further aggres aton. White men stopped street cars, dragged off the negroes, and pelted them with stones and paving bricks. By 1 o'clock eight injured negroes were in hospitals and the police and guardsmen seemed completely to have lost control. No accurate count of the number of negroes attacked was obtainable, many getting away with slight injuries. As the mob seemed further than ever from control, orders were given to hurry as many negroes as possible out of the city. Auto trucks were taeked and the exodus began. Late this afternoon the moo set HARTMAN WARDROBE TRUNKS $25 up These trunks My tht bt (aa luraa el trunk caaatructloa. The fiilmtnt keeps clothaa free t wrlnkltat all clothing la reedy t wur at tha rod ( tha trip. Frelmg& Steinle Omaha's Btt Bag gag Builders 1803 FARNAM ST. We Like Small Repair Job. fiJxjT-njirnrM)iri,i" - FIREWORKS! For the Fourth of July Boston, Mass., July 1. Riotous scenes attended a socialist parade to day, which was announced as a peace demonstration. The ranks of the marchers were broken up by self-organized sauads of uniformed soldiers and sailors, red flags and banners bearing socialistic mottoes were trampled on and literature and fur nishings in the socialist headquarters in Park Square were thrown into the street snd burned. Police reserves stopped the rioting after it had been in progress an hour and a half. Many arrests were made. The police took into custody some of the participants in hundreds of fist fights that were waged on the Com mon and in the line of the parade, while agents of the federal Depart ment of Justice under the direction of Assistant District Attorney Goldberg arrested a number of persons who were alleged to have made unpatriotic remarks. None of the soldiers and sailors who figured in the disturbance were arrested. The procession consisted of hun dreds of men and women, many of whom carried babies. Most of the marchers carried small red flags with white emblematic of the peace dem onstration and there were large ban ners bearing inscriptions, some of which read: "Russia has a six-hour day. Why not America?" and "Lib erty loan a first mortgage on labor." A large American flag was at the head of the procession. Half a hundred nier. in the uniform of naval -reservists, national guards men, marines and Canadian 'kilties intercepted the procession at the cor ner of West and Tremont streets and again at the corner of Winter and Tremont streets. In both instances a street fight re sulted. Blows were exchanged and flags were snatched from the hands of the marchers while women in the line screamed in fright. The American flag at the head of the line was seized by the attacking party, and the band, which had been playing "The Mar seillaise," with some interruptions. was forced to play The istar-span- glcd Banner," while cheers were given for the flag. Meanwhile the socialist headquarters in Park Square had been ransacked and its contents destroyed by a bonfire. fire to homes in the negro quarter and a score of buildings were de stroyed, while scouting parties searched for negroes the mob might attack. THOMPSON BELDEN & CO ipasiionCpnfprbrJfompn sta6isipd 3Q6 Pique Skirting "Tootala" white pique skirt ing has a soft wool-like fin ish and makes up into beau tiful summertime suits and skirts. 44 inches wide, $1.00 a yard. Linen Section Light Silk Gloves Cool, but still a protection against the summer sun. In white, washable silk, 60c to $1.15. Womens Gauze Union Suits 35c Fine quality, ribbed, sleeve less garments, 35c; extra sizes, 45c. IT i Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skirts Merchandise of Quality Going at Great Savings Our regular stocks no "Sale" goods or other undesirable garments. Omaha women are offered the opportunity, during this sale, of purchasing fashionable clothes at prices less than consistent with their quality. Suits Sport, tailored and novelty styles. No reser vations. All models are hand tailored of styl ish fabrics. s $25 to $35 Suits, $11.75 $39.50 to $50 Suits, $22.50 $55 to $85 Suits, $31.75 $85 to $125 Suits, $42.50 Wool Coats Georgette Crepe And Silk Dresses are marked so low in price that they will go quickly. A Clearance of Sport Hats Modish Sailors of Milan and Milan Hemp with silk ribbon bands, good colors; Tuesday . . 50c Basement A Small Charge Made for Alterations. Women's Wash Apparel For the Fourth of July BASEMENT SECTION A showing of cool, comfortable apparel for the out ing Wednesday. Dainty Clothes do not cost more than ordinary sorts as these prices clearly show Wash Skirts, $1.65 and $2.65. Middy Blouses, S5c and $1.19. Two New Dix Dresses for $3.50. Many other equally pleasing styles and moderate pricings. jjl ! Best Coeds -Lowest Price. Fir Cracken, per bunch, le, 2c, Se, 5c, 6c, Sc. , Salutes, per box, 4c ana Sc. Roman Candles, le, 2c, 3c, 4c each. Sky Rockets, Mines, Balloons, Red Fire, Cap Pistols, Caps, etc. Complete Liae of Flags. Meet Complete Stock i Omeha Opea Evenings. Remember the Lecatioa. J.F. Bilz, Jr. 318 South 15th St. Next Door South of Smoke House. Easy to Handle, Splendid in Appearance, Economical BR SCOE The Car for the People When you come down to Omaha this week, we want you to make a special visit to our salesroom to see the Briscoe. - This car is not a new one in Nebraska, but it has fastened itself in the esti mation of the people more firmly within the last few months than any car per haps on the market today as a car for the people. It is a car whose motor was designed and built by skilled men in France, and is known in this country -as the half million dollar motor. It is demonstrated that it not only has 40 more power than it ever had or that any car in its class has today. But it has been demonstrated and has proven that it makes more mileage to the gallon of gasoline than engineers have dreamed of. We believe that these two essential features-power and car mile age can favor making a car successful and certainly favor with the majority of American people. A special feature of the Briscoe is its easy handling, which makes it a great favorite with women. We believe that this is an opportune time for visitors to go into the mechan ism of, this great car, and we arc in position to make a demonstration of the value of the car. A splendid proposition for agents. The week of July 7 to 15 will be known as Briscoe National Week. We shall show many new body designs and colore during the week. i A Get a Demonstration Today Foshier Bros. & Dutton Omaha 2056-53 Farnam St. Phone Douglas 6187, 3 ) Y W ,1812 FARNAM ST. i 5B C)