Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1917, Image 1

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    HBJ The Omaha Daily -Bee I "
Denied Right in Hawkeye State
by Injunction, Detective Asks
Hearers to Travel Here
for Murder Expose.
Thj Villisca ax murder will be dis
cussed in the Boyd theater in Omaha
at a public meeting by Detective J. N.
.Wilkerson. July 7 at 3 o'clock in the
afternoon is the time fixed The thea
ter was engaged yesterday.
A special train is being planned by
citizens of Greater Red Oak and Vil
lisca to bring the crowds over to hear
the detective who has been enjoined
by Jude E." B. Woodruff of Glen
wood from discussing the now no
torious ax murder in Iowa.
Wilkerson has for four years been
gathering evidence on the now no
torious murder of the Joe Moore
family and the two Stillinger girls of
Villisca, la. He was first put on the
rase by the Burns Detective agency,
but later resigned, and now that he
has taken up his residence in .Mont
gomery county, Iowa, he is continu
ing with the investigation.
Injunction Gagged Talk.
Saturday afternoon when he had
called a ptblic meeting in the opera
house at Red Oak, la., and was pre
pared to tell the indignant citizens
that he believes Rev. George Lynn J.
Kelly is innocent of the murder and
that he has evidence tending to im
plicate a prominent man of that coun
ty, Attorney General Havner managed
to get out an injunction against his
speaking at the mass meeting, and
had the injunction served on the de
tective just as he was ready to begin
Judge A L. Sutton of Omaha, at
torney for Rev, Mr. Kelly, is said to
have suggested to Detective Wilker
son, "there is no ban on the freedom
of speech in Nebraska."
Eneaeea Bovd Theater.
-. ipwisr-hta-Wilkerson says, and
at the suggestion of many of the best
nt'Onle of Montgomery county, Wil-
l-prsfm came to Omaha yesterday aft
ernoon, rented the Boyd theater for
the afternoon of July 14, and there he
savage will tell what he knows of the
"K11v is as innocent as yoa or 1,
he said in Omaha. "I am holding this
meetinir to do what I can to prevent
the miscarriage of justice. The citi
zens of Villisca and Red Oak will pay
my expenses on this trip to speak to
them in in Omaha.
"I intend to tell the truth about
this case, and show why certain offi
cials in Iowa are fighting me to pre
verrt mv tellinc what I know- I shall
also show the reasons why the law
was passed to make it possible to curb
'ree speecn in towa.
Refers to Thompson Law.
In this last statement Wilkerson
rtferred to what is known in Iowa
as the Thompson law, or popularly
known as the anti-Wilkerson law. It
was passed, he declares, just, fifteen
minutes before the legislature of Iowa
was ready to adjourn and was rail
roaded through to such an extent that
many of the senators and representa
tives did not know what they were
voting for.
"When ThomDson introduced the
bill," said
Wilkerson, "he declared
frnm the floor that the bill was in
tended to curb Wilkerson and prevent
him talking about the ax murder of
Villisca." . .
The bill makes it possible to enjoin
any man from holding public meet
ings or speaking in an attempt to in
fluence jurors, witnesses or officers
summoned for a trial.
It was vy virtue of this eleventh
hour law t,he detective says, that At
torned eGneral Havner obtained the
injunction through Judge Woodruff
to prevent the detective from telling
what evidence he has, after a large
body of citizens had gathered at the
mass meetinsr in Red Oak to hear
him, and to raise funds for the further
prosecution of the case.
Wilkerson says members of the
slander jury told him that if they
had been on the grand jury investi
gating the murder, they would have
brought in a startling indictment.
"Moore had worked for State SeiTa
tor F. F. Jones in the implement
store before he went into business
for himself," said Wilkerson. "There
was business rivalry between them. I
was arrested, sued for $60,000 by
Jones, and charged with conspiracy,
u the iurv found for me in the
first case. The other has just been
According to Wilkerson, Attorney
General Havner obtained the indict
ment of the Rev. George Lynn J.
Kelly, and then did not arrest him
for nearly a day after Kelly came to
town and offered to give himself up.
1 "Kelly walked in voluntarily," said
Wilkerson, "and then Havner didn't
have the crust to have him arrested
after he had indicted him. It took
Kelly all day in town there to get
himself arrested after he came in
with the express purpose of giving
himself up
Bandits Seize Big Sum
And Escape in Motor Car
Chicago, July 2 C. Beard, cashier
.1.- K'.rl T.. .,A rT. nryy.
panv, was held up by five bandits and
robbed of between $15,000 and $20,000
today. The men escaped in an automobile.
o : . : il
Presence of Dynamite
Shatters Juror's Nerves
Washington, July 2-$2,000,000
was placed to the credit of Great
Britain today by Secretary Mc
Adoo, bringing the loans to that na
tion up to $585,000,000 and the total
loaned all the allies to $1,043,000,
Northern Provinces United for
Return of Emperor, While
South Stands by the
San Francisco. July 2. According
to cable advices received here today
by the Chinese Nationalist league.
China is on the verge of civil war
with the north ready to fight for the
return of the Manchu dynasty and
the southern provinces united for the
republic. . .
The league is the reorganized
young China party, which aided in
financing the revolt against theMan
chus six years ago.
Coup Destroys Peace.
Washington, July 2. The mon
archal coup de'etat came just at the
time when peace was being restored
in ChinaT The militarists, who had
set up a separate government at Tien
Tsin in order to force President Li
to dissolve parliament and the south
ern provinces, who had threatened
armed resistance to such action, had
finally come together, modified their
Hptn.ind and united behind Presi
dent Li in a coalition cabinet.
Minister Reinsch's dispatch, which
was dated noon yesterday, says Gen
eral Chang Hsun, military governor
of Anhwei province, and leader of the
militaist party, has suddenly with
drawn from the compact and sent an
ultimatum to President Li demanding
the immediate restoration ot tm
peror TIsuan Tung whose abdication
of the Manchu throne on February
12, 1912, ushered in the Chinese re
public." ChariF? Hsun was supported
by Shu Shi-Chang, guardian of the
boy emperor and former member of
the council of state under the Man
chus and by Kan Yen Wei, and ether
old type statesmen.
Expect It to Resist.
No indication has been received of
President Li'6 attitude, but as he is
a strong republican and constitu
tionalist it is expected he will resist
the ultimatum as long as any chance
of success remains.
All the southern provinces south of
the Yangtse river are expected to re
volt in case of a Manchu restoration.
China's entry into the war is felt
here now to be practically out of the
question. It is assumed that the mili
tarists are strong enough to at least
split the country.
Chang Move Unexpected.
London, July 2. Renter's Peking
correspondent, telegraphing regard
ing the movement to restore the
monarchy with Manchu with Hsuan
Tung, as emperor, says that while
it was kown the restoration enter
prise was afoot, it was believed a
coup d'etat would not be attempted
"The suddenness of the event
caused a sensation in Peking," he
adds. "The first indication of the im
portance of the affair in progress,
was tne increased numoer oi iruups
in the streets and the placing of
strong guards, mainly of General
Chang-Hsun's men, at the telegraph
and postofhees. r'
"The movement, , the object of
which is to establish' a constitutional
monarchy, is apparently supported by
the entire military forces in Peking
and a majority of the northern gover
nors." Berlin Paper Criticises
Dumba for Peace Talk
Amsterdam, July 2. The Berliner
Tages Zeitung, sharply chiticizes an
article in the Vienna Neue Freie
Presse by Dr. Constantin Dumba in
which the former ambassador to the
United States said it was gradually be
ing recognized in Austria-Hungary
that ncace could issued only from a
compromise and could be dictated by
neither side These remarks, declares
the newspaper, have created an un
i,leasant sensation in Germany.
The utterances of Von Hindenburg
and Ludendorff to the effect that
peace when it comes must cotresppnd
to the sacrifice of the German peo-
ole. savs the newspaper, expressed
the sentiments of the majority of the
German oeoole. It urges Dr. Dumba
to observe more' reserve and to re
frain from rendering more difficult
the task of his colleagues in office,
and the mtlitar- leaders.
Shops and Cafes Smashed
By Rioters at Budapest
Amsterdam, July 2. During the re
cent franchise demonstrations in Bu
dapest, says a telegram to the Berlin
Tatre Zeitune from the Hungarian
capital, damage to the amount' of
1,000,000 groner was done. The win
dows of eighty cafes and about 200
shops were smashed.
Dispatches received in London .on
June 28 from Budapest reported that
25,000 persons had marched in a dem
onstration for universal, equal and
srrret Riiffraffe. It was reoorted the
Hice had some difficulty in dispers
., - i.
mg the crowds.
Negroes Are Pulled From Street
Cars and Killed Following
Reopening of Race
East St. Louis, 111., July 2. Mobs
of men and women who fought in race
riots in nearly every section of East
St. Louis since midnight, had killed
five ocrsons. three neeroes and two
whites, by sundown tonight.
The riotiing was a recrudescence of
race troubles that occurred here a
month ago, following the importation
of large numbers of negro laborers
from the south.
Rioting Reaches Climax.
The disorder, which began when a
mob of 200 negroes fired on an auto
mobile load of policemen last night,
killing one, reached a climax this fore
noon, whetn three negro men nad one
white man were killed, two white men
and two negroes were shot and
wounded, and twenty-three others so
badly beaten and stoned, that they
were taken to hospitals.
Tonight with the saloons closed and
street car service stopped by order of
the authorities, national guardsmen
began escorting truck loads of negroes
across the river to Missouri.
White women and girls joined with
the men in stopping street cars in the
heart of the"ttowtnown district, drag
ging out every negro on whom they
could lay their hands.
Until the white women began to
participate, negro women aim b'"
had seemed immune from attack, but
when this occurred, negroesses, too,
i . . . . . . i -i-i-
were attacked.
Undertakers Wagons Line Up.
As the rioting continued this after
noon, the crowds boarding street car
after street car and dragging off ne
croes. local undertakers lined their
wagons by the curb ready for the ex
pected call to haul away the dead.
. Major William Klauser of the Illi
nois National guard said that though
the guardsmen had guns loaded, they
were under no instruction to fire in
to the mobs, but to reiy on the
The two white men who were shot
and the one who was killed, were
victims of stray bullets. V
Sixteen guardsmen were disarmed
by members of the mob, who calmly
asked the soldiers to give them the
weapons lest the guardsmen hurt
someone in the crowd.
Mayor Mollman ordered the sa
loons closed at 12 o'clock this after
noon and it was hoped that this
measure would prevent any serious
outbreak tonight. At 3 o'clock police
and guardsmen began moving negro
men and women and children to St
Louis, Mo., in motor trucks in order
that they might be out of danger dur
ing the night. None of the automo
bile trucks were molested.
Evidences of Bad Blood.
The immediate cause of the rioting
todav was the outbreak of negroes
late 'last night, but for several days
there had been evidences of bad
hlood.'and on Sunday night several
minor clashes between whites and
blacks occurred.
he clashes Saturday night appar
ently alarmed the negro quarter ot
lhe ritv. or at least (tave agitators a
chance to organize the negroes for
fighting. When word was telephoned
to police headquarters that the ring
ing of a church bell had called the
armed negroes together, an automo
bile loaded with police lett tor the
i-pnp to disnerse the crowd. J. lie of
ficers were greeted with a volley. De
tective Sergeant Coppedge was killed
and three policemen wounded.
Police reinforcements early this
morning dispersed the negroes and
shortly after 3 a. m. Mayor Mollman
asked Governor Lowdcn to send Na
tional Guardsmen here to preserve or
der. Illinois Troops Arrive.
Two companies of the guanL-Avere
assigned to duty in the negro quar-
(Cootiuued on Page Two, Column Three.)
To Train Naval Artisans
At Dunwoody Institute
Minneapolis, July 2. Announce
ment was made today that Dun
woody Institute has been selected as
a training station for the 'United
States navy. Plans call for the furn
ishine of more than 2,000 trained ar
tisans for the navy service during the
next year, according to Dr. L. A
Prosser. director of the institute.
Neeotiations are being made for
taking over a hotel to house 500 blue
jackets, who are expected to arrive
here between July IS and August 1,
for training.
nr. DifiTiuP
American Troops Will Parade
Paris Streets Fourth of July
Paris, July 2. It was decided this
afternoon to parade one battalion of
the United States army in Paris on
July 4. The American troops will ar
rive hepe on the morning of the third.
They will be quartered in the Grand
Palais, while the officers will be en
tertained at the Military club.
On the morning of the fourth a
French band will serenade General
Pershing, playing -patriotic airs out-
- side Ins mansion window
1 .t. i ...:n u
the general will be the central fig
President Issues
Selecting Great War Army From Millions
of Men Registered June 5th Under Draft
Again Offensive? Yesto the Germans
Police Superintendent Says
Further Hearing Should Be
' Postponed Until Chadron
Case is Ended.-
Superintendent Kugcl of the police
department now proposes to postpone
conclusion of the first charges against
Captain Steve Maloney until after' the
Chadron hearing, which is on the
docket for October 15, at Alliance.
The first charges, in briet, involved
Maloney in the conspiracy case at
Chadron and with the Omaha Detec
tive association, lhat hearing betore
the city council extended over a
period of eight days and was stopped
when Mrs. Margaret Aleison Decamc
ill on the witness stand.
"The first hearing got to be a joke
and what is the use of taking up our
time finishing it now; asked Mr.
Kugel. "If we should find Maloney
innocent of the first charges and he
should be held on the Chadron case,
where would it put us? And suppose
we find him guilty and he is dismissed
when the Chadron case comes to hear
ing, where will we be? I believe the
Chadron case should be disposed of
first. That was my contention from
the first."
To Decide Tuesday.
There is a difference of opinion,
however, among the city commis
sioners on the point raised by Mr.
Kugel, and at the regular meeting
Tuesday morning definite action will
be taken, whether to proceed with the
first hearing or to drop it till Octo
ber. The commissioners also are at sea
as to the status of the charges against
Detective Paul Sutton.
"As I read those charges, if Ma
loney is found guilty on his first
charges, then Sutton would automat
ically be innocent; and if Maloney
should be acquitted then it would
seem that Sutton has been guilty of
the charges," said one of the com
imissioners. ure in a commemorative ceremony
at the Invalides, where he will be pre
sented with a pennant by the Society
of the Cincinnati of France and also
with a lace flag donated by the town
of Le Puy, Haute-Loire. "
The American troops headed by an
escort of thirty French soldiers will
afterwards march to the Picpus
cemetery, where speeches will be
made at the tomb of Lafayette. The
American troops' participation in the
celebration was requested by the
French Authorities.
Rules for Next Step in
Senate Committee Endorses
Gore Substitute for Section
Submitted by Adminis
tration Leaders.
Washington, July 2. The senate!
contest over prohibition was compli
cated somewhat today wheii the
agriculture committee endorsed Sen
ator Gore's substitute stopping dis
tillation of beverages and giving the
president authority to suspend manu
facture of beer and wines. The ad
ministration compromise of Senator
Chamberlain was rejected by the com
mittee. Despite the committee's action, ad
ministration leaders planned a con
test in the senate to prevent giving
the president any power to stop pro
duction of beer and wine and believed
they would be successful, although,
if absolutely necessary, many of them
are willing to accept the Gore plan.
The agriculture committee stood
six to five on the Gore substitute and
eight to four against the Chamber
lain amendeinent. The committee is
composed largely of those with pro
hibitionist leanings.
Senator Sheppard of Texas told the
committee the president would not
object to receiving authority regard
ing beer and wine. The statement
was made upon authority of Post
master General Burleson. The Gore
substitute would give the president
power to fix the alcoholic content of
the light beverages.
The general understanding in the
committee is that should congress
give' the president power to stop
brewing and wine making he does not
propose, for the present at least, to
exercise it.
The senate adopted, 43 to 23, an
amendment to the food bill by Sena
tore Brandegee of Connecticutt, add
ing cotton and its products, which
would include clothing, to products
which the covernment could control
Senator Bankhead's amendment
adding wool to the list to be placed
under government Control . was
adonted bv viva voce vote.
Another amendment by Senator
Smoot of Utah extending government
control to hides and skins and their
products, which would include leather
and shoes, also was adopted without
record vote.
The senate as a committee of the
whole took tip amendments. One by
Senator Wadsworth for government
control of petroleum and "its fuel,
power-producing or lubricating prod
ucts was rejected, the bill provides
for control of "petroleum and its
Senator Cummins' amendment plac
ing in the list lumber or the 'joint
products of two or more of the said
materials, was accepted.
Boards Must Be Fearless and
Impartial in Performance of
, Their Difficult and Del
icate Duties.
Washington, July 2. -Regulations
to govern the next step toward se
lecting a national war army from the
millions registered for service on June
5 were issued today at the direction
of President Wilson.
The regulations make it clear that
there are to be no class exemptions
and that each individual case must
be decided upon its merits. The local
exemption boards one for each tonn-
ty of less than 4j,000 population or
city of 30,000, with additional boards
where necessary for each additional
30,000 population, will pass upon
claims for exemption, except those
based upon industrial or agricultural
occupation, subject to appeal to the
district boards.
All cases involving agricultural or
industrial exemptions will be passed
upon by the district boards, one for
each federal judicial district, which
also will decide appeals from deci
sions of the local board.
Crowder Will Set Date.
In the near future a date will be
set by Brigadier General Crowder,
provost marshal genera!, for the meet-
' , 1 - i l-
mg ana organizations lor me uoarus.
At the same time it is expected that
the selectiou regulation will be pro
mulgated, so that the process may
be put under way without delay.
The present intention is to call the
mm selected to the colors about Sep
tember 1, it as soon thereafter as
the cantonments to house them can
be completed.
In a statement accompanying the
announcement of the regulations, the
president called upon the boards to
do their work fearlessly and impar
tially and to. remember that "our
armha at the front will he strength
ened and sustained if they: be com
posed of men free from any sens of
injustice in men iiiuuc ui .
Statement 6f President; '';
The statement, follow: '
"The regulations which I am to
day causing to be promulgated pur
suant to the direction of the selective
service law, cover the remaining steps
of the plan for calling into th serv
ice of tne United States qualified men
from those who have registered;
those selected as the result of this
orocess to constitute, with the regu
lar army, the National Guard and the
navy, the fighting 'forces of the na
tion, atl of which forces are under
the terms of the law placed in a post
tion of eaual right, dignity and re
snonsibilitv with the members of
other military forces.
"The regulations have been drawn
with a view to the needs and cirenn
stances of the whole country and pro
vide a svstem which it is expected
will work with the least inequality
and personal hardship. Any system
of selecting men for military service,
whether voluntary or involuntary in
its operation, liecessarily selects some
men to bear the burden of danger
and sacrifice for the whole nation
The system here provided places all
men of military age upon an even
plane, and then, by a selection which
neither tavors tne one nor penalizes
the other, calls out the requisite num
ber for service.
Boards Must Be Fearless.
'The successful operation of this law
and of these regulations depends
necessarily upon the loyalty, patriot
ism and justice ot the memners ot
(Continued on I'me Two, Column Two.)
Fewer Lynchings During
First Six Months of 1917
Tuskegee, Ala., July 2 There were
eleven less lynchings during the six
months ending June 30 than during
that period last year, according to
records compiled at Tuskegee' insti
tute. They numbered fourteen as
against twenty-five for the same pe
riod last year. Thirteen were negroes
and one a white man. One was ?.
negro woman. . Robert Moton, princi
pal of Tuskegee, attributes much of
the negro migration north to the fear
of lynchings.
Correspondent Reports
Spanish Situation Grave
Taris, July 2. The situation in
appears to be going from bad to
worse. The gravity of the crisis is
confirmed amply by such news as
readies Paris. The Madrid corre
spondent of the Petit I'arisien, tele
graphing Sunday, says the suspension
of constitutional guarantees by the
government has not removed the un
rest of Spain.
Another Big Loan to
British Government
San Francisco. July 2. Proxi
mity of forty sticks i f dynamite and
two guns, exhibits in the case,'
caused a vigorous protest from
Juror Charles L. BeaL when the
trial of Mrs. Rena Mooney for mur
der growing out of the bomb ex
plosion here last July ,was resumed
It was removed after the juror
said "it makes me so nervous I
can't listen to the testimony."
General Brusiloff Takes Im
portant Position in Galicia,
Along With 10,000 '
(By Amoriatat PrM.)
Russia's armies have not lost their
old striking power. This is evidenced
by the announcement today from Pe
Kograd of the taking of an important
Austro-German position in Galicia in
the first offensive since the revolution,
together with the capture of more
than 10,000 prisoners.
The advance was effected between
the upper Stripa and the Narayuvka.
General Brussiloff moved here yester
day, the Austro-German lines being
struck along a front of more than
eighteen miles after prolonged artil
lery preparation. Injpressing forward
the Russians captured the town of
Germans partially Admit Loss.
Berlin, July 2. (Via London.) The
German official statement issued to
day" says that the Galicion village of
Koniuchy was lost yesterday to the
Russians, but that the Russian mass
attack was "caught up in a barring
nnoitinn " A fresh Russian attack
against this position, the statement
adds, was frustrated.
The German general staff says the
Russian losses surpassed any hither
to known. Some Russian units, it
reports, were entirely dispersed.
Russian Army Reorganized.
Washington, July 2. Russian War
Minister Kerensky informed the
United States three weeks ago that
a big Russian offensive would take
place in the first part of July. Sec
retary Lansing stated this morning
that the Russian successes were very
pleasinf and indicated that Kerensky
hci succeeded Itt his big task of , rc- '
organizing-the Russian army. -"p:,
( Riftslah Capture Big Guns. :
- Petrograd, July 2. Russian troops
have captured Koniucliy, on the Gali
cian front,, with 164 officers and 8,400
men, the war office announced today.
The Russian official announcement
says that the Russians have advanced
to the Koniuchy stream and also have
captured seven heavy guns. Teuton
prisoners continue to be brought in.
their offensive against the Turks in
the Caucasus. Russian cavalry pur
sued the, fleeing Turks and occupied
the village of Engidja, north of Lake
Deribar, and also occupied the Turk
ish stronghold of Kalamirivan, south
east of the lake. .
The number of prisoners taken in
the various sectors on Sunday is more
than 10,000. Southwest of . Brzezany
the Russians occupied strongly forti
fied positions of the enemy.
Missing Suff Leader is
Found, at Philadelphia
New York, July 2. Charles W.
Pmeroy, a former supreme court
justice of Montana, has been informed
from Philadelphia that his daughter.
Miss Velma Pomeroy. who disap
peared here on Thursday, had been
fouil there, the police were informed
today. Judge Pomeroy left at once
for Philadelphia.
The only clew the police had been
able to find is the fact that the young
women sent a telegram to her room
mate from a New Jersty town say
ing, Will not be home tonight. Ex
plain tomorrow."
Miss Pomeroy, who is described as
being 25 years, old and an unusually
attractive young woman, on Thurs
day evening told Miss flelen R- Rus
sell, who shared her bachelor girls'
apartment, that she was going out
' supper. Since then nothing has
hn ViiarH frnm lipr 'fnt till" tnrs.
sage that she would not return thaX
Disregards Semaphore and
Train Goes Into Ditch
La Crosse, Wis., July 2. The Mil
waukee railroad's coast train, the
Olympian, was derailed across the
river from La Crosse early this morn
ing when Engineer A. R. Brown ig
nored a closed semiphore. The en
gne and tender and four cars were
wrecked. No one was seriously in
jured. Our June Jump
Advertising in The Bee
(Warfield Afvncy MeafiirtmtnU)
First in Gains
JUNE, 1917
Paid Advertising In
The Bee
37,603 Inches.
Paid Advertising in
The Bee
35,142 Inches.
Keep Your Eye On The Bt