Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 30, 1917, Page 9, Image 9

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Brie City News
tta,T. Boot Print it Ntw Uoacoa Prua.
Metal dies, prasw'k. Jubilee M(g. Co.
Eloa Fans. i.50 Burgesa-Granden.
Platinum Wedding Rings Edholnl.
Try the noonday 85-cent luncheon
at the Empress Garden, amidst pleas
ant surroundings, mualo and entertain
ment. Advertisement
Admitted to Court John C.
Sprecher of Schuyler wa. admitted
to practice in the federal court
Sues for Divorce Bessie Wise Is su
ing William E. Wise for divorce Jn
district court She alleges cruelty.
Grants Two Decrees Judge Day,
sitting In divorce court freed Hannah
Carlson from Charles Carlson and
granted a decree to Ida M. High from
David G. High.
To Talk Conservation K. C. Howe,
gentral manager for Armour & Co.,
will speak Sunday morning at U
o'clock at All Saints1 church on "Con
servation True and False."
Two Seek Freedom Desertion Is al
leged by George L. Hall, suing Emma
Hall for divorce In district court Ma
mie Llghton asks a divorce from
Henry Lighton on grounds of alleged
Kountxe Memorial Picnic The
Kountie Memorial church . Sunday
school held Its annual picnic yester
day at Miller park, about 300 Sunday
school children and class leaders at
tending. Two Allege Nonsupport Alleged
nonsupport is the basis of two divorce
suits brought In district court Enda
Johnston would be freed from War
ren Johnston and Marie Zvolanek
seeks a divorce from Henry Zvotanek.
C. E. Union Plcnlo Postponed The
annual picnic of the Omaha Christian
Endeavor union, which was to have
been held at Bennington Saturday,
June 30, has been postponed until a
later date. Notification of the exact
date and place will be mailed to the
various societies at an early date.
To Hold Lunch Picnk! The Young
Women's Hebrew association will hold
a box lunch picnic at Elmwood park
Sunday afternoon. This is to be the
first oi a series of outdoor parties this
summer and all the members are ex
pected to attend. Picnic games and
contests will afford the amusement for
the day.
Retail Food Prices
Continue to Aeroplane
Washington, June 29. Retail food
prices in the United States advanced
on n average 5 per cent from April
16, to May 15, as shown in figures
compiled today by the bureau of la
bor statistics. During the year end
ing with May 15, they increased 39
per cent.
The biggest jump during the month
was in flour which advanced 29 per
cent. The increase in cornmeal was
' 15 per cent; beans 14 per cent; bread
' 13 per cent and rice 11 per cent. The
only drop in price was in onions, 36
per cent and butter 9 per cent.
Some of the month's increases are
given as follows:
Beef 2 to 4 per cent; bacon, ham
and lard 8 to 10 per cent; hens, 1
per cent; salmon, 10 per cent; eggs,
3 per cent; cheese 3 per cent; milk
3 per cent; potatoes, 6 per cent;
sugar, 5 per cent; coffee and tea 1
er cent.
The greatest advances during the
year was made by potatoes, 'which
advanced in price 149 per cent and in
flour, 122 per cent.
In the last four years retail food
prices generally have advanced) 56 per
cent. -x
r Preliminary estimates by the food
administrator today indicate that
farmers received an average price of
$1.50 a bushel for their , last year's
wheat crop against 98.4 cents the year
before and 97 cents the year before
Omaha Commercial Olub Rep
resentatives Given Promise
in Washington; Other Mis
sions Invited to Come.
WMhlDston Burton
ox The onii net,
725 Fourteenth Street, N. W.
(By . a Staff Correspondent.)
Washington, June 29. (Special
Telegram.) The Japanese mission
shortly to arrive in this country will
pay a visit to Omaha on its trip to
the national capital.
This information was ascertained
today through a call on Third Assist
ant Secretary of State Breckinridge
Long, by Congressman Loebeck and
Commissioner Manley of the Com
mercial club of Omaha.
While the decision of Secretary
Baker in regard to considering Fort
Crook or any other site in Nebraska
for a location of one of the canton
ments in the Central west was dis
heartening the members of the Com
mercial c,lub committee remaining in
Washington, decided to do what they
could toward obtaining numberless
activities for the city in which they
are enthusiastically interested and
which will be essential in a national
way in the next year or two.
Others Are Invited.
Incidentally, Mr. Manley, who is a
believer in pushing the city wherever
possible, and Congressman Lobeck
had a conference with Brickmnage
Long of the State department, at
which they gave him assurance that
the Belgian or .Russian war mis
sions now in this country would in
clude Omaha in their itineraries, they
would receive the warmest hospital
ity from Omaha and its citizens. It
was out of this general suggestion to
Mr. Lone, who has been designated
as "chief of foreign missions visiting
the United States," that the coming
Japanese mission became uppermost.
Mr. Manley hied with commission
er of Immigration Caminetti today a
request as the representative ot
Omaha's commercis' organization
that that states of Nebraska and Iowa
be made an independent immigration
district instead of being continued as
nart of the St. Louis district. The
commissioner stated that when there
were sufficient funds to justify the re
quest he would give Omaha serious
Numbers Now Only Used
For U. S. Army Regiments
By Aeeoclated Preaa.)
Washington. Tune 29. Designation
of all army regiments hereafter by
number and service branch only, with
out distinction between units of the
regulars, and National Guard and na
tional army, has been decided on by
the War department to simplify offi
cial records of the great war forces
. now being developed. '
Under the system the regular regi
ments will retain their present num
ber from the first infantry, first cav
alry, etc., upward. The National
Guard reeiments will be renamed.
their numbers beginning where those
of the regulars and the new units to
be organized under tne aratt, win taice
their numbers onward from the last
of the guard regiments.
Canadian Flyer Defeats
Foe Four Miles in Air
Canadian Armv Hcadauarters
France. June 29. In an air duel
fousht at probably the highest alti
tude at which aviators have met in
combat nearly four miles a Lana
dian triplane today pursued and de
feated a Oerman two-seatea aviatiK.
" The German machine had sought
safety by climbing upward and the
irnlane oursued. At a height of 20,-
000 feet the pilot of the German craft
either fell or jumped from it and dis
appeared at the moment of the first
burst of fire from the gun of the
Canadian. The German observer was
then seen to climb out on the tail of
hia machine, where he lost his hold
and plunged headlbng.. The aviatikl
turned Its nose oown ana icn.
Colorado Coal Miners
May Strike August 1
Denver. Colo.. Tune 29. Miners in
the southern Colorado coal field of
. the Colorado Fuel and Iron company
will be called out on strike August 1,
unless there is a satisfactory settle
ment of their differences with the
company, James F. Moran, president
of District MO. IS, united Mine work
ers of America, announced tonight.
Elain Raises Big Sum
For Aid of Red Cross
Elgin, Neb.,' June 29. (Special Tel
egram.) Elgin raised $1,000 more
than apportioned for the Red Cross,
it was announced at the weekly Com-
munity club banquet tonight. A Red
Cross ball was held and Jht com
munity building was crowded to ca-
' pacity. A series of patriotic services
will be held on Sunday evenings at
the Community club auditorium.
Man Who Threatened
Wilson Given Year in Jai
Newark. N. T.. Tune 29. Adoph
Swimer, convicted in May of having
threatened to kill President Wilson,
wii sentenced todav to one year and
one day in the federal penitentiary at
Atlanta. Me was a larm nana.
i Persistent Advertising Is the Road
i o Success. x
Minnesota Judge Has
Harsh Term for I. W. w.
Duluth. Minn.. June 29. With the
sentencing of Arthur Thome, secre
tary of the Duluth local of the Indus
trial Workers of the World, to eighty,
five days at the work farm, Municipal
Judge Smallwood last evening placed
the court on record as noming tne in
dustrial Workers of the World to be
an organization "which1 by word of
mouth teaches or advocates the, duty,
necessity or propriety of violence in
industrial stnte,
An Enemy in Ambush
(By UK. Bl- V. uvius.i
Tt was not until the discovery by
Si Arthur Oarrod. in 1848, that the
blood of gouty patients contained
uric acid m an excessively large
amount, that much attention was
paid to this subject. Later scientific
men learned mat in gout uvc
in rheumatism! . the Kidneys do not
work properly to throw off the uric
acid poison; consequently urn; cm
crystals are deposited in and about
the joints, where an inflammation is
set up in the nearby tissues. When
for any reason the circulation is slug
gish, as in the joints of the toes,
crystals formed from uric acid are
deposited there, and one suffers from
gout; or, when deposited in the tis
sues, one suffers from muscular rheu
matism. My only medicine to counter
act the uric acid and to throw it out
of the system is tablets of Anuric
(double strength), three times a day.
The nain in the back, lumbago,
pain in the neck, creaky joints, stiff
ness in muscles, have all been proven
to be caused by uric acid poison in
the blood and tissues. The kidneys
soon become diseased, then there
often follows disease in the muscles
of the heart.
Kidney disease carries away a large
nercentacre of our people. What is to
be done? What can the ordinary per
son do to properly balance bodily
health? The answer is easy. Eat less
meat, eat coarse, plain food, with
plenty of vegetables, drink plenty of
water between meals, and take an
uric acid solvent before meals for
awhile, such as Anuric (double
strength), obtained at almost any
drug store. It was nrst discovered by
Dr. Pierce of the Surgical Institute
in Buffalo. N. Y. Most every one
troubled with uric acid finds that
Anuric dissolves the uric acid as hot
water will dissolve sugar. Ady
DontFussSo About
-Your Complexion
The more you massage, steam,
manipulate and fuss about your
complexion with
so - called skin
foods, creams, lo
tions and what
not, the chances
are the worse it
will become.
Away With
Make Cuticura
itv,Soap and ,Oint
Iment yourevery-
lav toilet preparations. Bathe with
the Soap and hot water on rising
and retiring, using plenty of Soap,
best applied with the hands which
it softens wonderfully. Smear any
signs of pimples, redness or rough
ness with the Ointment and let it
remainfive minutes before bathing.
Nothing better, purer, sweeter or
more effective. Then don't over
diet, overexercise, lose sleep or fret.
Sample Etch Free fcy Mall with K.p. hook nn
ihenkin. Addrwn poet-card: "Cuticura, Dept.2o,
lottou." Sold rywore.
Mr. Foster Travel
Information Service
Plan Your Vacation Trip
For You No Charge.
Burgess-Wash Company
. Take
A Kodak With You
And Let Us Develop
Your Films Free.
Friday, June 29, 1917 STORE NEWS FOR SATURDAY Phone Douglas 137.
Make Your Preparations For The Fourth Saturday
Extra Special!
For Saturday We Offer You Choice
Of Our Entire Stock of Pretty
Trimmed Hats at
THERE is but little need of
comment on an announce
ment like this from Burgess-Nash
Most every one knows the su
periority of the millinery we sell
the individuality and distinctive
ness of the styles and the gener
ous range of selection, and when
we say we give choice of our en
tire stock of trimmed hats at
f 5.00, the mere announcement is
We might suggest however that
the choice creations are sure to
go first and that it is best to be
here early in the morning.
Burgeee-Naeh Co. Second Fleer
Pretty New Blouses For Going
Away Over the "4th" .
$1.00 to $3.50
COUNTLESS becoming styles of voile and organdie.'
All have good looking collars, long sleeves, lace
trimmed, plain jabot or frill models. The daintiest of all
summer wear are the sheer organdie and voile blouses,
at $1.00, $1.95, $2.50 and $3.50.
Blouses which meet hot weather requirements, vaca
tion needs and for going away over the "4th."
BurtM-Nash Co. Second Floor
Pretty Silk and Gingham
Summer Dresses
N many models for women and misses. See them, the
much in demand navy taffetas with georgette com
binations and fine imported
Scotch ginghams. We have pre
sented many dress values be
fore, but we think this assort
ment will please all who see
them and at the most extreme
ly low price of $11.95. These
are really wonderful values.
Smart New Summer
Porch Dresses
$5.00 to $7.50
PLAIN and fancy voiles, 5 models
in dainty, crisp materials. They
are beauties. Made by the best dress
producers, not a lot of soiled and
disordered samples and, last but not
least, priced away below regular, at
$5.00 and $7.50.
Burgeea-Naah Co. Saeond Floor
Stylish New Military and Dress
Capes at $16.50 to $22.50
PLAIN and fancy women's models, not one, but many
for misses and women. They are the last word in
capedom and all so conservatively priced, at $16.50,
$19.50 and $22.50.
Dust and Travel Coats
Linen and palm beach dust auto coats and summer
traveling coats, an assortment of wide variety of styles
and models for women and misses. Specially priced, at
$3.00, $3.75, $4.00 and $7.50.
Burg oM-Nath Co. Second Floor
Best Sports and Dress Skirts We've
Ever Been Able to Offer at
A GOODLY number of skirts await your choosing. Sev
eral styles made of men's wear check and plaid wool
ens the materials alone could not be purchased for the
price we ask for these skirts.
They cannot and will not last
long, so a suggestion, the
early comer will be the most
pleased, at $3.75.-.
Wash Tub Dress and
Sport Skirts,
$3.00 to $4.50
AN assortment just received,
fresh, new and crisp. Models
for women and misses, waist
i bands 35 to 39.
Gabardine, Piques, French
V uur sxirts are maae to tuo ana
launder. The materials, the work
manship, the buttons, are the
best. They are moderately priced
at 13.00, $3.50 and $4.50.
Burg eee-Naah Co. Second Floor
The Coolest Things About These
Burgess-Nash Summer Suits
Is The Man Inside
Comfortable) Dressy Inexpensive
$7.50 to $25.00
A SUMMER suit will hold its shape, look
well and satisfy the particular man if he
makes sure of one thing :
That it has the Burgess-Nash label a
guarantee of worth and satisfaction a
realization of the
Burgess-Nash Standard
of quality. Combine Burgess-Nash class, Burgess-Nash
snap and Burgess-Nash style con
ceptions with the superior quality fabrics and
you have the smartest summer outfit of the
Men's Summer Suits, $7.50 to $18.00
of plain palm beach cloth, crash, mohair and
cool cloth, made pinch-back, belt all around,
or belt, box or semi-fitted, fancy stripes,
checks, mixtures and solid colors, $7.50 to
Men's Silk Suuj, $16.50 to $25.00
Tan,- gray, fancy stripes and checks.
Men's white flannel suits, pinch-back, at
Men's white serge pants with pin stripe, at
BurgtNaah Co,
-Fourth Floor
You'll Want a New Clean Straw
Hat For The "Fourth"
AND we know of no place where you can make better
selection and secure better values than here at
Men's Straw Hats,
$1.50 to $3.50
Sailors in yacht, sennit or split
straws, in the dimensions to suit
every face.
Porto Rican Hats,
$2.00 to $3.50
Many new shapes, bleached or
jnbleached, big range of selection
at $2.00 and $3.00.
Panamas, Bangkoks, Etc.,
$4.00 to $7.50
Also leghorns, milans, macki-
naws and bamboo straws, the new
j shapes, alpines, drop-tip and sailor
effect. Co, Fourth Floor
Fix The Boy Out
For The "4th"
OUR boys' section on the
fourth floor is well equip
ped to meet the demand.
Boys' Suits, $3.95
Khaki colored recreation
suits, including hat, coat, pants,
leggings and knapsacks, sizes 4
to- 14 years, $3.95.
Boys' Suits, at $3.75
Linen, kool cloth or Palm
Beach suits, 8 pieces, belt and
patch pockets, sizes 6 to 16
years, at $3.75.
Boys' Overalls, 75c
Blue chambray overalls, for
ages 2 to 8 years, 75c.
Boys' Overalls, 65c
Blue chambray overalls with
red and blue trimming, 2 to 8
years, 65c.
Burgaae-Nash Co. Fourth Floor
Men' Knitted
Union Suits,
$1.00 to $3.50
WE think the bestshow
ing in variety of
makes and qualities shown
anywhere. Made of soft
cotton lisle, mercerized
lisle and mixed yarns,
spring needle and swiss
ribbed fabrics, and
long sleeves, ankle and
Men's Hose,
At 30c to 50c
SATURDAY is the last
day Interwoven hos
iery can be bought at the
old price. July first the ad
vance comes, lisles, fibres
and silks, all the good col
ors, Saturday, 30c, 35c
and 50c pair.
Men's Summer
Neckwear, 65c
JUST received, a splen
did assortment o f
large, flowing-end 4-in-hand
ties.thisseason's pre
vailing styles, in patterns
and colorings that usually
sell for much more, our
price, 65c.
Burfaaa-Naah Co. M.ln Floor
Men's Bathing Suits Have The Call
For Saturday at 89c to $12.00
UR showing is most complete, Including
J fancy stripes and plain colors, made of a
i ii. i; i-j i r
soil cowon, iisie, worsted yarn aim biik
fiber materials. To see one of these suits
means you will want to get into the water
at once.
A Special Number
Black trimmed in white, of fine lisle,
at $1.25, will be the feature for Saturday.
Other good numbers, at $1.50 and $2.00.
The price range is from 89c to $12.00.
I Burgaes-Naah Co. Mela Floor
Saturday Is The Last Day We'll
Allow $15.00 For Your Old Machine
mHE last day we will accept it as the
Jl x first payment of $15.00 on any cabi-
t n-.- , io,- r -a o
net ur jrimueoa oiaiiuaru itutary ocw-
ing machine in our stock.
This offer is very unusual,
affording you the opportuni
ty to secure a brand new
machine and at the same
time dispose of your old
one at a profit to you.
We will allow you
Liberal Terms On Deferred Payments
Special Saturday
Several drop-head sewing machines with all the
latest attachments, reduced to $39.00,
Standard Cabinet sewing machine, latest improve
ments, reduced to $40.00.
Burfoea-Naeh Co. Fourth Floor
A Sale of Women's Colored French Kid,
Patent olt and Dull Kid Pumps
THE last of the lines left from the season's selling the
most beautiful, dainty models.
The offering includes:
White calf vamp, gray kid quarters.'
White calf vamp, tan kid quarters.
All steel gray French kid skin
All light gray French kid skin
All ivory French kid skin
White kid vamp, green kid quarters
White kid vamps, blue kid quarters..
At Less Than
The Cost to Make
Children's Ties and Pumps, $1.50 to $4.00
Child's, misses' and big girls' English ankle ties and strap pumps White Sea islajid duck, patent kid,
dull kid, Dugan and Hudson and Kindercraft makes, $1.50 up to $4.00.
Burg .a.-N..h Co. Second Floor v