Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 30, 1917, Page 16, Image 16

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AU Department! of Transpor
tation Being Shortened by
Employes Being Enlisted
for Service. .
"The crying need of the railroad's is
men and more of them," is the asser
' tion of Frank B. Thomas, formerly
with the Burlington's safety-first it-
partment, but recently transferred to
the freight car chasing bureau. This
Bureau is a new department and has
to do with the expediting of freight
cara in their movements in order .tha
the service may be made more effi
Mr. Thomas says that the depart
ment with which lie is connected has
done much , in the way of solving the
freight car shortage. In his work
Mr. J nomas travels over the system
impressing upon agents, consignors
and consignees the necessity of hur-
rvmg the loading, unloading and mov
ing of freight cars. During the few
weeks that he has been at work he
has speeded up the cars and in a
great measure has reduced materially
the car shortage that existed during
last spring.
Needs Men to Work.
According to Mr. Thomas, the most
serious problem with which the rail
roads are wrestling now is the short
age of labor. He says that appar
ently men are not available. Higher
wages than have ever betore been
piad are being offered to men to en
gage in railroad work, but these wages
7. I I . T."l
ail 10 uring uic men.
At this time Mr. Thomas says that
it Gibson, where the Burlington is
constructing new and larger yards,
sixty men could be given employ
ment, but not a man can be found
who wants to work. In addition, in
the Gibson repair shops thirty skilled
car repairers and engine men are
needed, but apparently there are no
men who wants the jobs.
What is true with reference to con
ditions at Gibson applies equally as
well out on the lines. 1 (trough Ne
braska and Wyoming the Burlington
has employment for 250 to 500 men
on track and maintenance work. The
Northwestern needs about the same
number, but neither of the roads are
able to find men who want to work.
Young People to Rally
Here Next Tuesday Night
Tuesday night, at the First Presby
terian church, Thirty-fourth and Far
nam. at 8 D. m.. a young people's rally
will be held by the young people of
all the churches ot the city, at which
meeting the bovs of Fort Omaha and
Fort Crook are to be the guests of
- honor. ' rive-minute addresses will
be given by the following
prominent men: Dr. A. A. Delarine,
''What Part Does the Church Have in
Sending Our Young Men to the
Front Spiritually Equipped?" Dr. M.
V. Higbee, on "How to Kender First
Aid to the Moral Side of the Army
and Navy." Rev. C. E. Cohbey, "The
Challenge From the Trenches as Seen
by the World Workers in the
Trenches." Rev. J. F. Poucher, "The
Chance of Personal Work in the
Ranks." Chaplain Majors, "Actual
, Patriotic music will be rendered by
an orchestra, and a copy of the pocket
edition of "For God, Home and Coun
try" will be given to every one pres
ent. - .
Japs Employed by U. P. Are
Quick, to Buy Liberty Bondo
According to reports coming to the
Jeneral offices of the Union Pacific,
apancse were the most loyal of the
company's employes subscribing for
Liberty bonds.
On track work through western
Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado and
Utah, the Union f acme employs
large numbers of Japanese. When
the campaign for the sale of the
bonds was on, while Union Pacific of
ficials did not urge employes to buy
them, it was suggested that they take
over such amounts as they felt they
could afford to purchase.
In this campaign the Japanese were
among the first to subscribe, most of
them taking from $100 to $500 worth
of the bonds, and, as a rule, paying
in full, instead of taking them on the
partial payment plan, as was done by
most of the other employes.
Alleges Husband Beat Her
Every Night for Six Weeks
Winifred Bell Miller, suing Bernard
S. Miller, salesman, for divorce In
district court, alleges he ' beat her
every night for a period of six weeks.
She say he applied the term "grand
master" to himself and called her his
"hand maid."
Mrs., Miller says the alleged beat
ings were administered with chairs
and kitchen utensils.
They lived at 1114 North Forty,
second street and were married in
Omaha, December 27, 1913.
Mrs. Miller says her husband earns
$200 a month.
Hummel Wants More Funds
For His Recreation Work
City Commissioner Hummel ' will
recommend to the Board of Public
Recreation a proposition to lay be
fore the city council urgent needs
for more money for the recreation
department. Last year the appro
priation was $30,000 and this year
only $18,000 was allowed. The com
missioner explains that be has to do
some close figuring to keep within
bounds and at the same time keep
the playgrounds and swimming places
open. -
Plasterers Begin to Work n
; At Increased Wage Scale
r Here and there plasterers began to
go. back to work Friday on a new
basis agreed upon between plasterers
and Some contractors. They go back
to work at 77'i cents, beginning July
1, and beginning October 1 they arc
to receive 80 cents. ,
V They struck for 87S, when they
were getting 75.
Komensky Clubs Hold
National Meeting Here
The National Association of Ko
mensky club is holding its meeting
at the Bohemian Turner hall, Thir
teenth and Martha streets. Seventy-
hxtrn rUUtrat. iff lifrr ThfV are fttfl-
dcnls of the Bohemian language and
the Slavic tongue in general, iney
will finish the convention July 1.
General Barry is Asked to In
vestigate the Undue In
fluence Used to Make
The cantonment site question is
still open and representations have
been made to General Barry at Chi
cago that he investigate reports of
undue influence on the part of rail
road officials interested in seeing the
site situated at Des Moines.
The Omaha Commercial club this
morning telegraphed S'rator Hitch
cock at Washington that a fair and
impartial investigation of the Omaha
fort was the only way a fair decision
could be obtained.
The telegram in part was as fol
lows: "Reports say the cantonment ques
tion is still open. We believe the
only way 10 settle this ouestion is
by a fair and impartial investigation
made by government experts."
Orders Investigation.
The activities, if true, were charac
terized by Secretary of War Baker
as of a "serious nature." The secre
tary ordered General Barry to make
an immediate and thorough investigation.
rife nature of the alleged activi
ties of one member of the commis
sion was that he held the position of
passenger agent of the Rock Island
and that that railroad furnished the
commission with the use of a rail
road official's private car.
A telegram was received from Sen
ator ttorris advising that "there was
nothing new and that the Omaha del
egation was leaving for Chicago."
in view ot the fact that General
Barry seems to hold supreme deci
sion in the cantonment site matter,"
said a member of the commission,
"we will concentrate our time and ar
guments upon him in the future, leav
ing the Washington end for Ne
braska's lawmakers at the capital We
intend to urge the general to reopen
the -matter and make a thorough in
Ambulance Company is No
' Soft Snap, Says Burnside
"A berth in the Omaha Ambulance
company will not be any snao." de
clares ocrgcam rranic uurnsiae, u.
S. A., who will drill the hospital unit
J litre are a number ot young men
who are picking the company as a
soft spot, but believe me, when they
get through their regular drills they
will change their minds."
Ihe first drill of the conmanv will
be held Monday night at the Audi
torium. Sergeant Burnside has de
cided to have three drill nights a
week, one on Monday. Wednesday
and Friday.
ihe first drill will consist of fac
ings and squad formations. After
this he will take up battalion and then
finally company formations.
Although hospital men carry re
volvers, Sergeant Burnside said he
would not teach them the manual of
arms. . ' i-
After the ambulances arrive. lie uM.
he would devote most of the time to
litter and ambulance drill.
About sixty men have hern exam
ined attd-accepted by Dr. I'ulver, ex
amining surgeon.
War Proves Incentive
For People to Save Money
Receipts of the loan and building
associations are indicative of local
business and industrial conditions. W.
K. Adair, secretary of the Omaha
Loan and Building association, in his
semi-annual report makes two very
significant statements, viz.: That the
receipts for the year were $5,094,339
and that the war has proven to be
an incentive to the people to save
money. The association subscribed
for about $300,000 of Liberty bonds.
The board of director met Thurs
day to hear the official report of the
secretary, which was approved. It in
dicates highly prosperous conditions
among the wage earners and business
men of the city. The gain in assets
for the six months is $7bO,024, which
brings the total assets up to $10,
797,302. Loans placed, $2,863,247.
The reserve fund now aeareeates
$250,000. Dividends paid during the
year, $404,486.39; total dividends paid,
nearly $3,000,000. The amount of
loans outstanding is $10,065,200.
Secretary Adair reports a very
promising outlook for the future.
Omaha to Curtail Some
Of Its Noise on Fourth
The Fourth of July celebration in
Omaha will undoubtedly be curtailed
to a considerable extent.
Ihe price of fireworks and powder
are unusually high, and there is a
tendency among improvement clubs
not to do any wasteful celebrating
with the country at war. J he rou
tenelle and Hanscom park com
mittees, which have heretofore held
elaborate celebrations at night, will
devote the day to speech-making, out
door sports and flag-raisinc exercises.
Redoubled eltorts will be made by
the Nebraska National Guard regi
ments to swell their number, and
parades and speeches will be held on
many downtown streets.
should the demand for an old-tune
Fourth celebration in the hope of
arousing such enthusiasm as to com
pensate for the waste of powder be
apparent, it is thought city officials
will consent to this arrangement.
rish-Americans to Meet
At the Paxton Sunday
A call to Irish-American citizens to
meet Sunday afternoon at the Paxton
hotel has been issned by the Commo
dore John Barry Memorial associa
Ihe meeting will he open to men
and women and will take place at
t p. tn, ,
Business of unnoi lance will be
transacted relative to the achieve
ments, history and tradition of the
Irish race and their descendants in
1 he committee appointed to confer
with Archbishop Harty will be ready
to report at the meeting.
I he appeal is signed by Joseph
McMahon, chairman; Louis D.
Kavanaugh, secretary, and Patrick
Duffy, treasurer, 7
Jtairieis Telephone I Telepaph Co.
A dividend ot Two Dollars per ! will
b paid on Mondai, July l.,t17. to stock
holder of record at the cloia of buslneM
OB Saturday, Juna SO, 191T.
G. D. MILNIt Inuuror.
Come Early to Share in
This Sale
brandeis Stores
Ride Up on the Escalator
to the Second Floor
the Best Men's Suit Sale of the Season
A Remarkable Purchase Brings a Rousing Value
WE MADE A SPECIAL PURCHASE of more'than 500 high-grade Suits from some of the best manufacturers in this coun
try, and because of the unusual concessions granted to us, the largest distributors of Clothing for Men in this Western
Country, we are enabled to quote a price on the latest and most stylish Suits that is truly extraordinary.
of the
and Color
Materials, tailoring, fit and finish all of the very highest
Sizes for all builds of men slims, stouts, short stouts,
medium stouts, long stouts and extra sizes.
Plaids, checks, olive greens and tartan plaids.
I Full silk lined, half and quarter silk 'lined coats.
Pinch back, belted all around and conservative models.
Suits of cool cloths suits built for the maximum of comfort and style suits that you would gladly pay full prices for ordinarily. '
Suits that you will be able to purchase here on Saturday very, very much below their real worth.
Suits In This Lot Worth $25, $30, $35 and Some Even $40.
RJiPf)DTA MT1MA1I alterations FREE during this sale This means that the suit costs
lilrUH I Mil I ""you $19.50 no more and the best value you have obtained this season
Get Your Straw Hats for the Fourth
From the Most
Complete Stocks
STYLES, from the con
servative to the extreme
effects. The very style
you require in just the ex
act size you need. It is
easy to make satisfactory
choice from such a won
drous stock.
tSStJSaSF. $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 "d $3.50
........ $L45
Italian Braids, Javas, Split Braids and Sennits,
special, at '. j
Sennits, Split Braids and Swiss 'Straws, values up to
$1.00, at.'...r...
Panamas Are the Lightest and Best Made
IP YOU ONCE WEAR a Panama, you will not want to wear any other hat in hot weather it
is light aa feather, stylish and good looking, sticks to the head without binding and will withstand
the showers and much handling.. We have a most complete stock of Panamas at a full range of prices.
Genuine South American Panamas, $5.00, $6.00, $6.50 and $7.50
Balibuntals are New
Genuine Balibuntals from the South Sea Islands,
plain and fancy .$5.00 and $7.50
Bangkok. Everyone Like
Genuine Bleached Bangkoks, from Siam, telescope
style, with pencil curl $3.98
Leghorn Hats
Genuine Leghorn Hats, made in Italy, unsurpassed
values; latest styles, plain or fancy bands, special
Saturday, at $2.98
' Toyo Panamas
Fine Japanese or Toyo Panamas, with fancy sash
bands, Trooper, Telescope and Optimo styles, spe
cial values for Saturday, at. $2.98
Men's Outing Hats, 50c
, Hundreds of outing hats for fishing, auto wear
or. the golf links, all colors and all sizes.
Men's $1.00 Caps, at 65c
Sample caps suitable for all purposes, water
proof and domestic woolens, also silk caps, wonder
ful range of patterns.
Sporting Goods for the Fourth
COMPLETE stocks of the
very things that will go to make
the Fourth the most enjoyable
for you in all outdoor sports.
Modest prices throughout.
Tennis Rackets
and Balls
Wright & Ditson, Davis Cup,
Pirn, Ward Wright, Tourna
ment and The Hub Rackets,
Spalding, International Gold
Medal, Model H, Greenwood
and all other model Rackets,
at $2.00 to $10.00
Juvenile Rackets, 25c and S0c
Spalding and (Reach Tennis
Balls, each 25c and 40c
Tennis Shoes
White Canvas Low Tennis
Shoes, at 90c
"Our Special,' $27.50. Has
coaster brake, motorcycle han
dle bars and is. a good service
able wheel in every respect.
Base Ball Goods
A full line of Reach Base
Ball Gloves and Outfits:
The Official American League
balls ....$1.25
Other League Balis,
at 25c, 50c and 75c
Louisville Slugger Bats,
at $1.00 and $1.25
Juvenile Bats, 10c, 25c and 50c
Have You Seen the New Food Canteen? .
For fishing, hunting and camping parties; it comes in a canvas
carrying case with shoulder strap $2.50
Fishing Outfits
Wilson's Fluted Wabblers, with
or without wings, regular 75c
bait, special for Saturday, a
set .350
All kinds of Fish Line and
Hooks, upward from lc
Genuine South Bend Bass
Oreno, a fine wobbling motion
bait, worth 7Cc, special for Sat
urday 35c
Homan's -Weedless Fish Hooks,
40c regularly, Saturday special,'
at 25c
Canoe Cushions
Will not sink if they slip into
the water; leatherette covered,
and specially priced at. . . .98c
Golf Clubs and Balls
Full line of the best makes
at very moderate prices.
Main Floor, Men's Building .-
For Men
, Best Style for
the Fourth
We are showing complete stocks of all
the best lasts and styles. The prices are
exceedingly moderate for the excellence '
of the Shoes we are showing:
White Linen and Palm Beach to CA
Cloth, oxfords VO'OV
While Linen English last oxfords, with
white ivory soles and heels, QQ
White Buckskin English oxfords, with ,
white ivory soles and heels, $g QQ
Boy Scout Shoes .
. Black and Tan Calf Leather, sewed soles,
Boy Scout Shoes, 'sizes 1 to SU.. . .$3.50
Main Floor, Front, Men's Building
Big 4th of July Shirt Sale
And Splendid ValuesinMen's Furnishings
When the Fourth of July comes around, every man realizes that
he must have a good assortment of warm weather Furnishings if he
wants to be comfortable and enjoy the outdoors to the utmost. We
have made special preparations this season with the broadest stocks
of Shirts shown in this vicinity. ' All sizes, all colors, all desirable
designs and styles.
Men's High Grade, Satin Striped Lux
urious Silk Shirts, at $2.95
Patterns that were carefully selected. Made of
durable quality silk; neat and pronounced striped pat
terns to suit any taste. Neckband style with soft cuffs;
all sizes, 14 to 17.
Men's Solid Leather Belts, 50c and $1.00
Of carefully stitched stock, in black, gray and tan;
plain and leather covered buckles; for men of all sizes,
30 to 48.
175 Dozen Men's Shirts, at 95c Each
Hundreds of new patterns, collar attached and neck
band style; also 26 dozen Men's Sample Sport Shirts, in
plain and colored styles and neat stripes.
5,000 Pairs of Men. Hose, 25c Pair
Silk and Silk Fibre and Fancy Striped Lisle; all the
new Spring shades for low" shoe wear. Many in this lot
worth SOe a pair.
150 Dozen Men's Shirts, at $1.15 Each'
Made with soft French cuffa.'in patterns of every
color, silk striped crepes, satin striped madras, repps,
poplins and Jacquard weaves; all colors strictly fast.
Shirta generously cut and well made.
Men's Silk Crepe and Broadcloth Silk
Shirts, $5.50 and $6.50
About 25 dozen exclusive patterns in men's equal
to custom made Silk Shirts, made of very fine quality
all silk Crepe and silk broadcloth; every shirt weil
tailored, perfect in fit and finish.
200 Dozen Men's Half Hose, 19c Pair
Plain colors, in white, black, gray, gray andcham
pagne, etc.; run of the mill quality; all sizes, 9 to 11,
' special at this price. ,
Men's Athletic Ribbed Union Suits, 95c
About 200 dozen assorted Ribbed Lisle, Fancy Nain
sook, Crepe and Mercerized Soisette cloth, made with
trousers and button over flap seat, assuring comfort to.
the wearer.
135 Dozen Men's Summer Scarfs, 50c
Bought especially for this sale and just right for the
Fourth and Summer wear; beautiful patterns in all the
newest weaves of silk.
Men's Worsted and Cotton Bathing Suits
Plain and fancy stripes, Webber and California makes.
at $1.00 to $4.95
Main Floor, Men's Building