THE BEE: OMAHA, JUNE 19n. r. t t t 5 ' as - ? - s i 7 1 ft J : If '1 fcf J , - I 1 I I j I i V Want Ad Rates BSSJ m nrn ,i " . . . . i ; v. Mm . w-.-TT. :! ' J"""' " wlw. th. nm soot Mirtti u whoa . Ureolna your ed ot thta nffiM FROM TTLKJa IN. WANT AD COLUMNS CLOS" VBNINO EDITIONS 11:, M. ukniho editions um . m. ad TAHim mm uwg than ib. OKI riMS, or LESS THAN 10e A DAT 1c CASH WITS ORDEB. Set Solid (No FBftt WORD. EAnM INMRRTIOM If Paragraphed or Dleplared la Lergerl XTPO, Sopor Ha ono time I lo gor u... .1 or mere oonaoeuuvo laaortlona I SITUATIONS WARTKr) Weekly rat. .t.JOo sor Haa) CASS OP THANKS, DEATH AND FOlfERAI, NOTICES. Ire sor tine each huertloal tjuairoum onarso, cop to.) MONTHLY EAT! FOR STANDING ADS. in. unti oi eopy eJlowed.) Oo IIo Il.ll Two Una. or mora Il.ll ALU rORBION ADVERTTSINO UNDER I WELr WANTED CLASSIFICATIONS. por won ono tin I Ho poo word two or moro oonaocutivo inooruoaa, SPECIAL COHBINATION RATE. Da iMd, Fool try ud otkor Adaertletag. in unAiiA bbb (over flour.) I0TM -CENTURY FARMER (or.r UMOII weekly, k ' 1 4 coroblnoS olroolotlon which "111 roooh I .oois wo city sna ram reeiaent. Special Reg, . . Ratea. Roto. I S uoortlono IS Omoho Boo ond 1 Inoortlon In :tn Contury Pmrroor, por word lo Tel f lnoorueno III omtho Boo ond 1 looortloa Id Stth Contury Form' or, por word logo lio ; (Coa trout rotoo oa aavUeatloa.) Movi Program ' ' Downtown, PRINCESS, J 31 1 DOUOUA I KINUBLBT BENEDICT and UTTLB BILCKN SBDOEWICK U ' "MAN AND BEAST1 North. AIaHAMBRA, J4TH AND PARKER I MADAM FETROVA In The scarlet woman" ALAMO, !4TH AND PARKER ELLA HALL in j "A JEWEL IN PAWN' 24TH AND LAKE BKN WILSON and . Keva OERBICR in lith Chapter ef i "THE VOICE ON THU WIRE" ' t ANIMATED WEEKLY GRAND, MTH AND BIHNEY WSI.EN HOI.MKS In SIXTH CHAPTER OF ' THE RAILROAD RAIDERS" fcOTHROP, 14TH AND LOTHROP ' MABEL TAttlAFERRO in f "A WIFE BY PROXY" PARK, IHTH AND CALIFORNIA I joii.aN hot.mks in Hth Chopt.r of -A LASS OF THE I.UMBKHLANDS" ;i oboroe over m 1 "MIND1NO TUB BABT" - . " ' South. APOLLO, MTH AND LEAVENWORTH DnitOTBT KBI,L,T ODd . EVERT OVERTOWN In . THE MONEY MILL" BOULEVARD, I1D AND LEAVENWORTH I OSNB ORET ond TRB TRIANOLB KIDDIES Ik "LET KATY DO IT" ROHLFF, JtTH AND LEAVENWORTH I I DOROTHY GISH in ' "HER OFFICIAL FATHERS" Wist : IW ilST AND' ItNfaERW06fi MARY rlCKFORD in THE POOR LITTLE RICH OIRL" AMERICA'S SWEETHEART South Side. ITAOIC . . S4TS AND H ELLA HALL, in I "THtf I ITTI V flDPHAM" ' I ixtbA.ll ILt. UKfHAN I DEATHS S FUNERAL NOTICES, attbntionT Iforaaors of Patten Lodao No. . ITS. ). U. W., aro roquootod to attond tho fu- . aoral f lata Brother Jameo Deylo at 1 Leuoto Broo., Undertaking Porlora, ltth and WIlllopi, Sunday, a. n. Brother . and aloter lodael tnvltod. J. N. Jenaen, jaooier woramoa. i r. naamuiaea, ho- oorqor. CAVANAUOH Mlao Ida, ased yean. Sunivoa by ono slater, Moore. Mrs. Ot. Funeral Saturday morning front Oontlo moa ohoool at lilt a. m. to Saint Phllo. SSlSSSuS ' 1',Un"", H0" " u letter- oemetery, loRR AT Prank. Funeral Sunday morning from Oeatta man ghapel at l:t a, m. Interment I to real Law cemetery. CARD OF THANKS, Wl WISH to thank our many kind friends and neighbors; also tho Degree Honor for their aympathy and beautiful floral of ferings during tho Illness and death of our Mtovoa husband and father. MRS. ?. J. CAVANAUOH AND. FAMILY. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. M, L, DODDER CO., Funeral Directors. I W. H. Vara. Umr.. tStt artrl rHimina Bta I Phono Douglas 977. Auto ambulanca. HULSB RIEPEN,- undertaken and aim- oaimoTo, Toi a. nth. L?ougisa 1319. FUPPY JOHNSTON, ombolmero and fu. neral dlroetoro. TIT S. lath St. Tyler 107,. JOHN A. OENTLEMAN. undertaker and ombalmer, li:4 Loavanwortb. Doug. llll. I FLORISTS. I 4rilN(il "i member ot tho National PlorlsU1 1 , . loivarapa ueiiTery assooiation, wo aro In Bontlaa to dsllvor flowers on short notleo any w aero in tno united state or Canada. Moaa d Swoboda, FlortsU. 'U LEE L. LARM0N nil Douglaa St. Douglaa H44. LAROB8T of freah flowera, L. HENDERSON. 1519 FARNAM PARKER Flower ahop, 411 8. Uth. D. nil THE FERNIRT, 101 a llth St Doug. 3ISI. BATH. National Florlot, not Farnam St A, DONAUHL'E, 1121 Harney. Doug. 1001. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Birtno c f. and Laura Swlekard. llll ri amnion otreot, boy; Anton and Mario mwwmmm, .... onjia atrooc, ooy; Fred P. an. rTattuHMa r.ula . . n .k . .. . ""- " mnn -4 Piny nlntlt street, boy: Orvllle A. and Violet Oloon, fill Burt atroot. girl; Nick and neiaoo, ai, south Twenty-alxth olroot, boy; Dr. Fred W. and Mini. Foulk. i:il Jefferaon otroat, girl; Anton and Ca mlllo Havelka, llll Grand avenue, girl; 1. """' r,u, i.t. norm 1 w.n- ty-olztk otreet, boy; Jooovh and Roalo Sa luUta. ICol North Twenty..lzth .fr..t kv. Conceit, and Ouloappa Ferraro, 1211 Maaoa atroot, strl. Doatho Wlllard C Wllklno. II, Omaha: Jamas M. Doyle, II, 111 Foreat avenue,; 011.0 M. Kewman, . 41, koopltal; Chariot ' MARRIAGE LICENSES. " The following Hoe noes to wed have been issued. Name and Residence. a I Ralph C Jones, Cottonwood Palls, Kan. 31 Myrtle B. A-Ute. Hutchlaaoa, Kan 29 ftoerrs C Wheeler, Omaha ,..,,,, 14 . CroraJdlne A. Tlppa, Omaha.,...., 11 Lowell It Clear, Petersburg. Neb........ 31 Margsret M. Daniels. Peterabera. Neb it John F. Halgran, Molina, 111 it I Minnie Pergsson, Leavaaworta, Kan 14 leoos jotmansk, Omahs.,..i,..,,,,,,,.M S5 I Tina jemner, omana ..n...... 21 Mas W. Camren, Omaha. . Real Ores a, Omaha..,., , 14 I ....... ai Ike Pupktn, Omaha.... M 19 Rose Prtoden, Omaha,.. 61 A.? C. tomls, Omaha. over 11 Martha J&. Dale, Omaha over 1$ Predotiek W. Simpson, Omaha over 21 Amy .Weed, Omaha.., ....over 1$ Ooana- H. Smith, Omaha. 7 Blena Olsoa, Port Dodge, la.., SK otw W. Jones, Lincoln, Neb 24 Aaa U. Maasca, Davey, Neb.....,,.,. 34 BUILDING PERMITS. hiv- .... ...... . I "'. permit, can ipd'I iobuvoi "' McOahan, l3 Vall.r street. do - I a street, frame' dwelling, it.iot: F. B.' K.n. nard, sgant, 1401 Douglaa alreet, repair, and alteration.. 18.600: Klrarhbraun A Sone, 102.112 South Ninth atreet. fireproof wareoouoo DUIIOing, ,140,900. SPECIAL NOTICES STOCKHOLDKR'S MEETING. Tho onnuol mootlns of tho ohoroholdoro or mo nooroSKO Hovlngo At hnmn Aoooelo tloa will bo hold tn tho ooooelotlon ofrleo. ia oouia Aicutoojiiii .oiroot, aoundoro' Koanody bulMlns. Omolio, Nobroalco, Tundoy. July 1, KIT, ot I p. m. Polio or oioouon or throo dlrootoro opon ot 1 e'elork nooa ond elooo ot f p. tn, oa tbo Mm hit. JOHN R. BRANDT, Socrotorr. FRATERNAL ORDERS NOTICE TO NEBRASKA A. 0. U. W. MEMBERS Kotle If hfby virn to all tnemhr or in ronowinf nima todiei ot th An elnt Ordr f UnttM Workmn of N oruKm, io-wu; union Pari fie. No. Omthl, No, II; Houlh OitiRha. No. Oat City. No. 91: North Omaha.. N f.m Patton, No. 171; America, No. JS; Bara-toa-a. No. 184. That H. D. Walkar of Omaha Nh . haa tn appotntrjtj Deputy Orand Muttr norKman oc NftOraalca, with authority to reeolva and eollcct tha atiatnanta du from membra of aald lodKM. with in. true Hon to him to forward nmi to tha urana iMUgt or Nobraika, In ordar protect thflr honaflelary certificate. Payment! of preaant ratea, now balng mada by Nbraeka membari. Indlcata that all eotatandltif obligations will aoon ba tain and a bfineflclary fund acqulrad. Ca at my office Immediately, say isiiumsnii ad vt full Information concerning thea maiiere. li. D. WALKER, Deputy Orand Maater Workman. Office Til Omaha National Bank Bid. mono iwugiat LOST-FOUND-REWARDS OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET KAIbWAT COMPANY Paraona havlna loat iomi artlnla tMnM do well to call up tha office of tha Omaha council Biurra street Railway Company to ascertain whether they left It la tha street ear. Many article aaoh day aro turned in And tha company la anxious to rostora mem to tne rightful owner. 1917 FORD touring car, stolen Wednesday nigm irom ltiu ana uougias, license 2477, motor 1495137. Reward for Infor mation leading 4o reooTOry. I, N. Wright, i-none home, 4tii. leio bo. Z4tn m. IP TOU loss anything and will advertise It here you will surely recover It If found by an honest person. If you find anythtnar of value, tha honest way la to advertise ior ina owner. POUND A Buckskin horsed three mil. north of Florence. Owner ran have same by calling Fred Cannon, three miles north vi siorence ana paying for this ad. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Tnmiture snd Household Goods. ATTENTION, - FURNITURE BUYER"? Do not buy ony furnlturo. ruoo or atovu ontii you novo oa.n uo rirot. wo offor you . ..o.uit. diw:r ur niUH-UflADS FUR NITURE, RUOS. STOVES and Cnu. PLETB HOME OUTFITS for Drastically Wo aro fore. d to racato our four-otory worohouoo, and ltd ontlro contonto muot bo sold at onoo. Sola takoa ploeo at our oolao room at tho oornor of 14th and Dodso otroalo. Do not fait to attond. It lo on opportunity of a llfollmo. Hundrada havoL already taken advon toap of tblfl wonderful oooortunltv. Why 4or?t you?. STATE FURNITURE CO.. P. II1T. Cor, nth ond Dodoo Slo Omaha B. VAKS buys and oallo oaoond-hand furnlturo. itovoo, elothlns, automobile aupplleo ond an ainaa or runner, broae. conoer. eto. Call mo ond I will treat you right. Phono Boutn uto, Heeidonco 4S2fl B. 12d. BARQAINS In furnlturo, Ico botes, (M "w, ooao, onmo ona mtcnon eabu . '. In. boffoto, droouro, trankA lultcom. Full lino of ooultro n.t. ""I, ocr..n. Hll-tl rt. Zfltn. WOO. 1,07, kp" sale-furntshino of three. ROOM APARTMENT; WILL SUB-LET arAKT.ani, t;AL,l, hahnst 4311, iCE CORAM toblao off. fur., ohalro,,.. loo oooiero, garden ftooo, porcb rurniture, Vlotrolao and planoa, Loyol Furn. Co.. Ill N, Uth. City Furn. Co.. 107 so. 14th. REMEMBER the bis auction aale of furni ture ot nth and Harney sta., today, June ao. 4vow going on. J. N. DOWD, Auctioneer. FOR SALE Large gaa atove tn 'good eon aitioni ouitablo for boarding bouao or ra taurant. Phone rjou... ARI1. BEAUTIFUL wl.k.r baby c.rrma, cat 40 new, for aala, yery reasonable. Har- ney fill. RURH right down and get your share of all ainns rurniture at aacrirtce. 109 N. nth. I POR SALE Refrigerator, gocart and din ing taoie. eozi n. i&tn. PULL-819.ICD brd; complete; I. 10th St. no dealers. 1214 I Pianos ind Musical Instruments. BEAUTIFUL Sterling piano, In good oondl tion, win. dispose at reasonable price. Call Harney 1137 In avonlng. I PINE Ceolllan harp for sale cheap, dress Box 551, Monmouth. III. CORNET for sale cheap. Call W S. 10th irnw watm ia-h w,.v. --v. o..-....., i J. C. Roy, noil S. ltth. Jewelry. Dismonds snd Watchts. FOR ORADUATION Watchea and rlnga at Frledmaa'a, 1811 Douglaa. Clothing snd Furs, 'OR SALE Aboolutoly new green Bilk jer- ooy ana suit, alaa very obeap. w alnut a.aa. Lumber and Build in tr Material!. SAVE HALF on beams, columns, briok. H. Oroao Lumbar and Wreck. Co. Web. 2814. Printing snd Office Supplies. Wotera-Barnhordt Ptg. Co. 134 So. Uth St. Cimeras and Kodaks. REX0 CAMERAS, every click a turo. Oroob'a Pharmacy. pic. llth ana nowara. Billiards snd Pocket Tables. TOR BALD BILLIARD TABLES, brand now earom and pocket, with comolot. outfit, ll&0 oooond-hand tabteo at ro dueed prlcoo; bowling aUeya and aupplleo: eeey poymento. Clgor atoro flzturee a apoclalty. Send for calatogue. THE brunswick-balke-collender ca, 107., south loth St. Sewing- Mschines. SEWING MACHINES Wo rant, renair. sell naadlaa and narta i au sewing mac nines. MICHEL'S NEBRASKA CYCIJB TO.. 18th and Hamoy Sts. Doug. 1861. JTranki and Traveling Bags. WB make them ourselves, why pay two prorits ror inferior goods, when you can got sign grans goods at first cost, ALFRED CORNISH CO.. Mfra. of Harness, Saddles and Traveling uooan, i. iv am era or, Typewriters and Supplies. THROUGH IN A JlFK-T.' it Will ba ao if you nea a talf-firartln neiningion. Don't plod through with your "clutch en low." Come In for a demonstration. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO., 101 8. 19th. Phono Douglas 1284. TYPEWRITERS aold, rrnted and rrpaircil. iten. an Oliver typewriter 3 months for $6. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1906 Farnam. Guaranteed Typewriters, $10 and up. Write ior iiar. Miqianq Typ, CO., 1404 Dodge. n Miscellaneous. ' OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feathers steam renovated and made up In fresh ticks cost half the Price of new oil Iowa. Call ua tnr sanmles of ticking and prices. 1907 Cum- .'E 11AVK moved to new location. We buy, avl I and malia daba BhAprn.H. shelving, elc. Omaha Fixture and Bupply Co.. & w. Cor. lUb and Douglas Hta. Phone Doug. 3724 . DRV KINDLING WOOb. AC Mb. ' BOX COMPANY. HARNET 1887. CHERRIES for sale at 4117 Saratoga St a.11 vuiiii i-ifS. r0Jt,."l-h"ri- for !.. . Colfai llll. SWAPPERS' COLUMN FILMS developed free: one-dav aarvlra. Kaso Kodak Studio, Novlllo Bid., llth 150-KOO Mandy Lea Incubator for nhlfka. ehickons, or- what hav you? Box 1179, WANTED TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks, bought, onld and iraara. j. v. need, 1:0 Farnam. 1). 1194, nTTi rT .nTUTWl and bhoes. jtxs Ji-iJ X XllllKJ WB PAY THE DOUGLAS 1021. JENKINS J'uys highest prices for clothes, snna, trunks. etc Rrd lilt Doug. 9031. DIAMONDS 409 S. Uth St. SOL BKRCJMAN St CO. CASH paid for -'diamonds. Ka talcs ap- praisen. Kefs jaweiry CO., 403 B. FALSE teeth, 11 per set up. Mall to H. vanalstlpe, 2409 Decatur, Omaha, Neb. WANTED to buy, slightly used 1911 Ford touring car. Booth 4369. BOOKS Bought. K1gr. Loyal Hotel Bldg. H1QH prices paid for old olothes.,D. 4714. BOOKS bought. 110 S. ltth. Tyler 2121. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordeon Pleatinc. ACCORD EON, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all sixes and styles; bemsrftchlng, picot edging, oys- jfi cm worK. Duiionnoies, pennania. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., upposuse uranaeis mora. IAA-109 Brown Bldg. Douglaa 1911. VAN ARMAN Dress Pleating and Button I co 33B-7 Paston Biir. Douglaa 1109. Accountants. Dworak-Ure udit Co., 119 Ramgs Bldg. Phono Doug. 1H9. Baths. MASSEUSE, baths, manicuring, physical cuit, miss wamer, 124 Nevine Blk. u. 4Z7 RITTENHOU8B Hani t.rl urn, all kinds baths. 110-114 Balrd Blk., 17th A Douglas. CENTRAL Beth Inatltute, 1101 Harney. Douglaa 7097. Ealalla Royce, maaa., chlr. 121 Neville Blk. Blacksmiths. Bleckamlthtng, lawn mower oharpon'g, lawn mowtra ror aale. A. Htnltn A Hon. w. 20,1 Briss snd Iron Founderies. Poxtop. Mitchell Co., 27th apd Martha Sta LSEN A BCLKIER, 1407 Jack.on. D. 7111. Bakeries. ORTMAN'S vnw tun, tun n . m v w ,mh BRANCHES PUBLIC MARKET' AND HAIDKN BKOTIIERH. OUR MOTTO "BETTER BAKED OOODS." I Caraentera and Contractnra. LE89ARD A SON, 1021 Cumins. Ty. llll. ChtroDodiitL Carrlo J. Burford, 020 Paxton Blk. R. 4817. Detectives. OMAHA DETECTIVE ASSOCIATION, 109 isi jat, hk. Bidg, Phono Tyler 2610. JAMBS ALLAN, SI Novlllo Blk. Evldopco flcuroa In oil caooo. Tyler 1 1 as. D. JOLLY. 611 Paxton, Red 7401. Dressmaklnir. MRS. H. T. Mottai, 131 S. 27th. Hor. Iltl. Eip. dr.tmalcar. Sewlns by day. Wal. I83S. TERRY PmuiiHit Co., ;oth and Farnim. Fixtures and W inn sr. nTTPTdfTM Klectrlo washing machines. lamps, szas cuming at. Doug, is is. Furs Stored. FURS stored, cleaned and remodeled, U price, an ayea, ji. ttotnnoia, irurner. nirnty a.ea zsis Ltsavenworth. Hat Cleaners. ALL kinds bats cleaned and restocked: la- Qiw nais specialty, id.d Harney. R. 4971. Household Siiecialties. F. ADAMS, 422 S. 18th: D. 2007! under new management, wo want to see old friends and mset new. Open Sat. ovsa. tuur crtjon is gooa. Agents wantsd. Insurance. BANKERS LIKE OH T.TMfnT.V 911-14 City Nat. Bk, Bldg. Doug. 2811. Lawn Mowers!. CARL JARL, 1703 Leavenworth St. D. 487T. I MasseurebL HAnnAQB, chiropody, Alta Road. 101-14 nwira aiag.. mn ana iougiaa. D. SMI. FRED C ALLEN, scientific masseur; Swed. nnswir, ano vapor pains. isi7 Dodge. Central Bath Inst., 1508 Harney. Doug. 7097. WEST, manicure, massage. 210 N. 17. MIHS HOLLAND, 228 NevlUo Blk. Osteonaths. Mrs. aT. R. Muslck, suipher, steam and ouoa ypiua oarns. Koie Bldg. Ty. Siit. pert Welding on All Metals. ' W. LEVBRINO. 109 fl. 13th Kt T) HUTS Patent Attnrnova STUROES A STUROE8, U. 8. and forelm raaBmarKS. aao Bee Bldg. PATENTS procured, boueht and maa lnt7l national raicnt co 683 Brandela. D. 8891. Pianoi for Pent. Mpsr mo. A. Hospo Co.. 1611 Douglas. RaeHme. Learn to play popular muslo In 14 lessons. . "tn. rn. wep. aoss aftsr 9 p. m, Theatrical Costumes. THEATRICAL gowns, full dress suits for iv n. nm. jonn Feldman. D. 11 2. Taxi. TAXI. D. 7390 NEB. SERVICE GARAGE Tailors. CRONBTROM'B PANTAT-OWmu Room 9. Patterson Blk.. lTth anri v.. nam. uoui s07. j, cronstrom, Mer chant Tailor; cleaning, pressing and r Roof.no1 Omaha Roofing Co., comp,, gravel, asphalt in Ji o rooiing at sningio coating. " "'" pairing-, ow pes Plflf, Li. 1048 Safes. SAFES BARGAINS, llll Farnam. J. J. Derlght Safe Co, Shoe Parlors. SHINE, clean, bronse. 1821 Farnam. Weddinsf Stationerv. wbdding annouueemonts and nrintlns. """i''' printing CO. -101. LlOUgtaS 944. Towel Sunn lies. Omaha Towel Supply. 107 a llth, D. 818. Where to Eat. AT HOME-COOKED MEAT ! NEW DELICATESSEN. 1809 FARNAM. BURRoiinH'a rioTKi OMAHA, NEB, (Servloa.) LINCOLN, NEft i a. isi o. iatn st OMAHA RE&TATTP INT 801 N. 16th. Clean meals, 6o and lie. BUSINESS CHANCES ARB YOU INTERESTED IN OIL? FOR- Ann, tsiiiiNO MADE THROUGH SMALL INVESTMENTS IN OKLAHOMA OIL. THB ORKATKST OIL SECTION THE WORLD llAO RVRr sitirm xvm ARB LOCATED RIGHT IN THE HEART I this - TERRITORY, BETWEEN a-vui. i-nouuciNO FIELDS. WB H AVE TH B BEST AND CLEANEST pnopnainriv ryi-u-n nK.woioKnn PURLia WB CAN SEE NO CHANTK FOR YOU TO LOSE; AM Bvrnt 1 pkiip , urruiiTUNiTT To M A KVi Din 1. IV. IDHNDS AND A REASONABLE CHANCE TO MAKE MANY TIMES YOUR ORIO INAL INVESTMENT. PRACTICAL OIL MEN MANAGE OUR SYNDICATE. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVES WANTED. WRiI POR FULL DESCRIPTION. MAPS. REFERENCES. ETC. QUAST OIL LANDS SYNDICATE. 1001 WALD HKIM BLDG., KANSAS CITY, MO. OR fTJSFlAh REPRESENTATIVE, 139 HOTEL KEEN, OMAHA. A GOOD opportunity for a live nu-tlon plo- jure man. Most modern theater in I Omaha. For sale in whole or part. For I particulars aaoresa Box 5186, Bee. I want ten AH round mechanic; be your own boss; .Vi wnaae s to xo dol lars day. . CARWr8 GARAGE, PERU. NEB. POWER -A machine, nearly new. West ern Electrlo Rectifier elngle-faced motor air pump for?tpe organ. Also a new oscil lating tan 19-inch. Will sell for half pnt-e u taaon at once. Box 0366, Bee. FOR BALE One of the beat srolna acn. mose. propoaitlona In the suta, south central Neb. Bargain for quick aale UITttlNITBhl nr.. I. . 1 ' . . .. light work; .Iwrt , fc avrers, Ageada, Kaa. BUSINESS CHANCES IF YOU want to sell or buy a business rooming house call on Buorh Borghoff. ig wono-Mnraia mag, pnono D. Ill A BLACKSMITH shop with full equipment for aale or trade for real ostate. Wish a quick sals. Box it. Bee. MOTION picture machines (new and Hum,; theaters supplied. Omaha Film mi-nsngw, ms b. 14th Bt. MOVI.NO PICTURti mochlnea, new ond pout, an maKeo; aupplleo, Woatora 81 Ply Co., 201 Nat. Bids. CLtvAN atock gen. mdao. aod grocery. Sell or miani traoo. w. uroy. icddyvllle. Neb. TO GUT in or out of business call OA NO EST AD. 411 Bee Bldg. Doug. 3477. I guarantee sals of any business or real late, jr. v. Knlest. flea Bldg., Omaha, I ONLY picture show, town 1,200; must sol quira. mq . MK?r, Ttiaen, Nb. REHTAURANT For sale; tak auto la part. PCJR SALE, or partner wanted. KMlogg nricn. ear im ,q., r.UQKK, JOWa. DOWD KALE AND AUCTION CO.. 1129 vr. w. uiag. nea szsi. MEDICAL WHY SUFFER? Latest and Most Scientific Treatment for all Diseases. Dr, Charles Barnes, 611.(24 Rosa Bldg. Eiamlnatlon ana consultation tree. Ha is curing thou sanda. WHY NOT YOU? Delays aro dan gerous, ir you can't call, write. Houi 9 a. m, to I p. m.: 7:S0 to 9:30 ovanlngs. Dunaay oy appointmsni. DR: E. R. TARRY, 141 BEE BLDO. PILES, FISTULA CURED. I Dr. 18. R. Tarry curea ptlao. flalula and other rectel dlaeaaea without aurglcol op eratlono. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured, write for book on reg ie! dloeaae ond teatlmonlota. RUPTURB .ucRM.fullv without I aurgrcal operation. Coll or write Dr. rrenK H. wray, 20S Boa Bldg. dr. EADE8, 201 Paxton Blk. Doug. 8721 Chiropractors. DR. KNOLLENBERO. SANITARIUM. Lady attendant 24th and Farnam. Pre. Johnaton, 1826 W. O. W. Bldg. D. 1021, Dr. J. C. Lawrence, Balrd Bldg. D, 1411, pr, Fronce. Dawaon, 02 Roae Bldg." TTiltT Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 181 W. O. W. Bids" I T't' Dnt- m Ra D- llll. PERSONAL TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Mrs. El; Pbeips has sold her ontlro Interest In tbo Central Bath Institute and Is now In no way connected with this Institution. Can. tral Bath Institute, Etta M. Sturges, Man ager, adwb narney be. THO Salvation Army Industrial Homo so- licita your Old colthtnsr. furniture, maaa- sines. Wo collect. Wo distribute. Phono Doug. 4126 ana our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 11101113-1114 uoQgm pi. BATHE and massage. Central Bath Inst!. m i, low narney bu isoug. tusi. upon evenings. MISS FIUHER, sulphur, stsam baths and massage, 871 Bran. Tnea. Bldg. D. 1999. LUELLA WEBSTER, maasago and mani curing, bib raxton Bin. Red Z400. ALL RIGHT private maternity homo. cars, atjoe uristoi. web. Z908. PRIVATE licensed maternity homo. 4411 N. latti Bt, Phono Colfax 2041. BATHS, massage. 1801 Farnam. Room J. ynono Douglas 87BL SCIENTIFIC massago. S20 Boo Bldg. Phono UOUffiaS B33. MAE BRUOMAN. scientific masseuso and batna. 20a Karbach Blk. Red 1717. Edna Williams,, man-age, bath. 228 Neville. Manicuring and mass. 1633 Farnam. R. It. BATHS, massags. Phpns Douglas 8781. IE. BROTT. Mass., 1120 Harney. Dg, 9528. AUTOMOBILES WILLYS -OVER LAND, INC. USKD CAR II KPT. D- .las 1290. 2047-49 Faraam Touring cars and roadsters of OvarlanA muasjoBHer, Maxwell, ora, Oakland, Mitchell, Bulck and Hudson makes. TERMS 1W DKSIBPin Prompt attention given to all lntoraatad out-or.iown buyers. CROSSTOWN OARArtBl 111 80. Z4th St. Douxlas 4441. Apporson "48". starter and llxht. i tlrea ana rims, gooa condition, 9219.00. i-arts Tor hud 20. Hudson 20. Intaratata IS, Apporson, Oldamoblls. oto. Used tiros cneap. YOU NEED TIRES AND TUBES REPAIRED, DON'T YOU? ALL RIGHT, WE DO THE BEST WORK IN TOWN, TRY US. THE TIRE SHOP. AUTO CLEARING HOTTBJB. 1209 Farnam. Douglas tilt). 1919 Bulck "Light Six" Roadster... .1979 211s uveriand Roadster 475 1916 Empire Tourlnr 400 111s Maxwell Touring 76 FOR SALE 9 old out 1, a lot ot tlrea, luces ana pans ai innx nncea to mmt them out of hero. North Sldo Garage, 4303 N. 20th St, FOR RAI.K Light Bulck six. run onlr iftft tciIIm fls tlrea. Will take 1919 or 1917 Ford as part payment. Call 8. J. Johnson, Fort TRADE youo old battery In on a auaran. ieea bvor-roaay storage battery. Free in paction ox any oattery, iiivor-ready Stor ago Battery Co., 1209 Farnam St. C yv. FRANCIS AUTO CO. ' Used Car Dent. 1918-11 Farnam 8L Doua-Iaa tit. Almost any mako at reasonable prices. FOR BALE Modal 69 2-passengsr Stanley Steamer. like new. UnsuroaAMad tinwtr speed and aaao of operation, a bargain. -icon owiiirnan, rieasanion, neo. WANTED TO BUY from private party good Ford Touring oar; late model. Haye 9100 cash and can pay $38.00 monthly. Call Douglas 8417. I WB wiu trade you a new Ford for your old INDUSTRIAL G A It AO HI rn 10th and Harney. Douglaa 1251. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH, 100 USED cakb; quick action; no delay. Auto Ex- onange co., aim rarnam at Doug, to 16. WANTED Used Bulck, Maxwell, Ford or man roaoaier; win traaa ten-acro traot in c ioriaa. box 404, Norfolk, Neb. CHEVROLET car, 1 months' old. very rea. sonabio. Call Mr. Carey, Affinity Spark rma company. I WANTED to buy for cash, 1916 or 1917 model Ford. Call or write August Beck, Arlington, Neb. TELL aV BIVKr.TCT WB BUY AND SELL USED FORDS, 2311 Harney St.. Doua. ieo. POR SALE Cinders for driveway and walks. Douglaa 1887. WANT modern alx auto for clear Browne!! nan aiatnct lots, canan, MoCague Bldg. BERTSCHY "Kan-Flx-If Southeast cor nor loth and Harney Sta. Douglas 2652. I BARQAINS In used Ford cars Holmes-Ad Kins CO., 4911-17 8. 24th. Phone S. 371. W? i1 u,ed ftA men, Auto Salvage aAuntni", uu B ma. GOOD running roadster. , 2029 Farnam. Auto Livery and Garages. EXPERT auto repairing. "Service ear al ways reaay." umaha oarage, 2010 Har ney St. Tyler 666. J Automobile Accessories. "OSGOOD" lenses meet legal "no glare" requirements and give additional light en road. Distributors, Powell Supply Co., 2051 Farnam St , Electric Starters and Repairs. ALL MAKES REPAIRED. STRAHLB A ANDERSON TUf tit 8. 19th St. Douglas $411. ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT SERVICE CO. -umana a Reliable Starter Repair Shop.' 8330 Farnam St Douglas 9377. Tires and Supplies. TIRE price wreckera. This is no 2 tn 1 tiro. COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY, 1101H Jackso ,. Agta wanted. Omaha, Neb. Auto Repairing and Paintinar. ilOO reward for magneto we can't repair wQiia rapairq. paysaoTrer, 11, w. l sin. MONEY TO LOAN ' FURNITURE, pianos and notes as security. sv, a mo., ji. gooas, loiai coat 99.9. $40. 9 mo., endorsed notes, total coat. 83.80. Smaller, large em'ts proportionate rate. PROVIDENT IO AN SOCIETY. 153 Rose Bldg,. Uth and Farnam. Ty. 949. LEGA L RATE , LOANS 124.00 8:4D. 09 or mors Kasy payments. . , Utmost privacy. S49 Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug. 1296. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. V . . SITUATIONS WANTED Male. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and accountant open for position; familiar wtth all details or orrico work; refsroooes, eta, AL Box BIS", Bee. TWO exoarlanead hnuaa and Is.n maa want work; trees trimmed. Wall paper cleaned. Douglss 9894. Delaney or Baker. By thoroughly experienced, middle aged man, as oooKltetper, auditor or aalas 1 sgrr In loral office. Box 9378, Boo. TOLNO man wants position aa chauffeur. pnvaie lainuy preierrai . good references. ' 'i i'nuaias v nog. COLORED chauffeur and expert mecbanl wan, aigni yearr eiperienao; good ref ajrencsw. fiamiy IF TOU want anything dona telephone Sparks, tha handy msn, at Walnut 1190. TYPIST wants temporary work, $2 day. Ad- 7tn ,avs council Bluffs, la. HOUSE and lawn man; wall paper cleaned. I uougias si4. Wll.lsm Delaney. FINE paint, carpet and paper cleaning at cut prices. Doug. 7841, FOR plowing A cultivating," Call Doug. 379. Female. . QUIET, refined colored ladv wlahea a no. sltlon aa housekeeper for bachelors or tsKing cars or bachelors" apt. Box 5108, : WASHING taken by the bundle, all bundles at 79 cents or above. Call Colfax 8928. WOMAN cook wants work In harvest or graaing camp. Walker, 803 N. 18th St. SEWING, by reliable colored dressmaker. can jwrs. Beams. Hsrney 4119. Laundry and Day Work. WANTED Day work, house cleaning launarr. mi POUtn 1117. Reliable col. woman wants work, Mon.,Tuea. aim ft bci. ot eacn weeff. Harney 4119. TWO reliable colored ladles want day work. waanma, ironing or cleaning. Tyler 1967. DAY w.:c and washing. Mrs. J. O. Col. 392. EXP, laundress, fine cloths specialty. H. 1904. j WORK, day or week. Mrs. Cramer, Dg. 8879. BUNDLB washing or day work. Doug. 7084. BUNDLE wa.hlnx. Call Walnut 1299. HELP WANTED Male and Female. THUUSAlYDS government war positions vuvu ti.u monin. examination every- whero. List free. Franklin Institute. Avup.. ji g, nocnesier, n. r. WANTED Names men and women wishing vrajriiinuni noeiuonsj fo montn. Hun- ui-au war appoinimenis. box x 49, Bee. WANTED Salesmen, both men and women, Tie J, , v, i saiary. Apply OTas AOKBK OltlV. I HtLP WANTED MATT. Stores and Offices, YOUNG clerk wanted bv larra ,rrp.ii.,. 0inaia opportunity for advancement for iau. man. nea sons Die salary to start handwriting. Box 6180, Bee. BOOKKEEPER and lisnncranhAs kitA? KCFBHlSNUlfi ok BOND ASSO- I wAiiwn. isa rirst national Bank build- "a. - STENOGRAPHER, $85, $75, $66, $60, $40. AWURRBBpsr, ass. BSD, 9d0. "" "g. CO., lias 1st Nat Bank. EXP. COLLECTOR ISO. 00 awe inai cajvu AGENCY, 990 BEE BLDG. I ASST. 8HIPPINO CLERK, $60-$65. inu MAKTI CU., 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. EIGHT STENOGRAPHERS at once, 76-ld7 ina wAKTl CU., 17 W. Q. W. Bldg. Professions and Trades. WANTED GOOIf MUSICIANS. a or sin noorasKa regiment band. This organisation will ba composed principally, ef young professional mustclana of Omaha and vicinity, who aro clean, oonaantat young- fellows. Only a few days before conscription takes effect so corns In out " ma -araii" ana Mentlfy yourself with a atnctir nrsi-einss Mebraaka hanii. An. ply at recruiting station. 1611 Farnam fltr. ana ssx tor a. j. Webb or call Douglas WANTED CIVIL BNGINBERS. rvunersiono-Bingier Co., Chicago, and norm western New Elevator, Avonuo J and I ivto oi., council Biuns, 12 He por hour. I ri.n, r Zfrl ma"M' fion ,....: ?,.7.... r.'...,. V." " nmr V7. 1 WANTED Af ONCE-Experionced first- class steam threshing snginoar; 1 H. P. Russell compound engine. N. P. Bcback, I wainut, la. WANTED An alopathlo doctor at Bal- Jantlne, Mont Address Ballantlno Drug co.. uauantino, Mont. DRUG POSITIONS ALL STATE. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. ioia-10 city National Bank Bldg. WANTED FOUR FIRST-CLASS AUTOMO- OiUDi A,rAli. Man, TtSLiL, ft BINK. I JUKI AUTQ UAKAUM, 3318 HARNEY. WANTED Rogietered drug clerk, married, permanent position to right man. Tout I 4 petricK, York, Neb. WANTED Men to deliver lco. Apply Omaha Ico and Cold Storago Co., ana Jones. EEARN barber trade:' low ratea now. Call or write Barber College. 1114 Douglas St. ANTED Barbar at once. 920 ruarantad Lercn a jonea. reaawood, s. D. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED. competent advertltlnr aalaaman' tn nanaio rase soiling advortisinf In Omaha ana vicinity, cnanoo lor bustler mako bg commission. Yon can build up parmanam ousiness ror yourseir. can i at 106 Patterson BuUdlng, Seventeenth Ana rarnam, Saturday, Monday or Tues- aay, between 10 a. m. and 4:00 p. Caro W. B. Fond Co. Ask for B. B. MURPHY. SALESMAN. EVERY LOCALITY. TO PRESENT THB BEST AND SAFEST OIL PROPOSITION EVER OFFERED THE INVESTING PUBLIC; ALL TIME OR PART TIME: NO STOCK TO BELLI WB OPERATE IN THH GREATEST OIL FIELD IN THB WORLD. WRITE FOR FULL DESCRIPTION OF OUR PROPO SITION. QUAST OIL LANDS SYNDI CATE, 100$ WALDHEIM BLDO., KAN SAS CITY, MO., OR SPECIAL REPRE SENTATIVE, 329 HOTEL KEEN, OMAHA. SALESMAN "with limited capital: one with auto preferred; to sell an automobile nec essity to the garages and dealers in this I state; article Is of extreme merit and has I established reputation; our sales policy pensatton $26 to $100 per week, depend ing on applicant, references required. nrm ror proposition at once. QUICK RESPONSE SALES CO,, WE WANT reliable, energetic, experienced nursery salesmen to sell our complete line in tno nortnwest. Our dealers make from $0 to 20 pet set Cash advanced weekly. KIMBERLY NURSERIES, Klmberly, Idaho. WANTED. Live wire security men. New company. organiKta oy .oca. business men. Terri tory assig-ned in country If preferred. I Proposition exceptional seller. See Wright, 1 m jveeiine Bitg., forenoons. WANTED Distributor for aulck-selllns au tomobile device. In Omaha and Douglaa co. Easy sales, large profits. Requires small capital to cover cost of necessary stock. For interview eee Mr. Arnold Fri day and Saturday. .Hotel Edward. " SALESMAN WANTED. Call 631 S. 19th St Hotels and Restaurants. , , e WANTED 25 cooks for the Blxta Nebraska Infantry. Apply 1611 Farnam. WANTED Cleaners. Fontenelle Hotel. Apply Housekeeper, I Teamsters and Chauffeurs. TEAMSTERS WANTED Steady work and good pay. Apply 8underland Bros. Co. South Yard: 20th and Hickory Streets. West Yard: 4M and lxard Streeta. Boys. BOYS earn good wages while learning ' trade. Just like betnc paid to go to school. Must be It years eld. GORDON-LAWLESS CO., 9th and Dodge. HELP WANTED MALE Trade Schools. I I MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Mob, women, learn tho barber tratfo; 1 few woeks eompleteo; pay wbilo learning. catalogue rroo. nates now on. can I WNIO. 110 South 1 th St.. Omaha. I LEARN barber trade: be Independent: mors than mako your expenses while learning. I wages or percentage, wo don't over charge you to begin. 1402 Dodge Bt, TK'-CITT BARBER COL.LKGK. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE. 407 8. roth and 2061 Farnam. Miscellaneous. - I WANTED Laborers; Chicago and North western New Elevator, Avenue and 1 Bt., council BJUffS. I SHOVELKR8 wauted to unload coal by ton: good pay and steady work. Sunderland Bros. Co. xNorth Yard 24th and Taylor streets. fuum lira ivw ana nicitory atresia. west: xsra 420 ana ixara streets; WANTED Three good men; steady work. omana concrete Btono Co., 28th Ave, and Bahler Bt. ATTENTION, farmers! If you want help ws can supply you. Biurr city Empr ment Bureau, 916H W. Broadway. P. 431. LABORERS wanted; steady work; good wages. Apply Sunderland Bros. Co., west yard, 4:d and Izard Sta. LABORERS for Lewi. ton, Mont. Ship dally. xreo xaro. Emerald lad. Agy 3829 B. HELP WANTED FEMALE , Stores and Offices. STENO., $76; steno., $66: typist, $75; comp. tomotor, $60: cashier. $26: bkknr. and typist. 165: bkknr. and tvolsr.. 165. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASSN. 1202 W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED Bright younx ladv who lives noma ror cashier and assistant saleslady. BUSHMAN A M'CONNELiL. DRU CO. STENOGRAPHER and secretary. $78, WEHTKKN REFERENCE BOND ARSO. CIATION. 738 First National Bank Duiimng. STENO., $86 to $100. Steno. and secretary, sb. steno., wholesale, $75. Bookkeeper, 9'S. WATT8 REF. CO.. 38 1st Nat. Bank. WE NEED stenographers, bookkeepers and o i new cierKS. co-uperaiivo Kererence Co. FIVE STENOGRAPHERS. ISO to $75. l itiis makti cu., 1917 W. O. W. Bldg. i rroicssions ana 1 Ttaes. EXPERIENCED help for kodak finishing. Tho Robert Dempster Co., Eastman Kodak wo., ibis r arnam. j LEARN barber trade. 1401 Dodge 8t. Saleswomen and Solicitors. SELLING PROPOSITION FOR WOMEN tsniwmaN THH AGES OF 26 AND 45; SHOULD BE OF GOOD APPEARAVrm IF YOU ARE A CONVINCING TALKER AND HAVE A LARGE ACQUAINTANCE, ir wiuu UH OF MATERIAL ASSIST' ANCE TO YOU. WB WILL GIVE YOU is v but AID WH CAN IN CLOSING JJUH1JNEB8 AMD THE PAT TS miW MENSURATB WITH THE RESULTS uoi AirsKD. TOU COULD DEVOTE ALL OR PART OP YOUR TIME. OR YOU CAN ubb THIS VERY PROFITABLY CONNECTION WITH YOUR PRESENT nMrbUIUKNT. ADDHKSH nnfiM !? iVlC-ii XL a IHN, OMAHA. WANTED Ten ladles to solicit local work vuaraniee sis pr week. H. Y, Wilson, mm cranaeis Tneater Bldg. A FEW mora lady Insurance solicitors. jnrunTATIS KU.AL.TY CO., 999-30 City National. Douglas l$8t. Household and Domestic. COMPETENT girl for general housework'. an lainiir, no jaunary worx; good wages. Mrs. H. H. Pish, 33U Woolworth AY. WANTED Girl for assistant In housework ior room ana board, soma wages: school a in prererrea. mono Harney 5938. i niuxrnu An experienced white nurse maid or woman, with references: sood was; r-n. j30-mwz, nee. WANTED Good girl for general housework ona wno can go noma nights. Phono Wal- nut zot, bub . 4Zd Bt. wawtklva competent oook; references required. Apply at 1129 DavonDort fit. or 1 91. namay o. I WANTED A 14 or 16 -year-old girl to take I cara Of tha chlldi-an mat v sta hnn. o.i.i.1. WANTED A competent cook. Mi.: N. B. i,.p.a'K " Jacltaon SL Tel, Harney Vl Z7Z tM w,..,,' . sm WATEp--An experienced whito girl for general housework. Walnut 968. WANTED Good girl for general hounework in uunaee, call walnut 81. CAPABLE maid for general housework; no I GIRL for general housework; must bs good -vue,. Aianinr J o r. WANTED Good girl for general houaework. - ' avb, Hotels snd Restaurants. EXPERIENCED waitresses wanted, havo experience and references. Club Cafe, j.vvi r amain. WANTED Experienced maid and waitress woman .wnue; ror za cooking; wages $26 and $30 per month, room and board. The uoiaan. unnu, leo. EDUCATIONAL VAN SANT SCHOOL OIT RTTSrwwflfli Business Administration. Advertising. Flnarice and Investments. Rankina- A ten weeks' coarse in above subjects, by professors from tho Unl. of Nebraska, begins June 18th. Day sessions for women. Evening sessions for men and women. Two forty-five minute lectures each week in aacn BUDjeet. Take any one or all. Tuition $13.60 per course, each nh.rW The business world needs women. Enter anjr Monaay ior unortnand, Typewriting, Bookkeemna and other eourawa nf tin ixi ior Dusiness. Day . classes meet between I and 1. Evening- classes between 9:20 and 8. aau omana National Bank Bldg. BOYLES COLLEOB DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL, Every day ie enrollment day.. Book keeping, shorthand, atenotvnv. tvnewHt. lng, telegraphy, civil service all commer cial and English branches, Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE. Douglas 1665. l$th and Harney Sts. PRIVATE tutoring by a college graduate. Will give referenceTcall Har. 4727. FOR RENT ROOMS Hotels. HARLEY 20 TH AND FARNAM. Special low rates to permanent guests. HOTEL COOL rooms for summer, $2 wk, apts. with kitchenette. OGDEN HOTK "5. CO, Bluffs. Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTERS1 If you fall to find the room you desire among these ads call at The Bee office for a Room List -Gives complete description of vacant rooms In all parts of the city. New lists Issued every week. NICELY furnished front room for the sum mer for gentleman in beautiful neighbor hood,' very homelike, In private family; rent reasonable; on 24th oar line. 2415 Camden Ave. Colfax 2239. I BEAUTIFUL drawing worn and library In one of omanas most beautiful close -in homes; concealed beds; everything modern and up-to-date. Board optional. Refer ences ptuim MnnaiiinaT aioaanintoT nnrr n noon tit i. ful private home, 2216 Burt Douglas 9599. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT Large nice south- east front room, a large windows, in new stucco homo. 1 block from west park line: board optional. Phono Har. 1972. fUl L - turn wail I fur-nla hotal rnnmi MnHorn refined home, Kitchen privileges. Butt-Y able for two ladies employee, naming distance. Harney $198. LARUE, beautifully furnished room ant Bleeping porch, suitable for two, in mod ern private home ; walking distance. Tyler 1970. ' 363 DODGE Nice largo room on bath floor: strictly modern; also one email sleeping room; walking distance; reasonable. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. FOR two gentlemen: large beautifully, fur nlshed front room: Hanscom Park die trlct; breakfast-optional. Harney ze. ROOM with breakfaat 8ultabls for one of two ladles. Close to car and walking1 distance; reasonable. Harney 2141. 2305 PINKNEY Nicely furnished rooms, 1 block from car line; breakfast and dinner tf desired. Wbater 4971. ' VERY desirable, cool room, large porches, lawn and shade; hoard optional. Walking distance. Harney 3473. y FURNISHED rooms, one or two tor light housekeeping or sleeping rooms, eie . 20th St. Douglas T761. " COMFORTABLE sleeping rooms; privets family; Farnam Hue; references required. Walnut 1204. j CLEAN, furnlahed room, private family. 2228 Jones. Douglas 1770. Gtmtlemaa preferred. LARGE mahogany furnished elnrle or con netting rooms; good board. Phone Harney. 1790. 214 SOUTH TWENTY-FIFTH STREET Cool, clean rooms for gentlemen, Tylers 2974. NICELY furnished room, modsrn; very rea- . aonable; walking distance. Douglas 8991. FURNISHED room for one or two gentlo- men. private homo. W abater 1476. - FURNISHED room, alcove, 2 large closets. near a car lines. Harney fllis. NICELY furnished front room la private family. Webster 6043. THE SCR AN TON, furnished rooms. Dg. 7461. HI HOWARD Furn. rms.. $2.60 week tip. Housekeeping Rooms. 221 N. 26TH ST. Three front rooms; every thing furnished; clean, cool, ice, gas, elec trlo light; walking distance. Douglas $209. NICELY furnished or unfurnished house-el keeping room, private family. Webstar 5925. 1059 PARK Two and three-room suites. strictly modern flat; laundry. Barney 3992. 2012 NO. UTH ST., nicely furnished light nouseaeeping rooms, 91.90 and 93 i week; laundry privileges. Webster 7919. 2S63 DODGE Nicely furnished rooms on first floor. Homo privileges. ' Strictly modern. Walking dlatance. ' 2562 ST. MARY'S AVE. Two cool, modern. nicety rurnisnea front rooms, reasonable; gaa range and refrigerator. 2308 DOUGLAS Two modern housekeeping roome; no cnnaren. can Douglas Soli. 1214 8. 10TH ST. Furnished housekeeping ana aieeping rooms, uougias 7W7B. 1611 HOWARD, nice housekpg. rms. Raaa. Board and Rooms. 3919 WEBSTER For two, large front room; moaern nome; excellent Mara; nice) neighborhood; no other roomers, Harney 1633. RENT 2 nicely furnlahed rooms, with board, on Lincoln Blvd.; strictly private, for 1 gentlemen. Tyler 1741. BOARD and room; good home for two gen- iiemen; wining to snare targe room. 8. 15th Bt. Harney 6164. Unfurnished Rooms. - ROOMS, unfurnished. In modern, desirable home near Rlvervtew park; gas range Id floor: no children. Tyler 793-W. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. FOR RENT Furnlahed apartment, for tbo oummer, uly let till Oct. let; Janitor oervtce. oteam heated, hot water, walking dlatance. Harney 2901. APARTMENTS, all .ilea and price, apian. qiq location, zatn ana r-arnam. Dong. 147X. Mod. 4-r. Apt.. Har. 4141 or Wal. 2267. FOR RENTHOUSES West. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT HOllB FOR RENT. Large and commodious modern homo. with largo living room, dining room, kitchen, pantrlee, lavatory, ate, en th. flrat floor; I bedrooma and bath on tho oocond floor; 1 bodroomo and bath on th. third floor; ISO per month. J. H. DtJMONT & CO.. Ill Koellno Bldg. Douglaa III. ' FOR RENT. j SAVE CARFARE, CLOSE IN. 1141 Capitol Ave.. 111.00. I roomo. modern oxooot hear. St THE BYRON REED COMPANY, . l 2i$ a ltth st THE BYRON REED CO. Realtors. Kino room,, all modern, nleo home. ft. excellent condition. 110 ner month. Douglaa 297. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT " 114 N. 27TH AVE. " I roomo, atrlctly modern, walkln. tanco. Dougloo 7660. FIVE-ROOM modern houao with doping porcn. .... oneB Bt. Telephone Rod 4789. SO. I6TH St. 165. 110 Ho. KKth .t ' 146. Phono Owner, Douglaa 2221. FlyAT 2306 Leavenworth, 6 rme., 120.0, JUBn N. JTKgKZEK. DOUGLAS 66A -' TEN-ROOM houaa, modem. Harney 647. North. J . FOR RENT. STUCCO HOUSE. 414 NORTH 39TH STREET. A home of tho better kind. S fwoma. all modern, sleeping porcb, veranda screened, newly decorated, $66.00 per THE BYRON REED COMPANY, REALTORS, T. 212 . 17th St, 2104 N. 29TH 4 rms., gas and water, $10. 1010 Omaha National. Tyler 49$. FOR RENT 7-room, strictly modern house, 7 cherry trees and sarden natoh. Call Colfax 320.' T ALL outside rooms, modern brick sn.Pt. ment; 817 Pine street; near Brownell halt ill IV. FOR RENT 9-room, modern house, nicely awiuiaucu, Bictino ugaio, , wal nut 2iBit. ROOM and painted, 816. ind ' j 181. , bath, newly decorated and aewarq at. Tel. Red 1881, 00 SEVEN-ROOM, all-modern TUmta Park. 3620 Hawthorne. Walnut 1342. 00 7-ROOMS, all modem: Bemla narlr." 3620 Hawthorne. Walnut 2343. ' SIX-ROOM house, 3519 Charles St., modern except heat. Inquire 2523 Charles St. FIVE-ROOM modern house. Webster $71. ROOM cottage, modern. 1811 Cass St South. FOR RENT. Convenient for Railroad Men. 6 Rooms and Bath, Several apartments In Linton flate. iltl. and Mason. All modern and water paid. $16.00. THE BYRON REED CO&PANY, REALTORS, Douglss IK. 212 8. 17th ft" ROOM house for rent; east front; oak finish downstatrs, electric" llxhta. flra-. plaeo and hot water heat. Is modern la every detail. Alao haa good garage In rear and good ahade. Thts la locatad at 660 South 40th street Price completer Including garage, $35.00 per month. See TRAVKIt BROTHERS, 319 First National Bank building. Phone Douglaa 6886. . . FOR RENT 7-room, nearly new, etrietty uivutjiu Duuirj, oa (imsa, noi water heat, fine lawn, 2 lota, $26. Tyler llll. 1301 SO. JSD ST., 10 rooms, modem, $46, in. n. .nfc,r- ; crt u, B4Q, ROOM modern house, near 24th and Oak. 1729 SO. 28 TH ST., rooms, mod. ex. ht'Ifii. ROOM' house, modern except furnaoa. $21 nn .rnvg. A-nona a. iO. Miscellaneous. V a. i.i 4011 Isard St., T rmA, all mod., west part - r --"a, snap 1813 Bahler SL, 6 rms., all mod. bun gala 013 N. 45th St. I rms.. all mo, lie.' ' --iiarioa oi., rrna.. par.,moa., 915.00, sbh wnariea o.., rme., pari moa., 116,90, a-i di pj riiis., (iotl moa., 1S.QS BIRKETT A COMPANY, - 1 $69 Beo Bldg. Douglas 19$, (