THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY. JUNK 29. 1917. Brief City News an Boot Prill It Nsw Bums tnm. Metal dlei, pressw'k. Jublleo Mt(. Co. Eleo. Funs. ',.60 Burgeas-Oranilen. Platinum Wadding Rlnft Edholm. Try the noonday 35-oent luncheon at tna Empress uarden, amidst pleas ant aurroundtnga, mualo and entertain ment Advertisement Ia Given Freedom Judge Day, alt ting In dlvorca court, freed Elizabeth Walker from Charlea M. Walker. To Colorado for Vacation C. B. Brown and family expect to leave July 4 for Colorado for a vacation trip. Files Divorce Petition Julia Cox la suing Vernon Cox for divorce In dis trict court on grounds of alleged non support. Employes Subscribe 1585 Western meetings and all chairmana of corn state as soon as suppltea arrive from national headquarters. Goes on Vacation Mrs. Abe Llebo wltz and little son have gone to St. Joseph and Kansas City to visit rela tives for a short vacation. Files Bankruptcy Petition Earl C. Griffls of Humphrey (lied a petition In bankruptcy In federal court. His assets are $750 and his liabilities . M72. Charges Desertion George L. Hall, suing Emma May Hall for divorce in district court, alleges desertion. They were married in Philadelphia Febru ary 19, 1901. C. E. Reese Is Convalescing C. E. Reese Is convalescing In the hoBpltal and Is said to be doing as well as might be expected since his operation ' of some ten days ago. Hiss Mattson Back at Her Desk Miss Gertrude M. Mattson, cashier of the Rlggs Optical company, is again at her desk after an absence of Ave weeks on account of sickness. Mrs. Drnesedow Leaves Hospital Mrs. Robert C. Druesedow has left the Ford hospital after spending av. oral days there following a slight operation. She was taken to her home on Georgia avenue and Is getting along mceiy. Torn In Lemonade Proceeds Three little girls handed in 3 in pennies ana mcKies ana aimes to treasurer A. It. Reed, saying they had made It at their lemonade stand in Dundee tor me itea cross. Marry Bays New Home P. P Murry, chief clerk of the traffic bureau of the Commercial club, bought an eight-room house at 1919 Binney BuoBi vl pannes w. Martin. The con sideration was $3,000. Mr. Murry wmi inn rnoiner ano sister will move id mis new location. Save Your Appetites For Speedway Races Don t eat a bite or huv a rlpar fore you go out to the speedway for me automoDiie races on the 1-ourth of July," say Mrs. Howard Baldrige and the fiftv or more women snrf oirlc who are working hard as her assist ants in getting the Red Cross con cessions ready for that occasion. With the aid of Mogy Bernstein and Bert Le Bron, who have proved themselves model assistants, the women are pre paring the booths for the sale of ice cream, sandwiches, cigars and chewing gum. Three booths have been construct ed, one inside the auto pit and two outside, where societv eirls with chaperon for each ten will vend the eatables. Mrs. Charles T. Kountze has charge of the booth inside the auto circle. From this booth and the others the groups of seven or ten girls will work among the crowds selling their wares for the benefit of the Red Cross. That is why they are asking their friends and acquaintances to eat nothing at all before thev sro, so that they can buy more from the Red Cross booths when they get there. Any man who deliberately buys his cigars betore he goes to the speedway the woman have promised to blackball. NEW PpLICE MACHINE GUN Here U .hown a new type of machine gun recently tested by New York policemen. The weapon can be attached to the rear of an automobile or other fast-moving vehicle and rapidly rushed to any point where danger threatens. It is both deadly and accurate and will, it is believed, prove a valuable acquisition to the department's equipment H. C. L. Not Due to Freight Rates, Says Rail Official Charles J. Lane, general freight agent of the Union Pacific, has fig ured out that railroad freight rates cut but little figure in the matter of the high cost of living. As an illustration of his contention that the freight rate is one, of the minor items in the cost of living, he cites the fact that the rate on a pound of beef, live weight, from North Platte, into Omaha, is but one-sixth of a cent a pound. The haul is 281 mjles. Taking up the freight that is ap plied in connection with wheat that eventually finds its way into bread, Mr. Lane in using Big Springs, Neb., as a basis for his argument, says that the rate per bushel into Omaha, a distance of 350 miles, is .092 cents per bushel. One bushel of wheat, ground into flour, Mr. Lane says will make sixty-five 10-cent loaves of bread. The freight on enough flour to make one of these loaves, Mr. Lane figures would amount to one-seventh of a cent. He. uses other illustrations, showing that the flour rate from Seattle, Wash., 2,000 miles, amounts to but two-fifths of a cent for enough to make a 10-cent loaf of bread. Object to Jurisdiction Of Court in Their Suits Attorneys for Election Commis sioner Moorhead and Mayor Dahl man, members of (he registration board for selective army conscrip tion.have filed special appearances in district court objecting to the juris diction of the court in the suits brought against them by Anton Benda and Stanley Stephan. Benda and Stephan sued the elec tion commissioner and the mayor to compel them to change the coun tries of their birth on their registra tion cards from "Austria" to Bo hemia." They alleged registration of ficials wrote in "Austria instead of "Bohemia," over their protesti. Election Commissioner Moorhead and Mayor Dahlman contend they were acting for the United States government as members of the regis tration board, and therefore could not be Suerf in Histrirt nnr, To Give Dinner-Dance In New Planing Mill A dinner, a party and a dance com bined will be given Saturday night by the Drake Realty Construction company in the new completed ad dition to the company'! planing mill at Forty-first and Leavenworth streets. All the employes of the mill have been invited to this affair. At least 150 are expected. The new section of the mill will soon be ready to operate, as the structure is com pleted and the roof is being tarred now. Persistent Advertising is the Road to Success. s V I M ,n JLV lift : mmmasm A I snJ NtW POUCe MACHINE GUN Heads Local Committee of the Commercial Club on Food Supply T. F. Sturgess, editor of the Twen tieth Century Farmer, has been ap pointed chairman of a special Com mercial club committee on food ad ministration. The appointments are made by C. C. George, chairman of the executive committee of the Com mercial club. The full food administration com mittee appointed by Mr. George is as follows: T. F. Sturgess, chairman; A. C. Arend, Dr. B. W. Christie, W. H. Clarke, Ward Hildreth, G. W. Holdrege, R. C. Young, John L. Kennedy, J. I. Negley, S. M. Rose- water, W. H. Schellberg and W. B. Tagg. The purpose of the committee is to co-operate locally with the program that is now being conducted nation ally by Food Administrator Hoover. The meeting will be subject to the call ot Chairman Sturgess. VV "S A TWO NEW COMPANIES FOR SIXTHNEBRASKA Names Announced to Fill Up the Officers' List in the New Omaha Or ganization. Two remaining companies to com plete Omaha's batta(ion in the Sixth Nebraska volunteers have been des ignated by Major W. E. Steele of the general staff following a confer ence with the men interested in the Omaha organization. Officers for the new companies announced by Major Steele are Clint Brome, captain; W. D. McHugh, son of Judge McHueh. second, lieutenant; Frank Whipper- man, captain; George A. Benjamin, second lieutenant. This completes Omaha's battalion. In addition to the four companies of infantry Omaha will also furnish a band, headed by Chief Musician Rob ert J. Webb. Captain Brome is a graduate of Creighton college and a member of the Douglas County Bar association. He is a former National Guard offi cer, having served with Company I of the Second Nebraska regiment. His lieutenant, McHugh, jr., served with the Fourth Nebraska regiment on the border. For two years he was a member of the famous Black Horse troop at Culver military academy. Captain Whipperman, head of the Omaha Concrete Stone company and president of the Midwest Concrete Users association, has secured most of his men from the north side. When the Third Nebraska volunteers was called to the colors Captain Whipper man enlisted with Company G of Wakefield and served during the war. nis lieutenant is an employe ot the smelting company. Ministers to Preach On Food Conservation Seven hundred and fifty-three min isters in jveDrasKa nave been called up by the Bell Telephone company in the last few days and asked to preach sermons, Sunday, July 1, on the con servation of food. This was done at the reouest of Herbert C. Hoover, national food ad ministrator, who took this quick and practical way of reaching all the min isters in the United States. Out of the 753 ministers called, onlv eighty-five declined to preach the ser mon, most of them declining on the ground that they had little informa tion on the subject. The Bell com pany has forwarded to Washington the results of its canvass of the min isters for the information of Mr. Hoover tr.d the facilitating of further steps in this direction. Two Sons of Farmer Burns Join Sixth Nebraska Band Ray and Charlie Burns, sons of 'Farmer" Burns. Brand old man nf the wrestling game, have enlisted in the Sixth Nebraska regiment now be ing organized. Ray and Charlie are cornetists and have joined the band. Charlie has been made a first sergeant and Ray, a corporal. Ray is the oldest. He is 24 years old and Charlie is 22. The "Farmer's" sons are sturdy young chaps, both are good wrestlers and should make good soldiers. MALONEY MAY MAKE APOLOGY TO KUGEL Friday Afternoon Set for Hear ing of the "Dirty Kat" Charges; Commission ers as Witnesses. The city commissioners definitely fixed 2 p. m. Friday as the time for hearing the "dirty rat" charges against Captain Stephen Maloney. City Attorney Rine, who filed the charges at the request of Commission er Kugel, has summoned the city com missioners as witnesses and several outsiders also will be summoned. Attorney Ben S. 'Baker will repre sent Maloney. Superintendent Kugel, to whom the appellation was appjied, at the time did not take any appreciable cog nizance of the outbreak, but several days later requested the city attor ney to file the charges. One of the current city rumors is that Captain Maloney may offer to make a public apology, on the grounds that he was under unusual mental strain and stress, and lost control of himself. C. J. Huntington, chairman of the Ninth ward ot the Douglas county defense com mittee, called a meeting- Wednesday night of hla ward to stimulate recruiting for the guards. The members were divided Into teams of two each to canvass the entire neighborhood, urging mothers to havs their sons enlist In the new unit. Dr. Ferdinand King, New York Phytician and Medical Author Says: EVERY WOMAN EVERY MOTHER EVERY DAUGHTER NEEDS IRON , AT TIMES To put strength Into hr norret and color into hr cheeks. There can be oo beautiful, healthy, roijr cheeked women without iron, the trouble In the put has been that when women needed Iron they gen erally took or dinary metallio iron, which oft en corroded the stomach and did far more harm than good. Today doctori preicrlbe organic Iron Nuxated Iron, Tfaii particu lar form ot tron Is easily assimilated, doea not blacken nor injur the teeth nor upiet the etomaeh. It will inereaia the strength and endurance of weak nervous, irritable, careworn, htggard-.ooklng women 100 per cent in two weeks' time in many Instances. I have used it in my own practice with most eurpriting results. Ferdinand King, M. D. NOTE i NUXATED IRON recommended above by Dr. Ferdinand King can be obtained from any good druggist with an absolute tuarantee of success or money refunded. It i diaoenaaa! hi thla kw 4 h ... A. u CfmneU Drug Store aad ali good druggists. I rfif sYf. King. I CACKLING HENS LEAD TO ARRESTS Officer Wheelex Hears Noise in auto and finds Drivers of Machine Hidden in the Bushes. Officer Wheeler, better known as the chief of police of Dundee, had his attention attracted to an automo-1 bile standing near the park in Dundee at 7 yesterday morning by the cack ling of hens. On investigating he found the occupants of the automo bile hidden under bushes growing in the park. Two men and two women were in the parlv. The men were ar rested, but the wome,' escaped while the men were being secured. When brought to the station the I men gave as their names Frank Hart, tnid, Ukla., and Kent Utinlao. Wich ita, Kan. The two women were later found in the rooms they occupy at Thirtieth and I'inkney streets. They gave as their names May uwver. alias Hart, alias Pipe and Helen Hale alias Mrs. raul Kay. Tell Different Stories. When questioned as to their where abouts all told different stories. Later they would admit that thev had been lying and tell another. John Dunn, acting captain ot detectives, said: I will admit that they are all lying, but we can do nothing with them until we trace the automobile they were driving, which l believe to be stolen. The fact that they have a Kansas and Nebraska license number both looks bad. Three dozen and eight chick ens were found in the automobile. and if anybody had chickens stolen last night I wish they would come and identity them. AH, at one time, asserted that they nad Dcen living at ii West llnrd street. Wichita. Aan.. two weeks aeo. Dunlap told that he had sent his wife to Kansas three days ago. The story they told most consistently was that they left here any time between 9 o clock in the morning and 11 o clock last night and went to Springfield, where they purchased the chickens. The engine, they say, stopped in Dun dee and they went into the park to wait for it to cool. "I will gladly give a cigaret as a reward to anyone who can tell what they were doing trom tneir story, said Liunn. Mayor to Appoint Three Women to Attend Council Presidents of Omaha woman's or ganizations have been in a quandary the last week over the appointment ot delegates to the meetinsr at Lin coln Saturday of the Nebraska Coun cil ot Detense. For the last three, days they have watched their mail for instructions ai to the appointment of delegates trom their respective organizations. A tew went so tar as to se ect the dele- gatei to be ready for the call when it came. Finally when the oostman failed to Dnng the expected letter. Mrs. A. L. fernald, president ot the Woman s club, telephoned the mayor to ask what she should do. Re-reading the letter he had received, he discovered that the delegates are to be state presidents of organizations and one delegate, from each citv. with the ex ception ot Umaha, which will have three, to be appointed by the mayor. "Witching Hour" Chocolates An assortment of our moat de licious chocolates, packed In an attractive specially designed box. The chocolates are varied and the box includes whole fruit cubes, raisins, pineapple, apri cots, fruit cake, salad cherries, soft creams in assorted flavors, etc. covered either with Bitter sweet chocolate, sweet chocolate or milk chocolate. The fame of these chocolates Is wide spread. They are made In our own factory ne know Jnst how good they are. 10 ounce boxes, Wet 20 ounce boxes, $140; 40 ounce boxes, WM. POSTAGE PAID DC EBB ASK A. LINCOLN, NEB. roR a jjtai HOTEL PURITAN . Commonwealth Avr.Boton The Distinctive Boston House 2; The Puritan Is anc of the most 'nomelike hotels In the world. ' , 'V . M Send for our LiHls Book How You Can Remove Every Trace of Hair (Toilet Talks) A stiff paste made with some now- dered delatone and water and spread on a hairy surface about 2 minutes will, when removed, take every trace oi nair witn it. The sum should then be washed to free it from the remaining delatone. No harm can result from this treatment, but be sure it is delatone you get and yon wiu not ne disappointed. Adv. URGESS-ta COMFW "EVERYBODY STORE" Thursday, June 28, 1917. STORE NEWS FOR FRIDAY. Plume Douflas 137. Friday in the j DOWN STAIRS STORE ij emariCaie clearaway of tflS' f mSM White Hats at 0' f ITS a decisive clearaway, including large ' S3w$a4 5p2wg J- sailors, medium size and a variety of styl- 0 JmS&iimL 'sn close-fitting hats. Made of milan braid z&&pJa J Or V y and trimmed with flowers, feathers and rib- a''L 1 (kl lIf kns; cno'ce or Friday, at $1.00. ""v JiA l IpHl r Burtsss-Nash Co. Down Stair Store HflV "fc-f &a jg : American prints, light and dark colors, at yard, 8c Imported French voiles, 40 inches wide, Friday, yard, 17c Staple dress ginghams, 27 inches wide, Friday, 12c Wash goods, 27 inches wide, voiles, batistes, lawns, etc., yd., 9c Men's 2-piece porosknit and balbriggan shirts and drawers 25c Men's gauntlet canton flannel gloves, leather palm, pair, 25c Men's athletic union suits, tropical cool cloth, for 59c y Men's knitted union suits, closed crotch, ecru color, 65c Men's blue work shirts, double stitched collar, for 50c ' Men's wash neckwear, tubular, reversible, panel stripes, 15c Men's white and colored bordered handkerchiefs, full size, 5c F Women's summer dresses, sport and smock styles, at $3.95 T Women's sport skirts, sport stripes on white, at $1.00 Children's dresses, ginghams, plaids, stripes, combinations, 59c WW l . ... ... - . . ' Women s sateen top petticoat, with silk ruffle, for $1.95 Dress patterns of wash goods, 6-yard lengths, for $1.15. Women's auto hats, slightly mussed, Friday, choice, at 25c Women's and children's handkerchiefs with colored borders, 3c Sterling silver deposit sugar and cream sets, Friday, for 49c Pearl beads, wax filled, barrel clasp, special, at 49c i Collar buttons, gold plated, sale price, Friday, 2 for lc Real linen torchon lace, also filet laces, at yard, 5c Shadow val. laces, real cluny laces, etc., at yard, 10c Swiss and nainsook embroidery edges, to 12 inches, yard, 10c Embroidery on fine organdie, pink and blue edges, at yard, 5c Cretonne dresser scarfs, center pieces, all colors, braid trim'd, 19c Package goods, including children's dresses, hats, coats, etc., at J Chinese slippers, hand embroidered in colors, at pair, 25c Slightly soiled yarns, pink, blue, white, etc., skein, 9c Embroidered pillow slips, in blue, yellow, green, rose, 48c Children's ready-made dresses, stamped to embroider, 39c Women's hose, black or white lisle, seamless, "seconds," pair, 12Jc Women s union suits, fine white cotton, low neck, sleeveless, 35c ' Women's and children's sample hosiery, cotton or lisle, pair, 23c Women's voile or organdie waists, all sizes, Friday, each, 49c Women's organdie and voile waists with attractive collars, 79c ' Women's lace and embroidery trimmed voile waists, at 89c Nottingham lace curtains, 36 inches wide, 2 yards long, 49c Nottingham lace curtains, 40 inches wide, 2 J yards long, pr., 98c Colored voiles, 36 inches wide, for summer draperies, yard, 8c White swiss with colored borders, edges trimmed, yard, 15c Business envelopes, size 6, at 5c package, or 500 for 85c Prayer books and testaments, greatly reduced, at 10c to 98c Men's blue denim overalls, sizes 30 to 36 waist, at 59c Boys' blue denim overalls, sizes 9 to 16 years, at 49c Boys' wash pants, cool cloth, fancy tan mixtures, at $1.25 Boys' wash pants, plain linen color, gray with stripe, at 50c White mercerized poplin, 36 inches wide, 2 to 6 yards, at 19c White madras for shirts, waists and blouses, 32-inch, at 19c Table oil cloth, good grade, assortment of patterns, at 14c Burgasi-Nub Co. Dowa Stalra Stars