Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1917, Page 8, Image 8

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AND A 004!
I I V -
rwr i -m i
Drawn for
The Bee
by .
Izziei Make Hash of Three Joe
Pitchers in First and Oome
Back With Seven-Inning
A Wichita, Kan, June 27.-Wichita
again won both games in 1 double
header today. Tremendoui ilugging
gave Wichita ill the best of the first
game. In the second an error by
Jones gave St. Joseph three runs,
after which Henrys' error with two
down let Wichita score three more.
Score, first game:
AB H O A B. . AB.H.O.A.B. 4 1 S OThmen.ei I I I t I
McCeb.Ib 4 I S S 114 10 SStS 4 1 14 S 0 S 1 4 OCoy.rf 116 6 0
Hir.rr.1b S 6 S 6 SI 0 1 1
Moore.o S 1 T 1 4 I S S 6 4 110 OMorUn,t 1 6 6 6 6
O'Brlen.rf 1 6 6 6 Ofaryan.e 4 1 T 1 0
Dehnr.p 16 10 OWhlte.cH 4 16 6 0
Oreham.p 16 0 1 OKoetoer.p 1114 6
Powell.p 6 0 6 6 6
Adams 1 0 6 6 6 Toll li.. II 17 17 II 1
TdllH .ll Ml I I
Batted (or Powell In ninth.
St Joaaph.. .1 116600004
Wichita 1 1 0 0 6 0 1 ! 11
Three-baae hlta: Cor, Jones, Dsvts. Two.
baas hlta; Taryan, Moora, McCshe, Jonea,
Wellsce. Hlta and earned rtina: Off Koeet
, aar, T and 1 In nlna tnnlnta; off Daahnar,
1 and 4 In thraa innlnget oft Oraham, I
and 4 In Ihrea and onet-hird innlnge; off
Powall, 6 and S In ona and two-thlrda.
Laft on baaaa: Wichita, 14: St. Joeeph. 6.
Stolon baeee: Henry, McCnbe, Sacrltlca hlta:
Goodwin, O'Brlan. Ktrkhsm. Baaoa on balls:
Off Graham, 1; off Powall, 1 off Daahner,
Si off Koeatnar, 4. Struck outl By Orahatn
1; by Powall, 1; by Koeitner, 4; by Daah
nar, 1, Double pleye; Hanry (unaaalatad).
Knaatnar to Jonea to Taryan. Hit by pitched
ball: By Daahner, Davla (1); by Oraham,
Goodwin. Tlmai 1:00, Umptrei llulor.
Score, second game;
AB.H.O.A.I!. AB.H.O.A.B.
Maef 4 0 0 0 OThman.ef 4 10 0 1 4 1 S 1 4 1111 116 1 tit t I
Krrkamjf 4 116 OCoy.rf 10 111 1110 11110
-iloore.o. till 0Walaee,as I 1 1 1 1
Shay.aa 10 10 OTaryan.o 111 1 1
OBrlen,rf 16 10 OWhlte.lf 11111
Wrliht.p 16 6 1 IBeker.p 116 11
Adami 1 1 0 0 0
Totals.. II 111 1 I
Totala. 10 1 11 11 I
Battad for Wright In aeeenth.
St. Joaaph I 0 0 0 0 1 14
Wichita ,...1 0 I 1 6 I
(Called by affraamant). i
Thraa-baaa hlta: SlcCabe, Davis, Thorn
aeon. Two-baae hlta: Goodwin, Moora. Hlta
and earned runa: Ofr Baker, 0 and 1 In
eevee, Innlnsa; off Wright, 0 and I In alx
Innings. Left on baaaa: Wichita, I; St. Jo
aaph, 1 Itolan baaaa: Shay, McClellan.
Double play: MoCaba to Moora to Hanry.
Baaaa on balla: Oft Wright, 1; off Baker,
1. Struck out: By Baker, l by Wright, 1.
i Time: 1:11. Umpire: Miller.
Ninth Inning Rally
Salts Game for Leaders
Sioux City, la, June 27. Dei
Moines followed up Connolley't, er
ror with an avalanche of hits in' the
ninth inning, scoring five runs and
winning from the , Indians, 8 to 5.
AB.H.O.A K.ailm'. lf 4 110 0 4 110,. I A a 1 o 4 111 4 I 0 S 0
Itreen.c. 4 110 lwstion.rf 1110 0
Hunter.rf 4 110 OCon' 10 111
('oft. . lb 4 111 4 110 0
Hart'd.aa 16 0 1 4 I 11 0 0
Hpeneer.ct 4 116 OOroaby.c 1 0 0 0 0
Swee' 118 1 OTrdlaco.p 4 0 0 1 0
Mueeer.p 10 11 OKoee.p., 0 0 0 0 0
Spahr.. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totali IS 16 It II 1
Berger.p 6 16 16
Totala II II 11 I 1
Batted for Abuser In ninth.
Deo Metrics ..10010116 I I
Shrui City 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 01
Two-baee hlta: Caae, Radar (1), Mnelter,
Sweeney. Ewoldt, Spencer. Three-baae hit:
Caae. Sacrifice hit: Hunter. Stolen baaea:
Gllmore, Croaby, Radar (3, Wataon (11,
Morie, Bpencer. Hlta and earned nine: Off
Ted laco. 0 and four In eight Innlnsa; off
Roee, I and 4 In one Inning; off Mueeer, I
and 4 In eight Inntnga; off Berger, 11 and
pone In one Inning. Baie on balla: Off
Tedlico 4, off Roee 1, oft Muaaer 4. Left
.on bales: Sioux city 10, Dee Moines 10.
Struck out: By Tedlaco I, by Muaaer T.
Time of game: Two hours and forty mtn
utea. Umpire! Jacobs,
Miners arid Grizzlies
Split Double-Header
Denver, Colo., June 27. Joplin and
Denver divided a double-header chief
ly because of their pitchers. In the
first Dale's hitting and pitching,
backed bv timely hitting by Butcher.
McCorr.iick and Hartman, won for
Denver.- 'Smithsons wildness op.
posed to Hall's tight pitching and
timely hiti t,ave the laurel to Joplin
in the second, score, nrt game:
Revere If 1110 OKel'her.M 4 1111 4 14 0 lOakea.ct 4 14 0 0
Lamb.tb S 1 4 S 4 S 1 S 0 4 0111 OButch' 1114 1
Horan.rf 4 110 IM'C'Ick.rf 4 110 0
Cochr' S 6 6 4 IHart'an.lf 1116 6
Llnd're.aa 16 11 4 1116
Monroe,o 4 16 6 osheatak.6 4 6 1 1 6
It ar y'r.p 4 6 16 ODale.p 4 I 6 a I
Totals.. II 114 11 I Totala.. It 11 It 11 I
Joplin ...I 0 1 1 0 0 0 6 01
Denver 6 6 6 1 1 1 6 1 4
Sacrifice hlta: Lamb, Butcher. Sacrifice
Iiiee; atcuormioa, nariman. Ln on ,
Joplin, 0; Denver, 0. Stolen baae: Wutfll.
Two-baee hlta: Mllla, Dale. Three-beta
hit: McCormlek. Double plays: Linda
more to Lamb to Mats, WuffU to Mills to
Kelleher. Lamb (unaaaiated). Baaas en
balla: Off Dale, 4. Struck out: Br Dale,
4. Hits and earned runat Off MoGraynor,
11 and I In eight innlnga; off .Dale, I and 1
In nine Innings. -Time; t;4S. Umpire:
Gaston. Score, second garnet
Devore.lf till OKel' 4 I 1 t 0 4 6 4 6 OOakei.ct 4 0 10 0
Lemb.ib 1 0 0 7 4 10 6 1 1 610 0 OBotch'r.tb 4 S 1 1 6
Heran.rf 4 6 16 tM'Clck.rf 4 1110
Cochr' 4 0 0 1 OHaK'an.lf 1 0 0 6 0
. 4 111 IV. uff 11.3b 10 6 10
JkCeljjne.e 1 1 8 0 0Bartb'y,s 4 1110
:-itt-Hi- - W ,'r''.'m'?:''3w .
for m WHIZZ
Speedy Auto Racer Arrives to
Get His Machine in Trim to
Set Face in Speewday . '
Bace on Fourth.
Ralph Mulford, famous speed Icing,
and one of the favorite entries for the
Omaha derby on July Fourth, arrived
here Tuesday, and is at ' the Fon
tenelle hotel.
He was found last night in his
room engaged in a game of "rummy"
with Fred J. Wagner, who will offi
ciate as starter at the coming race;
E. C. Cheney, representing the Cham
pion Ignition company, who has put
up $1350 prize money, and Arthur J.
Hill, manager of the Hudson.
Mulford drew a vivid figure when
asked the sensation of riding more
than 100 miles an hour.
Just How It Feels.
"Well," he said," when you haven't
got a hat on, it just feels like some
body's got you by the hair and pull
ing it back on your head. When you
Jet used to it, it merely tickles. But
guess it's a little different from most
any other form of locomotion.. I
tried most all the ways except a tub
marine, and I expect to do that soon.
"At Chicago, I took a government
official for a turn or two with me
around the track. He had taken quite
a few trips in the submarine auto,
but wanted a taste of real speed. He
behaved right well around the track
and when we got out he said he liked
it as a sport, but as for playing it
safe, he'd rather take his chances in
the submarine. As soon as I hit New
York, I'm going to play his game
with him in the submarine. For a
regular exciting little pastime though,
aeroplaning is over and above them
all in aeveral ways."
Hit Work In Chicago.
Mulford will drive the same car in
the Omaha race he drove at Chicago,
where he finished second. In that
250-mile derby, he led all the way
until the last twenty miles, averaging
104 miles an hour. In the last twenty
milei he had to stop twice, when a
tin came off and when another be
came unsoled. He holds the Ameri
can Speedway records for 150 and
200 miles. He also holds the record
for the Omaha Speedway, making a
lap at 111 miles an hour last year.
Mulford has been racing since 1904
and has never had a serious accident
on the track. He began his career
when Barney Oldfield was in the
aenith of glory. His racing car will
be ready for tryouts in another day,
and Ralph will start the dust flying
on the Omaha track.
"The Omaha speedway Is the fastest
mile and a quarter track in the world,"
said Mulford.
Joe Acton, Once Wrestling
Champion, Dead at Portland
v.,imiu, juu, wi nvivu.
wrestling champion of America and
England a quarter of a century ago
and known to sport followers as the
"Little Demon, died here today,
aged 65 years. For ten years Acton
had been wrestling instructor at the
Multnomah Amateur Athletic club
He had records of victories over
Joe Cannon, William Muldoon, Ed
ward oibby, tvan Lewis, tne original
on mils,! v a a sjt ii vi viogi viiw it liiiiiivii
Philadelphia Drops
Cooper and McGaffigan
Philadelphia. Tune 27. The Phila
delphia National league club today re
leased Claude Cooper, outfielder, to
the Louisville team of the American
association, and Shortstop McGaffigan
to tne Kicnmona, vs., team ot tne
International league. Both were re
leased on option.
Famous French Boxer
Will Visit United States
Tlew York. June 27. Geora-ea Car.
pentier, the famous French army avi
ator and light heavyweight boxer,
will visit America within the next
few weeks, according to R. C. Kleiin.
a boxing promoter, who has just re
turned from France. Carpentier, how
ever, will not accept any engagements
iu uicci rvmcnian uoxcrs wnue nere,
but will confine his activities to aid
ing recruiting for the French army
nymg corps.
Rain Prevents Play in
Iowa Golf Tournament
Sioux City, la.. June 27. R ain nre.
vented matches in the championship
flight of the Iowa golf tourney today.
Des Moines is sure to get the next
tourney. H. A. Knepper of Sioux
City- is slated for state pdesidency.
Championship matches may be. played
late TniB afternoon.
Hall.p 1111 OSmlth'n.p I 0 0 I 0
" 'Sbeetak 1- 1 0 0 0
? a ai e I
Totsls. .11 117 0 1
Joplin ..1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 61
Denver 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01
Sacrifice hits: Lamb, Mats. Left on
baaee: Joplin, 0; Denver. 7. Two-baao htte:
Horan. Butcher (I). Double play: . Me.
Cormlck t oButcher. Baaee on belle: off
Smltheon. I. Home run: Conine. Hlta and
earned runa: Off Hall f and 1 In nine In.
ntnge; Off Smltheon. I and S tn nine In
nlnga. Htt by pltcncr: Han toy omuneon).
Time; l;lo. umpire: uaaion.
new world's records for ISO
Omaha clastic July Fourth.
Ty Oobb Adds to String- of Safe
Hits, But Is Unable to Save
Game for His Team
Chicago, June 27. Ty Cobb con
tinued to tet the pace for safe hitting
in consecutive games today In the
American league, when he added two
more garnet to his string. His record
now stands at twenty-four games in
which he has made one or more hits.
He obtained one hit in each game of
the double-header, which his club lost
to Chicago, 5 to 2 and 3 to 2.
Lhicairo won the came hv
bunching hits. Murphy's double, while
batting in a pinch, gave Chicago the
second game when two runs were
scored on it. Score, first game:
AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.B. 4 111 lL'bold.rf 4 110 0 16 0 1 4 110 0
Mltch' 0 6 6 1 0K.Clni.2b 110 10
C'wfrd 1 6 6 0 0.1'cken. f 4 1116 1110 4 116 6 4 110 onandlllb I 4 S 6 0
Hllm'n.rf 4 0 10 ORa'brg.ea 4 4 0 1 1
B'hn'Mb S 0 S 6 OLynn.c 4 6 6 6 6 16 0 1 OCIcotte.p 4 1110
St'n'ge.o. I066
H.Jonea 1.0 0 0 0 Totala. ,11 11 17 4 1
Cg'h'm.p 6 0 S 6 0
Dauae.n 1 0 6 0 0
Sncer.o t 0 0 I 0 ft
Dyer 1 0 0 6 0
Totala.. It 41416 1
Batted for Mitchell In first Inning.
"Batted for Btanege In aOvenh.
Batted for Cunningham In ninth.
Detroit 10016660 01
Chicago 00001100 1
Three-baae htt: Rlsberg. Stolen baae: Wea
ver. Baaea on balla: Off Dauaet 1; off Cl
eotte, I. Hlte: Off Dauaa, I In atx Innlnga;
off Cunningham. I In two Innlnga. Hit by
pitched ball: By Cunningham, Oandil.
struck out: By Dauaa, 4: by Clootie, 8;
by Cunningham, I. wild plton: Clcotte.
Paeeed ball: Lynn. Umplroa: Morlarty,
Connolly and Nallln.
Score, second game:
AB H CA E. AB.H.OA.E. 4 0 11 OL'bold.rf I 0 I 6 0 4 10 1 I 0 0 S 0 4 110 OR.C' 4 1 0 S 0 4 1 6 0 0 J'kson.lf 4 0 4 0 0
H'lm'n, rf 4 1 1 1 4 110 0 4 111 1 0 11 0 0 10 11 lRleb'rg.aa 1114 6
Sp'nc'r.s I 1 I 0 OSchalk.o 1116 0
mn'ge.o 0 0 6 6 OD'nrrth.p 16 6 10
sinmKe.p s i e i l-oturpny i i s s o
Ruesell.p 0 0 0 1 6
TOtSIS. .33 10 It 14 I
Total!. .11 1 17 II I
Bstted for Danforth in eeventh.
Detroit 16000100 01
Chicago 01600010 I
Two-baao hits: Veach. Rlsberg. Toung.
8pencer and Murphy. Stolen baae: Cobb.
Double playa: Bleberg tunaeetated). Is. Col-
llne to Gondii : Ruaeell to Rlaberg to Oan.
dll. Baaea on balla: off Ehmke, I, Hlta:
Oft Danforth, 0 In seven Innings 'Struck
out: By Danforth, 1; by Ehmke, I. Wild
pitch: Danforth. umplree: Connolly, rtal-
lin ana Moriarty.
Senators Wla hi Klevonth.
Boaton, Juno 17. Waahlngton scored
tnree runs to tie tne score in tne nlntn
todey. and defeated the world's chemotona.
i to s, oy a run scored in tne eieventn. a
wild throw to first base by Shore waa
reiponalble for two ot the runs In ths ninth.
Ayres' slngls sent ths winning tally home.
AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.B. S I IS 0 110 10 I I 0 I I I I I I
MUSn,C( 4 1 S OHODll'll.lO I Oil 1 V
Rlce.rf Sill Ou' I t I I 0
M' till 41116
McB'de.Sb 16 11 1116 0
J'mleaon 1 1 0 0 I 0 S 1 0
L'nsrd.Sb 4 S 4 4 lAgnew.o 10 4 10
M 10 10 O'H'rlkeen 1 0 0 0 0
Henry, o 114 1 18hora,p 4 1111
A'emlth.0 I 1 I I 0
Oallla.p 11110 Totsls. .17 I II 10 I
Ayres,p 1110 0
Totala. .11 11 11 H 1
Batted for lloBrlde In ninth.
Batted for Agnew In eleventh.
Waahlngton 1 10661661 0 17
Boaton ....0 0 1 4 0 4 1 0 4 6 00
Two-baas hlta: Bhsnka (I), Barry, Three
baae hit: Judge. Stolen baaea: Lewie,
Atnomlth. Double playa: Lewie to Hob
llttell to Barry. Scott to Hoblltsel to
shanka. Morgan to Judge. Shore to Gardner
to Hoblttsell, Rice to Alnemltn. Baaea on
balla: Off Oallla, 1: off Ayroa. II off Shore.
1. Hlta: Off Oallla, I In night Innings.
Struck out: Br Oallla, I; br Ayres. 1; by
Shore, e. Umpires:' ateCormtok and Dlneen.
Tudor Dries Checked.
New York. June IT. After loelng seven
straight gamea to New Tork Philadelphia
cnecked the Tankeer anvo Bare toaay
when Myers beat Shawkey. a former Ath
letlo pitcher. In n pitcher's battle, t to 1.
The Athletlra broke a tie In the ninth, secur
ing two runs. Mclnnls baa mads seven
hlte In the laat two gamea. Score:
AR.HO.A.B. AB.H.O.A.V. 1 I I I OH'd'ys.rf 4 110 6 4 0 1 0 4 10 6 6
Rodte.lf 4 6 16 4 6 111
Burn. lb 4 116 4 4 0 S 0 4 111 0 1110 0
OoocbX 4 0 10 1 Baker, Jb I 1 t I 0
WHEEL Smiling Ralph in the
and 200 miles at Chicago and
Sport Calendar Today
Ootf--4)iwn1iv of inritawtioi. tournament fif
ths Montfomery Country club, Montgomery,
Boxlnivnnmmt Hmlth Tt. Joe nondi. six
Rtundf, st Pbiladvlphtao Fred Fulton
Frank Horan, at Wow lorn (Mnrcled).
Ratay.e 4 1 4 OPVn'h.M 1 1 S t 0
Qorver.ab S 0 I 1 ON'mk'r.a 8 0 4 0 0
Mytri.p I t 1 0 OS'hwky.p 4 110 0
Totl-82 7X7 14 1 Totals.. 33 6 37 10 1
Philadelphia 10000900 33
new York.... obooivoo o l
Two-bai hlT: High, B hawkey, Buten.
Thra.-bf.fl hit; Witt Stolen banes: Ick-
Inpauffht Miller, Batet. Double plays, Pipp,
Pecklnpaugh and Pipp; Hale and Mclnnli.
Baiet on balli: Off Shawkey, 1; off Hyeri,
4, Struck out: By Shawkey, S; by Myers, 6.
Umpires: Hildebrand and O'Loufhlln,
Naps Hake Four Straight.
Cleveland, O., June 37. Cleveland matte
It four straight from St, Louis today, win
ning 6 to 4. Gould, who started to pitch,
passed the first three batsmen. Klepfer,
who relieved him, hold the Browns In
check until the ninth when Bagby went In
and struck out Jacobson, retiring; the side.
Sloan, If,. 3 10 0 OOraney.If 3 0 3 3 0 goo o oc pm' 4 3 3 50 8 111 OSp' t 1 1 0 0
Rumler.rf 4110 0Smlth,rf 1 0 0 0 0
Pratt,3b 4 13 3! ORoth.rf 3 10 0 0
Severeld.o 4 3 4 0 OW'gn's.Sb 4 113 0
J' 3 0 4 0 I 1 11 3 0
M'rsns,3b S 3 3 OBvans.Sb 10 110
tVv'D't.D 100 ODebarry.o 41001
H'ml't'n.P 1111 OOould.p ft 0 0 0 0
Wright, p 0 0 0 0 OKIepfer.p 4 0 3 8 0
J'ns'n ,0 0 0 0 OBagby.p 0 0 0 0 0
Shotton 1 0 0 0 0
Total.. 30 817 11 1
Totals.. 31 3 34 11 0
Batted (or Hamilton in eighth.
Ran for Severeld In ninth.
St Louis 10090010 94
Cleveland Oil 01 001 6
Two-bass hits: Severeld, Pratt, Deberry,
Wambaganss Speaker, Three-base hits:
Rumler, Chapman. Stolen bases: Johnson,
Chapman, Both (2)t Double plays. Wamba
ganss, Chapman and Harris; Graney and
Deberry. Bases on balls: Off Hamilton, 3;
off Wright, 3; off Gould, 8; oft Klepfer, 1.
Hits: Oft Davenport ft In two and one-third
Innings: oft Hamilton, 1 In four and two
thirds Innings; oft Wright 1 in one Inning;
off Klepfer, 8 tn eight and two-thirds in
nings. Struek out: By Hamilton, 3; by
Klepfer, 3; by Bagby, 1. wild pitch! Dav
port Umpires: Owens and Evans.
Costs Association Men
$25 to Talk Back to Umps
Chicaso. Tune 27. Plavers in the
American association hereafter will
be fined $25 instead of being put out
ot tne game lor wrangling wun um
pires, President Hickey announced to
day. Western Players Win
At K. C. Tennis Meet
Kansas City, June 27. Western
playera carried off the honors today
in the second and third rounds of
the patriotic tennis tournament being
held here in lieu of the Missouri state
and the Missouri Valley sectional
tournaments. '
Callahan Wins Referee's
Decision Over Simler
Boston, June 27. Frankie Callahan
of New York was awarded a referee's
decision over Chick Simler of Erie,
Pa., in a twelve-round bout here to
night. Jimmy HSnlon Outfights
Donahue in Ten Rounds
New York. lune 27. Timmy Han-
Ion of Denver, outfought Harry
Donahue of Peoria, in a ten-round
boxiricr bout here tonicrht. Hanlon
had four rounds. Donahue three and
three were even. Hanlon weighed 132
pounds, and Donahue UoJ.
Cambrldr Wins la Fourteenth.
Cambrlda-e. Neb.. June 37. (Spsctal Tele
gram. Cambridge won a f ourteen-lnntng
pi tc nets' battle toaay rrom uanoury. uai
terles: Cambridge, Wllley and Kranlnger;
Dan bury, BloggUt and HcOresror.
Summer Disorders Often Come
From Impurities in the Blood
Get in Condition for Perfect
So many people drag through the
summer season with that worn-down,
tired-out feeling, that almost entirely
unfits them for their daily tasks,
without knowing just what the
cause is.
It is just now that a few bottles
of S. S. S. will prove its great
worth,. This great blood remedy is
a wonderful purifier, and promptly
ir ii f f
car with which he established
which he will drive in the
New York Hands Four-to-Two
Defeat to Philadelphia and
Again Assumes National
Philadelphia, June 27. New York
regained first place in the National
league race by defeating Philadelphia,
4 to 2. Neither Benton nor Lavender,
who started the game, could go the
full route. Zimmerman rammed out
a homer in the first inning. B. Burns
made two doubles and a single m
four times at bat. Bancroft was
charged with four errors. Score:
OBurnn.lf 4 3 10 OP' 3 0 10 0
HersoeMb 4 0 14 OB' 1 S 1 4 4 0 1 0 0 8tock.3b 4 1110
Z' 4 10 1 OC'vath.rf 1110 6 4 0 10 OWh' 4 13 0 0
Rob't'n.rf 4 0 0 0 OL'd' 117 0 0 4 0 13 1 ON' 4 3 110
Rarlrten.o 114 0 OKIIIlfer.c 4 1 S 1 0
Benton, p 0 0 0 0 lL'ender.p 3 1 1 S 0
Ferrltt.p l o l 4 omttery.p o o o o o
Krueaer 1 6 6 6 O'Schulte 1 0 0 0 0
E. Burns 1 6 0 0 0
Totsls.. 11 6 27 16 1
Totals. .SI 11 27 14 4
'Batted for Benton In third.
Batted for Lavender in eeventh,
Batted for Flttery In aaventh.
New Tork 3 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 04
Philadelphia ..01006616 01
Two-bass hit,: O. Burns (2), Kllltfer.
Home run: Zimmerman. Double playa;
rlerso to Home, Fletcher to Hersof to
Holke. Baee on balls: Off Lavender, 1.
Htte: utr Benton, e in two innings; orr
Perrltt. S In seven innlnsa. Hit by pitched
ball: By Perrltt, Paekert. Btruck out: By
Ferrttt, 4; by. Lavender, ; by Flttery. 3.
Wild pltcheo: Lavender and Benton. Um
plree: Klem and Bransfleld.
Brooklyn Takes Low End.
Brooklyn, N. T:, June 27. Brooklyn won
from Boston, T to 8, today, maklnr It five
out of seven played. Pfeffer waa wild but
effective, except In the flret and eighth In
nlnga. Tn the eeventh Evere, statllnga.
Smith and Tyler were put off the field for
keeping; up a running rirs or comment on
the work of Umpire Rlgler. Score:
rits'lck.K 4 0 0 0 1 1 0 S 0 1111 Mo'ston.Ib 4 16 2 0
IVIIholt.rf 4 116 OHIck' 116 6 0 S 1 1 0 IStengel.rf 110 0 0
K' S 0 11 0 OWheat.lf 4 13 0 0
Imlth.lh 10 0 1 0C'ahaw.2b 2 0 111
awli'e,3b 6 0 0 1 0H.Hy'a.3b 4 12 2 1
rrag'eer.o 4 16 2 lJ.Myere.o 3 0 4 0 1
Ha'vllle.aa 4 111 OPfeffer.p 4 0 0 S 0
allen.p 1 0 0 0 6
leulb'ch.p 0 0 0 0 0 TotaW..2ll0 27 11 S
lushes 0 0 0 10
Tyler 1 0 0 0 0
Rarnes 10 0 0 0 ,
Bailey 6 0 0 0 0 ,
Totals.. 15 12411 1 -
Batted for Allen In seventh.
Batted for Reulbach In eighth.
Ran for Smith In eighth.
Boaton 1 0 0 0 0 6 0 1 03
Brooklyn 1 6 10 0 111 7
Two-base hits: Wtlholt, OUon, Wheat.
Home run: Stengel. Double playa: Maran-
vllle to Maesey to Konetchy, Olaon to Cot
naw, H. Myera to Johneton. Baaea on
balla: Off Allen, 1; off Reulbach. 1; off
Hughea, 1; oft Pfeffer, S. Hlta: Off Allen,
0 In alz Innings; off Reulbach. 2 In one In
ning; off Hughea, 2 In one Inning. 8truck
out: By Allen. 4; by Pfeffer, 2. Umplrea:
Rlgler and urtn.
FITS Hits Net FIt. Buns.
Pittsburgh. Ps., Juns 17. Clnclnnstl
scored five runs on flvs hits In the fifth
and atxtb. today and won from Pittsburgh,
1 to 6. Ragan wae hit hard, but kept
the htta well ecattered except In the sixth,
when three singles, double and a bass on
balla scored three runs. Score:
AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.B. 4 114 OBIgbee.ct 10 16 0 4 0 15 114 4 0 4 12 0 OKIng.rf 5 14 0 0 4 2 14 1 i 1 11 1 1
Orlfth.rf 10 10 OHnhmn.lf 4 0 10 0
Neale.lf 3 110 4 1 1 S 0
8hean,lb 4 2 3 4 OSchmdt.o 4 14 10
Wlngo.o 3 1 S 1 OMcCty.Sb 110 10
Regsn.p 4 10 1 0Jscoba.p 110 10
Rlng.p 0 6 6 0 OCarleon.p 0 0 0 0 0
'Carey 110 6 6
Totals.. 3U1H II lMlller.p 6 6 0 1 0
TOU1S..SS1317 1T 1
Batted for Jacoba In alxth.
Batted for Carlson In eighth.
PUteburgu ...6 6666161 11
Two-baee hlta: Roueh. King. Three-baee
cleanses the blood of all impurities,
renewing the vitality that comes with
a restored appetite. It is absolutely
without an equal as a tonic and sys
tem builder.
S. S. S. has been on the market for
more than fifty years, and it sold by
druggists everywhere, who will tell
you that it is thoroughly reliable.
Write today for important literature,
and free medical advice from our
medical director. Address Swift Spe-
eific Co., Dept. T-160, Atlanta, Ga.
Cincinnati ...0 0 0 0 3 8 1 0 0 0
hits: Chess, Carey. Double 'play: Shean to
Chase. Bases on balls: Off Regan, 8; off
Jacobs, 1; oft Carlson, 1. Hits: Off Regan,
13 in eight Innings; off Jacobs, 7 in six In
nings; oft Carlson, 3 in two Innings; off
Miller, 3 In one inning. Struck out: By
Regan, 1 ; by Jacobs, 1 ; by Carlson, 3.
Passed ball: Schmidt Umpires: Byron and
Split Two-Timer.
St. Louis, Mo., June 37. Chicago and St.
Louis divided a double-header today, Chi
cago winning the first, 4 to 3, and St. Louis
the second, 8 to 3. Chicago outhlt St. Louts
10 to 8 fn the first game. Hornsby got
three triples In the two games, but two of
these were wasted in the first game, as
Vaughn fanned Cruise, the nest battr for
the third out tn the third Inning and fanned
Cruise again and forced Miller to tap to
Deal tn the 'fifth. A batting rally In the
seventh won the second game for St. Louis.
Merkle hit. a home run with Mann on first
In the eighth. Soore, first game:
AB.H.O.A.E. AttM.U.A.Ki
Mnn, if
110 3 1
8 0 10 8 1
10 0
10 0
14 1
10 0
10 0
Doyle, 3 b
0Balrd,3b) 3 1
Mftrkle.lh 8 1 13 0 ALong.rf 4 8 8 4 0 OHrnsby.ssS 3
Deal, 3b 8 0 0 3 lcrulse.lf
Wllion.e 118 6 OBetzeUf 6 0
0 0
Vaughn. p 4 16 1 3 0 4 4 a i i i v
Totals.. 33 10 27 11 ISnyder.c 4 6 4 8 0
Dosk.p 3 0 3 3 0
F.Smth. 1 0 0 0 0
Totsls. .32 5 27 16 3
Batted for Cruise In eighth.
Betted for Dosk In ninth.
Chtcsge 0 10O0111 04
St. Louis ....0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2
Two-bsss hits: Williams. Merkle, Flsck.
Thre.bsse hits: Hornsby (2). Double plays
Miller to Hornsby to Paulette, Hornsby to
Miller to Paulette. Doyle to Wortman to
Merkle, Balrd to Milter to Paulette. Bases
on bslls: orr Vaughn, i; orr uoaK. e. nit
by pitched ball: By Vaughn, Hornaby.
Struck out: By Vaughn, 7: by Doak. 4.
Umpires: O'Day and Harrison: Score, sec
ond game:
Plack.rf 4 0 10 o;.Smlth,cf 4 18 0 0
8 110 0Balrd,3b 4
1 66
6 16
lLong.rf 4
lH' 4
OCrulee.lf 4
OMIller.Sb 4
lPaul' 3
OGonzales.c 2
OKorst'n.p 3
Zelder,2b 2 11
Merkle, lb 4 1 12
1 1
8 S
1 1
Wlll' 4
Deal.Sb 4
Wort'n.ea 3
Elllott.c 3
Pre'gast.p 3
Ald'ldge.p 0
0 0
0 3
0 3
1 8
1 7
0 0
3 0
6 0 10 Totals. .32 10 27 S 0
Total... 32 5 24 15 1
Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 03
St Louis 0 1 0 0 0 0 5 0 6
Two-bsse hits: Zrlder. Three-baee hlte
Hornaby, Cruise, Miller. Home run: Mer
kle. Stolen baaea: Williams. Double playa
Da.1 to Doyle to Merkle. Wortmen to Mer
kle. Basea on balla: Off Aldrtdge, 1: off
Horetman. 2. Hits: Off Prendergast, 7 In
elx rnntngs: off Aldrldge, 8 m two Innlnge.
Hit by pitcher: Elliott tby Horetman).
Struek out: By Prendergast. 1: by Horst
man, 6. Wild pitch: Prendergast. Um
pires: Hsrrlson and O'Day.
Holland and Cashion
Will Not Join Izzies
Minneapolis, June 27. Harry Hol
land and Carl Cashion, who were sold
several days ago by the Minneapolis
American association base ball club to
Wichita of the Western league, will
not join the latter team, it was said,
here tonight. They have signed to
play with a semi-professional team at
Virginia, Minn.
Bellevue Postmaster
Caught on Fishing Charge
(From a Staff Correapondent)
Lincoln, June 27. (Special.)
State Game Warden Koster and Dep
uty Holmes made some rich pulls
this week when they made a trip into
Sarpy county and confiscated several
nets and other things used in illegal
At Bellevue they caught William
Trent, postmaster at that town and
also a merchant, who ws ssessed $50
and costs. "Doc" Mumey of Oma
ha, who resides on the south side,
was given $10 and costs. A net 150
feet long was taken from Trent. Four
other men are under suspicion.
The game wardens then took a lit
tle trip over to Hebron and gath
ered in Charles Meshlou, Ed Kahl
and William Groshase, confiscated
two seines, three fish traps and two
hoop nets and the three men were
assessed $25 each and costs.
Persistent Advertising is the Road
to Success.
STORZ BEVERAGE to sold ON TAP or IN BOTTLES at all leading Hotels,
Csfss, Pleasure Reesrte, Reetaurante, Drug Stores, ate, wherever Wboleiome or
Refreehiag Drinks are earned.
Wo Will Malta Prompt Delivery by ths Caae to Prlvste
Family Trade. Phone Wsbstsr 221.
Hiller Special Is to Be Given
Its Tryout July Fourth on
Omaha Speedway.
At least one brand new speed ma
chine will be given its baptismal in
the automobile racing game in the
Omaha speedway derby July Fourth.
The car is a Miller Special, owned
by- Don J. Bell, millionaire manu
facture of motion picture cameras ana
speed enthusiast. It will be driven
by Arthur Cadwell, a Pacific coast
Mr. Bell's entry was received by
Contest Director McShane Wednes
day morning and Cadwell already
has arrived in town.
Two other cars entered in the
Omaha race contain Miller motors,
the Ogren and the Pan-American,
but Bell's car is the only one of both .
Miller motor and chassis.
Former Marmon Pilot.
Cadwell, who will pilot the Miller,
formerly drove a Marmon in Pacific
races. He never before has appeared
in this part of the country. He is,
however, a driver of considerable skill
and daring and if his new mount con
tains the stuff that other Miller mo
tors have contained he bids well to
be a-dangerous contender in the Inde
pendence day classic.
Another driver and car has arrived
in Omaha. The driver is Hal Brink
er, and he has an eight-cylinder ma
chine of Ins own construction. Brink
er, who hails from Denver, just fin
ished the car and he has never tried
it out at top speed because of lack
of facilities.
If Brinker enters his machine will
be the only eight-cylinder machine in
the race, or, for that matter, in the
racing game at all. Most racing cars
are four-cylinder, although the Hud
sons are six.
The Hoskins Special, which Dave
Lewis will tool, and the two Fronte
nacs were, shipped from Chicago
Wednesday morning, according to
word received by Contest Director
McShane. ,
Billy Taylor, winner of the Union,
town race in May, will be Ralph Mul
ford's partner on the Hudson team
in the local classic.
That Louis Chevrolet himself may
come to Omaha was reported in rac
ing circles Wednesday. Louis first
announced he would come to Omaha,
but later said Joe Boyer, the million
aire kid, would drive the car. Now it
is said another change in the plans
have been made and that the famous
Louis will be on the job himself.
Whether Louis' brother Gaston or
Boyer will drive the second Fron
tenac is not definitely known yet.
The Discerning Man
Wants Quality and Style
The man who knows clothes will
see in our suits fine materials,
smart styles, superb tailoring. The
values in these suits are extremely
attractive. A fine range of styles
that will appeal to every taste.
N. W. Por. 15th mnd Hmy
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