THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY. JUNE 28, 1917. 'he Omaha Bee DAILY (MORNINO-EVEMNG SUNDAT FOUNDED BY EDWARD K03EWATER VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR THI BE! fUBUSHtrlO COMPANY. PBOPBJETOB. Entar at Omaha poetoffiee e seaoBd-eleaa matter. Bf HtlL Mf nu. 16 00 4.00 " 1.00 " 1.00 too TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Bt Oamar. Oallr and 'land ....par BMeUh OSa Oatlf aiUIOBt BundaJ... , " 40a CtqIai and Buoda, .. 40a CtanlDi aitaoul auada-.. tsa tundaa Baa ealt " 10a Band outlet of ohaoia of addiaaa or IrrafUlarlU ta KM Cfmialk uapartinant. REMITTANCE Emu it q draft. azpraai at poaul ardar. On If taat auaiM I panaaat of email aeooiuU. Paraonal abaca, atoapt 08 Oma aartara dachana. ao( aacaptad. OFFICES. Aaiik-Ah Haa ttnlldlna. rhleiM-Panntaa flaa Bow Omiha Oil H at. S Tort tU fifth Ira, rxueU BJuffa-U !. Mala at It Loola-Mm B k. of Ooowana. llaoola Uula Bulldlna. Waahlnttao IIS Utb BL N. W. CORRESPONDENCE Auuraaa anamunleatlotia ralatina la aawa aad aSltotlal auuaf ta Omaaa Baa. Editorial DaparuaaaL ' I MAY CIRCULATION " 56,469 Daily Sunday, 51,308 Ararat atroalauoo for toa owotoa aaoaonood aad aawa la Of Daltka Willlama. Clroulailoa Wuiaaar. Subaarlbara laavtaf the city aboula bava Tha Baa nallea) ta til ana. Addraaa cha&fa aa oltaa as raeueetaa). American troopt in France, and all's well I Tha strike il off. Jup. Fluviui in on the job to stay. ' Trimming the people in war time it bound to become a dangerous business. Some people savt their hides by dodging re cruiting offices; others store them until the tan ners come scrois. King Alcohol has mighty few friends in Wash ington, where the atmosphere is not favorable to royalty just now. Reports from Nebraska potsto pitches indi cate that liveliest hopes will be exceeded by the facts. ' Speed the day. ' ! ' . Attorney General Reed is finding out some thing sbout the intent and scope of injunctions, and that may help some. If money makes good Its talking reputation the Liberty loan and the Red Cross outpourings acclaim a national ratification. Among the flowers that bloom In the summer none surpass in popular esteem the blossoms on the bonnet of the swelling spud. If the main troublJ about excess hides is due to long hair, manifestly the packers should install a first-class tonsorial department ' The great importance of the task' before ex emption boarda is all the more reason why even handed justice should guide decisions. A dearth of Fourth of July orators Is reported in several quarters. The purifying influence of war may not be as visionary as it looks. Omaha may not get the cantonment, but it wilt be pretty hard to make the home folks think it was lost because of inferior qualifications. During the corn-making sesson at lesst, pa triotic Americans will cheerfully forego a place in the son and welcome the shady aide of the street From the north to tha south end of the na tional capitol is short hike, but the trip affords ! I .' . i . f ... M..lti.lnM ah . . 1 1 r. a a .' lanii.ica ivi u.u, itipj ait ". nui iiipj y wi- dential bees. Ask Champ Clark. Premier Venizelos, the Greek statesman whom Constantine cast ott, returns to rule the Hellenes. And Constantine is not among them. Thus doth the mills of democracy grind on. Government officials told the coal operators in plain words whither they were heading. The situation called for emphatic warning. Those failing to heed pile up trouble for themselves. The proposed new ward map of Omaha will look much better than the irregular and con fused arrangement now existing, but it will take "the boys" some time to get themselves reor ientated. . A 34 per cent increase in Nebraska's corn' acreage may not sound so very big, but it means more than 100,000,000 bushels added to the totat yield, which may make the figures seems the more impressive, - Six of the suffragists who made themselves obnoxious in Washington prefer to go to jail rather than pay fines, a choice they will be per mitted to carry out with little comment by their countrymen. The official footings of registration gives Ne braska a total pf 118,123 eligibles, of whom 64,595 claimed exemption. The boards about to pass upon these claims can aafely postpone summer va cations for several weeks. The Idealists -WaahittttM Poat- The passing of "Dynamite Johnny" O'Brien at the age of 80 terminates a career crowded to the full with exciting adventures. He told all about them in his memoirs published a few years ago, including the- account of the shipment of dynamite 19 Cuba, which gave him the name. But the sist of his career is based on the fact that from early youth he succeeded at all times in being strictly unneutral. 1 here are other men like that and all nations have been contributors. American liberty was largely due to their predi lections in this respect, it was tooiisn tor the voung Lafayette to leave a young wife and child to come to this country, but he came. The aame was true of Kosciusko, rulaski and others, ta mund Burke was fairly unneutral during the revO' lution. Carl Schurz managed to get on every side of the political fence in his day, but no one questioned his sincerity and no one doubts where he would be lined up now. The world has a way of honoring these names. ' The truth is that no man with real insides can keep from taking aides. The kind that do take sides are the true pacifists, so devoted to their doctrine that they are willing to fight for it at the drop of a hat It may be said of "Dynamite Johnny that he was paid for his work. So he was, in measure. But he gave back more than he received. We, too, made money from Europe in the early stages of the war. Before it is over we will give it all back willingly and much more. America is full of "Dynamite Johnnies" in em bryo. Moreover, their number wilt be increased from now on. No truer word has been said than that by the president that this is the last great war in which neutrality will be possible,' even for a moment It may be that all of the results desired will not be achieved. Nevertheless, ideal- lam will aim high to that end. The only low aim will be at the enemy who stands in the wsy. . AMERICAN TROOPS IN FRANCE. The meager announcement from France that the second contingent of American troops had safely been landed is confirmation to the public mind of a movement all had felt was under way, but none cared to discuss because of the injunc tion of silence. The United States actually is engaged in the war now, its armed forces being present on the field as well as on the waters, and alt its tre mendous energies and unlimited resources are devoted to the consummation of the task it has assumed. No longer is there doubt as to our purpose nor of our ability to send our soldiers across the Atlantic, Old Glory in on the battle field once again. Our promise to the world is that liberty shall not perish. That glorious ideal for which the best and bravest of men have stood through all the ages, which has found its highest develop ment on our shores, will be msintained. Stricken France, desolated Belgium, sorely strained Eng land, devoted Italy and struggling Russia will take heart now, for the greatest reservoir of men and material in all the world has been tapped and from It comes a flood of relief that will not be stinted or measured, but will flow without re serve until democracy is saved from threatened destruction and the future is made secure. Behind "Black Jack" Pershing and his men is a nation, one hundred million strong, whose prayers, hopes, treasure and lives are pledged to his mission, and he cannot fail. Control of Oversea Commerce. One of the most important moves by the United States in connection with the war has just been taken, the president naming a board that will be charged with the oversight of ex portation of goods of any kind from American ports. This is a direct outcome of the war, the result of a peculiar situation which requires un- uiiual action. President Wilson explains briefly the purpose in the following statement: "The free play of trade will not be arbitrarily interfered with. It will only be intelligently and systematically directed in the light of full information with regard to the needs and mar ket conditions throughout the world and the necessities of our people at home and our armies and the armies of our associates abroad." Much of the inflation in prices which has In duced sch oppressive conditions in this country has been due to speculative buying among na tions neutral in the war, but active in commerce. These have asked for American products far be yond their own normal requirements, with the Intent of selling sgain. Americans have not been alone in gsmbling in necessities, looking to gain undue profits through wsr conditions, and for the protection of the consumer, both at home and abroad, this must be checked. Shipping shows the tendency in direction of a general holdup of the commerce of the world. It is openly charged that a million tons of neutral bottoms swing idly at anchor in belligerent ports, waiting for higher freight rates. Enormous profits already obtained have only stimulated a desire for more and the exorbitant demands of the vessel owners will have to be met just as other attempts st extortion are being met With the United States properly organized and equipped to deal with these modern pirates, something may be done to remedy a situation that has become intolerable. Missouri Pacific on Its Own Ftet. . Omaha has a peculiar interest in the announce ment that the Missouri Pacific-railroad has passed from the hands of the receiver into the control of its owners. Details of the reorganization plan were long ago discussed and need not here be recounted. The important fact is that tha great railroad system has been restored to usefulness and nnder the conservative management of the new company It will be permitted to so operate as to better serve its patrons, It is a most Im portant connection (or Omaha to the southern part of the country, into which the products of this region are going in ever-increasing volume. Locally the new arrangement may permit of an easier adjustment of several matters that have been In state of suspense between the railroad and the city. The Missouri Pacific is an indispensa ble link in the great transportation system of the central west and should be of untold service to the region it traverses. Soft Words of No Avail. The North German Gazette Is an ably edited newspaper, to whose words real importance must be attached. Therefore its conclusion, that the United States has entered the war for the pur pose of protecting its loans to Great Britain, France and Russia may be fairly taken as in a measure expressing views held by thinking Ger mans. It does not matter that this is entirely wrong, for the important thing is that such asser tions will have great effect in discrediting our in tentions among the populace of Germany. It is not enough that we send over copies of the presi dent's address; the German government has a very ready answer to that in the argument pre sented by the North German Gazette, the effect of which must be to solidify the support of the nation back of the kaiser. Hope of ending the war by means of propaganda of the sort proposed by the pacifists is vain, for aoft words will not turn aside the sword of a warrior in so desperate a fight as that now being waged. Deeds most be relied on to determine the outcome and on them must rest our hopes. Showman Barnura ia no more, but his spirit animates the war grabbers. "Make money," said Phineas,"honestly if you can, but make money." The same thought in different form is expressed in the letter of a coal mine president produced at the trial of indicted coaV men in New York. "We have the world as a plact to put the coal," he wrote, "and are in elegant position to get the very topnotch price for the stuff we have." The modern version of Barnum's motto lacks much in terseness, but there is nothing the matter with its gripping reach. Scarcely a day passes without bringing to light schemes of plotters, anonymous threats and bomb discoveries, all designed apparently to dis tract public attention from the big tasks on hand. These outcropping of alien malice are less im pressive than the fact that few succeed. The vigor and certainty of federal prosecution instills wholesome fear among spies and plotters. "They are all doing it," or words to that ef fect, was the only excuse a coal magnate could give congressmen for boosting fuel prices 75 to 100 per cent As a sample of profiteering candor this takes the blue ribbon. ; ; . U-Boat or Airplane? By Frederic J. Haskin Washington, June 25. Will the U-boat or the airplane win the war? So tar the U-boat has had the advantage, ow ing to its ability to operate in all kinds of westher. The sirplane is handicapped by thick atmosphere. Now, however, summer is here, with long stretches of clear skies, affording excellent op portunity for flying. Already the duel has be gun. Vive 1' airplane I It is obvious that the side which develops the greatest number of efficient airplanes is going to have a considerable advantage. Indeed, the in vention of a super-airplane by either side would undoubtedly throw the victory to it. The sir plane has already accumulated various improve ments during the war. It has added to its speed and to its weight-carrying capacity, while it has benefited by several changes of engines snd appa ratus. At the beginning of the war an aviator could photograph the enemy at no more than 1,100 feet; now very good photographs may be obtained at 5,000 and 6,000 feet The United States in entering the war at this stage has the benefit of the Allies' three years' experience. We know, for instance, without fight ing three years to find out, that the airplane may prove the decisive factor in the war. Thus the sooner the United States can manufacture air planes and get them over to Europe the nearer the defeat of the Germans. At least so argues the National Council of Defense, which is taking care of our military problems. Thousands of airplanes and trained aviators are to be part of our con tribution to the war. It is estimated that the French and British governments are each turning out over 4,000 airplanes a month. The United States is going to turn out a like number as soon as the machinery geta going. ' Even the National Council of Defense, how ever, must await the action of American demo cratic legislation before the plan may be put into effect There is no use getting impatient Con gress must discuss the wisdom of the measure and prepare extensive reports before the legis lative machinery even starts. The president Tin asked for six hundred million dollars for air craft and someone is almost certain to oppose the appropriation of such a large amount. There must be something left in the treasury for United States postoffices. Aside from the question of helping the Allies the United States needs aircraft. For a long time we have had practically none. It must be re membered with pride that the airplane is an American invention or perfection. In 1903 the Wright brothers took out a patent on the first practical heavier-than-air machine. Subsequently they offered it to the government for $100,000. The government was not interested. The Wright brothers therefore began to develop it on their own account, incidentally acting as an inspiration for the whole of Europe. By 1911 the large coun tries of Europe all had their aerial fleets attached to the armies, while the United States govern ment was just beginning to realize a sad mistake. Even then, however, no effort was made to increase our aerial facilities. At the beginning of the war we had three airplanes for the army and three for the navy, but the atmosphere had to be in unusually good condition before they would work. At the same time Germany and England had over 100 each. Now, at last, in the third year of the war, we are waking up, rubbing the sleep from our eyes and suddenly discovering the enormous impor tance of the modern airplane. A few months ago the War department ordered a few American army officers to Canada. The officers went directly to Borden, Ontario, where the Canadian govern ment maintains one of its four aviation camps. The officers made notes on everything they saw and then they visited one of the Canadian techni cal schools. As a result of what they learned aviation has now been introduced into numerous schools and universities, which include the Uni versities of California, Texas, Illinois, Ohio, Mas sachusetts, Cornell and the American Institute of Technology. Students taking the aviation course afe to spend six months learning the scientific end of flying, its foundation and theories. Then they are to enter government aviation camps. So we are getting in line. The navy is experi menting with wireless by sirplane and the coast defense guard is planning a system of aerial coast defense. American airplane factories are pre paring to supply the government orders to be shipped to Europe as soon as congress pro vides the money. We plan to have 50,000 ait planes, with aviators and mechanics, to send against the Germans. We have set out to an swer the question, "U-boat or airplane which?" In the right way. Right Kind of Censorship , Philadelphia Ladiar How la information calculated to give "aid and comfort to the enemy" being conveyed to Germany from the United States? The newspa pers are not at fault; they have scrupulously ob served, almost without exception, the requests of the government It may be doubted if spies in the government departments have much to do with it. There is a much simpler explanation. The mails and the cables to Europe are atill un censored on this side. That task is left to the British censorship. It is a task which none but ourselves can adequately perform. An interesting Washington dispatch in the New York Tribune points out why. In the first place, much mail for neutral countries does not pass through British hands. German aympathizera here are cut off from direct communication with Germany, but they can send any newa they please through Mexico or Spain, for example. In the second place, the British censorship cannot in many cases discover the true nature of messages which comes from the United States. Unless there is something plainly suspicious about them they get through. The subtler forms of information can be detected only by American investigators. If, therefore, news regarding the movements of our warships and similar confidential matters is reaching German officials, the explanation is sufficiently obvious. Large numbers of Germans in this country are unwatched and unregistered; they have every means of knowing all that is going on. No doubt the majority of them are perfectly loyal. But this is no reason for giving them the opportunity to be disloyal if they desire. Those who have nothing to conceal cannot ob ject to a censorship of their correspondence, since all citizens alike will have to aubmit to it. There is something distasteful, of course, in the idea that letters, sent out of the country must be opened and read. But many things must be tol erated in war which would not be tolerated in peace. We are courting disaster so long as we let those who would do us injury have a free hand. Food Saving Day -Now York World- Herbert Hoover's plan to make next Sunday a day for special consideration of the problem of food conservation, a "Food-Saving day" on which to devise means for conserving food for ourselves and our allies, should receive hearty support, as it must On that day in all American homes attention should be given to economical food consumption as it affects the family and to personal measures taken in every household "to save the waste and win the war. This is a patriotic movement in which every body can join to help the country by helping him self. It involves no expense and only a negligible amount of self-denial and makes possible through individual economies an enormous collective sav ing. In the United States there are more than 21, 000,000 families. If by each one of them a pound of meat or a pound of flour is saved from the gar bage pail every week it is a matter of easy cal culation what the effect would be in offsetting either a shortage of crops or an access of exports. This is the wsy to win the war and rout the food speculators and its adoption now demands none of the hardships of war rations. The date set falls suggestively near the anniversary of in dependence. Why cannot it also be made the day of a new emancipation from habits of food waste and from servitude to the food gambler? aayta-aaag Jg JT Proverb for the Day. Don't swap horses while crossing a stream. One Year Ago Today In tbe War. Turks drove back Russians In th Caucasus. Rusalan drive on Koval halted by ths Germans. Italian forces recaptured Poslna and Araiaro. French made further gains near Thlaumont. In Omaha Thirty Yean Ago Today. Colonel C. 8. Hlgglns furnished a sumptuous spread for seventy-five or eighty Knlghta of Pythias at St. Cloud. Frank L. Reeves has received the contract for building a hay barn for th Union Stock Yards company at South Omaha. The new building will b constructed of brick and Iron and will be fireproof. It will be located on the ground where th old barn stood, which was burned' down a few months ago. William H. Washington and Miss Kittle Condon of Omaha were licensed to wed by County Judge McCulloch. S. P. Morse, dry goods, 18X6 Far nam, when asked his opinion, stated that he thlnka the ball grounds are a preferable Sunday resort to the beer gardens and approves of the game; H. A. Thompson of Thompaon-Belden, dry goods, takes no Interest In base ball Sunday or any other day, while S. A. Orchard had nothing to say on way or th other. A meeting of th Contractors' Pro tective association was held at Clark's hall, Henry Llvesey, president, occupy ing th ohalr. General and Mrs. Dandy and family have vacated thetr residence on Park avenu and will be guests of the Mil lard hotel for a week, when the fam ily expects to go east for th summer. Mrs. Adolph Meyer and son have gont to Spirit Lake, la., where they will spend some weeks. They will b Joined by Mr. Meyer and subse quently visit Mlnnetonka. This Day in History. 1774 A mechanic of Plymouth, England, perished In an undersea craft of hi own Invention, being the first reoorded victim of submarine navigation. 1776 British fleet under Sir Peter Parker made an unsuccessful attack on Fort Moultrie, Charleston, S. C. '1814 United States eloop-of-war Wasp captured British sloop-of-war Reindeer In the English channel. 1836 James Madison, presldont of the United States during the war of 1812, died at Montpeller, Va. Born at Port Conway, Va., March U, 1751. 1880 General Joseph E. Johnston was appointed chief of the quarter master's department of th United States army. 1863 Confederate advance called back by General Lee to concentrate at Gettysburg. 1892 United States battleship Texas was launched at Norfolk. 1898 General Merrltt departed for Manila to tak command of the Ameri can forces. 1914 Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria and his wife assassinated at Sarajevo, Bosnia, by a Serbian student The Day We Celebrate). 1 N. H. Loomla Is 66 today. He was before he came here a prominent at torney in Kansaa City and Bine May 1, 1908, has been general solicitor for the Union Pacific. Harry S. Byrne, with the Foster Barker company, is Just 39 today. He la a graduate of Johns Hopklna uni versity and studied law at the univer sity of Maryland. Frank A. Agnew, well known on the South Side, was born June 28, 1858, In Illinois. He graduated from the law department of the state univer sity of Iowa and has been practicing law in this country since 1896. Lieutenant Colonel Munroe McFar land, member of the general staff corps of th United States army, born In Maryland fifty years ago today. Dr. Alexis Carrell, celebrated American medical scientist, now en gaged In war work in France, born in Franc forty-four year ago today. Lyman J. Gage, former secretary of the treasury of the United State, born in Madison county, New York, eighty one years ago today. Otis Skinner, one of the foremost actors of the American stage, born at Cambridge, Mass., fifty-nine years ago today. Sally Crute, well-known actress In motion pictures, born at Chattanooga, Tenn., twenty-aeven years ago today. Patsy Cllne, prominent lightweight pugilist, born In County Longford, Ira land, nineteen years ago today. Timely Jottings and Reminders. In some quarter it is predicted that King Haakon may ask the Norwegian Parliament to declara a state of war against Germany when it convenes to day. One thousand delegates are expected In Milwaukee today for th opening of the annual convention of the Wiscon sin stat organization of Christian En deavor uniona President Livingston Farrand of the University of Colorado, who ha been named by th Rockefeller Foundation to direct a campaign againat tubercu losis In France, ia to be the com mencement speaker today at th Uni versity of Michigan. A conference of the various national and state women' war relief socle ties and patriotic organizations has. been called to meet in New York to day by Mrs. William G. Brown, New York state chairman of the women's committee of the Council of National Defense. Th Sigma Chi fraternity, which In cludes among lta members Brand Whltlock, George Ade, Booth Tarklng ton and many other men of wide prominence, is to open Its annual na tional convention today at Washing ton university, St .Louie. Th present first class of the United States naval academy at Annapolia Is to b graduated today, a year ahead of th uaual time. In order to provide additional officers for th United State fleet of submarine chasers. Th 200 members of the class are to b com missioned immediately a ensigns. Storyette of the Day. She entered a downtown cigar store, and th clerk left a regular customer to wait on her. "I want to get a birthday present for my husband," h began. "Yes, ma'am," agreed the clerk. "A box of nlc clgara, now" "No, Indeed!" h Interrupted, firmly. "1'v raad enough funny-paper jokes about the kind of elgars a woman buys No, I want to buy him a pip." "Certainly. What kind of a pip would you Ilk to a?" "On suited to a man about 43, though he doesn't look ao old aa that five feet nine inches tall, rather stout and with dark hair and mustache." Cleveland Plain Dealer. How the Dog Fools His Master. Omaha, Jun 26. To th Editor of Th Bee: Th shep-kllling dog ha been known to ao so many smart, de ceptive things In connection with his sheep killing that h cannot bo classed a an Idiot a crazy loon, or a silly. Ignorant fool. On th contrary, th old aheep-kllllng dog is what might be classed In his Una of depredation, an expert. He haa been known to be at home at bedtime, and there th first thing In th morning, comes crawling out from under the porch when his master gets up at daylight, seemingly all right after a quiet night's rest. But in the meantime he had been sev eral miles away and engaged In a ter rible slaughter of sheep, not always by himself, frequently with associates. Dogs have been known to engag in this bloody butchering elaughter of heep and escape detection for a long time, owing to their skill In destroy ing all evidence that might lead to their detection. They have been known to go to a stream of water fol lowing their murderous attacks on a flock, wash themselves clean of blood stains, roll In th grass to dry off, go home and when traced down on sus picion appear to have a clear case of alibi until some little feature of evi dence such as finding a few fibers of wool between their teeth, or a blood tain on soma part of the hair that had not been removed, aettled the evi dence of guilt. There Is but one remedy, one cur, one meana of protection for the sheep owner; one spark of hope in the prose cution of this business; on assurance to satisfy the investor, and that is legislation for the government of the dog In each stats that engages In the sheep and wool lnduatry. The dog cannot be left to bt a trespasser at his own will, he must submit to re straint the same as any other prop erty, other live stock and his owner must be held responsible for damage that he may do to personal property. Tha dog I personal property, listed and taxed under some system of as sessment, per head moat likely. The wolf la a predatory animal and must be dealt with accordingly, hunted down and destroyed and aome system of bounty or reward must be provided from public funds to en courage this work. The dog tax properly applied will afford the funds to pay tt on the grown wolf and then frequently leave a nice balance for the county schoo) fund and publlo road fund or other features of public need. G. W. H. "What I Voted For." Omaha, June 2S. To the Editor of The Bee: Replying to the short let. ter of Jesse T. Brlllhart, I will say that he Is very badly mistaken when he says that I voted for the present conditions that exist in the country today. . We have never had a national ad ministration that haa so utterly failed to enforce the laws against trusts and combinations. A blind man could see what the United Statea officials fall to see. The laws that exist against trusts and combinations have not been enforced, nor ha any effort been made by congress or any state legislature to pass any law to punish the rich manipulators who buy up food prod uct and store them away by the mil lions of dollars worth. The govern ment officials cannot fall to see what Is being done by the food speculators in forcing the high cost of living higher and higher every. day. But they seem to be asleep as to the right of the general public. One of the reasons I voted for Charles E. Hughes is because he "busted up" the Ice trust and other huge trusts in New York City and the NickelateRoad excursions Chicago to New York and Return $31.70 Chicago to New York and Return, one way via Washington $34.40 Chicago to Boston and Re turn $30.80 Chicago to Buffalo or Niag ara Falls and Return. . . .$18.35 Through Observation Library Lounging Sleeper and Standard Sleepers to New York. Write A. B. Burrow D. P. A., 787 Brandeis Bldg., OMAHA, NEB. state of New York. It h had been elected I think h would have looked after the interest of the people and would have tried to devise some means to punish the speculators who have been robbing us blind for the last two years. Had Hughea been eleoted president h would have had th back bone to meet th trusts and comblna tlcns and millionaire food speculators with a firm and vigorous hand. He also would hav had th backbone to have met the savage warfare of th Germans with a vigor that would have met the most enthusiastic approval of the people of America. I am not a Roosevelt enthusiast, aa everyone knows who knowa of my position In political matters, but were he president today we would see the most stupendous preparation of this nation to combat th Germans in all of their merciless, Inhuman and dis graceful warfare. Had Roosevelt been allowed to raise the army that he could hav raised without any draft and had ha been allowed to take that srmy to France, his army would have met with the most enthusiastic recep tion that any expedition haa met In all the history of th world. As M. Clemenceau, the great French states man, aald, the mere presence of Roosevelt and his army at or near the front would hav been of Incalcul abl value to the allies, who are fight ing to drive despotism from the world for all time to come. No, Mr. Brlllhart, I 'did not vot in favor of th food speculators who are robbing us. I voted for Hughes be cause I believed he would carry out the earn vigorous policies as hav always been carried out by republican presidents when the republican party has been in power. The day of retri bution Is bound to come to the food gamblers and the reckoning will be at the hands of th republican party. Th party that Mr. Brlllhart belongs to will never furnish the relief from our oppressors in our midst. It will take the vim and vigor of the good old re publican party to cause them to meet their just deserts. FRANK A. AGNEW. 24c per gallon and the "PEPIEST" gasoline on the market ... u V.Mchoias On GRAIN EXCHANGE BLDG. RASH ON FACE Kill Caused Disfigurement. Lost Sleep. Cuticura Healed. "My face broke out in a rash which caused disfigurement for the time being. The skin was red, and the itching was so intense that 1 lost sleep. "I used Salve and Salve but they did not do any good, and the trouble lasted about three weeks. Then I sent for a free sample of Cuticura Soap and Ointment which helped so I bought a bar of Cuticura Soap and a box of Cuticura Ointment which healed me." (Signed) Jos. P. Bolger, 2429 W. Polite St Chicago, 111., Oct. 16, 1916. Cheap soaps, harsh soaps, coarse, strongly medicated soaps are respon sible for half the skin troubles in the world. They make little irritations into great ones. Stop the use of all doubtful soaps. Use Cuticura for all toilet pur poses. Help it, with touches of Ointment applied to any redness, roughness, pim ples or dandruff. For Free Sample Each by Return Mail address post-card: "Cuticura, Dept. H, Boston." Sold everywhere. fi I Dsi : ! EaYjl CDOWN K7"1 eASOUKS 1 P" La- THERE'S THE "BUY" SIGN j Stop at the Red Crown sign for clean, powerful, uniform gasoline. Makes the engine eager, full of life. Look for the Red Crown sign. Polarine Oil prevents scored cylinders; lessens engine wean Ml IW-rowM !A M STANDARD OIL, COMPANY JigSt THE OMAHA BEE INFORMATION BUREAU Washington. O. C Enclosed find a two-cent stamp, for which yon will please send me, entirely free, a copy of The Canning Book. Name Street Address... a City..... ... State