Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1917, Page 4, Image 4

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Large; Acreage on City Lot to
Raise Big Supply of All
. ', : Sorts of Garden Sup.
:- ... plies.
Tfit crlVrgetic campaign of f maHa's
city f',' will, in the opinion of
local;comiRission- men, compel the
pric pJaJUfepdstuff a commodities
to drop within a few week! when the
time i ripe, for the back yard harvest.
. Already "tfie commission nten 4ml
grocers ol the city nave noted a' lacK
To Help Direct Woman's Service ' PROPOSE NEW LINES
Department of the State Red Cross
of mand for early vegetables. With
favorable growing conditions from
now on, it is-believed the yield from
local gardens will be a wonderful
source of tupply later in the year.
Most ot the local gardeners .were
imhtirrl with the idea of doinff their
"bit" rather than reapilif any harvest ant director in. charge of the organ!
when the movemerit was started. . iation department. Mr. smith is
"I believe this seneral gardening I clerk ot the district court and vol-
will be good for the public if it forces unteered his services and receives no
Mrs. Z. T. l.tndsry was appointed
assistant director of the woman's
service department of the Red Cross
for the state of Nebraska by State
Director Frank Judson this morning.
Mrs. Lindscy will take charge of
the organization of the woman's work
the Red Cross throughout the
state immediately and will co-operate
with Mr. Judson. Her experience in
public affairs pertaining to women's
work for a number of years peculiar
ly fits her for this position.
bhe is prominent in the Eoual
Franchise and Fine Arts societies.
Definite plant for her work will
be . announced later. Mrs. Lindsev
accepted the position on the condi
tion that sne is not to receive re
muneration for her services.
Robert Smith was appointed assist-
compensation. He is considered an
expert organizer and is prominent in
down the rV4 and 'I do hot tare
whether I can make a cent even
though I tfav.e-dorfe considerable gar church and political life.
aemng mis year, saia one garaencr.
It is belfeved'tlle-cornbined acreage
of the city under cultivation will ex
ceed all estimates, The ran front the
home o-ardens to the tables win be al
most continuous front, now 'oh, nd
results will be obtained very shortly.
Tomatoes are- still a hit-Tiigh, the
home crown variety still being un
available. However, the price is not
unreasonable, as is the case with
sreens of all kinds. -
Such fruits as apricots, peaches and
nluma are coming at pressnt trom
foreign fields in Carload lots and their
price regarded as reasonable. The
shortage of. .lumber, front whtch- to
make boxes will naturally add a small
burden to the consumer, as is the
case with all canned goods, owing
to the scarcity o(-tin -Cherries and
in Umaha and sulrurDS wth
Will Thresh Out Strife
. Rumbles at Hotel Meeting
..Rumbling of internal strife in the
management of the Hotel Fontenelle
will be threshed out at the regular
annual meeting of the board of di
rectors, which will take place : at
o'clock Thursday afternoon.
A. M. Cole, superintendent of serv
ice of the hotel, and Ed Gregory, as
sistant manager, who were discharged
by Manager J. F, Let(on two weeks
ago, will perhaps appear before the
directors to seek reinstatement. Man
ager Letton will present to the board
reports for the last year and his side
of the Cole-Gregory dismissal, should
that matter come up.
W. T. Kariarfy; presidentot the In
apples in umani anu buuuiuv i. ( ,'
soon be ready for pickmg, and this '?' "m??n.Jr-le5"f. ?f.,.hf
' . .;n -x.,',1.. ..II..,. tf,. ,l.mnH notei, win preside it me session, mr.
for store goods which will in con-
sequence reduce the price.
Little Grain in' Storage,
Roads Report .to Uncle Sam
Some time ate. twenty-three grain
carrying railroads, on request of thi
Railroad's War. board "a . subconv
mittee of. the Special committee on
national detente, Were requested to
make a survey of conditions relative
to handling thfgranv crop? ot 11.
The result of the. survey has. been
Rsffarfy's home is at Syracuse, N. Y.
Here's Your Chance to Make
: Patriotic Public Speeches
Here's a chance for public orators
to iumo in the Iightlight.
The Douglas County Council of De
fense wants a large number of volun
teer speakers' to. deliver patriotic
talks at variously assigned places to
boost enlistments for the new sixth
Nebraska . regiment. . Speeches are to
to be made the rest of ths-week. Vol-
mond Young,. 624 Omaha National
Bank building, or call Douglas 236.
Women are not excepted from the
offer, Mr, Young staled.
made oublic ffTrough 'officials of the nnteer orators -should apply to Ray
: . i i i. , . . i. .
Umahi roads and snows tor tne most
part that few of the' elevators and
warehouses in the small grain produc
. ing area of the. .United States haye
large quantities Ot. grain in storage
at the present rime. . '. ' --'
The railroads we're 'asked to report
any shortage of cars for handling
grain. -Tiiey -report that. in only a
lewjSQJaica cases is f iierc any siiurv i ngj
agftw'lt'TOads-hving si-large Itf
number of care available.
Railroads were asked if the old crop
can be moved before the new crop is
ready and universally, the answer is
that it can.
The committee investigated a re.
port that there has been a disposition
among farmers and country elevators
to hold back grain with a view to or-
ganiiingJUWUiejIJJiJh 1IOM ot nigg
er prices ana rouna noiruin in n.
Contract is Let for New
To Do Fighting for Omaha
' ' , Real Estate Fraternity
A. A.' Gilbert is to do the trench
hting for the real estate fraternity
Omaha." Gilbert! after being in
charge of the rental department of A.
P. Tukey & Son, has joined the regu
lar army, and resigned his place with
the real estate company. He enters
the medical department and leaves
this afternoon for Fort Logan, where
he will remain only a few days to
be definitely assigned, after which he
will probably be moved to the coast
To Represent Omaha to
Organize women's Defense
laf 4 " 9
if1 A
I ' I - :L
1 1 4
City Council Hai Plan for Dif
ferent Subdivision of the
City, With Main Di-visions.
Proposed new boundary lines of
twelve wards of Greater Omaha, as
embodied in an ordinance before the
city council, follows;
First, northeast corner of the city
lying east of Thirtieth
Kugel Says the Second - -Maloney
Hearing Short
The second charges against Cantaln
Stephen Maloney, known as "the
dirty rat case," probably will be post
poned on itiursday morning to Fri
day morning on account of Attorney
Ben a. Baker going to the state su
preme court. Mr. Baker has request
ed this action.
'I don't believe the hearing will
last more than ten minutes, anyway."
commented Superintendent Kugel of
the police department.
Mayor Dahlman is inclined to be
lieve there were extenuating circum
stances in favor of Maloney, who had
been accused of varioua matters
street and wnic w,?r? "ot c,eartd UP unti' lfter
north of Bristol and Lothrop streets. Malonev i. nn t.Vin. hi. n,l
. . u r t . i t -.i l. . J.
"""""i uusiui-Loiuron leave ot absence.
streets to Charles street, east of Thir-
tcith street, Wheat Prirae firnn frnm
Th rd. between Charl,. ,J n. "" ' vr
streets, east of Thirtieth ureet. Three to Five Cents in Day
a vuniii cast, ji wen i v-irjurin i . ..... . ....
street. Dodge street V.riZr ..,.. little demand. lor the
. .;,.:. .!:." .."J cereal, wheat prices went off 3 to
. ... .aivii.iuii lu i icrLC iirecLi . ... . . .
between Sixteenth and Tw.ntih "Iun V?una Dusne
.r.t Keceipts were Iifiht, but aeven car-
- i i j i : it. r t i . i
v.tmU -f t it. i t-x i luaus pcmK an ine umini marxei.
niii, stuLii ui i'uuilii waru in urrri . . .....
Park boulevard and rnntmatinn nt 9n.w "P and sold at t.oO3
Com Acreage in the - - '
State is Enormous
After an extensive correspon
dence with farmers and grain deal
erf of the state, members of the
Omaha Grain exchange estimate
that the Nebraska corn acreage this
years ia 34.5 per cent greater than
in 1915.. If this increase holds good
it will put the acreage up to about
9,234,188, the greatest in the history
of the state.
Last year the Nebraska acreage
into corn wai 6,740,803, which was
about the normal.
Insurance Company Holds
E. L. Dodder Killed Self
Supreme Court of the Order of In
dependent Foresters, answering the
suit of Mrs. Delia M. Dodder, suing
for $1,000 on a life insurance policy
held by her busband, Edward L. Dod
der, who was found dead in his auto
mobile January 4. 1917. alleges that
he committed suicide. The lodge also
alleges he had been suspended for
nonpayment ot dues.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success.
amaammemmsHOE shops
Iwenty-fourth street as western
Sixth. Twenty-fourth street as west.
ern boundary line to the tracks, then
tracks as boundary line, connecting
on tne norm wnn ruth ward and ex
tending east and south to citv limits
Seventh, city limits on the west and
south, Graver street on the north and
sixth ward on the east.
Eighth, north of Seventh ward to
racihc street, Twenty-fourth street
on the east and limits on the west
Ninth, north of Eighth ward
uodge street, with
1.67)4 m bushel. Receipts were sev
enty-two carloads.
Uats were tin l'4c. selling at 67(3
osc a bushel, the receipts were sev
enteen carloads.
Charities Locates Woman
And Kiddies on Farm
Mrs. F. I. Johnson and aeven small
children have been happily located on
a farm near Chambers, Neb., by the
Associated Charities. Mr. Johnson
tO I lf hi. hnm. .nft f.tYiilv in Omaha fi
Twenty-fourth few weeks ago in quest of work, but
Says He Got the Booze
From Man in Vacant Lot
"I met a man in a vacant lot and
he told me that he was going to Chi
cago and handed me half a pint of
whisky," is the explanation Jack Dod
son, 624 North Seventeenth street,
gave in answer to a charge of illegally
having intoxicating liquor in his pos
session. Arresting officers allege that
he purchased the liquor from Wil
liam Burke at his establishment on
Sixteenth and Webster streets. Dod
son was fined $100 and costs and
1 1 . 1 '. r "ne on na failed to give any further account of
T T". i . . . . , , -
icnin. ioqkc 10 unariea acreeis. ;t:
mi ircut .ucci 10 west cicy limns.
Eleventh, Uiarles street to Bedford
avenue,. Thirtieth street to west city
limns. ...
Twelfth. Bedford avenue to north
city limits, Thirtieth, street to west
city limits.
The plan is. to" make Thirtieth
street the dividing line from north
city limits to Dodge street and Twen-
ty-tourth street the dividing line south
ot Dodge street to city limits.
"The Stmt ol Individual Shopt"
Women's Shoes
The $9.00 and $10.00
You can enjoy a delightful sham
poo with very little effort and for a
very trifling cost, if you get from
your druggist a package ol canthrox
and dissolve a teaspoonful in a cup
of not water. This makes a full cun
of shampoo liquid, enough so it is
easy to apply it to all the hair in-
Starting Thursday morn
ing we will hold a sale of
women's shoes perhaps a
sale embracing the most ex
traordinary savings on sea
sonable footwear that it will
be your good fortune to take
advantage of for some time
to come.
Scout Picnic at Nashwood
Da.ih..aJ d. ...... -t n: stead of just the top of the head,
rui(juueu Deuuuse ui rutin y0Ur shampoo is now ready. Just
I he Boy bcout picnic, given in
honor of the young men who helped
raise Red Cross war funds, waa not
held yesterday, owing to the rain.
The date of the big time, which was
scheduled to take place at Nashwood,
the country home ot Louis L. Wash,
is changed to next Monday evening
at the same. Hour, ihe boys are re-
pour a little at a time on the scalp
and hair until both are entirely cov
ered by the daintily perfumed prep
aration mat thoroughly dissolves and
removes every bit of dandruff, excess
oil and dirt. After rinsing, the hair
dries quickly, with a fluffiness that
makes, it seem heavier than it is, and
takes on a rich luster and a softness
quested to keen the same tickets that makes arranging it a nleasure.
wnicn were given them lor today. t Advertisement,
T5 e
The illustration shows but one of the 630 pairs of smart
nine-inch high shoes represented. All sizes from 2 to 8 in widths
AAA to D.
nrnhanrl. t, Ufilholm Rllllrlinn M,vr DMrnn has appointed Mrs.
Henry s. McDonald, Mrs. Rose M.
Contruclipn work . is now to be
starred on tne urcnaro-wnnoim conr
pany's building between Six
tcenth and Seventeenth streets on
Howard fre." Thomas-' Herd- got
the contract Tuesday. The figure is
understood to be about $300,000. The
construction work is to be pushed ss
rapidly as possible, especially if the
labor troubles in the building trades
are settled up soon. .'.
(, A. Hoanland owns the lot on
which the building is:1o be erected.
lie will build the building to suit
Orchard-Wilhelm and will give a long
term ease on it.
The structure is to be seven stories
and basement. This will be one story
higher than the present store build-
ins of the company. The new build'
ing will be back of this.VThe shipping
and receiving departments and the
garage wilt be in the basement of the
new structure, ine tower stories win
be devoted to the retail business and
the upper will be devoted to the
wholesale. The buildiirg will have
the same around dimensions as the
old Orchard-Wilhelm ''store, 66x132
Roads Haul More Coal
Than in April Last Year
In the United States there are
eighty-five railroads that are known
as the principal coal-crrying lines
of the country. Soon. after its or
ganization the railroad war board
requested these railroads to submit
figures on their comicarryuig ousi-
ness as compared withxlast year.
At local railroad offices figures are I
available on the amount of coal the I
railroads of the country hauled dur
ing April, 1917, as compared with the
same month of 1916. ' These figures
show that the eighty-Bye coal-carry
ing roads had a 29 percent increase
in their tonnage during April as com-
nared with Annl of 1V16.
In April, 1917, the roads hauled
659,837 tons of bituminous coal, as
atainst 508.982 carloads during the
same month of 1916.. The number
of workins days in both'months were
the same. And with the same num
ber of working days hv March, 1917,
the eoal tonnage hauled was 8.8 per I
cent less than during , the March of I
Ohaus and Mrs. James C. Dahlman
as delegates to represent Omaha next
Saturday morning at the state house,
where a women's branch will be or
ganized to work wtih the Nebraska
Council of National Defense.
New Discovery Ends Corn Misery
Touch a Corn with Ice-Mint, Then
Lift It Right Off-It Won't Hurt a Bit
. , '
SornM Stop Quickly, Than' the Corn SbriTU nJ Lift Off
Try It And S. .
Htr it the rial "Cora Kllltr" at hit.
flay tood-bya to your old eorn lalvt and
pjuUrs. for that Pat Corn of yours U
an to bt "Gontr" if It ever facia tha
Magic touch of lea-Mint Thli ia a nw
dlieovary made from a Japanese aroduet
and It ii certainly a wonder the way tt
ends eorn miiery. From the very second
that Ice-Mint touches that sore, tender
eorn your poor, tired, aehlnir feet will
feel so easy, cool and comfortable that
yon will Just slth wita relief. Think of
It; only Httla touch of that eoolinr,
soothing Ice -Mint and real foot joy ia
yours. No pain, not a bit of soreness,
either when applying It or afterwirda,
and It doesn't even irritate tha akin.
Hard corns, soft corns or eorns be
tween tha toes, also toughened callouses
just shrivel up and lift off so easy. It
is wonderful 1 Just ask ttt any Drui Store
for a little Ice-Mint and live your poor,
suffering, tired feet the treat of their
lives. There Is nothing better, or nothing
"Just as good."
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. Onepackaee
proves it 25cat all druggists.
Included are
Pearl Grey
Box Cloth Tops
Ivory Vamps
Box Cloth Tops
Cream Vamps
Box Cloth Tops
Baby French Heels
Silver Grey
Box Cloth Tops
Champagne Vamps
Box Cloth Tops
White Washable
Kids, welt and turn
soles, 2V2 inch heels
msmmmmmmimmmmawin msssi
Two National Parks on
a Burlington Ticket
Omaha WapNews:
Mrs. Walter 'Page has contributed t91
Bibles to the navy for dutnbutloa among I
ine new recruta. flt7 .
Wlllta r. Haycock . of Callaway, Nt.. I
former University of Nbrse man. nasi
enlisted In the navy ea an elect Hotan end I
wilt a aenl to Mere . isiatiov vaUlorala, at I
once. . t- , ty w.
Frederick Wedemeyer and Osw Mek, I
the two Omaha boys who nave, enlisted
in tne second lnraniry nana, win leave to- 1
morrow for Fort McDowell to 4 -will (o from I
mere to uonomia "V
Army reerultln ftcuretflo'dsier'arei
Quota, "lpjMi 1(l'fpi1 ...'.".. '...t0'
Enlisted . yi .v- V t .
- Kdd V 4sa
The elty of Omsha needa lit men to fill
tta original quota of 74.
The ouartsrmaster reserve corps Is of
fering the following positions to recruits
at the auted aalarieet Sesgaiant, first wiaas.
Sbi per montn; aeraeant, S4: cook, lis:
corporal, fit, private, first alasa, lit, prlv
The living and traveling -expenses of all
are paid by tne government.
Mountain and
National Park Tours
Tht Burlington, with its Several Through-Service Routes to Yellowstone, Glacier
and Colorado, Is essentially the route for National Park travel
VatallstlSsSTsTn A ' wanl lo le" yu 'bout the wonderful scenic tour you
I CllUWdljUllfJ on make over Burlington main lines between Omaha,
uenver and lellowstone fark. The Burlington map
quickly shows you how these may be combined to form
a magnificent circuit tour of the eastern slope of the
Rockies, with 700 miles of mountain panorama, from
Colorado to the Yellowstone. This year you will tour
Yellowstone throughout in automobiles and so touring
"The Land of Wonders," over perfect roads, will be the
acme of sight seeing enjoyment. You may take a
. through sleeper from Omaha to the scenic Cody en
trance, with its ninety-mile mountain automobile ride through gigantic Shoshone
Canyon and over beautiful Sylvan pass one of the world's most inspiring view
points. Your complete ticket from Omaha costs $89 and includes rail fare, Park
automobiles and hotels for five days; the camping way is $80. Your ticket carries
you direct, or in either direction via Denver over the Cody-Denver Scenic line,
through the Big Horn River Canyon; at Loveland, you may detour by auto through
Eates Park ($7.00.). And if all this mountain magnificence still leaves you with a
craving for "more," there is a free side tour, Denver to Colorado Springs, the Pike's
Peak Region and return. Let the undersigned show you how aptly the Burlington's
through-service routes may be combined for such a matchless tour.
SNational Parks T Burlington Ticket
Glacier is the' climax of the rugged grandeur of tha Rockies,
, mighty in its general perspectives, exquisite in its details.
The Burlington's tour of Glacier is one of the grandest
in the travel world three National Parks and Scenic Colorado
on one ticket. Let me tell you how to make it: You travel one
way direct between Omaha and Glacier; you can go one or both
ways via Denver.. You have a free side tour, Denver to Colorado
Springs, the Pike's Peak Region and return. At Loveland, just
north of Denver, detour for Rocky Mountain National-Eats Park
(auto, $7); resume Jrour journey over our Denver-Cody scenic main line, from Colo
rado to the Yellowstone; detour through Yellowstone via the scenic Cody Road
($54.50 hotel wayt $45.50 camping way; five-day automobile tour of the park);
continue your journey thence via Billings to Glacier, or, reverae the circuit. The rail,
road fare for this sweeping tour of the Midwest, Colorado and the east slope of the
Continental Divide to the British boundary from Omaha to Glacier and return is
..only $37.00. "...
.Burlington National Parks Through-service Routes: Note how they may be utilized
for a "See America" National-Parks-Tour
Atk anlMl hr "NiMomI Pki srintod wttar. bilM to ikmr r ky m ikwU auk
l Urlul Muitata tour and to toll m Ikt w.y to IL
J. a REYNOLDS, City Passsnftr Aisnt, 16th and Farnam Strati
TIs Ritisssl Park Lias
"How It Will Affect the
Young Men of Omaha."
Discussed By.
U. S. District Judge J. W.
Woodrough, Adjutant Gen
eral P. L Hall, Jr., Captain
John Poucher; Mayor James
C. Dahlman, presiding.
Thursday, June 28-8 P.M.
You are Invited, Especially If
You Claimed No Exemption
Mothers Who May Not Have Raised
Their Sons to be Soldiers, but Who
Raised Them to Be Men, You Are
Invited to Attend This Meetinf
Endorsed by
(Spae Donated by N.bruka Pow.r Co.)