THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, JUNE 28. 1917. RUSSIANS AGAINST "LAUNCHING A BRIDGE" SOMEWHERE IN FRANCE Engiaeera launching frame) filled with empty cask to give buoyancy to a temporary military bridge "somewhere in France." Much of this work soon will be taken over by American engineer. THHMPQHN RFI DFNI F. m SEPARATE PEACE VfipVasfiion (FpnfarbrJfSmpn Cstabtished r666 Congress of Workmen and Sol ' dieri Reject! Overtures of Germany by Overwhelm ing Majority. Washington, June 27. How a Russian igiMtor for a separate peace with Germany waa exposed aa a German agent before the coun cil of aoldiera' and workmen'a dele gstes in Petrograd on June 22 ia related in a diapatch today from Ambaiaador Francis. The agitator, Nikoli Lenin, the radical aocialiat leader, made an im passioned speech in favor of a gen eral peace without annexation or indemnity and waa answered by M. Veirensky, who announced he would repeat Lenin's speech snd proceeded to read a document almost identi cal with it. When M. Veirensky had con cluded he announced that he had been reading an intercepted radio from Germany signed by King Leopold of Bavaria. Petrograd, June 27. A resolution categorically rejecting any move for a separate peace between Germany and Russia has been adopted by an overwhelming majority by the con gress of workmen's and soldiers' dep uties ot all Russia, me resolution at the time declsres that restoration of peace at the earliest possible day is the most important need of the Russian revolutionary democracy. The workmen's and soldiers' dep uties will send a delegation to Sweden, France and England to prepare for the convocation of an international conference on the basis of the pro gram adopted by the executive coun cil. Text of Resolution. "The text of the resolution which was proposed by revolutionary social ists and the minimalist socialists dem ocrats, follows: - "The present war arose in conse quence of aspirations of imperialists, prevailing among the ruling classes of all countries and tending towards the usurpation of markets and sub mission at their economic and polit ical influence of small and decadent nations. "The war is leading to complete ex haustion of the peoples of all coun tries and is placing the Russian revo lution on the edge of a precipice. While making millions of victims and absorbing billions of the wealth of the country, it threatens to increase still more the disorder in which Rus sia waa left by the old regime, lead ing to famine and turning the coun try from productive labor for consoli dation of its newly won liberty. "The congress recognizes conse quently that the struggle for more rapid ending of the war constitutes the most important problem for the revolutionary democracy a problem imposed as much by tha interests of the revolution as by the aspirations of the workers of all countries to put an end to mutual extermination and restore their fraternal union for the common struggle for complete libera tion of humanity. "The congress recognizes, first, that ending tha war by means of the de feat of one of the belligerents would constitute the point of departure for fresh wars, increase dissension among the nations and lead them to complete exhaustion, famine and ruin; aecond, that a separate peace would atrength en one of the belligerents and give it the possibility of gaining decisive victory over the others, would strengthen aspirations toward usurpa tion by the ruling classes, and while liberating Russia from the grip of world-wide imperialism, would hinder international unification of workers. "Consequently, the congress cate gorically rejecta every policy tending in fact to the conclusion of a sepa rate peace or to its prelude a separate armistice." OMAHA APPEALS CAMP SITE ISSUE TO LAWMAKERS (CmHbmS fr Paso Oi.) Barry today failed to give Omaha cantonment committee much encour agement, i The general insisted that with his approval of the report favoring Des Moines the matter had passed out of his hands. The committee sent a strong tele gram to Senator Hitchcock, stating the situation and urging that the pos sibility of atill aecuring the camp de pends upon him. Des Moines was finally confirmed todav by Secretary Baker as ihi itr of one of the, aixteen national army Kiuunmcnt sues aiier receipt ot a supplemental report from Major Gen eral Barry, commanding the Cen tral department The general stat ed that after personal examination of the ground he was entirely satisfied of its suitability for military pur poses Secretary of War Baker confirmed Des Moines as the site after receiv ing General Barry'a report recom mending that the camp remain at the Iowa capital; The general stated that after personal examination of the ground he waa entirely satisfied of its suitability for military purposes. Wire From Washington. ' The following telegram was re ceived by Assistant Commissioner Ellis of the Commercial club this morning from the Omaha committee in Chicago in regard to the- canton ment site: Aegaraing tne cantonment camp site, held up by Secretary Baker be cause of the reported insufficient transportation facilities and unsatis factory drainage, the subject was re ferred back by Secretary Baker to General Barry for further investi gation. General Barry has reported to the War department. He has re affirmed the selection of Des Moines after consultation with President Aishton of the Northwestern rail way. Secretary Baker haa approved General Barry s recommendation. "Senator Hitchcock haa filed a very atronat protest against the depart ment' action and has aaked a thor ough investigation of the entire sub ject The senator has rendered us every co-operation in his power since our arrival and he and the committee are equally disappointed. cokect .Kxcxwrrrs) tbibvst Hwotaro" AaM Photon KtlltvM th ponhftd throat an motto 'snS prvnt th dry fMlfne 6u to heat Subitum for imna.-Adv. w . -. vr i; -.- ivW''", iyy. -i-i ' v - sag if Willi in i H0 mmm wmWMmmmmmBmNBiimmB9uRK'i ttu " ' 11 iin r ifm i V ill ii 'i ii & "l-auwching" a. bridge RIGHT OF HEED , IN LABOR CASE IS CHALLENGED :ntlnua frm Pat On.) gaged in controversies of any kind." Attorney . Mullen challenged the right of the attorney general to bring such an action in district court and declared Reed was trying to invoke his superior officer, Governor Neville, from administering the law. He argued the members of the me diation board are not executive offi cers, but merely subordinates acting under the direction of the governor of the state. Affidavits of Robert E. Cowell, chairman of the mediation board, and T. P. Reynolds, another member of the body, were introduced as evidence. Mr. Lowell's affidavit told of a mes sage from Governor Neville request ing htm to can a meeting ot tne state board of mediation and investigation to eret to the facts in the labor con troversy between employers and employes. Mr. Reynolds' sworn statement was that "the board had performed no act that would stir up or foment strife between the business men and the employes." "The purpose of the mediation board," said Attorney Mullen, "is to call in men from both sides and re quire them on oath to present their claims in an effort to get the real facta in the dispute. You can t tell me, roared Attor ney Mullen, pointing his finger at the attorney general, "that these men (mediators) were breaking any law or stirring up any strife when they met and utempted to get to the bot tom of the trouble. "They'll get the facts, which in turn will get to the public, and public opin ion will do the rest and determine who is to blame and which side is in the right. "No court injunction will do as much nor end any troubles., "Evidently thia board was enjoined on the theory it was doing some thing it shouldn't do. "Here," said Attorney Mullen, in troducing 150-page stenographic rec ord of the mediation board'a proceed ings, "are the facts and I challenge anyone to point out where anything was done or said to justify the attor ney general's statement that "the board was stirring up strife and tur moil. ' "The attorney general is asking the court to strike down a law passed by the legislature, invoke the power of free speech, stop an honest investiga tion of the labor troubles in Omaha and throttle invested functions of the state. "The attorney general is not trying to stop lawlessness in this action, he's trying to stop an investigation of law lesness." Assisting Mullen in the case are Attorneys Bigelow, Beal and three others. Norris Brown and D. M. Vinson haler are on the attorney general's side. Funeral of Mrs. Price. Geneva, June '27. (Special) The ACCOUNTS of EXECUTORS W; keep the books and make the settlements for individ ual executors, administra tors, trustees and guardians, thus bringing to the protection of their estates the safeguards of our special accounting system. funeral of Mrs. Katie Price was held at the home of her sister, Mrs. D. B. Lincoln, where she had been an in valid for two years. Burial was at Shickley. First Claim Presented ' For Death of a Soldier (From a Itatf Crripondnt.) Lincoln, June 27. (Special.) The first claim coming to the auditor's office since the present war for funds to pay expenses incident to the death of a soldier, was presented this morn ing in the amount of $135 by relatives of Charles E. Moore, who died June 6, of this month. A Hartman Wardrobe Trunk at $25.00 Full size, lift top, padded inside, convertible hat drawers, with Hartman patented fixtures. Pos itively the best value on the market today. Freling&Steinle Omaha's Best Baggage Builders. 1803 FARNAM ST. t 1622 FORNAH STREET I J DIAMOND TIRES uua Lininger Implement Co. Bth and Paeifis Stmts. Omaha, Nab. ' Phono Douglaa 109. II 1 1 1 S4III H SUII I l I til IIJ 1 1 1 1 1 ml M M tAljs J UH I mi ftinutituiHMiHimtwiuiitiii JttisSitttritirte am not offered to car builders. II . 7 T it Motorists buy tnem as a matter of choice. Why? live rubber, tough fabric doggedly durable tread mileage and service creaxe a. ae. mand great- II er than for any other non l equipment tire. mm diamond I flfp sw Tires ;i 41 i fcnllgHBrK DIAMOND TIRES ST1 Omaha Tire Repair Co. HENRY NYCAARD, Prop. 1201 Fara.m Slra.t. OMAHA Phono Tyl.r 1582. Buy Your Summer Clothes at the UNION 16th and Jackson Sts. Vharo th. treat buying power of a largo institution, couplod up with th. "out of th. high rent location," .nabloa yon to buy bettor cloth. for lose money. Pretty Summer Dresses $4.95 to $18.00 Now Wash Skirts . 98o to $4.50 Silk Jorsay Coats $8.50 to $14.50 EXTRA! Final Cleanup Ladiaa' Spring Suit, Valuoa up to $45.00 Your choice For Just HALF Pay only $1 or so per week on any purchase you make. Men's Suits Reduced Values up to $27.50 $16.75 Values up to $32.50 $24.75 Boys Spring nd Sura mar SuiU, from $3.50 to $7.50 Man's Spring a.4 Summer rom $1.50 to $6.45 Boys' Sboas $1.50 to $4.50 Men's Oxfords, $4.00 A splendid assortment of Men's Oxford, ia black, taa or whit, colors. Now English last and boiod too atylaa. $6.50 value, for AU Good Marked in Plain in last ana $4.00 Figures. UNION OUTFITTING CO The People' Star. Oppotite Hotel Rome. The Fashions in Summer Neckwear Georgette Collars, round and square styles, in white and a few embroidered in colors, 75c to $1.50. Pongee Collars, embroidered in colors, $1.75 to $2.50. Pique Collars and collar and cuff sets, $1 to $3.25. Georgette sets, plain and lace trimmed, $1.50 to $2.50. Jabot Collars and Ascot Ties, $1.25 to $4. Handkerchiefs for the Summer Vacation Buy pure linen here at mod erate price: Plain linen, 9c, 12 Vic, 15c, 20c, 25c, 50c. Embroidered, 15c to $15. Initialed, 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c. Ribbon Novelties Assortments are very good at this season of the year made up pieces are on dis la ..nd orders are taken for belts, sashes, camisoles, bags, bows, caps, slippers and other original articles made of ribbon. The Thompson-Belden Kind Mr. Robert Nicoll is again in New York City where he will obtain first hand information regarding Women's Apparel Fashions, there by assuring Omaha women the most repre sentative fashions of the Eastern Metropolis, together with adaptations of the latest Parisian models. Thursday Eleven new styles of white cotton gabardine skirts, the sort that launder per fectly, $5 and $6.50. , A Small Charge for Alterations New A white wash silk petti coat in regular and extra sizes, priced $4.50. Shown in the Blouse Stor. Summer Wear for Babies and Small Children Children's Gowns of fine nainsook, low neck, short sleeves; 2, 3 and 4 years. Price, $1.25. f Infants' White Flannel ette Skirts, Gertrude style, at 50c. Infants' Knit Gowns, sum mer weight, 50c, 75c, $1. Infants' Cotton Shirts, summer weight, high neck long or short sleeves, 35c. Wool and Silk ar.d Wool Bands for infants 1 and 2 years, 35c, 50c. Third Floor Special Sale Chiffon Taffeta Belding's best quality chif fon taffeta, twenty-five colors, 86 inches wide. A pure dye, wear-guaranteed fabric for suits, dresses and separate skirts, Thursday $1.95 a yard If Interested in Artneedlework Join one of our classes. You are entitled to instruc tion under the supervision of Miss Steenstrup, pro viding materials are se lected in our department. 10 A. M. to 12, 3 to 5 P. M. Stamping of all kinds done , to order. Third Floor 111 fa' ISV i S & 51 awl "The New York Central track is really perfect". JOSEPH CARLIER, Aniitant Pnftsitr tf Railumyi, Lui Univtrsity, Belgium. Professor Carlicr was re cently in this country making an official study of American railways as a model for Belgium. In an interview in the New Tori Times he made the statements reproduced herewith concern ing the New York Central Lines. But a railroad, however perfect to-day, will be inadequate to perform its functions to-morrow without constant heavy expenditures of new capital. Rising prices for fuel, labor, materials and equipment make it imperative that the public and governmental authorities afford fair treatment, and permit com pensating rates, in order that it may maintain that stability of credit which is necessary to attract new capital in competi tion with world-wide inter national borrowing. i. s "My trip on tha New York Central was made in a splendid new electric locomotive of 2,000 horse powr. I have visited many railroad shops in England and have seen many elec trifications. Ifoandtheworbnjof the New York Central electnficatton reallywoudful. Th. stability of th. locomotive, the working of th engine-I waa quite surprised. It was really splendid. I cannot say too much for the motion, in a word, 1 did not feel any disturbance which would indicate a fault in the track or a wrong inception in the locomo tive. The maintenance of the track for the section traveled by me is really perfect, as compared with similsr tracks on Europesnrolroads. It i, not necessary to speak of the terminal. It if a work of genms. It i, the only work in the world of . kind. Every one knows tnat, not so?" it: Is it a-J -Jill -iaMlSJ The New York Central Lines "America s Greatest Railway System ' ' ril i ,m mm mm ' W 'I M I ream nssBjntjVSsKMMSSaiWawawBnBnHi " for the Public Sorvict," ffifc 1 Foulard Frocks for Warm Days Fashionable for summer, and exceptionally fine for traveling, because they do not crush easily: noth ing better for wear. New- I oaf noflnvna inMii A itl tr inin F pCtbbi'lO 4S1V1UUU15 vill dots; 40 inches wide, $1.95, $2.50 a yard. Bee Want-Ads Bring Results