THK ItEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, JUNE 28. 1917. 11 FOR RENT HOUSES West. FOR RENT. SAVE CARFARE. CLOSE IN. 26(1 Capitol Ave., 116.00. 1 -rooms, modern except bent. THE BYRON REED COMPANY, :n s. nib it. 128 80. 36TU St. 165. ,130 So. 35th St., 145. Phone Owner, Douglas I2S1. North. FOR RENT. STUCCO HOUSE. i4 NORTH 39TH STREET. A hnm of the hotter kind, t rooms. II modern, Bleeping porch, veranda creened, newly decorated. $S6 00 per monin. THE BYRON REED COMPANY, D. SIT. 12 S. l'tti St. 2.33 Harney St., hot tvater heat $37.50 2830 N. 3 1st St., 6-r., mod. ex. heat. .115.00 -OS wirt St., b-r., mod. ex. heat. . .812.00 1114 No. ::2d, 4-r.. mod. ex. heat. . .115.00 KABP BROS., 210 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721 11 VB rooms and bath, all modern, floored attlo, sleeping porch and garage, 3662 A met Ave. Phone Colfax 1374. FOR RENT 7 -room, strictly modern house, 1 cherry tree and garden patch. van wouax tiv. (ROOM and bath, newly decorated and painted, $15. 2702 Seward St. Tel. Red 1881. 115.00 7 -ROOMS, all modern; Bemla park, so Hawthorne, walnut 2342. 7-RM. all modern house, walking distance, . reasonable. Harney 363a. FIVE-ROOM modern house. Webster 671, M-ROOM cottage, modern. 1811 Cass St. South. FOR RENT. Convenient for Railroad Men. 1 6 Rooms and Bath. Several apartments in Linton flafj, 13th ana mason, ah modern ami water paid. 916. VV, THE BYRON REED COMPANY, REALTORS, Douglas 297. 212 S. 17th St. T-ROOU house for rent; cast front; oak . finish downstairs, electric lights, fire place and hot water heat. Is modern In ' every detail. Also has good garage In rear and good shade. This Is located at 660 South 40th street. Price complete, Including garage, 135.00 per month. See T RAVER BROTHERS, 819 First National Bank building. Phone Douglas 6886. FOR RKNT 7-room, nearly new. strictly modern house, oak finish, hot water heat. fine, lawn, 3 lotn, f 23. Tyler 1118. 1301 SO. 22V ST., 10 rooms, modern. $46. E. H. BENNER CO. D. 8406. 5 -ROOM house1, modern except furnace. 8, 24th Ave. Phone H. 4365, 17.9 SO. 28T1I ST.. 6 rooms, mod. ex. ht.,20. E. H. BENNER CO. D. 8406. Miscellaneous. PAYNE & SLATER CO., "Omaha's Rental Men" PARTLY MODERN. 4-r 2807 Douglas, newly decorated, really a' bargain at $t.!.50. " S-r. 2811 Douglas St.. newly decorated throughout, large yanl and barn. 816.50. MODERN EXCEPT HEAT $-r. 2112 California St.. good condition, close in, nice yard, $ JO. ALL MODERN. l-r. 311$ California St., newly decorated, large yard-, aouth front, on car line, very desirable. 830. t-r. 5011 Capitol Ave.. (DUNDEE), semi bungalow, Btrlctly high class, 842.50. l-r J172 Farnam. 4 bedrooms, good con dition, splendid location, 127.60. l-r. 'Mti Douglas St.. 4 bedrooms, easy Viiiktng distance, $35. l-r. 4328 Charles St., a big bargain for I2D.00. FLATS. 4-r. 2418 Leavenworth St., dandy flat, at 812.50. l-r 2413 Seward St., good cottage, only half block to car. 820. PAYNE & SLATER CO., R ealtors. 611 Omaha Nat. Bldg, Phone Doug. IQlti. 613 NO 20th St., 10 rms., md. . , .837.50 1617 Chicago St., 10 rms, md 40.00 205-74 No. 17th St.. 17 rms., md 40.00 2642 Davenport-up, I rms, md. ex. heat 14.00 2009 Spencer St., 9 nns., md 27.50 3217 Burt St., 7 rms., md.,ex. heat. 14.00 1420 N. 25th St., 6 rms., md., ex heat 18.00 1914 Spruce St., 6 rms., md., ex. heat 20.00 2020 Burt St., 9 rms., md 85.00 2024 Burt St., 9 rms,, md., 35.00 809 Park Ave., 9 rms., md., 30.00 2751 8, 12th St., E rms., md 22.50 807 8. 18th St., 4 rms., md., apt.. 23.50 603 B, 29th St., rms., md......, 22.50 923 S. 40th St., t rms. md 25.00 2616 Harney St., 10 rms,, md 60.00 2216 Leavenworth, 9 rms., md., ex. heat 50.00 915 8. 20th St., 9 rms., md 82.50 106 8.. 36th St., 7 rms., md., vacant July 1 40.00 2857 Farnam St., 9 rms., md 22.50 McCAQUE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 1506 Dodge St. D. 415. PARTLT MODERN. 4-R. SOI Martha St 110.00 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 4-R. ..OS fierce St 116.00 STRICTLY MODERN. t-R. fOl Dorcas St $26.00 7- R. 1011 South Sflth Ave 25.00 8- R. 3901 North 17th St 30.00 ft-R. 3815 Farnam St 60.00 10-R. 2221 Dodge St 40.00 l-R. 559 South 26th St 32.60 FLATS. I-R. 203 South 30lh St 326.00 l-R, SOU Dewey Ave 37.60 APARTMENTS. iWCECKER, 823 South 24th St. 4-R. Apt., 10 818 and 323 PORTER & SHOT WELL, 203 South 17th St. Douglas 6013. Offices With HOME BUILDERS. House in all parts of the city. CRETGH. SONS & CO. 601 Bee Bldg. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. HAVE YOU NOTICED THE BEAUTIFUL LAWN. FLOWERS. SHRUBS AND TREES. At the New Hamilton, corner of 24th and Farnam? Did It every occur to you that this in the only close In apartment house In Omaha having such features free to tenants. It will Interest you to learn that prices here are no higher than at many other locations. The building Is fireproof. Very beBt of service. Apart ments ranging from one to six rooms, Rome are furnished. Why not move to this building? Think It over and phone D. 1472. BOSWORTH APARTMENTS, 2217-19 HOWARD. 3 rooms and bath and dressing room. FurniHhed and unfurnished. Unexcelled in the city 826.50 to 837.50. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., n T.yl"'JV16, REATORS. 333 Rose Bldg. 6 ROOMS', sleeping porch, upper flat, all modern, 3115 Davenport St., 132.50. C. i-ariBf rg, 312 Brandels Theater Bldg. THREE-ROOM and bath, cool, light and airy, sub-basement apartment near 26th "AHarncy- Qnly w- can Dougi 1472. APARTMENTS, all sizes and prices, spien dld location. 34th and Farnam. D. 1472. ST. CLAIR. 20h and Harny. 3-room apt. Call Har, 647. I-ROOMS. garage, sleeping porch, hot water. ut. junior, ztg Davenport. FOUR dandy rooms, Douglas and Park Ave $10.00. Phone Webster 3373. Mod, fur. -r. Apt. Har. 4141 or Wal. 2367. North. FOR RENT. Nice 4-room flat, 2151 Sherman Ave. water, gas and furnace heat. Will re decorate and pay water. $15.00. THE BYRON REED COMPANY, VI. :u i. utn st. V FOR RENT APARTMENTS North. 4-ROOM apt., corner first floor, porch, al mo new; vacant July 1, apt. l, inniu apt., porch. $:o, apt. 6. JUS pie 8t. Red 1SS1. MODERN, and up. Chicago. four rooms, cam heated, S Close In. G. P. Stcbblns. 1610 STEAM hi near P. $18 and up, lummor rates, i. P. Stebbln. 1810 Chicago. -kjum modern apt., steam heat; summer rate, i:o. lmt Maple St. Red IBM. South. YOUR OPPORTUNITY To rent a large 6-room apartment In THE UINTAH, Park Ave, and Leaven worth, having three bedrooms, newly dec orated throughout, everything spotlesal; clean. You'll like Its IIIU comfortabli rooms. It's a real HOME. East front, first Door, Art. 1. Price $60 and bl. PAYNE & SLATER, Realtors, It! Omaha Nat. Hit. Bldg. D. 101 ROOM and attic, mode screened porch. 1733 Phone Walnut !T3, St. Louts fta :Hh St.; $30. 7-ROOM flat to rent. all modern except heat. 1234 S. 11th. Tel. Douglas 1198. FINE 6-room flat, walking distance, 835, Douglas 7211, 811 Worthington Place. ATTENTION, RAILROAD MEN. THE PEORfA, 1109 South 10th S rooms and tiled bath. In splendid con dllion, close to depots and downtown busi ness center. 332.50 and 137.50, PAYNE & SLATER, Realtors. 616 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1016, ALL modern six-room flat. Ave. Phone Colfax 1374. 663 So. 26th Miscellaneous. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, SNTAL HEADQUARTERS FOR OMAHA FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. DESIRABLE store room, modern front, metal celling, steam heat, 624826 So. 16th St.: size 82x60; can he subdivided low rent. Conrad Young, 822 Brandel Theater Bldg. Douglas 1571. LOW-PRICED modern offices. Farnam Bldg.. 13th and Farnam, (Old 1st Nat- Bank Bldg.) FIRST TRUST CO.. Tyler 600. STORE for rent. WORLD REALTY CO., Bun Theater Building. SMALL, modern atore room, ateam beat, 1618 Capitol Ave. Conrad young, 3-3 Brandels Theater. Douglas 1671. GOOD location for & barber shop. F. D. Wead, 310 s. 18th St.. wead mag. RESTAURANT, with fixtures, gas gloves. StOOlS, at 107 BO. 16 tp. Bt. Office and Desk Room. CHOICE office space, Balrd Bldg.. Douglas. mcuague inv. n. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Apartments and Houses. WE want more houses and apartments to rent. The fact that we have practically nlMmrA un AiiP hifl- Hut la conclusive OTOOf of the efficiency of our rental services. If you want to keep your place rented see Payne ft Slater Co., Omaha's Rental Men, 616 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1016. two rooms for light housekeeping, unfur nished, walking distance, box dij, see. Furnished Apartments and Houses. WANTED to RentModern, furnished house, with garage, by couple wmiout children. Write Box 3468. Bee. WANTED To rent, 6 or 6-room, modern, furnished bungalow. Call Walnut Z37 Miscellaneous. WE have several good tenanta for all mod' cm ho tinea and apartments. F. D. WEAD. 318 S. 18th St. Doug. 171. MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage and moving. 219 N. 11th St. Phone Doug las 34. FIDELITY RENTAL SERVICE FREE Phono Douglas 288 for complete list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage, moving. 16th and Jackson Sts. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO.. Expert service; prompt attention. Your moving, your packing, your storage. Main Office, Central Furniture Store. lTth and Howard. Tel. D. 7785. riRRPBOOr WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos: moving, packing and abipplng. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 802 S. 16th SL Douglas 4168, Globe Van and Storage Co, For re'il eorvice In moving, packing and storing, call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4JJ8. Maggard W-S&Zir"- Van ana storage to.. jvioving, r,.ins. Storage and Shipping. Phone Doug. 1496. Jfl nppn Express Co.. Moving . Kj. IVEiCiU packing and 8torage. 107 Farnam St. Web. 8748. Doug. REAL ESTATEIMPROVED West. FOR sale at once, by owner, all modern house; 7 rooms with Dam; near new Clifton mil school; k block Tom Wal nut Hill or Benson car line; fine lawn, hedge and shrubbery. Price 13.600; $500 down; balance to suit purshaser. Inquire of J. B. Sradenwlng, Jr., 6005 Chicago. Douglas 74. NEW BUNGALOW. Just being finished, 6 rooms, all on one floor; living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry, two bedrooms, bath, linen closet, stairway to floored attic; oak finish in living rooms ; all modern ; frame and stucco; east front lot, located high and sightly in Waverly park. Price $3,400; terms to desirable purchaser. C G. CARLBERG, Realtor, 310-312 Brandels Theater Bldg. WEST FARNAM HOME rooms, brand new and all modern, oaV finish downstairs, white enamel kltcbon. 4 bedrooms, all In white enamel; good at tic; rooms all decorated: corner lot. south front Price only 15.7 SO. 31,000 cash, balance monthly. THE BYRON REED CO., Phono Doug. 297. 212 8. 17th. YOUR COTTAGE as part payment on this 3-story six-room name, oait iinmn on jbi floor, birch on 2nd floor, sleeping porch, rooms newly decorated, full basement, fur nace, fine lot, paved Bt., close to car, rear Omaha Unl. Price $4,000; would consider vacant lot ax first pay. RASP BROS., 210 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. FOR SALE- -By owner, .room cottage. close In, good location. Modern. Small cash payment down, balance like rent. Worth your attention, a bargain. Address Box 6202. Bee. North. $200.00 DOWN. A well constructed 6-room home, loca ted near Miller Park school. Close to car. Very good location. Oak finish, book cases; two bedrooms and bath, finished in white enamel. It is brand new snd will be shown by appointment. A home you will want to live in. Phone Doug. 3628 for appointment or call at 318 8. 18th St. NEAR MILLER PARK Dandy new 6-room bungalow. Price only M.300 for beautifully decorated, right up-to-the-minute bungalow; has fireplace, bookcases, china cabinets and all the latest features; floor drain, etc.; lot 42x 120; located within two blocks of Miller Park school and car. This i positively the biggest snap In the ctty. For appoint ment to see call OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 7M Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 496. SERIOUSLY SPEAKINO, lt' fine thing we're offering yon. Th. war cannot rob them of their value. We built them and aell them mtnui commie. Ion. 1341 and S!7 If. 27th St. Aoth art, all modern bungalow.; built-in feature., ran itand tnepectlon. ARNDT TATtiOB, Webster JOtl. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. NEW HOME AT A BARGAIN E Z TERMS Just completed, brand new five-room nc-iue, an on one floor, oaK finish In par. lor and dlrlng rom: oak floors throush. out; corner lot, 60x120; located one block east of Deaf Institute, at 4301 onto ft. m price , oniy 3,S0G cor quick sale. ii win neat paying rent. OSBORNE REALTY CO,. 701 Omaha Nat. Bk. Hldg. Tyler 498 MI'.LER PARK. 6-room. strictly modern, brand new bun. galow; oak finish and oak floors.1 Rutlt- ln Duokcaae, burfot and pantry. Screotud in porch. One-half block from car line. If looking for one of the rlwpaleet Utile bungalows In tho city, don't fail to ace tnts. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 637 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 11 Hoaltcm. NICE BUNGALOW AT A SACRIFICE PRICE OWNER LEAVING CITY Five rooms and bath, nil on one floor, fine attic, large basement, everything complete; located on eant front lot, within one block of two rar lines, and the price is oniy ;f.:ito. Kasy terms. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 496 NORTH SIDE Seven-room house, all modern, full sized lot on corner, streets paved. This prop erty Is on Burdette , easy walk to 20th or zftn car, vt m give some one a bar gain. Owner left eity. ALFRED THOMAS, 308 Farnam Bldg. South. 1701 CASTELAR ST. This (-room, modern except heat, house is yours for $150 cash and $16 per month. This place te being painted inside and out, papered and generally overhauled, which work is included in the sale prise. or will make you a liberal discount If you want to do the balance of the re pair work yourself. This is a proposi tion worth looking Into. See the house today. CREIGH, SONS & CO., Douglas 200. Realtors. 608 Bes Bldg. 3039 MARCY ST. $3,250 This Is an all modern 7-room house, on a lot, 44x128. Street paving paid. House alone would cost the price, and lot Is worth not less than $1,000. One block from Leavenworth car line and two blocks from the park car lines. This is a genuine oargain ana anouia seit tnis weetc. Armstrong-Walsh Company Tyierifi36. realtors, 333 Rose Bldg. ONE 6-rooro ana one 4-room cottago, both on on lot; fin oondltlon; live In one and rent the othor. Price for both, 12,760. Very easy terns. No. 3433 South 30th St NORRIS NORRIS, 40O Bee Building, Phone Douglas 4270. UONTCLAIR BUNGALOW. , Stucco construction, I large light room. Oak floors, oak and namel finish. Prtc 13,800. Easy ttrma. Another new build ing for 33.160. Call Douglas 1739 day. Walnut 1660 vnlngs. R. MOD, home. Birch and maple finish, with steam beat, terms $300 cash, balance $22 per mo. F. D. Wead, 310 So. 18th St., Wead Bldg. VERY neat little home on the South Side. Price $600. Terms; $100 cash and $10 per month. Tel. Doug. 2596. STRICTLY modern bungalow, 6 rooms, 22nd and Ames Ave. weDtter izs. Miscellaneous COZY BUNGALOW, CLOSE IN, $2,860. 1260 Caah, $26 Per Month. Very attractive, good as new, strictly mod., living room, dining room, front bed room or library, bath and kitchen and screened-ln front porch on 1st fir., 2 small bedrooms and storage upstairs. Fine, level, E. front corner lot (2 if desired), paving paid. Oood location, walking distance and convenient to 2 car lines. This is m real snap. Let us show It to you today. Several others on similar terms M'KITRICK REAL ESTATE CO., Realtors 316 RAMGE BLK. Tel. D. 100 OR T. 2140-J Templeton-Olson Co., Bee Bldg. Tyler 2020. General real estate, insurance. Jtemais. B. ROBINSON. Real Estat and Insur ance 443 Be Bldg. Dougla o7. R. 8. TRUMBULL, tsr Nat. Bk. Bldg. REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty EL A. WOLF, Realtor. War Blk. Specialist In downtown mislne property REAL ESTATE Investment THE DEWEY APARTMENTS 53d and Dewey Ave., Income Over $6,000 For Sale or Exchange This new. well constructed building on corner lot. easy walking distance. In the most desirable residence section of Omaha, can be had at a price that should be at tractive to the investor. Thj are four teen apartments, all rented. Two Murphy beds In each auartment. finished entirely in oak and birch; tile bath room floors. Complete In every detail. Will take as part payment good land, or vacant prop erty. Write ut today for further par ticulars, or can Tyler ov ana ssk lor Mr. Benson. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, (Realtors) 1114 Harney St. DOUGLAS STREET, NEAR 21ST STREET $25 a Front Foot Below Any Other Price on This Street 66x167 feet, all special taxes paid. In vlef of the low price, this property offers the best posalblllties from an Investment standpoint of view of anything on Douglas street. Remember, this is only about one block on the same street from property now held at over $1,500 per front foot. HIATT COMPANY, i-7-9 Omaha Nat. Bk, Bldg. Tyler 60. APARTMENT. $76,000 income 13 per cent; one year old; very flue location; mortgage $26,000 and will accept $20,000 in trade: bal ance cash or negotiable paper. CALKINS & CO.. Douclae 1313. City Nat. Bank Bldg. SEE US FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A. P. TUKEY ft SON. REALTORS, 620 First National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE Other Cities BUY REAL ESTATE IN OLIVER THE NEW STEEL CITV. The city with a future. Near the U. S. Steel Corp. $25,000,000 plant, which is almost completed. Lots arc NOW $250. Write now for information. FRANK J. GIFFORD, 301-2 Commercial Bldg., St. Paul, Minnesota. Horses Live Stock Vehicles 2 GOOD HORSES FOR SALE. On weighing 1.260, especially good for delivery wagon. Other a fast light driving hors. Phone Benson 121, SMALL spotted Shetland pony, 3 years old, for sal cheap If taken at once. Kind to children. Webster llftl, REAL ESTATE To Exchange TO EXCHANGE FIVE-ACRE PLACE. One of the homes In Council Bluffs. The sit Is fin, In a growing part of the city, six blocks of car tine, close to city schools and paved streeln The house, an I mom bungalow, nearly new, has overy modern convenience. The yard Is shaded by large, nattvo trees, and surrounded by evergreens and shrubbery. There la a good garden, som fruit and pasture for a cow or two. A desirable home for retired farmer or business man Want farm or ranch In exchange. Might take other property. Unlets you have something with a real faulty, please don't aat your time and ours. This property la held at $i2tooo. MOKE REAL ESTATE Co, 103 Pearl St. Council Bluffs, Is. WILL oxchang a number of residence in come properties, mime hew and others nearly new; also some vacant. Some arc clear of incumbrance and soin Incumbered about 40 per cmt. Want clear land. Til AVERS BROTHERS. $11 Ftrst National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 6KS6, 10. OHO ACRES in Cherry county to trad for a siccK or implements. 320 acres, improved and fenced, for sal or trauH. 160 acres farm land, highly Improved, good rich soil. Apply Box Y 7$, Hoe. UAVE client with 840 acres good land In sasteni Montana. Clear, worth $6,000; thre mile from good railroad town. want 9 to I -room modern Omaha real- dene, valued $4,000 to $6,000. Joaapb t-icK. zzi uvaca at. wo. 4866. A UOOO hotel with three lots; only hotel in iown; naa it moms, steam beat and In good shape. Price $6,000.00; will want a little caah and western land. O. A. Kult, Oakland, Neb. $50 AN acre buy 130-aore farm, 16 rot lee irom umana, inquire 3l Ramg Blk. Tel. Doug 4211. Residence phon. Doug, 177$. REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. AFTER looking at MINNE LUSA 300 dif ferent buyers decided that It was the best proposition on the mark t and they backed their Judgment buying Iota. IF YOU will come out today you will understand why the others ar buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., 742 Omaha Nat, Bank Bldg. Tylr 167. DANDY LO'l. $0x131, two street frontage: easy terms. Call Douglas 10(4 or ?log. Harney 4168. 30 BEAUTIFUL lots. $3 cash, 60o per week; si&v ana up. is ear x t a and Sprague. Douglas 3 .192. BEAUTIFUL 80-rooi iota. Prlo 1330, only 13 cash ng 10 pent per week. Dong, lilt. HAVE a bargain price en lot In Minn Lusa. j, a. urtmmei, uougiaa 1616. REAL ESTATE WANTED LISTINQ houses to rent or sell on small cash payments; have parties watting. Western Real Estate. 413 Karbach Blk. D. 3607. LIST your 6 and 6-room house with Ed ward r . Williams Co., 301 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 420. LIHT your 6 and 6-room houses with us. WH SELL. THEM. OSBORNE REALTY Co., Tyler 496. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. Dundee Stucco House Thts I a good 3-story modern home, having 6 rooms and sleeping porch, with living room across the entire front, with brick fireplace and built-in bookcases, at tractive dining room and bulli-ln buffet, convenient kitchen and front and rear vestibule first floor. Finished In oak ex cept kitchen. I corner bedroom, bath and sleeping porch, second floor. Fin ished In white enamel with birch ma hogany door and oak floor throughout. This house built only a few year, 1 In excellent condition and located on a north 50 ft. -foot lot, only H block from Happy Hollow circle and 1 blocks from Dun dee school. Price $5,860. Reasonable terms. It will pay you to Investigate this proposition. GEORGE & COMPANY REALTORS. 002 City Nal'I Bk. Douglas 756. DUNDEE SPECIAL, $5,400 Near 52d Street 7 rooms, modern. GARAGE AND DRIVE WAV. Large living room with beam cell ing, fireplace and built-in book cases. Dining room and kitchen finished In mis sion oak. 4 good bedroom on 2d floor; attic on 3d floor. Full basement, sta tionary tub and extra toilet. High and sightly south front lot. Nonresident owner say sell. GLOVER & SPAIN, Realtors. Dnilglaa '.?. HH-iO City National. DUNDEE PROPERTIES. Well located lot on easy term. Mod ern, attractive homes. Befor buying b aur and se GEORGE & CO. HOMES and home .Itee In DundM. SHULER A CART. 104 Keellne. D. 1074. South Side. BUY THE BEST Five-room, oek finish, bungalow, on South Side; bookcases, buffet, sun room, oak finish; kitchen, with all the built-in features ; full floored attic ; dandy base ment; atl built by day labor; real brass futures; Yale ft Towne bronze hardware; duplex Brenlln shades: all brand new, rpady to move right in; nlco lawn in clover. Give terms for quick sale. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 2 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg, Tyler 436. Miscellaneous. AT PUBLIC AUCTION. 6:4 acre of land, one mil from Omaha, located on the Florence and Krug Park boulevard, will be sold at public auction to th highest bidder SATURDAY. JUNE $0, AT 2 P. M. Sale take place on th premise. This is ideal suburban property; IS acres natural timber with heavy blue grass, a beautiful natural park, ft acre alfalfa, balance In cultivation, some good fruit, small house, barn and other build ings. Beautiful building sit overlooking Mis souri valley, one of the most picturesque farms in th state, Th owner is going Into government service and farm will b sold regardless of price it bringa. The legal number are swH of w!i of sec. 19 and 12 ft acre joining in nw4 of no U of sec. 19, township 16, range 13, Douglas county. Farm la clear of all In cumbrance; title perfect. Terms, $1,000 cash on day of aale, bal ance when paper are delivered. Ail par ties interested will he taken in auto to se th land free. Fr transportation on day of sale. For further Information tail auctioneer. Red 3286, or Harney 4673. There will be no by bidding. Farm will absolutely be o Id. JAMES L. DOWp, Auctioneer. .?. O. ROURKE, Owner. POULTRY AND PET STOCK COLLIE dog for sale. Call Walnut 2345. 4128 Maple Ht. FINANCIAL CITY AND FARM LOANS 6, 6' and per cent Alio first mort gage on farm and Omaha real eetate for ale. J. H. Dumont ft Co., 418-411 Keellne Bldg., 17th and Harney. $1,000 MTGE., boaring 6 put. semi-annually, secured by property vaiuea at t,ivu, iai mage-Loomls Inv. Co,, W. O. W. Bldg. Real Estate, Loans, Mortgages, THE best security for your money la a good I or $ per cent farm mortgage; fourteen year' experience making real estat loans; no losses. Whit ft Hoover, Omaha, Nat'l Bldg. . FARM MORTGAGES. Well secured .bearing 6 pet. Interest HARLEY J. HOOKfcR, 90 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tel. Tyler PER CENT to 6 per cent on best class city residences in amount $2,000 up; also farm loan. Reasonable commission. PETERS TRUST CO.. 1822 Farnam St. FOR SALE. Ten shares of Ralston Realty Co. at one-half par valu. Address M, S, Dean, 1823 Peoples Gas Bldg., Chicago. III. and MONET to loan on Improved farms ranches. W also buy good farm mort sUsSft Xloks Inv. Co,, Omaha. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loam nd Mortgage 11. V. 81NUKR. Mon.r on hand tor mortgage Ctty Nation. I Hank Bldg. iilX per cent first inortgHgee .vvured b- .mana real eelHle. E. a. bougeo, Inc. OSS Koriinn miig. SHOPIM 4 CO., I'RIVATB 1IONET. OMAHA HOMK3, EAST NK.H. FARMS. O KKKFK R. H CO, into Omalta Nat l. FARM and city loan., b, (i and per ceo W. H. Thom.e. Keeltn. Hldg. Doug, ltwl Ml DKLAV IN IX081NU IUXS. W. T, ORAHAM. "l He. MUlg. 1100 to ,10,000 mnde ttrompth. v, Weu.l Bhlg.. llfth and Fnrnam St.. Kf itONEY HARHIMON A MORTON, " v lit Oman. Nat l. Bank Uldg. 5o CITY UAHV1N BRIlfl. LOANS Om. Nat. Bk. 1IIJI. LOW RATR O. CARI.I1KRO. 913 Bran. dels Theater Bldg. Stocks and Bonds. LISTED and unlisted stocks. Investment securities. Industrial stocks. ROBERT C. DRUESEDOW & CO., 80 Omaha National Bank Bl1g. Abitncts of Title. Kerr THle, (luarHntee and Atmtraot Co, 306 8. 17th St., around floor, Bonded by Mass. Bonding and Ins. Co. REKD ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract of fice In Nebraska. 308 Brandels Theater. Miscellaneous, GALLAGHER & NELSON !' present prompt par Insurance rem panics, 610 Brandels Bldg.. Omaha. Neb FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Lands. 480 ACRES eastern Colorado farm, DO aor broken, only s an acre. Terms. S. 8. R. E. MONTGOMERY, 637 City National Bank Bldg. Idaho Lands. IDAHO LANDS IN BOISE VALLEY. FOR SALE WE WAVE A I. ATI OR LIST OF IRRIGATED AND NON IRRI GATED LANDS IN GRAIN, ALFALFA AND STOCK RANCHES. ALSO 10, 20 AND 40-ACRTO PRUNB AND APPLE OR CHARD9. WRITE FOR INFORMATION, PRICES AND TERMS. GEO. H. WETTER A CO., BOISE, IDAHO. Missouri Lands. GREAT BARGAINS $5 down; $6 monthly, buy 40 acre good fruit and poultry land, near town, southern Missouri. Price only $200. Address Box $08, Excelsior Spring. Missouri. Nebraska Lands. 160 ACRES, improved, only 3 mites from Emerson, Neb,, every aor good farm land; ther 1 about 11 acre pasture that will feed two head per acre; about S acre alfalfa and 30 acre clover, and a dandy orchard and grov. at only 1141 per aero, on easy term. G, A. Kull Oakland, Neb. FOR BALE OR TRADE. 3,440-acre ranch, southwestern Thomas County, Nob., partly Improved, price $13.60 per acre. ARCHER REALTY COMPANY, Douglas 2410. 6S0 Brandeis Bldg. 10 ACRES irrigated, fin, level black land. near Bridgeport, Neb., very cneap, lernu. crop go with land. S. 8. ft R. K. MONTGOMERY, 627 City National nana: uiag. TEN section of land in Keith county for sal mt $20 to xu per acre; some rira hnlcM farm innd. Good location for col ony. The Welpton Investment Co., Ogal- lat. Neb. . SMALL Nebraska farm on asy payment 6 acre up. w larrn ins iarm w hu you. Th Hongerford Potato Grower1 Association, 16th and Howard Bt., Ota ha. Dougla 9311. FOR SALE Best large body high grade, medium priced land In Nebraska; very ' .ml mono, requirea. xiraumr, tvu. bach. Neb. 120-ACRE) Improved farm 8 mile from Benson, wen aituatM ana who gooa rona, F. D. WEAD. 810 8. 18th 8L Wead Bldg. South Dakota Lands, 320 ACRES of good black loam soil and clay subsoil; good buildings; near town of 10, 000, South Dsltota. Writ 11s for price and futher particulars. Mid-West Land Co., 1067 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 1166, FOR SALE Cheap, 480 acres. Fall River oounty; three buildings, five alfalfa, forty broke, fenced, all alfalfa land, seven mile east smithwick, soutn uaaoia. a. j. uaw son, Chadron, Neb. Texas Lands. GOOD corn land. East Texa. 126 an acr. Get my free book. W. B. FRANK, 301 Nevlll Block. Omatm. Wyoming Lands. iso ACRES of fl rat-clan land, well Im proved 60 acres in alfalfa, 80 acres under plow, sur crops, , per acre, excep tionally ay term: 3 year without in terest on, deferred payments; discount for cash. BIG FOUR REALTY CO., . 1016-1 W. O. W. Bldg. Doug. 3488. FOR SALE. 320 acre of the best timber land In th tat of Wyoming, In Converse coanty, forty mile from th county seat, Douglas. This land has not only an immense amount of fine saw timber on It, but Is well watered by a living stream, has numerous meadows where hay can be cut, and Is the key to a larg open summer range. For further Information address Th Florence Hardware Co., Douglas, Wyo. Miscellaneous. 260-Acre Fertile Farm Income $3,000 a Year Overlooking Beautiful Lake Owner has accepted position with large company and ha no further use for farm. One and ono-half miles to village; rich, dark loam soil, southeast slope, $f85 was received for five acres sweet corn, near here, and potatoes are money-makers; 1,000 apple trees and a lot of plums, cher ries, peaches and grapes; 26-cow pastur bordering lake; estimated 600 cords hard wood and 800,000 ft. timber; fine barn :,7x60, silo stable 86i40, poultry house for 300 hens, running water to buildings. To get 1mmd1ato aale going at $6,000, part down. For picture of the attractive 12 room house, overlooking lake and village, see page 4, "Our Spring Catalogue," copy mailed free. W. A. Strout Farm Agency, Dept. 3072, 205 S. Ifilh St., Omaha, Neb. OWN A FARM HOME Here's a chance for impendence fr uag earners and farm rmilors. Investi gate our low terms for small or large tract in Michigan's fruit and clover belt. $1E to $25 an acre. 10 A. $5 to $26 down; 20 A. $10 to $60 down; 40 A. $25 to $100 down; balance small monthly or yearly payments. Excellent for general farming, slock, dairying, poultry, vegetables, fruit Near towns, schools, good transportation Big booklet free. Swlgart Land Co., J 1252 Ftrnt Nat.Bank BlflgL. . Chicago, III. MONEY TO LOAN FURNITURE, pianos and notes a security, $40, 6 mo., H. goods, total cost, $3.60. $40, 6 mo., endorsed note, total cost, $2.60. Smaller, large ain't proportionate rate. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETT. 133 Rose Bldg., 1 6th and Farnam. Ty. 6fi6. LEGAL $24.00 Easy payments. RATH $240.00 LOANS or more Utmost privacy. Tel. Doug. iZH. 340 Fax ton Blk. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Frank Archer and wife to Anna M. lah. Twentieth street, 0 feet nortn of Charles street, west side, 60x133.316,000 John F. Cohn and wife to Dora J. Hubbard, K street, 60 feet east or Twenty-seventh street, south side, 60x100 4,000 Andrew P. Jensen and wife to Christen Tolstrup, northwest corner of Thirty fourth and Curtis avenue. 48.6x122.. 100 Howard Harvey Covert and wife to Allc K. Covert, northwest corner of Msln and Davenport street, 66x182. 200 John KHz and wife to John Maca and wife, Caatelar street, 63,66 feet west of Thirtieth atrcet, south aide. 68.86x100 3,1 B0 Herman Marquardt to E. J. Hart, Howard street, vv test weal or Toir-tv-flfth street south kid. 3.1x124.. 1 Cora A, Ruhl to Mary Castor, Popple- ton avenue, 149 feet west ot Thirty second street, south Side. 32x100,... 3 George J. Morrl and wife to American security jo., eoumweai corner oi Seventeenth and Webster street, 62 4-6x66 1 Ida I. Hauch to Kdyth J. Ross, Stone avenue, 60 feet east or Tbirty-lirst street, north side, 60x120 3 Catherine C. Norrls to Louise A. Halll- y, Twenty-fourtn street, ieo reet north of Newport avenue, east side. 40X126 1 Frank Hajek and wife to Anton Dvorak. Twentlitn street, so reel south of P at sld. 60x130. 1,009 ( Hit AGO GRAIN MARKET. Belief That f.oTernmenl Will Fit Priee on mirai . rp i-uii yuouiion Down. Chicago, III., June 37 Spreading of b in inai me i-iuiea state govern man uin 1 ix a price ror tit whol dnmeit wneat crop of 1917 did a good deal to pu nown wheat quotation here today. The umi-KPi oionru aieaay, 10 to 4a net lower with July at 83.06 and Seotemhee t li Corn gained ig to $c, oats Ho to He and provision lln to 30c. Incentive to buy wheat except on a hand to mouth hauls appeared to be lacking in view of seeming likelihood that government .on.rui m vaiuea wa imminent. Th conss quent downward tendenry of th market re reived further impetus from saaertlons tha Immedlal embargo ratrlctloiiB wnr nnn. (emulated to curtail ahlpmsnt lo European neutral. In addition bvars had th benefit of reports that th Canadian surplus would - tinmen nrsc in supply European needs. .iirrti were encouraging estimates, too Ir regard to the probabl yield of th aurplua prouuemg states both In the spring wheat belt and In the winter wheat region as well Drought complaint from western Kansas helped to rally th corn market, and so like wise did gossip that further buying of com and oata for th entente allies was exnenteri soon. At first however, embarao tik had considerable bearish Influence. Throughout th div ( fait the .Hn,.i... of persistent buying on th part of house with eaboard connections. The July option i-rovision ascended on account of the wun wmcn offering were asaem 010 oy pacxer ami shorts. Th lat ..i...aui wi aiso wa a Dullish factor. an i-rice wneat No.' 1 and 1 rri nominal; No. 2 hard, $1.37; No. $ hard, $2.3$ v -.. urn; o. s yeilOW, 11. 71(91. 7H nvm yruow. i.,3iyi.T; no. 4 yellow, nom Inal. Oats: No. 1 whit, itusuu ard, 4 c Rye: Noinln!. Barley: No ml. nal. Seeds: Timothy, $4.0007.76; clover., irovifnons: fork, $39,80; lard, riDS. Sll (15011, Is, Hutter Unchanged. ivgg miner raoelnta. ISM firsts. 30 4 (HI; ordinary firsts, 3St "1". i"4!n, s iTinuata, IIDIlaO, l'o tat oes Lower: recelnt. 10 Ark ansa a and Oklahoma, $3.6003.68; California, Poultry Atlv. lower; fowls, lie. r.vaportd Apple and Dried Fruits. New York. June 17. Rvnnf.i 1 Inactive; fanoy. 13fc0i3c; choice, 110 1140: prime, llo. ririea Fruit Prun. steady; California mSlHio; Oregon. lUAilu .inru... quiet; fancy, 32 0 330. Peach, quiet; stand, ard, 104: choic. Ilo; fanoy, 14Ho. Rais ins, steady; loos Muscatels, 7lc; choice i 17 wroa, va; seedless, 100 Charter No. I0. Rrv District No. 10 ""'vniur nJS WUIVIUTIUNUFTHB FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OMAHA. At Omh, in th State of Nebraska, at th vs uuama on jun JOtn, 1917, RESOURCES, I. a Loan and discount.. ..113,861,314. 30 I. Overdraft 39.88T.S$ v. m tumors liaoilliy aO- count of "Acceptances" ex ecuted by thl bank and now outstanding 9.r42.TI . .j. a. mm an tomer xnan UD rty Bonds of 1917); A U. S. bond de posited to cur simulation (par value) $ $0,000,90 b V. 8. bonds and certificates of In debtedness pledg ed to secure U. S. deposit (par valu TM09.66 f U. H, bond and certificate f In debtedness own ed and unpledged 197,000.9$ Total U. S. bond (othorthan Liberty Bonds) and certi ficates of indebtedness f. Payment on account sub scription for Liberty Loan Bond 7. Bonds, securities, ttci to Bonds other than IT. B. bonds pledged to se cure postal sav ing deposits .,8187,402.00 Securities other than U. S. bonds (not Including locks) owned unpledged , 193,682.60 Total bonds, securities, etc. 310,934.60 I. Stock, other than Federal Reeerv Bank stork 11,131.1$ 9. Stock of Federal Reserve Hank (60 per cent of sub scription) 46.000.00 0. b Equity In banking house.. 900,000. 13. Real en tat owned other than banking house 13. a Net amount due from ap proved reserve agents In New York, Chicago and St. Louls..S 966,203.07 14. Net amount du from bank and banker (other than In cluded In 13 or XI) 2,944,722 in 16, Exchanges for clearing houn 476,470.64 16. Other checks on banks in the nine city or town as report ing hank 76,169 .12 17. a Out sld check and oth er catm Items.. 61. $21 .4.1 b Fractional cur rency, - nickel and cent .... 303.13 18. Note of oth er n a 1 1 0 nal bank 10,000.00 20. Federal Re serve notes ... 1,000 00 21. Lawful re serve In vault and net amount du from Fed eral Reeerv Hank 1,821,031. 29 32. Redemption fund with U. H. Treasurer and du from U. S. Treasurer Total $21,802,831.60 LIABILITIES. 34. Capital stock paid In $ 600,000.00 26. Surplus fund 1,000,000 . 00 26. a Undivided profits 141.097.69 b Less currant expenses, in terest and taxes paid ... 18.081.28 126,016.31 1. circulating notes outstand ing 46.400.00 !. Not amount duA to banks and bankers. Ill, 0:O73 71 Demand depos it subject to Reserve: I, I n d 1 vldual deposits sub ject to check. (,2o3,SSb.:7 35. C ertlflcatea of depomt due In less than 30 days (oth er than for money bor rowed) 116,230.47 i. C r 1 1 fled checks 10,366.51 37. fl a s h ier's checks out standing 33,605.:. Time deposits subject to re servo (pay able after 80 days, or sub ject to 30 dey or mor no-tlr-e): . C ertlficates of deposit (other than for money bor rowed), 1, 402, 279 'S I. Other time deposit 028,996 6f V. 8. deposits, not subject to reserv: I. United Statts deposits, in cluding depos its of U. S. disbursing of ficer 19,167.64 46. Postal sav ing deposits.. fi.siv.Du :, Cash letter ot credtt and travel rs" checks out standing 1,106.00 20,118,870.48 a Acceptances executed for 9,642.71 customers tv.,.1 111,808.118.60 Stat of Nebraska, County of Dougla m: I, T, L. Davis, caanior ok mo ,uu ' 1 w An sAsmn awear tnai me auuvs tatement la tru to th best of my knowl edge and belief. , A,,, ..hUi, Subcribed and sworn f before in thl 3th day of Jun, 1917. (SEAL.) A. a. -nic.riwi,.y, 1 Notary Publlt. Correct Attt: C. T. KOUNTKB. . M. ANDREESBK, L. 1 KOUMTZn, DlfMter. GRAIN ANDPRjODDCE Receipts of Wheat and Oati Light, but Corn Offerings Are Heavy and Demand is Oood. Omaha. June 17. 1117. The receipt of wheat ana oat. war. very light again today, but corn recetpta were moderately heavy, and eellera reported an aotlve demand for all grade, of thl, rareal at price, ruling from unchanged to 4,0 higher. All grade, of corn old Quite readily on the advance, but the while waa llnled at a premium, tha better grade, of thla variety .oiling frum 11.6414 to II.4714, while the lop price on yellow corn was 11.67 and the bulk of the mlird aold from II.DHVi to ,1.47. The einh wheat elluallon waa very dull and th. demand wa. hardly atrong enough to take car. of the light offering.. The merkot wea very weak and wa. quoted gen erally from S to 4 cenu lower, but aa .alee were extremely light It wa. difficult to give tha exact range of price,. No. 3 hard aold at 11.34: .ample hard ranged from U.I4 to 11.33 H. No. 4 spring .old at 11.74 and one car of No. 4 mixed brought l.H. The oata market waa a trlfla .ironger, with price. Quoted from 1 to 1 ceni. higher, th. bulk of th. offering!, which graded No. J while, aelllng at 47t,o and 4o, while the No. 4 whlto brought 67 4e. Rye and barley wera quiet, with light, rye beina- ouoted changed, while barley wa. quoted noml- Clearance, were: Wheat and flour equal to 1,144,000 bu-t oata, 1,4,000 bu. Primary wheat recelni. .. a.a ... .... and ahlpment. 314,000 bu.. agalnat 'receipt, of .ooo bu. and ahlpment. of 433,000 bu. laat year. Primary corn rooelnt. war. 9Tt aaa i... and ahlpment. 471,0(14 bu.. agalnat 'receipt, of 434.00, bu. and ahlpm.nta of 431.00, bu. tee. rear. Primary oat. recelnt. war. fa. aaa kh and ahlpm.nta 714.000 bu.. against receipt, of 170.000 bu. and shipment, of 731,000 bu. CARLOT RUCFJIPTB. Wheat. Corn 44 34, Ill Oats. 141 Chicago Minneapolis Dulsth Omaha Kansas City Ht. hoult Winnipeg 7 i 14 44 ,..403 Thss. sale, war reported today: Wheat No I hard winter, , a. aa Sampl. hard wlnt.r: 1 oar, ll.33toi 1 ear, 3.10. No. spring: oar. 41.74. No. dur um mliedi 1 oar. 11.10. No. 4 mliad: 1 ear. II. ,4. Barlair No. 4t t ear. ,, ,a cu... No. I whit.: 1 oar, l,47t,. No. ' white: . var, ei.eii i oar, 41 sis,, no. I yellow: ears, 11.47, No, I yellow: 1 ear, 11.17. No, I mlssd: 3 ears, 41.47 1 I ear,, tshlpper'e weights), 41.44S; 1 ears, 41.1414. No. I mliedi 4 3.1 ears, 1.47; 1 ears, ,1.4414. No, 4 tnllsd: 1 car. 31.47. No a biIh,. , i.e oara. 4144. Oats No, 3 white: I ear, 44c: 1 car, 47140. No. 4 white, I ears, (7 Mo: Sample white. I ears, 4Io. Omaha Cash Prices Wheatt No. S hard, 3.31C43.37; No. 3 hard. 4133 0 3.44. Corn: No. 3 white. 41.4791, 4714: No. I whits, 1.4im1.47: No. 4 whits, 1.441.7: No. 1 whits, l.llOl.llMi No. i white. l.,4U4 1 14: No. I ysllow, 4l.444HJl.17: No. I yel low, II. 64401.47: No. 4 yellow, .1.1401.17; No. I ysllow, 41.4601.44(4: No. yellow, 11. 61(401.44: No. I mixed, 41.44,401.47; No. 3 mixed, 11.44140147; No. 4 Killed, 11.4101.47: No. mixed. 41.441T1.44U : Na. 4 mlied. 41.44(401.64. Oata: No. I whits. 4l404lo standard. 61O4IH0: No. I white. 47404!o: No. 4 white, 47 0 47 (4 o. Barley: Malting. 1.144)1.30: No. 1 feed. I1.06O1.11. nye: No. I, 33.3303.111 No. 3, Loral range of optional Art. Opsn. High. Low, Close. Tes, Wht. I July t 03 t 44 101 t 4)1 10, Bsp. 1 30 1 83 141 1 10 134 Corn. July t 4444 1 Cl 1IIK 1 n 11344 8ep. 1 44 1 47(4 141 1 47(4 144(4 Dee. 1 04 1 07 106(4 1 07 1044 Oata July 41 ,1,4 31 ,144 4014 Hep. 4144 11(4 11(4 1144 il Dee. 614 61(4 134 11 HI Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bse by Logan g, Bryan, .took and grain brokers, ill Booth BlgteanUl atreet Omahat Art Opsn. High. I Low.l Close.! T- Wht. I I 1 ' July I 01 1-01 lot I Ot so, Kept 1 14 J 11 171 1 II 114 Corn. July 1 14(4 1 114 lit lit Kept 1 44(4 1 474 144(4 14444 Deo, 1 07 .1 01 101 1,7 May 1 07 1 03 1074 103 Oats. July 13 13 11(4 4 114 Kept 43 13 43 134 13 Deo. 14 45 14(4 tt 144 Pork, July It 40 I, 4 31 to K Id I, te Kept 33 3, II II II 10 II It) II 31 Lard. July II 11 11 II II 10 tl II 31 I, Sept 11 li 31 17 11 10 U 47 31 14 Rlba. July 31 II II 10 II IS II It II to Sept 11 l 11 77 31 47 11 70 81 11 New York Oensral Market, few York, Jun. 17. Flour Weaker; spring natsnts, 13.40OU.t6; winter patents. ,11.40011.141 wlntsr straignta. gii.sso 11.10; Kansas straights, lll.11011.4t. Wheat soot, easy : no. l Kara. si.,,. t o. b., to arrive. corn soot, firm: no. i yellow. ,1.11(4. e. t, f Nsw Tork. oata spot, firmer; standard, 744? T4440. Feed Kaay: weetern bran. 10t-lb. eaeka. 33.60; stsndard middlings, 131.10; olty bran, 36.00. Hops qulstl state, mediant to enotae. li. 30O3IO: nil: teioi Paclflo eoast. It!!, tone; 1IU, 70lo. Hides uuist: Bogota. 4i(toi centra! America, 414o. Provisions Pork, flrmsr: una. I41.O04T tl.BOw Lard, eaaler; middle west, I20.70O 30.30. Butter unsettled: receipts. 10,128 tubs: orsamsry, higher than extras, 3!03t4c; oreamery extras, (13 scors), 3BH9334c: creamery firsts, 17O310! Mconds, 86 40 114o. Kggs Firm; receipts. 18,711 oases: fresb gathered extras, 81 87c: frssh gathered itorage packed firsts. 84OI60: frssb, gath- sred flrels. 38 4c; seconds, 80033c. rherae Fin..: receipts. 3,141: state fresh special, 33(40234o; do. average run, 33c. poultry Live, weak: no prleea auotea: dressed, qulst; chickens, 30037c; fowls, 40364o; turkeys, 18036c. t Louts live Stock Market. Bt. Louis, lie, June 37. Cattle Receipts. ,600 held; native beet atesra, 87.i0O13.60; earllnga, 10. 004,13. 36; cows, I6.oooio.ev; lockers and feeders, 84.00 0 3. 60; Texae quarantine ateere, 35.60O1.60; prime aouth- beef steers, ls.ooepis.36; beer cowe, and heifers, 14.3603. 00; prime yearltnge. 87.80010.00: native calvee, 36 00O14-OO. Hoge Receipts, 81,000 heed; tnarKet, ion ; light, 314. 00014.36; plge, 310 Dtatt.M. mixed and butchers, 816.00O16.4li good heavy, 816.61016. 70: bulk, tl6.lO01f.IO. Sheen and Lambs Receipts. 4.000 nesd: market, stsady; dipped lambs, 813.01414.00: lipped ewes, 3, 00 010.00; sprtnaT lambe, 16.00O1100; caniiers, 36.0005.60; choppers, 00 07. '60. CUT Live Stock Market. Keneas city, June 27. Cattle Receipt. 2,000 head; market, steady; prime fed eteers, 313. 60 0 13.60:' beef steers, 89S0tr 3.50; cows, I6.50O10.75: beirers, ,8.504, 3.00; storkers and feedere, 37.50010.60; bulla, 37.0001.28; calves, 47 00 0 14.00. Hogs Receipts, 19,600 head; market steady; bulk, 814. ,00 15.40; heavy, t!6.56 6.70: packers and butchers,; light. 814.40Oli.16; pigs, 813.00014.00. Sheep and Lambe Receipts, 7,000 need: market, steady; lambs. 814.00018.00: year llnge, 111. 00O14.00; wethers, t. 00011.:; owes, 84.76010.35. Minneapolis ftraln Market. Minneapolis, June 27. Flour Unchanged. Rarley 81r081.33. Rye 83.36 0 3.24. Bran Wheat July, 83.30: September, 31.77 4. Cash: No. 1 hard, 82.60O3 46: No. 1 north ern. 33.40O2'40; No. t northern, 82.100 40. Corn No. I yellow, Oats No. 1 white, I6 0 66 0. Flaxseed li.14Q8.00. Kansa, City General Market, Kansas City. June 37 Wheat: No. I hard, I2.40O3.48: No. I red. 83.1101.22; uly, 12.04; September, 31.44. Corn No. 3 mixed, ll.470I.4744: No. I hit., 31.700 1 704; No. I yellow, 11.4140 1.41: July, 1.81; September, fl.440 .44. uaia no. i wnita. iiviimqi rto. x mixed, 46 4 0470. St. Inla Oram Market. Louis. June 17. Whestl No. 9 red. 2.45: No. I hard, 2.46 0 2.501 July, 81. ; September. 81.71. Corn No. 3. 11.7241 NO. I white, VI.7I4: September, ll.ll: December, 3Ltt(4. uats NO a, Tool no. a wntte, nominas. New Tork Dry Goods Market. New Tork. June 87c-ottoa rsrns ruled firm today. The demand tor eotton foods for export waa broad and small lot aelea were frequent. Burlap maraete were giran, Underwear line for aprlng are betng opened at price, 18 per cent and upward kit bar. X