Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1917, Page 3, Image 3

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.Men to Pass on Claims of
Drafted Men Are Announced
From Lincoln; Omaha
Districts Bounded.
(From a Staff Correspondnt.)
Lincoln, Neb., June 26. (Special
' Telegram.) Exemption - boards, for
Douglas county have been appoiuted
as follows; Oscar J. Pickard, 6002 Cen
ter, chairman; Wayland Magee, Ben
nington, clerk; Dr.-Wilson H. Reed,
Benson, physician. This board is for
Douglas county and includes Florence
and Benson.
The Omaha city board is, First dis
trict. V. G. Ure, H. F. Meyers, Dr.
C. C. Morrison.
Secpnd district: Peery Wheeler, J.
J. BrcenDr. R. E. Shindel.
liiiro district: U C. Redwood, W.
w. McLomb, ur. A. Fin to.
Fourth district: Clyde C. Sunblad.
T. E. Brady. Dr. C. W. Pollard.
Fifth district: Charles E. Foster, A,
J. Latimor, Dr. R. R. Hollister.
The boundaries of the Omaha dis
tricts follow:
First Twelfth and Fifth wartls.
Second Tenth and Fourth wards.
Third Eighth and Third wards.
Fourth First, Second and Seventh
Fifth Ninth, Eleventh and Sixth
Sixth Country outside of Omaha,
including Benson, Florence and Clon
tarf precincts. '
The personel of the board for Lan
caster county is as follows:
.Lancaster County John H. Mar
shall, Panama: H, H. Levitt, Bethany
and Dr. L. F. Ballard, havelock.
Lincoln City Frrst district, J. L,
Teeters, C. H Rudge, Dr. P. H.
Second district, Watter L. Ander
son, E. LTGuthrie, Dr. H. J. Win
rsett. For Reminder of State.
For the "feot of the stata the name
of the physician is given, who with
the county clerk and sheriff, composes
the Exemption board for that county:
Aciams a. J, Stewart. Hasting.
Antelope R. Chamberlain. N-llgli.
Arthur O. W. Brines. Arthur.
Banner J. B. Heiniz. Harriuburg.
Bluine, R. J. Williams, Brewster.
Boone H. P. Walker, Albion.
Box Butte C. E. Slagle. Alliance,
Boyd J. R. Beatty, Butte.
Brown G. O. Remy, Alnsworth.
Buffalo J. li. Bennett, Kearney.
Burt H. A. Johnson, Tekamah.
Butler C. E. Palmer. Davld City.
Cass O. H. Gilmore, Plattsmouth. ,
Cedar F. A. Padew. Hartiugton.
rhase E. M. Stewart, Imperial.
herry A. N. Compton, Valentine.
Cheyenne W. T. Ecker. Sidney.
Clay J. W. Arrherri, Clay Center.
Colfax 'J. C. Painter. Schuyler-
Cuming H. S. Summers. West Point.
Custer C. Lr Jlulltns. Broken Bow.
T)akota C. IT, Jlaxwell, Dakota City.
Dawes -G. W. Deemcr, Chadron.
Uawson Wm. Bancroft, Lexington.
Deuel M". B. Patty, Chappell.
Dodge P. E. Poqua, Benkelman.
Dixon G. A. YounrfT PoncH.
Fillmore F. L. Beck, Geneva.
Frontier E. S. Case. Curtis.
Franklin S. L. Baker, Hitdreth.
Furnas C. C. Green, Beaver City.
fJage G. L. Roe, Beatrice.
Garfield E. D. Thurston, Harwell.
Garden G. H. Morris. Oskosh, ,
Gosper G. A. Clark, Elwood.
Greeley J. L. Brannon. Greeley Center.
Grant E. E. Barr, Hyannlw. (
Hall J. H. Regan,. Grand island.
"Harlan S. M. Baker, Alma.
Hamilton J. M. Woodward, Aurora.
Hyet C. E. Mullinax, Hayes Center,
Holt J. P. Gilligan, O'Neill.
Howard F, S. Nicholson, Pt. Paul.
Hitchcock A. H. Thomas, Trenton.
Hooker J. Q. Adams, Mullen.
Jefferson J. S. Taylor. Fairbury.
v Johnson M. Stewart. Tecuinseh.
Kearney H. E. Andrews. Mindwi.
Keya Paha J. A. Furlong Springvicw.
Knox'!. Mettlin. Center.
ICeith E. P. Murdork, Ogallala
Kimball P. C. Mockelt. Kimball.
Uncoln Geo, P. Dent, North Platte,
l.o up J. F. MeNulty, Taylor.
l.oRATi E. P. Carr. Gandy. i
Madison F. A. Long, Madison.
McPrenon L. C. Rencau, Tryon.
Merrick J. H. Benton, Central Clly.
Nance r. C. Chaver," fuller ton.
Nuckolls A. N. Lemslne. Nelnon.
Morrill C. Palmer, Brhlgeport.
NVmaha B. F. I-orance, South Auburn.
An Excellent
Vacation Trip
The Northern Wisconsin and Minnesota
lakes are excellent at which to spend the summer or
the "customary two weeks"; or for week-end tripsin the
invigorating, life-giving air, restoring and restful., Splen
did fishing: freedom for the children to play; all the
beauty and pleasure of the healtivgiving Great Out
doors. Resorts, hotels, boarding houses everywhere,
charges most reasonable.
, Round trip fares from Omaha:
Akeler, Minn $26.64
Annandale, Minn. 19.94
Ashland, Wit. 25.82
Bayfield, Wis. 26.64
Beoiidji, Minn. 28.14
Birchwood, Wis 22.69
Brainerd, Minn 23.59
Cable. Wii. .
Chetek, V Is.
Doriet, Minn.
Xhiluth, Minn
3 Daily Trains to
St. Paul-Minneapolis
maie the trip to Minnesota resorts but little more than
a comfortable overnight journey. . -
Chicago & North Western Ry.
Oto C P. CruriuO, Nebraska Cy.
Pawne -J. C, Wnridel, Pawne City.
Fhflljw D. 8. Palmer. Ho Id reft.
Perk I nB F. M. Bl. Grant,
pierce U. B. DfBptrlos, PK-rcf.
Polk O. I. LcMar, Oaceola.
P.atteA. A. Bald. Platte Ontr.
Rd Willow D. J, Rld. Mct'cwk.
Bkhardaon C. U Huatd. Falti City.
Rock O. H. RSbt, Bausett.
Sarpy R. B. Armstrong, PapllHon.
Scntta Bluff LfRoy Jons, tiering.
Saline P. P. Dodson, Wilder.
Saunders J. Q. Smith. tVahoo.
Spward J, P. Artha. Seward.
Sherman J. E. Bowman, Loup City,
Stanton O. C. Hopper, Stanton.
Sheridan Z. T. Daniels. Ruxhvllle.
Sioux L. L. Cramer, Harrison.
Thayer O. R. Taylor, Hebron,
Thoniaa S. K, Overmaca, Thedford.
Thurston C. L. Davtdaon, Fender.
Valley C C. Shepard, Ord.
Wayne C. P, Ingram, Wayne.
Wheeler E. R. Keen. Bartlett.
Washington O. A. Langntaff. Blair.
Wftwter Robert Pa me re 11, Red Cloud.
York J. C. McKinley. York.
Exemption Boards Named
In Twenty-Foiir States
Washington, June Jo. Announce'
ments or local exemption boards in
twenty-four states who will select
candidates for the national army un.
der the draft law were made here to
day. The . ules governing exemptions
have not yet been issued but will be
soon, so the work of selecting the
army may be begun next week.
In a great majority of the cases the
personnel ot the boards shows, that
president Wilson followed the sug
gestions of army officeVs that city
and county officials be utilized. The
president, however, had asked the
governors of the various states to
nominate candidates for the boards
and it may be assumed that the boards
as announced have the approval not
only of ht president but of the state
Among ihe states in which the
boards are complete are Washington,
Utah, Minnesota, Nevada, Montana,
Nebraska, New Mexico, North Da
kota, Oklahoma, Colorado, South Da-
keta and Texas. n
Lutherans Celebrate -
Anniversary of Home
Fremont. Neb.. June 27. (Special
Telegram.) The -twenty-fifth anni
versary of the founding of the Lu
theran Orphans' home of Nebraska
was celebrated Sunday when 5,000
persons gathered at the home east of
Fremont. Key. A. Schlechte of Chi
cago, Rev. G, H. Becker of Seward
and Prof. Steppelworth of Winfield,
Kan., were the speakers. During the
quarter of a century since the. home
was organized 450 children have been
cared for and givn homes. Fifteen
Lutheran congregations in the east
ern part of Nebraska have member
ship m the society. Kev. M. Adams
of Omaha is president of the board
of directors, Rev. C. H. Walters of
Arlington is vice president and Rev.
F W., Daberkow of Cedar Bluffs sec
retary. Morrill County Man Gives
Mule to Red Cross Fund
Bridgeport, Neb., June 26. (Spe
cial Telegram.) The Red Cros cam
paign came to a successful close last
night with subscriptions of over
$17,000. It is estimated there will be
$1,000 added to this. The estimated
population, of Morrill county is 7,500
and. the committee feels that on this
basis the county will rank among the
record-breakers in Nebraska. Nels
Dtinlap of Redingion donated a per
fectly good mule, which was sold
for $125 and the proceeds turned into
the Ked Cross lund.
Community Church Dedicated.
Minden. Neb., Tune 26.-r-(Specia1.)
The May Presbyterian Community
church, located seven miles southeast
of Minden, was dedicated Sunday.
The church had been under con
struction for more than -a year, ma
teriaf having been delayed. Rev." Mr.
Kearns of Omaha officiated, assisted
by Key. Mr. Link of Axtcll and Rev.
N. C. Johnson of 'Kearney and the
local minister, Rev, J. W. Presslv.
The building cost $4,600. ' The church
is out of debt and has purchased a full
line of furniture and a piano. Attor
ney C. P. Andcrbery of Minden, who
was reared in the community, made
an address.
McGregor, Minn $25.94
Minneapolis, Minn,. ,, v . 16.94
Ninwa, Minni 24.44
Oukii, Minn.... 23.14
Park Rapidi, Minn. 264
Paynenille, Minn. 21 $9
Shakopee, Minn.. 16.72
Spicer, Minn..
St. Paul, Minn
St. Peter, Minn....,
Walker, Minn.
White Bear Lake. .
For farther information and cWripttVe bttra
turt oak our Omaha City offica t
1401-3 Farnam St, Omaha, Neb.
Telephone Douglas 2740
Mr. John Mellon, Gcnaral Agent, bteharfe,
Notes from Beatrice
And Gage County
. Beatrice, Neb., June 26. (Special.)
Mrs. Earl Kinney died Sunday night
at her home four miles west of Wv-
-fmore after an illness of some months
of tuberculosis, aged 30 years. She is
survived by her husband and two chil
dren, a son and daughter. r
Joseph T. Wilson died yesterday
at the old homestead in Hanover
township where he was born 5i years
ago. He w as a son of the late Joseph
and Elizabeth Wilson, who located
in Gage county in 1859. Mr. Wilson
had been an invalid for the last fifteen
years. He was never married.
Clifford Ellsworth Kechley of Odell
and Miss Elenora Oltroggc of Diller
were married yesterday afternoon by
County Judge O'Kecfc at the court
Announcement was received here
yesterday of the marriage of Miss
Martha Cathcart. formerly of this ritv.
to William Mohr of Culbertsou. Neb..
which occurred at Denver. The young
couple will make their home Culbert
son where, the groom is engaged in
the automobile business.
Two Men Given Prison
Qontonrec at Ifoarneu
vw"v,,vuM hvhiih-j
Kearney. Neb.. Time 26. (SoeciaU
I w o men were sentenced to the
state penitentiary from Kearney yes-
Mark Roubebush. charged with
bueaking the seals of four freight cars
m the Union facihe yards here, re
ceived a sentence of from one to ten
years. He plead guilty to the charge.
Cecil Toverv pleaded euiltv to
stealing a horse and buggy from
rrank Loveless and selling the outfit
at Minden. He was given a sentence
of from two to eight years. Toverv
was arrested at St. Louis, Mo., under
tne anas ot John Allen, as a murder
suspect, to make his alibi claim .good
with the Mound City police police he
was iorcea to admit guilt ot his Kear
ney crime. .
"Shut-In" Picnic Postponed
Because of Bad Weather
Because of the bad weather, the
shut-in" picnic, scheduled for this
afternoon at Hanscom park, has been
postponed. "It will be held tomor
row if the weather permits," said
Mrs. G. W. Ahlquist, in charge of
the affair, "and if not tomorrow we'll
hold it Thursday. All the arrange
ments for the picnic are complete.
Automobiles have been promised for
the transportation oK the invalids and
it is expected that 250 will attend.
More than 150 will have their "pic
nics" brought to thrni. I
A cool room smokeless, odorless, free from dirt and gslies
that s the New Perfection kitchen.
2,500,000 housewives lire now enjoying New Perfection
comforts. Why don t you ?
It costs less for fuel. It s easy to use. Ask your deal to
demonstrate a New Perfection Oil Cook Stove for you.
For ial results use Perfection Kerosene.
Standard oil company '
Prices Advance on Mdnday, July 2
Hou$e of
400 Baths
Six Alarms Are Turned In Dur
ing a Period of Twenty-Six
i Minutes While tho
Storm Rages,
Lightning was the cause of five
titts in Omaha Monday night during
electrical storm that tegan shortly
before midnight. The West Lawn
cemetery suffered the loss of one
barn and two horses and a store
house filled with material. The dam
age to the cemetery is estimated at
f.WO. l'ire departments were
able to reach the scene of this fire
on account of the poor condition of
tne lcntcr street rod and the men
were forced to walk to the fire from
some distance awav,
The street car house at Twentv-
i second and Nicholas streets was set
a lire, but the damage was only slight.
W . li. rrcston s home, J857 Charles
street, was struck bv lightning and
1 pa"wy destroyed. Ihe home ot II
. bcolenberg, MVi Ontario street
also took fire, but was extinguished
with small loss. Tlie planing mill of
the Missouri lflver lumber company.
lweaiy-mntH and 5amcr streets, was
also burned, and the dniage was esti
mated at from $1,500 tj $2.0W).
Between 12:23 and 12:49 there were
six alarms turned in.
On the South Side the shed in the
j-ear at 2406 F street was set ahre.
but presumably not by lightning. The
damage was slight.
Rain Extends Only 10C
Miles Back from Omaha
According to the reports to the
railroads, while the rain of Monday
light was heavy up and down the
Missouri river for a distance of 100
miles, it did not extend back into the
country a distance df. more than fifty
miles on cither side.
In Nebraska, west of Lincoln and
FremontS. there was light rain and
scattered showefS. Along the .Mis
souri river valley the urecinitation.
according to the railroad report, was
irom one to two inches, tne heaviest
being in the vicinity of Nebraska
In the vicnity of South Bend there
was a washout on Ihe Burlington, but
not serious enough to interefere with
traffic to any great extent.
Over a large stretch of country up
the Elkhorn river valley the rain was
heavy, softening the grade of the
Northwestern and delaying the trains.
Broadway, 32d St., New York
One Block from Pennsylvania Station
Equally Convenient for
Amusements, Shopping or Business
157 pleasant rooms, with private bath
$2.50 PER DAY
257 excellent rooms with private bath,
facing1 street, southern exposure,
$3.00 PER DAY
Also Attractive Rooms from $1.50.
The Restaurant Prices Are Most Moderate.
Shenandoah, la., June 26. (Spe
cial.) Motoring to Nebraska City,
Neb., in a roadster when they were
supposed to have driven to Red Oak
on Military day andhear Governor
W. L. Harding speak, Eton Dealer,
a bugler and sergeant in Company
E, was married to Mis9 Lois Whislcr
by Rev. Arthur E.. Perry at the Pres
byterian manse at 10 o'clock Friday
morning. Mrs. Earl Starr, wife of a
member of the Sentinel Post, for
which paper Mr. Dealer is linotype
operator, witnessed the ceremony.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and
Black and White Lisle Stockings good quality, at, a
The Prettiest Parasols, $1.98 to $25.00
There is a iUversity of color and design, broad enough to suit eVery taste.
And, truly, we are showing a very fascinating lot of these dainty Paraaols. The
prices are very, very reasonable. - '
Main Floor Front
Women's Pumps and Oxfords
$1.98 to $3.50 a Pair
Excellent Footwear for the Fourth
Also Mary Jane Pumps for
" w w-nmmw oopwwwa ikii aaeiaa a.. . aa .. - - , , -, , a-, mTin rtnrirU1J1JUI,
' " ' r "-r ,
Mrs. William E. Whisfer, prominently
known in Fremont county. The
gr6om is the son of Mr. and Mrs,,
H. E. Dealer. His father is a for
mer postmaster and president of the
Commercial club.
Eptforth Convention at Crete.
Crete, Neb.. June 2(. (Special.)
The Fairbury District Epworth league
convention will he held here Wednes
day and Thursday of this week. Ar
rangements have been made for Dr.
McCaskell, pastor of pie Methodist
church at University IMace, to speak
on Wednesday. Bishop Homer I
Stuntz will, address the Thursday
evening meeting. '
Bee Wants-Ads Produce Results.
tadeis Stores!
New Bathing Suits
Smartest Styles for 1917
Satins, Taffetas and Mohitirs, in bodice and skirt .
models, in plaids and stripes as well as plain colors.
Knitted one-piece Suits, at all prices. Smart and
clever styles, showing combinations of colors.
Silk Suits, aife. . .' $7.50, $12.50, $15.00 to $25.00
Knituits, are $2.98, $3.98, $5.00 up to $10.00
Capi, Bathing Bags, Shoes and Jersey Tights, All
Here in Most Complete Assortment.
Sacond Floor
Stockings for
1,000 Pairs of Patent Colt, Gun
Calf and White Canvas Pumps arid Ox
fords, hand-turned and light welted
soles. Sizes Irom V- to 8 ; ,widths; A
to E.
growing girls; ankle strap, in patent, dull and white canvas
for the
Is essential for health, and hap
piness. Steep, some of these torrid, sultry
nights, is almost impossible without the
cool breeze of an
Electric Fan
. - i
It is just .as necessary that
grown-ups should, rest well, too. You
vneed every ounce of strength you can
store up to carry you through, the day.
The Electric Fan is yours for
comfort and health.The cost is slight.
Get Your Fan, Today. Enjoy It All Summer Long.
Nebraska Power Co.
Your Eleetric Service Co.
The Home of the North Wind
Minnesota's climate averegen ten
degrees cooler than Nebraska in mid
summer. 10,000 lakes, great forests,
good hotels and boarding houses, and
the finest fishing in America. Easily
and economically reached and most
enjoyed. Ask P. F. Bonordern. C. P.
& T. A., 1522 Farnam Street, Omaha,
for free folders and full information..
Do You Vve In Me?
Kanager Strand y
Electric Fant
$6.95 to
Metal Calf, Vici, Russia
600 Rooms