THE BEE: OMAflA, WEDNESDAY, JUKE 27, 1917. MRS. JOSLYN TELLS TAX BOOST UNFAIR Omaha's Bichest Woman Pro . tnata tit donntr Assessor's yaluation Increase From $562,715 to $4,552,542. . Mm. Srih H. Joslyn, "Omaha's richtst woman," through her attorney, Arthur Mullen, Monday night pro tested before the County Board of Equalization the "star" tax boot made by County Assessor Fitzgerald. The valuation of property owned by the widow of the late George A. Joslyn, multimillionaire, whose estate, the largest ever probated in Nebraska, consisted mostly of corporation stock, was raised by the county asses sor from $562,715 to $4,552,542. The equalization board took the case under advisement after Mrs. Jos lyn'a attorney had made a lengthy protest . , j Attorney Mullen cited figures show ing the total amount of corporation stock returned in Douglas county for the 1917 assessment waa $783,780, of which Mrs. Joslyn returned $308,400. He said it is a matter of common knowledge on the part of assessors and boards of equalization that own ers of stock in foreign and domestic corporations have not been assessed and that it is the policy not to assess them. Violation of Duty. .... j i - . t--r .1.. 11 would ue vioiauuu ui ut duty of the board of equalization to permit Mrs. Joslyn's increase to stand." he declared. -Figures Were read before the board by Attorney Mullen showing the amount of corporation stock returned by individuals in other counties. Lancaster county, of which Lincoln is the thief city, shows only $4,000 in corporation stock returned by in dividuals, according to Mrs. Joslyn s attorney. He aaid it ia common knowledge there are many rich people in the capital city who are large hold rt nf atntk in coroorations. No Return In Many Counties. . Nineteen hundred dollars in cor poration stock .Attorney Mullen nninti-H out. was returned in Dodge county and $15 worth in Kearney county He cited scores of counties where no corporation .stock was re turned Th hmrii wis asked to acceDt Mrs. Joslyn's return and reject County As sessor fitzgeraia s raise pecausc, ni tnrnev Mullen said, the county as. muir'i boost "overvalues the per sonal property, was discrimination, was an arbitrary assessment and was in violation of the rule of equality and uniformity." , Xfrs. Joslyn's attorney told the board she was not trying to shirk pay- int her iust share of taxes, but that she felt she had made a fair and im partial return. More Reductions Voted. Reductions totaling hundreds of thousands of dollars were voted by th hoard Tuesday momma over vio lent objections of County Assessor Fitzgerald. '. , Hreb & Runvan Furniture conv pany, raised from $150,000 to $350,000, reduced to the sum returned and mmnlimented br members . of ' the equalization board on the fairness . of it. . The county assessor voted no on .'roll call to reduce the raise. The session was marked by fre fluent tilts between the county asses sor ana otlier memDers oi me Doara. Fitzgerald's protestitions were voted down in oractlcally every instance. Some representative reductions oted in the last twenty-four hours are as follows: , Slira Wlll.rd, ISIS ChloM strMtt M- mi, from ll.ssi M . . A. F. Smith rompany, wholesal. J.W.I ra. from Sloe.000 la l3t,ooe. Unci. Ram Braakfaat f Mmpny, trm lat.OOS la II1.I0S. Burtlok-P.rk.r Laalkjr company, :s,oos to 111, TO. . Rama hatal, from 1:1.101 to 1:1,009. Millard hotal. from I3I.O0S to 11.000. J. H. U1ILM. M0 loiitH Tblrty-lllhlh from 111,000 IS S)S,I00: . Barbar pantal Supply oompany, fram tia.oaa ia Sio.soo. ('ntral Uachlna works, tram Sl.m ta 1100. Updike Lumbar 4 Call company, from liio.oos ta tio.ioo. Ulaaourl V.ILjr Dlavator company, tram 110,00 to II, Ht. Updlka IllUlat oompany. from :,I0 ta II no. i I'pdlka Orals company, from (10,(00 ta si.ioa. Kdwari Updlka. paraonal. from 90,000 ta tl.OO. naoraa W tlodlka. from SI. .000 ta 11.100. Omaha' Oanaral Iroa Works, from 110,700 ia 10,000. Dr. u O. Iwartalaiidor, parsanal, from 1300 la Siso. Mra. Anna MlatM, B.MOft, pirtonil, from 2,J0 to Sl.Ml. Central Tal cempanr, from 10,000 ' Thomas Cuaaott oompaay, from 111.000 ta 110,000. . Dr. B. if. Barnas. from I3I.O0S ta I1S.0OO. . Narria Brown, 4114 Davanport alraat, par aonal. fram S2.IO0 ta 0100. rrank w. Tatra, Woodman of tha World auUdlna, paraonal, from 1300 to ioo. Hynra Blavatar oompany, from 110.000 ta ! OO "BILLY" SUNDAY, ALMOST STAYS HEEEF0R A DAY rUao4 Pro at Paa Oaa.l menced throwing the family baggage to the platform, his idea being that he would wait over in Omaha a day. see the boys and continue the jour ney to his Hood river ranch tomor row. The baggage having been from Pav of Soldiers Six Times That of Men of Revolution Chicago. Tune 26. An interesting comparison between the pay received hv men who served under George Washington and that which will be paid American soldiers wno go to France in Pershing's war army was arm todav in a recruiting argument which rtlaced a poster of revolutionary days aide by side with one appealing lor men now. The men who won freedom for the United States received $60 a year, "the whole of which the soldier may lay up for himself and friends" accord ing to the poster, which points out that ample rations were allowed tne army and an annual and fully suffici ent supply of good and handsome elnathintr. "The man who enlists during re cruiting week will receive not merely fond and clothing, but at least $30 a ' month, with an automatic increase of 20 per cent when oraerea to foreign service. It he quannes as nrst Class private he will receive $33 a month and men with trades do even better. Cooke especially are wanted at $38 a month. It is estimated that one dollar in the army is equal to three in civil life, because the soldier's housing. food, clothing, transportation and medical attention are furnished by ' the government. , Army recruiting officers are pointing out that chances of promotion now are better than every before. r Cutis, RluAMa InArn Uifa 4CCra Lmuiuc iuui sine : . Who Still Lives In Italy Tony Piccalo, suing Lucia G. Pic llo for divorce in district court, says his wife ia in Italy with their aix chil dren and refuses to come to this coun try and live with him. They were tnarriH at Sarafosa. Italy, February; 1 ' AUSTRIANS POUND AT ITALIAN LINES Central Troops Making Desper ate Efforts to Recapture the Trenches Taken by Vic tor Emanuel's Men. ited on the platform, "Billy" Sunday resumed his visit with the Omaha people who had gathered at the de pot to welcome mm ana ina oun day. There to meet him were Rev. ltua Lowe. A. A. Lamareaux, jamca Allan, F. D. Wead, Dr. Callfas. ti mer E. Thomas and scores of others who were closely associated with him he conduct of the Sunday cam paign in Otnaha. The greetings were not all for Billv." Ma Sunday came in for her ahare and there were twenty or mora of the Omaha women on hand. They and the men were glad that Billy and Ma naa conciuaea to stay over a day and plans tor tneir entertainment were immediately set on foot. The Sundays were to be the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Callfas and at their home a reception was to be held this afternoon and tonight. Plana Quickly Changed. These clans were suddenly disar ranged when down the platform came Billy, jr., and mil, running, iney were embraced and kissed oy tneir father and mother and then came the order to get the baggage back into the car. The baiiase stowed away for the continuation of the trip, the Sundays resumed their visiting, ihey talked bout the Omaha meeting and the Work accomplished, "Billy" remark ing: "I don't want to take the credit, but rin vnu know that I believe the Omaha meetings and the trip out into tne state nan a gooa aeai to do wun Nebraska going dry. Ana ao you know, the saloon is a dead one and you will never see one of them in Omaha again." May Co to Trenches. Sunday immediately jumped to the war with the remark: "Though I am a little old to stand the hard work I may go to the trenches. If the time comes when they need men of my age, I'll be there. They wanted me to go to the trenches and talk to the boys, but talk is not what the boya need most. They want munitions, plenty of good food and. they are going to get them all now that the United States has taken a hand in the game. There is no question about tne out come. The Lord is on tne side oi tne allies. They are fighting for the right, for humanity, liberty for the world and the end of monarchial forms of ffnwpnnifnl." "Billy Sunday is in tne pin oi condition. On his western trip tie weara the familiar little gray cap and the gray suit, a silk shirt and vest- less. He says the New York meeting waa the greatest success of his lite. This summer he will remain on hia ranch and will dig in the ground, rais. tng vegetables and some grain, in tne fall he will ooen a camoaign and upon its conclusion go to Atlanta for aix weeks," storming the citadels of ain in Chicago next May. Mrs. Sunday Looks Well. Mrs. Sunday has entirely recovered from the effects of the operation re cently performed and ane says, ' t m readv for a hard aummer's work on the farm." Out there ahe says she is oing to look after the canning and rving of the fruit, the making of the butter and the thousand and one other things that go along with farm work. The Sundays left New York a week ago last luesday ana went to tneir home in Winona Lake, where they re mained until yesterday. The two boys left home J liursday and came through by automobile. Here faul concluded that he had had enough overland traveling and joining his psrents, con tinued the trip by rail. "Billy," jr., will drive the automobile through to the Hood River ranch, expecting to mane an average ot lou mnca a uay. City to Protect Jobs Of Those Going to War The city council adopted a resolu tion, agreeing to hold positions tor all city employes who enter military service. Rome, June 26. Austrian troops depos-1 are making desperate efforts to re capture the positions recently taken by the Italians in the sector of Monte Ortigara, in the Trentino. The war oCcq announced today that the Aus trian:, notwithstanding heavy losses, have continued since last night their violent attacks, which were being met by Italian counter attacks. First Line Trenches Taken. Paris, June 26. The French made a surprise attack north of Hurtebise last night, after brief artillery prepara tion. The war office announces the capture of the entire first line German trenches, which were held against des perate counter attacks. More than 300 prisoners were taken. Canadians Occupy La Coullotte. Canadian Army Headquarters In France, June 26. Canadian troops entered the village of La Coullotte this morning. The Germans have withdrawn in this neighborhood from line about one and three-quarters miles long. i he German retirement ceased during the night. Patrols sent out opposite Mericourt and to the south found the enemy's front line strongly held, ihe Uermans have made huge craters in all crossroads in Avion and leading toward Lena. These craters did not exist forty-eight hours ago. French Troopa Repulsed. Berlin. June 26. (Via London.) J he trench troops which penetrated the German lines northwest of Hurtebise, on the Aisne front, were subjected to a counter attack and ejected from the greater part of the ositions they Had occupied, army eadquarters announced today. Britons Closing on Lens. British Headauarters in France. June 26. The British are closing in about Lens. Alter the capture on Sunday of Fosse 3 and enemy trenches west Irom the hill and trom the lines immediately south of the Souchez river several new positions have been occupied in this region nearer Lens. Patrols are advancing across the plains in an easterly direc tion. Thus the great mining center is being slowly encircled. Arthur Brisbane Buys The Washington Times Washington, June 26. Arthur Bris. bone, the New York editor, has bought Frank A. Munsey's Washing ton limes. Wilton I. Lambert, at torney for the Times, said today that Mr. Brisbane had bought the paper individually; that the price would not be divulged, and that the purchase did not include the Munsey Trust company or the Washington Times building. The i imes is. an evening paper. Shriners Dispense With . Pomp Because of War, . Minneapolis, Minn., June 26. With the usual ponip and ceremony absent because of the war, trie annual meet ing of the Imperial council. Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, opened today with nearly 1,000 delegates from all sections of the country present. The council will elect Charles E. Oven shire of Minneapolis imperial poten tate to succeed Mr. Niedringhaus and will adjourn Wednesday night. Slayeiof Balcombe Is Placed on Trial At Liberty, Mo. liberty, Mo., June 26. (Special Telegram.) Bee B. Smith, 25 years of age, ot bxceisior springs, was placed on trial here this morning for the alleged murder of Urban B. Bal combe of Omaha, who was shot to death in the lobby of the Auditorium Amusement building in Excelsior Springs on the afternoon of March 7, when throngs of people were going in and out of the building. Prosecuting Attorney t. G. Sim- rall will attempt to show that Bal combe walked into the building, that Smith, who is the owner of a popcorn stand there, yelled, "Get out of here," and then shot twice and that there had not been previous trouble of a serious enough nature to have caused the shooting. ' The defense will probably try to establish the fact that the two men had serious trouble before and that Balcombe made a move as if to draw a gun when he walked into the build ing. Dr. Burt Maltbv. county coroner; Herbert Hope, undertaker, and Do Ion Leabo, who saw the shooting, testified this morning for the state. Leabo said he heard Smith yell, "Get out of here." Smith shot twice and Balcombe fell. When Leabo looked at the man lying on the floor he no ticed he held a cigar in his right hand. Herbert nope, the undertaker, also stated he saw the cigar in his right hand. Charles Battel), an attorney of Omaha, is assisting the state. Mine-Sweeping Devices Are Attached to Ships An Atlantic Port. June 26. A mine- sweeping device, calculated to pick up and aafely bring to the surface any minea that may be in the path of vessels, is now being attached to a number of ships proceeding through the waters of the war zone. One of these devices was observed on a passenger liner whicn arrived here today. It is attached to the bows and when let down a netted projection extends a dozen or more feet on either side of the shio. If a mine is en countered it is picked up and brought to the surface at a sate distance trom the vessel. s The ship to which the device was attached ia on its first trip here since April, - hen it was compelled to seek a dry dock in a British port on ac count of damage from a mine. The explosion, officers said, tore a big hole in its bottom and killed one member of the crew. Water tight compartments held and the ship- was able to make port without assistance. Leaves Beer and Wine Issue To Judgment of the President Washington, June 26. Absolute prohibtion of the manufacture of distilled spirits during the war and placing in the president's hand the question of permitting the making of beer and wine was agreed upon bya senate agriculture subcommittee late today in fruming a substitute for the prohibition feature of the house food control bill. ' " ROOT SPEAKS SIX ' TIMESATMOSCOW Head of United States Commis sion Addresses Organiza tions Representing All Phases of Activity. Moscow, Saturday, June 23. (De layed in Transmission.) In the first twenty-four hours of his stay in Mos cow Elihu Root, head of the Ameri can mission, addressed six important organizations, representing every kind of industrial activity and every shade of political belief. In each instance he was received with liveliest inter est and enthusiasm, not only by rep resentatives of the government, but by the workmen's and soldiers' del egates, who listened eagerly to Mr. Root's account of the way in which America is mobilizing all its resources in the struggle to preserve democ racy, i In a speech before the military and industrial committeee today Mr. Root said: "I do not think we fully appre ciated the difficulties under which you have labored. A study of condi tions since our arrival reveals those difficulties as far greater than we sup posed. That increases our admiration for the courage, persistency and pub lic spirit with which you have car ried on your great work in the last two years. "I observe with some distress that there are influences operating in an attempt to hinder your future efforts. Of course, if the revolution ' were now to proceed to the destruction of all industrial enterprises that must end your work and there are plainly some malign influences which desire to accomplish that result. I have, however, the greatest confidence in the sincerity of purpose and the strong determination of the provi sional government at Petrograd to combat and counteract those influ ences and to maintain the industrial system of the country. "It is indicated so plainly by con- 1 . YYVyT A J ' TEETH 'without vUTCs DR. McKENNEY Says: "Toothache ia solemn warn ii that you are neglecting your teeth." Haniwt Bridn Bu Silvar Fill Work, pr tooth, 1 togs But 22-k Cold $4.00 WonUr Pl.tto worth 1S to 25, i, 58, 510 $4.00 bImm you er nfiind your svoacy McKENNEY DENTISTS Utb and Frnm 1524 Faraw) Si. FOOM IMUtlaa , ditions that the way to maintain in dustrial efficiency and continue the work of your committee is to stand by and support the authority of the provisional government that I cannot doubt such support will be given freely and continuously.'' Russian Mission Visits Senate. Washington, June 26. The Russian mission was received today in the sen ate, where the ambassador, Boris A. Bakhmetieff, made his address, which waa greeted with a demonstration equaling that in the house recently when the mission appeared there. Mr. Bahhmetiett spoke generally, as he did in the house, pledging Russia's unfaltering adherence to the cause of the great alliance against German autocracy and rejecting without qual ification a separate peac. ore Gold Comes to Morgan Bank From Canada New York, June 26. Gold amount ing to $9,700,000 has been received from Canada by the J. P. Morgan account, making the imports in the present movement $97,231,000 and total imports of the metal from all sources since the first of the year $492,231,000 ' Bee Wants-Ads Produce Results. X THOMPSON BELDEN 6, CO ! VftpVashionCpntprbrftpmpn 1 Among the SUMMER WASH COTTONS Recent arrivals in printed and embroidered voiles answering the warm weather call for sheer fabrics at popular prices. Imported English Voiles, usu ally 75c, priced Wednesday at 59c a yard Colors: rose, nile, pink, maize, magenta, coral, light gray, navy, lavender and black. You'll be pleated with our dis play of wash skirtings They are away from the extreme sport style instead are rich conservative stripes, plaids and woven effects all in qualities that launder perfectly, 60c, 75c and $1.00 a yard. Opposite the Silks. La Grecque Corsets There is a close, "unwrin kled fit to a La Grecque corset and an uplifting support that makes La Grecque the choice of fashionable women. All New Styles Are Now Shown Our experienced fitters will give you the benefit of their experience in making your selection. Prices $1.50 to $15.00. Third Floor. StoreCIoses5P.M. White Embroidered Lace Voiles For summer frocks and blouses lace voiles are favored this season. These are embroidered in small, neat designs and have a fine soft finish, a lacy effect. 40 inches wide, 59c a yard. Linen Section. New filet and Val Laces A fresh assortment of narrow filet laces, 10c a yard. Wide and narrow vals, 5c a yard. Also new Venise laces in all widths. To Makt Hair Wavy . and Curly in On Night Somtont ht mad th dtaeovtrr tlttt almelv aDDtoltiar liaufd iilmcrin with clean tooth bruih will actually naVo atraifht hair beautifully curl ovar night) Tha liquid, which U. of court, parfactlr hannltsa. hat tha peculiar property of drying In pretty wavei, create and rincltta. It alto aarvee at a tpltndld drettin. keepinc tha hair da- licbuauy toft and floaty. A few ouneea of Ilaatd tllmtrlnt. obtain- able tt anv drut ttora. will keen tha hair curly for wtekt. It la neither atlcky nor arreaay, bat qtm pleeiant to uae. It pro duces a eurllntai which la tha nearest thing to "Natura l Own. Advertisement. v j i - ; tO-Day V I Dally RNft4 Trip Tick t V OwintthaSunnor TO Gape May and othwr Seashore Resorts and to Variable Route Tickets ToNewYorkandBoston Direct through Philadelphia or via Washington 1 All Rail or Rail and Steamer Go one route Return another UkMl Stopovmm-Umg Rotmrm UmH ft awtkitUn cwiult LmI Tkkt Aaaats ar 4dnu W. H. ROWLAND, TrmHar Puaoisw Ataat, 1M Cltr N.UmuI Ink BuUdJaf, Onha, Nrik FoodPk NON-INTOXICATING a wholesome cereal beverage a natural acces sory to the hitman diet. Beneficial to every member of the family from baby to grandfather. An enjoyable and appetizing drink, equally pleas ing to the eye and the palate. It should be served with .every meal because it aids digestion and builds up the system from head to foot. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Try a cold bottle of "PEP " and you will say it is the finest non-intoxicating beverage you ever tasted.1 It does not matter how many others you have tried, it is dollars to doughnuts none of them compare with "PEP".' It hits the spot that others do not reach. ST. LOUIS BEVERAGE COMPANY 2803 to 2853 Sooth Broadway, St Loan, Mo. Order from your deakr, or at groceries, drag glares, soda foantcdns, restaurants, etc. Grocers Specialties Company 13th mni Caw Sis. Omaha. Nebraska Bradley-Hughey Company Nebraska City, Nebraska I (ACTUAL SIZI)