Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1917, Page 12, Image 12

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Wheat Market Irregular, With
Early Sales at a Decline
and Later Disposals at
Steady Prices.
Omaha, Jun 39, HIT.
The 1wa1 cah wheat market was rathr
inlet-today, with the uaual TUMdy untxt
run of offerings, but sellers reported an Im
prove Inquiry for the batter grades of this
cereal and moat or tha orrenngg were on
pn4 of before the close of th raah eeBBton.
Tha tone of tha market wan, however, very
lnulir, th early miles bring marie at a
:c dec, in, white iiom of the lifler wales
were made at prices ruling from ateady to
zc nijner,
The demand wan confined mainly to the
better grade of hard winter and Ne. t hard
brought from 12.40 to f: 44. while No. 3
hard ranged from $2.37 to 1: 42 and the No,
4 hard aold aa low aa $2.36. Spring and
durum wheat continued to sell aevaral rents
under (ho hard winter price, No. I aprtng
(telling at 92.1b. while No. 1 durum brought
SI. 76 and mixed wheat ranged Id prlct from
11.71 to II 77.
Tha usual strong demand for cash corn
waa net ao much In evidence today, hut
there waa a itrong enough Inquiry to take,
cure of the receipt, whlrh were rather
light, tho total arrivals being fifty-nine cam.
Tha market continued, however, to rule
at higher levels', today's offerings aelllng
all th way from 4 to So higher, with
the bulk bringing He advance.
Hoet of tha No. t and 8 grades sold
around $t.H, but aoma of the choicer atuff
aold at 11.66 and one car of No. 3 mixed,
which waa aold on shipper's weights, brought
The oats demand waa not overactive, but
waa easily strong enough to take care of
ih light receipts, at prices ruling from
4e to la higher.
Rye continued strong and there waa an
active Inquiry for all grades of thta cereal.
The barley market whs without any par
ticular feature, but tha dullness of thli
market waa due largely to the light re
ceipts, aa tha demand waa fairly active and
prices were quoted ateady.
Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal
lo 681. 000 buihels; oats, IIS.UOA bushele.
Primary wheat receipts were 3UO.(ifl0
huwhels, and shipments 324,00(1
against receipts of 74fl,0Au buithelt,. and
shipments of 707.000 bushele Ittxt year.
Primary corn receipts were 73.000 bush
els. and shipments 352. 00 buahela against
receipts of CVt.Ooo bushels, and shipments
of 373,000 bushels last year.
Primary oats receipts vera HI .000 bush
els, and shipments ftMMOOt bushels against
receipts of 137,000 bushels, and shipments
of 124,000 bushels last year.
;- Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago Is 241 29?
Minneapolis .... .121 ,
Uulvth I
Omaha. I 69 14
Kansas City , ...
Ht. Louis 31 tH 33
Winnipeg 196
These sales were reported today.
Wheat No 3 hard winter: 1 car, $2.44;
1 car, $2.43; 1-B car, $2.M, No. I hard
winter: 1 car, $2.43; 1 car, $3.38; 1 car,
12.374a; 1 car, $2.37. No. 4 hard winter;
3 cars, $2.36. No. $ spring: 1 car, $2.15;
1 car, la. 10 No, 3 durum; 1-8 car: $1.16.
NC 9 miied; 2-1 car, $1.77. No. 4 mixed;
1-6 car, $1.7$.
Rye No. : 1 oar. $?.30. No. 4: 30 sacks,
12.35. Sample: 1 car, $3.36. I
Corn No. t white: 6 cars, $l!C4- No.
t whits: 1 car, MV,. No. white: t
r, No. S yellow: a cars. $16. ;
No, 1 yellow: 3 cam, fl-HI1. No. t mixed:
1 car, $1.: 11 4-6 cart, !.. No, B
- mixed: I car (shipper's weights) $1.47; 1
1 car, l.l6i. ' No. 4 mixed: 3 eara,
11.66. No. 6 mixed: 1 car. $1.H. No.
4 mixed: 3-6 car, fl.66. Bam pie mixed:
1 car. ).6.
Oats Standard: 1 car, 7e. No. 3 white:
5 cars, 7ci I can, 6ti: S cars, ffi'Ao.
No. 4 white) 1 rsr, Uo 1 car, 80.
Sample white: 1 car, Uc,
Omaha Cash Prices Wheat i IVo.-I hard,
I2.394i3.44: No, 9 hard, 92.3S69.43. torn:
No. 3 white, l4l.6; No. 3 white,
t.M4(M.Mt; No. 4 white, II.Sti&MHi;
So. 6 white, $1.46 01.64 It! No.. 4 white,
$1.6i40t.6; No. 3 yellow. l .flfc 14 1. fid ;
No. 9 yellow, $1.64 01.44 H : No. 4 yellow,
ll.86ei.SI4; No. I yellow, $t.6 M tj 1.86 ;
No. 4 yellow, 914601.41; No. 2 mixed.
91.4601.66: No. 9 mlxod. 11.68 fee
1.4SS; No. 4 mixed, $1.44V1.44HT No. '&
mixed, $1. 46t01. 46H: No. 4 mixed, $1.45
01.64. Oats: No. 9 white, 4787c; stand
ard, MQlr; No. I white, 6s to 917c; No.
' 4 white, 640440. Barley: Malting, 11.20
01.36; No. 1 feed, Rye; No. 3.'
9J.2902.31: No. $. $2.3801.30.
Local range of options;
Art. Open. J High. 1 Low? Cloac. V Yes
WhtT j
July t 49 t 09 309 01 30
Hep. 1 31 1 94 194 1 $4 184
July 1 1 1 69 19, 1 I9 16944
Hep. 1 47 1 47'146 1 46 1474
Dec. 1 08 1 08 106 1 06 109
July ' 40 40ts 0ft 40 40
eP. 41 61 M 61 i2
Due. S3 42 62 43 62
Chicago closing prices, furnished Th Be
by Logan 4 Bryan, stock and grain brokers.
1K South Sixteen street. Omaha!
Art. Open. High. Low. Close. Tea.
Tvht T I
July III I 14 20ft 01 210
Sept I $4 I $1 184 1 94 186
Corn. ,
July 1 IT 1 67 184 1 68 int
Sept 14$ 1 49 146 1 4,JW
iJec, 1 10 1 10 104 1 97 110
May 1 10 1 10 107 1 08 111
July . (2 48 43 43 43
Bepi 68 68 63 63 69
IMC i 44 44 14 64 64
July 39 00 99 00 39 00 3 00 39 76
Sent 39 60 99 60 39 00 39 10 39 96
July 21 40 31 40 21 10 It 10 21 60
Kept 31 JO 91 70 21 10 II 86 91 76
July 11 70 tl 40 21 40 Jl 40 3 It
Bept 81 90 21 80 21 66 II 66 21 10
k MUuMwpelt Grain Market.
Minneapolis, Jun 24. Wheat July, $2.83;
September, $1.80. Cash: No. 1 hard, $3,630
3. Mi; No. 1 northern, I2.43&.4...3; No, 3
northern. $3.1303.43.
Corn No, 1 yellow, $1.11491 .84
Oata No, I white, 640460.
Flaxseed $1.0103. 07.
Flour Unchanged,
Barley O3c0$1.37. 1
Ry$3.:O3,30, ''
- Bran $27. Ml $ St.. 60.
Packers Pay Steady Prices for
Choice Cattle; , General
Bun of Stock is Some '
Lower. 1 v
Omaha, June 26, 1917.
Receipts were; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep,
Official Monday 4 640 7.311 ,,247
Estimate Tueoday .... 4.100 13,200 4,300
Two'day thli week. 11. 440 6,547
Same days last week. .11,194 14.2M 7.029
Mame days 3 wks. agn.U.445 12.271 8.20
Same daya.S wks. ago.l f.7.12 16. "12 11,231
Heme dya 4 wks. Hgu.HMZ lri,2fir
Heme daa last year.., 7,2aa 18,721 23,486
Recetpis and dlsnnnltinn of live ttwk at
the lnlfn ato-k yards, tfmnha, for twenty
four hours ending at ll o'clock yesterday;
R Bl ;K 1 VTA -t'A HhOA fH.
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's
C. M. A Bt. P.... 3 4
Wabash 10 1 .,
Missouri pH'tfic .. n 7
Union Pacific 4 47 7 2
CAN. W., eaat.. H 4 1
C. & N. W., west.. 30 67 2
St, P., M. ft .. 11 '.'I 1
C, U, A VI.. west.. :'.9 2 2
0., R. T. A P., cant 14 7
C, H. t. A P., west 3 2 I . .
Illinois Central 2 1
Chi. Great West.. 6 1
Total receipts ..23ft 1N7 17 3
Cattle. ll.g".
Morris ft Co 617 KM
Bwift & Co .....1,2.'( S.84H
Curia hy Packing Co.. 76:1 U.tZH
Armour A Co 1,637 3,4;t5
Hchwarts A Co 190
W. Murphy '1.928
Llnroln I'kg Co 1
a, o. Pkg. Co ji
Wilson Pkg, Co 194
Cudahy, K, .
Armour. K. L
U. Lewis
J. B. Root A Co
Rosenstock Bros. . . ,
Werthelmer A Iegon
Hull I van Bros
Biggins ,
Hufftnun ,..
Roth ,
M flyer .,
Banner Bros
Jnhn Harvey
Dennia ft Francis
Jensen ft Lungren.
Pat O'Day .,
Other buyers
Total j 6,641 12, HIU y 3,424
Cattle There waa a moderaie run of cat
tle today, about 4,800 head, and quality waa
much the aa,me a on yestorday, if anything
naroiy aa gooa. rne two flays' supply has
been practically the aam aa a week ago.
-rno marKei presented no new features.
Both packers and shippers were after the
good to choice cattle or all weights and
paid right around steady prices for them,
but' were Indifferent and bearish on the
general run of short'' and warmed-uo
steers, bids and aatea being around 10c
lower than Monday, or 10 10c lower than
the close of last week.
Cow atuff also showed more or less de
cline, aa packers ar getting liberal sup-
piles of southern grass steers, which In a
large measure displace the native butcher
na canner stock, veal calves ware steady.
but bulls, stags, tc wtire slow sellers at
Unevenly lower figures.
In stoekers and feeders there were not
vary many on sale, and the market showed
a little more life than yesterday, although
prices were generally In bout tha same,
notrhes, The couutry show a. disposition
to hold back on buying Blockers and feeders
at this time, and there Is a very little da
man d. although prices ar quotably 60076c
lower than a week. ago.
Quotation on Cattle: Good to choice
beeves, 9l8.nooi3.8ft; fnlr to good beeves,
beeves, 913.000 is.Te; lair to good beeves,
$13.00012. 7ft; common to fair beeves, ltO.60
011.76; good to choice ynarllngs, I12.&O0
13.36; fair to good yearlings, $U.76ftl2.2.;
common to fair yearlings, 9.16wil,6o:
good to choice heifers, $ii.26OU.60: good
to choice tows, 90.76010.76; fair to good
IH.60O9.60: common to. fair cows.
9H.00O8.00; prim feeding steers, 110.000
II. 00; good to choice feeders, $9,000
10.00; fair to good feeders, $4.0000.00; com
mon to fair feeders. 17.00448.00: arood to
choice st ncksrs, I9.&0O10.&0; stuck heifers,
stock calves, 9,&OOH.OO; vnal CHlvea,- 10,00
fjHf.50; bulls, atage. etc., li.OU&10.&0.
ILepresenmtlve sales:
No. Av. Pr. No. Av.' Pr.
420 $6 BS 8 620 $1 00
10. ....... 4H0 7 86
.1003 II 60
19 1043 13 2 J
2T.,,,, 13 76
30 1164 12 90
16 1446 II 00
6 860 10 00
4 1016 11 40
42 1048 13 60
28, 1814 13 9ft
19 18M9 19 00
1 1311 11 96
Hogs Parkers had everything Hti thflr
favor thla morning, atd thoy pounded hog
values pretty severely, Th shipping de
mand was moderatn while rucoipt were
largo and with a lower tendency to values
at all potnia a break hero was assured right
from th outset, .
fthlpper paid ateady prices for a few
loads right at th outset, but when pach-
r mad their early bids 1 0 O I &o lower
order buyers finished filling out their
droves at prlcea that were nearly 10c lower.
The killer trad was on th other hand,
never less than 10o lower and got worse
before th close. With such big receipts
buyers were bale to discriminate against
the lees deniable grades, such as under
weights, highly mixed .kinds and rough
packers, and these kinds were very slow
sellers, many of them not moving until sell
ers mads concessions of 16c and In extreme
cases aa much aa 2o
Representative sale:
No. Av. h. Pr.
N6..1N6 120 14 76
30. .301 130 14 06
80 18 06
920 16 15
69. .343
63. .800
44. .328
43. ,310
No. Av.
73. .366
73. .267
8h. Pr.
80 14 90
160 16 00
40 16 10
16 36
16 46
44. .224 900 16 20
48. .214,
16 30
TS..160 ... 14 IS
Sheen Light receipts her yesterday en
abled sellers to cash their holdings at Just
about steady prlcea, while Chicago- was
breaking under th vreasur of excessive.
and the result waa that looal prlcea looked
away out or line. Today buyers were
out to line thing up and as receipts were
a little larger It looked aa though they
might b able to do It, But In the end It
developed that offerings, while fair com-
pared with most recent day, wer hardly
up to requirements at that and In the end
.only small decline were noted on th bulk
Summer Tourist Fares
Latest types of modern electric
lighted steel trains. Famous
dining car service. Drawing
room, compartment and loung
ing observation sleeping cars.
70 Chicago to
New York
Enjoy tito Grcnit Circle Toor-wid
shoio eirout, including, rail and watr.
$3 J40 Chicago to
0ST New York
Cwmpondtnfty tow far. found trip, to
Bo. loo tad M)r Cout Kuorth
Stop .VMI.VtlJ.lMl.
AD train lMv.Or.nd Central Stttkm,
Fifth Av. and Hurixm 8b, 63d St
Sutton, twamr-fiv minute ltr.
Tldnt butd. porchMcd t th. City
Tidrat Office 238 Booth Clark St, u
Orand Central Station and at all prin
cipal hotala; alio at C3d St Station and
Booth Chicago.
C. C. ftlJtlCK. Traveling PaiMfifttr Agwit, '
mWootaiofth. World BldcOmah.Nb,
. PtMO.Owgl.lBtf
Baltimore & Ohio
"Oar PafTtfn An Oor Guur."
linn mmm
I 13
f I I Economy
ljP -I
of th offerings, while toward th finish
It waa almost a steady trade.
In spots lambs wer posalUy a mach as
14c lower, but on th most of to off shags
declines war not nearly that larg, and
aa noted, soma of th atuff looked right
clos to steady. Th beat natlva spring
lambs her brought 118.14. though most of
th fair to good stuff aold downward from
414. S&. No real cholut clipped Iambi were
offered, but It took a pretty good kind of
handle to bring (15.75, and nothing would
sell above (If 00. Several other bunches,
most of which were pretty heavy, sold
around (16.40. Rang spring lamb were
entirely lacking.
There were almost aa many opinions re
garding the trade in old sheep aa then
were buyers and salesman on the market,
Th fact Is that since th bis; decline the
market for mature stock haa been very
uneven and that coupled with a great deal
of Irregularity today accounted for the
wide variance In traders' Idess. Th lower
tendency In I his branch of th trad was
more noticeable than In lamb and quite
a few of ' the offerings cld close to a
quarter lower. Medium ewe, which showed
mora strength than beat grades the last
two weeks, ar showing th declines first.
Heverftl bunches of ewes sold today around
(4.40, with a real good kind aa high as
(10.10, The feeder trad continues quiet
owing to lak of supplies. A few native
lambs went lo feeders today at 116.0(1 and
California shorn yearllnga brought (10.60
lo go to the country.
Quotations on sheen and lambs: Lambs.
shorn, handy, (IS. 15014. 00; lambs, shorn,
heavy, (16.0UC)6.Sli; spring lamb,
Ifl.bal spring lambs, culls, f lj.0fl 16.40:
lambs,, (14.00 1 6.25 ; yearlings,
shorn, (12.00 13.00; wethers, shorn,(10.00; ewes, shorn, ib.ouo X0.26; ewes.
culls, shorn, (8. 004. 60,
Representative aalea:
No. Av. Pr.
143 Cat. clipped feeding yearlings 44 110 24
106 native spring lamb......,.. 42 II 26
121, Mexican clipped ewes , 90 4 50
46 feeder ewes 94 S 26
13 native spring lamb 41 11,65
hU Louis Urm Stork Market,
St. Louis. Jum 24. Cattle Receipts,
10,000 head; mvxet steady; native beef
ateera, 7.400)12.50; yearling steers and heif
ers. 44.50913. 26; cows. 6. 004914.50; stock
era and feeders, (4.00l. 60; prim southern
beef ateera, 44.00012.26; beef cow and heif
ers, 4.26tjt t'tO; prim yearling steers and
heifer, 7. 50010.00; native calves. 44.00$
15 01.
Hog Receipts, 1 1,300 head ; market
lower; light, 15.1616.46; plga. tl 0.00 ft
14.60; mixed and butcher, (16.16016.7ft;
good heavy, $16. 604316.811; bulk of sales.
Mheep and Lambs Receipts. 13.009 head;
market atesdy; lamb, 60c lower; clipped
lambs, I13.00A14.00; flipped ewes, (9.00
10.00; spring lambs, (1 6 0U1 IS. 25; caanera,
$6.00(6.50; shippers, $7.0097.60. '
Sioux City live Stack Market.
Bloux City, la., June 1. Cattle -Receipts,
',4,6(10 head; market for killers steady to 10
lower; stnekers dull; beef steers, ()0.00($
13.60; fat cows and heifers, (8.9011.26:
ranners. (5,6097.60: storkers and feeders,
$7.0099.60: calve, $9.00913.60; bulls, sImrs.
etc., (7.00910.25; feeding cows and heifers,
Hogs Receipt. 10.000 head; market 641
lOo lower: light. (14.70916.10; mlied. (16.10
916.46; heavy, $14.90916.26; pigs, $12,769
13.60; bulk of sales, (14.90916.30. '
Hheep and Lambs Receipts, 200 head ;
market ateady.
St. JoMpfa Live Stock Market.
Joseph. Mo., June 2C Cattle-
Receipt, 3,000 head; market steady' to
10c lower; steers. $9.00913.26; cows and
heifers, (4.00912.60; calves, (9.60914.00.
Hog Receipt. 10,000 head; market
prospect 6910c lower; top, $15.65: bulk of
aales, $14.80915.60.
Hheep and Lamb Receipts, $3,600 head;
market 25c lower; lambs, (13.00918.26:
we, (fl.Q09.76.
St, Louis Grain Market.
St. Louis, Jun 26. Wheat No. 2 red.
$2.46; No. I hard nominal; July, $3.03; Sep
tember, $1.83,
Corn No. 3. $1.73; No. I white, II TJ9
1.73; September. (1.44fc; December, (1.04.
Cotton Market,
New York, June 24. There waa a re
newal of scattering liquidation and some
trad selling In the market for coffee fu
tures today. Liquidation of July lu prepa
ration for notices was largely In the way of
switching to later deliveries, but that posi
tion sold down to 741 or 14 points under
last night's close. The general market
opened unchanged t a decline of 4 points
with September eaatng off to 760 and
March to 715 during the afternoon, or alx
to 7 points net lower. Th close was within
a point or two of the lowest, sowing a net
loss of 6 to 14 points. Hales, Including ex
changes, 85,250 hagF. June and July, 7.43c;
August, 7.6c; September, 7.b0:; tdctbbtr,
7.44c; November, 7.6(tc; December, 7,"2r;
January, 7.71'; February, 7.80c; March,
1,8 4o ; April, 7.89-; May, 7.93c.
Spot busier; Rio 7's 9'; Santos 4's 10.
It was report, that Santos 4's had sold at
960 lindon credits In the cost and freight
market yesterday and that Brazil was ask
ing fur bids. The official cables showed
no change In the spot markets at Rto and
Santos, but Sun to futures were 100 rein
lower. SantOb cleared 30,000 bass for New
Kansas City General Market.
Kmipa City, June 24. Wheat No. 2 hard,
(2.4092.45; No. 2 red, (i!.302.38; July.
(2. OS; September. (1.91.
Corn No. 2 mixed, $1.47 1 ,67 ; No. Z
white, $1.70; No. 2 yellow. (1,49; September,
(1.429143: December. (1.0491.04.
Oats No. 2 white, 72(972c; No. 2 mixed,
These Oxfords embody several spe
cial features which mean comfort for
you. They fit snugly around, the
ankle and at the sides and hold the,
heel lirmly in place without binding.
If you want style and comfort in your
shoes, ask us to show you this model.
We have your sjze and last. Prices
ranging from
London Stocks and Bond..
London, June 26. American securities
were neglected on the atock exchange today.
Silver Bar, Mfl per ounce.
Money 4t per cent.
Discount Rates Short bllui, is per cent;
three months bills 4 4, per cent.
$4.50 u"
Bee Want Ads Are Business Boosters
Our Better Values Are Convincing Arguments That Cash Buying Pays
at 5 p. m.
Fresh Fruits
and Vegetables
Sent Only
by Express at
at 5 p. m.
Wash Dress y
TuK Suitings
sheer printed dress fabrics.
This quality is well known
, as a leading 35c grade. Cash
Price here, yard 25c
VOILE Th best quality.
Compare this quality with
all others shown at 59c to
65c yard. Every desirable
. shade here. Cash Price,
yard , ...50c
in. Madras Cloth in woven
stripes, all colors and-combinations
copied from high
cost silks. Cash Price, the
yard 35c
FABRICS 36 to 40-in.
wide, white grounds, em
broidered figures, especially
apatcd for jvash dresses.
Cash Price, yard S9c
TUSSAH 36-in. wfde. This
popular lustrous wash fab
ric here at, Cash Price,
yard 68c
INGS 43-in. wide, French
finish, medium weight, in
Helio, Copen, Azure, Tan,
', Green or White. Cash
Price, yard 25c
shades; this fabric closely
resembles the best linens,
.strictly fast color, 36-in.
wide; white, tan, helio, pink,'
blue and green. Cash Price,
yard 38c
Last Week of Our June Silk Sale
Remarkably Attractive Values in Reliable Silks '
Our Cash Prices are making our Daylight Silk Department more .. than
ever popular with women who appreciate exceptional values.
36-inch Black Satin
40-inch Black All Silk
32-in. Chiffon Taffetas
100 pieces of 36 to 40-inch New Sum
mer Silks in Fancy Stripes and black.
Chiffon Taffetas and French Radiums.
The bright colors in white grounds
that are in demand to- rtj -i i q
day. Wonderful values In I ZLX
at, Cash Price, yard ...lJ-L-'
75 pieces of Stylish New Satin Striped
Tub Silks, fast colorings that launder
perfectly. A large as- An
sortment of smart r rrSf
styles, yard, $1.18 and . . . y
40-inch Black Silk
40-inch, Black Silk
YARD On Sale Monday Only.'
200 pieces of New Sport Silks in Pon
gees, Tussah Silks, Taffetas, Floren
tines, handsome printed Shantungs
and Fuigi Silks, Satin r Q
Striped Florentines, ilriP
Cash Price, $1.25, 95c vuv
40 pieces of 40-inch Satin Meteor in a
good line of colors, Satin Striped
Crepe de Chines, Satin Striped Radi
um, Satin Striped Tub - AC)
Crepe de Chines. $2.00 S I ZLN
values, Cash Price, yd , . r -1- -1 w
Linen and Towels, Napkins and Scarfs
JAPANESE TEA CLOTHS in blue and white. The colors are absolutely fast, all
dyed in the "Oriental Pure Vegetable Dye."
72-in. Square H. S., at, each, 11.38 60-in. Square H. S., at, each. .78c 12-in. Napkins, match, 48c dozen
60-in. Square H. S., at, each. .98c 36-in. Square H. S., at, each. .48c 17x54 Scarfs, at, each 28c
Extra Quality BATH TOWELS, all white, or colors in checked pattern, each, at 22c
Sheer White
White Skirtings
SKIRTINGS in all white, 36
in. wide, the finer qualities
of Qabardines, Pique, Nov
elty Stripes and Basket
Weaves, Cash Price yd. 50c
Herringbone Gabaltfine and
Beach-cloth, 36-in. wide.
Cash price, yard 39c
LONGCLOTH 36-in. wide,
fine quality, soft mull fin
ish. Cash Price, yard.. 16c
VOILE 36-in. wide. Cash
Price, yard 25c
FLAXON The plain color,
Mercerized yarn fabric.
Cash Price, yard. . . . . .20c
The finest of shrunk finish
fabrics, made exactly like
the smooth weave dress lin
ens, 36-in. wide. Cash
Price, yard . . 25c
FABRICS Colors on white
grounds, allover effects or
dainty flouncings, 36 to 45
in. wide. Cash Price, yd.88c
PLAIN VOILE 40-in. wide,
sheer, transparent, evenly
woven fabric. . Splendid
V quality here. Cash Price,
yard 25c
Broad Assortments of Beautiful Summer. Apparel Economically Priced
Dainty Summer Dresses
In almost endless variety of the sea
'sons' most popular summer fabrics,
and in a choice line of styles and colors
Superior values at each price
Jl'O $12.75 $15,
White Wash Silk Underskirts
Dainty styles with Flounces, Tucks or Ruf
fles, Regular price 5.(Our PO CFC
Special Cash Price Wednesday. pO.UeJ
Beautiful Wash Dress Skirts
Four nobby styles in fine Bedford C pT
Cords, Gabardines, etc., all sizes, at. .Pt'
Special showing Wednesday at...:. $3.95
Charming Silk Dresses
Just received from our New York
buyer a great variety of clever designs
in the most wantecj colorings of Taf
feta, Nets, Crepes and pretty combina
tions. Wonderful special values at Our
Cash Price x
Long Silk Kimonos
' That sell regularlyjit $6.00 and $7.50
colors. Choice patterns. Our
Cash Price. . .
Crepe and Lawn Kimonos
A splendid lot of regular $1.50 and $2 Ki
monos in a good assortment of styles and
colors. Our Special Cash Price QFf
Wednesday fO
. Mahogany
Furniture Sale
All odd plcf out of suites, also samples,-on
ths floor whr there is only on picco of satft in
th mahogany, on aalo as follows :
3 patterns Draselnc Tables, sinfls mirror, 121.00
Tsbles, only.. $15.00
' 125 Triple Mirror Pressing Tsble in mahogany. .918
2 Dressing Tables in mahogany, 111 rallies. .. .$22.50
I.Piere Mahogany Bedroom Suite, Dreaaer, Chiffonier
and Table, at ....$150
Several patterns 4poater Beds, also William and Mary,
ete. These beds are worth 127.(0 to 132.50 each.
One of a pattern at, only ... 920.00
5 odd $30 Mahogany Chiffoniers, veil made (floor ,
samples), at A... 930.00
ISO Mahogany Dreeear, aamplt piece on floor. .929.50
$2M0 Mahogany Dreaaer, th newest pattern, Cash
Price, only ..... $22.50
I4.00 Post Colonial Mahogany dresser. Caah Price,
only 935.00
On 183.00 Mahogany Leather Arm Chair, very large.
Cash Price $22.50
$03 Napoleon Style Mahogany Beds, floor- samples.
at -. 935.00
Several $20 Mahogany Rockers, upholstered in leather '
and tapestry. Cash Price 914.00
I patterns Mahogany China Closets, All prlcea One
third Off.
1 only Mahogany Dining Table, 1 only Buffet and .
0 Chairs with leather seats at One-Third Off. Regit .
lar Prices.
Special Flour Sale Wednesday
Mak ybur own bread and save
100 on your bread bill. Ona aack
of flour wilt make 64 15c loavea of
bread. -
This flour le a guaranteed equal to
any flour on the market. Q jf"
Wednesday, per 48-lb. tack tf J.Jj
12 IbB. pure Granulated Sugar, $1.00
The bent Domestic Macaroni or
Spaghetti, pkg 10c
4 lbs. fancy Japan Rice. . . . . .25c
lbi. best White or Yeitw Corn
meal 25c
4 Ibo. best Rolled White Breakfnnt
Oatmeal 25c
16-OK. cans Condensed MMk..l2Vic
4-os, cans CondrnedMilk Ac
Large bottles Worcester Sauce,
Pickles assorted kinds, or Prepared
Mustard, bottle 10c
Best bulk Peanut Butter, lb.... 20c
E. C. Corn Flakes, pkg 7Vjc
Shredded Cocoanat, for pies and
cakes, per lb. 20c
Bakers Cocoanut, per can . ...8V3e
For Ice tea try Diamond H blend,
per lb. 35c
8 lbs. for ..$1.00
Choice basket fired or sun dried
Japan Tea, per lb. ......35c
The beet strictly fresh Egg, dot. 33c
rne best creamery nutter, id.. .4zc
Fancy No, 1 Creamery Butter, per
pound , 40c
Fancy Dairy Table Butter, lb.., 38c
The best full cream, young America,
Wisconsin Cream or Brick Cheese,
per lb 30c
Neufchatel Cheese 4c
Good Things to Drink for the Hot
Sheboygan Ginger Ale, bottle a3c
Grape Smash, bottle. .5c and 12 Vic
Naboth Grape Juice ...BVic
Welch's Grape Juice. ... 10c and 23c
Temp Brew, or Mo) yore, bottle SVic
Wild Cherry Phosphate or Root Beer
per bottle 10c
Large juicy lemons, do.. 22Ve, 25c
Buy now they will vbe higher by the
15 lbs. New Potatoes to the peck, $1
New Cabbage, per lb. 5c
4 bunches Fresh Onions or Beets, 5c
6 bunches Fresh Radishes Be
Fancy Green Peas, quart 8c
4 bunchee 'fresh Rhubarb 5c
Fancy Red or White Onions, lb., fc
8 heads Fresh Leaf Lettuce 5c
Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb. 12Vic
Home Grown Cauliflower, each.. 5c
8 Green Pepftera 5c
Fancy Wax or Green Beans, per
pound ....12Vtc
3-Burner Oil Stove, Cash Price. .$12.00
2-Burner Oil Stove, Cash Price. . .$8.50
8-qt. Blue and White Enamel Kettle with
cover, Cash Price .89c
8-Arm Clothes Dryer, Cash Price. . .19c
All Nickel Plated Electric Iron. . .$3.29
25c Splint Wastebaskets 19c
8-cup Alurrpum Percolator. .... .$1.49
10-qt. Aluminum Preserving Kettle
Cash Price
6-qt. Aluminum Berlin Kettle,
lVj-qt. Aluminum Rice
, Price
Folding Ironing Board,
Wednesdsiy ..
Tea, Coffee and Sugar Cans, 3
Cash Price, per set
White Mountain Refrigerator,
capacity, Cash Price
Cooker, Casli
. . . .98c
in set
50 lbs.
It Pays-Try If AY DEN'S First-It Pays