TiiE Omaha Daily Bee THE WEATHER" Showers VOL. XLvlJ. NO. 8. OMAHA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 27, 1917 TWELVE PAGES. SI.T'.ut?.' SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. PRESIDENTIAL SEE NOW BUZZING IN NEBRASKA SENATOR'S BONNET MORE OMAHA MEN LEAVE TO PULL FOR CAMP Second Committee Goes to Chi . cago to Urge Transfer of Cantonment Site'Trom Des Moines Here. A supplementary committer of eight men left Omaha at 6:30 Tues day night, to urge General Barry to transfer the Cantonment camp from Des Moines to Omaha. After Secretary of War Baker referred "the matter to Geenral Barry for final decision the Omaia commit tee left Washington immediately for Chicago, where they will be joined by the new committee. , . The second committee is composed of Harry A. Tukey, Victor Rose water. Gould Diclz, Howard Baldrigc, Harvey A'eu'branch. G. W. Holdrege, T. L'. Byrne, and John L. Kennedy. An additional committee consist ing of eight men, which will join forces with the Omaha representa tion now in Washington, will leave Omaha tonight to urge General Barry at Chicago to transfer the cantonment camp from Des Moines'"to Omaha. The second committee will be Gould Dictz, George Brandeis. Gur don W. Wattles. Howard Baldrige; G. W. Holdrege, S. E. Calvin, T. C. Byrne and John L. Kennedy. Thej arc determined to place before Gen eral Barry such a strong protest over the selection of Des Moines as the site for the Thirteenth district that results will be forthcoming within a short time. Said To Favor Omaha. General Barry, who has charge of the Central army division, 'recently made a trip to Des Moines to in spect Tort Dodge site and it is felt that his mind is open for the Omaha men. The second committee, com bined w ith the representation now at Washington, will make total of fourteen of Omaha's leading business and professional men who will call on '.General Barry, who has been author-Ueti-by the secretary of war to make the transfer if lie deemjs it neces sary. The encouragement received from Omaha's representatives in Washing ton, who are fighting to have the cantonment camp transferred from Des Moines to Fort Crook, has made i marked impression on men of Omaha who are interested in seeing tiie site brought to this city. Await General's Request. The jeport of General Barry of Chicago, who mai de a thorough in- yrtile. Fear of prosecution under the p Dodge Monday.TShernian iaw prevents the operators Mu'Ction ofl CaniD will be awaited with intense interest here." The general would make no announcement at De"s- Moines, pre ' ferring to wait until he has returned to Chicago. 1 Should the Thirteenth Cantonment district be transferred to Omaha, it will mean one of the biggest achieve ments of recent years. More than 42,0000 soldiers would be concentrated at Fort Crook and given elementary instruction in the business of war. Contracts would be given to Omaha concerns, which would run into mil lions of dollars. Railway facilities of Omaha are uncqualed and this has been one of the 'most serious drawbacks for the Jowa capital. Six cross country lines enter Omaha and two lines through Fort Crook. . Three More Unions Called Out in Butte Mine District Butte, Mont., June 26. Following the walkout of the, machinists, boiler makers and blacksmiths at the Black Rock mine here today,' in sympathy with the electricians' strike, a com mittee of the metal trades council or dered out blacksmith:, machinists and boilermakers who are employed at all the mines in the Butte district. The Weather For Nebraska Partly cloudy, with show ers. Temperature at Omaha Yesterday. Hour. JJeff. . in. . 3 p. 4 p. m. . 6 p. m.. e p. m 7 p. m 8 p. m Comparative Loral KcordY" 1317. 191. llll. 1914. Highest yeatr!ay... 71 75 8S 96 Lowst 3'eaterday.... (IS fi A8 78 Mean tamperfttura . ; 48 vh 77 87 Precipitation M .00 - .00 .00 Temparatur and; precipitation departure! from the normal: ' Normal temperature 74 Deficiency tor the day 6 Total alnca March 1 , 220 Normal precipitation 17 Inch Excesa for the day 37 Inch Total rainfall since March 1. . .IMS lnchea Excess since March A 83 Inch Deficiency for cor. period, 1916.. 4.10 lnchea Deficiency for cor. period, IBIS. , 2.4S lnchea Reports from Station at 1 P. M. tatlon and 8tata Temp. Hlfh- of Weather. 7 p. m. est. Cheyenne, part cloudy. 73 74 Davenport, cloudy .... 82 84 Denver, clear . 82 84 Dea Moines, cloudy.... 78 82 ,-DdRa City, clear 90 94 lender, part cloudy... 78 83 Rain fall. .00 .00 T Indicate trace of pTeclpltatlon. h. A. WKLSH, Meteorologist, v I & a. m tin . Vlr- yf V a. m 7 (LW 7 ......... 8 a. m 07 feSAJk 10 a. in. 67 X H m S6 To Our Readers: To keep readers and patrons of The Bee advised of improvements made for their benefit, I wish to announce a reorganization in progress in our system of distribution and carrier delivery in Omaha. The new plan provides for five districts and branch stations in territory previously served from the main publication office. These in addition to our sub-offices in South Omaha and Council Bluffs. ' THE BEE'S NEW BRANCH OFFICES 1 Ames Office.... .....4110 North 24th St. 2 Lake Office 2516 North 24th St. , 3 Vinton Office 1715 Vinton St. -Park Office.... -Walnut Office Of the new offices, three are already open and all will be ready by the end of this week. The carriers for each district will be supplied,with their papers through these stations, where subscription and want-ad offices will also be maintained in direct telephone connection with the publication office of The Bee. These changes when perfected will give The Bee a fully up-to-date system of local distribution to meet the demands of growing circula tion. One and all are respectfully invited to take advantage of these improved facilities and co-operate still further with us to make The Bee bigger, better and more responsive to the public's needs than ever. EXTEND CONTROL TO STEEL, IRON AND PETROLEUM Senate Subcommittee on Agri culture Votes to Greatly Widen Scope of Pend ing Food Measure. Washington, June 26. Extension of government control to iron and steel and their products, petroleum and its products, farm implements and sisal, jute and henii. products, such as bind ing twine, was decided upon today as an amendment to the administra tion food control bill by a senate agri culture subcommittee. ' Other amendments agreed to by the subcommittee, which will remove much opposition to the legislation, provide that the bill shall not appl. to farmers, gardeners and stock raisers' products raised upon their own land and shall not give the food adminis trator, power to 'impose individuals' rations or regulate their meals. The committee deferred action upon the prphibition section. Dealer Predicts Shortage. C M. Moderwell, a Chicago dealer, predicted a serious coal shortage at the head of the great lakes unless ac tion is taken. He believed fixing of an arbitrary price now was undesir- agreeing among tnemseives 10 oring down the price, he declared. Chairman Newlands expressed the opinion that the attorney general would not construe the Sherman law in that way. "I s think if the attorney general would tell us that the law would not be used against us, we could bring down' the price of coal very quickly," Mr. Moderwell replied. He added that the coal situation was in part caused by the fact that the mines operate only eight hours a day while a majority of industries are in opera tion twenty-four hours a day. Ca pacity of the mines is about 40 per cent more than present production but he doubted if they would be able to reach maximum production for lack of railroad transportation. Admits. Raising Prices, "What is the average increase in the price of coal to the consumer?" asked Senator Pomerene. "It has been very large," he re plied. "I would say that it has been 75 to 100 per cent, but that is only an estimate." "How do you justify the increase?" "Coal operators are just as human as anybody else and they have taken advantage of the conditions and the, people." "Y" Members Who Enlist to , Receive Free Annual Cards Every member of the Omaha Young Men's Christian association who joins the national colors will re ceive his annual membership card, good all oyer ,hc world, free of charge during the war. The donation of the cards to soldiers means a gift of about $1,500 by1 the local association. Over 125 members of the association have so far joined different branches of Uncle Sam's service. Ralph Yeoman, local membership secretary, is anxious to hear from every "Y" man who has allowed his card to run out since enlistment in order that a new membership may be given. King Ak's Minions Fill Speaker's Pockets With Ice Dan Whitney found his pockets full of ice while he was bumping along South Sixteenth street in his flivver Monday afternoon. As it was a hot day, he marveled at how the ice might have come there. Then he remember ed that he had just been-attending an Ak-Sar-Ben hustling committee din ner at the Hotel Castle .Inquiry brought forth the information that while he was on the floor, all red in the face with one of his heated speeches, the boys had emptied all the ice from the tumblers into his pockets by way of cooling the argument 2515 Leavenworth St. 819 North 40th St. RED CROSS FUND MILLIONS OVER FIRST MARK SET Subscriptions Reach $104, 000,000 at Noon and Were Still Coming In at a Lively Rate. Washington, June 26.-rhe Red Cross "humanity dollars" campaign passed its mark today with a total of $104,000,000 tabulated atioon and re turns, still coming in. The Red Cross war council predicted a total of $110,-! 000.000 by .nightfall. Several hundred thousand volunteer workers participated yi the intensive canvass, which was unique in Ameri can history. Only three weeks be fore had plans for a nation-wide drive been formulated by the new Red Cross couireil. -To organize the coun try on such short notice was a tre mendous task, but it was accom plished mainly by enlistment of trained campaign managers of .the Young Men's Christian associanon .'.nd chambers of commerce to assist the 1,500 Red Cross local chapters. ' Leaders in Campaign. Harvey J. Hill, a Red Cross worker, directed the campaign from Washing ton and Charles S. Ward from New York. CHarles Dietrich, secretary of the Brooklyn Young Men's Christian as sociation, with the assistance of Ly man Pierce, Young Men's Christian association secretary at San Fran cisco, directed work in the west and Daniel A. Reed of Flint, Mich., super vised the campaign in midwestern states. The middle Atlantic division was the first to report an oversubscrip tion of its $17,000,000 apportionment. Reports early today showed an excess of about $500,000. Meanwhile Red Cross officials will try to formulate plans for the most efficient expenditure of the millions, large portions of which already are sought by humanitarian interests in France, Russia, Roljmauia and other European . war-stricken countries, as well as here iit America. Just as the campaign closed last night, the first artuaf money reached the Red Cross treasury by aerial mes senger. ' Miss Katherine Stinson, a young air woman, descending upon the capital at the end of a two-day flying trip from Buffalo, Albany, New York and Philadelphia, carried to Secretary McAdoo, treasurer of the Red Cross, money and pledges gath ered from cities she visited. Motorcycle Rider Injured In Clash With Automobile. F. L. Lott, 519 South Nineteenth street, received a slight cut on the left foot and minor body injuries as the result of being knocked from his motoitycle near Eighteenth and I,aird streets by an automobile driven by Dr. C. W. Pollard. Dr. Pollard was on his wav home when the accident occurred. Just as he turned the corner at Eighteenth street he colliderl with Mr. Lott. After rendering first aid. Dr. Pollard took the injured man to Wise Memo rial hospital. Edgar Howard Shudders at the Thought of Being "l do not want to be governor of Nebraska," said Lieutenant Governor Edgar Howard, when discussing the possibility that Governor Neville might resign and go to the froi.it in command of some Nebraska regi ment. "No, I do not want to be governor. I shudder at the thought." Arthur Mullen, Omaha democrat, credited with being something of a boss in state politics, denied that he has been "wearing a haunted look," as he was accused of doing, since announcement that Neville might re sign. He declares (the prospect is not worrying him. Other democrats have suggested ThePull-Back Rll llll AIIIIM ll bILLT SUNUAT ALMOST STAYS HEREFOR A DAY Noted Evangelist and "Ma" Sunday Enroute to Hood River Farm, Meet Boys Traveling in Auto. "I notice that the smoke is not com ing out of the stacks of the brew eries, was the hrst exclamation of Rev. "Billy" Sunday as he swung down off the platform of one of the sleepers on Northwestern-Llnion Pa cific No. 17 as it pulled into the Union Station yesterday. The next instant he was shaking hands with the mem bers of the Omaha parly who had gatered to greet him. Before "Billy", Sunday got. through shaking hands He commenced to ask, "Have any of you seen (Billy and Paul?" NobodyJiad seen them. Billy and Paul are two of the young sons of Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Sunday and instead of coming through from Winona Lake on the train they had started in an automobile and had, stalled in the mud over in western Iowa. Unloads His Baggage. Concluding that the bovs had not reached the city, "Billy" Sunday hus tled back into the sleeper and com- (Contlnued on Page Two, Column Two.) British and German Airmen - In Battle Over Flanders London, June 26. Three British naval airplanes fought a battle with ten German machines over Flanders n Monday. ' fight say An official account of says one and probably three of the Germans were driven down. All the British airmen returned safely. The announcement follows: ."In the course of a patrol on Mon day three naval airplanes encountered and engaged ten enemy machines in the vicinity of Roulers. They fought for sixteen minutes and brought down one enemy in flames. It is believed two others were driven down out of control, but clouds interrupted the view. Our machines returned safely." State's Governo that if the democrats of the stripe at present in power in the state are afraid of Edgar Howard as governor, and if Howard shudders at the thought of being governor, then the thing to do is to get the lieutenant governor to resign first. It has been suggested that this would solve the problem at once, since then Ne ville could lesign, leaving the presi dent pro tcr.i of the senate to step into the executive chair. The president pro tern happens to be John Mattes, jr., and since he is of the particular stripe to the lik ing of the crowd seeking to hold Ne ville in his place, all would be lovely and the political sea clear of peri scopes. , BUILDING TRADES LEAGUE FIGHTS NEW ARMY CAMP Secretary Lawsoj) Wires War Department Head in Opposi tion to Cantonment; Strike Ended. Millsjneu went back to work this morning 'ill a number of Omaha plan ing mills, after their union voted at a meeting Monday night that their men might take jobs wherever .15 cents per hour is being paid. Thirty-live cents an hour is what they struck for. Some of the mills had been paying that be fore the strike; other had not. It is said most of the mills are paying that figure now. Eighty boiler makers, returned fo work Monday in the plants of the C. G. Johnson company, and the Drake-Williams-Mount company. They ac cepted at 55 cents a,i hour, which, the employers say, is what they were of fered when they struck. They had been getting 45 cents and demanded blYi. Building trades workers have not returned to work in any appreciable numbers. Knock Army Camp. As a desperate drive in the local labor war the unions have made it known that if they can't win their strike, they don't want Omaha to have the army cantonment. By order of the strike captains here from Chicago, the Building Trades' Protective league this morning tele graphed Secretary of War Baker and Samuel Gompers to urge that the can tonment camp not he located at Omaha on account of labor troubles. The telegram was signed by Gus Lawson, secretary of the Building Trades Protective association, and was as follows: Wires to" Washington. "The Building Trader league qf Omaha, Neb., has instructed me to ill form you that inasmuch as the Busi ness Men's association has locked out the building trade workers, has re fused to confer with the union reprc-j sentatives and has rcluscd govern ment and state mediation to adjust the labor difficulty, that we protest against selecting Omaha or vicinity as a site for a cantonment camp un less the Business Men's association will agree to adjust the labor situa tion, affecting 4,000 members." Omaha Will Get Branch Bank of Federal Reserve (From a Staff. Correapondent.) Washington, June 26. (Special Tel gram.) Secretary McArbo gave as surances to members of the Nebraska delegation, while at the capitol today, that a branch of the Kansas City Fed eral Reserve bank would be located at Omaha to take care of the Ne braska and Wyoming territory. Water Board Wants More Money for Hydrants The Metropolitan Water board re quested the city council to include iy the next general tax levy an amount of $164,570, subject to a limitation of not to exceed 3 mills on the as sessed valuation. This is the pay for 2,732 hydrants at $60 each and fifty nine 'intermediate hydrants at $10 each. - HOSTJAMSCOURT ROOM. BUT LABOR CASE ISSET OVER Hearing of Motion to Dissolve Injunction Against Mediation Board to Be Held Today Before Judge Leslie. Heating of the motion to dissolve Attorney General Reed's injunction against the State Board of Mediation and Investigation, set for yesterday afternoon before Judge Lestie, sitting in equity court, was postponed until 10 o'clock this morning at request of Arthur Mullen, who came into the case at the last minute at the request of Governor Neville and two of the mediators. ' Attorney Mullen asked the court to set the hearing over to enable him to look up certain points of law. Attorney General Reed agreed to the delay. Will Mean Delay. Postponement of the motion to dis solve the attorney general's injunction against the State Board of Mediation and Investigation, which discontinued its hearings on the Omaha strike s't uation pending the decision of the court, will mean delay in hearing the original injunction, when the state stepped in an effort to end the strike. Hearing on the strike injunction was set for 2 o'clock tomorrow after noon, but Judge Leslie ruled that it would have to go over until the motion to dissolve was disposed of. Long before Judge Leslie got to the court house after the lunch hour his court room was jammed to the doors with a crowd, composed large ly of laboring men. Agitator Makes Speech. A roughly-dressed man startled lawyers and court room spectators, who were waiting for the judge to go upon the bench, by crowding his way to the front of the jam and making an I. W. W. speech. He was denouncing in loud tones the "workings of capital against labor," when spectators quieted him. -Jerry-Howard, well known . labor leader, spruttg another surprise by leaping to his feet and reading "an open letter to Attorney General Reed." The crowd became so large that Judge Leslie, when he arrived, or dered the case transferred to the big criminal court room on the fourth floor of the court house. Court Room Crowded. I This big chamber was packed to the doors when a postponement was agreed upon. t Batteries of attorneys will face each other this morning. Assisting Attorney Mullen are An son Bigelow and three other law yers, i D. M. Vinsonhaler and Norris Brown are associated with the attor ney general in the fight on the mo tion to dissolve the injuction against the mediation board. A letter by Jerry Howard, typically Howardesque in construction, was greeted with applause when read in the court room yesterday. It was directed to Attorney General Reed whom he called the "great enjoiner." Omaha's Gift to the Red v .Cross Totals $251,252.49 The headquarters of the Red Cross at the Hotel Fontenelle have been permanently closed. All future con tributions and payments made on pledge cards will be made direct to A. 1.. Reed, treasurer, at his office in the Brandeis Theater building. The final report o( the auditor showed that a total of $251, 252.4') 'was subscribed, of which $46. 906.58 was cash and $204,345.91 in pledges, one-fourth payable every thirty days, beginning July I. The total number of subscribers was 7,561. Of this number seventeen citiiius and firms gave-$5,000 each; four gave $2,500; three gave $2,000; thirty-six. $1,000; thirty-three, $500; 263 gave $100 to $400 each, and the remainder in amounts less than $100. Tfce entire amount was contributed by citizens of Omaha and Douglas county. One hundred and twelve dol lars was received from friends out side of the city, but this amount is not included in the above total. Cannon Salutes Are Suspended During War Washington, June 26. Suspension during the war of all cannon salutes to visiting dignitaries at army posts, fortifications or encampments was or dered today by the War department. Athletic contests, except interclass meets, have been suspended at West Point for the calendar year to permit greater concentration of effort by the student body in preparing themselves for commissions in the army in less than the ordinary four-year course. Total Casualties from Raid On London 857 London, June, 26. Official figures of the casualties in the London air raid of June 13 were announced yes terday. Subsequent deaths and the discovery of more bodies in 'the de bris have brought the number of dead to ninety-one men, twenty-four women and forty-two children. The injured number 220 men, 110 women and 100 children. Total dead and in jured number 587. ; HITCHCOCK HAS FRIENDS BLOW BUBBLE FOR HIM Nebraska's Weathen Vane Sen ator Comes to, Town to Launch Boom; Grooms Ne ville as His Successor. ' "Hitchcock for president 1" This Is a bubble which World-Herald em ployes have been quietly trying to blow into wholesome proportions since Senator Hitchcock paid a short visit to Omaha five or six weeks ago. The senator made this visit to Omaha while congress was in session, and by many it is considered signifi cent that he should have had urgent business in Omaha when congress was busy with war budgets, and that the Hitchcock presidential boom be gan to work quietly immediately thereafter. A prominent employe of Hitchcock's paper is quoted of Senator as say-, "They simply can t beat tne senator for the democratic nomination for the presidency. Look at him. He was in the public eye as chairman of the foreign relations committee on the war resolution, when Senator Stone as chairman refused to serve and lead the fight. That puts him in the. limelight as the leader in the senate fighting the big battle of the president in crisis." , , . , Rattles in Chicago. Omahans in Chicsgo recently heard of the Hitchcock bubble among the Roger Sullivan democrats there, These fellows, it Is said, like drown ing men, are clutching at the Hitch cock straw as a possible means of getting even with Bryan for the many torpedoes he has put beneath then boats in the in the past.V William H. Dech, populist' war horse of Saunders county, almost swore when he first heard of the Hitchcock bubble. Dech was for Hitchcock- for the senate, and is 110W ' understood to be among those peeved because so large a crop of the federal appointments which depended upon senatorial patronage did not come as thev had been planned or promised. "It would be the crime of crimes to run him for president," roared Dech when he was discussing the sub ject. But I hope he will be a candi date so th.at his own state may have the opportunity of showing him up." Defeat Is Foretold. Dech is understood to have told Harvey Newbranch of the World Heralj that Hichcock would not get one vote in Ithaca precinct for presi dent for every hree he got for the senate. Already the friends of the move ment have slated the successor to Hitchcock in the United States senate. This is to be Governor Keith Neville. The Hitchcock crowd is said to be grooming Neville for a second term ( for governor and at the same time getting him toned up for a race for the senate after that. This plan also furishes one more ex planation why this crowd is so anx ious to keep Neville out of .the trenches, and keep him at home to carry out the Hitchcock presidentisl nomination ptan. Omaha Maa at Training Camp is Seriously Injured W. S. McEachron of Omaha, now attending the Fort Snelling officers reserve training camp; washit by in automobile and seriously injured Saturday night at Minneapolis. He was found in the street by a patrolman, apparently stupefied. At first physicians were of the opinion that lie had been drugged, but later investigation revealed that he had been struck by an automobile. When found his hat was gone and uniform badly torn. He did not regain con sciousness for more ' than twelve hours afterward. W. S. McEachron was an exam iner of abstracts here and lived at 3120 BurtNtrect. ' While Talking About It Four Sundays in June Paid Advertising in The Bee (W.rfleld Ai.ncy MnturaneiiU) First in Totals First in Gains i ! HERE'S THE 1917 SCORE: Sunday, June 3... 3,190 Ins. Sunday, June 10. . .4,2 56 H Ins. Sunday, June 17.. .2,618 Ins. " Sunday, June 24. . .3,01414 Ins. . Total 13,079 Ins. SAME DAYS IN JUNE, 1916: First Sunday 2,426 Ins. Second Sunday 2,497 Ins. , Third Sunday. . . ... . .2,472 Ins. h Fourth Sunday 1,970 Ins. Total ......9,365 Ins. I s GAIN 3,714 H INCHES. Keep Your Eye On The Bee IMPROVING EVERY DAY "