' f Want Ad Rates USB TUB TKt.KPIIONR If roil cannot con t.nlantlr brlns or arnd In your ada. .ah far a Want Ad Tattrr and you will r- rciva ma aama fooo s.rwc aa when da UVtnnK Jour ad al Mils ortVa. PHONIC TVITK 10NI. WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSE HVENINO EDITIONS :: M MORNlnu EDITIONS 10.0V P. NO AD TAKKN FOB 1.T.HH THAN let. ONE TIME, or LESS THAN 10, A lAf Il'AXH HITH OKIIER. C Ht HoUd (No M.pl.V 1 PER WOIID. EACH INSERTION. It Paragraphed or Lrlaplayed Id Larger lypa: o par Una ona time ic per line.. 2 or inure cunaccutit, Inaertlona SITUATIONS WANTED. Weekly rate !0c per line CAHD OP THANKS. PKATH AND MINERAL NOTICES. 10c per line earn Inaertlon (Minimum charge, eO cenla.) aJONTIIl.T RATE FOR STANDING ACS. o coanga or. copy auowea.i fma line , 11.05 Two llnea or mora fl.no ALL FOREIGN ADVERTISING UNDER HELP WANTED CLASSIFICATIONS. So per word... , ona time 1 tto per word two .or uioro conaecutlv inssruona. , ' FECIAI. rOMHINATION RATR, On (.and, Poultry and Other Advertising. THE OMAHA BEE lover 0,no dally.) SOTII CENTURT FARMER (over 110,000 weekly.l A combined circulation which will reach both the city and rural resldsnr. Special Reg. ' Rata' Rata. X Inaertlona IB omaha Bee and 1 Inaertlon In 10th Century Partner, per word.... a T Ineertlona In Omaha Dee and 1 Inaertlon In 20th Century Farm er, per word . ...lOHo (Contract rate, on application.) 7o Movie Program Downtown. PRINCESS, 1117 DOUGLAS RUTH ROLAND IN No. 4 "THE NEGLECTED WIFE" ' AND CIOOD COMEDY " - North. ALKAUURA, 2IT1I AND PARKER LOUISE GLAUM, IN "THB SWEETHEART OF THE DOOMED' "FLAMES OF TRKACHKRT" ALAMO, TWENTY -FOURTH AND FORT HARRY CAREY, IN "TUB MYSTERIOUS OUTLAW" , 1,KB HILL IN DIAMOND, TWENTY-FOURTH LAKE WILLIAM COUKTNAY, in "THB HUNTING OT THE HAWK" ALSO COMEDY URAND, SIXTEENTH AND BINNEY DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, In "THE HA BUT OF HAPPINESS" BUSHMAN AND RAYNK. In "THE GREAT SECRET" LOTIIROP. 2TH AND LOTHBOP ANITA STEWART, in "CLOVER'S REBELLION" PARK. IsTH AND CALIFORNIA GRETCHEN LEDERER, in , "THE MORALS OE HILDA; ' ' 'South, APOLLO, 2TH AND LEAVENWORTH PAULINE FREDERICK I in "SAPHO" BOULEVARD, 23D AND LEAVENWORTH WILLIAM S. HART, and HOUSE PETERS. In "BETWEEN MEN" ROHLFF, 151 LEAVENWORTH DOROTHY DALTON, in "THE DARK ROAD" . Weit, DUNDEE, tlST AND UNDERWOOD ALICE JOYCE, and HARHT MOHBYr In ; "HKR SECRET" HEARST PATHE NEWS South Side. MAOIC, TWENTY-FOURTH AND JACK MULHALL, in , "THE FLAME OF YOUTH" DEATHS & FUNERAL NOTICES. ULKICK Frank J age 68 year. June 31, t Funeral 2 p. m. Tuesday, Juno 20, from nn residence, isio n. tun St., Benson, FUNERAL DIRECTORS. B. L. DODDER CO., Funoul Dlreotors. , P. 1 Fero. Mgr.. 3ld and: Cuming Sta. Phone Douflaa 67T. Auto ambulance. UL'LSB RIKPKN. undertakers and aru balmors, 70P-8. 16th. Douglas 128. UVb'VT JOHNSTON, embalmers and fu neral dlrectora, 71T 8. 16th St. Tyler 1678. JUIIN A. GENTLEMAN, undertaker and embalmer, 124 Leavenworth. Doug. l6.-f FLORISTS. liKINO a mem bar of th Rational Ftorteta' Telegraph Df It vary association, wa are In ' position to deliver flowera on short notloa ' anywhera in tha United States or Canada. Hees A Swftboda. Florists. fiSu?" LEE L. LARMON 1U Douglaa St. Douglas 134. LARQKHT assortment" of fresh flowera. U HENDERSON. 1519 FARNAM PAI1KER Flowar shop. 411 8. Hth. D. 8103. TUB FBRNKRT, 601 8. 16th Bt. Doug.m. BATIT. National Florlit, 14 Far nam St.- A. DONAUHL'fc.. J$Zl Hanivy, Doug, 1001. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Tha followiiif permtti to wed faav been Issued: Name and Residence, Ave. Horace Stephens. Omaha,.1 l Adeline Lyck, Omaha..,,,,.,,, n .Tames W. Powers, Carrot, la... ., SI Clara Belle Utlloway, Carrol, la 24 Fred Jones, Manning, la ...... ,, , 91 Blanche Price, Bent ley, la,.. it Charlra Mook, Omaha 47 Bila Ogle, Omaha Lawrtnre Albert Parker, Omaha,.,..,,; SO Vonua Bealrloa, Cropp, Omaha 18 Bruoe M. Napier, Omaha 34 Marlon I. Polk, Omaha a& Harry Plburn, Hastings, Neb , Si Fom Ultchell, Hastings, Neb If Daniel 1 larva t, Omaha a Anna Schwee, Omaha 21 Harlow B. Tracer, Missouri Valley, la., 14 Harriet Peake, Omaha X Charles M. Henderson, Omaha ..over 31 Sadie & Mycr, Omaha. ..... oVer IS Edward Q. Bloan, ltnver. Colo . Kwnlly Caldwell. Dfadwood. 8. D Si BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Thomaa P. and Theresa Helen Sullivan. 4207 Lafayet avenue, girl; Alflo and Henilata Nassln, KOI Pierce it rent, boy; John W. and Kltaabeth Clara Kennedy, 31S l.arlmore avenue, girl; Hdward and Mary Lynam, 14Z8 llartha street, girt; Ed and Ruhy Llnaey, 1.2) J South Twentieth at reft, troy; M. A. and Mable Brodle, 4940 North Fifteenth street, boy; Dye and Edith Wall, S41I Capitol avenue, girl; heater J. and Irene 'Wright, 4341 Corby street, girl; Arthur and Louise Kuraawa, I0I& Leaven worth street, glri, Deaths Alda 1-aferta, 94 dsya, 111! North Seventeenth street; Baby Kwlne, a montlis, 1913 Boulh Sixth atret; Hexema Paulsen. 32, hospital; Bessie RMloun, 32, (213 South Eighteenth atreef; Win ton M. Copr lurid, 3. 2032 North Eighteenth street; Alice M. Bohwer, 01. 4407 North TwWy.flfth ave nue; Urn. Olive Moeler, 21, hospital; VYa). 1 tr B. Moore, 1, 1427 Nnrth Seventeenth afreet; . Mrs. Frelove J. Deuel, 30, 1I0( Dodge street. BUILDING PERMITS. Tha following building permits have been Issued: Iawrence Karney, I25 Mercer boulevard, brkk veneer dwelling. IT.&00 ATTRACTIONS dERRY-GO-ROUND and other clean con cessions wanted (or tha biggest Fourth of July celebration over held An western Douglas county. Wa expect 4,000 ift tendanct. Write, wlro or phona N. Johnaon. Valley, rep. ;ONCEHSIONS wanted at Allan..-, la., July 4. Big cel.bratlon. Fair grounds. Auto, horse and anotorcycle races. Mili tary exhibition. No games of chanoa. for particulars wrtto H. D. Flnlayaon, Secy. SWAPPERS' COLUMN FOR SALE or trade, a merry-go-round, pool table and an eleclrlu piano, all In first-clsss condition. Address Bog II. Ben nlngtoa, Neb, LOST-FOUND-REWARDS OMAHA At COUNCIL BMn-'FH ST R IS 1ST RAILWAY COMPANY Permms having lost um artlrte would di well in call up tho office of Hi Omaha it Council Bluffn Ktreet Railway Cotfipaiiy tw ascerti:';i whether they left ft In tho siren i-ar. Many artlrlea earn day art turned and the company Is anxious to reatore men to the rightful o nr. IF VUU lueo aiiythiDg end will advertise It here ynu will surely recover It If found by an honeet person. If ou find anything 01 vaiuo, ma nonest way la to advertise for the owneiw LOUT Lent her bill fold porkelbnok -(n mining iL'b currency, money badiy needed. ' Pleane return. Reward. Write Bog 3464, (Mnaha Bre. Phone Webster 2D4. loh r Shetland pony, dark bay. welint nui imih, rope mark 011 lert hind hoof. U ray bill Broil., Roulo No. 6, Benson. Box in. uewaru. s OST Paltnl Sure-On nosa glaitses In case, be! ween flth and Hth Harney. Col. 1244. LONT Saturday oftjrnoon. Bum h of about id Key. . Keward for return this office. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. ATTENTION, FURNITURE BUYERS. Do'not buy any furniture, ruga or atovea until you have soen us first. We offer you a 126.000 STOCK OF HIGH-GRADE FUR NITURE, R1KUJ, STOVES and COM PLKTA HOMW OUTFITS for practically your own price. We are forced to vacste our four-story warehouse, and Ita entire contents must be sold at once. Sale takes place at our sales room at the corner of 14th and Dodge streets,' Do not fall to attend. It la an opportunity of a lifetime. Hundreds have already taken advan tage of thla wonderful opportunity. Why don't you?. STATE FURNITURE CO., D. 1317. Cor. 17th and Dodge Sts. Omaha AUCTION! AUCTION! Tha Bhrlner-Apartments, 21 rooms of good furniture will be sold at auction Friday, June 21. at 10 a. m , At 26TH A NO HARNEY STS. Watch Thursday paper for details. JAMES L. LOWU, Auctioneer, BAROAINS In furniture, Ictf boxes, aas toves, ruga, beds, china and kitchen cabl neta, tables chairs, buffets, dressers, trunks, suitcases. Full line of poultry net i ng. acrean. 139-47 N, 24th. Web. 1407. BIO AUCTION SALE Vt Furnltuco At 2210 Harney Street Tomorrow at 1:30 p. m. ' JAS1K8 Tj. T)OWD, Auctioneer. ICE CREAM tables off. fur., chairs, refrlg.. ice coolers, garden hose, porch furniture, Vlotrolaa and pianos. Loyal Kurn, Co., 223 . loin, uuy rum. vo 107 80. Hth. Bill AUCTION SALE of Furniture at 2210 Harney St., Today at 1:30 p. m. JAMES L. DOWD, AUCTIONEER. FOR SALK Larsa saa atovV In rood-con- uition; auttanie ror boarding houe, or taurant. Phone Doueaa 4011. RUHH rlcht down and set your ahare of all winua lurntture at aacrinca. ,0, N. ,10th. FOR BALE RefrlKiirator, go-cart and din- mar laoie, tu28 . 26tn. Pianos and Musical Instruments. HKBI HAW! Not a donkey, but a fun to tuna your piano. Charles L, Fl.h, piano iumbt. wen line , FOR 8ALK-Flne old violin. 814; i American mandolin harp, Karel, 1H1 South 12th St. IS, Frank eweiry, Diamonds and Watches. roR GRADUATION Watche, and rlnga at rrieoman a, UOUfraa. Lumber Nind BuTlding Materials. SAVE HALF on beama. columna. brick. H. uroaw Lumper ana wrocit. Co, web. 18HI. Printing and Office Supplies. Watere-Barnhardt Ptg. Co. 624 So. 13th SL Cameras and Kodaks. RF.Yfi CAMERAS, every click a IMJAU tura. Ora.n'a ph.rm.ov. "ST Iflth and Howard. Billiards tnd Pocket Tablet. FOR SALSBILLIARD TABLES, brand new oarom and pocket,, with complete ouiiii. ioui secona-nana taoiea at re. duced prlcea; bowling alleys and supplies; rnny paynienis. uigar store nxiures a specialty. Bend for catalosue. THK BRUNSWICK-BALKB-COLLsaNDEIl CO., ui unuin iyir at. SewinE Machines. "Eewing machines . Wo rent, ronalr. aell naedlea and naeta of all sewing machines, NEBRASKA CTCLB f!0 . ' '' Hth and Harney 81a. Doutr. H2. Trunlrt and Traveling Bags. WB make t;hem ourselves, why pay two proms ror interior goods, when you can get high grade goods at first coat. ALFRKD tHORNIRH C( Mfri. f Harness, Saddles and Traveling uooQs, i. iv rarnam ot. Typewritera and Supplies, TIMtS SAVtSO IB MONEY EARNED, Did you aver aton to fhlnk hn miiKh time and money you can save Sv th uae of tha typewriter. Tha Half Startlna Remtnaftnn T U tha most up to date on tha market. Ask us aooutv-our iow Rental Plan. REMINGTON TYPSWRITKR CO., 901 S. ltb. Phone Doualaa 1211. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired. j.eni an Oliver typewriter S months for 16, Central I'VOewrtter Kvrhanara IS At Farnam, Guaranteed Typewriters. 110 and up. Write ir i.aiT, wiaiana xyp. uo., 1404 Dodge. Miscellaneous. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feathers steam renovated and mad up In fresh ticks cost nun ina price or new pillows. Call us for samples of ticking and orloea. l07 num. Ing. Douglas 3487. WE HAVE moved to new location. We huv. ell and make deaka, safes, showcases, shelving, ate. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 8. W. Cor. 11 tb and Douglas Sts. Plmna Doug. 3784 DRT KINDLING WOOD. ACME BOX COMPANY. HARNgT 18a?. for SALE A safe, a piano, a couch, ate. gftTi Amea Ave. WANTED TO BUY DEKS DESKS DESKS incw aeaaa, used desrts, bought, aold and traded. J, C. Reed, 120T Farnam. D. 14. ANTED TO BUY Set of MMnd.hmri bank fixtures, suitable for small room. Bend description and price wanted. Ad dress Lock Drawer B. Valentine. NS OLD CLOTHING WE PAY THE IIK1HRST PRICES. DOUGLAS SOU. ENKINS Pays highest prices for clothes, shoes, trunks, etc. Red l:t. IE OS,, DOUg. 032, DIAMONDS" 409 9. Ibth St. SOL BERGMAN at CO. ANTED Household gooda to help fill car to Loa Angeles. B, W. Ma rah, Tacurasch, Neb CASH paid for diamonds. Estates ap praised. rt"se Jewelry Co.. 403 S. 14th. PALSH teath, $t per set up. Malt to H. vanalstlpe, 608 Decatur. Omaha. Neb, WANTED to buy, slightly uaod 1917 ford touring car. isoutn 4;;eo. - BOOK 3 Bought. Kleser, Loyal Hotel Bldg. IOU prlcra paid for old clot his. I. 47H. BOOKS bouabt, 19 , 16th. Trier :S2. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordeon Pleating. ACCORD Bo N, aide, knife, tun buret, boa pleating, covered buttons, all sixes and sly loa; hen in ll ten lug, ploot edging, eye let crut work, buttfinhiiletf, pennHnfa. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO,,. Onnoallee Brandcia Store. Brown Bldg. Pouglaa 195. AN ARM AN Dresa Pleating and Tlutton 336-7 Faxton Blk. Douglas Hlfte. Accountants. Dworak-Ure Audit Co.. ,3, Rami. AMr. Phona Xouv. 314,. Baths. UASSEtF:, bathe, manlrurlnr.' phyaloal roll. Ml,. Walker. !!4 Neville Dlk. 1. 4!7 IHTTENHOUSK Sanitarium. all kind. pallia. S16-814 Balrd Blk.. Hlh Si rwuilaa. CENTRAL, liath Institute. ISO, Harney. iJouslaa Taa7. BeU'lla Royt-e. meaa., chlr. ZZi Neville Blk. Blacksmiths, t Blarkemlthlnr. lawn mower aharpen'a, lawn mowcra foraale. A. Smith c Son. W. 2M1. Brass and Iron Founderies. Paxton-Mltchell Co....3"th and Martha Rta DIB.N & 81'l.lUER, 140fyacluion. D. fW.l. Fakeries. ORTMAN'S NKW KNni.A.M) BAKKRT, 5IS TV. UTH. bRANCHKU Pirlll.lO MARKET AND HAvnK.N mtOTiiKita OUR MOTTO "BETIEB BAKED OOODS." . ANNOUNCEMENTS Carpenters and Contractors. r.B'SAHfi It :"3I rumlna. Ty. 113! Chiropodist. ' , HllrfurO. C'JO fa, tun Blk. It. Detectives. OMAHA DIHErTIVIS AHSOfTATION, 100 l.t N.t. Rlc. B!-la. Phone Tvlpr 2610. JAMLB ALLAN. 312 Neillle Blk. Endcnc, itukiI In .11 can",. Tyler 116. S. f). .IOLI.V. tu Pailon. Ked 7401. i Dressmaking. ' MollNX, 61. 8. 27th. Kxd. drea.maker Kowlne; by day. Wal. .1838 TKIIHY Dri.niaklin Co.. 30lh and Farn.m. Fixtures and Wirina. DTTPIfTM Ulertrlo naehlns maehlne. lempa. 2228 rumlng Ht. nou. 361,. Furs Stored. FUrtH aloreil, cleaned and remodeled, prire. Kura dyed. II. RothhoU, Furrier. Hiirn.y 2701 :-818 Leavenworth. Hat Cleaners. ALL klnda hate cleaned and rablocked: la. die.' hata apeclalty. 1520 Harney. R. 4873. Household SDecialties. C. r. ADAMS, ,23 . lth! l. 2007; under nw management, we want to aea old iriRnne .no meet now. upen Bat. avea. i our rrenH la gooa. Afenla wanted.. Insurance. BANKERS' LIKB l LINCOLN, H-I4 City Nat. Bk. Bldr. I)ou. !S1. Lawn Mowers Sharpened. LAKL JARL. 1703 Leavenworth 8t. V. 4 377 Masseureft. MA8SAQE, chiropody, Alta JFead, 208-14 oioa., i,tn ana uouglaa. D. 3408 FRKU C. ALLEN, aclentirio niaaaeur; Swed i.w,. ano vapor oatna. IB17 Dodte. Central Bath Inat., ltOO Harney. Doue. 707. MISS WEST, manlcuve, masaaa-a. 210 N. 17. Mir-o niLA.-u, 223 Neville Blk Osteon, tha. Mra. J. R. Mualck, aulpher. .teem and enca. lyptua bathe. 402-3 Roue Bids. Ty. Z38J, 7 Oxy-Acetylene Welding. Expert Weldino; on All IWeial. H. V LRVER1NO. 301 . 12th Bt. D. 3878 Patent Attorneva. stukueb St STUROBS. U. 8. and forelrn ano naoemarka. 330 Bee Bid, FATKNTS procured, bouaht and aold. Inter- nwuon.i ratcni up., t.83 Brandeia. D. 8S81 Pianos for Sent. IJJOper mo. A. Ho.pe Co., 1S1J Doualaa. Rafftime. Learn to play popular mutflo tn 24 lea.ona. r. J.tn. rn. wen. 3060 after 8 p. m. Theatrical Costumes. THEATRICAL own., full dreaa ,ult, for rem. zo N. 17th. John Feldman. D. tin. Taxi. I TAXI, D. 7390 NEB. SERVICE GARAGE Tailors. CRONSTROM S PANTALORIUM Room I, Palteraon Blk., t7th and Far. nam. Douslaa 6407. J, Cronatrom, Mer chant Tailor; cleanlns. praaalns and re pairing. Roofing Omaha Rooflne; Co., romp., travel, aaphalt ihlngta pattern roofing A Rhine;, coating. All klnda of repairing. 629 Bee Bldg. D. ,043 Safes. SAFES BAnoAINS, Ull Farnam. OAfnC) X J. Derlght 8af. Co. Shoe Parlors. 9HWB clean, bronae. 1823 Farnam. Wclidinfir Stattonerv. WBDDINO annourtcementa and printing. Douglaa Printing Co. Tel. Douglaa (44. Towel Sunnliea Omaha Towel Supply. 207 fl. 11th. D. 121. Where to Eat. EAT HOME-COOKED MEALS. NEW DBLICATE89EN. DOS FARNAM. BURROuaH-s riArra OMAHA, NEB. (Service.) LINCOLN, JJEB. 31, . lth. 132 8. 13th 8t. OMAHA RESTAURANT, ,IMM ' ltitn-! PmJ' 60 S"d3CO, BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SAL IS. Moving picture theater In town of 1,J0, seats tttf, only show tt town; clearing $40 tosfU weekly; reason (or selling, have other Interests; will take $2,300 If taken at once; ll,00ftcash, balance terms. Ad dress Y-38, Bee, DRUG STORE FOR SALE. Suburban drug store, Annual aalea $14,- wvw. mi,, invoice snout 17,000. Splendid location. In high grade residence section. fin ana a 10 u main ana cigar trade. Ad- areas hoi 4837, Hoe. I'ICTURK SHOW and alrdome for aale In live Kaniaa town, population 4. BOO. A bar sain it taken at once. Addreaa B, 11, Eaat 34(h St., Kan.aa Cliv Mo. FOR RUNT Snap for linmedlat. action realaurant, all furnlahed and a ,ood U.U.. .rowin. Dusineea; rent ,2& per luu, oil-kuch. L,eavenworta. DmiSla, I1U HOTEL BAROAIN. 7, room, and bar for leaae or aale 11.400 caah Trill handle leaae. Mra. M. B iii-noiaon, notei Kay, feorla. 111. IP YOU want to aell or buy a buslneaa or rwiiiiiia oouao can on liuach a Borshoff, 110 World-Herald Bids. Phono D. 821,. A BLACKSMITH ahop with full equipment for aal, or trad, for real aatate. Wlah a iiuma aaie. o, Bee. MOTION plctur. macblnea (new and re- ouiiw, ineetere aupplled, Omaha rilm lixchanso. 108 S. 14th St. MOVINO PICTURE machine., neV and r- ouiit, an makea: auppllca. -Weatern Sup ply CO.. 201 Nat. llhlr dLUAN atock sen. md.e. and srocery. Sell miain iraue. vy. uray, KOdyvllle, Neb. TO UET In of out ot bualneaa call , on GANG K3TAD 423 Bee Blda. Dou. U77 t suarantoa aale of any bualneaa or real ea. . -. .. ...,,., jj.n pm,., mnana RESTAURANT Tor aale; uke auto In part. I ...., avw a. i.in. umana. DOWD SALE AND AUCTION CO..' im W. O. W. Bldlt. Red 82S5. FOR SALE Old eetabllahed two-chair bar- ber .hop. Call Walnut 1,85. - , MEDICAL WHT SUFFER? Laleat and Moat Scientific .-Htinem ior-au Ul.eaaea. Dr. Charlea Barnea. .11-834 Roee lllds. Eaamlnatlon and Conaultatlon free. He la curln timn. aanda, WHY NOT TOUT Delay, an dan. a.ruuK ,1 you can i call, write. Houra I a. m. to I p. m.; J:S0 to t:30 (Tenlnaa. Sunday by appointment. DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 BEB BLDG. FILES, FISTULA CURED. TV, B. R. Tarry cures piles, fiatula and other rectal diseases without surgical op era Hone. Cure guaranteed and no money fTald until cured. Write for books, on reo tal dlseasa and tesHmonlals. RUPTURE successfully treated without a aurgioai operation. vn ll or writs Dr. Frank IT. Wray. Bee Bldg. DR. KADES, 501 Paxlon Blk. Doug. 8728 Chiropractors. Ura. .lob nw ton, Vi2i W. Q. W. Bldg. D. 539. DR. KNOLLENLtl'.Rfl. SAM IT A n him T.ady attendant. 2tlh and Farnam. D. ?a5. Lawrence, l.alrd Bldg. D. 8461 Dr. Frantrca Dawson, Ruo Bldg. T. 338B, Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 21 V. Q. W. Bldg. CU!nt:.. Rm"- Bjdg. D.218' PERSONAL TO WHOM IT MAY CONCKRN: Mrs. Else J'helpa has sold her entire Interest In lhw Central Bath Institute and Is now li) no way connected with this Institution. Cen tral bath Institute, Etta M. St urges, Hau ager. 160 Harney St. BATHS and massage, Central Path. Insti tute, 160 Harney ctt, Doug. 1097. Open evenings. UISS K1H11KH, sulphur, steam baths and massage, 37 Bra . Tnea. Bldg. P. lbf9, UH.LA XV E B8TER, massage and mani curing. (IS Paxlon blk. Red IMltO. UAMCURINO, elertrlcand scientific I sage. 10T K. 17th 8t. Miss DeBar. ALL R1UHT private maternity home. cars, an oo grietol. web. jo. PRIVATE llrensed maternity home, 4 US N. ssin hi. r ii one uoirax !04i. BATHS, maeaage. 18ft3 Farnam. Phone Douglaa 8?et. SCIFNTIKIC maasage. Ct Bee Bldg. Fbone uougiaa S3T3. I 15 A K BRUGMAN, "scletHKlii masse una and naina. aoa Karnacn Bik. Red 27.17. Fdna WIlHamw. maasage. balh. Ui Neville. Manicuring and mass, 182S Farnam. R. II. BATHS, mansago. Phone Douglaa 8T61. B. liROTT, alaaaa, AUTOMOBILES WILLYS -OV KPtljAM'. IXC., USUI CAIl I)KI'T. t - .Us i2U. 2017-49 Fnrnsii. St. Tourltfg care and roadslers of Overlain Studbaker, Haxwelf, FArd, Oakland, mitcneii, uufK and lliM.xnn makes. TERMS IP DESIRED. Prompt attention given to all Interested out-or-town buyers. CRC5STOWN CAR.KC.V. 316 So. 24lh Ht. Douglas 4442. A p person "45". starter and light, a tires anu rims, gnoa condition, I21&.0O. Parts fro- Hup 20. Hudson 28, Interstat 35, Apperson, uldamublle, etc.X L'aed iiree cnenp. 1AXWELL racing cr, guaranteed ib inila per nour, stiaw. Htnddard-Dayton roadater, !i0. Cole fl, touring, 1 1,300. TRAY N" OR AUTO CO.A 2210 Farnam Street. t AUTO CLL'ARI.NU HOUSE. 2200 Farnam. Douglas 3310, lilt Bulck "Light Blx" Itoadster. . . . C7 1016 Overland Ryarlster 47a 1 91 S- Kmplre Touring 400 img Maxwell Touring 37 ' TIRE REPAIRING, rtrat-claee work at reaaonabla prices. THE TIRE SHOP, T). V. Crow. 251S Farnam. Dour. 4878. WR will trttdu you a new Ford for your old una. -INDUSTRIAL G Aft AGE CO., 30th and Harney. Douglas G26I FOR SALE tenders for driveway and wains, jjougias 137, mwuei your 01a battery in on a guaran teed Ever-ready storaara batterv. Vrm. in apectlon of any battery. Sver-ready Stor- C W. FRANCIS, AUTO CO. Used Car Dept. 2310-18 Farnam St. Douglas $5$. Almost any make at reasonable prlcea. FOR SALE Model 60 2-passenger Stanley oionini-r, ime new, unsurpassed power, peed and ease of operation, a bargain. v,...,.. nniinuiiii, rifaaamon, ieo. STUDKBAKKR Six, '17, fine condition; ing west; price $850. Douglaa 9003. 162a WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. 100 USED ""i quica action; no delay. Auto Ex cnange t o.. 2107 Farnam St. Doug. 036. "tell a n in ki.ev WB BUY AND SELL USED FORDS. 2318 Harney St.. Doug. 1640. waist modern six auto for clear Brownell nan aieinct iota, uanan, McCagua Blda. xmniani ivan-r ix-it," southeast cor- uea- ,mn ana namey sts. Douglas 2St2, BAROAINS In used Ford cars Holmea-Ad- vl1-1' . iin. mone s. 271 WB are the used Ford men. Auto Salvage m cuimiUB. ill) o. inn. a Auto Livery and Garages. iwtl'eiKT auto repairing. "Service car al ways reaay." umaha Garage. 2010 Har ney St. Tyler 66G. Automobile Accessories. OSQOOD" lenses meet leaal "tin rmr' requirements and glva additional light on u, uisinouiora, roweil Supply Co., Electric Starters and Repairs. ALL MAKES REPATRrcn STRAHLE & ANDERSON, INC. St. Douglaa 6481. ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT SERVICE c67 JL " '. oiarier nepair Bhop." 2230 Farnam St. Douglas 377. Tires and Supplies. HKE price wreckers. This Is no 2 In 1 tlrT COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY, 140314 Jackson. Agts. wanted. Omaha. Neb. Auto Repairing and Painting. j.w rewara ror magneto wa can't repair Col la repaired. Baysdorfer, 210 N.'lSth. Motorcycles and Bicycles FOR SALE-One 1917 moil Tnrft.n .j.ii, riecinc equipped, carrier and othor VlDHVI .free, KIBB OOGH TUd OHly 160 mil BS. Price reasonable. Machine In Omaha. For particulars write Arthur Rackllffe, Box C n A R L E T - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bsa.ii,D iu uaea mac nines, victor H. Rooa. "The Motprcyclo Man," 27th and MUST SELL AT ONCE Harlav-Davldnn bicycle, almost new. Will sell reasonable. E. Cossalrt, room IB, the Crelghton Block. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and accountant ... P""'1. ramutar witn all details of office work; references, etc., A-l. Bor R1CB Una, " a By fairly experienced, middle aged man, a. . ..vcl, .uuusr or eaiea inanaser lo local office. Box 337,. Bee. YOUNG man wanta position aa chauffeur, private family prefer e.-, good references. Call Douglaa 765,. RELIABLE young man want, any kinder 5rk from 1 to 5 p. m. Box S167, Omala STENOGRAPHER with five year.' eaperl enca dealrea poaltlon by July 1. Box ,37. Creston. Ia. PRINTER wanta work aa compositor WHITEWASHING Wlndowa washed, ruga p... pen, rgpaireq. nuns. Wal. 1868, l YOU want aJlYthlnjr don. ,i.kI Spark., the bandy man, at Walnut 1160. WANTED Work on farm by experienced w. a. Wallace, Han l Ia. HOUSE and lawo man: wall paper cleaned. Douglaa 8694. William Delaney. FINE paint, carpet and paper cleaning at cut prlcea. Doug. 7841. FOR plowing & cultivating. CallDoug7 Female! A QUIET, refined colored lady wishea a po. altlon aa housekeeper for bachelor, or taking care ot bachelors' apts, Box 6108, RELIABLE colored woman wants day work or bundle washing, Harney 411,. GIRL 16 wants email children to car, for WASHING taken by tha bundle, all bundle. " rcuia or apqve. call uolfax 3628. EXP. lady wants position as housekeeper In small family, no laundry. Ref. Web. 6040. Laundry and Day Work. DAY wo.k and washing. Mrs. J. O. Col. S492. EXP, laundress, fine cloths specially. H. 1904. DAY work, houseclcanlng, col, lady, D. 4379. WORK, day or week. Mrs. Cramer, Dg. 8879. BUNDLTfl washing or day work. Doug. 7084. LAUNDRY to take home. Webster 2569. WANTED Day work. Douglss 49,7. BUNDLE washing. Call Walnut 3569. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. lLDGUR clerk, 40 years of age. $7t. isleiio who understands rates, 7&, Stenographer, wholesale, $75. WATTS REP. OO.. 1138 1st Nat. Bank. I LAN qualify and assist several men with references to traffic poult Ions, paying $F25 per month, up. Under new freight rata lines. Box 516. Beo. s EIGHT stenographers at once, 175 to $80 THK MARTI CO.. IStT W. O. W. Blda. AND OFriCK ilANAGER. .$75.00 TUB CANO AO KNOT. 600 BKE BL1XV Professions and Trades. 3UPER1NTKNDI5NT WANTED FOR COAL AlU riUll.DING Rl A TKRiAI. YARD. MUST BE M IDDIiK-AtiKI) MAN WITH KXPERIENCK IN HANOI, I NO MKN AND KUKl'INO RKCORDS. APPLY IN OWN HANDWItlTINU. STAT I NO AOK. EM PLOYMENT FOR LAST FIVE YEARS. SALARY WANTED AND WHKN YOU CAS BE(IN WORK. PERSONAL IN TERVIEW WILL BK REQUESTED JF APPLICATION 18 SATISFACTORY, ADDRESS BOX NO. 6112. BEE. MEAT CUTTERS. Of trm'en ability who wish to connect with a live growing concern, and are able to manage a market. Call Tv1r 440 or call tn person at 10$ N. th St. The Basket Stores Office MGR. FOR THK OMAHA MUSICAL CLUB. Wanted A! firet class manager for the Omaha Musical club, corner l.th and Caea Sta. Must give tha beat of references. Phone Webster T2I1. WANTED Journeymen electrical workers, acala 76c, eight houra; no labor troubles; plenty of work guaranteed: wire applica tion to Natona County ElcclfsvawCo., Cas per. Wyo. WANTED An alopathlc doctor at Bal- lantlne, Mont, Addresa Ballantlne Drug Co.. Ballantlne. aiont. DRUG POS1TION8 ALL STATE. CO-OPERATIVB RBFERENCK CU 1C1616 i,ty National Bank Bldg. WANTED FOUR FIRST-CLASS AUTOMO- unto n r,r. i n ir,Pi. imui. mniv 'I.KY AUTO GARAliK, 3318 HARNEY. LEARN harbor trade; low rates now. Call or write Barber College, m Douglaa SL HELP WANTED MALE Salesmen and Solicitors. oALhHMhN autuatotuctl tu lurking big ihuiip). nave upeiilngs lor three aggressive apetlaltr aalesmcn to trave! ana sell our advertising acrvli'e to bank era ami merchants. Clean, dignified, legl mate and established business; exclusive territory ; commissions paid dally or week ly; experience In our line, while deslr. anie. not necessary. Call 9 to 12, except nuiioay. ji. a. Alcuivern, Room 101, jicjpi Home. HAMKlt Three men of aUlllly, willing tu face the public, poaltlon pays three dol ls a day to start, t.'all before , a. m. or after 3 p. m., 312 Balrd Bldg., andask 3ALK8MAN To aell SPEED KINO motor .as, something niw, one quart guaranteed io .ave ,s worm ot gasoline, big seller. rue ror parncuiara. bl'EED KINO CO. STAFFORD, KAN. WANTED Experienced book men to take up selling of new publlcatlona. Best territory and leada furnished. Apply P. p. Browning, 313 Balrd Bldg., Omaha, SALESMAN WANTED?" Call 6.3 B. 16th Str Agents and Canvassers AIJENTS WITH .Fnnn r-rrts TO SELL A LOW-PRICED, FAST-SELL- vtin vai,vk, TU FORD OWNERS' I.AROB PROFITS: EXCLUSIVE TERRI TORY IN NEBRASKA. SEE MR STEPHENS OR MR. HANNAFORD. CARLTON HOTEL, S TO 10 A. M. OR 7 n- s r. M. Hotels and Restaurants. DISHWASHER and bus boy, wanted. Club v..ie, isui aarnam. WAITERS and waitress! wanted. Muet have H.rinnc. ana rcierence Club Cafe, 1607 WANTED 26 cook, for the sixth Nebraska ppiy isix rarnam. EXPERIENCED ahort order cook. Apply ioo t-ate, iso7 Farnam. WANTED Portcra. Apply at t'ontenelle Ho- ) Teamstera and ChauSeura. TEAMSTERS WANTED steady work and auu pay. Apply Sunderland Broa. Co South Yard: 20th and Hickory street WeBt Yard: 42d and Ixard Streeta. Boys. BOYS aarn sood wagea while learning trade. Juat Ilk. being paid to go to achool. Must be is year, old. GORDON-LAWLESS COi, 8th and Dodge Trade Schools. MOLER BARBER COLLEGES Men, women, ham the barber trade; tew week, complete, ; pay while learning. Catalogue free. Ratea now on. Call or write. 110 South 1 th St., Omaha. LEARN barber traderbe Independent; mora ,an. ,our oxpensea wane learning. Wagea o, percentage. Wa don't over charge you to begin. 1402 Dodge St. ...TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE. 07 S. 20th and 2069 Farnam. Miscellaneous. SHOVELERS wanted to unload coal by the ton; good pay and steady work. Apply North Yard 24th and Taylor streets. South Yard 20th and Hickory atreeta. 1'.. ru sq ana isarq ,treets. LABORERS, drivers, etc.. tor grading and quarry work; long Job: steady employ ment; wagea 2bo per hour and up. Na tional Stone Co., Loulavllle, Neb. Omah. office, 918 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. ATTENTION, farmeral If you want help we can aupply you. Bluff City Employ- ment Bureau, ,1,14 w. Broadway, P. 431. LABORERS wanted; ateady work: good wagea. Apply Sunderland Broa. Co., west yard, 42d and liard Sts. LABORERS for Lewlston, Mont. Ship dally. ,o cmeraiq i.ap. Agy., iZiVj B. 10. HELP WANTED Male and 7emale. WANTED Names men tnd women wishing ti, uronrn. nun- urea war appointment,. Boa Y 4,, Bee. WANTED Salesmen, both men and women. omiu.uun, ana goou salary. Apply 889 First Nat, Bank Bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. BKPR.. 190: Bknr.. 180: Clerk. 17n- r-i Bkp lector. lj; Junior clerk, 345; Salsa man ger, 3100 up. 1 BUSINESS MEN'g REFERENCE! ASSN. 1202 AV. O. W. Bldg. BOOKKEEPER and 8teno. S80. btenographer and Bkpr., $tiC. Stenographer, Insurance, (65. THE MARTI CO., 1317 W O WE NEED stenographers, bookkeeper and unito u.crna. o-uperative .reference Co. STENOS., 85; 7B; $65; $50; $40. WAT .3 UKiT. CO., 1138 1st Nat, 1st Nat, Bank. .vtvaniuiia aim aiaUEB, v EXPERIENCED fitter wanted to work lit iduies reaay-io-wear store, 16 per week and ateady work. Write and give refer encea to tha New Tork Store. Deadwood. 8. D. WANTED Girl for Ice cream parlor and LEARN barbor trtTde. 1H02 Dodge St. Saleswomen and Solicitors. EXPERIENCED lady canvasser for house - iw-nnueo worn io aonclt and advertise a product of merit. 923 8. 13th St., between 8 and 10 a. m. WANTED Ton ladiea to solicit local work; V7 p weea, ti. I. VVUBOn, " jjiaiiucin i neater a lug. Household and Domestic. WANTED Good, honest, economical, in- uuBiaiajua woman ot ou or more, to Keep house for man of 67 and crippled just now; want one that Is fair cook, house keeper and understands canning fruit and vegetables and can milk two cows; want woman that does not drink or use co caine and needs home more than wages; pay $3 per week; need her last of July. Give full particulars in first letter. C. M. Chambers, Bartlett, la. WANTED Competent girl for general nouscworK. good cook; no washing; ref erences. Mra. A, B. Warren. Telephone Harney 330. COMPETENT girl for general housework. small family; no laundry work; good wagea. Mra. H. U. Fish, 3311 Woolworth Ave. WANTED Girl for assistant in housework waiiu, vino iraca; acnooi girl preferred. Phone Harney SS38. WANTED An experienced white nurse maid or woman, with references; good wages. Box 6102. Bee. ANTKD Good girl for aeneral housework: one who can go homo nights. Phone Wal- nm .mi. hob IN. IITO St. GOOD girl wanted at 114 N. 30th St. Please call. Don't phone. Small homo and small family. WANTED A competent cook. Mra. N. B. (jpaiae, 3tll Jackson St. Tel. Harney COMPETENT girl for general housework. narnpy m, .iaav Harney Bt. EDUCATIONAL VAN SA1WT nchooi. f iv miMtNP?aa llunliiess Administration. Advertising. liianeo and Invonlmonts. Banking. A ten weeks' course in above aubjecta, by professors from the Unl. of Nebraska, brgtnH June 18th. Day setuilons for women. Evening fsnlonn for men and women. Two forty-flva minute lecturea each week In each wubject. Take any one or a IK Tuition 1 1 2. GO per course, each subject. Tho buntnofM world npcds wompn. Enter any Mouilay for Shorthnd, Typewriting, ltookkeeplng and other courses of train ing fur hunt It ens. Day classes meet between $ and 1. Evening t-laoscM between tf:;i and 8. 220 Omaha Nattonal Bank Bldg. BOTLES COLLEGE DAT SCHOOL. ; NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day Is enrollment dav. Bonk- keeping shorthand, atenotypy, typewrit ing, telfgraphy, civil aervk-e sit commer cial and English branches. Catalogue Tree. . nOVLES COLLECiE. Douglaa 166&. 18th and Harney Sta. FRIV ATK tutoring by m. college graduate. give reference. tan Her. 4.S7. MONEY ro LOAN FURNITURE, ptanoa and notes as security. 40, a mo,, m. gooaa.. total coot. i3.b. $4. V mo., endorsed notes, total coat, $2.(0. timelier, large am'ta proportionate rata, PROVIDENT XOAS SOCIETY. 131 Rose 'Bldg., 16th and Farnam. Ty. M. LEGAL- RATE LOANS $24.00 $240.00 or mora Eauy payments. Utmost privacy. 340 Paiton Blk.' ' Tel. Doug. 23&, OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. FOR RENT ROOMS Hotels. HARLEY :0TH AND FARNAM. Special low ratea to HOTEJL permanent guests. COOL rooms for summer. $2 wk ; apt. witn Kitchenette. OUDEN hotel, Co. Hiuirs. Furnishcd Rooms. ' ATTKNTION. ROOM HUNTERS! If you tall to find the room you dpulre among these ads call at The Be office for a Room List Olvea complete description ot vacant rooms tn all parts of the city. New lists issued every week. BEAUTIKULLY furnished front room, solid nfahogany furniture; private home; facing turner parti; walking distance ;4deal plare ior Bumm-ir; no otner roomers; no chll dren; gentleman only. Box 6501, Bee. ntL&ui lurnisnoi front room for the sutn- ' mer ror gentleman In beautiful nelghhor hood, very homelike. In private family. rent reasonable; on 24th car line, 2416 uamiien Ave. Colfax 22S9. FURNISHED room for rent for two gen- ncmeu, or man ana wire; private family; board If preferred; no other boarders; nng; rerorencea. 3411 s. 24th St, WILL rent my newly furnished front parlor ""J itian,ni.ui8 io respeciaDie gentleman; atrlclly modern; newly papered; quiet and numeiine piare. VIZ l. Z2d at. j-akuk,, ueautlfully furnished room and sleeping porch, suitable for two, tn mod ern private home; walking distance. Tyler 1970. HANSCOM Park District Large, beautifully laautiBiicu irum room; preanrasi optional; wu a cu ng men preierrea. Harney 4206. TWO furnished sleenlna rooms far arm m i persona in private home, all modern. .;o rinney bi. rnone Webster 2fi2. VERT dealrable, cool room, la rare oorchea lawn and shade; board optional. Walklni distance. Harney 3473. COMFORTABLE sleeping rooms, private family, ' on Farnam line; referencea re- Muireu. nainui 502 N. HTH ST. Larate. cnnl rnm modern flat, suitable for ona or two gen- ... ...v... ir,i,uii,IWPi I..,,. weDster 7019, ROOM wUh breakfast, bultable for one or wo laaies. close to car and walking TWO elegantly furnished front rooms for euiiucuien in modern noma on car line, 621 8. 32D AVE. Cool, quiet room In new uic, tur Bnneraen. uooa garage. Phone Harney 195(5. NICELY furnished front room In private ..,..,;, ,u. .ocaiioo. ueiepnona Web ster 1766. 1 "12 JACKSON ST. Modern, aouthwest ex posure; referencea required. Harney 3623. NICELY furnished room, modern; very rea- """"'' " " ming aisiance. uougiag svvl. MODERN room for gentleman; private fam- ny; wanting aistance. Douglas 6336. ruKNiBiibD room for one or two gentle men, private home. Webster 2476. r UKmSHED room, alcove, 2 largo closets, ' iinea. jtiarney bhib. NICELY furnlahed rooms; close In. 2C61 S. NICELY furnished front room lamny. weDSter 6043. 214 S. 25TH ST. Cool, clean rooma for gen- THE SCRAN TON, furnished rooms. Pg. 745l 1611 HOWARD Furn. rms.. 2.60 week up. Housekeeping Rooms. 291 WEBSTER For two, large front room; .iiuntrrii noma; excellent board; nice neighborhood; no other roomers. Harney 1533. 4169 CASS ST. Two large, clean rooma for BuiHuier, aewmg macnine; good shade: 116. Walnut 2606. 221 N. 25TH ST. Three front rooms; every- ""a u.innneu; ciean, cooi, ice, gas, elec tric light: walking distance. Dousrlas 8209. 368 DEWEY AVE. 2 modern, nicely fur- nisned front rooms, close In ; laundry privileges. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, with kitchenette, m private lamny. Kea 8651. 2116 Cali fornia St. 1059 PARK Two and threa-ronm ...Ha.' itrlctly modern flat; laundry. Harney 2012 NO. 18TH ST., nicely furnished light .iUnctipiin rooms, si.ou end Z week; laundry privileges. Webster 7816. TWO coot housekeeping rooms, AJgavfnwortn at. i08 DOUGLAS Two modern housekeeping rnnnn' tin fhllr1.n n n 1611 HOWARD, nice housekpg. rma. Reas. Board and Rooms, BOARD with or without room; reasonable! 1 an- ' Ol. UOUg- las 4420. FURNISHED room with board: modern apartment; Hanscom Park district; busi- ..cbii wuma-n preierrea. Harney 2746. BOARD and room for two young men; good car service and walking diatanca. Har ney 6703. Unfurnished Rooms. ROOMS, unfurnished, In modern, desirable home near Rivervlew park; gaa range, 2d TWO or three unfurnished rooma; very cosy Call Webster 1403. , FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. ONE or two rooma and kitchenette, fur nished, in modern home, north part of city. Phone or call en-enings. 2811 Bristol St. Tel. Web. 2234. VERY attractive five-room apartment or July and August. Mra. Joseph Barker, 38th Ave, and Cass St. Walnut 924. FIVE-ROOM furnished apartment with sleeping porch; near Turner park. Har- APARTMENTS, all sizes and prlcea, splen- uiu lUL-auon. aim ana farnam. D. 1472. Mod. 4-r. Apt.. Har. 4141 or Wal. 2257. Houses. FOR RENT 6-room modern bungalow fur nished; nice neighborhood; near car, 1801 rinKney isz, FURNISHED house for rent Tn West Far nam Plat. 438 N. 38th Ave. Harney 2591, FOR RENT HOUSES West. 128 SO. JJ5TH St. $55. 130 Ho. 35th St.'. $45. Phono Owner, Douglaa $221. Six rooms, all modern, adulta only. Harney 2049. 3167 DAVENPORT ST.. 8 rooms, $35. E. H. BENNER CO. D, 8406. North. IS your rent $25? Pay me that and buy a home; 5-room, mod., large lot, near Miller Park. "Walker. Colfax 414 or $142. FIVE rooms and "bath, all modern, floored attic. Bleeping porch and garage. 3662 Ames Ave. Phone Colfax 1374. FOR RENT 7 -room, strictly modern house. 7 cherry trees and garden patch. Call Colfax 320. 8-ROOSl house, modern, with sleeping pori-u miq Ka rage, at Z433 spauwtng. 5-ROOiM and bath, newly decorated and painted. $15. 2702 Seward St; Tel. Rod 1881. FIVE-ROOM modern house. Webster 671. i-ROOM cottage, modern. 1811 Caaa St. South. 7-RpOM house for rent; cast front; oak finish downstairs, electric lights, fire place and hot water heat. Ia modern In every detail. Also has good garage In rear and good shade. This la located at SGO-flouth 40th street. Price complete, Including garage, 135.00 per month. See TRAV1SR BROTHERS, 81 First National Bank building. Phone Douglas 6886. 6-HOOM house S. 21th Ave. modern except furnace. 623 Phone H. 4356. Miscellaneous. PARTLY MODERN. 4-R. 501 Martha St $10.00 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 4- R. 2&0& Pierce St $16.00 6- R. 2910 Saratoga St 18.00 STRICTLY MODERN. 5- R. 701 Dorcas St... $25. tin 7- R. 1033 South 30th Ave 25,00 8- R. 3901 North 17th St 39.00 8-R. 3816 Farnam St 60.00 I0-R. 2221 Dodge St 40.00 $-R. 569 South 26th St 33. 6U FLATS. B-R. 203 South 30th St $36.00 -R. 3016 Dewey Ave 37.60 APARTMENTS. STO ECKEH. e23 South 24th St. 4-R. Apt., lu $16 and $23 PORTER & SIIOTWELIj, 302 South 17th Ht. Douglas 6013. Offices with HOME BUILDERS. " WHAT HAVE YOU FOR RENT tn the way of four, five or six-room mod ern, up-to-date apartments? Preference will be given to those In better districts of the city Want to deal direct with own ers; no agent a. TELEPHONE DOUOLAS 1V16. 2633 Harney St., 8-r., all modem, $37.60. B73.1 Hamilton St.. fi-r.. all modern. 120. 2526 Wirt, fi-r-, mod. except heat, $12. 1114 N. I2d, 4r. flat, mod. ex. heat, $15. RASP BROS., 210vKg1me Bldg. Tyler 721. Houees In all parts of the city. CREIGH. 80NS CO.. 60 B Bldg. FOq RENT APARTMENTS West. fi RutiMJS und sleeping porch, upper flaL 31 IS la ven purl St.. 132.59 per month. . f. O. CARLBKRQ. ST. CLAIR, !lth and Harney, 3-roorn apt. Call Har. MT. 8-ROOilS, garage, sleeping porch, hot water. '"fVuUR dandy rooms. Douglas and Park Avc $10 00. Phone Webster 2373. Mod, fur. 4-r. Apt. Har. 4141 or Wal. :25T. North. MODERN, and up. Chirac-. four rooms, steam heated, It ft Cloaa tn. G. P. Stabbing. 1610 STEAM heated. 113 and up, summer rates, near P. O, Q. p. Stebblna. 1610 Chicago. 4-ROOM modern apt., at team beat; summer rate. 120. 1H14 Maple St. Red MM. South. 6-ROOM and attic, modern St. screen porch. 1733 ti. lJ9th St., Walnut 2873. Louts flat; '130. Phona FINE fi-room flat, walking distance, $35. Douglaa 7211, Bll Worthlngton Place. ALL modern six-room flat. Ave. Phtmo Colfax 1374. APT. to sub-lease at 2223 Howard. Set Janitor. NEW modern apartment,-6 large rooms, $20 m-i iminui; neat curmsneq., narney lotiK. .Miscellaneous. CLOSE-IN A very choice 6-room brick flat. Biriruy moaern, sjv , wo small children. Call Douglas 3962 or H. 3744. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. RENTAL HEADQUARTERS FOR OMAHA. TEN-RM. modern, close-in. 130. Doug. 2UV. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. DESIRABLE store room, modrn front. metai ceiling, steam heat, 624-626 80. 16th St.; alxe 32x60; can ba subdivided: low -rent. Conrad Young, 322 Brandela Theater Bldg. Douglas "1571. LOW-PRICED moderrf offices, farnam Bldg., 13th and Farnam, (Old 1st Nat Bank Bldg.) FIRST. TRUST CO.. Tyler BOO, STOR& for rent. WOKLD REALTY CO., Sun Theatur KiilliUnv HM A L ( modern store room, steam heat. lbl3 Capitol Ave, Conrad Young, $22 Brandela Theater. Douglaa 1671. RESTAURANT, with fixtures, stools, at 107 So. 16th St. Office and Desk Room, CHOICE office space, Balrd Bldg., 17th and .'ouiriag, Mccague inv. Co. WANTED TO RENT Miscellaneous. WE have aeveral good tenanta for all mod ern nouses ana apartmenta. f; n. WEAD. 31 s. 18th St. Doug. 171. MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage and moving. 21 N. nth SU Phone Doug laa 394. FIDELITY FREE Phono Douglaa 28$ Xor complete list of vacant houses and apart menta. Also for storage, moving, 16th and Jackson Sta, METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO., Expert service; prompt attention. Youa moving, your packing, your storage. Main Office, Central Furniture Store, 17th and Howard.- Tel. D 7785 TVTo nrnrnw-l Van and two men. van ana storage Co., Moving, Packing. Storage and Shipping. Phone Doug. 149t. KI REPROOF 'WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., , $02 S. 16th St. Douglas 416$. Globe Van and Storage Co. Tor ro'j.1 service In moving, packing and anning, can jyier OT UouglaB 1338. C REED Express Co., Movir.g V i.VULJA7 Packina- and Htnrn ir 120T "jStJIVtJSjS. Doug. 614 G. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. WEST FARNAI APART- . MENT SITE Wa have a piece of ground 45x187, be ing a corner with 8 frontages and the 137 feet facing east. A fine apt site; 1 blk. of Farnam car and quiet location. Caa ba bought below the market value. HIATT COMPANY J4o-7-g Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 60. WEST FARNAM HOME S rooma, brand new and all modern, oak finish downstairs, whlta enamel kitchen. 4 bedrooms, all In white enamel ; good at tic; rooma all decorated; corner lot, aouth front. Prlco only $5,760. $1,000 cash, batanca monthly. THE BYRON REED CO., Phone Doug. 297. 81$ S. 17th. FOR SALE 4 -acorn bungalow Wtage com plelcly funiishtd. A snap for flBwlyweds. Call Colfax 1500 after p. m. North. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW Just completed. 6 rooms all on one floor; elegantly decorated, oak finish in living rooms; full cement basement with hot and cold wat-; permanent walks; east front lot, nicely sodded and seeded: located high, and sightly, juat one block from Fontenelie boulevard, on 47th Ave. near Bedford. Price $3,800; $300 down, balanca terms. C. G. CARLBERG (Realtor), oiu-jjA pra.nqe.t, i neaicr tsiag. NEAR MILLER PARK Dandy new 6-room bungalow. Price only $3,300 for beautifully decorated, right up-to-the-minute bungalow; has flroplaee, bookcases, china cabinets and a)) the latest features; floor drain, etc.; lot 120; located within two blocks of Miller Park school and car. Thla la positively the biggest snap lo tha city. For appoint ment to see call OSBORNE REALTY CO. 701 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 49$. NORTH SIDE Seven-room house, all modem, full sized lot on corner, streeta paved. Thla prop erty la on Burdette , eauy walk to 20th or 54th car. Will give some ona a bar gain. Owner lift city, ALFRED THOMAS, 308 Farnam Bldg. NEW HOME AT A BARGAIN rE Z TERMS .Just completed, brand new five-room home, nil on one floor, oak finish In par lor and dining rom; oak floors through out: corner lot. 60x120; located one block rast of Deaf Institute, at 4301 Ohio Si. Tho prlro is only. $2,850. for o.uick aala. H will hoat paying rent. OSBORNE 11KALTY CO.. 701 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 496 NICE BUNGALOW AT A SACRIFICE PRICE ' OWNER LEAVING CITY Five rooms und bath, all on one floor; fine attlr, large basemeot. everything complete; located on east front lot. within one block of two car lines,' and the prlaa la only $3,300. Easy terms. & OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Omaha Nat'. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 496. South. ONfc. 6-room and one 4 -room cottage, both on oua lot; flna oondltlon; live In one and rent tho ottvir. Prlco for both, $3,760 Vary au terns. No. 2433 tfuuth 10th 6L NORRI6 it NGRRI& 400 Beo Building. Phone Douglaa 417$. ' MONTCLA1R B UNO ALOW. Stucco oonstroctlon, t large light rooma. oak doors, oak and enamel finish. Prtoa $3,80. Easy terms. AaotUer new build ing (or $1,660. Call Douglaa 1131 due Walnut 1689 evening 5-R. MOD. home. Birch and maple finish with steam heat, terms $300 cash, balanca $23 per mo. F. P. Weed. 3ft So. Hth St , Weed Bli.. A VERY neat little home on tho South Side Price I60Q. Terms; $100 caah and $10 per month. Tel. Doug. 2596. , ITRICTLY modern bungalow. 6 rooma. S$b4 ad Ajuag Ave, Webster 32fc . 4 M.toflWi