6 A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JUNE 24, 1917. MEN WILL CAST OFF CLOTHES BONDAGE Unoslip Will Give that Freedom in Warm Weather Which the Ancients All Enjoyed. By A. R. GROH. My fellow men, are we free or art we slaves? You say we are free. But stopl Are we free when we are bound and choked by heavy clothing all through the sweltering summer. Are we free when a starched collar encases our neck like a pillory? Arc wc free when our heads are crushed by stiff straw hats, our waists oppressed by light belts, our calves pinched by garters, uncomfortable garters in sritc of the fact that no metal can touch us? Arc wc free when our feet ache in heavy shoes? Arc wc free when wc bear the rest of the white man's burden of socks, trousers, shirts, 0. B. G.'s, coats, neckties? I have tailed you together todav. men, to cast off these bonds of con vention, to rid ourselves at one blow of these hot shackles of civili i ration. Inventi Garment. Give ear to me! J'or 1 have in vented a garment which shall become the badge of our liberty. Rehold, men, the Unoslipl That Ms the name which I have given it. "Uno" signifies that it is in one piece, a combination of shirt and trousers, blip signifies the ease an quickness with which you slip into it io more garters, no belts, no sti collars! Aye, and more, men I No more socks, no shoes, no neckties. We shall cast them aside. Neither shall we wear hats. Did not kindly nature cover our neaas witn a thatch ot ha to protect us from the heat of the sunr ine hat has been foisted upon us oy an artificial age. llie lireck: and Romans wore no hats. Ncithei did the Indians. Awav with hatsl Does it not fill vou with iov to rnn template the Unoslip? You shall rise from your bed in the morning, take your snower and step lightly into your Unoslip. You shall dress in a moment instead of in half an hour as under your present regime of clothes Donaage. And morel The Unoslip shall not oe made ot Heavy serges, cheviots. tweeds and the like. Nol We shall adopt the light and airy fabrics now usca oy tne lair sex silks, satins. .voiles, charmeuses, crepe de chines "and the like. We shall have our Uno slips made in dashing patterns and in all the colors of the rainbow. We shall have, also, house Unoslips to wear at nome, made ot simple gmg. hams and calicos. . Does not your heart throb at the very contemplation of the freedom which is" to he yours? Jn your Uno- snp, ireea or an tne cramping re , itraiht of collars, garters, belts, shoes. you will feel like skipping and jump- iuiihiiir. luur uuc icqi will .rejoice, the glad sunshine will shine upon your head and the cool breezes will blow refreshingly through your Unoslip. ,. ' In order to avoid embarrassment in the introduction of the Unoslip to Omaha and to the world it will he wise tor ail men to appear on the fame day in their Unoslips. Seta Date. Briggs to Go to the Front that He ' Might Save Some Younger Man In the hope that he might save the life of on:t yoiiMRcr man, John Briggs, police captain at South Side and just a few months tinder the 45 year age, has applied for enlistment as a private in the new Sixth Ne braska regiment. Captain Briggs was the first ap plicant to apply when the South Side recruiting station opened Friday. "I've li'.ed a long time and I think it my duty to take the place of some younger man who otherwise would be drafted." he told the rccruitine officer. For raptain Briggs to enlist means tha 'e will have to give up a $150- a-nionth job for one of J he south Side official encountered strenuous objection from his wife when he told her of his application. "I'll win her over," he said. "A number of South Side ladies have been : .Iking to her and I'm sure she will consent." Captain Rriggs lias been on the South Side force for seventeen years, starting as a patrolman. OMAHA RED CROSS NOW NEEDING MEN Launches Second Drive, This Time for Men to Man Am bulance Company Soon to Be Equipped. Therefore I have designated Tues day, July 9, as the day when every man ana ooy snail appear, dressed in the garment of freedom! j.' Perhaps we can get the mayor to issue a proclamation making that ''Unoslip Day" and then get them to put "Welcome Unoslip" on the wel come arch! Have your Unoslips made now, men! And don't forget the day, the great and glorious day of our clothes emancipation, Omahans to Bore for Oil In Rich Wyoming Field Charles P. Moriartv. nrecident. and Emil Hansen, secretary of the newly organized Flat Top Oil and Gas com- pany, will leave Monday for Doug las, Wyo., to let the contract for the first well on the 440-acre property of the company, twenty miles from Douglas. They will also contract for a number of buildings to be erected. The company's nroDertv is in the very heart of the great oil district of Wyoming, with some big wells now flowing right around it. Mr. Hansen has received live tempting offers for leases of the property, each higher than the one before. Therefore it was decided to form a company to ueveiop ine promising property. The services of a geologist with a national reputation will be secured and development, work will be rushed. Soren Madsen is vice president of inc company. South Dundee Men Win In Bible Class Drive ' The men's Bible class of the Dun dee Presbyterian church gave a ban quet iu the church parlors Friday evening as the culmination of a con test which has brought tho mem bership of the class nearly to the 100 mark. Several weeks ago a contest was itarted, the members beine divided into two teams, composed respective ly vi inose living nortn and those liv . jng south of Underwood avenue. The Utter won, and therefore the ban quet was given to the whole class by the men living north of the divid ing line. A. C. Crossman presided as toast master at the banqtSet There was singing by a quartet, music by a drum corps and a number of speak ers were on the program. Short Way from Legislature To Watei Board Pay Roll According to the records of the Metropolitan Water district office in the city hall, it is but a step from the legislative halls at Lincoln to 'he pay roll of the water department. iwo months ago T ,E. Conley of jtucisuii cuumy was placed in the water office in a clerical position. Mr. Conley was in the lower house two years ago and served during the last session. Last week John Goodall, one of the Douglas county representatives ;n the lat session, was given a posi tion as watchman at the Florence plant. Among the former legislative friends remembered by General Mana ger Howell are C, L. Saunders and Jerry Howard. With the Red Cross financial cam paign practically at an end,' Omaha Red Cross workers have launched a second drive. While the first was for dollars, the second is for men 200 Omaha young men to apply as candidates for the Omaha Ambulance company now being formed. At a meeting held at University club at noon and attended by a num ber of prominent physicians, plans were decided upon to start the cam paign at once. Dr. Charles Hull, secretary of the enlisting committee, said the hos pital unit when enlisted to full strength would have 124 men. Be. cause of the stringent examinations required of candidates, he explained only about one of two who anolv is accepted. The personnel of the or ganization will be as follows: One captain, four first lieutenants, one first sergeant, eleven sergeants, five mechanics, two cooks, two assistant cooks, twenty chauffeurs and seventy six privates. Dr. Hull read instructions as tn the formation of the unit he had re ceived from Washington. Previous to this the committee had been han dicapped as how to proceed. Drill it Auditorium, Dr. A. F. Jonas, chairman of the committee, said the organization would begin drill as soon as possible at the Auditorium with Sergeant Frank L. Burnside, U. S. A., drill master. Uniforms and other equip ment would tie here in a tew days, he said. ' The following doctors attended the meeting: O. S. Hoffman, Lr- Roy Gruminer, J. M. Bannister. A. ' C. Stokes, E. C. Henry, B. B. Davis, J. H. vance, A. t. Jonas and U A. Hull. Funeral of Mrs. H. P. Deuel To Be Held This Afternoon The funeral of Mrs. Freclove T. Deuel will be held Sunday afternoon from the family residence, 1906 Dodge street. Service will be conducted by Rev. T. J. Mack&y of All Saints church at 3 p. m. and burial will be the Deuel lot at Prospect Hill cemetery. Funeral will be private. The pallbearers will be: Everett Buckingham, Walter B. Wilkins, J. D. Foster, John Guild. Victor Rose- water and Frank B. Kcnnard. Mrs. Deuel was the widow nf Harry P. Deuel, oioneer citizen who died two years ago last fall. He was ticket agent for the Union Pacific many years and later jepved as regis ter of deeds. The Deuels were mar ried on January 6, 1858, at Tiskilwa, III. Mrs. Deuel's family name was Miller. Charles L. Deuel is .the surviving son. His mother came to Omaha fifty-eight years ago and was 80 years of age last January. In the early days of Omaha she was identified wun cnarnaDie activities and was loved and esteemed by many 'who I t -- ...IS'' i yT, I S SHIPPERS WIN IN DEMURRAGE FIGHT Roads Must Reciprocate for In creased Demurrage Charges by Payments for the Transit Delays. VoHn knew her. She was born in New York state. Jive lust DcucJ home here was on the site of the Bee build ing and afterward was moved to site now occupied by the court .Iiouse." Laboratory Work Holds Interest of Screen Star In "The Question," the Greater .,, B I j.iiiuuii icaiuic WHICH will be the attraction 'at the F.mnm theater today till Wednesday, Harry Morey, the forceful leading man, is right in his. element. Mr Morev ,n. born in Michigan and studied for a time at the state university in Ann Arbor. It was his ambition to be come a chemist until he surrendered to the lure of the stage. As John Stedman in "The Ques tion," Mr. Morey plays the part of a young chemist, assistant and pupil of an older and greater scientist. A large part of the early action of the story takes place in a laboratory, and Morey, owing to his experience at the university, works just the same as he did at school. This part of the pic ture, Mr. Mowrey says, gives his more real fun than he has enjoyed in any picture he has figured in. If sbippcrs pay the increased de-' murrage charges to the railroads for holding a -car out of use beyond the limited period in the future, the rail roads will have to reciprocrate by paying the shippers $-' a day for every day a car of goods is delayed ' in transit. This provision, known as reciprocal demurrage, comes as a part of the order just issued by the State Kail way commission. Local shippers are greatly pleased with the provision, feeling that, though the railroads won in a sense their tight for increased demurrage charges,' the shippers won a signal victory in pushing into the order the reciprocal demurrage clause. Omaha Fights Alone. The Omaha shippers are the only ones who made a fight tor this tea ture. Henry T. Clarke, jr.,-who ban died the case for the Lincoln ship pers, did not mention it. Traffic Manager Young of Fremont, who handled the treniont phase of it, merely opposed the increase in de murrage. P. P. Murray, chief clerk of the traffic bureau of the Commercial club of Omaha, went into the hearing at Lincoln fighting for the reciprocal feature from the start. .He saw that the increase in demurrage charges could scarcely be averted, as the in crease has been granted in interstate business, and the tendency every where was tor the states to meet it-iu in intrastate business. Thus lie cen tered his fight on the proposition of getting some returns for the ship pers by forcing the roads to pay for days cars are delayed in transit. No Excuses to Save Auto Law, Violators A committee of automobile own ers called on the police judges to re quest that violators of the auto regulations shall be fined when brought into court. Particular stress was placed on the violation of the ordinance requiring dimmers. The judges assured the committee that the request will be given active support and that excuses from mo torists will be disregarded hereafter. Dr. Beck, The Well Known Eye Specialist and Doctor Judkins, The Medical Author, Publish Astonishing Report on Wonderful Remedy To Strengthen Eyesight Say it Strengthens Eyesight 50 in One Week's Time in Many Instances HAVE YOUR WINTER CLOTHES CLEANED, PRESSED and REPAIRED BEFORE HANGING THEM AWAY "W Deliver Them tn Sanitary Bag on a Hanffer." DRESHER BROTHERS Dyara, Cleanara, Hattera, Furrlera, Tailor.. 2211 to 2217 Farnam Street TYLER 345. l V I DR. BECK A Free Prescription You Can Havt Filled ana Use at Homt. New York. Dr. Beck, a New York state eye specialist, and Dr. Judkins, a Massa chusetts physician, were asked to make a thorough test of the popular eye remedy, Bon Opto. Their report were most inter filing. Here they are: Dr Beck reports. "When mr attention was first called to the wonderful eye Tem edy, Ben' Opto, I was inclined to be skepti cal. I makte it a rule to test every new treatment wnien is Drougnt to my attention. Having specialized in eye work for the past twenty years. I behove I am qualified to express an intelligent opinion on remedies applicable to the eyes. Since Bon Onto has created such a sensation throughout the United States and Canada, I welcomed the opportunity to tst it. I began to use it in my practice a little over a year ago and I am frank to say that the results obtained are such that I hesitate to tell of my ex perience for fear it will sound incredible. Some of the results I have accomplished with Bon Opto not only astonished myself, but also other physicians with whom I have talked about it. I hawe had many individ uals who had worn glasses for years for far-sightedness, near- with ted ness, astigma tism and other eye weaknesses, tell me they have dispensed with them through the adop tion of the Bon Opto principle. Many eye troubles can be traced directly to muscular contraction and relaxation and since Bon Opto method tella how Ut exercise and de velop the eye muscles. It .reaches conditions not possible through other means. I advise every thoughtful physician to study Bon Opto principle, give it tlie same careftii ; trial I have and there Is no doubt in my i mind they will come to Hie conclusion I ; have, namely, that the Bow Opto method i opens the door for the cure of many eye troubles which nave heretoioce been impos at home by anyone of average Intelligence. In my own practice I have seen it strengthen the eyesight more than SO per cent in one weeK s time, l have also used it with sur prising effect in eases of work strained eyes, pink eye, inf lammed lids, catarrhal con junctivites, smarting, painful, aching, itch ing eyes, eyes weakened from colds, smoke sun, dust and wind, watery eyes, blurred vision, and in fact many other conditions too numerous to describe in this report. A new and startling case which has just come under my observation, which vitMH tn Rnn Kfpio, is mat oi a young girl, 12 yearn old. Two prominent eye specialists, after a thor ough examination of the young girl, decided in order to save the siaht of her rftrht v the left eye must be removed., Before per mitting her to be operated on, the young girl's father decided to uBe Bon Opto. In less than three days a marked improvement was noticed. At the end of a week the inflam mation had almost disappeared, and at the end of six weeks the eye was saved. Just think what the saving of that eye means to this little girl Another case is that of a lady 93 years old. She came to me with dull vision and extreme inflammation ot the lids and the conjunctiva was almost raw. After two weeks' use of Bon Opto the lids were aosoiuieiy normal ant ner eyes are as bright as many a gin OI IB. Dr. Judkins, Massaahusetta physic. formerly Chief of Clinics in. the Union Gen era. Hospital. Boston, Mass., and formerly House Surgeon at the New England Eye and Ear Infirmary of Portland, Maine, and medi cal author for many years, reports: "I have found oculists too prone to oper ate and opticians too willing to prescribe glasses while neglecting the simple formu las which form the basin nf that. a-nnrWrui home treatment for eye troubles, Bon Opto. This, in my opinion, is a remarkable rem edy for the cure and prevention of many eye disorders, its success in developing indu tncrtk.ininiri4lia at.,-ink a. :n i. T'l i " ".a rysotum, win noon mane eye glares old fsshioned and the form of eye baths which the Bon Opto method pro vides will make its use as common as that of the tooth brush. I am thoroughly con vinced from my experience with Bon Opto that it will strengthen the eyesight at least 50 per cent in one week's time in many in stances. Dr. W. Jf. Devine, director of medi cal inspection In the Boston schools, in his report published February 20, 1917, states that only 14,016 out of 89,175 examined need to wear glasses now. a marked decrease over the previous report." Victims of eye strain and other eye weak nesses and those who wear glasses will be Hiau to unow mat according to Dr. Beck and Dr. Judkins, there is real hope and help for them. Many whose-aes were fail ing say they have had their eyes restored by this remarkable prescription and many who once wore glasses say they have thrown them away. One man says, after using it: I WBR almnnt tilinrl fV.ii 1 .1 .j at alR Now I can read everything without my glasses and my eyes do not hurt any more. At night they would pain dreadfully. Now they feel fine all the time. It was like a miracle to me." A IaHv vhn n,.fl it "The atmosphere seemed haiy with or with out, trlasaoa Kut aft.. n- sible to cope with. The treatment is so I tinn for m PJ .V.T' simple in its applicatjon that it can be used! can read even fine print without glasses."' a. 1 f VnM I. u DR, JUDKINS Another who used It says: "I was bothered! with eye strain caused by overworked, tired eyes which induced fierce headaches, I have worn glasses for several years, both' for distance and close work and without them I could not read my own name on an envelope or the typewriting on the machine before me. I can do both now and have dis carded my long distance glasses altogether. I can count the fluttering leaves on tht trees across the street now, which for sev eral years have looked like a dim green blur to me. I cannot express my joy at what it has done for me." it is believed that .thou sands who wr glasses can now discard them in a reason able time and multitudes more will be able to strengthen their eves so as to be snared the trouble and expense of ever getting - glasses, kye troubles ot, many description may be wonderfullv benefited bv the use of this prescription at home. Here is the pre scription: Cio to any active drug store and get a bottle of. Bon Opto tablets. Drop one Bon Opto tablt in a fourth of a glass of water and let it dissolve. With this liquid oaine tne eyes two or four times daily. You should notice your eyes clear up perceptibly right from the start and inflammation and! redness will quickly disappear. If your eyes bother you even a little, it is your duty to take steps to save them now before it is too late Many hopelessly blind might hate saved their sight if tbev had cared for th-ir eyes in time. NOTR-Another prominent phrsldsn to whom ths biv article was submitted, id: "Yes, the Bun Onto prescription ii truly a wonderful eye r-medjv Its constituent ingredient sre well known to emi nent eye siclaJMs and widely prescribed by them, I liave used It yem successfully in my own prutji-s on patients whose eyes were strained through over work or misfit rIissm. It ii one of the verv few preiwrations I feel should be kest on hand for regu lar use in almost every family." Bun Opto referreit , to shove. Is not a intent medicine or s seoret remHv. 1 It is an ethical preiratlon, the formula being print ed on the package. The manufacturer! guarantee it to sircngthen cyeMglit 50 per cent in one weed's lime in many Instances or refund Ihe money. It. ta disienseU liy all good druggists in thli city, including merman a jticiuwieii ana a. Sieicner. A(lt. ILTOW SOGERS 8 CO. LTUtStS HARHEY FOOD IS HIGH The problem of reduc ing waste ii very serious. A Peerless Refrigera tor keeps food at an even temperature. The insulation is the best money can buy. Sanitary white enamel linings and nickeled wire shelves. All corners in food compartment are rounded and sanitary THE - PEERLESS REFRIGERATOR will keep your food in proper condition and that way help you reduce your food SPECIAL PRICES ON . TWO OF THE BEST SIZES 90-lb. ice capacity, special 95-lb. ice capacity, side icer WATER COOLERS Former United States Senator Mason, Pioneer in Pu:c Food and Drugs Legislation, Father of Rural Free Delivery System Says Nuxated Iron Increased His Power and Endurance so Much That He Feels It Ought to Be Made Known to Every Nervous, Run down, Anaemic Man, Woman and Child. Opinions of Dr. Howard J.mu, late of the Manhattan State Ho.pital of New York and formerly AnUtant Phjr.ician Brooklyn State Hoipital; Dr. Schuyler C. Jacque., Viiitintr Surgeon of St. Elizabeth's Ho.pital, New York; and Former Health Commiuioner, Wm. R. Kerr, of the City of Chicago. i . i Omaha's Greatest Hereford Cattle Sale Where tops of America's best herds will be sold at 'auction i Thursday, June 28th, 1917 Come see these cattle and hear COLONEL REPPERT of Indiana sell them. Stock Yards Sale Pavilion . 12:30 P.M. n A y inc. OLi niwo, t Hotel Fantenelln bills. Ill ..S22.95 I . $29.90 I I ICE CREAM FREEZERS I I H I 1 A 4 t . .rrJeUi t I l i i 1 i IT , "tt-M M.fSW. 'WWW! I 'What Senator Mason Says' CHICAGO, ILL. GENTLEMEN: A I hare often said I "would never recommend medi cine of any kind. I believe- that's the doctor's place. However, after the hardest political campaign of my life, without a chance for a vacation, I had been start ing to court, every' morning with the horrible tired feeling one cannot describe. I was. advised to try Nuxated Iron. As a pioneer in the food and drug legislation, I was at first loath to try an advertised remedy, but. after advising with my medical friends, I gave it a test. The results have been so beneficial in my own case, I made up my mind to let my friends know about it, and you are at liberty to publish this statement if you so desire. I am now 65 years of age and I feel that a remedy which will build up the strength and increase the power of endurance of one at my age, should be known to the world. Yours very truly, Senator Mason's statement in retard to Nuxated Iron was (shown to seeral physi I cians. who were reauested to'irive their opinions thereon. . Dr. Howard James, late ot The Manhat tan States Hospital of New York and for merly Assistant Physician. Brooklyn State Hospital said: "Senator Mason is to be com mended on handing out this statement on Nuxated Iron for public print. There are thousands of men and women who need strength and blood-builder, but do not know I what to take. There is nothing like organic iron Nuxated Iron to Rive increased strength, snap, vigor and staying nower. It I enriches the blood, brings rosea to the cheeks of women and is an unfailing source of re newed vitality, endurance and nower for Imen who burn up too rapidly their nervous energy in the strenuous strain of the great ousiness competition oi the day." Former Health Commissioner Wm. R. Kerr of the city of Chicago aaya: "I have taken Nuxated Iron myself and experienced1 its neaith-giving and strength-building ef f feet, and in the interest of nuhlic wplfam I feel it my duty to make known the re sults of its use. I am well past my three score years and want to say that I believe my own great physical activity is largely due today to my personal use of- Nuxated Iron. From my own experiences with Nux ated Iron I feel it is such a valuable rem edy that it ought to be used In every hos-' pita) and prescribed "bv evrv nhvttieian in this country." Dr. E. Sauer. a Boston nhvslcian whn hu studied abroad in great European medical institutions, said: "Senator Mason is right. As I have said a hundred times over, or ganic iron is the greatest of all strength builders. "Nol long ago a man came to me who was nearly half a century old and asked I me to give him a preliminary examination fey' !L I l for life insurance I was astonished to find him with the blood pressure of a boy of twenty and as full of vigor, vim and vital ity as a young man: in fact, a young man he really was, notwithstanding his age. The secret, he said, was taking organic iron Nuxated Iron had filled him with renewed life. At thirty he was in bad health; at forty-six he was care-worn and nearly all in. Now at fifty, after taking Nuxated Iron, a miracle of vitality and his face beaminor with the buoyancy of youth. Iron is abso lutely necessary to enable your blood to 'change your food into living tiasue. With- out it, no matter how much or what you aat, your food merely passes through you without;doing you any good. You don't get the strength out of it, and as a consequence you become weak, pale and sickly looking, just like a plant trying to grow in a soil deficient in iron." Dr. Schuyler C. Jacques, Visiting Surgeon of St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Nw York City, aaid: "I have never before given out any medical Information or advice for publica tion, as 1 ordinarily do not believe in it. But in tha east of Nuxated Iron I feel I would be remiss in my duty not to mention it 1 have taken it myself and given it to my pa tients with most surprising and satisfactory results. And those who wish quickly to in crease their strength, power and endurance will find it a most remarkable and wonder fully effective remedy." NOTE N'mitarl fmn. wril,h ,iurf h- a.,.. Man with such surprising results, and which Is prescribed and recontmeuda above by phvalclan In uca a great rartety of cuss. Is not a patent medi- 1 cine aor secret remedy, but one which Is well known to rtrasgl.ru. ud whose iron constituents sre widely I LHYtL-rfeed by eminent phrsicisns both in Europe ' mi America. ru the older inorgsnlo Iron product, it is easily assimilated, does not Injure the teeth, make taeni black nor urset the atiimacb: on the contrary, it Is a mmt patent remedy Tn nearly all forms of Indigestion as well aa fir nertnus. run-down ecndltinn. The manufacturer! From the Congressional Directory, pub lished by the United States Government "Wm. E. Mason, Senator from Illinois, was elected to the 60th Congress In 1887, to the filet Congress in 1891 defeated for the 52d Congress 1892 Elected Senator to the 56th Congress 1897 to lyo.v Senator Mason is now Congressman from the State of Illinois. Senator Mason's championship of Pure Food and Drugs legislation, his fight for the rural free delivery systeraand his strong advocacy of all bills favoring la bor and the rights of the masses as against trusts and combines make him a national figure at Washington and en deared him to the hearts of the working man and the great maases of people throughout the United States. Senator Mason has the distinction of being one of the really big men of the nation. His strong endorsement of Nuxated Iron must convince any intelligent thinking reader that it must be a preparation of very great merit and one which the Senator feels is bound to be of great value to the masses of people everywhere, other wise he 'could not afford to lend his name to it, especially after his strong advocacy of pur;e food and drugs legis haie sui'h great confidence in Nuxated Iron that Ihey offer to forfeit 100 to any charitable Insti tution if they cannot take any man or woman under sLxty who lacks iron and Increase their ttrenstb ion per cent or ever In four weeka time, provided thrr have no aerinus oraanii: trouble, rtiev aim offer to refund Tnur nwuiftv If tr Haab not at least double your strenatn and endurance in :en days' time. It is dispensed in this city b Hherman MK'rmnell Drug Stores and by ail gong drunsisi . Adrertlsement. Let Your Wants Be Known Through Bee Want-AdsLow in Price,