THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JUNE 24, 1917. ' AWAIT AMERICAN AID FOR REPRISAL RAIDS i British Authority Not Consid ering Air Attacks on German Cities Until TJ. S. Flyers Arrive. Thousands of Russian Prisoners l)ie in Germany Washington, June 23. Many hun dred thousands of Russian prison era in Germany already have died aniNmore are dying from famine end tuberculosis, according to a let ter aent yesterday by Messrs. Boro dine and Sakhnovaky in the Russian army. London, June 23. Public agitation for the adoption of air reprisals against German cities as a reply to recent Zeppelin and airplane raids on Great Britain has been the subject ot seeral private conferences between military and political leaders here. The hope was expressed at these meetings that public clamor would not override the saner strategic con. siderations and that any elaborate system of reprisals would be post poned until tne assistance 01 Ameri can airmen is available. "The German air raids," said an official to The Associated Press today, "were comparatively easy to perforin because they were largely over terri tory in German possession or across the United States. CDDAHY RETURNS; SONS GO TO FRONT Milwaukee Packer Does His Bit by Allowing Boys Free dom to Do Theirs for Country. THOMPSON LOSES HIS SCHOOL BOARD FIGHT Chicago Aldermen Decline to Allow Educational Institu tions to Be Brought. Into Politics. Chicago, June 23. Patrick Cudahy, the Milwaukee packer, is "doing his bit" for the country by reluming to active business life -vliile his sons have entered the military service of the sea where the enemy airman could travel unseen and unopposed. "On the other hand, British airmen in executing a reprisal must carry a load of bombs over a route that lrom the start crosses hostile territory. Throughout the night our airmen nust run the gauntlet ot land guns A little over a year ago the an nouncement of Mr. Cudahv's retire ment was made. Today he was on the Chicago Board of Trade and gave out the statement that he was again in the harness. Michael Cudahy, who took up the and air fighters. The most expert air- active management of the packing men would be necessary for such ven tures, the percentage oi losses would he large and the strain terrific on the . flyers and tire element Ot surprise ' largely would be lacking against the enemy." , 1 hus it becomes a question wiietner concern when his father stepped out, and who has run the business a year, is now a first lieutenant in the regu lar army. John Cudahy, another son. has en tered the officers' training camp at Fort Sheridan. -The latter is a lawyer for the dumber of skilled pilots and the Hie last Wisconsin state elec- puwcrluLunachines required can be spared witnout impeding lar more im portant military operations. One Mart Meets Death; Three Hurt in Landslide tion was democratic candidate lieutenant goyrnor. Mother Ships Take Best Of Care of American Tars Base of American Flotilla in Brit- One man is dead, one,in Mercy hos- j?h Waters, June 23. Jackies of the pilal dangerously and perhaps fatally injured and two others were slightly American patrol flotilla are getting tne best ot care and tare, as one hurt when buried by a caving bank result or the adequate equipment of north of theWickham brick yards, in flotilla s mother ship and the efc- Council DluHs. The Northwestern cency oi ine men wno man it. railrnad i rntftnff a new street tn 'It is really marvelous what vou take the place of North Kighth street, Americans can do," remarked a Brit slicing oft the side of a hill nearly 150 ish officers "The ship not only keeps feet high. The men were members Hie fleet in trim but bakes the bread of a steam shovel crew. The shovel and performs innumerable other serv- and the body of the dead man were ices for the men." , ., still covered at 10:30 o'clock, last The mother ship is' the Only place night. The accident happened a few in the British isles, where the bread minutes before 6 o'clock. f other than "war bread" is made, A The dead man is known as Tack I baker, formerly with two of the bior- Mcade. the man in the hospital is' gest hotels at a famous Atlantic Jack Simons and the one of the two coast resort, turns out daily several others most painfully hurt Is Jack hundred loaves of the finest white Downs. He sustained iniuries to one bread. The meals for the iirlcii-e nn leg and severe bruises, but was taken board are cooked by a chef from one tcythe camp wljcre all of the employes qf New York's popular Broadway ho whp do not live here are boarded. tela, v In fact, life is so pleasant W. E. Roberts, of the Roberts Con-1 aboard this bee-hive of inrimtrii-e that traction company) Chicago, who is in five members of the crew have not charge of the work, said that nothing set foot ashore since its arrival, pre- was known here of the dead man and ferring the ship's accommodations, his companions, as they were tran- 'j"ir'few1'nays"n tmployed Qers Are Chosen . . on Business . .- wjrZ r iyien IJllVe. 10 ,neg VrOSS ' ?omniissioned .oiticers has been Clmdron. N,h . W 5!.vCS.,l.l lores ry regiment to .' RedCro 'mas. Jaeger presided. Harry toff ee was l VaT. OTM secretary I s "u uiiuuus, tucurj. one at Atnmrin nn vnri l h, anl Stirring, patriotic addresses went the nihrr Vnrt I .,., I','- made "bv Tudee If. M. Grimes nfl Thr tnm,ni ...ill K. North Platte, Attorney Mets of Alii- by Lieutenant Colonel James A. ance, President Klliott of the Chad- Woodruff with Captain Beverly C. ron State Normal. Kfrc Anna ffn . riimn -- nAi..k d.l. chairman of Crawford Red Cross of the regular engineer corps. wih-i i v'a. l.iiaiicui lin cuiull, I Chairman Dawes county Red Cross Persistent Advertisintr is the Road Chicago, June 23. In a riotous ses sion today, which followed a week of public clamor over the ousting of of ficials of the school board, the city council by a vote of 49 to 22 on re consideration refused to confirm Mayor Thompson's school board ap pointees. The action was taken without the presence of ihe mayor, who had de clared the session adjourned some time before the confirmation was called up.' lie loft the chamber and the alderman reconvened the meet ing. - A resolution bv Alderman lohn C. Kennedy, socialist, moving the im peachment of Mayor Thompson was sent to the judiciary committee. Nine school board trustees, two of them holdovers, were appointed re cently by the mayor and confirmed by the council. The first act of the new board was to elect Edwin S. Davis, president in place of Jacob M. Loeb, who had come into bad favor with Thompson. Lewis Larson and Angus Shannon, for many years secretary and counsel for the board also were replaced. The removals and the idea of making the public schools the sub ject of a political disturbance caused much public criticism and the alder men, who had voted for the confirma tions met today to reconsider their actions. Mayor Thompson's action in ad journing and attempting to prevent the council repealing its former act was characterized by States Attorney Hoyne as arrogant and tyrannical in a statement in which' the prosecutor said "as a matter of first impression I believe Thompson's action furnishes grounds for his removal from office by proceedings at the instance of the at- tornejreneral or the state s attor- Aircraft Program Is Approved by Presiden Washington, June 23. Unqualifi approval of the great aircraft Dro gram for which congress will be asked to provide an initial appropria tion of $600,000,000. is given by Presi. dent Wilson in a tetter to Secretary oaxer mane pudiic today by tne War department. WOMEN DOING WORK OF MENJN CHICAG Feminine Contingent Is Added to Pay Roll of Ryan Car Company Because of Scar- city of Labor. Chicago, June ti. It has come actual women in actual overalls' do ing the work of men just as they have for some tune Jbeen doing in England and France. A little group of grinning, be trowsered and healthy-looking women went to work in the lumber yard of the Ryan Car company in a suburb today. Superintendent Cristopher iaviason explained: "Labor is becoming more and more scarce, and we advertised for women a few days ago. Five hundred replies were received. In aaveek or so there will be fifty or sixty at work and eventually 200- They do men's work and receive men s pay. "We think women make as good laborers as men. We are not figuring that it will take two women to do the work of one man; one woman can do it. J. hey work nine and three-quarters hours, the pay is 3U cents an hour. We are going to place women ai mechanics assistants in all sorts o skilled labor. chapter, Chadron, and Father M, E. to Success, . uoian, pastor St, f'atricks church, Chadron' '' Member of the Grand Army of me KepuDiic in unitorm sat on the platform. Pledges were started for Cliadron'i proportion of tl)e $10,000 assigned to Dawes county for the Red cross war jund. " Mavor Donashue started the finna, tions with $100, Robert Hood of the First National hank and Charles Cof fee each gave $100 and other pledges ipiiowea in rapiu succession. 'A committee was appointed to cai) nia me cuy tomorrow. . Board Says Roads Would Welcome All Waterways ; Washington, June 23. The rail roads' war board, in a communication sent today to the army chief of en gineers, gave the followins as a no- sitiorj of the railroads of the country regarding commercial transportation on navigable waters. I "The railroads will welcome any practicable1 water transportation and they are prepare to co-operate cor dially with responsible persons or corporations who may provide such water transportation by the exchange of traffic, the issuance of joint bills of lading, and, if necessary, where conditions justify It, by joining the water carriers in the building of tracks to connect the railroads with the wharves and landings, of water i carriers. , Banks Must Increase Their Reserve Balances Washington, June 23. All Reserve nanus were notified by the Federal Reserve board . today that' member banks should increase as promptly is possible their balances with the re serve banks to meet, the requirements of the recent amendment to the re serve law. The Board suggested that the, reserve banks observe a spirit ui nocjaiiiy aim co-operate with member banks as far as practicable. "FTderal Reserve banks in central reserve cities New York, Chicago and St. Louisshould' request their member banks located in such cities," said the board's letter ,v "to increase their balances to comply with the new . requirements not later than June 27." U. P. Pays Big Judgment For Death of, Conductor -Sidney, Neb., Tune 23. (Special lelegram.) J. J. Halligan of North nauc was in ' the city today and lunccieu a judgement in tavor of Mrs. Phillips against the Union Pacific Railroad company for $19,522, return ed for the death of Mrs. Phillips' hus band, who was a conductor and killed i" wreck occurring in a blizzard -vurcn i.', I'Jii. The railroad company fought the I case vigorously, taking it to tjie fed? I ney. British Soldiers Unearth Skeleton of Mammoth With the British Armies in France. June 22. Excavating near the bat terer! remnants of Ihe Hindcnburg imc, ormsn somiers struck a strange ooject, wnicn proved to be the tooth of. .a mammoth. The ' discoverey caused great excitement among the troops who flocked to the place, re gardless of the danger of drawing shell fire from the Germansj The skeleton of this pre-historic monster now has been definitely located and the gradual exposure of it is proceed, ing under a scientific direction. It wilt be a decided novelty in natural his toric research, this updigging of a mammoth in the very forefront of the world war. Airplanes Are Solution " Of U-Boat Problem-r-Pfjary Lincoln, Neb.. June 23. Airnlanes as a means of combattjng the German submarine menace was advocated by r A J. ' I T. 1 . T. T, ...... near Aumirai Kouert li. rcary, ci.S.iN., retired, in an address delivered last evening at the graduation of Lancas ter county grade school pupils. "A quick way to make the wealth and force of the United StatcVjclt is to send as big a fleet of aircraft as possible to 'the western front." as serted Mr. Peary. He said the United States should master Germany in the air first and then send airplanes to sea to bunt down submarines and drop bombs on the underwater boats. Mr. Peary returned to Washington this evening. Russ Workmen and Soldiers Want Coalition Governmen Petrograd, Juen 23. The congress of the all-Russian' Workmen's and Soldiers' delegates by a vote ot 543 to 1JO today adopjed a minority resolu tion approving the creation of : coalition government, tha statement of the socialist members on the" gov ernment's general policy, and caSing on tne provisional government ener getically to prosecute its political pro gram, especially in the direcTion of peace without annexations or indem nities. ' The resolution also favored a vigor ous struggle against all attempts at counter revolution,- insisted on the immediate convocation of a consti tuent assembly and the creation of a single organization representing the entire organized democracy of Russia, including peasant delegates to which the socialist minister wguld be respon- sinie tor an tneit interior and exterior May Not Draft National .. .Guard. Before August 5 Washinnton. Tune 23. Drafting of tne National buard into the federal armies for war service may be de layed until August 5, because it has been found that under the present plans for drafting the guard in three increments, July 15, July 25 and Aug ust 5, the relative -j-ank of its officers would he established on, an unfair basis. The National Defense act provides that National Guard of ficers shall take rank as of the date of draft. The additional time gained by post poning the draft until August 5, would be valuable to the department in making ready the divisional camp sites at which the state forces will be mobilized and also would permit inc assemming ot additional equip ment for the troops. KVi jAtth i--?"?, I J UK MIU!toim. a i i . M NO PRICE AGREEMENT ON STEEL FOR SHIPS President Grants Goetbals Power to Act; Denman Wants Federal Investigation of Metal Cost' Washington, June 23. The contest between Chairman Denmln of the Shipping board and Major General Goethals, manager of the board's cmcicuty neci corporation, tor au thority to exercise powers granted by congress in providing a merchant fleet will be settled bv President Wit. son giving Geneifal Goethals the au, tnorily. with directions that hr hn,M all the ships, both steel and wooden. General Goethals will be author ized to commandeer immediately all shipping now building, speed up its construction and SDend the S.ifllinnn. 000 appropriated bx congress for ship Chairman Denman will retain powers necessary for operating and chartering shiDS and as nrrsiai f the fleet will continue to pass finally on contracts for construction. . .May Not Commandeer. The power granted to the oresident to commandeer steel supplies prob ably will not be delegated to anyone for the present. The eovernment. it is said, hopes to arrive at some ar rangement as to steel prices which will make it unnecessary to com mandeer. 1 Missouri Bank Looted; Robbers Flee to Hills Springfield. Mo.. 1 une 23. Knur robbers who early todav blew thr caf or me waynesville, 41o., bank arid escaped With $1,300, after a fight with townspeople, were at lame in the mountains of Shannon county- tonight, after making a spectacular escape from a posse who surprised the rnh. bers while the latter were replenishing uie radiator oi tneir motor car trom a creek near Mountain Grove, Mo. Ihe pursuers came upon their quarry at a sharp turn in the road. tne latter evidently believing that they were not being closely followed. . fight took place in which several shots were exchanged and the auartet dis appeared in the foothills. Three hun dred dollars of their loot, in currency, was (-opped in their flight. 'No one was believed to have been hurt in the fight. . Anthrax Among Cattle In Furnas and Madison Lincoln, June 23.-fSnesial Tele gram.) Anthrax has aDneared.amonir cattle in f urnas and Madison counties, according to State Veterinarian J. R Anderson. The herds, one of which was afflicted with the disease lasf year, have been quarantined. Ten cat tle have died. The state veterinarian said investigation had disclosed the anthrax germs could live indefinitely tne sou. Because ot tnis, tie sain, was practically impossible to know when the disease was under control. Government to Investigate Lines That It May Control Washington, June 23.r--Inquiry as production, prices and transoorta tion of cpal, steel, copper and other basic ahaterials over which deDartment supervision tnay be proposed during tne war, was aecwed upon today by e Senate Interstate Commerce com mission. Coal will be the first sjibject taken up next luesday. BLACICSAEETYTnEAD TIRES HE strength and durabilily of Goodrich Black Safety k Tread Tires are ground into the roads of our nation - i from Maine to California.' Six Fleets of Goodrich Test Cars, heavy cars and light Cars, daily write the truth about Goodrich Tires on the worst roaqsjn six widely different regions of our country, Wk,?nda.1d every MOLD, 'UNBROKENCORa .Goodrich Tires tWu'ipaiioris qC 1 nn ci oi rougmng it, . iTho answer or this' natipn-wida test of the Test Car Fleets an answer told in 300,000 tire miles weekly is: ,-Xhe ONE foundation of lasting,, resilient fabric tires is the UNIT amongst tire makers, This is the TESTED "TRUTH of Goodrich Black Safety4Treadsv the TESTED - TIRES 'of America., BUY, THEM.TLphty must give ; youl lasting far value service. THE B. F GOODRICH fGO.iAVort, Qhu, YoiiOwelt to theMenat the Front Join the Red Cross Give Your Utmost Now . ; Local Address, 20?4 t?arnam St. Phone Douglas 4334 I I "'I 1 ' mr Tm 8 ThU hi r 111 Tl Li K A Nebraska Corpora tion handling a safe and conservative - 7 investment, desires to engage the services of a few high grade stock salesmen. Applicants must be men of strong personality and an en g a g i rvg appearance, who have a disposition to earn from $4,000 a year upward. To stock salesmen of this class -we are in a position to offer every ounceof co operation necessary, ,not only for an immedi ate success, but for the future as well. If you feel that you can meas urcup to this standard, and are interested, ad dress Box 513, Lincoln, 'Neb. ' It is surprising how many people are reading the want ads every day, seeking Second-Hand Furniture, Baby CafYiages, Washing and Sewing Machines,; Carpet Sweepers, Lawn Mowers, etc. Very seldomdoes an ad run for more than one or two days vhen a useful arti cle is listed. Surprising too, the prices people are willing to pay for articles they need. If you have some article of furniture' or household use that has served its pv. -pose for you, it can be turned into cash by calling , Tyler 1000 and placing a small ,ad in the For Sale Miscellaneous columns. TRY IT NOW , War Aims of Austria Are Officially Outlined Copenhagen, Juue 23.-r-Assumption that the "survey of Austrian public opinion on war aims," circulated by Hie Austrian corresnnnde nre hnrnn represented the 1 Austro-Hungarian governmen Ps program of peace terms is Confirmed hv an artirl in tl. I .m- berg Gazeete, reproducing these con- unions oi me omciai government pro gram. The article, fnr ulnVh hwh -ii1,Ar. ity is claimed, says that Serbia and Montenegro must find their tuture economic development in close eco nomic association with Austria-Hun gary. In other words, it proposes a customs union. It declares that Lov- Cen mountain in (nnt,nirn m,.cf be retained as the key to the Gulf oN l.aLaro ann That -A mania nmt t given autonomy under military and economic suzerainty of Austria-Hungary. Disrustinor Pniimatila tlij. says that this question is for Austria- nungary laentical witn tne JJanube problem and arrangements must be made for a free open Danwfce route, not subject to the control of tny for. eigu power. Finally that Austria Hungary must bare -a better military frontier against Italy, more fully pro tecting Trieste and lie Tyrol. Negro Chauffeur Who Ran . Down Girl Hanged by' Mob Houston, Tex., June 23. Ben Har per, a negro, charged with being the driver of an automobile which ran down and killed QSWe May Goodrmn, a 12-year-old girl, of Navasota, Thurs day, wa6 hanged by a mob at the scene of the girl's death, near Court ney, Tex., early today. Seven other negroes are being held by officers in connection with the girl's death. WE CLEAN DYE PRESS-rREPAIR and ALTER Men's, Women's and Ckildran's Clatlilnff of Every Description. DRESHER BROTHERS Pyers. CUnri, Hattert, Furriers, Tailort, 2X11 to 2217 Farnam Street TYLER 345. We Call For and Deliver. W It Commands Attention A roof cf Neponset Twin Shingles is. a beautiful thing to look at. Not only does it give a "dressed-up" appearance to the entire house, but it harmonizes with any sur roundings. NEPatiSET TWIN SHINGLES (Patent applied far) are made in handsome fed and green colors. Come see these shingles that have earned the right to this title: "The Roofing Development of the Twentieth Century." There are reasons for this. ,Come talk it over with us. Sunderland Bros. Co. Third Floor, Keeline Building, a 'tii and Harney Sta. - i I it A M giw iriria SALE -NOW GOING ON DRESSES Summer Wash D r (, organdy, tflain white and col or.. 9 to 112 al- ties, at $5.00 SUITS Taffeta Suits in black, many for merly priced to $29.60, on sale at $14.85 A 1 1 Waist, that we sold this season for 98c will be sold at each 59c COATS II Navy blue, long coats, alio p 1 a i d and plain colors port coats, values to $12.50 $5.00 All $4.95 Cor. tt Waiita, $2.95 AU $5.95 Georg ette Waiats, $3.95 All $6.95 Georg. .Jl ette Waiats, $4.95 BLOUSES GaxrgeM Blouses, in all tha ntwtut stylus, vaJuas to $6.50 od saU, at $3.95 J SPORT SUITS Combination white skirts and fancy jackets, values to $5.00, a.' $2.98 WASH SKIRTS od styles i ftp, poplin o $1.75, on 98c All good styles in gabar dine, repp, poplin, etc. Value to $1.75, on sale t, SKIRTS eta Skirts, in triped, good $5.95 to $.! w, at , $3.95 Taffeta Skirts, in black and (triped, good .tykes, value. $5.95 to $8.95, on sale now, at , The Popular Price Stostv, S. . Car. 16th and Dougla Sta. 1 13 4 ..... .H,iu luuri, wncre Mrs. rnil- lips won. v "Best in the Lony Mizrt "