Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 24, 1917, AUTOMOBILES, Image 32

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President of Haynei Automo
bile Company Says Country
ia on Threshold of
"If' there ii on thine that the
American people do not have to fear
in connection with the present war,
it ia business depression," tayi El
wood Haynes, pioneer motor ear
builder and president of the Haynei
Automobile company.
"Instead of facing a.i industrial ces
sation, the United States stands on
the threshold of an era of prosperity,
and just as soon as we have read
justed ourselves ta present conditions,
all the lines of business, which tem
porarily flowed down with the de
claration of war and the passing of
conscription measures, will swing into
a healthy, vigorous pace.
Money in Circulation,
"The fact that the government is
borrowing is not to be- taken as evi
dence that the money will go out of
circulation in this country. In truth
it means the existence of practically
the opposite condition since the
greater part of the government
monies will be immediately spent for
supplies. This is in strong contrast
to the European countries, who are
pouring their hoards into the United
States for the purchase of materials
to effectively prosecute the war,
"Present conditions can only mean
one thing,-and that if domestic con
ditions will be even more prosperous
than they have been in the past. The
American family, which is the de
termining factor for depression or
prosperity,, will do its share in mak
ing its usual purchases of food, cloth
ing, building materials, house fur
nishings ana motor cars."
Hoodoo Day Selected for
A National Mileage Test,
Friday, July 13, has been- set by
Franklin Motor company of Syracuse,
N. Y., for another national gasoline
mileage test On this date Franklin
dealers throughout the United States
will, regardlese of weather or road
condition!, take a car out of stock and
without adjustments of any nature
make test runs for gasoline mileage.
Since 1909 air-cooled motors have
been barred from economy contests
in which water-cooled and air-cooled
motors competed, ao the Franklin
company will stage their own contest.
One of the rules of the contest will
be that the return route of the eon-
testsnts must be over the same route
as the outgoing run this to avoid
disputes regarding favorable condi
tions. Arrangements will be made
for observers from the press and the
Automobile club.
The Franklin has hung tip some
very unusual records for gasoline
mileage, and, in view of the fact that
the car thia year ia from 400 to 500
pounds lighter, H. Pelton, local dis
tributor, looks for a sensational re
sult. In 1914 ninety-four Franklin dealers
entered a contest averaging thirty
two and one-tenth miles to the gal
lon. In 1915 1ST dealers entered the
contest, averaging thirty-one- and
eight-tenths miles to a gallon. ' The
high record made in the 1915 contest
was fifty-five miles, made at New
Haven, Conn, under the observance
of a technical enginer of the Yale fac
ulty. The low. mileage in the 1915;
contest, waa eighteen and two-tenths
miles, J .,
Omaha Firm Quoted as
Having the Right Idea
The following is part of a letter
which has been sent to alt King deal
ers, and ia a fair tribute to newspaper
advertising, and also brings to light
an interesting iact regarding one of
Omaha'a automobile distributors:
"To all King distributors and deal
ers: If the King company don't
sell a lot of cars it Is not the fault of
the advertising or of the machines,
Stately Grandfather Clock Won in
Sweepstakes by H. F. Orr of Omaha
iui ousiness. lease your
tising and you place you
lagging class. One of oti
cessfuf distributors the
but of some of the agents that happen
to have arotten hold of a thing too
good for them. I have been in this
class for a long time ana you nave
my sympathy, but I hope to graduate
"And today as never before adver
tising is a real necessity for a success'
ful business. Cease vour local adver.
'ouraeit in tne
our most suc-
Motor company at Omaha put the
situation before the writer within a
fortnight as follows: 'Now is the
time to gamble. Only the good gam
bler with the proper kind of energy
behind him can be a successful dealer
today.' And this dealer has put the
King on the map in a good, substan
tial way, at a good profit to himself,
by consistent efforts and' consistent
advertising. There has not been a
week aince this organization has had
a King name plate over it door that
an advertisement has not appeared in
at least one of the local paper. And
the cost to this dealer has been only
little over $6 a ear for newspaper
"Millionaire Cowboy" and
" f'Skeeter Bill" Buy Doris
"Bronco busters want atrength in
the automobiles they drive and that's
why 'Skeeter Bill' and the 'million
aire cowboy" have chosen a Dort,"
says the San Francisco Chronicle.
"The two cowpunchera and their
wivei passed through San Francisco
this week enroute north in a Dort,
The car was decorated aa .befitted the
steed of a cowboy and the riders have
faith in it in a pinch." . ( .
Bee Wants-Ads Produce Results.
This stately grandfather clock was
presented to II. F. Or of the Orr
Motor Sales company as the winner
of first place in Division "B" of the
Lincoln highway sweepstakes, the
sales race staged by the Packard
Motor Car company of Detroit.
The Orr Motor Sales not only won
first place, but won it by a fair mar
gin, At the finish the Omaha or
ganization had sold 200 per cent of
their car quota.
The local office received a card
from Mr. Orr, who is cruising on
Lake Michigan with his brother, win
ners in the Lincoln highway sweep
stakes, in which he expresses his
opinion of the clock. The card reads
as follows:
"Some chime clock! I'll say it is.
Fully seven feet high and is the finest
thing I ever saw. We are off the boat
at Mackinac Island for a few hours."
The winning salesmen of the va
rious winning organizations have been
presented with chests of silverware
as trophie of the race.
Paige Establishes New .
Record on West Coast
The motor car record between
Seattle, Wash., and Vancouver, B. C,
long a bone ot contention among au
tomobile men in that section of the
country, was substantially lowered by
a Paige roadster in a recent attempt
in wnicn ine raigc car came inrougn
in impreasive style. .-.
l ne raigc, a ma moae: tnat naa
already accumulated a mileage' in
excess of 32,000 in transcontinental
traveling, was driven by George M.
Price of Seattle and covered the dis
tance of 167 mites in three hours and
forty-two minutes running time, and
four houra and thirty-six minutes
elapsed time.
Persistent Advertising is the Road
to Success.
Gossip 1
Along the
Automobile Row
"One of the ways, often overlooked,
In which society is benefited by mo
tor truck transportation," says J. C.
Haarmaun of the Haarmann-Locke
Motors company of this city, "is the
increased value it gives to farm land
located many miles from market.
There are many pieces of land located
twenty to fifty miles from prosperous
cities which are admirably auited to
produce and small fruit railing, but
which are lying idle because of their
inaccessibility to market by means of
horse and wagon A motor truck will
put such farms within essy reaching
distance of the market and thus in
crease many times the value of the
A Sludebaker Six has been pur-,
chased by the Retail Grocers' and
Butchers' association of Omaha to be
given away at their annual picnic to
he held July 19. According to Man
ager Kaufmann of Studebaker-Wilson,
Incorporated, this is a tribute to the
high merits of the Studebaker car
and is just an 'added proof of the
great popularity which the Studebaker
enjoys. The giving away of a $1,250
car is a new innovation.
! The Stanley Motor Carriage com
pany, Newton, Mass., has declared its
regular preferred stock dividend at the
rate of per cent per annum, payable
July 1,, to stockholders of record of
that date. Business is reported un
usually good. Deliveries show an in
crease of 200 per cent over the same
period a year ago.
"Another evidence of the' whirl
wind sales methods of the Omaha
Savage Sales company will be noticed
in this territory soon," asserts Mr.
Wilson, manager of the Savage Tire
branch, "We are putting out 5.000
road signs during the next week."
"The Honorable Charles W. Pool,
Secretary of the State of Nebraska,
has approved of the Corning Noviol
headlight glasses," asserts M. S.
Livingston of the Master Sales com
pany, incorporated.
"Mr. Pool not only approved of
this glass but scientific tests have
proven that a yellow head light clim
mates all glare."
Raymond W Hayward of the ilc-Intyrc-Hayward
Motor company
leaves tonight for the Steams-Knight
factory at Cleveland, O.
W. T. Hause of the V. T. Hause
Auto company leaves Tuesday for
the Peerless factory at Cleveland, O.
Mr. Hause will make the trip in a
Peerless Eight.
J. P. Linch of the Nebraska Pater
son Auto company leaves early this
week for the Paterson factory at
Flint, Mich., in an . effort to secure
more cars for this territory.
National Man Selected
To Build Tanks for U. S.
William Guy Wall, an Indianapolis
engineer, has been selected by the
United States government War de
partment to have charge of the de
sign and production of armored cars
and "tanks."
Mr. Wall is the vice president and
chief engineer of the National Motor
Car and Vehicle corporation, having
served in that capacity for the last
fifteen years, and is recognized, among
engineers, as an authority on motor
Last week Wall was summoned to
Washington and requested by the
government officials to take over the
important task of designing and build
ing fighting motor cars. He immedi
ately accepted and was at once com
missioned a major by Secretary of
War Baker. .
Bee Wants-Ads Produce Results.
Graceful in Design
and Performance
Beauty of line and beauty of performance, mark the
1917 Paterson as the best buy of the season for the
discriminating motorist.
Its design and finish reflect taste and refinement In
every detail its superb construction insures easy, un
labored performance and sturdy reliability.
We will give you a private Paterson demonstration1
at any time you say. We will welcome your opinion
as a critical motorist whether you purchase or not.
Omaha Distributors.
2010 Famam St. Phara Ra4 2423
Daalara W-nted tor NaH-aaka o4 Ittwa.
Mmntfrnelarti hr
W. A. Paterson Company, Flint, Michigan
,'. 1
" o
Haw does
he save
repair bills?
Sa Buy fla the fHt 'ffevdjafiXJasilt-st
Q. What do 3"oV csbV fajflf tara ejqerlp- ,
A. Le Tire and knee Tuba.
Q. Where doe the economy come in
when they cost more to (tart with?
A. If four Let shoe will do the work
of fiva or mora ordinary shoes if
Lee treads give you the jW against,
and actually prevent skidding as no
other trend will do, and if the Lee
Inner Tabes fit better sad last longer
than any other make of inner tube,
you'd aay they were tconomical at
aty Price. Get wise then save
' repair bills and send in your tire
I requirements to ,
Standard Tire
(Hva mora tire comfort
and mileage than evsr
before claimed for any
standard make of tins.
Lee Tubes
thicknaoe and ragged
nets. Th7a-raftxtrama-
ly nipple, tough, resil
ient and long wearing.
2052 Famam St..
Phone Doug. 921
The Last Day
at $1395;
After That $1595
There is only a week left now in which to buy
your Chandler at the present $1395 price, a price
wiiich, in view of the character of this great car, has
made the present Chandler series a sensation in all
motor car markets. On and after July 1st the price
becomes $1595.
Same Car
v There will be no change of any nature
in the Chandler at the aranced price. The
present series will be continued identically.
And at the higher price the Chandler
will offer value far in excess of other cars
which some may consider of similar
character. ''
"See How the Chandler Checks With
High-Priced Cars." Ask us for the pamphlet
issued under that title. It shows you exactly
how the Chandler checks with the Packard,
Pierce-Arrow, Cadillac, Winton, White,
Stutz, Mercer and Locomobile in charac
teristic high-grade features of design and
construction and equipment Incidentally
it shows you how other medium-priced
sixes do not check with them.
Then let us show you how the Chandler
performs. '
Get YOUR Chandler Now
Seven-Passenger Touring Car, $1395 N Four-Passenger Roadster, SI 395 '
Seven-Passenger Convertible Sedan (Fisher built) S2095 Four-Passenger Convertible Coupe (.Fisher built) SI 995
' Limousine, S2695
All prices f. o. b. Cleveland
Omaha Chandler Co.
, 2S20 Farnam St OMAHA, NEB.
Douglas 3857 . ,
Card Adams Motor Co.