'fUE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JUNE 24, 1917. 3 A Nebraska SPEED ENLISTMENT, SAYS DEFENSE BOARD Vice Chairman Coupland Gives Statement Urging County Councils to Assist by Every Possible Means. (From Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, June 23. (Special.) At the headquarters of the Nebraska State Council of Defense unusual ef fort is being made to focus attention of the public upon the proclamation of President Wilson designating re cruiting week of the regular army and calling for 70,000 volunteers. The National Council of Defense is urging the state council to devote all passible time to this work and to as sist in newspaper publicity. .Vice Chairman George Coupland has .issued the following statement: "Let us earnestly hope that Ne braska will not be weighed and found wanting in this great work. The daily press and the weekly newspapers are earnestly requested to give the widest publicity to the president's proclama tion ana tne recruiting program. It is urged that every weekly newspaper in Nebraska may find room for the president's proclamation this week. 'Our information ic thah rmtv ?lfl 000 men have been recruited out of a futl quota of 300,000, which is a seri ous falling off in the number of re . cruits. "All members of every county coun cil of defense must sense the signifi. cance of the situation. Every county defense council should meet and en thusiastically set about the speeding up of recruiting. Automobile parties should be organized, hand hills should be distributed and local councils should put on patriotic war paint and enthuse our young men with the spirit of the day. "It should be remembered that young men between the ages of 18 and 21 and 31 and 40, inclusive, are eligible for enlistment in the regular army" as well as men who registered for mili tary service. It is not urged that men of professions or trades should enlist. It is regarded as extremely important that the regular army should be re cruited to its full strength as quickly as possible." Greeley Women Will Give Banquet to Company I Greeley, Neb., June 23. (Special.) Members of the Greeley League for Woman Service are planning a ban quet and reception for the members of Company I, whose membership is largely in Valley and Greeley coun ties, with headquarters at Ord. Definite arrangements have not been made, but it is proposed to hold the affair some time next week. Com pany I expects to be called the early part of July. The banquet is to be held in the Sacred Heart hall. It will be fol lowed by a few patriotic addresses. A reception and ball in; the opera house is to follow. Wife of Hooper Farmer : Says Home Was Wrecked Fremont. 'Neb.. Tune 23. CSnecial Telegram.) The case of Mrs. Emma Violet Hibbler, who is suing her hus- Dana, aamuel u. Hibbler, a wealthy farmer of Hooper, for divorce, is being heard in district court. The plaintiff testified that on her return from a trip to Denve- in the summer of 1915 Mrs. Frances Hibbler, a sister-in-law, had charge of the Hibbler home, ana since that time Tier hus band has treated her with indiffer ence. Mr. Hibbler on the stand emphat ically denies the allegations of his wife. He admitted paying the ex penses of his niece, daughter of Mrs. Frances Hibbler, while she attended school at Peru Normal. Mr. Hibbler said he p- mised his brother, Frank, who died twenty years ago, that he would see that the daughter received an education. State P. E. 0. Sisterhood In Session at Fremont Fremont, Neb.. lime 23. (Special.) The Nebraska Grand Chapter of tne I', h. V. bisterhood opened the twenty-eighth annual convention in Fremont, June JO, in the Congrega tional church. After the processional march" the supreme officers and past presidents in attendance and the executive board of Nebraska Grand Chapter were intro duced by the president of Chapter A. J. A diversion was the presentation of flowers from the B. I. L's. to Mrs. Helen M. Drake, supreme president: Mrs. Nora S. Killian, organizer of Nebraska Grand Chapter; Mrs. Sue R. Spencer, president of Nebraska Grand Chapter, and to Mrs. Clara Watcrhouse, president of Chapter A. J. Convention and guests listened to an address of welcome by Mrs. Clara Waterhouse, and to the poetical re sponse by Mrs. Nora S. Killian. A musicale followed. It closed with a ringing chorus of "Stair Spangled tiamier. A reception followed. inis anernoon Mrs. wcetli ot Uma- ha, delegate, presented the P. E. O. convention with an American flag; this incident comiiie as a climax of several patriotic addresses. Mrs Burns, past president, responded bv reciting "Your Flag and My Flag." North Platte was given the next annual convention. The following officers were elected: President, Mrs. bara D. Reuhng. Wv- more: vice president. Mrs. Minnie M Stuff, Lincoln; second vice president, Mrs. Mora Killian, Kearney; record ing secretary, Mrs. Hester Capper, umana: corresDondme secretary. Mrs. Clara E. Waterman, Fremont; treas urer, Mrs. fclizabeth Kobertson, Bca trice. Funeral of Mrs. Wolbach Held at Grand Island Grand Island, Neb., June 23. (Spe cial.) The funeral of Mrs. S. N. Wol bach, wife of the senior member of the firm of S. N. Wolbach & Sons, was held at the family residence yes terday atternoon at 2 oclock, Kabbi Singer of Lincoln, officiating. After the address at the house, the body was conveyed to the Grand Island cemetery and there laid to rest, many automobiles comprising the cortege. The pallbearers were: R. R. Horth, J. D. WHitmore, I. R. Alter, Ed Brown, Oscar Veit and F. W. Ashton. Comparatively few of tne people who attended could find access to the home, large as it is, and the spacious lawn was well filled with tnends. Among these were manv out of-town people. All of the stores in line of competition with Mr. Wnl- oach were closed during the funera as a mark of sympathy, as were also the banks, the Red Cross rooms and the loung Women s Christian assn. ciation. Mrs. Wolbach having been a constant and liberal participant of an cnanties. Trunk Claim Case is Settled Out of Court Grand Island, Neb., June 23. (Spe cial.) Gus Niarhos, against whom complaint has been made on the charge of attempting to collect from tne St. Joseph & Grand Island Rail road company for a trunk and its con tents instead of a grip, has withdrawn nis ciaim irom the company and set tled the matter with Detective Wit son of the St. Joe road without prose cution. Bee Wants-Ads Produce Results. Soldiers' Home Notes Grand Island, Jun 23. (Special.) Mr. TV A. Stubtu of Lincoln, Neb., also a nteca of Brads haw, Neb., are being entertained this wefc at the residence o Mri. White, In West Lawn. John J. Bunn, who haa been quite alck (or the past month, Is convalescing. An ice cream oclal was given by the Woman's Christian Temperance union Wednesday afternoon on the lawn at the residence of Mr, and Mrs. Maholm. Miss Goodwin, who was nurse In the west hospital for four years and up to a short time ago, la confined to her rooms on ac count of a disability of her eyes. Mrs. Hill, who has a class of little chil dren In the Sunday school of the Trinity Methodist church of Grand Island, gave the little people a fine lunch and picnic Wednesday afternoon on the Home grounds. John Handerson of California made a call on his mother for one day this week. Hi mother has been a patient In the west hos pital for a long time and is helpless. WE CLEAN. RE BLOCK AND TRIM Men's and Women's PANAMA, STRAW and FELT HATS DRESHER BROTHERS Dyers, Cleaners, Hatters, Furriers, Tailors. 2211 to 2217 Farnam Street x TYLER 345. We Call For and Deliver. GOOD MEALS CLEAN, WHOLE SOME FOOD Quatek 314 So. 15th St. GIVE US A TRIAL SUFFERED TWO YEARS WITH CHRONIC CATARRH- Miss Emelie A. Haberkorn, 2251 Gravois Ave., St. Ltyiis, Mo., writes: "For over two years I was troubled with internal catarrh. I heard of the Peruna booklet. I read it and wrote to them, and they answered my letter promptly. I began taking treatment as soon as possible. Tongue cannot express how I suf fered with my stomach, and I also was troubled with catarrh of the head. I didn't feel like myself for a long time. So I began taking Peruna. I have taken four bottles, and now I cannot praisls it enough. Any one who has chronic catarrh should write the Peruna Medical De- Fartment. They will help any one. feel grateful for what they have done for me, and would not do with out Peruna. I now enjoy as good IS; v Tongue Cannot Express How I Suffered With My Stomach and Catarrh of Head health as ever. I find it has improved my health so much that I will rec ommend it to any one cheerfully. I thank the Peruna Co. very much for their kindness." Those who object to liquid medi cines can now procure Peruna Tab lets Summer Comfort Offer ingsHammocks, Swings MAKE FULL USE of your porch and the lawn during hot weather and then you will thoroughly enjoy your Summer. Here are helps: COUCH HAMMOCKS, very fine brown rtr QQ canvas, ready to hang . . . (. . .tpO.iO OXIDIZED ANGLE STEEL STAND FOR HAMMOCKS loiandos Storesl $3.50 Canvas Awnings fi feet wide i $1.98 7 feet, 11 inches wide . $2.75 Window Awnings 2 feet, 6 inches wide $1.49 2 feet, 10 inches wide i $1.59 3 feet, 3 inches wide ,i 51.69 3 feet, 10 inches wide -v .41.79 Tree Hammocks Very fine woven Hammocks, $1.98, $2.98, $3.98 to v $7.98 Third Floor Summer Service Now when vacation time nears rely upon this store, whether you are in Omaha or away from it. Orders by mail or telephone will be pro mptly and satis factorily filled. Desirable Summer Rugs Suitable for Porch or Stm Room You will find great comfort if you iput down a Rug on the Porch a different Rug suitable for Summer. RATTANIA PORCH RUGS The finest we know of, in beautiful color tones: 6x9 feet, at,... . .y.-.-.-.-$6.75 9x12 .feet, at v. ...... .$12.00 CREX GRASS RUGS Special for Monday: 9x12 foet, at 4., .,....$9.50 8x10 feet, at .;. ...4... $7.50 6x9 feeit, at ,....$5.75 RAJAH' RUGS This tug is espeicialfy suitable for. Porch or Sun rooms, and comes in a' beautiful assor. ment of colons and patterns : N 9x12 feet, at.:. . . . ;. . . .v .,. . $10.50 8-3xl0- feet, at.v :. . . -.. . . . $9.00 7-6x9 feet, at..v ... $&.75 6x9 feet, at .i.v,-k oc Third Floor yo.&O Wall Paper Reductions The following prwes will in dicate a sharp reduction in all of our most desirable) papers: 30-inch perfect haneiqg blends and imitation leather paper in all shades, panel bindyers and cut borders shown with each, standard value 75c, JQ Monday only, roll at. . . 0Js Very desirable figured paners in all new designs and coi'ors for down stairs rooms, values 5 55.c:. ::n: 26e A large'sclection of light and dark papers, suitable for all rooms, with cutout borders to match, worth to 22J4c, in two Itt8:.r.o.".10c andl4c Paper for kitchens, bed rooms and spare rooms, full combina tion, all colors, Hi An roll at I 2C Third Floor Towels 15c Turkish Towels, 10c For' Monday, 100 dozen full bleached Turkish Towels, hem med, regulation size, heavy and fluffy, (one dozen "1 A limit), each, at J.UL 35c Towels, 29c This towel weighs 12 oz. and is 22x44 inches, hemmed ends, double twisted yarns. ,Thei towel for wear, (one dozen to' a customer), each, 29C 50c Fancy Turkish , Towels, 39c About 50 dozen of fancy Turk ish towels, all pretty colorings, hemmed ends, while QQ the lot lasts, each at. . . OVL, 5c Woven Dish Cloths, 3c Monday only, the woven kind, (six to a customer), Q each at OC Main Floor Buy a Victrola for Your Home No other instrument can give you the variety of entertainment no other instrument is such a good investment, inas much as it never fails to interest every member of the family. With the purchase of a few records a month you may have constantly new entertain ment in your home. The Victrola we picture here is the $75.00 machine and in addition to its in imitable musical qualities, is a beau tiful piece of Furni- tare. We invite you to come and hear the latest records in our sound proof parlors. i Six 1 V Main Floor Pompeian Room. Buy Yonr "Nemo" Corsets NOW Before the Advance in Price-July 2d WE HAVE BEEN ADVISED by the "Nemo" makers, that because of the high cost of ma terials and boning, they will be obliged to raise the price on some of the "Nemo" Corsets, as they cannot afford to reduce trie high stand ard they have set for make and .finish and for comfort and hygiene. BE FITTED now, to your model in a "Nemo" . Corset, then you will enjoy supreme fcorset f service, which means comfort, style and good , wear. THE BACK-RESTING FEATURE! of "'Nemo" Corsets finds decided favor with the business woman, the motorist and the danger. It rests the back and flattens the figure, m addition to giving full support to (Tq rrv the figure .., . . , tpO. OU "NEMO" CORSET, style 326, riade in good durable Batiste, low top ajid long over hip jnd back, with elaptic gore set in at back, which makes t'he corset fit close, but comfortably, eithier sitting or standing position; will be $4.00 on July 2d fan rA Now .., ,tj)O.OU "NEMO" 506 MODEL, for lac tre womer), medium low top, long over hip, with elastic gores over thigh. Wl de elastic band at bottom of corset in bi ck. Self reducing abdominal bands to give sup- pprt and reduce the abdomen. Sizes 23 to 36. Price after July will be $6.00 Now .'...OO "NEMO" MODEL 304, for Mender and medium figures; very low top, free hip section, very lightly boned,; made in CI O IT A dainty pink and white hroche tbl'J. t)(J t ;- Other Models of "Nemo," at $2.00 to $10.00. , ' Second Floor ''. Wanted! Wash fabrics for Summer In Variety of Weaves and Coloring Every, woman will feel the need right now of additional light weight garments in her summer wawdrobe. We offer these items as exceptionally good suggestions for materials to btnld dresses and skirts with : Woven Voiles in Iarira, dainty plaids and stripes, so much in damand for coot summer frocks and blouses, 40 inches wide, r7C yard at OC "Non-Krush" Dress Linens, in white and every wanted plain shade, also black and white stripes. "Non-Krush" stamped! on selvage. OQ 36 inches wide, yard at OiC ' 36-inch Basket Weave Sport Fahirics, in stripes and plaids, pretty color combinations dKn for skirts, suits, middies, yard at. . . . .DOC Imported White Skirtings, newest weaves, many styles to select from, 36 and 40 J1 (( inches wide, the yard, at j....tpl.UU Main Floor ! Excellent Bargains in White Goods Sheer White Dress Fabrics, in cords and silk stripes, voiles, shadow and plain organdy, lace effects, 36 and 40 inches wide, Af yard at 4C Fine White Imporbed Pique, wide wale, 36 inch es, extra special, rtr yard at f OOC Plain and Novelty Stripe Gabardine, golfing cords for suits, skirts, middies, chil- qr dren's rompers, 36 inches wide, yard at. . ZOC No. 40 Imperial English Nainsolok, soft, silky finish, snow white, free from Btarch, for cool summer undermuslins, slips, foundations, in fant's wear, 40 inches wide, fjo ff 12-yard bolts, at ,. , . tpZ. Di Imperial Long Cloth, mediums, light weight chamois finish, for fine undermuslins, SB inches wide, 12-yard bolts, jj rjQ Basement THE JUNE BRIDE Why Not Give Her a Beautiful and Practical Gift? The 1917 Model The FREE $1.00 per week club payments buys this beautiful ; i i3 sewing macmne, "The FREE. Any finish you 17 desire to match your woodwork. . IIK KB 1 We will take your old machine in exchange and make a very liberal allowance to apply on the "Free." Down East it is railed "Thp Mhs.p rQv.;nf Mn,.kmn w vbwiih,u Anawiiiic We are headquarters for all Sewing Machines; well known makes priced from $18.00 upward. All machines guaranteed. We supply parts, needles and all supplies. NOTE. The increased cost of metal -will undoubtedly reRult in a rise in price of these beau tiful sewing machines. Better get yours now. SPECIAL DEMONSTRATION by a factory expert who will be with us all next week. FREE INSTRUCTION in the use of all attachments. Also complete showing of other well known standard makes of machines, ?18 upward. 1 Third Floor Hairdressing a service Jsere of which many Omaha women speak hijh praise V)8r ticularry do they mention the courteous attention and the up-to-datft meth ods employed, lso spe cializing shampooing, manicurn Passage and childn'j haircutting- tjjfi work skillfully Second Floor These Special Offers of Hair goods, Monday All-around gray transforma tions, of natural wavy hair; soft and fluffy; for. ...$4.95 24-inch switches of natural wavy hair; three separata strands; soft, ref ined : . . $3.B5 A New Arrival ,'. in this Shoe Shop Field Mous e 9-inch Kid Bttot THIS IS A VERY beauti ful Boot, made over one of the most stylish, lasts, in the fascinating field mouse color. Lace'atyle, with light welted and stitched soles, white welt ing; kid covered Louis heels and aluminum pieces . ......$12.00 For Women Mjotorists: A new heel protector for women who drive mo tor cars. Straps- over in step and covers back of the heel, protecting it from smudge and from scraping. . Main Floor Rur Duplex Fireless Cooker The ,i Best Friend in UfcP Summer You can put your Sunday dinner into a Fireless Cooker in the morning, go out for three or four hours, and when you come back you witl find the various foods ready to serve, cooked to a nicety.. This means emancipation for every woman, and this is only one of the benefits from the many that we could recite. One-hole q-j m-jQ Cookers ;plU"plZ Two-hole fft-j Q f Cookers ...pO.UU We recommend the Duplex as the best Fireless Cooker that we know of. Refrigerator Pans, 69c Largest size galvanized refrig erator pans, special, at.... 69c Screen Paint, 49c Screen paint, ar quart tan, green or black, at 49c Ironing Board Covers, 69c Ironing board padded covert, at 69c Step Ladder Chairs, $1.29 Step Ladder Chairs, made of Oak, finely finished and strong ly built, special at.... $1.29 "Carpathian" Casse roles "Carpathian" Casseroles, full size, 8-inch, beautiful in finish and pattern, at 98c Glass Towel Bars, 29c One lot of Glass Towel Bars, 18 inches lone. W-inch diame ter, at 29c une lor. or uiass Towel Bars, 18 inches long, -inch diame ter, at 49c Basement NOW WELL PERUNA blD IT