THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JUNE 24. 1917 CLASSIFIED COMMERCIAL DIRECTORY Copies of this directory in book form with auto road map of Nebraska may be had at The Bee office free of charge after June 17, 1917, Mill Lakfc. 1 mnt nun ro a JlHft VITAL. 1ft?. Equipment. Tureirs of all kinds of hotel, klich- rcqulpmcjitl. lilt Capitol Ave. Duuglau Hote!. Bflt'NfiWR'K HoTISL, MR. HULK Kit, Mgr. 1219 Loult St. Douglas 1.177. Nice clean roomr 1 rrmwnatilc prli Harm RMAliD HOTEL, X. Cor.' Z4lh and Faraain. Douglas 4J96. Modern mount, tool ami comiuri- .-Jl.?"-: ,:' .,,jr"k-' BTli.'K HOTEL. HIM. Charlt-n R.. Mgr.. East Omaha. Colfax 110. Th-i lat In lli" IMLLS. UOTKt. H BH MOINKS." &1 . Nl ' Douglas 3243. Nl-ly furnished rooms by any or wK. iP'-tH)!!""' ynw-r w"hotkl HA iisi&Y. Cor. 14th mmi lljtrnuy Ri UOTKL I.OVAL, 16ih St., bt. Capitol Av and Davenport. Veiglaa ;oo, llKRClfANTH HOTBL. V,.fh Fa run in. I'oiiKU.t UK, Ull t-AIUi HOTKU lath Doug In Kla. DmiglH 924. J. Vaalio &. Son, pro. -Ho tors. "Popular prlrcn." t'afn In nniB:llnn HKW HANPOHD. tfltli and Farnam. Tylr 1.H3. ifl ruoma. 10U wlih bath, $l.60i 100 with toilol, W.Wi. SaXoly, aerv li, Bavin. fjORTH W EST KRN 1IOTKU Imigla 80M. Half hlock from Wtottor t tieput. llooini, SOoajid j ISmK HOTKL, IfiUiVml Jackson. Douglaa 224. Tliu "liuma hotel." Service and rontfort, IT ATE HOTKL, Philip Nathan. Prop., 1314 iii Douglaa lit. 1'nuglaa tlv4. 100 ulce irlrau roomi at r'-HaniiabJ" L filB kKLLOOOi nuw, "elegant furnllure. Frae irlvilo vtiouo and Mmwur batha. J654 Harney 8t. Iimiglaf 4470. WB9T HOTKL, THB, M4 No, lth BL NION HOTKL, ARMTRONO. J. M., Mgr., llth and Manon tita fiouglua 744. Clean, up-o-daf rooina. IrlNbflOA HOTKL, FA1KR, SAM, Prep", 620-34 South 10th St. Louglas 718. Mod- im up-to-date ronmi. Household Necessities. AJ'AUS. C. V. co., S:3 K. Uth. "bwiah. iNfb, Doug. U00T. Salpnmen wanted to ell houmJaold noceasltlca on easy pay went plan. N Ice. Aii"AiU",iH:"1AN!) cor.D S"COItA(lK CO.. StoCniruA RU(.. 15th and Uodc. Uougla 64. Whole.Hlo BiiJ retail lc.: Ice Cream Mannfacturen. b'.U.!h!t.C 5- 1- Cumii.s St. Pouglas 81". Puro leo croilin. 0HAHA1I 1CB CRKASI CO., (Th) Jonu St. Houclaa 4373. Manu facturer. n) wholosalera of lo. creaio. ixrKPftftDi:N-T iSe'Trkam cax ' K4I Mo. lHh II. W.laUr I J 07. Mir.. ( ' pura' lc cream, pcltverlai In All parta ik ciiy. Ice Machines. lAKKR IC1S MAClfiNK CO.1 liih and NlchuUt. J. I.. BhKw, frai. P. J. Hac'y ana Treaa. ' fUCHg. O. A t SUN3, 1V0S F.rnam. Uoiralaa t12. Uural, (lnural, (loral till laiwlwap. palnlln, and dauoratlne. Insuraace-Accideot nd Health. HUMS CTsUAtli CO., i3-4--l "Btandola Tneai.r viae, juougias a.... nin araua old.n and atckn.u tnauranca for all ccupallaiiB. ' BufUAd BKNRPl'f lIUALtH1 ACCHiftNT ABfl'N, 4.-4tll City Nat. Bank Bldr. . As.aU vaatad. ataatlard yullulsa. p..lflralion. Doutlaa 41T1. Sbbbaska- mprS."' casCXCtt aus'nt" 33a Ba. Bldv. Pouilaa ,13,. Worltmeri'a compcnaKlloa Insurantt. A .7X.bra.lta Co. for NohpawMan. MAHA. HKA1.TH AND ACCIDENT ASS N. 301 Ofltaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Douglaa niaa. Agenta 'wanted. Insurance Fire. AETNA (t''IREI IKS. CO., U31 I'lral Nat'l 4k. BlUg. Tyler 967, A. B. Davll and J. It. Thornburg, Special Agenta. ?OLUil 11 1 A FIliK'INIinRWftlTEHel. The. 3d Hoop Ulerohanla' (Vail Bank Bldg. Douglaa 460. C. 0. Talmage, algr. Fir. underwriter.. v 1 IRA1N ' DtUf.enS' NAT'L HUT. FIRE INS. CO. of Indlananolta. Ind. Fltxgerald 4t MoCotter. Weatern Wgra. SOT Omaha Grain Exchange Bldg. Douglaa 6338. filHNHON. ti A. A CO.. lsaVTlat Nat. Bank Bldg. tuglaa 1183. AHJUal.r. of fire to..e. )f the aaaurad. National sbcuritv kirb insurance CO., 1408 Farnam, Cd floor). Douglaa 1683. The only old line atouk fire insur ance company of Nebraska. ' kHTWIt. HOWARD CO. Douglaa ,70. Fire Insurance. Inturinc General. fci.i. IN ft TIH nk Hid. niHn... UOtll'SON, ,13-11 Oily National Bai Douvlaa 1819. Llirandaulo Ineuran ITOST KR-BA RKER CO.. 600 Urundela Bldg. , ijoualaa 38. Ueuoral Inaurancu "It ll'a worth anything, have It Inaured!" ,' tiAl.L.AUrlun aew-mifl. am nranucia Blag. vuugiej Ail auiua ui .nr auranu. , ClVH-lf AfJKKLL CO.. 36,-16 W. O. W. Bldg. Douglaa 180. Workmen's compenaatluD . and automobllea. fLoTTS. B. R., 1S19-33 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Douglaa 31. i. U.rmaula lilt. In.uranc. CO. ITATH FARMERS' MUTUAL INS. CO. J. F. tlcArdlr, Sao'y. 330 B.e Bid.. D.uglaa ,419. Flra lightning, tornado. IPHAll, LYNNB D.. CO.. 13111.28 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Douglas .788. General 1n suranc. WALSH BROS. CO., INC., isi7-ll-18 Cttr Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler (33. .Fire, III. and cAaualty tnauranca. Paul V. Walab, Pres.! P. K. Wal.h. Vlca Prealdent. I WILCOji. FRANK, 803 Dm. Nat'l Bk. ldg. Doualaa 1S36. Fire, tornado, sute, bur- (lary. ompaassllos liability, stcld.nt and healin. 0fJ6N, ALT MR A.. ,17-18 First Nat' Bank Bldg. Douglaa 271. General in auranew and surely bond. Insurance Life. ' 4oTiTJoTwBAi.TH l.i Fic iNwTtANc"ca OK NUB. lYhel, 7:4 Omaha Nat'l Bank Ttlrta-. DotlBtu. 630. lUARAM'rv Lll'li INSURANCE CO , ,67 (irneba Nat'l Bank Bblg- Douglas Murphy. State Mgr. 3,81. J. 1NUOE, W. H., (61 Bes Bids. Douglaa 3236, Oeucral agent of tha Stats Mutual Life A.mranrc Co. 1. "u'llAHKy. Oeneral Agent HOMK ur INSURANCE CO OF NEW TOKK. SIS-IS City Nat'l Bk. Bldg .Doug. 416:. "f want you Is feel -t hois. In TUE HOMU." ' SUTUAL tlKNKFlT LIFE INSURANCE CO,. - 41t-41 CI6y Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler.f037. a. Inaure the Is.urauos. iVIrst ysar values In our pollHee. IeKLY. N. D. ft C4..' 838-44 Om. Nat' Bk. atldar. rnone uougiaa nv, i.n. insurant-.-. SoRTU AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE CO., TOO Bee mils. DougTae IBI3. 'M AHA LIFE INSURANCE CO.. tos-llt Nat'l Fid. A Caa. Bldg Tyl.r 16,3. SBOBKE, S. P.. 701-3 Om. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 408. SlLLIAMS. W. R.. ' 64-S64 Brsndlea' Thea. Bldg. Douglaa , 1114. Llfa In.uranco that U worth wbll. at. raaaonable coat. tiuraivee Workmen's Contpensation IKBRAWKA MKIlS.' CASUALTY A8TN. 320 ba Bldg. Douglaa (1S9. Workmen compensation limuraiicg. A Nebraska com pany for Nbn.kanj. JeweUrs Wholewle. fRIFriTH. if. B- HI jlowsriJ. Rni. 1 07? lnltHMa wiwiasaia jewelry. very- i gar tat womhv .YlC , I I Investment Brokers. HP tmMlM NHlJJk. Bldg. Douglas 85 drijehim-w cm., riiht. 860 Omaha 1WM and uiilUtt Bldg, Investments. " IMahllj-hi 1 1X3. investors- .syndicate. io:g-:J city Nat'l Ilk. Hldg. . . jmiKla Wl. Steward & Stevens. Agenta. per rent rerHHratfts. .UltKULK INVESTMENT CO., 1 r, 2 1 - 2 iv. u. W. Rldff. Douglas ! -anti loom. Lowest nWes. 949. Jewelers. AHURB DIAMOND CO., Jttlf.1 TMr 1777. unnoallft Kirs I Ho, Itith. Nat'l Bank Jlldir. Azure diamonds, Haii.rmdH. but vfl beautiful a real III Me. 'UIti"ijiuKUAAKISH6H. CO. Jcwi-lry Store, Hill mid PtiugU Sis. UaUbllahed 188. Nl7WALL. FRITZ. JEWELRY CO.. 30H .. IPth. I.nugln FirNt-class rkman-lili'. high grade material, rea- Junk Dealers. f'FlTltHfT T hT.N. Th and liouglaa. Phoim )iuk1m8 SJ6. Largoat acrap doalera In the am i; Ft I can JL'.vk CO.. s. k. Cor. 1-th and f'hlf-titrii SIh. I.tnuglaa MU2. CKNTRA 1 'mlie IKON ANI MKT A I. CO.. 1211 LtuuKla W buy all kinds Iron and metal. Old auto bought, ranrtJiH' cilTT'AOO MKT AL, I It ON & RUBBKR CO., Ultt N. Hith St, Plioim Wabatar 1G98. W buy nixl a-'il all klnda of aurap Iron, metal and rubbt'P. NKHRASKA IRON AND JJJK COMPANV. H,U Cuming Kt. Phune Tyler 1247. crap Iron, wiotal and rubbor. Phon. ua. Ulgliaat prlcea paid for JIKTAr.S, AUTO TtKUS, SCRAP IRON, .Lc. S. HflKClAI. HON, Woltator 4282. ' 1L0& N. 24th. STKINilERO, NATHAN, 1019 Hariwy Bt. Dnuglaa blfifl. We buy all klnda of. aorap Iron and m.tala. Labels. ' EfSTKN LITHOORAPHINO CO,, 417 So. Uth 8t, Tyler 1340. of avery deacrlprloB. Orlglnatora and da atgnera. Labor Agenciee. DAVIS LABOR AGENCY, 313 So. llh 81. lioujlu. 2490. (arm and railroad la borora. ' afAHTIN. A CO.. Room ft, Crebjbton BUc. Douflua 2357. Wantad Your ordera for nialo and f. mula holp of allHllnd.. White, rolored and Jiipanoac. Ladies' Tailors. FREIBURG. R., JOOi No. 30th. WeUalcr Itii. Ladiaa' aulta and Iklrtl. ExcIuhIvb paltarna. laOl.I.ANl). SIH Karbach Bldi. Pouglaa 304t. I.aUlaa' lallorlng, gowni and evening wrapn. loimilll 7lKr.lABLE LADIES' TAILOR, 433-46 faxloa Blk. poualaa 1301. Prlcaa right, gooda right, gatlalactlon guaran teed. Laundries. iniva t.aiiidrT. Yunder new manage luent). 1313-11 California St. Douglaa :VJi4. Flexible collara with amplaleapace. BOSTON WET WASH LAUNDRIk, Lake St. Webater 43. EVAtis MOHEL IJkUNDRY, SOI 8. llth- St. Doua-nTa 343. The UleanaBt, llgrtaat and beat ventltaiea launory iu v ' tabllahed 1.73. SANITARY WET WASH LAUNDRY, 3816-17 Kamam. Olva your wife a vaca- tlon by calling M. 784. UNION HAND I.AT7NDRY, 4984 3. 26tbj St. uouin .. !". """"",7,. olally. "Have our wagon call. North UuLane, Prop. , - Law Brief Printers. Si.noD BROS.. 413 South 12th St. petl 1436. uinaiype buwi.i.w Leather and Shoe Findings.' PHILADELPHIA LEATHER HOUSE, 316-11. So. yougiBB- for the loading brarfda of leather and shos flndlnga. J Lightning Rods. NEBRASKA I.MHT.NINO Roll CO., Inc.. Slfra, and'wliol.aalera of pura oopper cable llghtnlng ro(i, and ornament; for barn, oupolae and churoh spires. 1H No. Hlu St . Omaha. Neb. Lingerie Shops. COLE, BERTHA 61., LINOBRIB SHOP. Ill Be. Bldg. Phone Douglaa. ,018. Neat and nifty house frocks. Smsft bungalow ' aprons. Dainty lingerie made to order. Lithographers. atPKTBN LITHOORAPHINO CO.. 417 So, ISth Bt. Tyler 1340. Flps salor stationery and lapela. Live Stock Yard Traders. J."i Blft.LA A COMPANY, buyera and sell ara of live slock. "STO0KKR8 and FEED KRS our apaclalty." Room 133 Each. Bldg. Oftloe phone South 308, yard phone South 3478. Stock Yarda italtnti. pmaha. Neb. ROSENSTOck UltOS. A CO., 1S6 Exoh. Bldg. Live atook dealers. Blockers sad fasders a Bpociany. Live-Stock Comraiaoion. ANDERSON A PARKER. 146 Exoh. Bldg., So. Omaha. South 1161, Cwrtle and aliccp huyora. . bTok. LOU ft CO.. 138 Exchange Bldg. South 66. Live stock conimta.loo. BOWLES LIVE STOCK COM. CO. Csultsl Stock ,100,000.00. Paid In full. Omaha Chicago Kanaaa City. BURK CI. INK, 331 Live Stk. Each, Buldg South lilt. nnnin.!nrcVfV CO '' xoi Live Stock Exchange Bldg. South 482. Live Stock commission. Ask the si who ships to us. CLAY. ROBINSON MO., Soutu 1401. Live Stock Exchange aos. CLIFTON COMMISSION CO., 333 Exchange MIOS. aomn T .. c,iY..InKKq.VAW ALS'lINE. 137-139 So. Omaha Exch. Bldg. South 141. Live sleek commission m.rohanta. INTERSTATE) LIVE STOCK TOMM I S810N CO.. U. S, Yards, omana. poum ai.. JAt-KSON-SlllNALI. CO.. 165-167 lisch. Bldg. U. S Yards, Omshs. -rcl. poum a.. LAVKR'f V BROS;, UI-llO ExchanB Bldg. South 66. Live .stock comniiasion i-o. MARTIN BR1.IB. k CO.. So. Omaha Live (Block Rxonange. ooutn 6n7. Live stock coittmlsalon merchants. 41 lit. Ally BRus,. Live Stk. Exch. Bldg. oUIII ."3. none nieiany. .ig. n A I iroM A FONOA. 3.1-333 Each. Bldg.. So. Omaha. South 29t. Live .lock roinmla.lon. Roberts Buck, a rose, stxch Bids. So. Omaha. South ill. Wire or phone. SNYnElt-MALONE-COFFMAN CO., 189 Exchange Bldg. South 43, Llvs Stock bought and soi.i THE RECORD LIVE STOCK COMMISSION CO.. 368 Kich. Buldg. South 384. WA1.P.ATH ft SHERWOOD LUMBER CO., 1601-1608 W. O. W. Bldg. UouglaB 31.6 Wholesale lumbermen. WHL1AMSV SONS, 128 F.xehr. Bldg.. U. 8. dpi?, o. omau. Boum n. WtfciN BKttS., Kxehaiige Bldg.." Stock Yards Sta. Phones: Off tie, South 242; hog yards, Bouth 810: cattle yare1s. South 4186. "Let WINN handle your shipments It pays." WOOD BROS., Mve sterk comraieelen merchaats, Omaha. Katablislied 1867. Lumber. v BHADFORli (LOUIS) LUMBER CO., 6008 So. Iflth m. South 134. High grade lumber and building material our gpe f laity. M . CHICAGO LUMBKR fl)3 8o. 14t. louglas 191. Wholeaaie and retail. GUIOU St LKDW1CH, UtU and lsard StS. GOOD LUMBER, Douglaa 478. HAMPTON LUMBER CO., 1863 So. J 61 h SL Douglaa 261. Dealer la all kind T likpiber. Lumber. INlJKf'KNDKNT I.lTMHbA CO., 401 h mid Leavenworth. Harney Lumbering Along." 44." "Jl Must Omaha harowuod ix ub en co., Llth and California. Douglas 4489. Hard wood lumber, hardwood flooring, wagon wood slock. SOUTH HIDE LUMBER CO.. 4 Sill 8. 27th St South Gil. "It will pay to get our prices on building material." Lumber and Coal. E.VTEnPrtlSE LUMBER AS-D COAL CO., .ui.t quinary Ave. walnut .on. j.uniuer, coal and building material af all klnda. HIHHOURI RIVER LUMBER CO.. 4:01 No. 30th. Colfax 310. All klnda of lumber, bulldkig material and coal. PI.AT.NEIt LUMBER CO. Office N. W. Cor. 34IH and Oak 81a. Ijonglaa 726. tHulldlng material). 'Macaroni Eroducts. OMAHA MACARONI CO., , 006 Earnam. DoUKjfta 3711. Machinery. AMERICAN SUITLY & MACHINERY CO rarnatn. ixiugiaa j'.ievating and conveying machinery. Fireproof aafoa and Howe acalea. Machine Shops. AMERICAN MACHINE WORKS, 110 S. llth Douglaa 4381. Toola, dlei, iitodala and automnnlle worka. LOMATCH, WM. F., manufacturer of atone and contractor, toola. '630 Leavenworth. Douglaa 3966. Magasines. MOTHERS' 11AUAZ1NII. THB. 104-D-3 Brown Blk. Red 3324. Magaxlne oluba on inetallm.nt. "Read while you pay." Magnetos. ANDERSON, CARL A., 1407 Jackaon. Douglaa 2418. Speolallela In Boech Igni tion ayateme and Helnae electric atartera. BAVSDORl'ER. OTTO. 210 NO. 18th St Douglaa 4887. $100 reward for any mag neto we can i repair. CENTRAL MACHINE WORKS. 1601-8-6 Jackeon. Douglaa 4397. Stromberg Service Station, gplltdorf Re- palr station. -r Masseurs. WEBSTER. LU ELLA. 618 Paxton Block. Phone Red 2400. Mattress Mfrs. NATIONAL MATTRESS CO., 1206-11 So. 20th St. Douglaa 3418. Manu facturer or mattreaaea, plllowa and box aprlnge. Meat Markets. CHAPMAN, ft., 3408 Cuming St. Douglaa 1637. We tell for cash and no delivery. QUEST, HENRY, 1331 Mluourl Avenue. South 161, Smoked aturgeon, meat and aunarlea. illlNCL, A. P., 1S03 So. 13th St. Pouglat T410. a'lne meat cut.. KUNCL. V. l-.. 1314 South 13th St. Douglaa 1193. The oldeat market 111 the city. PASKACH. ANTON. 4304 So. 20th St. South 786. "The sanitary meat market of South Omaha. 8TECK, C. F.. 1831 Clark 81. Webater 6647. Millinery. LA RUE HAT SHOP, 202 Roao Bldg. Tyler 1047. High claaa millinery at rsa- sonable prlnea. SCHADELL. F. Id. ft CO., 1632 Douglaa. Douglaa 387,. Millinery, bridal veils, flowers and mourning gooda. MPflDHREROBR. M. A SON CO.. 1044 Pa .nam. Douglaa 708. Aak for all peraona or Depts. Slanted. Wkolassls mil lln.ry. Mortgage and Bond Bankers. GUARANTY SECURITIES CO.. 161, Farnam St. Tyler 1811. Mortgage' , ana Dona bankers. Motorcycles and Bicycles. XCELSIOR MOTOR CO., 1611 Capitol Avo. Red 6804. Prices count some, "out service counts more." FLESCHER MOTORCYCLE CO.. 1938 Capi tol Ave. Douglaa 6804. Repairing and reborlng all makes of maobtnes our spaolalty. OMAHA BICYCLE CO., E3 Ne. 14th St. Douglas 3738. Motorcycles sna oicyoieB. "Indian" dealere and dlatrlbutors. ROOS, VICTOR II., "The alotoroycle Man," 27th and Leavenworth. Harney gtua. jiar-Isy-Davldaon rootoroycl.s. Bargains In used machines. THE NOVELTY REPAIR. CQ . 480, So. 34th. Mouia 1404. KXC4 aior motorcycle, ana bicycles. Goodyflar Servtcs Ststlon and general repalTB. Music Stores. HADDORFF MUSIC HOUSE. 1807 Farnam St. Douglaa 4240. thing In music' Music Studios. rtAKTKNH. FRANCES. 20 Arlington. Block. Doualaa 3084. Open all summer. Brosd professional experience. BOURICIL'S MUSIC STUDIOS, nnrt.. at. 13.14-18 Arlington Block. Thorough Instructions la piano, violin and band Instruments. MAifWIN. 1TEI.EN. 19 Arlington Block, 1611V, Dodge Bt. Douglaa ,623. Play tha plane for pleasure and for profit. News Dealers. Harney' 1689. Candy, clgara, tob'eccg and new.nanara and oerlodlcala. ' McLAUOHLIN CO., Nawa, Books and Stationery, wnoiessi. Agts. ror imerery Digest and Pictorial Havlaw. (stationery!. 103 No, 16th and 308 So. 14th. Newspapsrs and Publications. OMAHA POSPBN PUBLISHING CO.. 16th and Jon... Deuglss 340i, Midwest's anly Swedish nswspsper snd Fsrm Journal Nelaon T. Thoraen. publisher. Nurses' Directory. 6-OI.EY. MRS. I.. Msr. 618 S. 3fth St. Harney 460. Graduates, undergraduate and practical nurace. negtsteren. .. Nurseries. BENSON-OMAHA 'NURSERIES. Benson 634. Landscape work and general nursery stot-k. P. J.-'Flynn. Prop. MKNKRAT NURSERIES. Int.. Council Bluffs, la.: 811 Kaluga Bldg., Omaha. Douglas 4081. Growers of hardy trees, ehruba and plant. Landscape arthliecta. 6culists and Aurists. BLKif K. DR. L. C. 688 World-Herald Bllg. Red 8438. Bye, tar. noes attd tlfVoiit. Eye glasses fitted. Qa and (Ureases. NATIONAL REFINING CO., llth and Clark fits. Tyler 194. Maauiaufurers ot -q. Ar-Co" Prodpcts. Office Furniture and Fixtures. xBAKER-VAWTKR CO.. 1312 City NaiI'I Bk. Bldg. Originators and manufacturers of Loose Leaf and ftlel tiling equipment. Douglas OMAHA FIXTURE AND SUPPLY CD..J"S. W. Cor. llth and Doug lan. Douglaa 2124. Largest new and used store aud office m tura house in the weet. Osteopathic physicians. Anderson. l'R. mart e.. -o& Bae Bldg. Douglaa a. ARMSTRONG, DR. T JOSEPHINE, 415 Bee Blrtg, Tyler 1H51. UUSICK, DR. ; B . 402-402 Rns "Bldg. Tyler 22K2. Ottopthla iihysleian. Sul phur, atoMUi, vucalyptu bath. Gardner aystem lor iilucUr weight. Oriental Goods. AI.I.A SHOP, 207 S. 18th. Bed 6120. Oriental display and domestic novelties. , Packers, CUDAHt PACKING CO. south Mouth Oinsris. HOFFVArTRXlS'.. 2424U St. South 704. Meat dealers. SWIFT CO., South Omaha, Neb. So. 3360. swtrts "premium Haina and Bacona those four words mean "purity." Painters and Decorators. NELSON, OUST, 3832 Parker. Walnut lteT i-ajnung anq oecoraiing. Paints, OilMnd Olsss. JOHA.VNSrZKN, HENRY M., 114 S. 14th St. Douglas 349. ' specialty of fine palnta. ' OMAHA MIRROU AND ART GLASS CO. 1614 Cuming. Douglas 6626. Mirrors, art KlpKS anil paints. Paper Stock, OMAHA PAPER STOCK CO,, 18th and Harney. DouglaB 169. Dealsrs la waste paper. Paper Wholesale, BKIN.N & JENSEN CO., THE 111 Hitrney St. Phone D. C40,. Wholesale paper and stationery. PRICE QUALITY -.SERVICE. MARSHALL PAPER CO.. Wholesale, 1102 Douglas St. Douglas 1730. Printers and wra pplng paper, hags and twine. Paste Mfrs. OMAHA PAHT1S CO., 718 So. 13th. Douglas a 76ft. Paper hangers' paaje a peclalty. Patent Attorneys. BARNKLL, IMVlb O., JUachlne de.Lgner, 68 Paxton Bile, Phone lied 7117. Trade marke and copyrlghta registered. STURG1J8. HIRAM A., "PatenU that Pro tect." 630 Braodcia Theater Bldg. Doug- ihoto Engraving. BAKUR BROS. KNp HAVING CO,, 1218 Howard St. Douglaa 2528. Artiste, en graveri and electrotypers. Photographic Studios. HETN THB PHOTOGRAPHER, S. W. Cor. 16th and Howard Sti. Douglas 481. .16 years of successful photography. Why experiment? RINK IART-ST1J.FFENS -PHOTOGRAPHS. 300 So. 18th. -Douglae 1732. RODSTROM STUDIO, 1IH Farnam St. Douglas 6622. tinner! photographing of it Kinds. SANftBKRG STUDIO, 107 So. ISth, Douglas Blk. Phone Douglae 2387. Photoe of Ouallty. Family group and children's pictures our specialty. SKOOLUiND STUDIO, 1630 Douglas. Douif Ua 1376. Better photographs lor less money. VAN. "THB KODAK MAN," 474 Brartdets . Bldg. Douglaa tZM. Photo Supplies. DEMPSTER CO.. THB ROBERT, ISIS Fa nam. Douglas 1-78. Kodaks, oamerai, photo supplies and amateur finishing. ' Physicians and Surgeons. BECK, DR. FKSDERICK a, 4818 So. 24th St. South 392. Re. phono. Bouth 891. BOWSE It, DR. W. VV., 814 Bee Bldg. Doug- las 8370. SpeclalUt In rheumatism. CAMPBELL, DR. S. M.. Room 6 and I, 1804 Farnam St. Douglas 1)20. Physician and surgeon. Davis, dh: w. m., 4834 So. 24th. South 478. EDWARDS, DR. F. A., 30 Bee Bld. Douglas 948. FIELDS. DR. L. 436 Bee Bldg. Douglaa 1828. 01 BBS, DR. W. B.. 202 Brown Block. Douglas 443. General practice and con sultation, t OILMORE, DR. ROBERT. 505 and 507 Ware Block. ORBENBKRG, A., 408 Brandela Bldg. Douglas 8607. "HALL, DR. B. W., HALL, DR. LYNN T. 605-07 Ware Block. Douglas HAMILTON, DR. H. P., 17-18 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Douglas 1619. 8nrgeon. HARRIS, Dlt. T. T., 1031-82 First Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Douglas 1153. (X-Kay jjaooratory). HENSKE, DR. J. A.," 603 Brandela Bldg. Tyler 630. Res, phone, walnut ua. KAUFMAN. A. J., Ralston. Net, Office, Ralaton 88; Rt-e., Ralston 93. KEYS, DR. kt. M., Physician and aurgeon, 1811 W. O. W. Bldg. Douglas 164. LAURENZANA, DR. D. A., 1518 So. 10th. Douglas 4983. Phyarelan and surgeon. McCRANN. DR. J. W,. Rooms 623-684. Rose Bldg. Phone Douflas 960. Physician and surgeon. - HARES, ANNA M , 1114 Pollt! St. South 3206. J PINTO, DR. A. S. 1229 1st Nai't Bk Bldg. Douglas 888. PUTMAN. LYNN J tri World-Herald Bldg. Tyr1447. uSery ani consultation. RILEY, BRYAN M., 720 City Nat'l Bank Btdg. Douglas 4837. Phyatclan and1 surgeon. SCHLEIER. DR. F. J., 1140 first Nat'l Bank Bldg, Office phone, Douglas 4308. Rca, phone, Harney 6173. i SMITH, DR. A., 461!. S. 24th St. South 2088. General practice. SWOBODA, DR. F, J., office and residence, 1511 William St. Douglaa 2313. ' WOODWARD, DR. J. C, S01 Rose Bldg. Tyler 2ti0. Diseases of women. WRAV. DR. FRANK H., ,306 Bee Bldg. Douglas 6604. Rupture successfully treated without a surgical operation. Piano Tuning and Repairing. THATCH BR, CHAS H , 108 Harney. Doug tas BOH. Expert tuning and repairing. Pianos rebuilt and refinlshed. Eitlmates free. Planing Mills. JENSEN & JENSEN, 4317 Charles St. Walnut 10S8. We specialise In door and window frames, screens and sashes. SCHMIDT, JNO W.. 8101 6. Slst Street. South 1795. Planing mill. Plumbers and Gat Fitters. DlTNDKB PLUMBING CO.. Inc., 40th and Farnam. Harney 6144. Service first. FALCONER. THOS., 1834 Lake Stre.t, Webster 671. Plumbers and gas fitters. MoVWA, HARRY W., 3332 Lafayette Ave. Harney 4ul. Safety should be considered flrat in plumbing "That's Me." Plumbing and Heating. BKCK. H. H 4788 South 24th St. South 98. FfVst-plasa workmanship. Prompt aerrloe. BRIGGS, GEO. W., StiOS N St. South 10T. C ATT IN. W. J. CO.. Engineer, tie No. 24th. Douglas 1663. Domestic plumbing and steam fitting. i ECONOMY VAPOR HEATING CO., Brands! Theater Bldg. Douglas 660. We save 26 per cent on fuel bills. FISCHER, H. FRED. 1318 William Street. Douglas 6T1T. Plumbing, steam, hot water and vapor heating. HANSCOM PARK PLUMBING) CO., 1609 Park Av. Harney ls. Plumbing, heat ing and gas fitting. Repair work prompt ly attended to and guaranteed. HENDRIOKS, K R . 4018 NT4th Street. Colfax 271. Plumbing and heating. MART1G. J. H . 6742 Main St., Benson 140. "Quality of service that haa been gained by eiperieuce." STERLING PLUMBING HEATING CO. 4839 So. 24th. South 269. It pleases us to plena you. WESTERN HEATING A PLUMBING CO., Joe Johnoton' rop.. 1818 St. Mary' Ave, Plumbing and heating engineer. WHITNEY, DAN, 4331 Franklin. Walnut 2066, Plumbing and steaite heating. Printers Supplies. RARNII A RT BROS. & SPINDLER. 1114 Howard SL Douglaa 107. PrUUrs' uyplle ... Plumbing and Heating Supplies. Whlu.1a OMAHA SANITARY SUPPLY CO. mi -Howard. Douglaa Bbi. wnoieaaie plumbing and heating auppliaa. Vacuum cleaners. UNITED STATES SUPPLY CO. 8th and Fsrnam Bts. Tyler 181. Water team supplies. Plumbing and heating materials. T Printers. AK-SAR-HEN PRINTING CO., 307 Bromleyl Bldg. Douglas 2186. Commercial ana J on printing. BARTON PRINTING CO., 606 So. 13th St. Vuuglas 3266. Job printing. BEACON PRESS CO., 1210 Howard St. Douglas 1104. Better printers. COREY & M'KENZIE PRINTING CO. 14A7 Harney St. Douglas 6644, Job print ing, stationery and filing cabinet. DOUGLAS PRINTING CO. 109-11 N. 18Lh St. Dougla 644. Printers and Publishers. EDDY PRINTING CO., THE, 222 Bee Bldg. Douglas 8647. Fine commercial printing. CENTRAL PRINTING- CO., 305-306 Web- ster-Sunderland Bldg. Dougla 6080. High grade commercial printing, at raaaonable prloes. ' GWIAZDA, Z. ZACHODU PUB. CO., 4632 SO. 27th. Tel. BOUIH 1085, fUDiisning and Job printing. s ' JENNINGS PRINTING CO., 208 So. 13th. , Douglas 37s&4. All kind oi commercial printing. , LONG ACRE, I. W. & Co., ' 206 Bromley Bldg. Douglas 3647. Fine rnmmercfal printing. M'COY & FINLAYSON CO., 1213 Dodge. Do u glaa 9A4. M'GOFFIN, J. M PRINTING) CO., 108 So. 14th., 3d floor. Douglas S828. (ommeratal printing a apecialty, MARRINER PRINTING CO., 1201 Howard St. Douglas 1069. Successor to A. L. SKneoypher. Commercial Print ers. OMAHA PRINTING CO., 13th and Farnam. Douglas 346. Printing, stationery and of fice furniture. POKROK PUBLISHING CO., 1417-1419 fin. 13th. Douglas 2913. Printing, publishing In all language. Buresh fc Surest., proprietor. POTTER PRINTING CO., 31S S. 19th St. Second floor. Douglas 2201. Printing and office supplies. Printing that pleases, Prices that make us friends. UNITED STATES PRINTING CO., s Room 6, Be Bldg. lobby. Douglas 1178. WOODWARD ft TIERNAN PRINTING CO., St. Louis, Mo. C. G. Cunningham repre sentative, 713 Omaha Nat, Bank Bldg. Douglaa 614. Real Estate. COLFAX, WILLIAM. 702-4-6 Keellne Bldg. DoujT. 8372. Real estate and Investments. GARVIN BROS.. 345 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Douglas 962. City and farm loan. Real estate cared GU'E, D. H., 606 Be Bldg. Douglas 4950. Most especially Montana Mussel Shell Valley weekly excursions. GRAHAM, W. T., 604 Bee Bldg. upugias ii33. vjuy property, joan ciosea without delay. HEALEY, I,. J., 1616-1616 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug 6236. Farms and ranches have been per sonally Inpeoted and are recommended by JONES, A. W. Co., 2314 M St., So. Sid. soma 63 g. Kai estate exchange our spe- clalty. City acreage, farm property. MKLICK J. J 7 1619-20 City Nat. HMjk Bldg. Sell farm lands and retail lumber yards. Great bar gain In western Neb. and eastern Colo, lands. ' PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 632-43 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Douglas 1718. Farm land headquarters. Oldest farm land agency In the state. j POWER, CHAS. M-, 218 Karbach Brock. Douglas 8374. Farm land and, ranches for sale. REALTY & COLONIZATION CO. of south ern land. Room 1301 W. O. W. Bldg. Dougla 8893. Oftlcfes, Omaha, Neb.; Dav enport, la.; Thomsonvllle,, Conn. ; St. Paul, Minn. T. Maloney, pres.; W. F. Ualoney, v. pres.; A. H- Stole, aec.-treas. ; J. O.. Murray, gen. mgr. SH ELTON CO. THE W. F.. 828 World-Herald Bldg. oougias Die.!. Real estate Investments. Western farm loana and ranches. Gen. agta. Union Pa cific ' lands. TUKEY, A. P.. 618-20 First Nat. Bank. Douglas 603. Real estate and rentals. WALKER, F. T.. ft CO., 634 Keellne Bldg. Doug. 3362. seme tine bargains in iowa and Nebraska land. I WILCOX, B. E.. 4833 So. 24th. South 34t. Real estate, insurance, rentals and loans. YOUNG ft DOHERTY, 329.-2 Brandela Th. Bldg. Doughs 1571. YOUNG MAN, J. D., 230 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Douglas 1476. Real estate and business chances. Real Estate arid Insurance. BEST, F. C, 209 Brandei Theater Bldg. Douglas 244. Keauestate ana inurance. BIO 4 REALTY CO., 1016-16 W. O. W. Bldg. Douglaa 3486. Real estate, rentals, farm lands and Insurance. BIRKETT & CO.. 423 Bee Bldg. Douglas e-.a. CLARY. R. F., 701-703 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 406. Real estate, Investment and insur ance. COX, H. EARL. 4724 So. ,!4th St. South 3099. Bargains In real estate, In siirance.and rentals. DRAKE, F. H-, 716 Brandela Theater Bldg. Douglas 3706. City properties, tarms and ranch landn. FRANK. W. S., 201 Neville Blk. Dougla 16911, .East Texas una a spe cialty, INTERSTATE REALTY CO., 329-30 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Douglas 8862. Real estate and Insurance of all kinds. HASP BROS., 310-214 Keelin Bldg. Tyler 721. Let us build you a Home. TEBBENS, P. J., Co., 605 Omaha Nat. Bank Biag. Douglas zibz. Real estate, rentals and insurance. Special attention given properties for non-resi dent; owntjrs. THOMAS. W. H.. ft SON, 228 Keellne Bldg. Douglaa 1648. Heat estate, loan ana lire Insurance. WESTERGAARD ft PETERSEN, 364 Brandei Theater Bldg. Dougla 1380. Real estate and farm lands. WESTERN REAL ESTATE CO., Bugen Thomas, Mgr. 413 Karbacn Bite, uougia 3607, Farm lands, city properties and rent als. Reference Associations. WESTERN REFERENCE ft BOND ASSN., INC., 752 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Douk la 146ti. High grade commercial sales, executive and office posltlona Roofing. COMMERCIAL SUPPLY CO. OF OMAHA, 1114 Jackson. Douglas 8980. Insulation and roofing. Natrp Co. roofing products. ELABORATED ROOFING CO.. I4t6 So. I6th St. Tyler 1301. Elaborated rooting and lnld-over spmgiee. NATIONAL ROOFING ft PAVING CO., S1Q-11 Ware Block. Douglas 651, H1ESENBERG, L,. USi So. 31 at St. Harney 2576. Northwest Ready Roofing Co. For guaranteed work and easy terms. SHEA, C. J.. 61 Dougla Bik. Douglas 1000. Gravel, slate, asbestos aad tile roofing sold and applied. Rubber Stamps. WESTERN STAMP A STENCIL CO., K. J. McArdle, 1201 Farnam. Douglas 1714. Brass stenrila, seals and steels dies. Sanitariums. RITTENHOUSE SANITARIUM, 213-14 Belrd BMg-. 17tb and Douglas Sta Phone " Douglas 3468. Batha massage, manicuring and chiropody. Lady atten dants. THE SOLAR SANITARIUM. Dr. H. A. Waggener, phystclan-ln-charge, 418 Bran dela. Bldg. Phone Douglaa 2469. Res. Phone Harney 3316. Sausage Casings. VOMACKA. JOS. A CO.. 3712 H St. South 2461. Manufacturer of sausage School Furniture and Supplies. OMAHA SCHOOL SUPPLY CO.. 1108-12 Nicholas SL Douglas 1111. ETry- thlng for school." Seeds. DE VAUGHN, WERTER, 1614 Harney. Tyler 3060 and Tyler 3808. Seed and nurserlea. Bulba and planta tn season. HENDERSON'S ALFALFA SEED FARMS. Genuine Grimm alfalfa toad. Stonewall J. Henderson. Prop., Benkelman, Neb. Serum Mfrs, HAWKETB SERUM CO.. South Omaha, Neb. South 2717. We can't make all the serum, but we try to make tne pest. O. K. SERUM COMPANY, 8226 L Street. South 453. F. W. Kluemlre, manager. RALSTON SERUM CO., Ralston, Neb. Ralston 86. Serum manufacturers. Shirt Mfrs. BURGESS SHIRT MFG. CO., 301 KarbachJ 1IK. LWUgias Jim. omris, msus lowrutw from our materials or xrom material zur nlshcd by customer. Shoe Stores. ATKISSON, M. S., SHOE SHOP, 603 S. 16th St. Douglaa 4057. 2lgh grade ohlldren'a CRESSEY, F. A., 4822 South 24th StreeL South 369. Dealer In boots and shoes. starr -Kingman shoe co. thu 316 So. 16th. Douglas 6281. Shoes. Rubber Footwear (Wholesale.) AMERICAN HAND SEWED SHOE CO.. INTERSTATE RUBBER CO. Rubber foot wear and clothing of every description, 1202-4-6 Harney. Dougla 1344. Est. 1884. HAYWARD BROS., 11th and Farnam. Douglaa 13M. Shoe Shine Parlors. EUGENE THOMAS. Ladies and gents. We specialize in cleaning an Kina oi taaie fancy footwear Our work alwaya pleases. We call for and deliver. 102 So. llth St.. Omaha. Neb. Shorthand Reporters, WH1TTAKER, 1337-28 lij Nat, Bk. Bldg. Dougla 6688. Signs. CLARK, E. U. ft SON, 113-116 So. 14th, 2d floor. Douglas 1378. Sign, show card and office letterings. EISELE ft CO.. 1106 Farnam St. Douglas eau. -atgns or every aescription." SUN SIGN SYSTEM. 310 Barker Block. Douglas 6278. R. G. Ogden. Soft Drinks. AKROMIS, ED., 6524 So. 26th. South 894. Soft drinks and cigars. Hall for rent for dancing, meeting and weddings. ALDERA. A.. 424 S. ISth St. Douglas 7404. Confectionery, soft drink, Ice cream and luncn. ANDERSON, B. O., 718 N. 16th St. Tyler I8Sl.Soft.sdrlnk and cigar. AULT. PETER, 6624 So. 30th St. " South 3822. Soft drinks and cigara BATKO, CARL, 4410 So. 37th St. South 3417. Soft drink and cigar. BUDISAVGEVIC, STEVE, 1401 Webater. Douglaa 620. Soft drinks and cigars. BUK RIGHT. C. A., 312 So. 16th SL Doug. 3042. Cigar, soft drinks and lunch, COLOMBO, STEVE, 1002 Douglas Street. Douglaa 3399. Soft drink and cigars. Pool hall in connection. FELLMAN, HARRY, 528 So. 13th Street, Doug. 8608. Stop In for a refreshing drink. GRONAU, WM. F., 424 So. llth St, Soft drinks and cigars. HANSEN, H. P., 3410 N St. South 3603. Soft annus ana luncn. JONES. J. S., 4S33 So. 24th St. South 1223. Soft drink and cigar. KOSIBA, JOHN, 4616 S. 27th St. South 996. Soft drink and clgara. KRAJICEK, JOHN, 3 20 if So. 13th St, Red 7586. Soft drink a n d cigar. LATKA, GEORGE, 3903 L St. South 3783. Soft drink of alt kinds. LBMING, WATT, 1313 Douglaa St. . Douglas 8910. Soft drinks and clgara. LYCK, CHRIS, 5203 Mil. Ave., Krug Park. Walnut 18S6. Soft drinks and cigars. MAILENDER. J. P., 4603 So. 34th. So. 112. , Soft drinks, sandwiches and cigars. MEZGER, CHAS. W 2202 S. 30th St. Douglaa 4500. Soft drinks arid cigars. MULLEN. MIKE. 301 N. 16th St. Douglaa 1164. All kinds of Soft drinks. NEBRASKA BRACER HOUSE, 26th and N. South 134. The old corner, established 23 years ago, Ike Klein, Prop. NIELSEN, CHRIST, 240 Leavenworth St. Phone Tyler 1028. First class lunch and soft drinks. NIELSEN, HELMER, 313 S. 16th St. Douglas 2178. Sandwich specialties. NITTLER ft MATTES, 3224 S. 24th St. All kind of soft drinks. Tel Douglaa 5576. Omaha. Neb. PETERSON, A., 1601 Vinton. Douglas .jfoi. con annas ana cigars, une diock from ball park. SORENSOV. JOHN, 6002 Main St., Benson. Benson 230. Soft drinks and cigars. TOBA, NICK, 133 South" 26tb. South 1823. All kinds soft drinks. TOLDBOD, EMIL L.. 1101 S. 9th St. Douglaa 74,57, Soft drinks and cigars. TRIMBLE BROS., llth and Howard. Doug las 57. Agents for "Tanhauser," a bever- age of perfection. . URZENDOWSKI, JOSEPH, 1550 S. 24th St. Doug. 1517. Soft drinks, cigars. Pocket billiards. VANICEK, F. South 1285. J., 2001 S St., S. Omaha. Cigars and soft drinks. WACHTLER, GEORGE S., 2303 S. 16th St. Red 6025. gott drinks and cigars. WASKEL. WALTER, 3223 Q St. and 2410 N St. South 2666. Soft drinks and cigars. WICK, A. L., 106 So. 12th St. Douglaa 2484. Soft drinks, , cigar, and lunch, with or chestra. ZOLEN, F 3306 Q 8L South 3563. Soft drinks of all kinds. ZUREK A URZENDOWSftX, proprietors of South Sid Corner Bipuse. Distributors of th great near-beer, TB-TO. Fine soft drinks, cigars and tobacco. 3401 N St., South Side-. Tel. South 1109. Sporting Goods. TOWNSBND Q UN CO., 1614 Farnam. Douglaa 870. Outing and camping aupplie and outing clothing. Starch Manufacturers. DEFIANCE STARCH can be used hot or cold. Doea not -stick to th Iron. "Ask your grocer.' ' . Stationery and Supplies. GATE CITY STATIONERY CO.. 1106 Dodge. Tyler 1223. H. T. Drake, Mgr. "Our service and goods are the best." OMAHA STATIONERY CO., THE, 307-309 So. 17th. Douglas 80S. Office, type writer architect' and engineers' sup- piles. Loose leaf devices. Storage Batteries. BATRY VIM C0 OF OMAHA, 315 S. 20th St. Phone Douglaa 7661. We refill dead storage batteries to full efficiency. Store arid Office Fixtures. JOSEPHS-FIXTURE CO., 440 Dodge. Walnut 565. Wa Special I In atore front, stairs, screen snd fixture. Odd ml! I work. Summer Resorts. NATHAN'S LAKE SUMMER RESORT Open to tlye public. Douglas 2971. Tailors Merchant. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS, 324 8. 15th St. Dougla 8109. Largest wooJen mills In the world. Suits $16.00. GLASGOW TAILORS, 310 8. 15th Union made. 315.00. Made to measure. LINDQUKST, G. A.. 309-310 Brown Blk. Douglas 4224. High class workmanship, beet matet?!, reasonable prices. PITHA, GEO.. 326 Brandei Theater Bldg. Red 66G6. High class work at, reasonable prices. SMITH, CHAS. J., Tailor. 168 S. 14th. Douglaa 7601. Suits to order, 25.00and TAILOR BECK. Ml? Dodge .St. Douglaa 2?26. Take th "cua" out of cus tom clothe, Tank Manuiacturers. ATLAS TANK MFG. CO., 1101 W. a W. Bldg. Douglaa 3818. Ifaau faoturer of California Redwood Tank. NEBRASKA ft IOWA STEEL TANK CO. 3301 Willi Ave. Webster 278. Taxidermists. SKOW, LAWRENCE, 410 So. 13th St, Douglaa 7318. Batabllahed In Omaha for 30 year. Tazicab Serviced The cab that took th tax out of taxi CALL YELLOW CAB. CO. Dougla 331 Pay th distance you rid. Main office me Dougla. stand, l4tn and Farnam. GLOBE TAXI CO.. 1524 "A Farnam St. Douglaa 3688. Servlcvday and night, Abi Ravlta, Prop. H. Merrlam, Mgr. KUBBY TAXICAB CO., Stand 1312 Douglau Phone Douglaa 8117. Clean car, careful drivers, lowest ratea. One trial will con Tlnce you. Tents and Awnings. NEBRASKA TENT A AWNING CO., 1204 Farnam. Douglas 3329. When you tmuic or t las 3329 Theaters. ApOLLO, THB, 2834 LeaJvenworth St. Harney 1804. "Come and spend a delight BESS IS THEATER. 4839 S. 34th St. South 789. The Buckle of South Omaha' Amusement Belt. HIPP THEATER, 1608 Harney St. Douglaa 8069. -A cool, comfortable, con yen lent place to spend an hour. MUSB THBATBR, 3405 Farnam. Douglaa 7870. Th house that tmUMi is amusement. PRTHPRfla THIJ'ii'f fl!B IS!?. Tine..)-. Douglas 1324. Only house la Omaha nowmg nrat ran picture ror so. SUN (THB). 1410-13-14 Farnam SL Dougla 5343, "Thar Is a plac f of TJ la the Sun." Theatrical Costumes, FBLDMAN, JOHN, 204 N. 17th St. DougrU 1128. THEATRICAL GOWNS. Full tires aulta for rent - Tin, Sheet Metal and Furnace Work. BJORNSON SHEET METAL WORKS, 318 N. ISth. Douglas 3576. Estimate giTen, prompt service, reasonable rates.. CARTER SHEET METAL) CO, 108-10-13 S. 10th St. Douglas 602. Skylights. teel ceilings and galvanized sheer. DUFFY FURNACE AND TIN CO., 414-430 . N. 18th. Doug. 4260. All ktnd of sheet metal work. Ideal castlron and American boiler plat furnace. Batlmatae cheer. fully glven. GORDON-LAWLESS CO., 8th and Bodg Sts. Call Douglas 668, aad ask for person or department wanted. KOSNER. JOB V.. 483 8. 34th. Tel. South 261, JUa. sheet xnetal and fnrnaea worn. MUNROE, ALEXANDER, 408 SL 33th. Douglas 4061. Estimate furnish! upon aT)TiHcu.ttnri. OLSON BROS.2613 Leavenworth St Tried 323. Tinner and sheet xnetal workers. Transfer and Baggage. CLAAR TRANSFER CO. (THE, 113 Dtnlrl Bt Douglas 1233. Efficient and prompt service Between Omaha and Co. Bluffs. FORD TRANSFER GO., 117 Douglas St. , Tyler 3. "Always at your service." - OMAHA TRANSFER CO., "THB ONLY WAY." Baggage checked to destination. 809 B. llth St Douglas 295. Transfer and Hauling. OMAHA EXPRESS CO., 1417 Chicago' Douglas 3364. Moving vans for furniture and piano moylng. Careful man. PARKER, W.. 8018 Manderson, Colfax 3464. Household moving a specialty. RUSH TRANSFER CO., 3303 Howard. Douglas 6841. Light and heavy hauling. Household moving a specialty. Transfer and Storage, DUNKTN H. BXPRBSS CO., 108 S. llth 2d floor. Douglas 3838. C. U McLaud, Mgr. Moving, packing and storage. GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE CO., 830 No. 14th. Tyler 330. Storing, packing and shipping. Piano and household moving. MAGGARD STORAGE CO., 1713 Webster. Doug. 1496. Packing and shipping; of household good a apecialty. - NEBRASKA TRANSFER CO., 1108 Nicholas. Tyler 460. Public warehouse. Storing automobiles a apecialty. r Trunk Manufacturers. OMAHA TRUNsJC FACTORY, 1209 Farnam St. Douglaa 1068. Mfrs. of wardrobe, bags snd cases. Trust Companies. PETERS TRUST CO., 1623 Farnam St. Douglas 898, Executor, guardian or trus tee. Farm, elty and home owner loans. Typewriters and Supplies. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 1305 Farnam. Douglas 4121. KEB LOX'MPO. CO., 396 Brandela Theater Bids-. Tyler 1060-W. Manufacturers of typewriter ribbons and carbon paper. MIDLAND RIBBON AND CARBON CO., 1404 Dodge St. Douglaa 3147. Typewriters and office supplies. Guaranteed typewrit ers, 310 and up, Umbrellas. WESTERN UMBRELLA CO., 19th nd Far nam Sts. Red 7478. Umbrellas recovered and repaired. , Undertakers. BURKET, HENRY KV AND EARL H , S904 Leavenworth. Harney 90. Funeral direc tors and smbalmers. HBAFBY ft HBAFBY, 3611 Farnam. Har ney 2501. Undertakers and mblmri. HOFFMAN,, LBO'A., Cor. 31th and Dodge! Dougla 3901. Funeral director. Private chapel and auto ambulance. HULSE ft RIEPBN, 701 So. lth. Douglas 1226. Undertaker and -embalmers. Wa give our personal attention to all jgajl and funerals. JAN D A FRANK F., 1386 8. 13th St. Douglas 3984. KALOUCH, FRANK L-. 3180 8. 20th. Tel. South 3906. Undertakers; lady attendant. KORISKO BROS., 1423 ' S. 16th. Tyler 1873, and 6310 8. Slat, South 480. Li censed embalmers aifd funeral dlreatora. Lady attendant and motor service. f LARKIN, 24th St. BERNARD, J., ft CO., 4813 S. South 493. Funeral director. SWANSON & JOHNSON, 2204 CUmlng. Douglas 2342. Funeral director. TAGGART. J. A.. A SON. 2213 Cumins St. Douglas 714. Funeral directors and nv balm'ers. First class service. WESTERN UNDERTAKING CO.. Sill Lake. Webster 348. Silts Johnson, manager. A. T. Reed, registered embalmer. - First class service, Reasonable ratoa. Upholsters. HANSEN, JOHN, 3520 N. 26th. Webater 3296. Upholstering and repairing. . Vacuum Cleaners. PURCUPILE, J. I., 1907 Harney St. Doug las 2360, Electric vacuum cleaning. "La Ve.nxs alene I.annrlrv t.hl.le, THE ECLIPSE ELECTRIC CLEANER SWEEPER. U. S. Salea Co., R. C. Dozter, manager, factory agent. 677 Brandela Building. Tel. Douglas 9:61. Victor Talking Machines. MICKEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney Sts. Dougla 1661. Dealers tn Victor Talking Machines. Wagon Works. WETTENGEL, W. ft SON, 1912-14 Vinton .Si WB DO Douglas 8381. Truck body manufacture - Also Auto painting. Well goring. ROWS' ft PtKlE" -iW, Neb. Bensoa 791-W. Well borlnr. gaiifSe and wferf mtll repairing. Pump work otf speCUU. Qul(c lervit:, .