THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JUNE 24, 1917. i A NATION-WIDE DRIVE FOR ARMY RECRUITS Attempt Will Be Made to Enlist Seventy Thousand Men for Regular Service Within the Week. Washington, June 23. A ration wide drive of one week to recruit 70, tlOO men to bring the regular army up COO men regan today in accordance with President Wilson's proclamation calling for volunteers. i i This is the first step in the war or canization of America's army. Next is the task of completing the full strength of the National Guard; then comes the selection of men for the new national army from the millions who registered June 5. Call of President. The president calls upon "unmar ried men between the ages of 18 and 40 years who have no dependents and who are not engaged in pursuits vi tally necessary to the prosecution of the war." This means that those tjetween the ages of 18 and 21 and 31 and 40, as well as the recent registrants.lwill be given an opportunity for immediate training and the prospect of early ac tive service. The urgency of filling the ranks of the regular army is emphasized by army officer, who declare it wilt he neevsiary within the next six months to take many of the regulars as in. structors for the new selective armv. It is planned to incorporate in the new regiments of the regular army por tions "of the already established and trained units as a framework to As sure rapid development. Draft Will Be by Numbers. Regulations for drafting the new national army, now awaiting Presi dent Wilson's approval, contain pro vision for every step in the great undertaking except the actual method of the draft itself. No official announcement has' been made and official confirmation is be ing withheld, butit has been stated that the federal government itself will do the drafting, probably here in Washington, so there will be no op portunity for local favoritism, politi cal or otherwise. . As the regulations stand now every registered man bears a number. The numbers will be forwarded to Wash ington and the drawing will be en tirely by numbers. The identity of the numbered men- will be unknown to those in charge .of the draft ma chinery and can be established only by comparing a number with a printed list of the man's home district. , Question of Exemption. The question of exemptions will go before the local boards. If a man is extmpted the man bearing the num ber wbieh was drawn next in order will take his place and so on until the first increment of 625,000 has been assembled. The .others will be called as the need develops. It is hoped to have all the men in training by Sep tember 1. Two Suffragists Are Arrested at White House ; Washington, June 23. The police quickly I blocked another attempt to day by suffragists to, display a banner , in I roil t ot tue White Mouse gates. Mrs. Lawrence Lewis of Philadel phia and Miss Cladyce Greiner ,of Baltimore, who carried the banner, were arrested by a police matron be fore they had it entirely t unfurled. They were taken to headquarters in a waitiug police automobile. I lie Ban ner carried a quotation from one of President Wilson's books. The two women were released at police headquarters on their own recognizance. No date for the trial was tet. . y Notes from Beatrice And Gage County Beatrice, Neb., June 23. (Special.) , r.dgar C. Lucas of New Albany, -Dr. Ind.. lias accented the call of the First Presbyterian church in this city to become its pastor He will as sume his new duties about Septem ber I. Joseph W. Bickmore died last even a'local hospital, lie're he had been receiving treatment, aged SO years. He leaves a brother. A. F, Iiiikmorc of this city, and two daugh ters who resmc at Koscdale, Kan. Anuouucemrnt was received here yesterday of the marriage of Everett K. t'lJlry, formerly of this city, and Miss Velina Vera Hopping, which occurred at the home of the bride's parents at l ulsa. Okl. Mrs. Harry WickcAham, formerly a resident of Adams, died at her home at Montrose, Colo., yesterday. At a patriotic meeting hejd at Adams Wednesday evening nine Joung men of that vicinity enlisted in vouipany r ot wynrore. Boy Scouts Gather More Than Six Thousand, for Red Cross The Boy Scouts turned in pledges to the Red Cross amounting to $406.33 Saturday noon, making their total collections in the campaign so far $6,393.05. These were in ap proximately 2,000 differint pledges. Saturday's pledges were for amounts varying from Z) cents to $20. One man pledged $4.33. He obeyed literally the injunction to "give one day's pay." I he scout i won t stp today, said Scout Executive English. "We will push our campaign right up to Sun day night. About half of our 860 Omaha scouts have jobs and they are working evenings and will work Sun clay. About 200 others are on farms. The 350 or 400 we have at work are covering an enormous amount of ter ritory and it's territory that no other persons could cover as they do."' "One ot the boys put up a good argument tn a woman whn told him to 'go and ask' a certain wealthy in-iboys are looking forward to it tag- dividual because 'she has more money than I have. "'rou have the American flag, in your window,' said the scout. "'Yes,' was the replv. "'You live under the -protection of the flag,' he said. - I know it," said the woman, Jiere s a dollar. Sunday a number of the boys will make talks for the fund in various churches. During the, Liberty loan campaign one of these boys talked in a church that produced several thou sand dollars. He didn't talk from the chancel rail, either, but mounted into the pulpit and pounded the desk to drive home his argument. There are forty church troops of scouts in Omaha and it is expected half of them will make talks in their churches for -the Red Cross fund. A church in Irvington sent in a request for a scout to talk there on the fund and Mr. English will send a boy for the purpose. " . The date of the Burgess-Nash pic nic to the scouts who are in this work has been set for Wednesday and the erly. There is the keenest rivalry for the medals which are to go to those who get the greatest amount of pledges. Thousands Killed or Injured by Explosion Amsterdam, June 23. More than 1,000 persons'were killed or injured or are missing in consequence of an explosion in munitions factories at Bloeweg, according to an announce ment made in the lower house of the Austrian Parliament by the min ister of defense, as forwarded in a dispatch from .Vienna. The casualties were given by the minister as follows: Dead 136; missing 170; wounded 625. Of the wounded 520 received only (light injuries. The minister said the explosion probably was due to lack of caution on the part of men employed in a trench mortar workshop. GRIMES GRANTS CHANGE OF VENUE IN CHADRON CASE (Continued From Tw One.) Country Precincts Give v Readily to Red Cross Fremont, Neb., June 13. (Special Telegram.) The Red Cross fund in Dodge county continues to grow, Fre mont having raised $12,500, while three townships have reported more than $5,800 to date. The campaign will be continued till Monday night. , At a meeting iu Maple township Thursday night a total of $1,081 was raised iivcash. S. S. Snider of Fre mont addressed the meeting, com posed of seventy-five farmers. nine men, is a cousin to County Judge brattery, who heard the preliminary trial three weeksago and bound all defendants over. Bonds Not Increased. Attorney Brome asked tta court to increase the bonds from $500 to $1,000 each. Attorney Harrington expressed his opinion that trie case would be disposed at a hearing on the demurrer against the information filed by the county attorney. 1 be formalities ot ooumiug sue change of venue did not arouse any interest comparable to that wnicn was manifested at the preliminary hearing when the court room was packed by a crowd of eager attend ants. Defendants on Way Back. Omahans who returned or an eve ning train were: htcplren Maloney, Harvey Wolf. Charles W. Pipkin, William S. Dolan, 'Philip Wincktcr and Gust A. Tylce. deiendants; Ben S. Baker. M. F. Harrington, F. S. Howell and H. C. Brome, attorneys; DetectiMe Paul Sutton, Mrs. fclsie Phelps and Bessie Wilson, witnesses. Hie Ctianron (lctenaants are: Al len G. Fisher, Charles I. Day apd Louis H. Mote. The case has' attracted state-wide interest for nearly two months and trie ramifications form a peculiar com bination" of Omaha and Chad r on af fairs. Incidentally there is woven into the fabric of the affair factional poli tics of both towns. The alleged attempt to execute tlje conspiracy wasl said to have been made on the evening of "ay 14, in the office of County Attorney Crites, and the dual role ot a woman detective. Mrs. Elsie Phelps, is said to have' been the keystone ft the plot. Plot Unfolds. Tlie woman came to Chadron in the guise of a one seeking to estab lish her residence here for the pur pose of obtaining a divorce. At first she was known as Mrs. Ellen Lowery and it was given out for early local consumption that she had retained County Attorney Crites to, represent her. The facts, as alleged by her at the preliminary hearing, were that she KHiuca me coiiiiucucc oi aits, xvuucri Hood and Mr. Crites to whom she hail divulged the allcgedvconspiracy plot. She also worked hand and glove with Philip Wincklcr of the Omaha Detective association, he having full confidence that she was playing square with his association. Eventful Way. On the evening of May 14, Mrs. Phelps, Mr. Crites and Mrs. Hood were in the omce ot Mr. Crites, ex, pecting the "blow up" to occur. Crites and the sheriff, mayor' and oUited States marclial stationed in an adjoin ing room and at the psychological moment those officials descended on Winckler, Mote and Day, a few min utes after they entered the Crites office. It was alleged in the information filed by Crites that the conspiracy plot contemplated extorting $500 from him, $500 from Mrs. Hood and $1,000 from Hood, and to require Critea to discontinue cases pending against Day, who vis a hotel manager ;also to require Crites to sign papers that he - would not seek re-election to office. Prominent Men Involved. Crites is now serving his fifth-term as county attorney. Fisher, one of the defendants, is, political rival pf Crites and when Fisher was made mayor of Chadron, Crites had occasion to re moveVlotc from the postion of chief of police. Chadron people are watching with keen interest the Omaha end of the affair as it is being unfolded in ,the city ball of the metropolis. ! Brazil's Act Gives Added Eorce to Monroe doctrine Washington, June 23. Diplomatic exchanges by which Bratil notified, the United States of the revocation of its decree of neutrality and the United States acknowledged Brazil's action in the interest of Panamerican solidarity, were published yesterday by the State department. Ambassador Da Gaina explained that he was instructed by President Braze to say that his government "recognizod the fact that one of the belligerents is a constituent portion of the American continent and 'that we are bound to that belligerent by traditional friendship and the same sentiments in the defense of the vital interests of America and the accepted principles of law." The Monroe doctrine, it was added, had until now been divested of its true character because of a compara tive lack of reciprocity, but the pres ent events has resulted in a greater solidarity among American natidns. Buying Walnut Logs. Stella. Neb., June 23. (Special.) Clarke Clark of Kansas City, is Here buying walnut logs, and in two weeks lias bought 40.000 feet of good wal nut in this vicinity. o hehompson "Belden Store A Cool. CBveimieinit Stoir for Summer The Parasol Season Is Upon Us Warm days make the para sol welcome. Novelties not limited in scope from which to make a selection. Chic, short handles with arm straps, ivory trimmed frames, coverings of silk, too varied to No Two Alike which makes for individu ality. Japanese shapes, so popu-lar-ihis season are found here in all desired colors. To the left as you enter Vacation Neckwear " For summer and the out-of-doors are stocks, Windsor ties, stocks with jabots and middy ties. Collars of Georgette, net, organdie, pongee and pique, also collar and cuff sets, vest effects of Geor gette and new yokes of net and organdie. The Men's Shop For the Most Particular -r- Wash Fabrics For Summer Frocks Showings of the utmost im portance to women plan ning cool summer dresses. IJundreds of beautiful pat terns in the widest array of colors and strikingly rich combinations. Many exclu-, sive embroidered voiles and crepes to interest those who appreciate distinctiveness. Cotton skirtings that are decidedly out of the ordi nary and all launder per fectly. May we show them to you Monday? Opposite the Silks Silk Skirtings White wash satins, quali ties especially adapted ' to sport wear. The $2 cloth, 36 inches wide, offers a val-, ue difficult to duplicate. Summer Mardi Light and cool for dr,ess og casions serviceable in the extreme, 40-inch, $1.95 to 42.50. Belding's Chiffon Taffeta, $2.00 a yard One of the best fabrics ior separate skirts, dresses and suits, all colors, at the spe cial price, of $2. . Gordon Silk Hose Pure dye Jap Silk in black and white, with fine lisle tops and soles, one of the most satisfactory numbers we have eyer sold. Out sizes. $1,50; regular sizes, $1.35. Completeness In Embroidery Displays . 18, 27, 45-inch flouncings. in plain white and white with colored embroideries. Corse"t pover embroideries. Camisole embroideries with edges- and inserfing. to match. Embroideries for layettes. Bandings in or gandie and Swiss. STORE' HOURS Open 8:30, A. M. Close 5, P. M. Initials and Names For Marking Clothes To avoid confusion, mark your garments with these color-fast initials and names. Single and ' double initial tape, 3 dozen in a 'package, 5c and 15c. Orders taken for Cash's woven name tapes for marking linen, undergar ments, etc. They are neat, serviceable and easily sewn on. Conors, red. navy, light blue, pink and black ; all on white tape, 3 dozen, 85c; 6 dozen, $1.25; 12 doz., $2. Notion Section White Linens For Suits and Skirts White, non-shrinkjible lin en that does not crease like the ordinary kind. In white and oyster, 36-in. 85c a yd. Ramie linen, white and cream, 45-inch, $1 a yard. Linen Section Knitting Bags One of the most complete lines in the city, presenting come entirely new 1 and very clever 'ideas. May we show them to you Monday? Artneedlework, Third Floor 'The Man of Galilee' A $70,000 Painting Displayed on Third Floor Until the Coming Friday The New Blouses -Are Ever "So Varied The daintiest of cool summery materials arc here in an endless display of newness. Color are rich and very lovely, likewise are the many clever combinations of shades one sees. Every warm weather occasion has been provided for. For daytime and every wear. For sport wear or dress purposes. Tailored Lingerie Dress Blouses in delightful assortments and at modest prices. Second Floor. "Women's Bathing Suits and All the Accessories, Knit bathing suits in black, gold, purple, red and Heather. Very attractive, colorful stylesr$2.25, $4.50, $5.75 upwards. Mohair bathing suits, one and two-piece styles, in sites from 34 to 46. Prices that will please. Bathing Caps of rubber, or cloth with rubber linings, all colors and combinations of colors, 15c to 65c. Shoes and slippers, water wings, bagB for bathing suits, all in large assortments. Third Floor r SUMMER Apparel Exemplifying Chum of Style and Moderation of Price It is worth while to spend a little time at Thompson "Belden's some sunny June morning and make up one's mind about a really satisfy ing summer toilette, some thing to wear for garden fetes, the club or at a smart summer hotel, when one wants to look a bit dressed up (a'nd we all do at times) Or, perhaps, the call of the great out-of-doors is to be heeded, clothes for a tour, or an outing at the moun tain or lake resorts is to be your goal. For all occasions the ThompsonrBelden serv ice is prepared. The chances are that you will accomplish the desired result at a saving, or be able to select something a great deal finer than you had ex pected without exceeding the limit settjed upon. . -The Weather For Nebmalta Fair. Temperature t Oman Yesterday. Hour. Day. S a. m. , (t t a. m, 67 1 a. m t a. m 71 t a. m.... , 74 10 a. in..... , 76 31 a. m.. n 12 m 76 1 p. m 7H t p. tn 79 3 p. m so t P. m it I i p. i 92 - p. m...., 82 T . xn ftl .UwnawmtiM Xaoal JKtnaail. 117 1915. 1914. HiKhett greetfrday. ... M 79 94 Lowaat yeaterdaj. . ... 17 .SI 14 69 Jdan temparature..,. 74 71 73 Tamparatun and praclpltallon dopartulea Trom the normal: Normal temperature.,. 73 Excftjw for the day..... 0 Total deficiency alnca March 1, 1917.... normal precipitation., .17 Inch IWIcienry (or the day , .IftlnVh, Total rainfall Bine Maroh 1. . . .13.S1 Inrhea ' Kxreaa alnce March 1, 1917 fl Inch UefMenry for cor. period Iff It). 4.48 Inched Lft'lfiry for cor. period 1916... 1.91 Inches HAVE YOUR PALM BEACH SUITS CLEANED THE DRESHER WAY , Men'a, 1.10. WoaWe, 1.S v DRESHER BROTHERS Dp.. ClMiMt. HftttM. FurrWr., Taikr.. ZMI to 2217 F.rn.m SMt TYLER MS. , W. Call Far and D.llv.r. TEETrT DR. McKENNEy Say: "We do not charge you great fees, but we give you great service." HmvImI Brldi. Bill Sllvar FlU Work, pti tooth, Ins. $4.00 50c Woadw Plata. S..t 12-k GoM orth SIS ta US, Crawni 55, $8. $10 $4.00 We pUaaa you or Tafund your money. McKENNEY DENTISTS .14 w Faraaav 1324 F.raaia St. fkoM Pauata. aS72. . ."A A" HAULS ANYTHING Phona Douglas 9S13 ' 1605 LaSrenworth ,5t. FOR YOUR VACATION TAKE ALONQ A Columbia Grafonola THE WORLD'S BEST PHONOGRAPH In the Mountain Camp or at your rammer cottage it will entertain you and furnish, the kind of tnosic you like taat T injure satisfaction and ideal Columbia service choose your Grafonola here. VACATION OUTFIT SUGGESTIONS r -Outfit No. Includes Gralooola IS, Qoldea oak with iwwIt eUeoooa, aMbMtae oral. nuoooia jo, uoioes "S s19 r Outfit No. 25- Includes Grafonola 25, with fourteen aelec Uona seven double-Also ree- ta 2t, whs 32 Outfit No. 35 n Include OMfonela IS, with ifhteoo else- (J OR tloos Ue all il l double-tics no- r Outfit No. 50- tnoludes .Qmfonola $0, twenty seise- f tions ten W double-disc records 60, wtth TERMS 50 CENTS TO $1.00 PER WEEK . Our Oratonpla Ptptrtment cm the Main Floor 1s the largest in the Middle West. A Tislt of fcspootton dose not obligate a jrarohaw. Catalogues tuiulaVed a asanas. Beeords sent .on approval. Schinoller & Mueller Piano Co. s UUtM ranaa St.' , Pheae DMffkw 16SS. "Bene ef the Colssibla finfaaeW . Store Honrs Till September 1st. ( P. JL, SxeeptlBg Saturday, t T. M. mmKmrnmrnmemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm "I Stand for Service to all the People: mi wiiiiiiMMiiiii mm A t jf t Av x '4a w ,. urn. ..msw e ' it SERVICE to all tke people as interpreted by the Firestone Organization means ' buildu tires of greatest saving, satisfaction and style. How Firestone has made tire' history is proved with telling force in the Firestone super-size Cord Tire. It brings put the possibilities in cord construction as orfyFirestoneidealsof,service"cando. For the ride of utmost efficiency, pliant, respon - sive&oin&withMostMilesperDoUar.rideon . the super-size Cord Tires bearing the name The Firestone factory is the pattern bf the industryforadvanced facilities and scientific methods. ll,000employesof theorfcanization are stockholders in the business. Each feels it tohispersondinteresttofurnishyou,ataver a&e cost, with tires that "stand for service, safety, comfort, saving in the highest decree. Firestone Tire sad Rubber Company 166 Famam Street, -.Qoiaha, NebT Rome Office and Factory: Akron. Ohio B ranch ea and Dealers Everywhere Bee Want Ads Supply Your Wants for Only One Cent Per; Word . S indicates trace of precipitation. L. A. WELSH, Meteoruloft-lit,