THE OMAHA SUNDAY hi-,... A. 1917. fU-B' The Neglected Wife" (Novated from the Path S.rUl of the Same Nm.p Bated on Famous Novel, of Mabel Herbert Urn.r.) By JOSEPH ( CHAPTER VI "On the Precipice." THE CHARACTERS: Horc Knndy "1" Mary Kennedy The Woman Alone." Margaret Warner With dawning consciousness Mar garet listened to the lowered voices the cautious, subdued whispering of a aick room. "She'll be all right now," the fin Rfrs on her pulse relaxed. "I'll see to the others." "Mrs. Kennedy's across the hall, r r - y ' .. . t . r t" ' ' " ; fix aw imfrifv jrf t i " M . : p jr xfJ AFTER THE FIRE MARGARET THANKS HER SAVIOR. doctor." It was a woman's voice. Mrs. Kennedy I Margaret's chaotic thoughts beat about the name. Then from the blurred confusion came a connected trend of events. The ex plosion at the houseboat, her frantic efforts to drag Kennedy's unconscious wife to safety, and then oblivion. "First-hand material for a real melo drama," Norwood was standing by the bed smiling down at her whimsically. "How soon can you write it?" "What happened?" she faltered, her mind clearing, for Norwood's brisk wholesomeness was like a tonic. Briefly he detailed the accident. He had been, on shore with Kennedy when the explosion occurred. Had she not dragged Mrs. Kennedy to the deck it would have been impossible to have saved her. Of his own bandaged hand he would not speak, but Margaret knew he had been the first to meet them as she lost consciousness. "It wasn't an accident," he went on grimly. "It was a dastardly attack on Kennedy's life . Boyle, a man he had arrested for swindling, is out on bail that was his revenge. But we must not talk now you've been through enough for one evening," as reluct antly, with a warm, ljngering hand clasp he rose to go. Mrs. Carter, the hotel housekeeper, prepared Margaret for the night, and a little later she lay alone in the dark ened room, staring out at the moonlit trees. If she had failed to save Mrs. Ken nedy? If she had tried but failedl Her mind leaped on to visions of her life with Kennedy. Then with a sharp self-loathing she checked such thoughts. The next ..torning Margarets first consideration was to get back to the city to avoid the awkwardness of a meeting with either Kennedy or Mrs. Kennedy. Dressing quickly she hur ried down for a timetable. But Norwood, meeting her on the stairs, solicitious as to her complete recovery, insisted that she breakfast with him. Margaret was not Insensi ble to his deepening interest, but absorbed in her thoughts of Kennedy she shrank from any personal note. Breakfast under way, they were talking of her series for his magazine, when Kennedy strode into the dining room. Instantly thrilled and con fused by his presence, Margaret's color deepened betrayingly. "Oh, Miss Warner's an incorrigi ble patient," laughed Norwood, as Kennedy reproached her for having left her room. . When later they strolled out to the veranda, Mrs. Kennedy was there. Margaret had hoped to avoid this meeting. It was an awakward mo ment. Her face flamed at Mary's warm praise of her heroism. "Why we'll take you in the carl We're starting right away," as Mar garet spoke of going back to town on the first train. With helpless dismay she glanced at Kennedy. This long drive with Mrs. Kennedy would be constrained and painful for them both. In half an hour they were ready to start. Kennedy sat in front with the chauffeur. The speed of the car made talking difficult, and Margaret was glad of the excuse to be silent. Refusing Mrs. Kennedy's invitation to lunch, Margaret was driven to her apartment. There she found, thrust under her door, a plain envelope ad dressed in a heavily inked scrawl. Inside on a slip of paper was the unsighted pernicious message, I We'll get him yet)" It meant Kennedy, of coursel What further dangers threatened? Mar garet's first impulse was to call up to warn him. If Mrs. Kennedy should answer and recognize her voicel Yet impelled by the fear that delay might be fatal she returned to the telephone. Fortunately it was Kennedy himself who answered. Excitedly she told of ( DUNN. the note, and to reassure her he said he could come over at once. At that moment Mary, on the stairs, heard his voice. She paused, startled at tne unaccustomed note ot solid' tude. "You're not going out?" tensely wnen a second later he appeared in the hall. "Dear, you promised to tay witn me tins evening. "I'm sorry, Mary, but it's a client, the untruth came reluctantly. As the door closed after hiin, she sank on the steps, her head on her arm. A client I Always the lying ex cuse of a client! How much longer could she endure the daily humilia tion? . In her own room stood before a photograph of herself taken ten years ago. Mercilessly she compared the pictured face with the one in the mirror. Was that why Horace was turning from her? Because she had lost some thing of her youth and beauty? Then with keen self-reproach she realized that for the last few years she had not tried to make herself attractive. She had cared more for comfort than for looks. A long time she gazed into the mirror studying her possibilities. From now on she would spend most of her time and money in a carefully planned campaign to make herself at tractive. Massage, exercise, diet, beauty parlors she would start on a rigid regime. She would use every allurement to win back her husband. Two weeks from that night, Mary again stood before her mirror. The result of her efforts had been trans forming. Instead of the plain unbe comingly gowned woman a very dif ferent vision was reflected. Her hair, her complexion, the slen erness of her figure, all had responded to her faithful, youthifying treatment. Instead of the former fifteen min utes spent in dressing, that evening she had taken an hour. Over an ex pensive made-to-order corset, her ex quisite new dinner gown incased her still slender figure to its most grace ful lines. A last exultant glance and Mary swept downstairs, her heart beating fast. Knowing that Kennedy was in the library she was picturing his sur prise at her transformation. With the dramatic instinct inate to all women, she planned the most effective entrance. At the foot of the stairs she paused. Through the archway she could see him sitting with his back towards her. There was a magazine in his hand, but he was staring moodily before hint. With a sudden wistful shyness she advanced, flushed and self-conscious in the unaccustomed low-cut gown. As she hesitated her glance was drawn to the open window. A faint breeze fluttered out the curtain. The room was expectantly still. Then like art apparition, a black gloved hand drew back the curtain,, revealing the head and shoulders of a woman, heavily veiled and the paralyzing glint of a leveled revolver! (To Be Continued.! (Copyright, 1917. Mr Mnbel Herbert Vrner.) What Womn Are Doing in the World (Continued from race Keren.) Walter Lipe. A special program will be given- The Frances Willard Chapter of the Women's Christian Temperance Union will meet for a picnic Wednes day at the home of Mrs. J. C. Roberts at 11 a. m. An informal program will be given in the afternoon. Mrs. J. R. Beard will give a talk and Mrs. A. P. Johnston will sing several selec tions. The Belles-Lettres club will have a picnic luncheon at the summer home of its president, Miss Terra Tierney, at Carter Lake club Tuesday. The regular hour of current topics will be followed as usual by the study of Hawthorne's "The Faun." The Woman's Club of the Railway Mail Service held its annual meeting Wednesday afternoon. The officers elected were Mrs. R. L. Frantz, presi dent; Mrs. N. H. Blackwell, vice pres ident; Mrs. A. J. Anderson, recording secretary; Miss Nora Fritchoff, treas urer; Mrs, C. T. Leigh, corresponding secretary. Mrs. Frances Nearness will be host ess to the Benson Chapter of the P. E. O. Sisterhood at a luncheon Tues- r 11 1 Summer Amusements for the Vaudeville, Cabarets and Parks Have Attractive Numbers on Bills "The Smart Shop," the musical comedy production presented at the Empress theater for the first time today, is a fair example of the at tractive acts produced in our days in this particular line of vaudeville. Clever comedians, classy and new costumes and popular songs, make this nine-people act a real little llroadway production. Quite a nov elty is Whitney's Operatic Dolls on the siime bill, presenting a comedy and singing review. Grandstaff and Davis also open today, two colored boys, who play cornet and trombone as only colored men can play them, and Fabor and Taylor are to present a clever ski: specially written for them, called "Going North." Judging from the enthusiastic wel come the Five Kings of Melody are receiving every evening at the popu lar Rome Vineyard, these exponents of music, mirth and melody are de lighting the public. The popularity of the Vineyard is probably due to the conveniences, en tertainment and general comfort of fered the patrons. The recent instal lation of a refrigeration system that disseminates cold air all over the Vineyard attests to its popularity. Hot weather will have little or no effect at the Vineyard. 1 he Broadway brigade of carpering cabaret cutups is the feature attrac tion each evening from 6:30 to 12 o'clock. On Sunday evening, when dancing is not permitted, the manage ment offers a musicale program. Lakeview park, the latest and gay est acquisition to these summer amusements, is undergoing the fin ishing touches, while its preliminary season is now on. This beauty spot. located at the very portals of the city, easily reached by Lakeview or Carter Lake club cars, was truly adorned by nature and beautified by man. The Messrs. Munchhoff, managers, have added to the natural attractions all that modern ingenuity and invention has produced to please the multitudes. lowering high above all other at tractions, the mammoth jack coaster, far more thrilling and sensational than all other rides, will easily be the center of attraction. This ride has a forty foot drop in one of the dips and requires less than a minute to tra verse the length of the ride, which is approximately 4,1100 teet. Other devices that will appeal to all day at 1 o'clock. The meeting, which was first scheduled for Monday, was postponed. Reports of the state con vention at Fremont will be given. The Convalescent Aid society will meet Monday morning at 10 o'clock at the city hall. The philosophy and ethics depart ment of the Omaha Woman's club is the first to announce its outline for the coming year. Studies in genetic psychology on modern and practical lines will be taken up by the depart ment, with Dr. Daniel E. Jenkins as leader. Officers of this department are: Mrs' F. A. Collins, leader; Mrs. Mary Mauley, assistant leader; Mrs. George Wilson, secretary and treas urer; Mrs. William Bentz, chairman of courtesy committee; Mrs. Joseph Duffy, chairman of social committee. The department will meet Tuesday at 4 p. m. on alternate weeks with the general meeting of the club. The annual banquet of the Clio club will be in the nature of a picnic sup per at the home of Mrs. W. D. Perci- val luesday I evening at 5 o clock. The husbands of the members will be the honor guests Mrs. O. A. Scott will act as toast mistress, Mrs. A. N. Eaton will give the greetings for the new members and the husbands and Mrs. Charles Powell the response for the new mem bers, and Dr. D. .. Jenkins the re sponse for the husbands. The Dundee Catholic circle of the Fidelis club will meet Monday after noon at the home of Mrs- Charles Henry at 2 o'clock. At the meeting of the Scottish Rite Woman's club held Wednesday the Scottish Rite Red Cross auxiliary was formed. The temporary officers are the officers of the Scottish Rite Wom an's club. Out of the 600 members of this club several auxiliaries will be formed. Fifty women were present at the committee meeting Wednes day. Thursday another meeting will be held at the cathedral at 1 o'clock, to which all members have been asked to come to sew for the Red Cross. Rev. G. A. Hulbert of St. Mary's Avenue Congregational church will speak at the meeting of the Business Women's council Tuesday at the court house. Luncheon will be served be tween 11 and 2 o'clock by the Mis sionary society of the Trinity Metho dist Episcopal church. U. S. Grant Woman's Relief corps will meet Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Andrew Kraymor for its June kensington. The proceeds of the afternoon will go to the Red Cross hospital supply de partment. Mrs. George Lehnoff will be hostess to Chapter B. N. of the P. E. O. sis terhood Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. This meeting will be the last of the chapter until autumn, and the report of the convention at Fremont will be discussed. Mrs. P. J. Haas will entertain the members of chapter B. P. of the P. E. O. sisterhood at a lo'clock luncheon at her home Tuesday. This will be the last meeting of the year and a con tribution affair. A report of the state convention at Fremont will be given. Mrs. Joseph Weeth will entertain Chapter B. K. of the P. E. O. sister hood Friday afternoon at the last meeting of the year, when the report ot the state convention will be given, Fontenclle Chapter of the Order of eastern Mar will meet tor the last kensington of the year, Fridav after noon at the home of Mrs. C. E. Wal rath. Election of kensington officers will take place at the meeting. Chapter E of the P. E. O. sisterhood will give a picnic at Miller park Thursday evening for their families. Mrs. Charles Thatcher will act as ctfda Carter AT THE CttPHCSS sexes and ages include the roller rink, carrousel, old mill, minature railway, bowling alleys and a number of others. Lakeview, while only working in its preliminary season, will have its grand opening soon. The date will be announced this week. Owing to the real success they have made in Omaha, Mile. Marion, the classical dancer, assisted by Mr. Ran dal, will be held over for another week at the Empress Garden. The usual dansants will be given Wednesday and Saturday this week between 3:30 and 5 o'clock in the afternoon, with free instructions in latest dancing by Mr. Randal. Starting Sunday, Miss Agnes von Bracht, soprano, will ap pear at the Empress Garden. The management If assured that she will be a welcomed addition to the already popular place of recreation. Several new improvements have been intro duced in the ventilation and they will add to its popularity. The tempera ture is kept several degrees cooler than the outside and it makes it an ideal place for summer recreation. hostess. This will be the last meet ing of the year. George Crook Relief corps No. 88 meets Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Irene. Robinson for a kensington. The women of B. P. chapter of the railway mail service held their an nual picnic at Hansr park Fri day, with their fainil.-s as guests. Fifty were present. The next month ly meeting of the club will be held the third Friday in July. Y. M. C. A. to Build at Forts Crook and Omaha A. H. Lichty, central department executive for the National War Work Council of the Woung Men's Chris tian association, in conference with State Secretary C, A. Musselman and Secretary E. F. Danlson of the local association, announced that standard buildings will be erected at forts Omaha and Crook for the soldiers. Mrs. W. Archibald Smith, head of the Woman's League for Patriotic Service, authorized the statement that her organization will furnish the equipment, consisting of pianos, writ ing facilities, athletic apparatus and other accommodations. The building at Fort Omaha will be forty by eighty and that at rort Crook will be forty by 120 feet. Omaha has been apportioned $20. 000 of the national fund raised by the Young Mens Christian associa tion. The Western Newspaper union contributed $500 to the association war fund. Sustains $100 Booze Fine Against Local Drug Firm Judge Sears, sitting in criminal court, sustained the fine of $100 im posed m police court June 12 against the Myers-Dillon Drug company for keeping liquor at their place of busi ness, near Sixteenth and Farnam Streets. Sixty-four pints of whisky were in troduced as evidence, which police testified were found at the drug store. Police searched the drug store June 11, following the arrest of sev eral persons under the influence of liquor. Getting "Chinks" for Movies Easy to Do in Los Angeles Any one visiting the Triangle-Fine Arts studio during the filming of cer tain scenes in "Her Official Fathers," starring Dorothy dish, which shows at the Brandeis today, would have thought a tong war had broken out or that Califonria actually streaked with the yellow peril. Los Angeles has one of the most densely populated Chinatowns in the United States and the director de clares that half the residents re sponded vto the ad which he in serted in a newspaper. The next day an army of ah ond-eyed men. women and children were scuffling along in heelless slippers toward the big studio, where they expected to earn enough in a single day to keep them all summer. From the volunteers Clifton se lected thirty or forty of the most picturesque and incorporated them in the scenery of the production. Among various duties relative to the action that were assigned the Chinese were the preparation and consumption of their native food. Jack Mulhall Needs to Know How to Swim in This One "No excuse for any boy brought up around New York City not being a good swimmer and diver," says Jack Mulhall, starred in the Butterfly pic ture, "The Flame of Youth," which conies to the Hipp theater on Friday and Saturday. As the hero Jack goes to an island off the coast of Califor nia to investigate a shortage in ship ments from the fire opal mine there, owned by his father. There he has a series of wild adventures, which culminate in an eighty-foot dive from a cliff into the ocean. As he is on his way to the island he is knocked on the head and thrown into the sea, and he gives a fine exhibition of "water stuff" when he proceeds to get rid of his shoes, coat and collar in the water. Then he swims to the island, landing in the surf of the rocky shore more dead than alive. Later, after a lot of other exciting happenings, he makes his eighty-foot dive as the quickest way of reaching the heroine, attacked by the villain on the beach below. The camera caught the jump in mid air, and the tremendous splash he made when he hit the water, and the incident makes one of the best thrills seen in recent pictures. Musical Notes The Tuesday Morning Musical club have definitely engaged Harold Bauer and Ossip Gabrilowitsch for a two piano recital next season, and the celebrated singer, Frieda Hempet of the Metropolitan Opera company. The program committee is still con sidering several other artists, who will be announced later. It is to be regretted that the club will not again bring Galli-Curci, who took Omaha by storm last season, but she has not been re-engaged. Louise Jansen Wylie presents the following pupils in the closing song recital at the Young Women's Chris tian association auditorium, Friday evening, June 29, at 8 p. m. Music lovers and interested friends are cor dially invited to attend. Arlie Reding ton, Lillian Riseman, Dorothy Stev ens, Lorena Jackson, Willma W. Branch, Grace Leidv Burger, Gladys Behrens, Loretta Moran, Loretta Scheibel, Peart Dewell, Geneva Saut ter, Estelle Davis, Ethel Parsons and Gertrude Radinsky. A recital will be given by the pupils of Prof. Lee G. Kratz and the Kratz quartet, Monday, June 25, at 8 p. m,, at the Young Men's Christian asso ciation auditorium. ' Patriotic songs are the order of the day, and a recent one received at The Bee is, "When You Answer to the Call," by Jack and Gill. Vernon C. Bennett, organist of the First Christian Science church and Temple Israel, was heard in an organ recital at flie First Methodist church of Albion, Neb., on Tuesday evening, June 19. Mr. Bennett played an un hackneyed and representative pro gram, strictly organ numbers. The Colvin Piano school presents in piano recital, Eleanor Sevick and Alma Kohansky, pupils of Luella May Davis, Thursday evening, June 28 from 7 to 8 p. m., at Library hall, Twenty-third and M streets, South Side. Mrs. Effie Steen Kittelson an nounces special summer courses in private or class work for adults in the art of expression and how to de velop personality, a six weeks' course for school teachers, and classes for children. Mrs. Kittelson gives special instruction in photoplay acting, and in GO ROWING More rowboats were used last Sunday than on 4th of July last year. Hundreds went in swimming. Now that Gus L. Williams of Bellevue is there to give swimming instruction, there will be hundreds more. Last Sunday the launches took crowds on delightful lake excursions. And in the park beautiful now with its beds of flowers, stretches of grass and masses of maples and cottonwoods the band played; Skee Ball thrilled scores; the giant Dip-The-Dips roared to the sound of cries of joy; the children romped, and slid and swung at the playground; all the other up-to-the minute amusements were going full blast AND THIS GOES ON EVERY DAY, rain or shine. Have YOU given yourself an outing yet? Multitude Filmland Favorites George Beban's stage career began at the age of 8, singing in Keed & Emerson's minstrels, lie was in a stock company in San Francisco for a number of years and also played in a comedy-drama, "Nancy Brown," with Weber & Fields. He played the comedy lead in "Fantana" and "The American Idea," and starred in "The Sign of the Rose." His screen ca reer began with the New York Mo tion Picture company when he ap peared in "The Alien." which was based on "The Sign of the Ko:e." He then appeared n a World production, "The Pawn of Fate." lie is now star ring with tile Oliver Morosco Photo play company, whose product is re leased hy the Paramount Pictures cor poration, with which company he has appeared in "Pasmiale," "The Amen Corner," "His Sweetheart. I'he Bond Between," "The Marcelliui Mil lions" and his latest photoplay is "The Roadside Impresario." His ad dress is Friars club. New York City. the various other branches of public speaking or dramatic presentations. Pupils of Mrs. Mary F.gglcston were heard in a piano recital at the home of Mrs. E. 1'. Weare on llart man avenue, Monday afternoon. Miss Cora Schwartz will present two of her advanced pupils, Alice Gar rett and Cora Quick, in a song re cital, assisted by Bess Beatrice Bat tey, pianist, Friday evening, June 2M, at 8:15 o'clock, at 306 Lyric building Nineteenth and Farnam street Mr. Vernon C. Bennett will pre sent his pupil, Ethel Ness Morris, assisted by Mr. Harry Disbrow, in organ recital at Temple Israel, Tark avenue and Jackson street, Sunday atternoon, June 4, at 4 o clock. Concord Club Will Hold Annual Picnic at Valley Members of the Omaha Concord club will hold their annual picnic and outing at Valley next Tuesday after noon. It will be an "old-fashioned affair." Concordians have been asked to wear their old clothes and be ready tor all sorts ot pranks. A wagonload of pink len.onade, ice cream and i sum 1 S I &fik -J I - FOUR DAYS STARTING TODAY THE SMART SHOP A MUSICAL COMEDY CREATION. GRANDSTAFF 1 1 FABER AND AND DAVIS ) TAYLOR COMEDY MUSICIANS GOING NORTH Whitney's Operatic Dolls A Novelty and Comedy Singing Revue AEROPLANE VAUDEVILLE AT SUBMARINE PRIEES FLOWER MATINEE TODAY illlllllllllBIM liMlllliiillllilliililillllM At - in Omaha watermelons is promised. A jaxz hand will provide music for the "gam bol on the green." Wives and fam ilies of members will be guests. Persistent Advertising is the Road to Success. EMPRESS GARDEN The Beauty Spot of Omaha. Presenting by special ar rangement the best Chicago entertainers. Commencing Today Mile. Marion and Martinez Randal Starting Today Agnea Von Bracht Chicago renowned soprano. Table d'iloto Dinner, $1.00. Served from 12 to 8 P. M. A La Carte service, 11 a. m. Until Midnight, PRELIMINARY SEASON LAKEVIEVJ PARK THE' JOY SPOT OF OMAHA NOW OPEN Often a V. ' Attraction. With tha Seaaon'a Sanaatlon, tha Jack Rabbit Coatter " CARROUSEL, FERRIS WHEEL " ROLLER RINK, PENNY ARCADE OLD MILL, BOWLING. FREE MOTION -PICTURES! LAKEVIEW OR CARTER LAKE CLUB CARS. "Clean, Claaty, Bright and B'ratijr." Rome Vineyard Five Melody Kings BEAMING 1" f BROADWAY OF I ' RIGADE .Jl LEVER ABARET UTUPS CD Ft? Danctne Jail Band T I,C ENTERTAINMENT Evplni, 6:30 ta 12. Dlnnar and Soda Sarvica Da Luxa. Sunday Evanlni Mualcala. Recital. IHamhaw Hotal Announcat I tha Engagement of MISS D'ARCY I and company of ten entertain- I I are and musicians : I J EVERY EVENING (6 to 12) 1 Dance If You Like I Wednesday end Saturday I Dansants fl Make Your Reservations Early I