THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JUNE 24, 1917. 8 B -n 1 1 0 Titl " 1 1 i las ties- iTom riimiana Ao-- PHOTO PLAYS FOR OMAHA DEVOTEES SvJ "Doug" Fairbanks Has His Troubles With Outlaw Broncho "Although my father was a New Hampshire man and my mother a Virginian," recently aid Douglas Fairbanks, who is playing this week, Tuesday till Saturday, at the Strand theater in "Wild and Woolly," his second Artcraft production! "where riding is accepted as a matter, of course, I was born in Colorado. I had never ridden one of those won derful creations of the devil knovrn as a 'bucking broncho' until 1 started work in 'Wild and Woolly.' To stick to one of these creatures one" must be combination of sailor, bareback rider, freight brakeman and lots yif other things, so unexpected and multi farious are his motions. Tie ran move ' in more acute angles than any other beast in the world. "A good 'outlaw' will go two and a half or three feet into the air and theiTland stiff-legRcd. and you must be off your saddle just enough to take the jolt. When he jumps, he 11 throw his head back and knock you ovef the other end of himself if you don't look out, or he pitches and throws you over his head. Or, while in the air, he humps his body up round and rolls from side tn side with the most awful 'sea-sirky' motion. You might hang on if you could strip the pommel of the saddle like grim death and think of nothing elese, or if you were permitted to keep both feet in the stirrups. But that, wouldn't be ethical. You have on foot in the stirrup and with you free foot you keep on scratching you mount's ribs with the spur. At the same time you fan his ears with your sombrero with one hand, and with the other grip . ping the rein, you try to hold his head up. ' "I was pretty well discouraged by my semi-aeronautical broncho busting attempts until a cowpuncher came along and took me in hand. I didn't have verv much trouble after that during the riding scenes of my new j WCSlCin JHtlUIC. Beban Adds an Unexpected Touch of True Realism George Beban, the famous Italian character actor, who will be seen at the Muse in his latest production, "A Roadside Impressario," has a hidden . passion that was not discovered until the filming of this story, at the Pallas studio. This passion is for breaking dishes. One of the incidents of the story is where Mr. Beban is working as a helper in a restaurant in order to raise money to get Bruno, his bear, out of jail. Beban finds an important paper and certain members of his company try to get it away from him. Armed with a cleaver and a pan full of hot soup he keeps them' at bay. This scene takes place near one of the racks in which the hundreds of clean dishes, were stacked and tipping the rack over had nothing to do with "the story. Several people noticed during rehearsal that Mr. BehaiL looked at this rack with hungry' eyes, but thought nothing of it, and as the dishes were all borrowed from a local restaurant, it was supposed the star would do Jio damage; but while the scene was being photographed Mr. Beban managed to jump around in such a. way as to tip over the entire rack containing the dishes. As soon as he had finished the scene, he jumped up and down, and said: "By golly I I knew I would get 'em." George Walsh Gives Press Agent a Right to Live At last the press agent is immor talized 1 , The, man whom actors love and newspapers hate, who gets the ,hlame for everything and receives credit for nothing ng, is finally to come in lor nis own. Ho other than oeorge warsn, William Fox star, is to interpret him in the films, to imprint him on the celluloid, to give him lasting fame! In his newest production, "Some Boy," George plays the role of "Joy ous Johnson. After his college days, he becomes publicity man for a large hotel, and the stunts he "pulls" are calculated to make sad the heart of the real press agent. Incidentally, the scenario has required that newspapers be much kinder if George than they would be to an off-stage p. a. , Also incidentally, George spend; his spare minutes reading a book called "1001 Ways to Get Newspaper Pub licity." ' One of the funniest incidents is said to envolve itself arntind "George" wlten he disguises himself as a widow to evade the detectives. This mirth dispensing play can be seen today and Monday at the Sun theateS Movie Ramblers Hold First Run and Enjoy the Trip A new club hns been formed in local movie circles under the name of "The Movie Ramblers." The initial ramble wai run off last Wednesday when a party of sixteen motored to Valley and partook of a big chicken dinner. Ihose who took part in the chicken hunt were: Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Holah of the Pathe exchange, Mr. and Mrs. Getzler of the Vitagrapb company, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas of the Strand, Mr. and Mrs. C H. Taylor of the General company, Jule Rachman of the Grand theater and lady, George H. Dodds of the World-Herald and lady, Mr. and Mrs. McCafferv for merly of the Boulevard; Wilfred Le doux of the Empress and H. B. Watts of The Bee. This club is just organized for such a purpose as stated above, and it is planned that a week from to day a basket picnic will be held some where near Gretna. An invitation Is extended to all with cars to join the party, and many more trips yill be planned. Thomas Has Them Guessing, But They Believe in Him We wonder what H. M. Thomas, manager of the Strand has got up his sleeve, or has he just gone plumb daffy? On the screen at the theater he has "Do You Believe in Me? H. M. Thomas, Manager. Strand The ater." He is running an add in all the papers, has it in big letters on bill boards and has, so he announced mailed out several thousand postal cards. Every mail brings lettets from . patrons by the score "and he is even thinking of having the telephone dig--connected! so many .people call to in quire. He maintains a ' sphinx-like silence op the subject, however. The hot weather might have something to do with it, though- Exposures -BY KILOWATT- THE LA8KT-PAH AMOUNT COMPANT gave Julian Biting t contract thla week that railed for a ruerinten, ac cording to the report, ol 126,000 for Mi ft rit aptvHal Nature, to tic mtJe tnnldft of four warka, the picture people con tracting fr two eurhy pictures wifh htm, mill taking an opttofr on Mi eervlcee for a third. It la further rumored that he will hare tn the groia recelpta nf the ptcturen he atari In. He baa already commenced work on them. He took with him to the atudlea forty-three trunke of wardrobe, to ay nothing of two valeta, a chauffeur and secretary. Not ao poor for a new beginner In the movies. The famoua Dolly Sletere have ben elgned by the Hearat-Pathe picture Interest to pose for a aerUa of features during the eummer month when moat atage folk are rfttlng It la aald to be thn flrat time thy have appeared upon the screen. Th mating ft the motion picture ei hlbltora la at Tuesday at the Kontetielle wee a greater success than had been the fond nit hope of the Inatlgatora of the movement. That1 the klmt of atuftthat maid's life worth while. It la rertalnly a theme that the fallows tn the buslnnss have not gotten Into thla thing monthe ago. But now that the state rfantiatlon la well on Its way, we feel aure It wltl be a grand and glorious success and rep resentative of thla prosperous state. There's only one way to tio theae thlngi and that Is get In the li urn cue and sll pull together Rfid you'll be hut prised at the rf-aults a I'd good fHlnwfthli flint mn be attained. Let's liope that every exhibitor In the state will be at the convention to be held In Grand Intend thla coming August. Above all eta don't forget to attend the big convention at Chicago, July 14 to 22, Advance "dope" aays that the flerman Hlh sasa fleet will be seen In artlon In the Metro Wonderplsy, "The Great eit Power," which stsrs Ethel Bsrrymora and is booked at the Bun theater for an early Showing. Theae art said to be the only Pictures ever made of the linking of the Gnelaenau, Hpandau and Bremerhoret, Ger man battleahlps. The producer will not ssy where he secured this nor what the cost wai. Anita Stewart Is reported to be quite 111 owing to a temporary break In health. It la thought this was caused on account of beginning work too soon efter a typhoid fever Illness. She will no doubt be out of pictures for a, few weeks. . The first serial svsr produced from the Ssturday Evening Post Is soon to be put on the market by the Universal Film com pany. It la called, "The Gray Ghost," and la based on the story which ran In thla publication under the title of "Loot." Eddy Polo, Prlsrllla Dean, Emory .Tohnann and Harry Carter are the featured players. Kemember our old friend, .Tohn Bunny? Well, the Vltagraph company announce , they ar soon to re-lsaue and re-title all the plctitrea In which this popular comedian appeared. There have been so many re- , queita that they have finally decided on , thin. He, of course, hat patmed away, but his art will live on forever,- Then, too, there are more people now attending the movies j then there was when his plrtures were uch a rage, and n dsubt people who have heard of, hut not seen him, will be pleased st Oie opportunity. Won't U eeem funny and' like old times again to see such people ae Clara Kimball You n sr. Mr. and Mrs. Pldiley Drew and Flora Finch playing with this Inimitable comedian? Evidently Douglas Fairbanks' popularity Is not mnflned to patrona of the el lent drama- A recent mall brought him requests for personally autographed photographs from Theda Barn, tieraldlne Ferrer, W. 8. Hart and Anita Stewart. This confirmed that Fairbanks' popularity Is In hearty ac rord with other screen celebrltlea dispelling the so-catled Jtalouay that Is presumedly evident In professional circles, Believe muh, F. H. Richardson sure hand ed both exhibitors and opera torn many a .lolt last Sunday night whin he apoka be fore practically all the prominent ones Identified In the business at the Rome hotel, 'Nc that this was needed In Omaha, of couree, but it sure stirred a bunch of tliem up and In quite 'a few theaters Im provement Is noticed. All we need Is about forty or fifty men of his caliber and every one would toe the Una Instead of Just a few. but then there la only one F. H. R. Plnto. the colt which Helen Holmes re cently shipped to her ranch In Utah, laat Week tu given first prise among "Jitgh schooled" animals at arecent stock show it, that vicinity. This Is the horns which Alias Holmes spent the better part of six months training, a Did yon aver atop to think tfiat a. good way to forget the hot weather Is to go to a good picture house, get interested In the picture end llnten to splendid music. First thing you know you'll forget If It's hot or mild. Try It some time. By the by. do you know theater managers spend thousands of dollar and right here In Omaha, too. for your comfort and that you may keep cool? We'll be willing to warer that almoet every theater IniOmnha Is from ten to thirty de gree rooter than the thermometer shows on iht outaide. fs It a bet? Bills pr Current W eek Strand With only two changes of pro. gram at the Strand this week. It must he ss aured fact that each picture la of unueual excellence. Sunday and Monday the late Richard Harding Davis' well known story, "Vera the Medium.' has the place of honor with Kitty Uofrdon as the chief performer, while Tuesday till Heturday Douglas Fair banks in his latest, "Wild and Woolly." wlh lie the attraction. Fairbanks says he would rather be In a western picture than any other. For that, reseon'hia friends ran ex pout to nee him at his best In one of these productions. Of courns, the ever popular Pathe Weekly wilt he on deck, as well as s Keystone mirth -milter par ext'ellence. Next week Mary Ptrkford In jXlttle American" ami the following week Rex Beach's great story, "The Barrier." Hun George Walsh returns to the Bun today and Monday In William Fox's latest production "Some iBoy." Borne of the ath letic stunts that he does will make your blood tingle. Appearing opposite Mr. TV's Inn In thla production la Miss Doris Pawn, the Norfolk, Neb., girt, whoso wonderful rise In the film world has been watched ao closely by Nebraska movie fans. Boms exceedingly tnt fronting vlcwa and events from all over Die world are also ahown, and Ham nud Bud in their latest comedy nklt "Thev Couldn't Keep Out of Jail." On Tuesday aim Wednesday Francea Nelson, one of Metro's notnd emotional actresses, ta ahown In "The Beautiful a five-art Metro wonder- play built ori Ella Wheeler Wilcox's poem "A Reverts In a Btstlon Houae." The fun end of the progrsm Is furnlehed by Mr. and Mra. Sidney Drew In their latest laugh-getter, "Tootele." On Thursday, Friday and Saturday Valeaka Suratt in "The Siren," an Intensely dramatic story plcturlilns? the transgressions of an adventureaa. Empress Alice .Toyr. one of the mst popular atsrs of the photoplays, is at the Kmpreas today for the first time in a fine Vllagfnph drama entitled "The Question." It la the atory of a woman forced to decide between duty and convention who declared for the former and defied foaslp, Harry Moray appears with Miss Joyce In thla Photodrsnis, A William Fox comedy, "Seeds of Love." featuring Hank Mann, Is on the earns bllL Wuse Tho photoplay progrsm at the Muaa tneater this week 111 be uo to the stsndard of this popular house. Aoday and for the next three days the attraction will be George Beban la "The Roadside Imprea arlo." Mr. Beban la seen as a roaming Italian with a trick pear performing for the benefit of the children In wayside HEARST PATHE NEWS Synopsis of Events, Covered In Hearst Pathe News, Released Today. U. S. LINER MANCHURIA Is wrecked in collision with the Monitor Amphi trite dur ing a heavy fog In Now York Harbor. AMERICAN AREO CORPS The daring American aviators, who have seen active service with the el Ilea, are now ready to fly for Uncle Sam. BATHING SUIT PARADB Immense crowds turn out in Venice, Cel.. to get their first glimpse of the latest Wathtng creations. ALLY ENVOYS HONORED Princeton Uni versity confers honorary degrees upon the ambssaadors of the allied nations of tais country. St fir 8 Who Will Shine on Screen for ''"m V ' ' "urfP f" I ' Ij w) fUSf, li V t 3 ' . atw. ,.r V "Svd. ZJ&f M sail i "lay M lacJ(ieSaun(fei-j Ben Wlion A Peep Into Photoplays Coming Soon Lou Tellegan In Johnny and Emma Ray In Grace Walsh In Norma Talmadge, In In Gall Kane . ... Margartte Fischer.., ..In ..In .In ..In ..In ..In ..In ..In .In ..In . in ..In ..In .in ..In ..In ..In ..In ..In ..In ..In Edna Goodrich Myrtle Gonxales Violet MacMllIon Arthur Hoyt Marie Walramp.... Dtietlo Farnum. George Walsh dane and Catherine Lee William H, Hart Bessie Barrlsrale Jack Devereaux Emily Htovens and Frank Mills. Baby Marls Osborne....: Gladys Hulette Florence La Badle . . , Jack Mulhalr , Allen Hoi una r George M. Cohan , Peggy Hyland , towns, he himself doing the trlcka the bear is supposed to do, while . trying to earn money to gat the bear out of Jail where he had been Incarcerated for wrecking an apiary. On the same bill which runs the first part of this week, Ruth Roland will be can In the sixth episode of "The Neglected Wife." A News weekly will also be on this progrsm. For the last three dsys Fatty Ar buekle will be the offering In a two-reel screamer, "The Rough House." The fea ture will be Houae Tetera tn "The Heir of Ages." Brandele- A riotous madcap who causes no -end of trouble for hvr guardians, the officials- of a banking company, Is the character assumed by Dorothy Glsh In the Triangle-Fine Arts play. "Her Official Fathers," which wlf! be shown at the Brsndels theater Sunday. A company of Chinamen recruited from the Los Angeles Chinatown appears In the scenes depicting an oriental restaurant and curio shop. It is In this Chinese bsssr that Dorothy smashes a 1600 vase and la threatened by arrest unless she pays the amount at once. Hipp Ruth Clifford will show here today In per latest Bluebird photoplay. "A Ken tucky Cinderella," It Is laid in the hills of Kentucky and Is a sweet and simple tale of ,a country miss that will hold the In terest throughout. Tuesday and Wedneaday J. Warren Kerrigan In "The Silent Battle." is one of the moat powerful plays he has ever been In. The. offering for Thursday will be announced latter. Friday and Sat urday Jack Mulhall, tn his latest Butterfly success. "Tho Flame of Touth," a swift moving drama of the Illustration of a gang Of opal thieves by an athletic hero. Tha diving and swimming scenes are said to be remarkable and there Is also a tremend ous fight scene. Ktihlff It Is announced by the manage ment that contract has bien signed for sll of the Triangle productions which proved bo popular at this house in the past and will be presented on Sunday. Monday and Fridays, starting today and Monday when porothy Dalton will be ahown In "The Darlt Road." Hearat-Pathe Newa and a Triangle comedy alio are shown. Tuesdsy Stuart Holmes in the screen version of Na thaniel Hawthorne's novel, "The Scarlet Letter." Wednesday and Thursday Clara Kimball Young in "The Foolish Virgin." Friday Dorothy Glsh In a comedy drama, LOTHROP Lothrop TODAY AND MONDAY ANITA STEWART, "Clover's" Rebellion" ALAMO .2oV;tTD Today M1GNON ANDERSON HAYWARD MACK in "THE PHANTOM'S SECRET" SUBURBAN Mond.y DOROTHY GISH, In "HER OFFICIAL FATHERS" I Tu,.!ar THEDA BARA, In 1 "THE DARLING OF PARIS" Saturday MARY P1CKFORD. h "A POOR LITTLE RICH GIRL" ALHAMBRA"ST TODAY IRENE HOWLEY, in MHER FATHER'S KEEPER" No. T "JIMMY DALE ADVENTURER" GEORGE OVEY. ta a "Jerry- Comedy. DIAMOND J MARY MILES MINTER "F AIT PARK llk and Cdlfomla T oto AY "SHORTY JOINS THE SECRET SERVICE" and Bud Comedy "DAUGHTER OF DARING" "GRANT POLICE REPORTER ' Louise QUitm 3ton "The Long Trail"., Paramount "Casey the Fireman" General "Would Yon Believe It?" General "The Secret of the Storm Country".. Selinlck 'The Lesson" Selznick Mutual Mutual Mutual .Bluebird Bluebird Bluebird Lnherssl Merles fox Fox Fox Triangle Triangle ........ Triangle Metro Pathe Patbe rathe Butterfly Butterfly Artcraft Vltagraph "The fnafrald" "Betty Ba Good" , "Reputation" "Ths Greater Taw" "Nancy's Baby" "Mr. Opp" "The Silent Terror" , "The Scarlet Pimpernel"... "The Kid Is Clever" "Two Little Imps" "Ievel Leigh" "Hater of Men" "Superstttutlon" "A Sleeping Memory".,,,.. "Miss Captain Klddo" "The Ctgaret Girl" "The Woman In White". "High Speed" "The Reed Case" "Seven Keys to Bald pate". . "Caste" , frer Official Fathers," and Saturday. Ella LHall In "The Little Orphan." , Boulevard Bessie Love and Wilfred Lucas are featured here today and Monday in a Triangle .play, "Hell-To-Pay Austin," Tuesday William S. Hart and House Peters In "Between Men," one of the very few pictures Jn which Hart appears In a dress suit. "Our Fighting Force," and a comedy will also be shown. One of tha best pic tures ever made by the Triangle company will he seen Friday. It Is "Let Katy Do It," and featuring Jans Grey and those loveable "Triangle Kiddles." Park Our old friend "Shorty" Hamilton will be (eatured- here today In "Shorty Joins the Secret Service" and Is said to DUNDEE unod NO SHOW TODAY Monday ALICE JOYCE in "HER SECRET" FRIDAY MARY PICKFORD 'in- "A POOR LITTLE RICH GIRL" llllllltlllltllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllltllltlltlllllltlllllllllllllll MAGIC sslh ' TnH.v South jVale ska Suratt! l"Thesiave" I Wed ANITA STEWARTI - iliitiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirii jiiiiiiiiiiitiiiii,iitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiinitnniiHfiiii Do You Believe In Me? H. M. THOMAS, Manager Strand rillilhlilliiliilt!lnliiltit!lliilllllili!liiliiliiiiiiliinliilliliil'! !illlllllllll!llllllMIUIIIllllllltlllllll!llllllllllll!H'lJ I sMrs. Effie Steen 1 Kittelson - 1 annouacts the followlnf - 1 SPECIAL SUMMER COURSES T Private or elaas work for adults ta the Art of Expression and Row ? 4 . Develop Personslltr. ? A '.week's cours. for school teschers i Classes for Children. ? Each Class Limited to Six. 'm Clsssea are now being formed. 9 i Studio, 313 B.lrd Buildlni, I Phone Tyler faij. Opaha, Neb.' HSiiliiSHSiisiilitlitiiiliiliisittiiltiiiisntiiiiiitiliilliliiliililliisiisi Omaha This Week MayPicftford Ella foil be the beat seen lately. Helen Glbaon Is In 'The Mystery ot the Burning Freight," Ham and Bud in "The Deadly Doughnut" and Daredevil Larkln In an episode of "Grant-Police Reporter" called "The Code Letter." Monday Gretchen Lederer In a Red Feather feature photoplay, "The Moral's of Hilda." It la full of action. Diamond Mary Mites Mlnter today In "Fith," the type of picture which has made her beloved by followers of the silent drama. A good comedy is also shown. Monday Wil liam Courtenay in a Pathe Gold Rooeter play, "The Hunting ot the Hawk," a high class detective-society story. Dundee- No show here today. Monday Alice Joyce and Harry Morey in a Greater Vltagraph production "Her Secret," not a problem play, but an Interesting story. Tuesday Dorothy Dalton tn a Triangle play, GRAND Bulifui TODAY ' ETHEL CLAYTON "YANKEEPLUCK" MONDAY DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS "THE HABiToFhAPMNESS' TODAYS, ADM., 10c DOROTHY GISH ' IN "Her Official Fathers" The story of a roguish, Independent miss who outwits tha officials of a large trust company, who had been appointed guardians of the young madcap. APOLLO h? 28th and Leavenworth Sts. Today at 2, 3:45,' 5:30, 7:15, 9 ANITA KING HOUSE PETERS "THE GIRLOFTHE GOLDEN WEST" MONDAY PAULINE FREDERICK 'SAPHO Tuesday LILLIAN WALKER Wednesday MARY PICKFORD Thursday WALLACE REID Friday DOROTHY KELLY Saturday ALICE BRADY BOULEVARD 1X 33d and Leavenworth Sts. TODAY AND MONDAY 'Bessie Love Wilfred Lucas ' Hell-toPay' Austin" TUESDAY Win. S. Hart "BetweenMen!' WEDNESDAY Genevieve Hamper Robert Mantell TangledLives" THURSDAY Kolb and Dill in "Beloved Rogues" FRIDAY Jane Grey and Triangle Kiddies "Let Katybo It" SATURDAY Jackie Saunders "TheTWiIdcat" . ; ; i 4 1 "The Sweetheart of the Doomed,' which has as a basis for the story, war-stricken Eu rope. Dorothy Glsh Thusday, In one of the best comedy dramas she has ever been seen in. "Her Official Fathers." Friday Mary Plckford In "The Poor Little Rich Oirl." Grand A plrture, both timely and Inter esting, shows here today It Is "Yankee Pluck." and stars Ethel Clayton. Ham and Bud furnish one of their comedies also. Monday "Doug" Fairbanks In "The Habit of Happiness," which Is even felt by the spectator. Bushman and Bayne are also shown In further happet.lngs of "The Great Secret." Dorothy Glsh Is billed for Wednes day and George Walsh for Thuradsy. lothrop Anita Stewart today and Mon day In a Greater Vltagraph play "Clover's Rebellion." It Is a comedy drama In which the mighty fllwer serves to Intro duce Clover to the man she finally mar ries. A comedy and the Hearat-Pathe News also. Clara Kimball Young Tuesday In "The Badge of Shame." Friday and Saturday Is Mabel Taliaferro In "A Wife by Proxy." Suburban Muriel Ostrlche today In a World production, "Moral Courage," and a Keystone comedy "Teddy at the ThrottK" Monday Dorothy Gtah in "Her Official Fathers." Tuesday Theda Bara In super de luxe play, "The Darling of Paris." Saturday special return engagement of Mary Plckford In her greatest success VTho Poor Little Rich Girl." A 1 ham bra Irene Howley will be fea tured today In "Her Father's Keeper," a Triangle play. The story Is of a girl who, instead of berng a social butterfly all ,her life longs to combat the problems of the world of business and do something really worth while. E. K. Lincoln tn the seventh chapter of "Jimmy Dale Adventurer." and George Ovey, with one of his clever "Jerry" comedies, complete the bill. Monday Louise Glaum in "The Sweetheart of the Doomed." a modern story of today with the battle flelda of Europe forming the .basis of the. atory. Alamo Mlgnon Anderson and Hayward Mack are featured today In the latest But terfly production "The Phantom's Secret," a mystery-detective drama produced In the same elegant style that has made these new productions popular from the stsrt. A splendid program has been arranged for Monday. Harry Carey will ba the headline I ioc ioc 1 I i TODAY AND MONDAY SMILING GEORGE WALSH, . o rvur o u m l. Full of Fun Coming Thurraay" VALESKA SURATT in "THE SIREN" ininmniiiiiuTHE HOUSE THAT PUT A-MUSE IN AMUSEMENT umiimnnii f TODAY TILL WEDNESDAY I "A ROADSIDE IMPRESARIO" ! I offers , I I GEORGE BEBAN I IN ANOTHER FINB CHARACTER ROLE I . RUTH ROLAND in "The Neglected Wife" MUSE niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitininiiiii If v" , 1 -7. XL V P.. ROHLFF 2559 LEAVENWORTH ST. We are pleased to make the announcement that the famous TRIANGLE features have now been contracted for and will be presented on SUNDAY, MONDAY AND FRIDAY. TODAY AND MONDAY DOROTHY DALTON , In Triangle Play "THE DARK ROAD" TUESDAY STUART HOLMES In a "William Fox Play "The Scarlet Letter" , WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in "The Foolish Virgin" A Selmfck Superieature attraction that will be appreciated by the di. niaatini. Admission oa This Picture ADULTS, 15c KIDS, Sc.- criminating, Our New Improvements Are Now Completed New Carpets New Draperies New i- ans All at the Cost of Over $5,000. "FOR YOUR COMFORT" A WORD OF APPRECIATION: The Omaha amusement lovers have shown this past week their understanding of our new policy by their increasing attendance. We will show our appreciation by keeping our theater and shows up to the highest standard as an amuse ment value unequaled anywhere. FLOWER MATINEE TODAY To celebrate the completion of our improvements we have secured a great number of peonies, which we will be de lighted to offer our lady patrons this afternoon. - . FOUR DAYS STARTING TODAY Alice Joyce and Harry Morey, in "THE QUESTION" attraction laone of hts inimitable westers productions. "The Mysterious Outlsw," an Lee Hill will be featured In '"Flamea oi Treachery." An L-Ko comedy and "Bom mer Bill tfees to Sea" wilt complete th program. Apollo An all-rtar cast of Paramount players, which includes Anita King, TheM dore Roberts and House Peters show her( today In "The Girl of the, Golden West." "Shorty Solves the Wireless MyBtery" Is aM shown. Monday Pauline Frederick in th screen version of "Sapho." Msry Plckford Is billed for Wednesdsy in "Behind the Scenes." Saturday Alice Brady in "Ma ternity." Magic South Side) Valesks Suratt will show here today In ber latest William Fo success, "The Slave." A good comedy on the. same bill. Monday Jack Mulhall in Butterfly production. "The Flame! Touth.' a rapid-fire story of how a young sthletf hero fluatrsted a band of opal thieves. YAM ilr"h 1 (Admission 10c) TODAY AND MONDAY RUTH CLIFFORD "A Kentucky Cinderella" TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY J. WARREN KERRIGAN in "THE SILENT BATTLE" THURSDAY See This Paper Later. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY JACK MULHALL "The Flame of Youth" in dovii dv; i Full of Thrills 1 u FRIDAY DOROTHY GISH In Comedy-drama "Her Official Fathers" SATURDAY ELLA HALL In a Sweet Story "THE LITTLE ORPHAN" 1 7