THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JUNE 24. 1917. ' 1 Dear Bee Readers: 1 feel that I really should thank you for all those nice appreciative letters why, some of you are getting to be just like old friends! I'm so interested whenever I see a familiar landwriting on an envelope and rec ognize it as Mrs. 's of Falls City, or Miss 's of Oacoma, S. D., or well, it would really take the rest of this column if I told about all my pleasant correspondents. Neverthe less, my dears, I'm mighty glad If you've been pleased with the things I've bought for you and don't hesi tate to send as often as you like, for it's my pleasure to shop for you. Tell your friends of The Bee's Free Shop ping Service and I may be . able to help .them, too.- I only ask that you be explicit in., your directions as to style, size and color of garments de sired and please do not send me any money. Purchases will be sent C. O. D. unless you have established credit in the stores. If you wish to know where things' can be bought I'll be delighted to send you any desired in formation if you will kindly send stamped envelope. "D OCK-A-BYE baby on the tree top" your dreams will surely be sweet ones when you're clad in one of those coo! Arnold Knit Night ies which I saw at Benson & Thome's in The Wee Folk's Shop. Yes, it's necessary that only the softest, smoothest and most soothing gar ments be used for Babykins. These nighties, which are for infants and children I and 2 years old, are priced 75c to $1.45. Then there are woolen, gauze bands, 50c to 80c. or silk and vool bands at 70c to $1.15, which will protect his little tummy from naughty aches and pains. Arnold Knit Goods are highly endorsed by Mothers all over the land. I'M button who's got the button? No need to hunt longer go to The Ideal Button and Pleat ing Co., Brown Block, where -they'll make any kind of button your heart could wish, from buttons of the dinner-plate variety to dainty midget sized buttons. Flat buttons, bullet buttons, buttons of two tones, odd shaped buttons. Why, buttons are used so extensively for trimming by the arbiters of Fashion that we see them on gowns, suits, blouses even on bags and parasols. ITHEN one rummages through the ' shops one glimpses so many fascinating things that it's quite be wildering at times. Have you seen that wonderful array of .KIMONOS at Eldridges? If not, you haven't the least conception of what the word "KIMONO" can mean, for there are styles, fabrics and marvelous needle work shown that have never before been een in Omaha and, what's more, there's another shipment com ing. 'Tis a treat to visit Eldridge's, 1318 Farnam, just to see the KIMONOS. HURRY up! Yes, you'd better make a bee-line for Napier's Booterie the first thing tomorrow morning, for there's a sale on this week of the season's smartest and newest hand-made boots. They have the kid-covered Louis XV heels and ire in those shades so popular this season white, ivory, champagne and gray. When a sale is announced at this very fashionable Booterie, we may be assured 'twill be quite note worthy of our attention. Boots, for merly selling at $12.00 and $18.00, will be on sale at $9.90 and $11.90. Dress Up Now! There is no reason When the summer is in season Why you should not dress up neatly SmartlyHoo. The shops discreetly Long have pondered o'er your buyiug With each other have been vieing These days much 'tis being quoted "Do your bit" and ways are noted. If so far as we're concerned We spend normally what we've earned We are helping Uncle Sam Just the best way that we can, "LMng normally, spending too" Here's the advice I'm sending you. Some women can be nurses And some can sew and knit, Some are making garments, Or some a "comfort kit." And some of us are canning, For this is truty writ That every single woman Can "do her little bit." But if you can cook a dinner well, Oh, Soldier Girll You're IT1 YOUR kitchen is the power plant of your family in your keeping is given the health, the happiness and the life of the family. At Orchard & VVilhelm's they are offering a Sibley Fireless Cooking Gas Range which will not only cook any food more ap petizingly than can be done on any other range, but will cut your kitchen expense sin two. I could scarcely be lieve my ears when told that this range, which formerly sold for $50.00, is being sacrificed at $12.50 during their Summer Sale. It's a most won derful bargain! T KNOW of no store which keeps - so up-to-the-minute in the various styles and types of swimming suits as does Lucien Stephens' 1901 Farnam all the very latest models, and priced 75c, $2.50, $3.00 and $4.00. There are bath robes ant. beach robes really, the best looking things you ever saw, which are just as appropriate for women as men. These robes of ratine and Japanese crepe have slippers to match. OH, dear, one really can't do with out a "sun shade" these days and deep daintily cool, can one? And when there is such a distracting array to choose from as are shown just in side the 16th street entrance at Thompson-Belden's, why! we want one to go with every summer frock we own. There are the Sun-Rane parasols, which obligingly do the duty of protecting us from old Sol's radiant summer smile, as well as the too frequent visits of J. Pluvius. There are pretty, flowered party parasols for wee girlies, convenient little Auto face parasols and hand some parasols for women in mourn ing. Parasols in splashy Japanese effects, pongee. Khaki Kool and all the gay new colors with the stunning Oriental shapes. They're all differ entthe only similarity being in their beauty and smartness. ONE of the most alluring styles this summer for young girls 8 to 18 years is the smocked blouse and I haven't seen prettier smocks any where than those at F. W. Thome's, 1812 Farnam. They are of a splen did quality of English drill made with a broad yoke with smocking in color to match the big sailor collar of copen, pink or yellow Jap crepe and pockets, of course. , They're priced $2.25 to $2.95. Thome's also have a dandy line of white wash skirts for $1.50 to $7.45 some have saddle-bag i ockets trimmed and lined with color. rROPPING in to Lee Larmon's Flower Shop the other day (1 never can get past the windows, they are always filled with such beau tiful flowers) I was attracted by the many different varieties of roses. They were so rich, so exquisite, so summery. One sniff of the blossoms made one think thoughts of wanting to have a summer party or luncheon. Larmon's flowers add much to the success of any function and he always has the choicest blossoms it is pos sible to secure. Flowers about the home these warm days lend such a refreshing, coo! atmosphere. Drop into Larmon's. Fontenelle Hotel, and take home a few. DIMMER FURS! So voguish are P they that your summer wardrobe is incomplete without this ultimate touch. For wear in the evenings, at the summer clubs, for motoring or for wear with the popular Sports cos tume, there is nothing that adds so much style to a garment. Benson & Thome's have a wonderful display of summer ermine, gray and white coney, fox furs in fact, all the furs that Dame Fashion decrees are mod ish for the Summer Season. A GARDEN is a lovesome thing, God wot" and now that everyone must have a bird-bath, all the birds think so, too. f you haven't yours yet, go to Orchard & VVilhelm's Gift Shop and gfet one of those beautiful gray pottery bowls for $3.50 and put it on a tree stump and listen to the birds say, "Thank you." LAST week I told you about the delicious luncheons which The Flatiron Cafe serves for 35c, and now I want to tell you how excellent the dinners are, too. I dined there last night and can truly say I enjoyed everything from soup to dessert. It's such a pleasure to have things served in the dainty manner that they do at this cafe. Dinners are 50c, excepting Sundays, when they're 60c. THIS is real Palm Beach weather, isn't it? In a call at The Pan torium I saw a rack of Palm Beach suits which had been so beautifully cleaned that I couldn't help from marveling at the process that had been used. On inquiry Mr. Liggett, the manager, told me that they do not starch them, but use a regular Palm Beach finish, as used by the manu facturers of the cloth, and can there fore make them look as nice and new and in many cases better on acount of the care and skill used in pressing. If you don't want to feel all "starched up" in your "Tropical" garments have them cleaned at The Pantorium. The auto will call. rpHERE'S a sweet young girl living 1 next door to me who has just been graduated from Central High and has been the recipient of hosts of lovely photographs from her school mends. I do want to have my class pictures and my diploma framed, Polly," she said. "Where shall I take them to have them properly done?" I advised her to take them to The A. Hospe - Art Shop and last night she called me over to see them, and I must say I've never seen more ar tistic framing. My little friend was "simply delighted" that I'd told her about Hospe's. Villi tpVERY time I visit Arnold H. Edmonstpn's Jewelry Shop on the 2d floor of the Rose Building, I see something that pleases me so much that I can't refrain from telling you about rt. This week 'twas ex quisite diamond ear screws with high Tiffany platinum settings just the daintiest things imaginable for Mi lady's pretty ears. Priced $35 to $100. ONE of the best ways, oh, Soldier Girl, to show your patriotism is to be CANNING all the fruits and vegetables now obtainable. And my advice is to use "SELF-SEALING" Mason Jars, which will keep your fruit belter than any other Mason or glass top jar. They're priced 65c per doz. for pts., 70c for qts. and 90c for half-gallons, in Orchard & VVil helm's basement. And, by the way, I noticed that there is a splendid 6 qt. aluminum kettle specially priced at 98c, which was $1.50. I- r NE of the coolest stores in Omaha is F. W. Thome's Uptown Shop ior women at uii r-arnain street. Even in the heat of midday it's cool, it's airy, it's comfortable. There is a perfect system of ventilation, wide aisles and high ceilings, electric fans even in the fitting rooms, and ice cooled water. No wonder so many women these days are shopping at "Thome's." DRAHOS-LUTTIG'S, that voguish little Hat Shop at 1704 Douglas St., will offer at a clearing sale this week all their pretty mid-summer hats for $2.50 and $5.00. WHEN I happened into Lamond's, 2d Floor Rose Bldg., Wednes day afternoon, a pretty girl named "Elizabeth" was trying on a crisply, cool, green summer frock, and she did look so charming in it that I was almost rude the way I stared. Those new arrivals in summer frocks at Lamond's, thyough, are well-nigh irre sistible and every girl could add greatly to the summer landscape by the possession of one. There are voiles, batistes and summer grena dines in plain colors, big checks, stripes and polka dots some have that newest of new touches, the suede or patent leather belt, which gives the summer frock quite a distintively "different" air. PARTY Bags! Permit me to be come a bit enthusiastic over the handsome Japanese silk crepe bags I saw at that delightful shop of the Nippon Importing Co., 218 S. 18th St. Embroidered in chrysanthemums, cherry blossoms, lilies, birds and fan tastic designs of dragons which we connect in our thoughts with the Orient. And the colors! all those "delicious" tints of blue, lavender, pink, rose and Nile green a shade to match every party frock you own, and these BAGS are so modestly priced at $3.25. There are some hand embroidered Chinese slippers which have just arrived that you ought to see $1.00 a pair. YOU'LL be glad it's summer, you'll be glad that you're alive! when you go bathing at the lake or seashore if only you're nattily attired in one of those bathing suits they're displaying at Benson & Thome's, for they're so pretty and practical withal. Made of wool jersey materia!, they're becomingly trimmed with a contrast ing color. And you'll look stunning wearing one of those new white rub ber hand-painted caps or one adorned with saucy wings, coquettish rosettes or butterflies. There are also bags in which youf can carry your wet bathing suit-f'cause they're water proof. HEAPS of answers came, guessing what the new style garment is that Miss Cole is making in her Lin gerie Shop, 511 Bee Bldg. A few were correct; but the Bungalow apron which was offered as a prize, goes to Miss Adelaide Shilling, North Platte, whose answer came first. We'll announce the name of the gar ment July 8, and in the meantime don't forget Miss Cole's clever "Saucy Jane" hous. frocks and Bungalow aprens they're surely fine for summer. I'm wishing you adieu, my friends, I've nothing else to say, my friends, Until next week, when I will seek To find you something new, my friends. POLLY. Advertisement. What Women Are Doing in the World CLUB CALENDAR Sunday Y. VV. C. A. vesper seivice, Y. W. C. A. Slimmer camp, 5 o'clock. Monday , Convalescent Aid society, city hall. 10 a. m. Fidelis club, Dundee Catholic cir cle, Mrs. Charles Henry, host ess, 2 p. m. Tuesday VV. VV. club, Mrs. D. F. Diffcu hacher, hostess, at the home of Mrs. A. Traynor, 2:30 p. m. Bemis Park Red Cross auxiliary, Mrs. F. J. Birss, hostess. Chapter B. P. of the P. E. O. sis terhood. Mrs. P. J. ilaas, host ess, 1 o'clock luncheon. Clio picnic supper, Mrs. VV. D. Percival. hostess, 5 o'clock. Business Woman's council, court house, 11 until 2 p. in. Benson chapter of the P. E. O. sisterhood, Mrs. Frances Near ness hostess, 1 o'clock luncheon. Belles Lettres club picnic at Car ter lake, Mrs. Terra Tierney hostess. Wednesday Frances Willard chapter of the VV. C. T. U. picnic, Mrs. C. J. Rob erts hostess, 11 o'clock. Women Voter's Conservation league, Mrs. Herbert McCoy hostess, 2:30 p. in. Omaha chapter of the W. C. T. V., Mrs. Walter Lipe hostess, 2:30 p. m. Thursday Friendship club, Hanscom Park pavilion, 8 p. m. Chapter E of the P. E. O. sister hood. Scottish Rite Woman's club, Scot tish Rite cathedral, 1 o'clock. Chapter E of the P. E. O. sister hood picnic supper, Miller park, 5 p. m. of American Widows. Mrs. B. C. Turpin hostess. 8 p. m. Chapter B. K. of the P. E. O. sis terhood, Mrs. Joseph Wecth hostess, 2:30 p. m. First of a series of lectures by Dr. Lillie Carpenter of Buffalo, Theosophical hall, 8 p. in. George Crook Woman's Relief Corps No. 88. Mrs. Irene Robin son hostess, 2 p. ni. Fontenelle chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, Mrs. C E. Wal rath hostess. Benson Red Cross auxiliary, Ben son city hall, all day session. B. N. of the P. E. O. sis terhood, Mrs. George Lenhoff hostess, 10 a. ni. Buaiwtss women oi tue united Statu are to be mobilized for national defense. The first step to mis eno win ne taKcn at the business woman's national con vention, July 12 to 14, at the Congress hotel in Chicago under the auspices of the Woman's Association of Com merce, an organization which was brought about by Miss Florence King, a lawyer ot prominence and president of the national body. More than 250 delegates from ap proximately twenty-five states have pledged their presence for the avowed purpose of effecting a permanent or ganization ot the business women of the nation. What the European woman has done, is doing and must continue to do during the period ot the war has made the national convention imper ative, since American women are fac ing a similar situation. Instead of waiting until such a time of stress actually strikes the country, the women behind the movement pro pose to anticipate it to prepare in (ad vance to meet and cope with any sit uation that may arise. One big feature ot the convention will be the open air pageant which will be held on the evening of July m at White box ball park. More than 1,000 women will take part in the presentation of scenes portraying the big part that has been taken by women in American history. president Horence King ot the or ganization says of the convention: I his is not merelv a preparation for war. We have for five years planned such a movement and now war compels prompt action. We know that after the war is over there will be gigantic problems, in the solution of which women must aid. Lord Northcliffe. in a recent speech, declared that but for the loyal assistance of English women the in dustries of England! would now be paralyzed. Now is the psychological time tor American women to get to gether so that they may best bear their share of the burdens of the world's problems, progress and work. I he history ot woman s entry into t!ie business world is a history of struggle, of pathos and even trag edy. Necessity knows no law. Ne cessity has only too often compelled a woman to enter tne business area all unfitted and unprepared. Whenever there is a world crisis grave responsibilities are thrown upon women, invariably they bear their share of the burden with courage that would do credit to the bravest male patriot. U. S. Women Must Serve. 'What the European women have done, American women must do, to whatever degree becomes necessary. The better prepared and organized, the better they will do their part, now and in days to come, in war and in peace." Officers of the organization are as follows: Florence King, president, 1653 Monadnock building, Chicago; Dora Earle, vice president; Page W. Eatory recording secretary; Dr. Annie R. Ranes, corresponding secretary; Elizabeth Mason, treasurer; Mrs. James Hamilton Keelcr, business manager, all of Chicago. Middle west state directors are: Iowa, Victoria B. Epperson, Shops building. Des Moines; Missouri, Mrs. F. M. P. Whiteside, 419 Main street, .loplin; Nebraska, lone C. Duffy, 220 Omaha National bank building, Omaha. Enthusiasm rang high at the Ne braska grand chapter convention uf the P. E. O. sisterhood at Fremont Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of last week, according to Omaha dele gates. One hundred and fifty mem bers from all over the state were present, among whom were Mrs. Helen Drake of Beatrice, present su preme president; Mrs. Edith Prouty, a past supreme president, and Mrs. ORIGNAL MOTHERS' CLUB ELECTS NEW HEAD. fx ;-fHi - Carrie Peterson of Aurora, Neb., a past state president. Reports were made to the effect that all sixty-seven chapters in li. state were doing Red Cross work and were co-operating with the Amer ican Woman's Patriotic leagu . It was decided to abandon all use less expense at chapter meetings mak ing them simple during the p.ri..d of the war. A resolution was passed to help in the conservation of food in their homes and to co-operate with other organizations in the elimination o' waste as far as possible. Plans were made for the national P. E. O. convention which will be held in Omaha October 17, 18 and 19 at the Scottish Rite cathedral. Luncheons and dinners will be served by the Scottish Rite Woman's club in the banquet room of the cathe dral. Headquarters will be at the Hotel Fontenelle. Mrs. John R. Hughes of the South Side is chairman and Mrs. George Lehnoff, secretary of the central com mittee in charge of the convention. A new South Side Dorcas war re lief society has been organized and will have its first meeting on Friday with Mrs. Jo' n Wells. Anyone inter- Take Hair Out Not Off the Skin It fi uMlets to remove hair from tho surf an of th skin. This re flu It la &U that ca,n be accomplished with paatw, rubOn preparations and Imttattona of De Miracle. To rob hair of Its vitality, you must attack It under the akin ma well as on the ekln. De Miracle, the original liquid de pilatory, does thta by absorption. It alone contains cer taln Ingredients which give It the power to devital ize hair. Well groomed women always use Pe Miracle for remov ing hair from limbs and under armn. Buy De Miracle by name and you will get the only de pilatory that has ever been endornod by reputable phy BLUE BOOS says "A sure remedy for this most hu mllUtlnc and dlafreaslns; af 11 let ton." Grnaln maaraclnes of the hlarbeat chara ter endorse only De Miracle. Be ware of so-called endorsements' of boatis maacaalnes which are need to exploit the sale of Question able deoi lot otic. sicians, surgeons, dermatologists, medical Journals and prominent magailnes. In 50c, $1.00 and $2. Oft bottles at your dealer's or direct, postpaid. In plain wrapper, De Miracle Chemical Co., Dept. A-1, Park Ave. and 129th St., New Yock. WE CLEAN LACE CURTAINS. PORTIERES, RUGS and CARPETS DRESHER BROTHERS Dyers, Cleaner. Hatter., Furrier., Tailors. 2211 to 2217 Farnam Street TYLER 34S. Wa Call Far end Deliver. On Special Sale, Starting Monday CELEBRATED ROGERS SILVERWARE NEW AND BEAUTIFUL JEWEL PATTERN Come Early-Only a lim ited number in stock. Sale starts promptly at 9:00 a. m. Mahogany Chests 26 pieces, jewel pat tern, 6 Knives, 6 Forks, 6 Table spoons, 6 Teaspoons, 1 Butter Knife and Sugar Shell. Regular price $12.00, this week at 6 Knives, 6 Porks, Jewel pat tern. Regular price $6.00, tills week at 6 Tablespoons, Jewel pat tern. Regular price, $3.50, this $0 nn week Mall Orders Prompt ly At tend ed to AW ' fi W week ested is prhileged to attend that meeting, at which plans will be formed for furnishing war relief babies here and abroad with neces sary clothing. The Young Womens' Christian as sociation will hold its vesper service at the summer camp today it S o'clock. Mrs. Willard Slabaugh will sing and the Campfire girls who are in encampment there will appear in a processional. Dr. Lillie t Vpeiiter of Buffalo, who is on her wa to take part in Or. Julia S.t it's summer school at Colorado Springs, will stop in Omaha from Fri day until next Monday to deliver i short series of lectures before the Metaphysical Library club. The li brary in Theosophical hall, 701 Bee building, is open on Tuesday vand Thursday at 2:30. The Woman Voters' Conservation league will hold its regular meeting Wednesday at 2:30 at the home of Mrs. Herbert McCoy. The league is planning the f.rst of its annual Fourth of July picnics at Hanscom park, to which all the public will be invited. A patriotic program will be the special feature ol the picnic. Omaha chapter of the Women'i Christian Temperance union will hold its regular educational meeting on Wednesday at 2:30 o'clock with Mn. (Continued on Fage Nino, Column Two.) Health Talks (BY DR. BURHORN.) Nervous debility or'exhaustfon, alio popularly known as nervous prostration or nervous weakness or neurasthenia, is becoming alarmingly prevalent. The wear, tear and strain of modern lif is concentrated upon the nervous system. The care and consequent fret, worry and labor of this age are greater than ever before known. The human body In every func tion ia controlled by the nerves a vast network of nerves reach every portion of the human body and govern the operation! of every organ and every function of the body. Exposure to wet and cold, falls, Jars, shocks or anything that in jures the spine or causea a mis placement of one or more of the vertebrae, producing nerve pres aure, ia the direct cause of 95 of the human ailments. Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments' free impinged nerves, allowing nature to assert herself, which con sists in eliminating bodily poisons and building up resistance and put ting the body in the best condi tion possible. Chiropractic has proven potent and efficient in all manner of dis eases, including those of the head, stomach, liver, kidneys and bow. els, as well as headaches, back aches, rheumatism, lumbago, ton silitis, bronchitis and the very large class known as women's dis eases. Dr. Burhorn is a graduate ' of the Palmer School of Chiropractic, and has one of the finest equipped offices in the west, located on the fourth floor of the Rose Building, corner 16th and Farnam streets. Sanitarium accommodations for out-of-town patients. Phone Doug las 6347 for appointment. These i Beautiful Ice Tea Spoons, Per Set ot Six, $1.25 6 Dessert Spoons. Jewel pattern. Regular price $3.60, this week 01 I f" plw 6 Tea Spoons, Jewel pattern. Regular price $2.00, A fill this week u I nULI 6 Salad Forks, Jewel pattern. w,,w ml Kegular price $4.00, this( $2.50 6 Sogers Knives and 6 Forks Plain. Our name stamped on each Q Q I C piece. This week ytJi I W gRODEGAARD BROS. CO. 16th and Douglas Streets