Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 24, 1917, SOCIETY, Image 10

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    2 B
is Going On
in Society Circles
BRIDE OF WEEK WILL WED COMES FROM NEW YORK TO I Philip Metr, who returned a week ago
(OonHnoad From Fata Qua.)
ion Towle by automobile to Chriitmai
laite tor two weeks.
Mrs. Victor Caldwell and Mrs. John
v.aiawm ieir rriaay tor Christmas
lake, where the latter will remain at
irienn .Morris Inn for the summer
Mrs. Victor Caldwell will spend only
the week-end there.
Miss Gertrude Owen left Friday for
nonieciio, i.ii, wnere me will join
ner moiner ana sister at tlierr lum
mer home, "The Trail." The an
nouncement of Miss Owen's enease-
ment to Captain Amos Thomas was I
interesting news ot the week.
Captain and Mrs. Marshall Sharpe
ieave today for New York City and a
trip on the Great Lakes. They will
visit Captain Sharpe's parents in Buf
falo before he returns to Omaha on
July 15 for duty here. Mrs. Sharpe
will spend some time longer visiting
in nicao ana Wisconsin.
Mr. and Mrs. William Maher are
m Atlantic Utv attendmsr the eon.
vention of the National Letter Car
riers association tn session there.
I f
V 1
V "4. I
Ctttily Bridges
At Seymour Lake Country Club.
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Juckniesi enter
tained at dinner Friday night, having
with them Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Me
Dearmond. One of the lamer oartiea it the rtin.
ner-dance was entertained by Mr. and
Mrs. W. T. Cox. Their guests in
cluded: ,
Meaere. and lfidamt
Georie Kr.ncle. Benjamin Roth.
R, L. Reynolde,
Hlaaaa Mima
.loeephtne Reynolda, Kate Monroe,
Pearl rilmar. Manor Hulat.
Helen Cox,
llaitera Ui.tera
iioi.ard Cor, Shirman Cor.
Miss May Mulvihill's party included
Ajisses Margaret, fcsther and Made
line Mulvihill and Messrs. Joe
Stanka, Elmer Barr and Gene Sat
lerly. Another party Friday night was
composed of:
Meaere. and aleedamee
K. A. Roao, Frank Roberta,
W, H. Chtflc. w. & Cheek.
Allen Dudley, H. H. Roberta.
Here and There In Society.
Mrs. A. S. Paddock and her daugh
ter, Mrs. Collman of Lincoln, were at
the Fontenelle the past week-end.
Miss Frances Gilbert, who has been
seriously ill at the Methodist hospital,
is improving slowly.
Mr. S. E. Schweitier of the Knick-
eroocKer apartment! is spending sev
eral weeks in Kansas City with hei
sister, Mrs. H. H. McCIuer.
. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nash opened
their summer home, "Nashwood, Sat
urday, and will be out there all sum
mer. Mr. C. S. Montgomery this week at
tended his forty-seventh commence-
John F. Dale, and to attend the mar
riage of her sister, Miss Martha Dal
to Mr. Alexander Loomii this wrrl
She has been as much feted as her
popular sister, whose only bridal at
tendant sue will be.
A bride of the week is Miss Emily
Bridges, whose marriage to Mr. Earl
Byram of Decatur. Neb., will take
place Wednesday afternoon at
o'clock at the home of her parents,
mr. ana Mrs. w. A. Bridges, Dr,
Ij. A. Hulbert of the St. Mary's Ave
nue Congregational church will oer.
form the ceremonv. This afternnnn
Miss Mary Marsten will give a tea
at carter i.ake tor her and Tuesday
ingm win oe ine weaomg renearsal.
Mrs. Sam Kramer of New York
was until her marriage in April Miss
Mamie Spiesberger. She arrived un
expectedly last week to make a short
visit witn ner parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Nathan Spiesberger. Her husband
win join Iter Monday for a week !
stay. k
At the Country Club.
Mrs. Charles Offutt save a lunrri
eon Tuesday at the Country club in
honor of Miss Caroline Johnson of
St. Joseph. Mo. The other
were Mrs. Henry Yates. Mrs. Casper
Yost, Mrs. Milton Barlow, Mrs.
Henry Wyman, Mrs. William E. Mar
tin, Mrs. H. . McClmtock and Miss
jNannie Klchardson.
Miss Johnson left for her home
Saturday alter a three weeks' visit
with her aunt, Mrs. Henry Yates, and
ner cousin, jnrs. oeorge voss,
At the Saturday ninht dinner.
ment at the university of Wisconsin dance at the Country eluh Mr VA.
at Madison. ward Crofoot entertained a party of
iio. iu.iirua oi icnver is nerei'us iricnas ior Air. UMDerg ot
visiimg ner son, Mr. j. at forest uenver. ine otner guests were
Kicnaras. judge ana Mrs. Kedick
and Mr. anrl.ayira Pharlaa Ifftmilii
gave a. dinner in her honor at the 5in MeT?'
country club Wednesday night Ain.on,
Mr. and Mrs. Louit Nash, Mr. and
Mrs. Ward Burgess, Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph- Barker and Mr. J. de Forest
Richards as the. other guests.
Mr. and Mr. Howard Baldrise
went to Minneapolis Friday night to Crofoot, had with them;
nee ineir son, maicoim, wno is at tne rranoe. eeo.
.Sneiling training camp and who eele- iV mI'.W. '
brated a birthday Saturday, It is A. l. Reed, c. caeorie.
nrnhahta that h with the Athar mn i, v -
:rs.-iiu:i.U...:VJj.r raxton was
.i r '.T TV Hostess tor a party, wh ch incuded:
the field artillery, Will be sent to Meaaro. and Meedamea
Sparta, yjii., this week, to another A' Kr,,,r' o. c. Redick. .
camp for training in that particular w'TaP5Kn l.' K.nn.Jd,E- C'v""on-
arm of the service. Haaara. m...
Mr. Lucius Wakeley went to Snell- cavere, rrank Burkier.
ing Saturday to see his son, Morton, Mr. and Mrs. Moshier G. Colpetier
and will be met there by his youngest had a party of eight at their table
son, Thompson, who hat taken a post- and Mr. and Mrs. John W. Redick
uoa ior ine summer m t,mcago witn I naa twelve guests.
me wemra. irust company ana win M, ..d Mr. w T. Fove ,v. .
Chkrlet BurftMi,
Chrts Alllton,
Ntih Carttn,
Hnry Cartan.
Cllr Da UK her 1 7,
Marjorl Smith, '
Kther -Wllhelm, ' "
VlrRtnla Crofoot.
B. Chllherf ct
dward Dauihtrtr,
His parents, Mr.
and 'Mrs.
L. F,
not be home except for a abort time
hefore returning to Cornell. Mr.
Wakeley'a eldest son, Arthur, is going
to join the government unit school of
ordnance at the University of Chi
cago, this summer.
Miss May me Hutchinson and Mrs.
G. W. Tribble spent Thursday in Fre
mont as visitors at the F. . 0. con-
Mr. and Mra. E. A. Benson are ln other members of the party were
Florid, on business. .ofnT'S wmr
Mrs. Reba Morgan is expected back w. r. Ho.rord, , joaapk Barker,
today from a visit in St. Joseph with wf- ro'
her aunt, Mrs' Tohnson, and in Kan- D.,'h"'."7...r.. b.!!".
."as City with her sister, Mrs. Ed- w. T B , .
ward Smith. Mrs. Will T. Burns .was hostess
Mrs. Dora Senter Ware, a former li" k :rf " ' , i i, , " " ,nc
dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Will Burns,
mr. ana Mrs. warn Burgess, Judge
and Mrs. W. A. Redick. Mr. and
Mrs. E. H. Sprague, Mrs. J. T. Stew
ard, Mrs. E. C. McShane and Mr.
Robert Connell. .
Monday Mrs. F. A. Nash gave a
luncheon at the club for Mist
Blanche Burke of Portland, Ore. The
resident of Omaha, arrived Wednes
day to spend tome time in the city as
the guest of Mr. and Mrt. W. W.
Mist Fannie RoiitiW it visiting
friends in Omaha on her way to Lake
During the absence of Dr. and Mrt.
E. L. Bridget and son in Colorado,
Mrs. Belle Sturk and daughter, Anita,
will occupy the Bridges home on
west farnam.
Miss Bessie Brady of Brooklyn. N.
Y,, arrived Saturday for a visit with
Mr. and Mrs. John Brady.
Mr. Clarence Culver, formerly of
Omaha, but now of Milwauke, is the
west of Mr. Stuart Edgerly at the
home of Mr. and Mrt. G. C Edgerly.
Mist Clarisse Brown gave a' dancing
party at Happy Hollow club in his
honor Saturday night. .
Mrt. Sidney Smith of Hartford,
Conn., came several weekt ago for a
visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
club in honor of Miss Burke.
At the Field Club.
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Hartnett had
ten guests and Harry Steele six.
Mr. and Mrs. C E. Hunter had as
their guests at the Field club Satur
day night Mr. and Mrt; J. W. Holm
qinst. Misses Stella and Caroline
Ofes. SatnJfcatttep
Hen mora
Holmquist, Mr. Bernard Holmquist
and Mrs. Frances Axtell of Lincoln.
At Happy Hollow Club.
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Aldous had
ten guests at dinner at the Happy
Hollow club Saturday night. Other
hosts were J. H. Wright. W. G. Pra
ter, C. E. Bedwell, William McAdam
and Chester Nieman.
Gottip of the School Set.
Miss Dorothy Weller returned the
first of the week from Ch
she has been attending the Elizabeth
Harrison Kindergarten tchool. She
arrived in time to be oresent and
serve at one of the assistants at the
marriage ot her cousin, Miss Kath-
erine Davenport, to Mr. George
Loran Howell.
Miss Gretchen McConnell left last
week for Chicago to take a six weeks'
course m primary and kindergarten
woric at tne University of Chirac.
Miss Harriet Sherman, first of the
smitti college girls to reach home,
came last Sunday. Miss Florence
Russell arrived Monday and Mis
Irene Rosewater Thursday. The lat
ter, with Miss Lois Robbins, Miss
Eleanor McGilton and Miss Margery
Barrett, remained for the enmmenre-
ment Tuesday. Miss McGilton re
turned Saturday, having stopped in
Milwaukee for a dav. Miss Rarrett
and Miss Robbint are enroute home
dv way ot tne laket and will be here
MISS L.oa Hnwarrl haa rrtitm
from a visit in Aurora, Neb. She
leaves tonight with Misses Charlotte
Bedwell for Charlevoix. Mich., tn at.
tend the national Kappa Alpha Theta
convention. She will stop enroute at
Niles, Mich.j to visit aher brother,
Merle, and in Springfield, III., to visit
miss Virginia Lewis. Missesi Mar.
g' ft and Katheriae Dodge and Mist
OttiHa Sherman,. Miss Katherine
Pierce of Belleville. Kan ' and Mla
Winifred Miller and Mary Helen
Ellsworth4 will oast throueh Omaha
tonighton their way to the conven
tion.' The party will take the Theta
special in Chicago.
from their bridal tour in Japan. Miss
Marion Kuhn, Miss Daphne Peters,
.Miss Grace Allison and four Yale
men, from Fort Omaha; Messrs. Gay
naisey, wunam crenore, Jack Klch
ardson and Charles Conrad were the
guests. Mr. Conrad was a classmate
ot Mr. Philip Metz at Yale.
Mrs. Ward Burgess was hostess
Thursday at the Original Cooking
chid iuncneon.
Mrs. Burt C. Fowler entertained the
G. O. P. circle of Florence Presbv-
icrian cnurcii at Iuncneon at tier home
Hillcrest Wednesday. Nineteen
members were present.
Miss M. F. Schenck entertained at
a shower for Mrs. Edward Wood-
nnqge, a recent bride, at her home
Saturday afternoon. Fourteen mem-
bert ot the Visiting Nurset associa
tion, with whom Mrs. Woodbridge
nas Deen associated tor some time
attended in uniform. For diversion
the guests shot with how and arrow
at a target with a large red heart
as tne center. Jhe guests were:
Mlenei Mluee
Sfabel Andreea, Lulu MoQrler,
Margaret Hoechhoff, Helen hnovnky,
Kuala Piaflnger,
Kfn Turner,
Beenle Wllaon,
Nena Slerr,
Myra Rldder,
Kthel Woodbrldfo.
Mrs. George Koch entertained at
luncheon and cards Friday afternoon
for Mrs. Dick Smith and daughter,
Helen, of Chicago, who leaves Mon
day for Colorado Springs after a visit
Carter Lake Bowling club met Fri
day morning. Mrs. H. G. Simpson
won high score.
Florence Hoye.
Blanche Morlntr.
Bertha Llchnovaky,
Ida Bailor,
Meud Davlni,
Marcella C'avanaah,
South Side
Social Circles
white. A birthday cake with one
candle formed the centerpiece on the
luncheon table. Those present were:
I,n Uillet.
Bernlce Markey,
l iar Stinger,
Marlon Sehlcfbauer.
Edward Ntchols.
Kaymond Marky,
Bernard Markay.
Cartruda Wrad,
Paulina Blanc hard,
Hern) i Nichols,
Eva Ilumpal,
Hutb Marker,
Mark Blanchard,
Jerome Bucklay,
Jean jrttlcb.
Jos O'Connor,
The missionary tea of the United
Presbyterian church will be held
Thursday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Bruce McCulIoch.
The Ladies' Aid of the South Side
CoiiRrecational church held a nit-nii-
at Riverview park Wednesday. The
Ked side entertained the Rlne side
being losers in- a contest for new
members. About fifty were present.
The Eastern Star kensineton was
entertained Thursday afternoon at
tne nome ot Mrs. J. v. Miller. Mrs.
Clyde Kells assisted the hostess.
Boy Scout TrouD No. 13 snent two
days this week at Camp Parker north
of Florence. Howard Vore is scout
master of this troup.
Mr. w n J .1..
Thursday Whist club last week.
Prizes were won by Mcsdames. Rob
ertson and Wausam.
Mondav evenins Mr. and Mrs. A
Kervalis will entertain a nartv nf
friends in honor of their first wed
ding anniversary.
Mrs. f red Sautelt will entertain the
Tuesday High Five club this week.
tne JJorcas War Keltef society will
meet Friday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. John Wells, 4988 South Forty-third
street to form plans for fur
nishing clothes for the war relief of
babies. All interested are asked to
Wednesday morning at 8 o'clock at
St. Bridget's church will occur the
marriage of Misa Veronica Sexton
to George J. Bauman, followed by a
wedding breakfast at the home ol
the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J.
Sexton. Miss Stella McCarrnn anr!
John L. Sexton will be the-, attend.
ants. After a short wedding trip the I
couple will make their nome in !
Wednesday afternoon at 3: JO the '
marriage of Miss Olga Dlask and j
Louis Sinek was solemnized at the
home of the bride. Twentieth and O
streets, Rev. Kalina performing the
marriage ceremony. Miss Kamiila
Dlask, sister of the . bride, was
bridesmaid, and Milos Vonesek was
best man. The bride was married in
her traveling suit of blue silk and
wore a white hat and a corsage of
white rose buds. The bridesmaid wore
a pink crepe de chine dress and pink
roses. The house was decorated in
pink carnations. Following the cere
mony a wedding dinner was served
to thirty close friends and relatives.
Assisting in the rooms were Mes-
dames Blaha, Dlask, Otto Smalek
and Miss Minnie Cinek. Xfr. and
Mrs. Cinek left that evening for
Iowa City and Cedar Rapids and after
a short honeymoon will be at home
at Twentieth and Q streets, South
Concrete Grain Tanks
Being Built in Omaha
.A double row of grain tanks of re
inforced concrete it being built by the
Chicago Great Western Railway com
pany for the use of the Nye-Schneider-Fowler
company at Twen
ty-seventh and Arbor streets. There
will be thirty-nine tanks and their ca
pacity will total 1,000,000 bushel..
Persistent Advertising is the Roa
to Success.
By Wearing On of Our
1515 Farnam Street.
r Sanatobiui
This institution is the only one
in the central west with separate
buildings situated in their own
ample grounds, yet entirely dis
tinct, and rendering it possible to
classify cases. The one building
being fitted for and devoted to the
treatment of non-contagious and
non-mental diseases, no others be
ing admitted; the other Rest Cot
tage being designed for and de
voted to the exclusive treatment
of select mental cases requiring
for a time watchful care and spe
cial nursing.
Eventt of the Last Week.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlet Metz gave a
inner Tuesday nisht ar home far
their ton and hit bride, Mr. and Mrs.
Rev. Andrew Renwick of Gladstone,
in., ia visiting at ine nome ot nit
aatiRnter, Mrt. Koy Towl.
Mr. and Mrt. Zed Clark and sons
are guests at the John R. Hughet
home. They motored uo from Texan.
Miss Fernt Eads will attend tum-
mer tchool at Kearney.
Miss Violet Wells will tpend her
vacation at tne .Teru .Normal.
Miss Bertha Johnson will visit her
om nome in Illinois.
Reginald Everet is visiting her
grandparents at Hastings.
Mrs. L. E. Knight is very much
better and will aoon be able to leave
ciarkson hospital.
Mrs. J. T. Sullivan is reported bet
ter after her long illness.
Misses Inez and Eusebia Mangan
have gone to Minatare, Neb. They
will be away two months.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Kellog and
children have gone to Chicago, where
they will spend tome time.
Mrt. Arthur Markey entertained
Wednesday in honor of the first birth
day of her ton, John James. The
house was decorated in pink and
1 1520 DOUGLAS -
The attractivonaaa of our
Honest Discount
Y it exceed only hj .the
aaaJaV- WB
i Vanltaa Maveraiei
u eiottair oat all our sew model rTMte
Enamel Berrlgerator. and lee Boxes at big
uertKr In price, tad Urine J Afi:
l with ou U0 Ice Bex teWflDO
tnth proportional eleee-ent pHete on (fee
ai. job caonoi arron m BUM tu bar.
pint we offer U yoi want aa lea Box, 6m
ei? 'r.x""J! "" Be "ruing
ibj ww x aroiiare line.
!apo.lIi!S4, U wrwtart Jrm
mo to tliM, oa salt kert at SSJB8
Sacrifice Furniture Salok
We ar forced to ten the balaae at toe 111,000 ttock af Ugn-grade
v .' ?,BI? Too'-Stor Wti Rt rTareheat. ,
Which t oa Salt la Oar SalttMam, Corner 14th and Dodge.
"' ,' ase Bfrtajfckon mat par.
,r, i -ivx.- kmc a'i rs-rurs;
rtona Douglas hit. Comer 14th and Dedgg, Ouiha, Keb.
trlf)tr TOE BEST
I - r I - . . I , ,
I 13
- ' n . i m
9 I-
A Diamond, Watch or lewelry for a Wedding or Anniversary Gift
Hair it by far the moat conspicu
ous thing about ui and it probably
the most easily damaged by bad or
cartlest treatment If we are very
careful in hair washing, we will have
virtually no hair trouble. An espe
cially fine fhampoo for thit weather,
one that brings out all tho natural
beauty of the hair, that dissolves and
entirely removes all dandruff, excess
oil and dirt, 'can' easily bo uted at
trifling: expense by limply dissolving
--4 teaapoonful of eantbrox (which you
can get at any druggitt'i) in a cup
of hot water. Thit makei a full cup
of ihampoo liquid, enough ao it is
eaty to apply it to all the hair instead
of jurt tho top of the head. This
'chemically dissolves all impurities
and creates a soothing, cooling lather.
Rinsing leaves the scalp spotlessly
clean, soft and pliant, while the hair
takes on the glossy richness of na
tural color, alto a fluffiness which
makes it seem much heavier than it
it. After a canthrox shampoo, ar
ranging the balr Is a pleasure. Adv.
Loftia Perfection
Diamond Ring
tee DlamoiM Rim, Kir
eolld (old. SILalM. Per
fection" CA
BionntlM. vJv
tl-tt Wee.
3 Mtn'e Diamond
Rtaa. t prone Tooth
moontlne. 14k a olid
sold, Roman or pollened
S2.I0 a Weak.
Tha Loftia
Clutter Ring.
L Diamonds
Are Mounted
So a to
Look Like
One Large
Single Stone.
and Most
Showy Ring
for the Least
Amount of
. Money.
Looks Like
a Large
MarreU of Beauty, at $S0, $75, $100 and $125.
Credit Termi, $1.25, $1.8S, $2.50 and $3 Per Week.
n!.mT$3.1ifti.siTn"Di,nordJCIu,iter Rin h" ven
uiamonds mounted to as to look like one single stone. The
,S2"i,Jf,v? fi?.for and brilliancy,
H B.0, .akUIful diamond experts. The secret of the rare
thi rSJiL0? i1" bes ? th .Perfectly matched stones, all of
the Diamonds being uniform m size and brilliancy, thus pro-
S-J Jii,V,ppnJc,,.,-Ic' h"isone Solitaire. The
ring is 14 Karat Solid Gold; Diamonds set in Platinum.
The Old Reliable, Original
Diamond & Watch Credit House
Mala Flfwip fit- aj.,: t b 1- m .
HJ! 409S. 16th St., Cor. ISth and Harn.y, Omaha.
A Month
IMl.-CoimrtlMe Brere
lat Watch, fineet quality
old filled, plain polish,
ad. Hith trade. Full
jeweled movement, vilt
dial. Caaa and Bracelet
guaranteed 20 year.
Splendid value, J5
' a Month.
Phone Douglaa 1444 aad Oar
S.laeman Will Call.
Call or write for Catalog 903.
Open Daily Until 9 d. m.
tae?ahay; jnij30.i. f
No Wilted Collars
In This Office
No matter how hot it
may be on the street, you'll be
delightfully cool and comfortable in
your office if an Electric Fan is circulating an
invigorating current of fresh air.
Coolness and comfort on warm Summer
days are essential to efficiency.
An Electric Fan Makes
the Hottest Day Cool
Place one in your office, if only for a
triaX and see how the thermometer drops and
your spirits rise. You'll have that feeling of brisk
ness tingling of a snappy Fall morning. Result you work
better, look better and feel better.
Get Your Fan Today. Enjoy It All Summer long.
Nebraska Power Co.
Your Electric Service Co.
- .