Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 24, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee
Campaign Committee Reports
$210,000 Apportionment
Has Been Oversubscribed;
Leaders Enthusiastic.
Nation at large $77,000,000.00
Omaha 240,665.85
For last twenty-four
hours 39,976.80
Boy Scouts' total.... 6,393.05
Omaha has oversubscribed the Red
Cross campaign fund. Although $210,
000 was apportioned as its share of
the nation's contribution, more than
that amount already has been re
ported to the finance committee.
The whirlwind campaign closed at
the noonday luncheon yesterday of
the team captains arMhe Fontenelle.
All were elated at the splendid re
sults attained.
The figures do not include the re
sults obtained by the Boy Scouts, who
will continue their drive until Monday
Although Omaha is doing more
than its bit and has given in a steady
stream, the wires have not been kept
hot with startling figures to tell the
rest of the nation what is subscribed.
Everyone who has not yet given may
still do so by giving to the Boy Scout
Meeting of Workers.
Mrs. C. T. Kountze, Mrs. A. L.
Reed and Miss Daphne Peters acted
as "hello girls" this morning at the
Scout headquarters receiving reports
as they came in. Mrs. James Dahl
man did her bit chauffering for the
Subscriptions all the way from $600
to 10 cents were pledged to the
Scouts. In one humble home of a
striker the wife gave a '50-cent sub
scription, pacing for it in four install
ments, although not a cent was com
ing into the family exchequer.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. F. Lcflang
gave $1,000 instead of $500 which was
accredited to them in yesterday's fig
ures. Speaking of the splendid results in
Omaha, Mrs. Kountze said:
Millions Respond to Call.
"This is the period of sweeping
enthusiasm. Ten million young men
responded to their country's call and
gave their lives. Millions of women
gave their men. The purses of the
nation have been gladly emptied to
finance the war.
"Then came the appeal to the na
tion to finance the succor of the
wounded and,their dependents. The
slogan is:
" 'Don't send your boy or your
neighbor's boy across the water with
out having him know that, wounded
or sick, he will be properly ' cared
"The appeal is direct, and it pene
trates to every home where eligible
young men are waiting for the draft.
It is more than an appeal, as witness
the promptness with which the big
business men of the country have
laid aside their important affairs and
devoted all their time and labor to
organizing and directing the canvass
for the $100,000,000. The president
commandeered them, and they
Income Tax Payments Are
Above the Highest Estimate
Washington, June 23.-Alncome tax
payments so far have surpassed the
highest figure $335,000,000 upon
which officials based their estimates
when the law was amended last Sep
tember. Receipts today show a total
of $337,385,777 for the fiscal year. In
dications are that the total receipts
for the year will reach $345,000,000.
With a week to go before the fiscal
year closes, receipts from that source
are pouring into the treasury at the
rate of nearly $2,000,000 a day. The
bulk of the income tax, however, was
paid during the last month.
These receipts and other increased
revenues have advanced the total re
ceipts from ordinary taxation for the
fiscal year up to $1,079,298,595, a new
record and more than $400,000,000
over the amount received this time
last year.
U. S. Will Send Red Cross
Commission to Europe
'Washington, June 23. The Red
Cross will send an American commis
sion to Russia to work along and be
hind the battlefront in the same way
a similar commission is to operate in
Fiance and Belgium. In that way
ambulances and other relief for the
Russian army will be supplied.
Race Among Auto
All the Features and
All the News at
Regular Price
The Sunday Bee
Picture of first manual train
ing class in Omaha High
school, and key to identity of
members will be found on
special4' magazine feature
page. .
Italian Arrested at Bologna
Confesses Killing Girl Whose
Body Was Buried in Cel
lar at New York.
(By th Associated Freiti.)
Bologna, Italy, June 23. Alfredo
Cocchi, the fugitive New York motor
cycle dealer, abandoned today his pre
tense of innocence of the murder of
Ruth Cruger and confessed his guilt.
Jealousy was his motive. He was un
able, he declared, to win her love and
became furious when she rebuffed his
persistent attentions.
The admissions of the young Ital
ian, whose escape the -New York po
lice failed to prevent, were made in
tears after searching interrogation by
Judge Zucconi broke down Cocchi s
Prior to this examination Cocchi
had cooly and insistently maintained
he had known Miss Cruger only two
days before her disappearance in Feb
ruary when e went to his shop to
have skates ..iiarpened and had de
clared his conduct toward her was en
tirely correct.
Cocchi Breaks Down.
Under Judge Zucconi's searching
questions today, however, Cocchi fin
ally burst into tears. He became so
agitated as his confession fell halt
ingly from his lips that the persons
surrounding him believed he was
about to have an epileptic fit.
He was granted time to recover and
then resumed the story of how the
18-ycar-old Waldeigh high schol
graduate met death at his hands in
the building where her body was re
cently unearthed from the cellar.
After making up his mind to tell
the truth, Cocchi talked freely and
without reserve, gave full details of
his crime, including the burial f
Miss Cruger's body. After the con
fession had been completed the
judge directed the clerk to read to
Cocchi the written report of his dep
osition.. The prisoner said it was cor
rect and later signed it.
On returning to his cell Cocchi
said to the prison attendants:
"At last I feel relieved. I have
freed myself from a nightmare which
tortured my conscience. Now I have
told everything and I am ready to
suffer any penalty."
. Problem of Extradition.
New York, June 23. With the an
nouncement from Italy that Alfred
O. Cocchi had confessed to the mur
der of Ruth Cruger, police efforts
here turned today to the problem
of having the motorcycle dealer
brought back to New York to face
District Attorney Swann announced
that he had conferred personally
here last night with Frank L. Polk,
counsellor of the State department,
and was assured that the United
States would exert every energy to
have Cocchi returned to this country.
The authorities arc working on the
theory that.Cocchi had accomplices,
both in the commission of the crime
and in connection with his escape
from this country after eluding in
vestigators."' Will Try to Impeach
Mayor of Chicago
Chicago, June 23. Notice in the
city hall was posted this afternoon
that the judiciary committee of the
city council will consider impeach
ment proceedings against Mayor
Thompson at a meeting next Mon
day. The matter will 3e first con
sidered by the judiciary committee.
Anti-Thompson aldermen largely pre
dominate in the council and in the
fcommittee. ,
When told that many prominent
citizens were urging that he resign,
the mayor declined to comment.
Later lie issued a formal statement
stating that patrolmen will be placed
on all school property to prevent the
old board from taking possession.
House Refuses to Strike
. Out Price-Fixing Section
"Washington, June 23. Considera
i tion of the prohibition section of the
food control bill began in the house
today immediately after rejection, by
a vote of 125 to 33, of the Meeker
amendment to strike out the price fix
ing section of the bill.
Representative Webb of North
Carolina immediately offered a pro
posal to permit the president to take
over for redistillation all liquors now
on hand in the United States. Chair
man Lever made the point of order
against the amendment that it was
not germane to the section.
Soldiers of Ukraine Want
Independent Government
London, June 23. Reuter's Pctro
grad correspondent reports that the
I Ukraine military conference has
j called on the Ukraine national as
isemblv to cease its relations with the
Russian provision;.! government and
proceed immediately to effect an in
dependent organization of the
Will Be Given an Opportunity
to Enlist for Paid or Vol
untary Service
the War.
Registration of women for paid as
well as voluntary service will be the
work of the National League for
Woman Service during the war. This
is the word just received by Mrs.
William Archibald Smith, chairman
of the local pranch, from national
headquarters. The league is affiliated
with the Department of Labor in
Washington and will act as a free
employment bureau for the wage
earning woman as well as a regis
tered woman for voluntary patriotic
service, which has been the sole aim
of the league up to daft.
Hereafter two inds of application
blanks will be filled out at the head
quarters, depending whether or not
the individual wishes remuneration
for her services or not.
To Adopt Costume.
"Pictures of the regulation costume
of the Woman Service league have
been received and will be adopted by
all working members of the league,"
said tlic chairman, who will order
hers soon
They are of khaki i.nd khakctte
cloth, and a plain sailor hat is worn
with the costume, which is a one
piece garment made in military style.
The insignia of the league is worn on
the sleeve.
A letter received from Elliott
Wadsworth, chairman of the National
Red Cross society, explaining how
the league co-operates with the Red
Cross, has just been received.
Co-operates With Red Cross.
"The league co-operates with the
Red Cross in railroad canteen serv
ice and in caring for dependent fam
ilies ( f soldiers," says the letter.
The motor driving section of the
Woman's league is expected to be
for communication service for the
army and navy and is not supposed
to answer every beck and call of in
dividuals. At the executive board meeting of
the league at the Hotel Fontenelle it
was decided to meet every two weeks
during the summer instead of every
More tha. $1,200 has been raised,
and still more coming, in, was the
financial report of the nature masque
committee, the proceeds of which will
be divided between the Woman's
league and the Red Cross.
Occasional Showers and
Cooler Weather Coming
Washington, June 21 Weather
predictions for the week beginning
Sunday, issued by the . weather bur
eau today, follow:
Plains States and Upper and Middle
M ississippi Valleys O c c a s i o n a 1
showers; temperature somewhat be
low normal.
Rocky Mountain and Plateau Re
gions Generally lair; temperature
somewhat below seasonal average.
Pacific States Generally fair; tem
perature normal.
Picnic Time Again
The Kind of Letter We Like to Get
Kearney, Neb., June 20, 1917.
My Dear Friend :
It may be interesting for you to know that some
one has been taking notice of the splendid improvement
in The Bee during the last year.
In its news, in its miscellany, in its features, in its
advertising, in its arrangement and classification, and
not omitting two mighty well edited columns, The Bee
is unexcelled by any newspaper that I call to mind. It
is compact, full of "meat," with plenty of "salad dress
ing,"! and is verv satisfying the ideal newspaper for
busy people on workdays or for Sunday morning idlers.
It is as much better than the old Bee. as the new
century surpasses the dead-and-goners. Truly,
Kearney Daily Hub.
Mr. Victor Rosewater, Editor The Bee.
Reports of Ship Captains Indi
cate Submarine Sunk Near
Genoa and Another Near
Coast of Ireland.
Washington, June 23. Confirma
tion of the sinking of a German
submarine by the navy gunner crew
of an armed American merchant
man, mentioned in yesterday's dis
patches, was received today by the
Navy department in a report from
Chief Boatswain's Mate O. J. Gul
lickson, commanding th gunners.
"Apparently the submarine was
either sunk or badly damaged," his
report says, "as nothing further
was seen of it."
An Atlantic Port, June 2.1. A light
between an American freight steam
ship and a German submarine, which
took place June 6, one day out from
Genoa, Italy, and resulted in the navy
gunners on the American vessel scor
ing at least one hit, was reported by
the captain of the steamer on his ar
rival today.
The captain said the U-boat sud
denly appeared at a distance of about
500 yards and launched a torpedo. Its
wake was clearly discernible and it
was possible to maneuver the vessel
so that it missed the ship by about
twenty feet.
Shot Hits Periscope.
Fire was immediately opened on
the U-boat from a stern gun and
four shots were discharged in rapid
succession as the submarine sub
merged.. The second shot, the cap
tain said, struck the periscope, throw
ing it high into the air, and the last
shot fired hit the water on the exact
spot where the U-boat disappeared.
The American Acsscl sulfcrcd no
This is the second encounter re
ported within two days in which an
American ship successfully defended
itself against submarine attacks.
Date of Trial Set for October
Fifteenth at Alliance; De
murrer to Be Argued
Before Case Called.
Chadron, Jfeb., June 23. (Special
Telegram.) Defendants in the con
spiracy to blackmail case today were
granted a change of vciue to Alliance,
Box Butte county, and the date of
trial set for October 15.
Judge Grimes of North Platte occu
pied the district court bench in place
of Judge Westover, presiding judge.
The court hxed the bonds at $500 each
for the nine defendants and agreed to
fix a. date for hearing a demurrer filed
against the information by attorneys
fur the defense.
I No Counter Affidavits.
' ' Attorneys Ben S. Baker. M. 1 Har
rington and V, S. Howell tiled affi
davits in support of their motion for
a change of venue. At the morning
session of court Attorney H. C.
Bi 'onic, for the prosecution, stated he
would, during the afternoon, file
counter affidavits, hut when court con
vened for the afterno'ou session the
counter affidavits had not material
ized. The defense offered as the main
reason for a change of venue the gen
eral statement that a fair and impar
tial trial could not be had in Chadron
on account of peculiar localu condi
tions. County Attorney K. D. Crites,
who filed the complaint against the
(Continued on I'mte Two, Column Two.)
Captain Jess of Signal
Corps Thrown by Horse
(1'roin a Hlaft Correapondenl.)
Lincoln, June 23. (Special 'IVlc
Iram.) While acting as an escort
to Governor Neville during the morn
ing ride of the executive, Captain 11.
A. Jess of the Fremont signal corps
was thrown from his horse, sustaining
a fracture of his leg just above the
ankle, lie uas taken tn a local hos-piti1
Federal Commissioner of Con-
ciliation is Ordered Back to
Omaha as Result of Lo- i
cal Conditions.
By order of the United Slates De
partment of Labor, Oscar F, Nelson,
commissioner of conciliation of that
department, has been hurried back to
Omaha from Denver lo lake a hand
in the strike situation here.
Mr. Nelson went to Denver a week
ago after he had conferred wilh the
State Council of Defense at Lincoln
and with United States District At
torney Allen to get the work of con
cilation started in the Omaha labor
"1 think the attorney general has
undone all that had been done to
ward affecting a settlement of this
strike," said Commissioner Nelson in
Omaha this morning.
"If he wanted to issue an injunc
tion and felt that was the way to
bring about a settlement there was
plenty of time before tlje meeting of
the State Board of Mediation and In
vestigation began its hearing. It was
an interesting coincident that the in
junction should come only after this
board got into action.
Widens the Breech,
"There is no question but ffcat he
has widened the breech rather than
healed it by his unwarranted action.
"Before 1 left for Denver I went
to Lincoln and took the strike situa
tion up with the State Council of De
fense. I then suggested that if the
state council did not feci it could
hold a public hearing on the subject
the State Board of Mediation and In
vestigation should take it up, The
council concurred in my opinion and
recommended to the governor that
the board be called to hear the case.
"The board did not convene until
Monday, June 18, and immediately
the attorney general came forth with
his injunction to stop the hearing,
though he had never mentioned in
junction in all the weeks of strike
troubles that had gone before for
nearly three months."
To Await Developments.
Commissioner Nelson refused to
say what action he would take in the
matter. "It will depend upon devel
opments," he said. "But I have been
ordered back here by the department."
Attorney A. H. Bigclow for the
strikers appeared before Judge Les
lie and appealed for an immedi
ate hearing of the injunction suit on
the grounds that the tension is daily
growing. Immediate hearing, how
ever, was not granted and the case
was set for Tuesday at 2 o'clock.
Call for Bank Statements
Will Be Made Soon
Washington, June 23. The comp
troller of the currency announced to
day that call for reports on condi
tion of national banks will be issued
within forty-eight hours. These are
the last reports to be made, com
puting reserves under the federal re
serve act before its recent amend
ment. All reports after this, one will re
quire national banks hi central re
serve cities to maintain in their re
spective federal reserve banks a bal
ance of 13 per cent of demand de
posits; banks in reserve cities, 10 per
cent of demand deposits, and country
banks, a reserve of 7 per cent.
National banks will be required to
keep a reserve on their time deposits
of 3 per cent with their reserve banks
instead of the 5 per cent reserve
heretofore required.
Prince Von Buelow Hints
At Germany's Peace Terms
Paris, June 23. The Zurich corre
spondent of the Petit Parisien quotes
Prince von Buelow, former German
chancellor, as saying in reply to
birthday greetings from the city of
Brombcrg. Prussia, that he hoped this
year would bring to the German peo
ple the longed for peace, a peace with
compensations for their sufferings and
sacrifices and an indemnity which
would permit Germany immediately
to resume the position it occupied bc-
tore tnc war. J Ins is tlic lirst tune
Prince von Buelow has expressed
himself on tlic sultjcct of Germany's
war aims.
Gale Does Extensive
Damage at Sioux City
Sioux City, la., Jtinc'23. Thousands
of dollars' damage was done in this
section by a ninety-mile an hour gale
early this morning. Hundreds of out
buildings were wrecked. In Sioux
City scores of plate glass windows
were blown in and great damage was
done to Irees. Wire service was com
pletely tied up for several hours, hun
dreds of poles being blown down.
Liberty Loan Bonds
Sell Above Par Value
New York, June 23. Heavy dealers '
in the Liberty bonds, all at par, were !
the feature of today's trading on the !
stock exchange. Blocks of $100,000'
to $(,0(1.000 changed hands in the earlv I
part ot the session. Later a block of
$5,000 sole at 100 150 and another
block of the same amount at 100 J.JO.
Attorney General Reed and
Strike Board Counsel Dis-
agree Over Motion to Va-
cate Restraining Order.
Happenings in the legal clash be
tween Attorney General Kccd and
the state board of mediation and in
vestigation, which has been consid
ering controversies in the labor
troubles, came fast yesterday.'
Attorncjs for the board tiled mo
tions to dissolve the restraining or
der and to have date set for a hcar-j
ing. . t
Judge Leslie fixed the hcarng for
2 o'clock next Tuesday afternoon
after Anson Bigclow, chief ccjuuscl '
for the board, and Norris Brown and
D. V. Viusonhaler, representing the
attorney general, had engaged in a
tilt over the tenseness of the labor
3.iiimwu rtuu us rciaiun iu uic ne
cessity of immediate action by the
The constitutional right of the me
diators to sit, challenged by Attor
ney General Prprl will ho am,,.,,)
Tuesday in an elfort to dissolve the
restraining order, obtained by the
state official Thursday night.
Everybody Gets Busy.
The mediation board adjourned ,
Friday to await further action by the
Counsel for the mediators got
service on Attorney General Reed
at Lincoln at 9:30 o'clock' Friday
night on a motion for a hearing to
set a date for another hearing to dis
solve the restraining order.
Thirty minutes after a return oil'
the hearing was made the first mo
tion was filed. In the meantime the
attorney general got into communi
cation with Attorneys1. Brown and
Vinsonhalcr, asking ihem to repre
sent him in court on the motion this
Attorney Bigelow asked that the
.""II at, ",l 1IIUIICUI41C UdlC lUr IfCrtT-
ing a motion to dissolve the restrain
ing order. Jrlc declared the labor sit
uation was a matter of grave import,
was tense, and might grow worse if
the hearing was not hastened.
"Threatens" the Court
Attorney Vinsonhalcr broke in and
"What was so 'tense' as to neces
sitate threatening the .court?"
The mediators' attorney reiterated
"matters were grave," but denied
"threatening" anyone.
The motion to dissolve was brought
on the assumption the attorney, gen
eral exceeded his authority when he
obtained the restraining order.
Though the motion had not yet
been filed when the attorneys ap
peared before Judge Leslie, Attor
ney Brown waived insistance on the
actual filing and accepted a copy of
the action upon the agreement it
would he taken to the office of the
clerk of the district court when they
had concluded their arguments.
Judge Leslie ruled that Tuesday
would be soon enough to conduct 'the
hearing on the motion to dissolve the
order, lie said in his opinion the sit
uation was not "so tense" as to de
mand immediate action on such, a inu
tiou. r
Exports and Imports
Of U. S. at High Tide
Washington, June 23. American
imports in May of $281,000,000
reached the highest total of any
mouth in the history of American
commerce. Exports of $551,000,000
slrowed a gain of $21,000,000 over
Both imports and exports for the
twelve months ending with May set
new yearly records, imports being
valued at $2,600,000,000 and exports
at $6,183,000,000.
Seventy-one percent of the mer
chandise entering in May came free
of duty. For the twclve-monUi pe
riod the percentage was 69.3. Gold
exports in May valued at $58,000,000
were $6,000,000 greater than imports.
Net gold imports for the twelve
months were valued at $776,000,000.
, .
Government to Reorganize
Its Purchasing Power
Washington, June 5j. Reorganiza
tion ot' tlic government's war pur
chasing system hy rearrangement of
committees of the Council of Na
tional Defense, contemplated for
some time, v. ill be made next week.
More than 150 committees now serv
ing in many capacities will be reduced
to about ten. To eachwill be as
signed definite duties to prevent du- '
plication of efforts.
Katzenjammer Kids
and All the Coipic
The Sunday Bee