THE BEE: OMAHA. JUNE 1917. Want Ad Rates l,s TH TELEPHONE it yoo onnol eon vent.nttr bring or send In your ade. Aak for Wont Ad Taker end you will re- e-elv. tbo Mma rood aervloe aa wovo ao Uverlas your od at thie effkc FHONB TYLER 10M. W1NT AD COLUUNS CLOSE BVEVINO EDITIONS 1J:0 M UORNINd EDITIONS 10:00 P. M 10 AO TAKFW rOm ir.M THAJf Mr, ONE TIME. OF LESS THAN 10. A DAT CASH WITH ORDER. ' get Solid (No Cleplay.) If Paragraphed or Dlaplayed la Larger Type: r per lino ono time 7eporllso..) or moro coneecutlve Inaerttona UTTITATIONS WANTED. Wotklr mi par lino CARD OF THANKS. TIEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES. I. sor lino each tnaertlon (Minimum charge, ftO centa.) VONTHI-T RATE FOR STANDING ADS. INo ehanse of cooy allowed.) Ono lino II" Two llnoa or moro 91.10 Alt FOREION ADVERTISING UNDER SELF WANTED CLABHirilA 30 per word ono tfmo lHe por word two or mora conaocullvo Insertions. frriAT, COMBINATION RATE. Oa lABd, Poollry and Other Advertlalng. THE OMAHA BEE (over ,0.MO dolly. I0TH CKNTURT FARM EH (over 110,000 . weekly.) A combined elrmilaHon whlrh will roacb both the city and rural resident. Special Rov. Rates. Rata. t Inaortlona ta Omaha Boo and 1 lnoortlon In 20th Century Farmer, por word ta To T Inaartlona In Omaha Bee and 1 Inaartton In 10th Century Farm or, per word 10Mo ISc (Cootrsef ratoa appUrstlon.) Movie Program i Downtown PRINCESS -1317 DOUOLAS ELLA HALL in THE LITTLE ORPHAN." Nortfc ALHAMBRA 24TH AND PARKER MAURICE COSTELLO in "THE CRIMSON STAIN MISTER!" AND VOMEDT. ALAMO StTII AND FORT tEB HILL In i j, "THE HUNTED MAN." RUTH 8TONEHOUHE L-KO COMEDT. DIAMOND SITU AND LAKE I ALICE BRADY in - 1 : "BOUOHT AND PAID FOR" AND COMKUT. QRAND 16TH AND B1NNET JUNE CAPRICE in "A SMALL TOWN GIRL." IOTHROP 31TH AND LOTH BOP i HAROLD t.OCKWOOD and ' MAE ALLISON In PIDGIN ISLAND." PARK UTII AND CALIFORNIA "THE HTSTERIOU8 OUTLAW." ' "A PESKY PUP." "POTS AND POEMS." South. APOLLO MTH A LEAVENWORTH - KATHLYN WILLIAMS in "OUT OF THE WRECK. BOULEVARD SID ft LEAVKNWOHTH, , ; BABY MARIE OSBORNE in J "SUNSHINE AND GOLD." ' ROHLFF . S8TII ft LEAVENWORTH , NORMA TALMADGE lit "THE LAW OF COMPENSATION" AN'J COMKDT. Wert. DUNiN elHT AND UNDERWOOD IRENK HOW LEY in "HKK KATHKU'S KEEPER." "77 ' South Side. ' SiTiiWj' "." " MTII AND N i:!v i.'wi in no. io, "TUK Vl't'.' ' its TDK WIRR." "Xtl, 10 UtiTIIOleNU." DEATHS ft FUNERAL NOTICES. AMI.8TRAND ldnard R., at lore I hoepltsl. TueeoAv; Juno , 1,17. ago bt yoara. -v " Funeral from Latter Pay Snlnla ohureh, . Stth and Ohio, at S p. in., Friday, Juno ' 21, 117. Interment Proapoot K1U come tor). FUNERAL tDIRECTORS. S. U DODDER CO.. runeral Dlrectnra, cor F. K. Faro, alrr., 23d and Cumins Hts. Phono Doutlaa 911. Auto ambulanro. - HUL8E A RlUl'liN, untlortokwra and om- balmora. T01 B. nth. Pcuilaa H2I. bUFPT ft JOHNSTON, ambalmera and - neral dlroctora. 117 s. th St. Tyler l7t. OHN A. GENTLEMAN, undertaker and orabalmor. 1124 Loavomeorth. Doug, Stof. I ' FLORISTS. lSETNQ ratmbor of tha National ' Floriata' Tlfraph lltvfry aaaoolatlon, w art in position to dallvor flowari on ihort notloa snywhtro In thv United Htatat or Canada, Haaa Bwobwda. KlorlatB. EaROKST iwnrtment of frenh flowTt. L. HENDERSON. 1519 FARNAM Fontenello Florlala. LEE L. LARMON I'M Donilaa St. Dmitlaa t!44. Parker Flower hoprit s. nth. D. sioi. TUB. FKRNKRV. IQ a. loth St. Doug. L'BSfl. BATH. National r" lor Int. UH Parnatn St. A. DONAGHUtt, 19:3 Harnuy, Dour. 1001. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Blrthe Andrew and Kate Rlltrr, It SJ South Fourteenth, ilrl; Roy and Carrie Callahan, 1711 Ontario, liny; t'harlra J, and Ann Ntmoe. 1101 South Fifteenth. jf; Aucuat and Elilo ftaddor, HMf Houth Tntr tee nth, boy; Kred and Stella Tim me, 4Zt( Corby, 1rl; (loorvo A. and Alice Klewlt, 103 South Thirty-fourth, hpyt Uuio A. and Sophia Chaloupta, 4104 South Elihtaonth; boy: Sublet it na and Maria But era. lib pmrca. boy; Phincae N, and Lillian Btako. Hot Wool worth avenue, ilrli John Herbert and Katlt Wlllmarth, 71J South Flttyaec and, boy. t DeathsCufena A- Talbot, 4 year, hot Vltalt Samuel B. Jewell, 41 year. S814 North Twentieth; Ouleeppa Tobacco. 92 year. 1 1 1 7 Brlrre; John B. Murray, B8 yara, hoapttali Albert Uarek, 71 year, 1311 V; rjor Johnson. US yean, Hlfl North Forty-alfht; H. F. Cckerruann, T yeara, 1714 South Nineteenth; Frank Kanaka, year. hotpttal; Margarot F. Alexander, 64 yaars, hoapltal. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following perm I u to vd hava been twuad; Nam and Kealdenca. Age C Oeorg Stockman, Snyder, Neb 29 Carolyn O. Urabak, Dodge, Ntb S3 Kavrlea B. Foliar. Omaha 24 Ann Foliar, Omaha 14 Chrta Jacobean. Wiener, Neb , SI Rom If. Uanaan, Benutngtoa, Neb...... U Wllllaro 3. Hunt. Omaha ? Mary. A. Wood, Benaoa, Neh. ... . . (. , , . , II Ooy L, Wolf, Tharman, ta t Iran McClura, Tabor, la y10 Jopk W. Beacreat. Lincoln, Nab . , 21 Alio U Ruahton, Omaha II Carl Lonla Blllaon, Omaha 11 Mary C. ChrUUnaan, Omaha 22 rtula K. Cloak. Omaha Olga Smollk, Omaha ... ....ovr 21 over IS Elmer p. Urban. Omaha .............. 25 Ham a. Coba. Omaha II ' BUILDING PERMITS. " ttlldln permit hava been laauad a fol- Vpdik Lnmbfr and Coal company, 4412-11 voQf ones eniti ounoing, ii,up. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS OMAHA 4 COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COM PANT Prona having loat aomt artlcl would ' do well to call up th offlre of the Omaha V Council Bluff Street Railway Company to aacortala whether they lef It tn lb tre4t ear. Many article aoh day ar turneri In and th company I anxtoua to rator tnem to tne rightful owner. IF Y6u'.oaythiiig.anwtll axlvcrtle liar you will mrely recover It If found, by an honest person. If you find anything of value, th honed war U to advertise for th owner. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. ATTENTIO.N, FURNITURE BUYERS. to not buy any furniture, ruga or atova until you have aeen ua first. W offer you a JB.OSO STOCK OF HIOH-GRADB FUR NITUKB, RUGS, STOVEfl and COM FLETEJIOMB OUTFITS for practically jour own privr. - W -are forced to vacate our four-etory warehouse, and It" ntlr content must b aold at onr. tiale take place at our aalea room at the corner of 14th and Podge streets. lo not fall to attend. It i 1 an opportunity of a lifetime. Hundreds have already taken advan tage of thia wonderful opportunity. Why don't you?. STATE FURNITURE CO.. ?3'7- cor.17th and Podge 8H.. Omaha BARGAINS in fitrnKure, ice boxea", (tne stoves, rugs, bed f china and kitchen cabi nets, table clftlra. buffets, dreeiers. trunks, aultcaaea. Full line of poultry net ting, arreen. lUj-47 N. J4lh. Web. Hl7. VCY. CHKAM tablfii off. fur., rhalre, refrlg.. Ire coolers, garden bose, por'h furniture, ' Ylctrolaa and piano. Loyal Furn. Co.. 222 N. lfith. City Furn. Co., 197 8o. 14th. FOK BAl; Ivory breakfast room nft. rori slatlng of buffet, table, 4 rhalrs and aer vine table, practically new. Call Harney B072. FOn HALF Large gns stove In good con dition; suKehle for hoarding house or rea taurant. Phono Lougaa 4418. Birsil right down and gnt your share of all kinds furniture at sarrlftre. Ml N. 11th. FOR SALE Refrigerator, go-cart and din Ing table. 4023 N. 2Cth. vj Pianos and Musical Inunients BKCKAVITH Concert (Irond Upright Piano. hanrinnm Instrument, Termn If desired. Owner leaving city. Wal. 3319. 4812 Web ster St. FOR BALK Cornet. King model, 222 How- ard, Douglaa 632. Herluf Krogli Jewelry, Diamonds and Watcbas. FOR OR A DUATION -Watches and ring al Friedman's, 1211 Douglas. Lumber and Building Materials. SAVK HALF on bfiams. columns, brick. H. ,:k. Co. Web. 2HK4 tltose Lumber and Wr Printing and Office Supplies. WHtern-Ftamhiirdt Pig. Co. 624 Ho. 13th f. Cameras and Kodaks. Green's Tha rmacy. 1 6 1 b Boat, Yachts, Etc. ONM houiieboat for aale, . Will sell cheap. For full Information call nt houseboat, foot of J on en Ht Billiards and Pocket Tables. FOR HALE BILLIARD TABLES, brand new carom and pocket, with complete outfit, 1160; aecond-hand tables at r duccd price; howling alleys and supplies; easy payments. Cigar atore futures a specialty, Bend for catalogue. THK BRUNBWICK-BALKE-COLLKNUER CO.. 407-1 South 10th St. Sewing Machines. ""Sewing machines We rent, repair, sell needles and parta of all sewing mai'hhiea, MICKKL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., Uth and Harm y Ht. Poug. 1M. Trunks and Traveling Bags, t WR make thmi ourselves, why pay two profits for Inferior good, when you can get high grade goods at first cont. ALFRED COFVNI8H CO. and Mfra. of Harhnsa. KaVldles anil Traveling Ooode, 1310 Kama in Ht. Typewriters and Supplies. The two reasons why every tynlut should use a sclt-atartlng Remington. Because it make jour work mora valuable to your employer and ,eaaler lor you. Writ for our WiMlratef! folder enlltlnd "Tha Rem ington Self Starter How It Work." RKMiNOTN TYPKWR1TKR CO., S01 8. U(h Nt. Phono Douglas 1384. TvVKWITiH"mld.t rented and repaired. IV'itf an Oliver typewriter B month for 15. Central Typewriter Exchange. 1905 , Uuuranteod Typ.wrltem, $ 1 0 and up. Writ ror list. MliJIand Typ. i o., 1404 Dodg. Miscellaneous. I11NDINO TWINK. Rent lnlrnj.tlonal and Pilgrim Standard Twine, 114 fonts per ll. for canh. V. O. B.. Lexington, Neb. subject to Immediate acceptance and prior anle. II. P. NIKLHEN SONS, Lxlngton, Neb. OMAHA PI I, LOW OU. IValher Mtoam rttnovuUtd and mild up In frtih ticks coal liitlf U,a price nt new pillows. Call ua for aamplea of ticking and price. 107 Cum Ing. Douglas 3M7. WK HAVB mo.ed to nw location. We buy. n and make dak, ai.frje, ahowcaaes, ahelvlng, to. Omaha Klxtur and Supply Co., 8. W. Cor. nib tn Douglag Bu. Fhona Toug. 1734. SWAPPERS' COLUMN FOR' tiALH or tradr, a merry-go-round. pool tultle and an el'-rtrlo pianu, all In first -cla h condition. AUdreaa Box 16, Btn iilngtmi, f.tb. ' WILL KXCHA.NUfc; Uiree.nuarter white nam! bed and spring, In good condition, for whit enamel baby crib. Phona Harney 1713. VIOLIN outfit worth U for a typewriter. WANTED TO BUY KLKCTUIC tnotura wanted: Uecund hand ana not beyond repair; single phase u cycle 104.IV8 or 1 to-suo vmt tisvs from i to U-hoi-sf power; niuatb low In price. Box Y-80. Be-. DESKS- DESKSDESl New dfit;. Used desUtt. bo unlit, said and tradfd. J.JKeed, 1207 Far DLETCLOTHING tradfd. J.JJ. Heed, 1207 Fnrnam, U 61ri4, AND SHOES. WK PAY THE HIOHKST PRICES. nOUOl.AH 0SI. .TF.NKInS Pll" 1I1" Prl". for UJtitIli0 dotheii.. ahnea. trunka. air. Red 33T. R.a.. Po.g. urns. DIAMONDS 409 S. l&th St. ROL BKIltlMAN & CO. CAKH paid for dlamunds. Ksiutea ap- Drained. Rnese Jewe ry Co.. 43 B. lfith. ?ALSK teeth, II per Sftup." Mall to if vanaistipe, saoa xecatur. utnniia, wen. WANTEH to buy, allghtly used 1 17 Ford touring car. South 4S6B. BOOKM Bought. Ktfser, Loyal 'Hotel Bldg. HIUH prlca raid for old clothca. l. 4714. HOOKS lught. t( 8. 16th. Tyler 3826. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordeon Pleating. ACCORUKO.N". aide, kntfe, mtburj.f. txx pieauug, coverea ouiions, an sue a nq tyles; hamatltchlng, plcot edging, eye let ' cut work, buttonholea, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND 'PLEATING CO. Opposite Brandela 8 tor. SftO-Hftg Brown Bldg, Douglaa 9H. VAN ARM AN Dres Pleating and Button 3S-7 raxton put; poiigiaa ama. Automobile Accessories. OSOOOir lenae meat legal "no glgr" requirements and give additional light on road. Distributor. Fowell Supply Co.. 50S1 Farnam 8t. Accountants. Dworak-Ure Audit Co. BSt Ram re Bldg. Phone Doug. - Baths. MARPErsR. hatha, manicuring, physical ill. Mlm Wtlkfrt!l Neville B1K. 1). 2ft7 RITTKNHOL'SK anltrtum. all kind bftthi. 310-:it Bntrd Rlk., lTth Pouglaa. CENTRAL Bath Institute. l&Uil Barney. Douglas 707, HsUtlla Royce. maw., chlr. 221 Novllle Blk, Blacksmiths. Blarhamlthlng, Inwii innwor eharpen'g, lawn mnwera ror sale. a. mitn Hon. w. 3671. Bakeries. ORTMAN'S NKW FVOLAND BAKERT. lt N. 18TH. BRANCH Eft PUBLIC MARKET AND HAYPEN BROTBERS. OUR MOTTO "BETTER BAKED OOOP8." Brfess and Iron Fotinderiea. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha Sta OL8EN ft 8CIQER, 1407 Jackson. D. 741 Cart)entera and Contrctor LBB8ARP A BON, aoai Cuming. Ty. HSS. ChirooodisL Carrl .T. Burford, 2o Paxton Blk. -Clean ers and Dyers. S-PIECE suit ateam' cleaned ft pressed. II; pressed, 3f-c. 1406 Harney. Red 27M. Detectives. OMAHA DETECTIVE AS80CIA.TI0N. 100 st nil, ua. tfiag. pnone Tyler xfti o. JAM US ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all casra. Tyler ItJO. 8. D. JOLLY, M xton. Rd '401. Dressmaking. MTIII If T Mnil., Ml U : Itaar tSt i-i " r j "- " " ry Kxt. d-eamakfr lowing by .ly. WRI. TKltRY XrestuuukUi Ctfc, 30tU aud rarttaba. : l'J - ANNOUNCEMENTS 'Fun Stored. FURS atored. cleaned and remodeled, prtro. Fure dyed. H. Rotnnola, rurrlor Harney 37B3 Leavenworth. Fixture! md Wirins. TiTT'DTK? Elertrlc evaehtng jnaehtnoa, Lynui electric Iron, and reading lamp,. Cuming Bt. Douf. 3H. Hat Cleaners. ALL klnda hata cleaned and robloeked; la dlea'-hati ap.clalty. 1620 Harney. R. 47. Meurrt, MAnoAOB. chiropody. Alts Head, S09-14 rwirq Hlie., ITin and uoufiaa. D. I46S. KRKD C. ALLEN, aclentlflc maaeanr: Bwed leh maeiaKO end vapor hatha. 1617 Podge. Central BHth Inat,, lnti. Harney. Dong. 7017. M1HH WKST, manicure, ma; 210 N. 17. MISS HOLLAND. 222 Neville lilk. Oxy-Acetylene Welding. Expert Welrlinff on All Metals. H. VI. LEVgRINO. SO. 8. 12th St. I. ml Patent Attornevi. STimOFS STL' ROES, U, B. and foreign patent ann liaaeinorKa, 330 Bee Bl.lg PATENTS procured, bought and aold. Inter national patent Co., bR2 Brandela. D. efiel Insurance, BANKERS' LIFE OK LINCOLN, -H-1 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2tt. Lawn Mower Sharnened. CARL JARl.. 170J Leavenworth St. D. 27T. Osteooatha. Mra. J. R. Mualck, aulpher. eteam and otjca lypiua oatna. eoa-a woaa Bldg. Ty. 93S3. Painting and Paper Hanging. - . uBiunic. iun rival a . SEE FRED PARKS. - ' Wall Paper, Paint, and olaaa, Picture Framing, Painting and Paper Hanging. 2 8, 2lh. Phone 8. 101. Pianos for Sent. 13.50 per mo. A. Hoapo Co.. 1611 Doqglaa. Ragtime. Learn to play popular roualfl In I loaaona. .gii ci. j,tn. rn. wen, so&a after S p. tn. CRONSTROM S PANTALORIUM ' Room . Palteraon Illk., 17th and rnr nam. Doualaa 6407. J, Cronotrom, Mor chHiit Tailor; claanlny, preaalng and M- palrlng. Koofinff. Omaha Roofing Co., 0mp.. gravel, aaphalt ahlngla pattern roofing ohlngle coating All klnda of repairing. 62. Bee Bldg. V. 1043 Theatrical Coatume. THEATRICAL gowna, full drraa anlta foe rent. 2Q N. 17th. John Goldman. D. I12i. Saf SAFES S,A'',"1' Shot Parlors. SHINE, clean, brome. U22 Farnam. Towel SuDDliea. Omaha Towel Supply, 207 B. 11th, P. til. Wedding! Stationerv. WEDDINO announcamanta and Drlntlna. Douglaa Printing Co, Tel. Douglas (44. Where to Eat. EAT HOME-COOKED MEALS. NEW HELlCATEftSKN. 10 FARNAM. BirltROIIc.ll'A rirw OMAHA, NEB. (Service,) LINCOLN. NEB. 1 8. lth. la; g. nth gt, BUSINESS CHANCES WILL well the entire furnishing, fixture of a 10-room boarding house and cafa combined for 8&o; bualnosa 36 per day; rooms pay rent; only reataurant In town of Lono serving meals; small stock of groceries will ba sold at lnvolc prio; will tak a good Ford car In part payment. GENERAL MERCHAMnmR STORE DOING GOOD BUSINESS m town aooui too nt wool Jtlvar valley. Invoice about W.BOft; good olean stock with old established business; best of re.' sons for selling. No trade onilderad Bog 100,000 COnf'UKATlON, manufacturing lalklnr machlnea, want territorial man agers with 9300 to tO0 capital to finance contract! plays and equals any $60 instru n.ent. Prlca 110. Big inoney-malur. Will pay expenses, to Chicago If you ar man wa want. Address Sale Manager, U24 Ttrpubltrt Bldg., Chlca go. DRUG STORE FOR SALE. Ruburhan dug a tor, annual tale 114,. ln. Will lnvolc about $7,000, Splendid location, In high grade residence section. Fine aoda fountain and cigar trad. ATI dress Box 49J7, Bee. 1IAVK powera -A machine, morbr driv. . flrnt rlaas condition; 360 opera chair. Hold King screen, for sale, bargain. 310 Bromley Bldg., Co-Opgratlv Film and Hupply Co. , E.CKLLENT opportunity to buy one-half Interest In a good paying bualnew; expe rloc not neoesaary; handl on faft. B tiANUKRTAD. Bulta 483 Bo Bfdg., Omaha. "OR BALE Tli Del Key Lunch Room. Creaton, la. ifheap rent, a money maker, Hales about 170 per day. Addrea Frd Tormin. oar Del Rey. Creaton, la. IF you want to sell or buy a business or rooming house call on Busch A Borghoff, -u v. onu-iieraiu wiug. Fhona D. 331t. A BLACKSMITH shop with full equipment for sal or trade for real estate, Wlah a quick sale. Box (.4, Bee. MOVINU PICTURE machines, new and r hullt, all makes; aupplles. Western Sup ply 'o 301 Nat. Bldg. MOTION pictura machlnea (new and re Built, ; theater supplied, Omaha Vllm Exchange, lui ft. 14th St. . FOK SALE Cigar, candy and book ttor: 14 year In buslneva; other Intereata a- "on for aylllng.518 jlouth 10th. FOR HALE tfootTBotel In lively Neb. town; i-hrttp If taken at once; rent reaaonabl. Box Y 73. Bee. VOR SALl-VDrug store In . -uhtry town at M. WU llama. hnrgfilrr. tiood bualneja. a: 1 7 nougiMs. CLEAN stock gnn or might trade. mdse, and grocery. Hell W. Gray. Eddyvllle, ,Neb. lO (JET hi or out of bun!neta call on OANUKHTAP,.'4i2 Be Bldg. Doug. M77 I guarantee aale of any business or real ea mic. r. v. Knieat. Bee Bldg., Omaha, RESTAURANT For sale; take auto In part. Iowa Cafe. 108 V. 16th, Omaha. , DOWD HALE AND AUCTION W, O. W. Bldg. Red 3336. MEDICAL WHT SUFFER T Latest and Moat Scientific Treatment for all Disease. Dr. Chariea Barnes, 613-G24 Rdee Bldg. Examination and Consultation free. He la curing thou sands. WHY NOT YOU? Delays are dan gerous. If you can't call, writ. Hour a. m. to 6 p. m.t T:(t to 3:30 vantng. Sunday by appointment. DR. E. R. TARRY, - S4 BES BLDG. 1 I PILES, FISTULA. CURED. " Dr. B. R. Tarry cure piles, fistula and other rectal dlaeaae without surgical op erations. Cur guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Writ for book oa rec tal disease and testimonials. RUPTURE successfully treated without a surgical operation, can or writ sr. Frank H. Wray. IPS Be Bldg. DR. CADES, 301 Paxton Blk. Doug. B72S. Chiropractors. Drs. Johnston. 1325 W. O. W. Bldg. D. 62. DR. KNOLLEN RE1KJ. SANITARIUM. Lady attendant. 24th and Farnam. D. 7255. Dr. C. J. Lawrence, Balrd Bldg. D. 3461. Dr. Frances Dawson, 03 Rose Bldg. T. 23fi. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 331 W0. W. Bldg. Tatt'a Dent. Rms!!, SOS Roa Bldg. D. StST PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial Horn ao Helta your old clothing, furniture, maga llnea. W collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4116 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1113-1116 Dodge Bt. BATHS and maaaage. Central Bath lnatl- tut. 1504 Harney SL Doaa. 7087. Open evenings. MISS FISHER, sulphur, ateam hatha and massage. 373 Bran. The- Bldg. D. 1666. LUELLA WEBSTER, massage and manl- curtng. 613 Paxton Blk. Red 3400. MANICURING, tectriw'and scientific maa aage. 107 S 17th SL Mm DBar. ALL nioHT private maternity horn. Best care. 2405 Bristol. Web. 3108, PRIVATE licensed maternity horn. 4414 N. 3tl1 St. Phon Colfax 3043. BATHS, masse a. 1S01 Farnam.- Room 1. phone Ijouglaa 8761. M.'irV.'ll.'ll' .oi'uBgr n uJ. Ul.l, lV.-.r.. V " " Hwa - i ouaiae z. , jvj AK BRUOM AN. aclentlflc masseuse and ballw M Karback liik. 'iiu Si 21. J V ' PERSONAL E. BROTT, Mass.. 3120 Harney. D. KM- Edna Williams, maiuge. bath. Neville. Manicuring and mass. 16:3 Farnam. R. 19 BATHS, massage. Phone Douglaa 3761, AUTOMOBILES WE ARE THE USED FORD MEN: '17 touring, lots of extras 3360 '14 touring. A No. 1 shape 376 '14 touring, demountable rims 260 '16 touring, a good on 'II touring, new ttrea 225 14 touring, th very best, at 200 13 touring, very cheap, at . I17( '16 roadster, new ttres nd overhauled. 350 Franklin, Dodge, Maxwell, Reo and many others at bargain prices. Ford bodies, tires, wheels, etc., at reasonable prices. Tour money hack If not fiatlsfted AUTO SALVAGE AND EXCHANGE 11D-13 S. 17th St. Duuglsa 9070. WILLVS-OVERLAND. inc., USED CAR DJCPT. Douglaa 3290. 2047-49 Farnam St. Touring cars and roadsters of Overland, Studebaker, Maxwell, Ford, Oakland, Mitchell, Bulclr and- Hudson makes. TERMS IF DESIRED. Prompt attention given to all Interested out'Qf-town buyers. CROSSTOWN OARACK. 311 So. t4th St. Doaglaa 4443. Appereon "45", atarter and light, 6 tlrea and rims, good condition, 1215.00. Part for Hup 20, Hudeon 20, Interstate 36, Apperson, Oldamoblle, etc. Used tires cheap. AUTO CLEARING HOUSR.! 3301 Farnam. Douglaa 3310. w 1314 Bulck "Light Six" Roadster.... 1677 1614 Overland Roadster 476 1814 Empire Touring 400 1918 Maxwell Touring .. 376 TIRE REPAIRING. Ftrgt-clasa work at reasonable price. THE TIRE SHOP, P. F. Crow. 2518 Farnam. Doug. 4671. WE wilt trad you new Ford for your old on. INDUSTRIAL OARAGE CO., 30th and Harney. Douglaa 62(1. TRADE your old battery In on a guaran teed Ever-ready storage battery Freo In spection of any battery. Ever-ready Stor age Battery Co.. 1206 Farnam St. btuubbaker 6, '17 model, first cl&sa con dition; leaving (or Idaho. Run 4,600 ralles. Price d50. 526 S. 16th 8L Doug laa 9003. C W. FRANCIS AUTO CO. Used Car Dept. 3316-11 Farnam St. Douglaa 163. Almost any make at reaaonabl price. FOR SALE 1UJ7 Hudson Super-Six, used two montn, 11,100. Telephone ar writ. Dr. J. M. Prim. 616 City Nat'l Bank mag., umana, web, WANTED FOR SPOT CABH, 100 USED uamo; quicK action; no delay. Auto Ex chang Co., 2107 Farnam St. Doug. 6036. TELL BINKLEY WE BUT AND SELL USED FORDS. 2313 Harney St., Doug. 1640. WANTED A Ford roadster body, 1916 or isi7 moaei. A. ii. Frye, care Union Stock Yards. Call South' 305. 7 -PASSENGER Hudson touring car; In fine nnpe, aiso two wcyciea,- party leaving city, iiox eo&z, nee. WANT modern alx lUto for clear Browne!! Canan. McCague Bldg. Hall district lots. BERTSCHY "Kan-Fix-It." Southeast cor- ner 30th and Harney 8t. Douglaa 2683. BARGAINS In used Ford cara Holmes-Ad-I Kin (JO., 1811-17 s. Zltb. Fhone B. 371. WE ar the used Fort men. Auto Salvage cixciiange, no s, mil. FOR SALE Cinders J for T driveway and walk. Douglas 1387. Auto Livery and Garages. GARAGE and filling station. See Florence oarage, Florence. Sickness reason for sell ing. EXPERT auto repairing. "Service car al ways ready." Omaha Garage, 2010 Har. ney St, Tyler 656. Tires and Supplies. TIRE PRICE WRECKERS. THIS IS NO. 2 IN 1 TIRE. Second-hand tlrea and tubes; expert tlr and tube repairing, Douglaa 3673. COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY. 1403 lj Jarkwon. Agts. wanted. Omaha, Neb. Electric Starters and Repairs. ALT, MAKES REPAIRED. STRAHLE A ANDERSON, INC. 116 8. 18th St. Douglas S4". Auto Repairing and Painting. $100 reward for magneto w can't repair toita repaired, isaysdorror; sit n. 18th. Motorcycle and Bicycles FOR SALE On 1317 model Indian motor. cyoi; eiectno equipped, carrier and other accessories. Ha been run only 160 miles. Prlc reasonable. Maahlne In Omaha. For particulars writ Arthur Rackllffe, Box C, H A R L E Y - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargains In used machlnea. Victor H. Roos. "The Uotorcycl Wan," 37th and Leavenworth. MUST SELL AT VnCE Har ley-Davidson bicycle, almost new. Will sell reasonable. F. B. Cossalrt, room, 46, th Crelghton Block. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. FIRST-CLASS carpenter and mason, handy at anything: can also drlv car; would leave city, box toox, Bee, STENOGRAPHER with five yenra' experl enca dealres position by July 1. Box 237, Creaton. la. GARDENING, flowers, shruSbery a special ty, also general house cleaning, Web. 3044. WHITEWASHING Windows washed, rugs pea ten, acreena repaired, nung. Wal. 1868. WANTED Work on farm by experienced rarm nana, ft. a. wanace, aianilla, la. HOUSE and lawft man; wall paper cleaned. uougiaa ctK34. William llaney. FINIS paint, carpet and paper cleaning at vu prices. Loug. 74l. FOR plowing ft cultivating. Call Doug. 579. ultlya1 Ten emale. CATERER Competent Danish glrl who thoroughly understands planning, cooking and serving luncheons or dinners for email and larg parties; reasonable prices, Box 4S64, Bee. PLAIN and fanry clothes carefully laun dered, called for and delivered. Webater 43R3. POSITION In office, filing, clerical or pack ing, weosier iu. RELIABLE colored woman wants day work or bundle washing. Harney 4119. GIRL 16 wants small children to car for during day. Doug. 3466. Laundry and Day Work. WANTED By reliable colored woman, cleaning and laundry work. Harney 6737. EXP, laundress, fine cloths specialty. H. 19&4. DAY work, houaeyloanlng. col lady. P. 4376. LAUNDRY or cleaning, day work. Web. 2373. WORK, day or week. Mrs. Cramer, Dg. S873. BUNDLE washing or day work. Doug. 7084. LAUNDRY to take home. Webater 3669. WATEI-Day, work. Douglas 4997." BUNDLE washing. Call Walnut 3269. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. BOOKKEEPERS, 6100. 486, 976, fft6. x Stenographers. 90, $86, f To. 160, 150. Ofrif clerks, 970. 60, 366, 40. WATTS REF. CO., 1136 1st Nat. Bank. CORRESPONDENT, largo auto supply house, WO-6126. i THE MARTI CO.. 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. CITY salesman, experienced, 1100. WESTERN REFERENCE BOND ASS N. 736 First National Bank Building. STENO 160.00 THE CANO AGENCY. 600 BEE BLDG. BOOKKEEPER, splendid firm, IS&.S100. THE MARTI CO.. 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED Bookkeeper, capabta and ensr getlo young man. Douglas 369. Professions and Trades, MEAT CUTTERS. . Capable of managing a store. Inquire at Th Basket Stores' office, 10S N. 9th St. MGR. FOR THE OMAHA UL'SICAL CLUIt Vtante. A first class manager for th Omaha Musical club, corner 17th and Caa tluat Vive lha beat ot ralaraucea. Phon. WeUir 7211 i HELP WANTED MALE Professions and Trades. PRINTER Wanted On able to handle lob. adv. and press work In up-to-date office. Bteaay job to reliable man at 613. Ad- vance, Holsteln, Iowa. TO DIO WELL, also Eolisa reus Irs. even' lnga and Saturday. Prefer good man wanting to get a home, Addrea Box 6tDi, nee. DRUG POSITIONS ALL STATE. . CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.,' 1015-16 City National Bank Bldg. WANTED Jspanes cook and caretaker at summer home: 17 per week. 410 8. 3ftb at. fiamey 7. LEARN barber trade; 'low rates now. Call or write Barber College. 1134 Douglaa St. WANTED A flrst-clas shoe ma her. Call Mr. r. Hansen. ztI6 Leavenworth St. WANTED Auto painter; must be good flo- isner. jonn Kinquist. Sioux City, la. . Salesmen and Solicitors. BONANZA side line: no samples nor dem onstratlons: Everbrlghl Steadlfler, doubles eieciric tignt, rord cara; retails 13.50: sat isfaction guaranteed: see or telephone our jr saiea manager, itenanaw hotel, Saturday aneraoon, rive 10 eigni, tsanaay morning, ten to twelve. Bee be A Company, Har ney 1024. WANTED Experienced aollcltor past 37 to worn ai ttea uaK ana nearby towns; week ly check to right man; must finance self ror ten day until arrival of first check. E. K. Boulbrak. Red' Oak, la. SALESMAN WANTED. Cart 633 8. 16th St. Teamsters and Chauffeurs. TEAMSTERS WANTED Steady work and gooa pay. Apply Sunderland Bros. Co. South Yard: 20th and Hickory Streete. West Yard: 42d Tia Izard Streeta. Boys. BOYS arn good wage while learning trad. Just Ilk being paid, to go (to school. Must ba 16 years old. ' GORDON-LAWLESS CO., 4th and Dodge. 9 Trade Schools. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Men. women, learn th barber trade; few weaki completes; pay while learning. Catalogue free. Rates now on. Call or write. 110 South 1 th St., Omaha. LEARN barber trade; be independent; more man mane your oxpenses while learning. Wages or percentage. We don't over charge you to begin. 1403 Dodge SL TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE. 407 S. 30th and 3069 Farnam. Miscellaneous. SHOVELERS wanted to unload coal by th ton; good pay and steady work. Apply Sunderland Broa. Co. North Yard 34th and Taylor street. South Yard 20th and Hickory streets. West Yard 42d and I sard sjtreets. ATTENTION, farmers! If you want help w can supply you. Bluff City Employ roent Bureau, W. Broadway. P. 431. LABORERS wanted; steady work; good wages. AppljTSunderland Bros. Co.. west yard, 42d and Izard Sts. LABORERS for Lewis ton, irlont Ship dally. Free fare. Emerald Lab. Agy. 3234 S. 10. HELP WANTED "Male and Female. WANTED Salesmen, both men and women, fair education, and good salary. Apply 839 Flrat Nat. Bank Bldg. help Wanted female Stores and Offices. GIRL STENOGRAPHER. See us at once. No Filing Fee To Pay. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASS'N. 1302 W. O .W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHERS. $75, 65, $60, 160, HO; me ciem, 3t; oiric clerk, 40; diet opri 166; typist, 340; bill clerk. $60. 71 watts kef. CO., 1134 1st Nat. Bank - MORE calls for competent stenographers that we can fill. NO FILING FEB. THE MARTI CO.. 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N. 738 First National Bank Building. WE NEED stenographer, bookkeepers and office clerks. Co-Operatlv Reference Co. Professions and Trades. LEARN barber trade. 1403 Podge St. Household and Domestic. WANTED Competent girl tar general housework, good cook, no washing, ref erenda. Mr., A. B. Warren, Telephone Harney 330. COMPETENT girl for general housework, small family; no laundry work; good wages. Mrs. H. H. Fish, 8311 Woolwdrtii WANTED Refined young girl as companion and to help with light housework. Two small children In a nlc home, Har. 6339. A GOOD girl wanted at 114 N. lots, St ' rieas call. Don $ phon. Small and small family. A GIRL for second work. Reference 'rw ..quired. Mrs. Joseph Barker, 1607 Jack son. Harper 27. WANTED A competent cook. Mrs. N. B. Updike, 36U Jackson St, Tel. Harney 3934. WANTED Girl for llgtit housework. Small family. Good pay. 2646 Dodg St. Har ney IV9. WANTED Experienced second girl, with references; good wages. Phon Ura. Dixon, Harney fit. GIRL for general housework; good wages, but must he competent. 3707 Jonea St. FOR sewing machine repairing, call the sewing machine doctor. Douglas 1832. COMPETENT girl for general housework. iannarnay in. 8330 Harney St. MIDDLEfAGED woman for general house" work. 2770v Webster St. Miscellaneous. WANTED Good flat and rough dry sorter, steady position- good wages. Nolen Laun dry Co., Sioux City, la. EDUCATIONAL BOTLES COLLEGE DAY SCHOOL. KIOHT SCHOOL. Every day 1. enrollment day. Book Keeping, ahorthand, etenotypy, typewrit ing, leiegrapnv, civil aervice all commar. vial and Engliah branchea. Catalogue frea. BOILES COLLEGE. Douglaa 151a. 18tn and Harney St,. VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. DAT AND EVENING SCHOOLS. Second Floor Omabs National Bank Bldg. Entrance 220. Doaglaa .890. PRIVATE tutoring by s college gradual. Will give reference.. Call Har. 4797. FOR RENT ROOMS Hotels. HARLEY . 20TH A KB FARNAM. Special low rates to permanent gaests. HOTEL - WELLING- Extra fine rooms, detached or TON INN , private bath; very low weeklH rates tor summer. Apply now. r arnam at TStri. COOL rooms for summer, S3 wk.; apts. with kitchenette. OGDEN HOTEL, Co. Bluffs. Furnished Rooms. - ATTENTION. ROOM HUNTERS1 If you fall to find the room you desire among these ads call at The Bee office for a Room List Gives complete description of vacant rooms In all parta of the city. New lists Issued every week. WITH private tamiiy, one double room, well' furnlahed tn strictly modern flat; walking distance, 1Q3 S. 23d St. Phone Douglas 140. WANT couple for living and bedroom, kitchen privileges optional; In refined home; modern conveniences; walking dis tance: above average. Harney 3198. HANSCOM Tark District' Large, beautifully rurnisnea ironc room; break rest optional; two gentlemen preferred. Harney 4205. THREE furnished rooms, private bath, suitable for light housekeeping or three young men. Telephone Harney 1399. ROOM with breakfast. Suitable for one or two ladles. Close to car and walking diatance: reasonable. Harney 2141. 202 S. 34TH, Corner Farnam St. One or two modern front rooms; walking dis tance: reasonable. Douglas 4499. NICELY furnished room; gentleman; double walk or single, running water In room; Ing distance. 434 S. 38th St. ONE nicely furnished room for lady; only una ottjea: iroro cr, no over roomer. Webster 3488. PLEASANT room In strictly modern horn; rent reasonable, walnut 1724. 4305 Haaon. TW d" "beautifully furnished rooms, all con veniences, very reasonable. Webater 404. 3633 CAPITOL Nicely furnished, cool rooms for gentlemen; walking distance. DUPQI.A"iC-Aol. ell ventilated ,aatytHTli HEADQUARTERS FOR OMAHA. room, with sloeet; nicely turntehed. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. FURNISHED room; lady preferred; private family; reasonable. Harney 4644. FRONT room. Close in. Reaaonabl. Second floor. 3919 Douglas. 314 8. 26TH ST. Cool, clean rooms for gen tie men, Tyler 2974. TWO very" pleasant modern' 'rooms on car in, walnut 3319. THE SCRANTON, furnlahed rooms. Dg. 746$. 1411 HOWARD Furn. rms..$3.E0 week"up" Housekeeping Rooms. SUITS of modern rooms, comnleta for housekeeping: also outside sleeping rooms; rrseonauie. iii n, isrn bi. 3608 DEWEY AVE- 3 modern, nicely fur nished front rooms, close In ; laundry privnare. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, with kitchenette, In privet family. Red 3461. 31 U Call- frnia St. LIVING room, kitchenette, sleenlna eorrh naulte; newly furnished; modern. Web- sier yips. 3016 HOWARD ST. Completely furnished rooms: private home; bath floor; laundry prlvllegts. 2533 CAPITOL AVE. Completely furnlahed; walking diatance; cool; fin residential district. 1611 HOWARD, nice housekpg. rma. Reas. Board and Rooms. YOU need not look further. I have a large airy room tn a strictly modern, private ii-jjuo, wun targe porcn ana beautiful lawn: fwell furnlahed. best of board, and -walking; references. 11$ B, 26tb Ave, narney Bi7i. i FINEST furnished room In the city; cool; wig .r .ww wun ooara; suiiaDss lor two Webater 3589, T BOARD and room for two young men; good car service and walking distance. Har- ney B703. FURNISHED room with board: business wtimiin preferred; moaern apartment: 1 3744. Unfi nfurnished Rooms. TWO or three unfurnished rooms; very cosy. Rooms Wanted. WANTED Board and room with private tamiiy; walking distance. Address P. O. Hoi 606. ,FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. 7-ROOM apartment, beautifully furnished. in the very exclusive WTnona, for three months, references exchanged. Harney APARTMENTS all sizes and prices; iplen- .iim mnq rarnam. O. I47Z. BEAUTIFULLY furnished anartment. 5fi,h wi nurney. sdu.qu. UOUg, 2393, Mod. 4-r. Apt. Har. 411 or Wal. 2367. Houses, MOST beautiful located home In Omaha, oompieieiy rurnisned throughout: leaving elty; will lease as long as on year. 710 Calhoun 8t.. Florence. CHOICE 3-R. Apt., No. 3, Victoria, 37th and naraejr; wiu, rem ror summer. Se Janl- tor or call H. 2339. FOR RENT HOUSES West. CORNER brick flat, 3349 Harney 6t all modern, rent sjt to good people; seven large rooms. Linaban. Don las 2904. 138 SO. 35TH St. 160. 130 So. 36th St.. t". rnune uwner, JUOUgiaa ZZ31. aifi7 DAVENPORT St., 8 rma., 142.60. E. H, Denner uo., jj. 840B. IX rooms, all modern, adult .only. Tel. Jim t45 y .ui7, North. OR RENT 7 -room, strictly modern nouset i merry trees and garden patch. 12.50, 331!0 M ANDERSON, fi mome' RING WALT, BRANDEIS THEATER BLDO. 6-BOOM and bath, newlv derore.ferl painted, 116. 370a Seward St. Tel. Red 1881, RMS., all modern, lift 51. 94th fct u. weap, 310 South l$th-J3r.. D. 171. $26 .00 7 rme.. all modern, Bern la Park. ao..w n amnion, walnut 3342. BIGHT rooms, partly furnished If desired, .etr car, wep. 771:4, FIVE-ROOM modern house. Webster 471 South. MODERN, partly furnished, exchange for Miscellaneous. PARTLT MODERN. 4-R. 801 Martha St 910.01 AlUifiHXV iUAUtiFT HEAT. 4-R. 2.05 Fierce Bt $16.00 6-R.-3910 Saratoga St U.00 OTKIUTIY MODERN. -R. T01 Dorcas St ..38.M 7-R-l&3 South 10th Ay....j..,.. 26.00 8.R.3901 Kortk lTth-t ifl.tje IRSStl rarnam St 60. Q0 It-R.r3331 Dodge St 40.00 9-R. 659 South 36th St 33.60 sr' FLATS. ML tot Soath 30th St $2$. 00 -R, 1016 Dewey Ave..!.,.., J7.60 APARTMENTS. STOICKER, 823 South S4th St. 4-R. Apt.. 10 , US and $11 ruKTKB a BUOTWELU 303 South 17th St. Dooglae 1013. Offices With HOME BUILDERS. 118. 1660 N. 20th, 6 rooms, bath. ii, i&bB n. zo, 4 rooms, water paid. 810. 109 & 28th. 6 rooms. Others. RING WALT, BRANDEIS THEATER BLDG. Houses la all part of th city. sow a ft CO.. tsng Beef Bldg. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. TRAVERTON 24th and Landon Court Cloae In. every 'convenience, completely lurnienea, catering only to people ol re. fined taate. W. T. GRAHAM, D. 1S33. 6-R. APT. In Root, 3 2d and Pacific; larg nvmg room witn lireplace, built-in book- caeesA dining room, two larae bedrooms. kitchen and bath; direct car lln to city; win snow Apr. wicn car. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AOCT. Realtors. HASTINGS A HETDEN. 1414 Har. Ty. 10. 3 ROOMS and kitchenette. ' West Farnam aistrict; cool and very desirable; reason able; references. Harney 3820. 2-R. APT. with 3-r. accommodations, 27th and Harney, Victoria; bullt-ln bod, 127.50. ee j armor. ST. CLAIR. 24th and Harney, 3 -room apt. Call Har. 447. 4-ROOMS, garage, sleeping porch, hot water. neat, janitor service. 3409 Davenport Mod, fur. 4-r. Apt. Har. 4141 or Wal. 2257. North. 4 ROOMS, upper flat. In lat-claas condition owner pays water rent. 3116 Davenport St, M2.&0 month. C. G. Carl berg, 313 Bran- aeisrneater Bldg. FOR RENT .New four snd flve-room a all modern, steam heated In Winter. 24tb ano Bionao. Webster 1902. FOR RENT Basement, newly papered anu painted, J 1 3.50. 620 8. 18th. Call Col- rax , 330. 1913 BURT, 4-room Outside apartment RING WALT, BRANDEIS THEATER BLDG. EST A BROOK Apartment, modern, close In, j-' k. r. atcpnms. isio rnicago. 4-R., 2704 Lake, upatalr. nice large rooms, porch. IIS, Tyler 60. South. BOSWORTH APARTMENTS ' 2217-19 HOWARD. S rooms and bath and dressing room, furnished and unfurnished. Unexcelled In th city. 124.60 to $37.60. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1634. (REALTORS.) 333 Rose Bldg, CHOICE 3-r. Apt. In Milton, 1954 Joneei NEW. sub-lcgse, large ttv. room with bullt-ln bed. Alt, and bath. See Janitor. 204 8. 26TII Ave.. 1-r., all mod. flat, almoat new; just refmlahed. Be sure and see 1L 347.60. Rasp Bros.. 210 Keetlne Bid. T. 721. APT. to sub-leas at 2223 Howard. See Janitor. Miscellaneous. Mr. Apartment Hunter We have a beautiful 4 -room a pa 1 men t In THE UINTAH; Park Ave. and Leaven worth; newly decorated throughout, ev erything spick and span, You' 1 1 like Its big, comfortable rooms. It's a real HOME, east front, first floor. ApL No. 1, Price, 4o0 and 151. PAYNE & SLATOR COv Realtors, 5io umana wat i uiog. rnone l. litis. . PETERS TRUST COMPANY. TEN-RM, modern, oloee-ln, 130. Doug. 2H0. FOR RENT Busines Prop'ty Stores. FOR RENT The bank floor of the Brom ley Bldg.. uplendtd room for some big business; also a suit of three rooms and two or three single rooms; rent cheap. I. N.HAMMOND, Agent 310 8. 13TH ST. DESIRABLE store room, modern front, metal celling, ateam heat, 6:4-626 So. 16th St.: also 23x60; can be subdivided; low rent. Conrad Young, 333 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Douglaa 1571. LOW-PRICED modern ofticrs. Farnam Bldg..' 13th and Farnam, (Old 1st Nat Bank Bldg.) FIRST TRUST CO.. Tyler 600. STORE for rent. WORLD REALTY CO., Sun Theater Building. SMALL modern stor room, ateam beat. 1513 Capitol Ave. Conrad Young, .33$ Brandela Theater. Dougls 1671. Office and-Dcsk Room. CHOICE office space, Balrd Bldg., 17th antf Douglaa. McCague Inv. Co. Garages and Barns. LARGE GARAGE Will bold five cara 3310 ywrnm St. MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. ' FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. -Packing, storage and moving. 319 N. 1Kb St. Phon Doug 4 laa 394. FIDELITY FREE RENTAL SERVICE Phone Douglas 388 for complete list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage, moving. 16th and Jackson Sts. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO., Expert service; prompt attention. Tom? moving, your packing, your storage. Main Office, Central Furniture Store. I7th and Howard. Tel. D. 7786. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 802 S. 16th St. Douglas 4168. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving, parting and -atorlng, call Tyler 330 or Douglas 4338. Mq frrrarrl Van and two men. UlO)l,'gXllX $1.25 per hour. Van and Storage Co., Moving, Packing. Storage and Shipping. Phone Doug. 1496. Jf PV7l7ri Expresa. Co., Moving . J. JXEj&U Packing and Storag. 1307 Farnam St. Web. 3748. Doug. 4144. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Apartments and Flats. WHAT HAVE TOU FOR RENT tn the way of four, flv or six-room mod ern, up-to-date apartments? Preference will be given to those In better districts of th city. Want to deal dlreot with own era, no agents. TELEPHONE! DOUGLAS 1014. Miscellaneous. LIST your houses with us for rent. Th demand la good and we hav a waiting list. ' J. H. DUMONT CO., (Realtors). 411 Keelln Bldg. ' Phone D. 690. WE have several good tenants for all mod ern houses and apartments. F. D. WEAD, 118 S. 18th St. Doug. 171. , REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West AN ATTRACTIVE HOME BUILT TO LIVE IN, NOT TO RENT. BEAUTIFULLY FINISHED -AND DECORATED J IN THE VERY BEST RESI DENCE DISTRICT. This Is one of the best built homes In Omaha. Stone foundation and basement, solid brick above: slate root The coal bin snd fruit cellar of tile. Practically no cost for painting or repairing. Library with bullt-ln bookcases, solid cherry; halls and staircase of oak; dining room la paneled In Venetian oak. Alt floors era hardwood. Large double gtorra windowed and screened sun porch, eon-., neoted with both the library and dining room by French doors. The walls of the first floor and upper hall are covered with band-decorated burlap, except the music, room; three bath rooms. Large closets with outside windows, wardrobes and chest of drawers. There Is a laundry fruit cellar, furnace room and spaoa which can bs finished for a billiard room In the basement, which is cemented throughout. Large soft water cistern, gas. not water heater for summer use. So well built that 16 tons of ooal will heat tt throughout and with solid brick walls, tt is wonderfully cool la summer. At tha very crest of the hill, there is always a breeze there If anywhere. It la convenient to the car line and In the choicest residence section of Omaha. Tha price Is vsry reaaonabl and terma will ba made to suit the buyer's convanlenco. Owner leaving the city. Address Box 2687. Be. 7 ROOMED ALL MODERN HOUSE. WEST. This fs a two-story nous with oak floors and oak finish, on first floor with fin fireplace In living room, hot water beat, full-sized lot. garage In rear, pav ing all paid. If you are desirous of ob taining a beautiful boms 4n on of tha best residence districts In Omaha you should not overlook this opportunity. Wo are oLerlng this at the unheard of bar gain price of $3,260; $500 cash, balance monthly like rent Call TRAVER BROTH ERS, $19 First Nat'l Bit. Bldg.. Douglaa 4884. WEST FARNAM $5,250 Never been occupied. Seven rooms, with fireplace and bullt-ln bookcases; oak finish on the first floor; oak floors throughout; white enamel and birch ma hogany on the first floor. This Is a bar gain and can make easy terms. Want an offer. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglaa .902. 9 19-20 City National. . REALTORS. WEST FARNAM HOME 8 rooms, brsnd now and all modern. osW finish downstairs, whit enamel kitchen, 4 bedrooms, all in white enamel; good at tic; rooms all decorated: corner lot. south front. Prlc only $5,750. $1,000 cash, balance monthly. THE BYRON REED CO., Phon Doug. i97. tit g. 17th. TWO FINE HOMES. Cathedral district, new 7-r., sleeping porch, oak finish, a, complete home. Bar gain price. Florence boulevard, nearly new 4-r., oak finish, fireplace, east front, corner IoL WRIGHT A LASBURT. D. 152. PARK AVE. 10-room house and double garage, fine tor rooming bouse, at about half value. ALLEN ft BARRETT. BI .7 Bee. Doug. 7761 ELEGANT West Farnam home. 46. BOO. F. P. WEAD. 810 S. 18th. Douglas 171. North. EASY TERM BUNGALOW, PRICE $1,500 $r50 Cash $14 Per Month Brand' new 3-room bungalow with built in bed, giving 4 -room accommodations. House Is bWk well; wired - for electrlo light and has largo cemented basement. Goid well on the place. Located near 40th and Bin ney St a. Call Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Clark. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, (Realtors) llll Harney St. KOUNTZE PLACE ; $500 DOWN, $35 A MONTH. 6 -room, strictly modern semi -bun aglow. Oak finish and oak floors throughout. Bullt-ln bookcases and fireplace. This property can be bought for less money than the house can be built for. PAYXE INVESTMENT to., 637 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 178. NEAR MILLER PARK Dandy new IV -room bungalow. Price only 13,300 for beautifully decorated, right up-to-the-minute bungtrlow; has fireplace, bookcases, china cabinets and all tha lateat features' floor drain, etc.; lot 43 H 130: located within two blocks of Miller Park school and car. This Is positively the biggest snap In th elty. For appoint meat to see call OSBORNE REALTY CO- , 101 Omaha NaL Bk. Bid. Trim ajfc j